Most Golfers Get This Move WRONG!

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In this comprehensive golf instruction video, learn the essential technique of how to hinge the golf club for a powerful and accurate swing. I’ll walk you through step-by-step instructions and drills to improve your golf swing and take your game to the next level. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced golfer looking to refine your skills, mastering the hinge is crucial. Watch now and start seeing immediate results on the course!”

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the big mistake a player leaves with when trying to hinge the club is they start snatching it back with their hands the club and the arms and everything elevates and gets away from the body further disconnecting the golf s I’m pushing down slightly with my heel pads and I’m picking up slightly with my trigger finger thumbs up heel pads down it’s creating that L keeping the hands and body together like look at how my hands and the center body are working together and the pace of that hinge is happening at the pace of my turn so here’s what I’d like to start with from the face on view when the hands are pocket High I’d like to see a little more angle between the lead arm and the club so we’re going to create more of the L yeah watch if I get that club set with the proper angle here you can definitely hear a little bit of a difference in the sound right there more compression little pinch of turf now from this perspective here you guys you know we create this angle well there’s angle to then work down into the golf ball catch the ball first take the divot later you if I’m here well there’s not enough angle so the club’s going to sweep the ground now if we look from the from the from the face on view and I use this video a lot as an example but this is on the extreme end of hinge so the club doesn’t have to be set quite quite like that but the love Zone would be from about right there to right there where I’d still want to see that club set okay now when we’re going back halfway you can see at that point right there we don’t really have that club set you know I want to see that much more up in this neck of the woods right here okay and that’s where you know even without and see look one thing I want you to notice because of the lack of hinge notice where his arms are able to stop out here yeah and the club set over there but your arms have to keep going because the club’s here right so when you were at the frame that he was at you know your body’s like I can’t stop there the club’s like right there yeah but guess what if you have that club set it’s going to be over there beautiful shorter turn shorter arm swing with the yep exactly and that’s going to be more compression for you and here’s the thing that’s important to understand about hinge you guys happening with my shoulder happening with my body’s turn you heard this earlier and it’s going to be repeated to you you’re making sure that your left shoulder in your hands are working at the same pace Pace now watch I’m pressing downward slightly on the handle at the same Pace I’m turning and that creates that Angle now heel pads I’m pushing down slightly with my heel pads and I’m picking up slightly yeah with my trigger finger right so you can see that thumbs up heel pads down trigger fingers up that feeling back to what I told Chase earlier and I thought this is going to be great for you yeah one of the great things that any player can do whether it’s you guys you you know we get in here like this and I love when my players do this you ever wondered if you’re in the right set position we just go like this set it and just rotate back through impact that was me not trying to do anything right there other than just simply rotate from where I was and you saw that literally went dead straight most important message when doing when hinging the club it’s not happening independently of your body’s turn it’s happening with your body’s turn kev’s back there shaking his head like this because we’ve seen it all yeah okay the big mistake a player leaves with when trying to hinge the club is they start snatching it back with their hands the club and the arms and everything elevates and gets away from the body further disconnecting the golf swing yeah so tell teaching somebody to hinge the golf club needs to be a it it needs to be something that’s very carefully explained yeah you know it’s not as simple as just creating an L it’s creating that l keeping the hands and body together like look at how my hands and the center body are working together and the pace of that hinge is happening at the pace of my turn everything else looks good we’re going to get a little bit of this rehearsal going a little bit of this rehearsal going I want to see you be able to take it back halfway do some little three4 shots where you can really feel that contact right there you see how I was able to set it and immediately Drive the handle in my hip through the golf ball what I mean by that is once I set it the handle in the hip hip and grip I call it one drives through the other one rotates back but you have that Angle now to compress the golf ball and hit it online Okay so let’s get it going good rehearsals that’s all I care about to start with good buddy yes yep yeah oh way better way better right away way better and hear the sound yeah and I believe some Turf flew after the golf ball there a little bit little pinch of turf there that was really good here so this is the angle we want to see too so go ahead and rehearse that again so right there perfect see how we’re seeing a little bit more of an L here between the two so if you went back a little further you almost see a perfect right angle there I would say acceptable for my players you know I always look for anywhere from perfect right angle to about right here you know just in that range somewhere in somewhere in there you know but I don’t want to see the perfectly straight back you know I’m just never been a fan of that and the reason being is when people get that look I see a lot of inconsistencies you know guys on the tour can make it work why they hit thousands of more golf balls than guys like us do and and they can time it but here’s the thing the more consistent ball Strikers are set turn and have that lag already built in and have angle most people who do this even the ones who create lag by down coocking it the club’s working in an opposite direction of the body and too many angles are changing really hard to syn that up really really hard to be consistent that way heel pads down thumbs up exactly one more of those good try to feel that exact same motion awesome swing dude way better the set position happens at pocket High when the hands reach pocket High okay now when I’m with a wedge that distance is much shorter and feels more abrupt when I’m wider with the driver and the hands are forward in my stance addressing a ball that’s there and not back here yeah well guess what now I have about twice the distance to cover to get to that same spot so once again it feels more subtle it feels not as abrupt but it’s the same amount at the same place yeah okay fighting a little bit of tennis l and golfers and gol we’ll call it golfers on the right side yep and just you just feeling it in here yeah okay where exactly specifically I mean I get it here you get on top and like you know the forearm and whatnot too so we have um Cody Smith cs1 fit guys can follow him on Instagram he’s just the best trainer that we you know we’ve ever come around and great friend of ours and all of our players work with him locally couple things he always preaches constantly constantly massaging the forearms yeah like just loosen these babies up they get tight and then he also big on getting the lacrosse ball for us golfers you can use a golf ball get in there and then start rolling it out both sides you know po that golf we take a lot of pride in having developed some of the best and most consistent golf swings on the planet we do this through Simplicity our full swing master class will take you on a stepbystep easy to understand process on how to get your golf swing better than ever join the many before you who’ve utilized our full swing Master Class to take their games to the next level and Beyond [Music] oh


  1. Just saying thanks for all your time invested in helping us at golf. I wish you all the success, Coach P!

  2. I find when I intentionally hinge like that it makes my arms buckle at the top. The club momentum folds it as it's already at max hinge.

  3. Porzak is 100% right in his beliefs. Absolutely fantastic. No one can argue with him about creating a solid, repeteable swing. Forget theories, angles and magic tricks. Stick with him and forget all the garbages that others try to impose to you. The man is really a genius and deserves all respect.

  4. Seems a bit stiff. I’m interested to know from a female point of view HOW do we then get the club flowing down through impact with some natural lag & natural flowing club Head speed not just stiff arms ???? Please advise.

  5. Hi. I’m a 16 hc and implemented your hip bump, rotate and keeping the handle facing down the line of the ball. I’ve hit all my clubs straighter and longer. I hit my 9 iron about 20 meters over the green on a par 3! Thank you. 😊

  6. This was my focus today and my ball striking was so much more consistent and made the swing so much easier. I didn’t have to worry about getting to p2 and p3 it was automatic.

  7. Ive been strictly using Adam’s drills and thought process. I started last season at a 28. Less than a year later I’m 15 with an 82 tossed in for good measure. Thank you Adam!

  8. When your hands are waist high, the club has to be set so that the shaft is parallel to your shoulder plane.

  9. I’m a new golfer, I started last summer basically shanking everything straight right, struggling to get the ball into the air, endangering the entire driving range. I didn’t make much progress the entire summer, I started getting the ball in the air occasionally, but it was a massive slice. After the warm weather went away I spent all winter inside my house just practicing my swing and doing a bunch of drills that I seen on this YouTube channel and this spring I put it into practice for the first time and was striking the ball very well, I progressed very quickly and now I can hit the ball far, and most importantly I can hit a very repeatable shot directly at my target about 9/10 times. I just recently filmed my swing for the first time and was appalled by what I seen, I thought my takeaway was straight back and I also thought I was hinging the club perfectly like I had seen in these videos so many times.. the reality was that my takeaway was incredibly janky, I was rolling my forearms instantly on the take away, pointing the butt end of the club directly at the target. In my head I was pushing on the butt of the club but when I watched the video back I was doing that but the angle in which I was doing it was completely off, I was basically hinging parallel to the ground instead of on plane. I will say, I was miraculously still getting the club onto plane fairly quickly after the janky takeaway and my position at the top was still money, and the club shallowed nicely in the downswing. Moral of the story, you should be filming your swing, I never did that until just a few days ago and I learned that what I thought I was doing was not even relatively close to what was actually happening. Now when I’m practicing indoors I have a full length mirror so I can see where the club is going, and I film all my range sessions from now on. I had such a beautiful swing outside of the takeaway and hinge, all of my positions were exactly where I wanted them to be outside of those parts, so now I just need to put in some work and iron that out. Fortunately for me, even with that terrible takeaway and hinge, I was still striking everything very pure, I have picked the game up very quickly, I’m beating all my friends and family that have been golfing for years. Thanks largely in part to this YouTube channel. You would not believe the strides I made over the winter without even hitting a single ball, I was just drilling without the club and taking practice swings on my carpet(don’t recommend, destroyed my carpet). I went from 1/10 balls getting over 5 feet in the air and the 1 ball that did was sliced off the planet, to being able to hit every club in the bag with relative ease. If I can do it so can you, I think people learn bad habits and play with those habits for years so they’re hard to break, which is why I was able to surpass so many people when I just started.

  10. Hi Adam, do you have any advice on how to deliver less shaft lean at impact? I’ve been told I have a lower ball flight due to excessive shaft lean at impact. Never thought that would be a problem! Thanks in advance for all your effort in your videos 🙏

  11. I firmly believe that Adam is the best coach in the game. Anyone who has the opportunity to have Adam coach him/her on a regular & ongoing basis is someone who has hit the proverbial lottery.

  12. Hi Adam from Australia! Does the hinge method apply to the longer clubs, e.g., driver? Thanks and keep up the great content!

  13. Hey Porzak Golf, I just watched your video and I must say that it was really informative and well-made.

    I was wondering if I could help you edit your videos and repurpose your long videos into highly engaging shorts? I can also make high CTR thumbnails for your channel

  14. I could not hinge the club high enough,I think my left thumb was on top of club too much if I turned it a little to right side of club I increased hinge to the amount you were talking about could it be that easy.

  15. I am 77 and have been trying this and trying that for years. Started watching Porzak 3 or 4 months ago. I now feel that I am on a path and have the direction to make a difference. My thanks. WR

  16. This right here is the gem amongst all golf videos. I worked on this concept today thumbs up and honestly say I shot 77. This is the only video I’m going to watch over and over again. Lol you guys rock…Porzak golf let’s go!!!!

  17. Adam, I just wanted to drop you a comment to thank you for your excellent instructional videos. At 66 it has been a tough journey back to the game after a 15 year layoff. Your video instruction made me realize why my iron game was so inconsistent. I now understand what keeping the arms in front of the chest means. I am finding the middle of the club face, gained 5 yards with what feels like an effortless swing. Keep up the great work and I hope to see some of those young guns you train on the tour some day. Thanks again…

  18. I'm 71 and started with David Leadbetter 40 years ago: he ruined me!
    No one comes near this guy.
    I'm down to Single figures.
    Thank You.
    Grateful Aussie.

  19. Hi, I am working on the wrist hinge and putting downward pressure on the club like you teach which is great. However at the moment doing this and getting that 45 degree hinge and putting pressure downward on the takeaway I feel this is a very conscious move. When I go to the course I am trying to not think about the mechanics of the swing and trust my swing as I get tense thinking too much and trying to relax more. Will there be a point where this takeaway technique becomes second nature and I won’t have to think of it when I go to the course? Should the hinge just hinge naturally in the backswing anyway? Thanks

  20. I had the privilege of working with Adam a couple of times, one of the most genuine guys I've ever met, and easily the best instructional golf videos on YouTube. Thanks, Porzak Golf.

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