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Is Craig Berube the right man to lead the Maple Leafs? | OverDrive – 05/17/2024

In Hour 2 of OverDrive the guys are joined by TSN Hockey Insider Chris Johnston and they breakdown the hiring of Craig Berube as the next Head Coach of the Maple Leafs. Carlo Colaiacovo also joins the show to discuss the hiring and to breakdown what it is like to be coached by Berube.

it’s mail it in Friday the plant called and said if you don’t come in tomorrow don’t bother coming in Monday woohoo 4 Day weekend this is overdrive with Hayes noodles and the O dog on TSN 1050 are [Music] you hour two of overdrive marrow sitting in for Brian Hayes today alongside Frankie Cado and Jason stradwick and guys let’s play the music our hockey Insider Darren Dreer confirming Craig baru has been hired as the new head coach of the Toronto Maple Leafs there you go only continues the trend of big news happening when Brian Hayes is not hosting the show can we that’s the main that’s the main part of this whole news that we need to take out of that yeah anytime something big needs to happen hay needs to take the day off now I do have a question for Doogie if we can go over to the Doogie desk real quick doie are we planning on getting Hayes on is he is he around can we find hazy B I think I can confirm that okay all right short sweet from the do desk all right yeah do do doie do they not let you talk much on a regular basis PA by the word yeah we can find it out I can send a reach out okay okay Frankie guys let me ask you this what do you think karubi was asking of tree living and the organization when they’re going through this process that’s a good question I I think he probably and and any coach would ask the same thing strudy wouldn’t you ask for a little stability between the pipes wouldn’t that be one of the first things you ask for and then maybe the second thing with this group it’s like there’s Pro okay here’s one thing Joel Edmonson probably sticking around like that’s his guy from St Louis I would imagine he wants to bring in a guy like a coach with him uh maybe Mike Van Ry has to stay stick around because that’s you know he also his guy from St Louis like I I bet there was there’s there had to have been like a laundry list of things that that he wanted by the way we just point out the Maple Leafs have made it official so Craig buub is the 32nd head coach in Maple Leaf history um yeah there like we’re talking about before the break that that the personality of this team maybe changes a bit like there’s two sides you can look at it you’re you’re bringing in an a Stanley Cup champion which is very rare to say that your head coach has won a Stanley Cup um Frankie you pointed out he hasn’t had playoff success since 2019 and he’s I didn’t realize this until I was reading up on it today there’s only been one head coach that’s won a Stanley Cup with more than one team and that’s Scotty Bowman so Craig breu is trying to do something that only Scotty Bowman has done um so it’s um and a different makeup and and a totally different organization than the uh St Louis Blues but um I I think that this if I had to take the Pulse of maple Lea fans I think they’re pretty happy with this hiring yeah I I would agree I’m seeing a lot of that from Leaf fans because it’s going to be something different and let’s you know let’s let’s make one thing clear like Sheldon was not a pushover it wasn’t a walk in the park I I think Sheldon he wanted to empower his players to really take ownership of things um and that maybe sometimes got mistaken with you know not holding guys accountable and giving guys a free ride like I I don’t know I played for Sheldon that wasn’t the case like he’s he’s fiery like really fiery he’s he’s hard on guys um but this is just going to be a different version of that this is and you know maybe he’s going to call guys out more in the media maybe it’s going to be a little more direct a little more honest and there’s going to be some guys who Thrive under that and there’s probably going to be some guys that that don’t handle that as well I know where I would would would stand on that like I would probably be the guy that maybe doesn’t handle it as well I’ll be the first one to admit that but um you know for for this group it’s going to be something different and at this point if you’ve got one playoff series win in eight years different doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing like it it’s just you’re trying something to try and get over this hump and this is something different okay I’m gonna say something won’t be popular so I’m prepared to why would you want to change now yeah no you can hide from it in Edmonton I think I built up some goodwi with the Beyonce story so I’m hoping this bounces it out I would be I’ll be the the the honest person here this team has won one playoff series in quite a while this you know we’re we’re talking about them getting to the Stanley Cup and all that they’re not they’re not there that this team is not at that point this team to me even with a new coach you know without some significant changes and upgrades in in in some of the areas I don’t think they’re that good they have great top end and that’s I’m not dissing Matthews or or or any of these guys but guys the results speak to where they’re at they are a playoff team that is out in the first round that’s not successful that’s not a team that’s going deep you know look at the teams they’re competing with so I I think that this isn’t one year and they’re they’re rolling into the playoffs there’s got to be some significant changes to not just the way they approach things but to the Personnel in this group and I’m not sure how easy that’s going to be able to do like look at the situation tarez or or you know let’s say Mar they they come to Mar and say okay we’re going to we’re gonna We want to trade you okay great he has a old movement Clause so he picks where he wants to go when to when a one a player picks where they want to go what’s the return usually like it’s not market value no it’s lesser yeah you’re not getting market value So you you’re not turning around and turning Mar Mark uh Mitch Marner into a top paring defenseman I I I might be wrong here guys but I haven’t seen that in those types of Trades so unless a team really has a bunch of those kicking around stry which I find hard to believe the other the other thing with this it’s like Marner makes $1 million so you you kind of have to prioritize when if you’re going to make that deal what is more important to you is it are you are you going to fill out the 11 million with the players coming back or are you going to try and find a way to alleviate some of that cap space and maybe you’re going to do it with the signings like that’s that’s another hurdle or roadblock in in that entire uh transaction right yeah so the signings are generally a little bit older players which I I understand you know you’re getting over that 30 I I would like to try to get a little bit into that that that middle part of their career if I was the leaps but again I’m not saying this to be mean or try to be funny but like just just being honest you know they’re they’re not that good because their track R hasn’t shown it and we can say well they should have done this they lost here they didn’t and and and it is what it is like this just where they’re at so I I I um I think Bru’s he’s he’s good coach he’s brings it in but there’s a ton of work to be done here and a lot of it’s going to be done in the dark uh away from the pr eyes of the fans the media and that just getting this team going where they need to do adjusting the lineup moving players out bringing new guys in that fit what they want to do because so you ask me stry you asked me like what do you think baru is asking of of tree living I I’ll put put it back to you like what if you’re barui and you’re walking in there and you’re interviewing for this job and they say okay what do you need to be successful here like what are your what are your top three things that that that are priorities for you yeah I think I’m looking at size I’m looking at bigger players um that are heavier we heard Brash marant talk about the other day bigger player so Matthew n love him I love that player I think he’s a real good player there have some other younger guys couple forwards that are coming in like what is his name Fraser Minon looks like he’s had a good some of those guys are coming yeah on the back end though I I’d be wondering okay what are we going to do with the D Joel Edmonson I love him he’s a good player but he’s not probably a top four defenseman anymore so he’s a bottom pairing you got Morgan Riley leushin same thing he’s an NHL player he’s probably not a top four defenseman maybe a three maybe a 3 four but on a really good team is he truly in that top group so I’d be wondering what are we going to do to upgrade this D and how are we going to do it the Vancouver Canucks did a pretty good job trading for zadorov sign Carson Susi um signing Ian Cole like anyone any stry anyone in the league could have done what Vancouver did 100% anyone could have done that like so what’s the cost there the cost of acquisition was I think I want to say like a second and a fourth for zidor off just money for Susi and just money for Cole so now but to be fair they they paid the price to get uh honic and then they drafted Quinn Hughes and they had Myers from a long time ago and they paid $6 million and you know all like and that that contract in that market was not looked at in a great way for a long time but I don’t know we got let’s let CJ CJ’s on the inside let’s let’s get to it is joining us now on the maple Toyota hotline is Chris Johnston great timing to have you on the show CJ and you’re over at the world hockey championship it’s just over 1100 p.m. so how are the streets of Prague reacting to this news I’m in my hotel room so I’m not sure what’s going on the streets but you know it’s h you know kind of Darren drager’s been all over the story this week and and there’s been an expectation we were going to get here you know Craig breay I think from the moment Sheldon Keef was fired from his job was thought of as the the most likely candidate for the Leafs and and I think he’s an interesting one you know I’ll I’ll give you a little perspective from here that that isn’t from the streets but you know I had I had a player from the league stopped me the other day bumped into me he’s like why do the Leafs keep losing the one game like his point was that they’re not they’re not like they’re getting sweep swept out of these Series right they’re getting to the game where if you win that game you move on and they always lose and and you know he was just saying do you think it’s bad luck do you think it’s something about them I I don’t know if I have that answer but the point is you know the leafar team that that aren’t far off sure far off for winning the Stanley Cup but you know there there’s some buttons maybe that need to be pushed or some togetherness or whatever it is um that they need to find and and if there’s one one thing bre’s done certainly in St Louis was he brought that team together you know when it was falling apart and so you know I can understand how you get here given the candidates that were out there and available right now and you know it’s h it’s going to be a it’s going to be a different vibe I would say around the team and certainly in the media because Craig bur is known for having very uh forthright assessments of players not to say Sheldon Keith in from time to time but I think he’s uh you know’s he’s not going to hold back in any way CJ throughout this whole process with the Leafs trying to find a new head coach like how high up on the priority list for them was to have this be a have a little bit of a shock Factor as far as who they’re going to bring in and how different that voice is going to be from Sheldon Keef well that’s part of it and I think the experience is important and and you know there’s only probably a couple guys in the mix at this point in time that didn’t already have jobs or you know are ready to work that that fit this mold and and you know the fact that buub you know stepped into that blue team and and won a cup and and the way he did it the way he you know went about addressing his players as a shock Factor all those things I do think factor and I think he also lines a lot with what Brad TR living likes from the game I mean you know as much as we can all sit here and say well it’s been the same old Leafs you know we can look at the the core of the team having been intact now for eight seasons or or you know six seasons with tar eight for for the other guys um you know there’s been a lot of change around the organization Brad Tre living’s not even at at a full year yet as GM and so I think as much as it looks the same sort of high level if you dig into the the picture it’s changed and certainly some of the players we saw Trill living prioritized at the trade deadline uh were were maybe a little different than might have you know seen in the past and and obviously now there’s an off season to come with Personnel changes and then you know ultimately now this is the head coach that he’s put behind the badge so um you know Sheldon Keefe had all kinds of success here so I certainly don’t want to be portrayed as as you know rigning on him but after five seasons and this is this is the reality of NHL right now it’s we had like 20 coaches changed or something in a year um this is this is what happens and and I do think you’re looking to shock the system a little bit and and to do that they found the right guy to come in and and really set a different tone and and let’s see if it works CJ what do you think is job number one for uh Craig buuy as he starts his tenor is leaves head coach oh good question I think if it’s possible for any of the players that end up remaining I I really do think it’s about trying to get them to how do I put it divorce themselves from the past to to move Beyond where they’ve been because you know I there has to be you know you get into those those game sevens you get into an overtime in game seven in Boston like there has to be this feeling somewhere deep down inside of the most important players on the team that they they can’t get it done right there has to be some doubt there you know what I mean and so you know let’s face it we’ll see how things end up with with the assistant coaches that end up you know working for the leash next season you know systems Wise It’s hard to predict what if they’ll make changes that way because I think that will be dependent on who’s on Craig breay staff but but what it comes from Craig himself I mean he’s known as a motivator he’s known as someone who who defines roles for his players who who tells it like it is who you know gets a group together and I think so when when we’re evaluating what he can do himself I think it’s to try to strengthen what what remains of the team that’s been there and and give them a reason and a resolve and a belief that it’s going to be different as they grind through another season and ultimately get uh you know what the organization hopes you know to another playoffs next year and that they’re able to push through so you know it’s a big task because the weight I think of each year you know gets a little heavier and heavier and heavier as as they go um but you know this is a new voice and it’s and it’s certainly going to be I think a different feel for the players that have been there even as much as you know the the core guys for the most part are probably going to remain come September our hockey Insider Chris Johnston joining us on overdrive and um if you missed it Craig bre is the new head coach of the Toronto Maple Le Pier LeBrun reporting that it is a four-year deal and it’s interesting that you are over in czechia for the world hockey championship CJ because there are numerous members of the St Louis Blues who are competing in that tournament and also the current captain of the maple Lees John Taris is the captain of can Canada there’s been a lot of talk about his future and whether or not they’ll ask him to wave his no movement clause and and whether or not they can actually trade him and also if he stays whether he’s the captain moving forward um I’m I’m I’m assuming for you it’s going to be fascinating to write your next article when you talk about John Taris getting advice from those blues players and what he has to do to have that role with the Maple Leafs under a new head coach absolutely and you know I I did speak yesterday with Colton prco one of the the the blues that’s here about you know what it was like in 20189 when when ultimately breu became their interm head coach they won the Stanley Cup was was you know had the interm tag removed after that point in time and you know what he said is from a technical standpoint X’s and O’s they didn’t change a lot but he found a way to to make sure that they got working in the right direction working together and buying into the the roles they had and and you know I’m I’m sure those conversations must be happening I mean you got binning here Joel Hoffer is a backup golender I mean he’s he’s a little younger maybe doesn’t have as much experience but between that and Paro uh and and you got tarus on on the Canadian team I mean at some point there’s probably a conversation to be to be had there um just just about what to expect I think that’s only natural the way we all trade notes on colleagues or situations like this so um you know I think baru it’s a four-year deal you know as I said earlier we’ve seen so many coaches is replaced the term of the deal is great for him and his family but but I don’t know that it matters so much uh from the team end of things I mean he’s he’s here to get results next season I think that’s that’s the way to look at it he’s he’s on a series of one-year deals in terms of the evaluation point I think where this team is at I mean we heard a real level of urgency at the the news conference with Keith py BR and Shanahan and Brad TR living um you know just a couple days after that the season ended and you know it’s it’s uh the times are changing and um you know there you know Brew comes in at a it could be a great time for him if it all comes together but it’s also a difficult period I think where you know the Leafs are still searching for a lot of answers and there’s a lot of work to be done certainly with the the roster and and things at the management level too so CJ now there’s two years in a row here where there’s a major change to the the group around the core 4 last year it was a new general manager comes in and evidently it was we’re going to roll the core for back Brad’s going to take his time he’s going get his fingerprints on this group and we’ll evaluate and assess from there now it’s a new coach like is there a chance that the same thing happens this year where it’s baru comes in and maybe he wants to see what’s going on here under the hood before there’s a big change within that core four group I I I think they’re going to make a change or they’re going to attempt to pretty strongly you know it it’s it’s it’s kind of time right and you know the fact that with out specifics at that press conference a week or so ago you know the the management guys didn’t want to get into each individual situation I do think that they’re going to explore what’s out there for them pretty seriously and and yes the players in question all have no move Clauses and all have lots of reasons we could point to why they’d want to stay in Toronto but you know I think ultimately we have to recognize if if your boss ever comes to you and says you know I don’t want to keep you long term I don’t think it is a good fit it it would be hard to keep working in that environment and and so I I don’t think that’s that it’s it’s not at a point where those have been the conversations that have been had lately I mean obviously the the season’s still relatively fresh this this coaching search has taken up a lot of the the time of Brad Tre living and and the Lea management staff for the last week or so but you know I do think as they get in closer to to June here and and you know when you’re making bigger decisions about what next year’s roster looks like that you know they’re going to look to to make a change there and so I mean Marner looks like the one that I guess you would be zeroed in on most um doesn’t mean he wants to move and I’m not reporting or anything here he’s going to wave as no move that they’ve asked him to do that but you know I think that it could be the right time for that kind of move to happen and obviously if it did it would be a pretty significant trade and you know it just so happens Brad TR living is one of the the few GMS around the league in the cap era that’s that’s done a true St and trade when he made the Matthew kachuck deal in Calgary so you know let’s let’s stay tuned on how all that unfolds but I’d be surprised if the messaging anytime soon was let’s just try again and see with a new coach I think that they’re going to be trying to make more fundamental changes to the roster between now and the start of next season CJ Sheldon Keefe was promoted within the organization um is it fair to say that Craig baru because they had to essentially woo a free agent to come to your organization that he is going to have more of a say than Sheldon did you know it’s tough to gauge that I mean Sheldon worked most of his time under Kyle dubis and obviously they worked together a long period of time you know it’s not to say they were lyed on every decision in fact I remember them each kind of commenting that they could they could have a debate as heated as anyone behind the scenes just what it came to what they were going to do you know I I think Brew here the coach ultimately I mean obviously I I see a lot of alignment between the kind of players he likes I think it’s I mean it’s no secret we’re looking at the roster I mean this is not the defense core a that I think a contending team or a Stanley Cup team would roll out and it’s certainly not one I think Brad trilling would prefer to roll out I mean he was hired May 31st or June 1st whatever it was last season there wasn’t a lot of time you’re locked into certain players well you know that’s a little different environment now um TJ Brody’s on an expiring deal he’s he’s made a couple trades and so he still has some players like the lbushkin and Edmonson that are you know the Leafs have their rights at least until July 1 they’re pending ufas there just decision to be made on Timothy lilligren who’s a restricted free agent uh who’s eligible for arbitration so you know I I think that there’s going to be a different looking Blue Line fairly significantly next year that’s more in the GM’s liking and it’s probably one the coach would feel a little bit uh you know stronger about as well you know I think there’ll be a priority on bigger players that that play a certain way that that especially in the playoff time I think you know can bring you success and so you know I don’t know that it’s Craig Ru getting saying Personnel matters but you know there will definitely be alignment I would think between the jam and the coach on on a lot of what the team needs now you know it’s you wouldn’t want to be in tre living’s office right now because most of us are winding down looking forward to Summer and he’s got a lot of work to do here in the next few months CJ we all agree that Brew is going to be direct very honest with his players um how do you think that’ll be received by not just a core of four but players that have been around for a little bit with the least organization it’s going to be a learning curve I think I mean even for those of us in the media right I mean we we you know no different than you’re you’re experiencing in Edmonton obviously we’re seeing it in Vancouver with the cans I mean places where the team is of such a going concern on a daily basis you know one comment from the coach or even maybe one comment from a player about the coach can become a three-day storyline in in these kind of markets and and I think we’re gonna have that and and probably on some level Craig breu is gonna have to get used to that and maybe I’m not saying change his approach but adjust you know how he approaches certain situations we’ll call it um and then behind the scenes you know that that’s a whole another matter I do think Sheldon Keith really challenged the leaf this last year I mean gets lost probably in another game seven losss in Boston for Toronto but I we we saw a different Sheldon Keith this season he he did you know put the pressure on some of his players publicly benched you know John tares for a period in a game in the regular season I mean I I think we saw him with him probably understanding that this was a year where the team had to take a step forward you know for him to to keep the job and they weren’t able to do it he didn’t do that but I you know I think he did push those buttons this will probably be on another level especially because it’s a new voice doing it you know right out of the gate but you know I think it uh you know for those that that like this this sort of the content side of this I think there’s going to be a lot of it because you know I’ve seen you know a bunch of the Brew base quotes from St Louis going around where you know he had some pretty pointed remarks about top players at various points in time and you know if he ever comes out and says something about that like a you know about Austin Matthews that Morgan Riley you mean pick pick someone on the roster I mean that’s going to become a pretty big talking point for us and um you know it’s uh it’s the reality of playing in in a market where everyone cares so much CJ how important is it going to be for Craig barui to have someone who’s maybe a little more ex’s and O’s inclined like a tactician type coach around because you know as much as we’ve talked about him and and all the strengths that he has as a coach that’s one of those you know aspects that seems to come up as is maybe um not a strength for him so like it’s it’s too early to kind of tell I guess like who’s going to round out that staff but do you have any kind of sense as far as um you know what type of uh Personnel they would surround him with well I mean you got Mike Van Ryan already on the Leaf’s bench and and he worked with with Craig in in St Louis and they had success there you’d like to think there’s a good chance that that you know he’d be a candidate to come back you know the leas last year had four assistant coaches they almost had orators you know they had a you know to simplify things a forwards assistant coach a defense assistant coach a power play assistant coach and a penalty kill assistant coach all all independent you know a lot of teams you know lump some of those roles together with their assistance and so you know that there’s going to be lots of help however shakes out whoever ultimately fills out that staff for Buu and and you know I think the reality is I mean it’s hard to put coaches in one of two buckets that’s probably a little too too broad but you know it very very seldom is someone a fantastic motivator and a fantastic T tactician I think that you know everyone has different strengths and and you know that’s why the staff is important and obviously for the Leafs I mean part of the reason we’re talking about them in the past tth this season right now is because their power play scored one goal in a playoff series again and that’s that’s been a that’s been a problem so however they they subdivide the the tasks I mean whoever is coaching the least power play has a huge job ahead of them next season because you know for a team with the the offensive skill they have you you just can’t get into a playoff series and and have that disappear as often as they have in the past and so yeah it’s all part of it I mean Brew you know I’m sure we’re probably not giving him enough credit for his hockey knowledge too you know he’s he’s coached 500 games in the league he had a playing career I’m not by any means suggesting he doesn’t know the game but I think his biggest strength is is his interpersonal relationships the way he motivates a team and there’ll be other other guys on a staff that uh can can break down every Trend and and make sure they’re at The Cutting Edge of you know how they’re they’re doing their systems play uh CJ I’ll get you out on this you’re in Prague uh you’re up late with us so I should probably get your thoughts on the world hockey championship so far what’s been your impression on the tournament we’re about a week in and this weekend Canada will finally play some tough competition yeah I mean my two two things is on a personal level this is one of the coolest hockey events if you ever get a chance to come over and be around it I I would I would highly recommend it I mean it’s different than the NHL different than the Stanley Cup Playoffs but a lot of fun and then the second part would be just what you’re highlighting there Mark is that you know the tournament’s about to heat up Canada plays Finland tomorrow afternoon here local time and be a morning start there in in Canada uh they have the the game against the checks on Tuesday the host nation and then they jump into the quarterfinals and so you know Connor Bard is has been the story on the ground here I mean he is by far the biggest star in terms of just getting attention this this is a tournament that has Victor Hedman Eric Carlson Roman Yosi John tarus I mean lots of very complex players that have won major you know NHL awards and been longtime Allstars but you know because Bard’s so young and he he scored five goals already in the tournament he’s getting he’s getting most of the the love and the nione from the the foreign media and and from the fans in the stand so you know it’ll be cool to see how you know he can raise his game because you know let’s face it in Chicago this year he you know he had he had a nice season but that team was out of a playoffs got from day one through the last day of the regular season where he’s about to be in these heated games that carry big consequences and and you know Canada is trying to win a gold medal he’s an important part of their team so I’m excited to see as as you say the the the maybe more heavyweight matchups of the tournament and and then obviously how Bard fair is in in that that level of competition well it’s always great to have you on the show especially when we’re breaking news uh with the Maple Leafs hireing a new head coach uh enjoy the rest of the world hockey championship and enjoy the weekend in Prague yeah you too guys and enjoy your May May long weekend there in Canada I’ll be missing it but uh happy to be here around hockey awesome stuff buddy there’s Chris Johnson joining us on the maple Toyota hotline check out Maple Toyota’s huge truck and suv lineup including the tundra Forerunner Highlander and Grand Highlander in stock and ready to deliver visit Maple the world hockey championship in Prague and ostrava continuing this weekend uh I know you played in Sweden did you ever get out to to Prague and enjoy the sites there I never did I never got a chance no I played in Switzerland uh Sweden then just absolutely dominated the Hungarian Hockey League still still talking about it I think the stats speak for themselves guys I don’t I don’t need to it’s like David likes stats did you play in the hockey Al spin in Sweden I did yeah the second the like the second division me too you did which team did you play with I played with Modo oh Modo I was sort of tellal you sort of tellal you that we were such a good experience it you know what I loved it and I know like I played in that building they that building in so to tell you has two jumbotrons yeah do you remember that it’s incredible yeah it it’s so much fun playing over there it was I was near I was at the end of my career wasn’t near it I was yeah and everyone was so young our our captain was like 23 years old and I sat beside him I remember one game yeah we had a tough one and he gets up to start talking he’s mumbling and fumbling I’m like do you want me to help out he’s like please please so I jumped up and I kind of you know gave a sermon to the boys uh but uh yeah it’s it’s a great League it’s it’s really good hockey and they’re so organized and it’s like rugby on Ice sty it’s like rugby on Ice those guys like they clutch and grab you they like they’re so good at that stuff it’s hard to it’s hard to break free from and they’re all they could all skate marathons those guys Frank I love that I wanted to slow the game down I wanted to play in a small box everyone’s holding on to each other it’s like a a mosh pit that’s when I was at my best I didn’t want to open free whe hockey yeah just like the same mosh pit at the Beyonce concert all right let’s let’s get out of here let’s get out of here okay let’s take a a break as we continue to dissect the news that Craig Buu is the new head coach of the Toronto Maple Leaves uh Carlo kako host of first up is going to join us after the break overdrive continues and is brought to you by FanDuel bringing you everything from the opening line to the final score Carlo kako after the break now back to overdrive with Hayes noodles and the O [Music] dog [Music] 2 in our attempt to get Jason strudwick to dance on the show we continue on here the second hour of over Drive come on stry anyone watching on TSN you love it wait I I I so I I also go down the old Rabbit Hole where people are playing this you know when they’re getting married and coming down the aisle I love that that’s the office I I might exactly I might have to renew my vows and just have that and just have me wheeling and dealing I have to learn to dance though obviously I love that idea um that’s Jason shedwick alongside Frankie C I’m Mark roow filling in for Brian Hayes and if Brian Hayes isn’t working today you know we got a lot to talk about Scotty Sheffer was arrested and then released and then shot a 66 and is doing what we all expected him to do being contention for the PGA Championship and in the last hour the maple e made it official Craig baru is their new head coach and with more on that we’re joined by the host of first up uh former Toronto mea and former St Louis blue Carlo kako and and coko you know a lot of people within that Blues organization so uh you’re familiar with Craig baru uh what’s your reaction to today’s news uh my reaction is that uh yeah I think this is the right hire for the for the maple I mean we’ve all speculated this for the last you know week or so since Sheldon Keys removal and I think what it does is it sort of gives us the the the sort of Outlook that the maple are preparing for a culture change because for many years under Sheldon ke we’ve all seen it we’ve all seen the sort of Country Club the coddling of certain players in Toronto well I can tell you right now which with Craig baru behind the bench there won’t be any of that because my experience for playing with Craig baru in Philadelphia granted even though it was a short time was uh a very impactful one because from that time out of all the coaches that I played for he is hands now one of the my favorite coaches I’ve ever played for because he keeps it real he’s a guy that demands accountability he demand structure and he and he and he does it in a very very respectful way but he’s also a brutally honest coach and I think in today’s hockey people lose track about how important that is when you’re dealing with a bunch of young players and you have a salary cap and there’s not much player movement in the league sometimes you just got to tell the player exactly how it is and exactly what needs to happen or what needs to be done and he’s the perfect example of that so I’m I’m a big fan of this hire and I think it’s gonna it’s definitely gonna feel impacted on the on this Maple East team starting next season Carlo you kind of know the way it goes where during a regular season you’re out to dinner with the guys or you’re sitting at the back of the bus after a game and and there’s certain conversations that happen sometimes it’s about the coach or what’s happening with the team it’s like a little bit of a you know a midseason audit between guys it’s like a little bit of a venting session you know when you played on Philly it would have been like vorich giru Wayne Simmons would have been there like do you remember any of those conversations with some of the like the the Stars on that team and maybe you know how they felt about baru and how he handled you know coaching them well in Philadelphia with with VOR and and Drew they were going through a transition where they were in salary cap hell and they’re they were trying to be competitive but everybody knew they needed a change and a guy like Claude jaru wore a lot of the losses and a lot of the struggles on his own shoulders and it was his conversation that he would have with Ru daily that really helped him push through it and try to and continue to be the leader that he was for the Flyers and now that he is for the sends uh look there’s only so much a coach can do coach can’t go out and play the game but what a coach can do is create a an environment and a culture within the team at that Demands a certain way to play and sometimes you can play that certain way because you have the talent to do so but the other times you you can play that certain way because you have everybody buying in to do it and I think the best example of of Craig baru was his time in St Louis if you talk to every player that played for him in St Louis that team was ready to win and when he came in he made those guys believe they can win because he made him buy into a certain way of playing because it was demanding and there was no sugar coating any situation if he didn’t like the way you were playing or didn’t like what he was seeing he’d let you know about it and the thing about him too is that like he’s not this this coach that will blow you away or is above any other coach when it comes to systems or X’s and O’s I think you guys all know like in today’s game everybody who plays in NHL knows how to play a certain system and he’s the type of guy that surrounds himself with really good hockey Minds really good coaches and he creates a team that helps provide the same message but it’s it’s his presence that that sort of um you know that trumps everything because guys know that he’s the type of guy that’ll push back and that’ll push guys to be better and if you look at this m police team isn’t that exactly what they need I mean mean these guys know how to play the game they just need somebody to push them a little harder and somebody that’s going to demand a certain style of play and like we know if the roster is going to change but at least this is the first step of atline of jam well there there’s a few things that need to happen you’re right Koko and and if we get to the point where it’s the regular season and baru’s he’s going to be behind the bench now and we talk about accountability and all that kind of stuff and and it’s great but you know you watch Carolina play you could tell exactly what type of team that is and how they want to play you know you watch a team like the New York Rangers it’s like they’re really good on the rush like there’s certain traits that you have to see on the ice so in your experience with baru like what can we expect to see outside of all the The Narrative stuff like the accountability and uh you know the communication like what can we actually expect to see on the ice like what does the identity of his team look like on the ice Frankie that’s a great question and the identity is uh for Craig baru everybody who watched Craig Ruby play knows the type of player that he is and and he was a crazy player when he played I don’t I don’t I don’t think everybody’s gonna buy into playing that but there’s there’s a there’s a certain respect that he shows to players and that he demands from players on how to play the game you know it’s it’s the one thing that I know for sure he was he was very demanding when it came to structure like buying into playing with certain structure defensively buying into playing with certain structure when it comes to checking remember he was on the staff with with Ken Hitchcock and when kch every time you hear Ken Hitchcock speak he always talks about checking being the most important aspect of the game because if you can check you can win and that’s sort of the the type of game and the sort of style that he’s going to want the maple Le’s best players to buy into because when they’re doing it everybody else follows and and what comes with that I know is a word that that we throw around a lot is accountability that all that all follows when guys understand that there’s a buy into a team way to play and Andy Strickland uh sent out a message too commenting on his uh analysis of of the higher and he said like coming into the maple you might see a drop in point production but you’ll see a bigger B into team play and I think that’s the approach that he’s going to try to bring to this group Carlo Jason strudwick here don’t be nervous I’m just like the rest of you guys just from western Canada I I was hoping to see you dance well listen buddy I don’t want I don’t want to give that good of a show right I want to got to leave a little bit something for the imagination um okay I I I think Craig breu is a good hire and he’s going to make it happen but have have we as a media as fans been asking too much of the leavs do do you think that with the group they have they keep it that Craig perui can turn them into a team that goes deeper or how like how where would you put the importance of adjusting or tweaking or maybe making some major changes to the roster well Str I think I said it when I first started that this is the the first step of culture change because you’re bringing in a coach who’s going to demand a different way for this group to play now we’ve seen this for way too long that this group as good as they are together are just not capable of getting it done I don’t necessarily believe that just because there’s a change in a in in in in the voice behind the bench that automatically they’re going to change the success in the playoffs they still need to rebuild this roster and rebuild this roster to better fit the way that a Craig veru is going to demand to play because I I I know the maple have really good players and players that a lot of teams would obviously want on their team but it’s hard to imagine that these players could play the type of style of hockey together that we’ve seen come playoff time I mean just look at the series that are going on right now if we were watching the Maple in the second round with this group could we expect them to be as competitive as the teams that we’re seeing hard to believe but I I I’m I’m in the belief that you fire you replaced the GM last year he was in a tough spot to come in and make major changes you’ve now replaced the coach I think the the next step is you have to replace someone in the core of this roster to actually believe that there can be change well the first step was a new head coach and that happened today uh Carlo thanks so much for taking the time out of your Friday evening to join us I know you’re really looking forward to this long weekend you’re very excited about that so uh enjoy yourself and uh we’ll chat soon very soon actually Marky I’m joining you tomorrow morning not much of a fun weekend for me we’ll be covering the world which has been it’s been an incredible tournament like I’m I’m I’m very grateful that I was been able to be on the coverage this year and especially working alongside you and Laura Dyan it’s been an absolute pleasure my friend you understand what you just said right that you’re not that you’re not going to have a lot of fun this weekend working with me endorsement I know that that’s on the record like I’m not I’m not gonna have a long weekend of like relaxation because I’m putting in the grind with you buddy okay sounds like you’re backpedaling just a little bit but anyways I’m looking forward to you and I Canada Place Finland this weekend we got some great games uh I I’m excited I don’t know about you but we I I do go back to saying thank you for taking time out of your Friday evening to join us my pleasure boys there you have it enjoy Carlo kako first up co-host and uh somewhat enthused about being a part of the World Hockey Championship coverage this weekend with yours truly he did your wrong buddy you you deserve you deserve better than that you deserve better than was not expecting that coming from him bring something tomorrow bring him a cookie or a bagel like I’m not sure what he’s into but you know what he’s got to do stry he’s got to listen to a little Beyonce oh it’s always the answer he’s in the car little Beyonce on the way home get refreshed recharged feel better about going into work tomorrow be like a new man the queen bee queen be the right answer to every question he does have the 6 a.m. game with Laura tomorrow maybe that was it but uh we get catering I don’t know I thought that was good enough for anyone but that’s exciting anyway speaking of food uh mailed in Fridays is brought to you by Boston Pizza Canada’s favorite sports bar from tip offs to tie bites and puck drops to Pizza BP’s Elite lineup of apps wings and ice cold beer is always dialed in for Game Time hustled into your local BP tonight uh speaking of the world hockey championship Mike Johnson’s going to join us from Prague to kick off the six o’clock hour uh will continue to dissect the big news today Craig buub is the new head coach of the Toronto Maple Lees we also have Chris Rose coming up at 6:30 uh we’ll get into the blue jay series with the Tampa Bay Rays uh that and much more overdrive continues TSN 1050 and up on TSN 2 now back to overdrive with hay noodles and the O do [Music] this Ain now we’re get to play the new stuff are you into the new stuff or do you only like the classic no I I I’m a pretty big fan of her listen I have you know my wife and my daughter in the house and they they love to rock out to her so I like the country vibe to Beyonce right country’s cool could you play that on the guitar stry uh no no no I have a pretty small set list I’m trying to build it up but uh probably my best song is The Wonder of You by Elvis Presley my wife’s needs Buckle when I she hears the intro to it who’s the more accomplished guitarist you or noodles oh noodles for sure yeah but yeah he he’s but he’s been working out a lot longer right um he’s been playing I think for 20 years probably oh wow yeah a long time I’m like six months oh you just picked it up just picked it up yeah I kind of went crisis you can dance this guy can do anything crazyit crisis guitar Dance Floor motorcycle soon maybe mustache no I’m scared actually I just sold I had a road bike I sold it I’m scared I’m scared of that that uh speed so I’ve got a big mount bike I ride around knitting the guitar like could just I think you got to try to you know nearly 50 guys so it’s a kind of a lower lower uh peak of a midlife crisis I’m going through yeah that’s fine I I just got a message from an anonymous person who said a motorcycle won’t be good for what’s up top [Laughter] well I’d have to wear a helmet right I I just set to cover it up but I’d put my nice hair piece on if I was going no hell you know Che one uh okay the nice rug yeah uh like I mentioned the uh the Blue Jays are going to kick off a series with the Tampa Bay Rays uh George Springer in the leadoff spot will get into that with Chris Rose at 6:30 uh Mike Johnson’s going to join us after the break he’s also in check here for the world Hockey Championship uh we’ll get into both the tournament and Craig baru as the new head coach of the Toronto Maple Leaves so looking forward to getting his thoughts on that plus the PGA Championship Xander shafley is your leader Scotty Sheffer from a jail sale to a 66 and right now he is four shots off the lead as overdrive continues on TSN 1050 and on TSN 2


  1. If Marner would sign for 9 or 10 mil would show a lot to the team. If he wants to win he has to give the team a chance to build around him. Same for JT he should sign for 3 to 5 mil deal. No more over paying to keep these guys.

  2. Problem with keefe is he played the top guys too much and didn’t mix it up. Look what happened when nylamder and Mathew’s were out. He was forced to play differently and the team looked a lot like Florida type of team. So the best things to do is mix things up

  3. Avs never even had a lead til game 5! Cudda easily been a sweep! Stars so deep and great goaltending!

  4. Tavares will be traded to Chicago be a teacher for badard fir faceoffs and other stuff thats kind of team that can offord him

  5. Every GM in the league has seen how Marner has performed in the playoffs every year. And with that huge contract and cap hit, no one would take him. Best plan is to play him all season and let him do his offensive thing. When playoffs start, sit him in the press box and replace him with a Marlie that's playing well

  6. Who cares if you don't get market value for Marner. He needs to go When an 11 million dollar player needs to ask players on how to motivate himself he is no longer Captain it belongs to Matthews. Core 4 no more! Berube unlike Keefe will get the team rolling all 4 lines. Accountability has now begun.

  7. I don't know about Berube, the year he won the cup, he was gifted a big team with a hot goaltender. He wont have either of those things here. When the goaltender dried up in St Louis, so did the wins, in the years following his cup win. He is not going to have a goalie win him a cup here in Toronto.

  8. Running the core back would be completely 100% unacceptable. There were long stretches of 20+ games that I didn't watch this year. If all of Marner, JT and Nylander return, I won't be watching a single game. My fandome in the Leafs may be coming to a close.

  9. The Toronto media make fans believe that the Leafs are "right there" ready to win a cup. When the team loses in the playoffs, fans lose their minds. All falsely created the Toronto media…

  10. We learned the 2nd half of this year that if Domi can be just about as prolific as Marner in the same situations (He pretty much was) at a fraction of the cost plus grit, then Marner is surplus to our needs for his price tag.

  11. One thing nobody brings up is that in the entire history of the NHL only 3 coaches have won cups on different teams. 2 in the 1930-40's and one other, just only rhe best coach in nhl history Scotty Bowman. So very hard for coaches to win on different teams it never really happens. So why not get a coach who hasn't won yet who has a good record , might give u a better chance to win.

  12. Will the "powder puffs" Nylander, Marner, Rielly etc be able to be able to play Berube and his demanding physical style of play? is Nylander going to listen to him when he demands to use his body and don't be so soft.

  13. Strudwick your Oilers are a way worse team than the Leafs they just happen to play in the weakest division in hockey and they get destroyed when they actually play a good team.

    The Oilers have no depth, shitty goaltending and need the PP all the time to score.

  14. Just need dave feschuck and youd have the Crosby Stills Nash and Young of ANNOYING RADIO VOICES!!! Where is Captain Fraud and his two crones?

  15. Preach Struddy! 🙌

    JUST a coach isn't going to do sh*t! This team needs to be different, 8 straight years of not showing up when it matters, they need something different..

  16. Edmonton would be a one and done team in the East facing Boston, Florida, or Tampa over the last 5 years too. Edmonton and Toronto are really similar in the end, but Edmonton gets to kick LA ass every year.

  17. Been a leaf fan for 65 years ! Ask yourself IF VAN and the Rangers could revamp theur teams i ONE or 2 years WHY HAVEN'T THE LEAFS ? ANYONE with ANY Hockey sense has got to see that the Leafs team couldnt compete at this playoff level WE are seeing now ! They would look like a AHL team ay BEST !

  18. He is the right man for the job. These 4 princes better show up with passion will he will just rip them apart and call them out in front of the media. NMC? Good luck.

  19. If you're a Leafs fan and are upset at what Strutty said about the Leafs, you don't watch playoff hockey after the Leafs are eliminated.

  20. If Berube has some big hitters, good goalie play and some decent scoring he can get it done. Need to make the right moves. Like how we got O’Reily in ‘19

  21. This team is nowhere close to a Cup, They are soft, D is not good, No goaltending, Their top guys are the softest on the team and disappear when it matters the most, Games 5, 6 and 7's. Marner and Matthews are prime examples of it, Marner in games 1 through 4 42pts in 36 games, Games 5 through 7 9pts in 21 games. Matthews 5 game 7''s 0 goals and 1 in game 6's, Tavares too.

  22. Tavares is the only good player out of the core 4 and has to deal with players who don't give him the puck in scoring position. You can keep Tavares and Nylander. Trade the others while their value is high and get clutch players. Domi, Bertuzzi, Jarnkrok are all great forwards as well

  23. For a start – why not just lower expectations with Leaf Fans in Toronto? Before the Leafs have a chance to win – they really need Core 4 upgrades to contend in the playoffs. They are fine in the regular season. It just is tough watching Mitch in the playoffs every spring with playoff officiating. 😀

  24. Mitch's dad is already phoning Berube demanding he doesn't be mean to baby Mitchell

  25. You can't say they are under performing and then say they are not that good. That's stupid. Strudwick was an average player… below average commentator.

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