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๐Ÿšฝ Ep.88 BSFP | Who has got a Bidet?

Steven and Ewen are back from Newcastle and feeling rough, but not rough enough to stop them looking back on the last weekend of the Scottish Premiership and all the play-off games!
They are ranking the 12 top flight teamโ€™s season out of 10, opening the debate once again on plastic pitches and asking when will the sun die?
Plus new game, Hernan Crispo, a Scottish Cup special on the Shoot Out quiz and does anyone on Scotland have a bidet?
Itโ€™s The Big Scottish Football Podcast!

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  1. hate to say it and theres a first for everything but euan is 100% spot on there is no place for astro pitches in the premiership

  2. I believe the reason bidets are less common in the UK is due to UK Water Regulations. In order to prevent backflow they require a separate water supply.

  3. If Motherwell won the same amount of games as Dundee, how was it the draws that killed them given they finished below them following the split? ๐Ÿคก

  4. Steven was in his bed earlier than you because he never went for a shower ๐Ÿšฟ ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Edit: This show can never be put in the Scottish Football Bin! We will start a petition ๐Ÿ’ช

  5. How can you go out without washing after festering in a studio and then on a train. I genuinely got itchy at the thought of this. No even a change of socks? Mockit!

  6. Cheapest product placement evah. I manufacture Haemorrhoid cream can we have the same game only Ewan farting the names out slavered in cream?

  7. I never thought I would be sticking up for ewen here but I remember when he would mention rugby on the show Steven would correct him by reminding him what the title of the show is but here we are talking about a piece of equipment that cleans yer arse just a reminder itโ€™s called the BIG SCOTTISH FOOTBALL PODCAST good work tho guys keep it up ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  8. 1. Why did Jose not go to Newcastle? And why didn't ye try call him

    2. Did ripped socks go in the bin?(never mentioned)

    3. I wish Ewan actually could shut John up sometimes ๐Ÿ˜

  9. What happened to this weeks show? No calling Hosรฉ, no VAR WTF but we get 15 minutes of Ewen gagging on a packet of beetroot crisps?!

    Ewen is a bidet.. pass it on

  10. Rangers getting to the europa final once in a generation??? I must have been reincarnated as i remember vividly being at the city of manchester stadium for the previous iteration of the competition.

  11. Jambo bear is right. Not showering before a night out is bogging. Especially after working and sitting on a amelly train for hours.

    Showering twice a day isn't abnormal either ๐Ÿ˜…

  12. Not to be pedantic or anything, but the question was phrased "When was the last old firm cup final" which was the league cup final in 2019 ๐Ÿ‘€ scottish cup final would be 2002, imagine the scenes if Jambo Bear lost cause of that lol

  13. Next season, I think you should keep the team rankings. Do it every week based on what is going on that week with the club and at the end of the season see who wins that table.

  14. I've been pronouncing it bid A . Not bee day. What a muppet I am eh. I'm wi Ewen, the guys should've had a quick shower afore hitting the Toon. I shower every 12 hrs , but then my job is dirty and minging .
    Showering twice a day isnae abnormal Mr Mill. On the mouth covering thing, they look like eejits, get it in the bin!

  15. Nice to hear the bully wee get a mention….what a day that was when we beat Celtic…Steven is 100% right we were brilliant that day but then got beat off Gretna in next round. The Clyde way lol

  16. A canni wrap ma heed around the fact that Steven is very clued up on football but yet goes to timpsons to get some to lace his shoes as he canni do that ๐Ÿ˜‚

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