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World’s Longest Ever Ski Jump (New Record)

to break the ski jump and ski flying world records you need a hill bigger than standard competition ski jumps. Olympic medallist and FIS World Cup Champion Ryōyū Kobayashi and his team headed to Akureyri in northern Iceland, and carved a special kicker out of snow on the side of the mountain with the single intention of creating a jump big enough to smash world records 🎿

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[DRAMATIC MUSIC PLAYING] JANNE:Here we have the biggest ski jump in the world. Oh, me? Oh, yeah. I think I’m more nervous than you are. JANNE:There are so many challenges to smash this world record. But the first challenge is, that there is no ski jump big enough in the world, so we need to build our own. We needed the real expert to build it. BERNIE:We first had to figure out exactly what we needed to make this jump work. We have 34 degrees and 250m. We had to find the right slope, angle and length, the conditions, air pressure. So, after all the calculations and modeling, we searched all over the world for the perfect hill to build this jump. This angle looks good for me. 20 meters. BERNIE:We have to move slow as much as possible, day and night, 24 hours. The weather is quite rough. This is not what we need. You know, of course, I’m worried about that. The other day we had a nice sunshine, almost zero wind. And I would like to see one of those days in the next week. I’ve been working here for over half a year now. BERNIE:We moved more than 120,000 cubic meters of snow, preparing the run to be just like the standard ski jump, only much bigger, and out here, right up the mountain. -Happy? -Yeah. Then I’m happy. BERNIE:We have calculated the speed needed. 105. BERNIE:But the only person who can tell us if it’s really right is Ryoyu. JANNE:It’s a longest ski jump ever. So huge, so big. Just coming down is an achievement for sure. It’s been Ryoyu’s dream for a long time. This is his day. BERNIE:So, here we have the biggest ski jump in the world. Ski jumping world record is 253.5m. Let’s see if Ryoyu can smash that today. JANNE: Starting from the gate, because this is the first hill size like this. We don’t really know where we should set up the gate. Ryoyu will come to the table with a speed around 105 to 107km/h. He will take off, launching himself and flying through the air around 9 to 10 seconds. Actually the wind is the only thing that can destroy this. Because the speed is so fast, and he’s staying in the air so long, the weather and the wind conditions are extremely important. Still too much wind per Janne. I’ll be standing there and waving down with the flag when it’s safe to go. With the wind as current now, we should not jump. Out, out, out. Take him off the bar, off the bar. Too much wind. I will not let him down when it’s, you know, if there is anything wrong with the conditions. That’s my job. That’s my responsibility. -This breeze will like suck him down. -Yeah. Also more longer he will wait, more stress it is. Yes. Okay. It’s getting better. It’s getting better. JANNE:Yeah. Let him jump. You can send him. Okay, go up. MAN 2:Ryoyu going on the gate. Ryoyu going on the gate. Now it’s really good. MAN 2:Looks like it’s getting better now. I think we should be ready… JANNE:Okay. Get ready. MAN 1:Okay. Get ready. JANNE: Not totally, but almost calmly. So now this supposed to be much better chances to fly. JANNE:Ryoyu is ready? Ready. Three. Two. One. Go! [DRAMATIC MUSIC PLAYING] Go! Nice start. MAN 1:Calculated distance 175. MAN 3:Still possible more? Still possible more. Yes. JANNE:Jump was clean and safe and no problems. But then being honest, it was not so good jump. Chasing and hunting the record. Flag up. Ryoyu go to gate. MAN 1:Go! Two, one, take-off. Ryoyu in the air. He’s a little bit late with the timing here. He cannot find the ideal rhythm. -Once again. MAN 1:That will be great. MAN 1:Speed 103km/h, in the air. JANNE:He’s losing the speed here. -He is supposed to be more… BERNIE: Yeah. MAN 1:Three. Two. One. Take-off. RYOYU:One more? -Yes. Okay. This is different. -This is different. -Yes, exactly. JANNE:He can prepare. He can fly. Fantastic. Conditions are looking really good. JANNE:Ryoyu is ready? Three. Two. One. Go! [AIR WHOOSHING] [CROWD CHEERING] MAN 2:Ryoyu landed safely. Yes! [CROWD CHEERING] MAN 2:Distance of the jump 291 meters. New world record. [CROWD CHEERING]


  1. 5:27 and the subtle clip of the athlete enjoying the product…I’ve witnessed shoots like this with Red Bull and I do prefer their methods of natural looking shots with the product than stuffing it down our throats…that’s what all the branded gear is for! 😂 🪽

  2. Doesn't make sense
    If you can't do it on a natural hill, then it doesn't count
    Why dont you put rockets on you're skies

  3. 通常のジャンプ台と比較して、恐怖は何倍になるんだろう(@_@)

  4. Such an amazing project & result! Is it just me, or did some large gust of wind keep Ryoyu up in the air longer at the bottom of the jump? It looked like an extra boost!

  5. These guys really care about the skiers safety its just really wholesome to see and that jump was epically impressive

  6. FIS非公認は残念でしたが、291Mは前人未踏な事は間違いない!!


  7. This is amazing!
    Sure, given the repeated tries and limitless time to wait for the perfect wind conditions, I understand that this can not be counted as a competition record. However, I think that from now on we should have two kinds of records; one for competition according to FIS rules, and one for freestyle or no limits or whatever you wanna call it. Because THIS definitely needs to be a thing!

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