Golf Players

Jazz, 삼겹살이 제일 좋아~ 재즈 제인와타난넌드(Jazz Janewattananond) 인터뷰 KB금융 리브챔피언십

Jazz, 삼겹살이 제일 좋아~
재즈 제인와타난넌드(Jazz Janewattananond) 인터뷰

KB금융 리브챔피언십


show J J imid so um I won the Korean open in 2019 so I still have some status left over from from that event so start of this year I was looking at the schedule and and looking of where to play um and kpta just fits really well and my coach is here as well seei so it’s good to be in Korea close to him um so it works out really great I mean the setup of the tournament is really good very International um the players are really high level um the golf course is set up really hard so it’s a good test of your game and and um you know how you want you want to play the golf course harder so you get better so this is where I think this is why the Korean player is so good because the golf course is up so hard I mean um language uh can’t talk to everyone but and I want to talk to everyone and uh probably can’t eat some alone because there a minimum seating you love a what’s your favorite for sure 100%

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