Golf Players

Charles Schwab Challenge Picks – PGA Golf Bets With Kyle Kirms

Charles Schwab Challenge Picks – PGA Golf Bets With Kyle Kirms

Kyle Kirms is joined by The Big Nasty to run through some top bets for PGA Championship. May 23-25, 2024

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yo what’s up welcome back to another episode of the SWS it’s Wednesday night which means we’re uh we’re talking some golf bets and your JT one came through and you know what’s crazy is you gave out five golfers and for some reason I just like what you said about Justin Thomas that’s the one I tailed and that’s the one I posted in the Discord I did Justin Thomas top 20 Justin Thomas top 10 top five and to win the and to win so I won two of those bets so good call on JT on his in his uh his hometown right was his hometown yep yep in hometown of Louisville um in terms of you know the golfers that I did name you know toasty I know we talked about him as a long shot he had a f great first two days I saw that he he was right up there and uh he he had a Saturday to forget in his world uh but you know Ben on made the cut uh JT made the cut uh you know toasty made the cut and I I forget who the other guy was but four out of the Five Guys uh made the cut so um depending on what you’re thinking yeah um let’s talk let’s talk Charles Schwab challenge yeah let’s let’s get into it um so right off the right off the rip um a guy who was right there in contention last week I’m I’m going back to him uh Colin morawa I mean uh the guy is the guy is so good uh he had one bad day of putting and he was still right there I think right now he’s plus 130 for top 10 on FanDuel um you know probably the play I’m going to be leaning towards but I think that he could easily go and and win this golf tournament so um you know he would be a guy that that i’ that I’d watch for besides Scotty Sheffer I think Scotty sheffer’s odds are literally plus 260 to win the golf tournament like insane odds for golf did you say 260 260 plus 260 to win check on let me I’m checking it now plus 260 on fandu to win Scotty that is that is insane I mean now when we when we do talk about golf right we talked about Scotty sheffler last week and his caddy wasn’t gonna be with him on Saturday it was Scotty sheffer’s only round this year over par and he didn’t have his cadd and you know it it ended up costing him the tournament um that’s that’s better odds than the Rockies were against the Dodgers last week so they’re saying Scotty Sheffer has a better chance of winning this tournament than the Rockies had of beating the Dodgers with Goomer on the mount last week to to beat 136 other guys he only plus 260 wild it’s certainly not the right play this week so we like we like morara where uh so I think I think the one that I’m gonna Hammer home this week is uh Denny McCarthy Denny uh Denny McCarthy had he finished runner up already in a tournament this year he had a couple wins on the tour last year uh in in the past history of this tournament he’s played it pretty well um Plus at 185 to finish in the top top 20 and uh you know when you talk about you know like I said I use data gol is is the the fit that I use and Denny McCarthy’s like 10th on that list in terms of course fit and the and how it fits his game shots gain approach to the green um so I really like this play it’s it’s not an overly long course it doesn’t favor long ball hitters it really favors the people you know that hit close approach shots and uh and Denny McCarthy fits the mold here so uh at plus 185 I think that’s going to be the one that I take uh for the week I think that’s GNA be my my play of the week I’ve never even heard of him yeah so I mean I I would go if you pull up the Charles swab history of the last couple years uh he’s he’s finished a couple top 20s um he’s made the cut in all the events so I I think he has Good Vibes going into here and uh and like I said top 20 at plus 185 odds I think it’s I think it’s a nice nice smooth spot for him Denny McCarthy top 20 all right I’m gonna write that one down on my list that may tail that one where we going next so I want to swing an attention to another non-name guy here um Brendan Todd all right Brendan Todd last three years at the charl swab t57 T3 and T8 so two top 10 in this event and right now to finish in the top 20 he’s plus 320 um he’s actually plus odds to finish in the top 40 which you know if you’re not feeling as risky um you know but a guy that has two top 10 in the last two times he’s played the event um when you talk about datag golf datag golf has Brendan Todd as the number one player shots G via approach according to this model and this Golf Course crazy crazy stat um so I I think I might throw Brendon Todd top 20 but like I said if if you think it’s a little too risky you still get him at plus money at Top 40 uh I think it’s great odds for like I said a guy that’s that’s already proven he could play this golf course well um and and it wasn’t just a one-off fluke it’s it’s three well done performances here and for those of you that are watching this that are absolute freaks Brandon tdsa wins plus 12,000 [Laughter] for those of you that are trying to do that I don’t hate it his his best finish ever was solo third two years ago um he does have PGA Tour wins so it’s not like the guy hasn’t been able to get it done he knows what it what it’s like to to hoist a trophy at the end of the week so why not why not take a long shot on Brendon Todd you know few $10 $10 why not maybe maybe a little five 500 500 spot yeah just a little something we can get rich so we got our sleeper pick you went straight to the sleeper on the third pitch I I really really like Todd it it’s so much of a a not sleeper pick to me I I FanDuel is sleeping on them but I’m not I I think it’s uh I think it’s actually one of my one of my favorite picks well if you can get them you said I’m looking the odds I’m looking at only go up to to top 20 but if you can grab one of those top 40 bets at plus money for a guy who’s finishing in the top 10 in this event I mean top 40 we’re talking at Plus I think I’m going to post that in the Discord to be honest yeah so like I said I’m I’m on FanDuel that’s the only betting site I currently use and FanDuel offers top 40s um at and he’s 125 cool yeah Brandon side I like it so we one yeah one other guy I just want to make a quick mention um you know again a golf course that uh you know doesn’t necessarily favor the long hitters a guy who’s a senior veteran on the tour I’m going to play him uh to finish in the top 40 at plus 175 odds Matt coocher I haven’t heard his name in a while yes so Matt coocher um he has like I said a lot of history on this golf course um in terms of you know like I said course fit uh he fits the mold here because he’s he’s obviously has lost distance in his age uh but he’s he plays you know a good game and he he strikes the ball well um so I’m I’m going with cooch top 40 at plus 175 on FanDuel um like I said you know you you just mentioned you don’t get uh outside of top 20 odds but you know it might be a risky play to go top 20 but uh again senior guy has many victories on the PGA tour uh a name that hasn’t really been talked about in a while that’s probably why you get such good odds yeah well I didn’t mean I couldn’t get the top 40 I just meant the chart I’m looking at only goes the one I the one I happen to have open right now while we’re recording so yeah I I actually placed the top 40 bet um last week so yeah I a few books have them I think I think bet 365 has top 30 and top 40 also so they’re available so we got coocher damn you took some shots in this one yeah definitely definitely not you know uh listen I’m looking for Value right and I’m looking at you know this model and listen this model you know we didn’t talk about it last week but they had uh Dean burm as the number three on the list last week and he was right there um you know on the leaderboard I think he finished in the top 10 tied with JT um and they Shambo and they had maroy maroy had a bad you know second day um but all of those guys so this this data golf model really kind of takes everything into account and and they’ve been hot as well and and like I said I’ve been using that model and and so far it’s come through you know we’re we’re three for four in in picks and uh let’s just keep that Mojo working yeah for for sure I think I’m going to go with the moroc car one and I think I’m going to take Todd I think those are the two I’m going to I’m going to roll with uh but yeah thanks for the four picks um we’ll be back same time next week Wednesday night for next week’s tournament hopefully with another winner like hopefully uh we got four picks couple of them were Savage home run swings but like you said if you want to play it safer just take the top 40 so there’s uh you can play it however you want so let’s have ourselves a good one yes sir let’s make that bread yep see you uh see you next week later


  1. Kyle I just wanna say thank you so much for the amount of research and everything you do for us little guys to make money you help put a few extra dollars in everyone's pocket God bless you bro

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