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UK Speedway Tavern Show 21-05-24.

The 6th episode of 2024 with Matt, Mike and Chris, please share the stream!

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to the distance like he has done in he to be fair he didn’t really do it last season didn’t he s of Po start last season from or not a convincing start I think would be um but I think there there’s competitors all the way through that I mean Jack holders obviously I think getting the first win of his career helped um in the opening round in CA Jack um Jon dos obviously had a you know I think probably just ran out steam a little bit on on Saturday um in the end Robert Lambert surely a Grand Prix win can’t be too far away from him but it’s just you know that sort of the final stage of the meeting where he just can’t make that step up can he um I mean from British point of view yeah not bad no I mean well as I said Ian Robert Lambert is the top Brit now there’s there’s I don’t think anybody’s going to dispute that I mean he’s you know he’s he St he’s standing in the series he’s fourth at the moment on 41 um you know Dan bu’s being a bit hit and miss so far in the grand pris obviously he had his you know the last two grand pris have been a little bit better but not quite able to make the step up into into a final he seems to be the case with damul doesn’t it that he either gets in when he gets to the semi-finals if he gets to the final he wins it wins the thing yeah it’s not a bad record to have yeah but it’s just it’s just getting into the the finals that’s that’s been uh that’s been the problem for him so um the big surprise really for me so far is probably been Freddy lingren you know had such a high last season you know at one point looked like he might win the championship after the the issue obviously with with um right so all those to be fair to him he did say you know it would have probably been a bit of a mocker if he had one it on that instance but again 16 points in the first Grand Prix without being partic you know sort of muddled his way through into the into that um final then seven points in warsa and only three last uh last weekend in Germany so uh not exactly consistent not yeah it’s a little bit inconsistent you just you just wonder with Freddy whether maybe now he’s probably missed his his best chance you know I’ve always you know felt that Freddy was good enough to be a world champion but it’s probably just a case of being in the right place but at the wrong time yeah yeah um I think the the the covid years didn’t help yeah obviously he suffered badly with that with obiously with long Co so um KY hooken Becker was a little bit of a disappointment I thought as well because I had two really a good start in the first de ground PR you thought he would be you know he’d be a bit a real spoiler at Lop but just five points for him and he’s dropped right down to 11th I guess we’re we’re we’re failing to mention at the moment the what’s probably the biggest disappointment that we probably we hoped was going to kick on this year after having spent a really good recharging year in British Speedway last year yeah and that’s Ty waing and again poor again just not not quick just you know he comes you occasionally a race that he comes alive you know mean he won One race in on on on the on Saturday had a good start to the JP in in warsa as well didn’t he winning the second in his first R you think he could be on to something here and then just just doesn’t doesn’t get anywhere I mean very untie waing and like um I just I just wondered with Ty whether maybe now there’s a lot of other things going on in his life and that maybe um I was a little bit surprised that he got the pick to be honest um given that there’s two of the Brits given there’s two of the Brits and given you know as I said hasn’t won a Grand Prix now for nearly six years 2018 was the last one OB World Championship that sort of comes on what Duncan pemberton’s asking uh he says the thing that gets my goat with the GP is that current GP Riders can enter the GP Challenge Series uh if you don’t can’t make the top eight you should miss a season thoughts I I do agree with that you know there’s nothing there’s nothing there’s nothing to stop them from doing and of course they will keep doing it because it’s obviously a safety net to make sure they get back in for The Following season but uh yeah I think I I would like to see the qualifying system sort of rejigged a little bit um I think you know we’ve had three three very enjoyable Grand Prix so far the first one you know I mean a lot of people thought the first one was poor I quite enjoyed the first one and certainly War warsa has been you know as a as a temporary track has been you know generally producing very very good rising and what a what about this as an idea the the bottom eight don’t get or whatever it is now don’t make it back into the the GP wild cards or anything none of that comes but they that the first GP meeting of the next season isn’t actually a Grand Prix but the qualifier so the people that have made it through to get to the qualifier against the the the bottom eight or whatever the that’s that number you decide it to be from the GPS so there’s like a race off so that’s the way that they can get in but they’ve got to race against the guys that want their place yeah well mean it’s not too disim to what was happening in the early days of the GP CU obviously those days the top eight got through automatically then the next I think it was eight or seven went into the Grand Prix challenge against the the top eight rers throughout the qualifying rounds and then those those eight Riders had to sort of qualify to get back in the in the following year so um I think there’s a bit of things there’s a few things that have to be that have to be done to sort of you know sort of rejig it sort of re Enthusiast it a little bit CU you know I I I want up you know I want to see the best 16 roers in it at the end of the day you know if if if if all 16 the top the top 16 Riders are all polish so yeah yeah probably are uh we’ve got a few comments to get through shall we um we can come back to the GP in a minut l about the can you go a little bit higher I think uh okay so Barry young says I will be surprised if we are open next year unless a new promoter comes in talking about kingslin of course I mean that’s I’m hearing that quite a lot yeah I don’t like listening to rumors like that because you never know but who knows uh We’ve read Donan pton uh Craig SMI it’s a shamber back Kings lint I visited the stadium for the first time earlier this season and it’s a lovely part of the country and a great setup shame it doesn’t seem to be run correctly L that’s not something that you could have said about kingsin in the not even distant past I mean fairly you know when Birmingham came back there with the top sword in you know there were some great battles between there was always a bit of needle as well between Birmingham and kingslin as well um so that’s yeah sad and even even even going back your you know test matches and things like that we’ve seen some great events at Kingsland Kingsland on its day is a fabulous racet track but it seems to have sort of L lost a lot of its a lot of its Sparkle in over the last few seasons which is a shame Craig SME uh is it an interesting comment and possibly right on current International form I don’t think Ty won gets in the speedway of Nations team it’s shuy Lambert and bu we Waring in the Reserve I think isn’t the reserve got to be uh under 21 or something somebody will correct yeah you you might be right because that’s why they did what they did with bu of course he he can’t do that now can he um I mean possibly possibly Leon Flint would I think I think um I think he’s right C on current form you don’t get in no that’s that I wouldn’t like to be the one that has to make that choice to be honest to to be fair to toy I think he’s a sort of guy who if he didn’t feel he was in form I think he would support the move you know cuz I think um you know he’s been very very um supportive of certain of Rob painter um since since his organization took over the running of the national team they scrapped that in the speedway Nations I’ve just been told by Simon corett thank you S Lawrence has just backed up as well so okay okay um talking about Lawrence is just is popped up with uh Tom Brennan’s just missed out on qualifying for the GP challenge yeah did well do well as well as well of course he does mean that Tom will be first reserved so if anybody drops out he first one in y um so it’s not not I mean we don’t obviously have people don’t get injured and so on but this is Speedway uh yeah and yeah everybody’s telling me now that the under 21 rule isn’t a thing now so there you go I got it wrong again guys got it WR again can you just scroll up to Ben’s comment about Kings L I think that was there yeah yeah the thing with kingslin the stadium is safe as houses and has disappeared oh there you are due to the massive Banger racing crowds so even if the speedway takes a Hiatus I guess the door will always remain open I’ve never been to Kingsland it’s one of the few tracks in the top League I’ve not been there’s only kingslin and it’s the only two clubs in in Oxford that I haven’t it’s in from what I know it’s it’s in a pretty good location cuz it’s right in the middle of an industrial site so there’s nobody there to to interrupt with the noise and there’s a lot of parking around there as well but so nor you know obviously I’ve been to nor you obviously lovely part of the country um and you know I’ve been to Kingsland two or three times I like the drive there as well so that’s it’s just a shame it’s so far away isn’t it you know it’s it’s a long old drive something from around here over to kingslan so no other way to get there yeah helicopter Mike’s helicopter yeah you’re my mythical invisible helicopter that one yeah okay so yeah we caught up on all those uh comments um you still feel his part like SM lck’s the one to be I think so don’t you yeah I think uh you know he just he just seems to be you know he just seems to be able to do the bare minimum in the moment but doing enough to keep his head above above the water he seems full of confidence in him you know you hear him talk he you he’s really confident it nothing seems to he feels he feels he’s the best Rider yeah probably because he interesting to see what sort of you know how he’s sort of cing really with the pressure because obviously if he wins it this year you know he would obviously equal Tony Ron’s record of GP titles and obviously we’ have to get one more to equal the record rardon shares with major for World Championships overall um so I mean you know to sh r that obviously all m is not around to say cuz he you’d love to get his opinion on on on B smle cuz I remember when ricardson was getting close to his record he seemed to be quite dismissive of him to be fair Al I think a lot of that was probably didn’t really like the fact that somebody else was was closing in on always theor that’s probably a part of what made M the order he was really wasn’t it sort of yeah maybe ego side of it a little bit yeah I think I always remember him some a conversation with him um I can’t remember where I heard it or whether I read it but it somebody was saying you know I something about good rers always leave room for people to rice and he went no no you don’t leave room for people to Rice sort of said it all uh why not get Ben Clifton on for 15 minutes to update us on his debut season as Kent King’s team manager oh if you want to do that Ben you come on mate any final ring in Elliot hun says Joe Thompson as ryer of the week as ryer of the week is that okay he has has they both doing quite well on Jo obviously I think obviously had the sort of seems to be making the yeah the biggest the biggest dve and Joe roids for who uh oh which team is it oh come on yeah come on come on and say out on a postcard oh come on you’ve let me down no I didn’t gone yeah yeah Simon’s just said Ben Cook yeah Ben Cook’s had a good start of the Season well I’m going to now my I’m going to say m Michelson I was going to say him as well fair I think obviously you can’t sort of get any better than than winning a grand Break can you so and as I say as we said he’s had a he’s had a tough few years hasn’t he so okay uh keep keep your uh nominations okay so Ben Clifton says I know there are contracts in place for Speed wave Nations but after return to the full World Cup format last year I can’t help be a bit gutted to return to the speed wve Nations this year for me the World Cup has extra Prestige I agree I think it’s got extra even more Prestige by only being every is it three years they do it or four years whatever it is every three years I think that gives it more Prestige yeah um the speedway Nations is makes it more exciting yeah Speedway Nations is something different isn’t it and you know I know that the polls don’t lock it because they can’t win it car seem to Wi it so um that sort of negates the pole I think that’s one of the Reas of course he rides for for for Leicester yeah and leester yeah we should talk about Plymouth actually because everybody’s been ring them off but they’ve they’ve had a good start they did Will a Beric as well they lost a Beric by six and berck have been flying yeah so far season so they had a good start so yeah so everybody’s as I say everybody’s been writing them off they had a great win at Edinburgh and they’ve been getting some decent they’ve been getting some good results at uh at home as well so MH you know it’s what they need really they’ve had a tough couple of years I know they had obviously had a lot of problems in the winter with the track yeah um but uh I mean he did it did when I I had to look at it twice yeah and we should mention Kingsland that b did well yeah lost by six think yeah uh would never have picked that I mean you you you last week said everybody’s going to go to to B and lose by tons yeah of course I’m not the only one who been sign that well no I’m a bit I suppose the the only sort of thing that might temper that is that Kings is a similar sort of trackers b f I think it’s quite as fast as B is to be fair so Ben Clifton’s using the feeble excuse of not coming on by saying it’s it’s his wedding on Friday wow get your priorities right next there’s a v he can slip into for five minutes well joking aside Ben congratulations have a good one have a good one yeah and I know how you feel I really do because I’m in the middle of wedding preparations myself and it’s a pain in the bomb see what Dunkin but there can we all talk benett marriage I would talk anybody yeah get a dog is anybody else noticing reduced crows because of price as most Stadium prices are similar other people saying individual Club streaming is killing the sport as for 12 pay 99 a stream one person and seven of his mates can watch it in the comfort of their own home yeah interesting I can I can only I think birmingham’s cres have been up uh that’s all I can go by yeah I think I think they have been up I think they need to sort of make sure that they keep winning and being competitive to make sure that they St because that’s been always been the issue with they have a few bad results it sort of here we go again yeah yeah it was a great it’s such a shame that we haven’t had any meetings since that that’s really frustrating that’s that’s the downside really going up into this league is the fact that there’s not the the regular fix of meetings that has been in in the championship so Ben clefton says I’d like to have seven mates to share a stream with yeah this is this is I suppose this is one of the the counterarguments against streaming matches is it although I believe think haven’t some clubs got something in where you can’t use it if you’re within a certain distance of the stadium I I think some did I’m not sure whether that’s but it doesn’t stop you I me I hadn’t considered this but what what they’re saying is okay you and me didn’t want to go to Birmingham because on you could come to my house and I could just pay for one stream and two of us watch yeah um I I suppose that is a danger I don’t think it happens don’t think it happens strange I never even thought thought is yeah really but 12s on that’s I think I I imagine the clubs will be looking at it closely yeah I don’t imagine that they would be and it’s like I mean for instance I know that Birmingham cannot stream all of their meetings no they can’t because if umor if you’re a Sporter are broadcasting even if they’re not broadcasting at Birmingham I don’t think they no they can’t if EUR sports are broadcasting on a Monday night we’re not allowed to stream our our meeting yeah yeah Ben says Ed T used to have a Geck on their streams not sure anybody else does though and they’re easy to get M pass to be to be honest um I could do that yeah and I’m not no wh uh Lawrence Roger says our stats on bromy TV have not shown many locals streaming it yeah it’s it’s useful for the Y fans isn’t it you know if you you know it’s on the Monday night you want to travel all the way up to B all the way up to Birmingham or when it’s easy just to a long day work just to sit in your in your s and just streaming on your TV it’s not the same though no it’s not the same you know um when I when I went back to when I went to Birmingham the last match which was the B match yeah people were coming and saying saying oh the the the stre the stream’s doing well we even had somebody from Greece watching it yeah well it was me because I was in Greece at the time uh but yeah Craigs me says I like the streams especially for a away meetings I can’t get to and I think that is streaming is key streaming is the way forward you know and at the end of the day I think a lot of these clubs it is sort of revenue from uh it is it is revenue anyway that they get from streams anyway so Pete you’re too GL you’re too late with your comment mate uh so okay umau up again there’s been some interesting results actually this week yep uh and I don’t I mean I don’t think the Plymouth match anybody on the predictions lead nobody’s got that one nobody nobody got that one and I think we all gave it a fairly Hefty win for edingburgh didn’t we yeah so what the hell do we know wasn’t I closing there was one that you got the wrong that what we would have said was the wrong way around was and you went oh I got that one wrong there but I don’t think that was it okay Ben Clifton says now the new national league is getting underway it seems glaringly obvious that young Brits are getting less and less track time these boys need to be riding more than once a fortnite but I don’t a lot of them get track time now in in uh after meetings now um because that’s one of the things particularly in the Premiership that they said they’ve got to do have second half second half yeah a proper second half with the sort of riders either in some sort of like we’ve got the uh what’s the the league called that we’re in now J Premiership no not that one no mdl the mdl thank you very much on all that sort of stuff going on so I don’t know I of oh sorry just go away just go yeah but again workington Plymouth are the ones buggering people’s predictions up yeah and Lawrence says our mdl gives youngsters track time I mean that’s something that that Lawrence in particular has has always done yeah but uh but as to say I mean I think my my issue as well really is the fact that at one stage the national league was arguably the strongest of the three leagues was the most stable one but in Rec that was when Birmingham was in it Bingham was in it cley was in it eastor was in it comry were in it of course for a period of time as well but I mean I’m looking at some of the National League scores now and you you know you’ve got you got Leicester they they’re how much is so far they’ve scored 53 56 55 63 Oxford has scored a 51 and the 55 in their home meting it’s you know they’re big they they’re big big wins and it’s you know if uh if a rers going you know traveling you know at that age and just sort of only picking up ones and twos every week it’s you know perseverance yes but to an extent it’s going to get a little bit demoralizing if it’s happening again and again and again and again there there needs to be more joined up thinking between the three leagues I think it’s it’s always felt I me I know you said this when Birmingham were in the National League it always felt like the the national league was just a bit of an afterthought oh we we’ll deal with that later yeah so I think this is a little bit what Phil Morris is trying to to do with the making sure they have the second halfes for yeah that caliber of Rider um I don’t know B Colts have rode twice then had a swe g how is that constructive for the development of riders um if they if the Riders themselves if that’s all they’re riding then it’s not but I presume they’ve got other opportunities um to ride other tracks for different sort of events and things I don’t know they’ve only had one League they’ve only had one home League match this season Bev and we’re nearly at the end of May so I meally there’s not that many teams in the in the National League but I think I think something needs to be sort of looked at with the fixture list as well to make it a bit more try make it a bit more consistent because you can’t be having me clubs going weeks without any home fixes because problem is these people get out of the habit of going then don’t that’s the problem that is the problem uh Ben Clifton said the moment the BBI forc cadley out by Banning nomadic clubs that’s when the national league started to slide along with losing teams like boxton say what you like about cadley and their fans and I will but they made every Club at that level good money I mean that’s that is a very bon bon was a was a yeah I mean obviously Bon was a fairly unique Place wasn’t it I mean I and anybody who went there you know probably the windiest place on oned no I think I think you know think a lot of riders who went there for the first time got a bit T got a bit perplexed because they wondered why they were picking up speed yes and mus going down the hill but boxon was one of was one of those clubs really they could develop a rider you know over a period period of a couple of years and then move them and then they would go on to another club and get a profit for them but of course that was you know I remember with the L Grim Ry came on the show and he was scathing about the fact that ndl clubs weren’t allowed to have their own assets yeah you know because then you lose that’s that was what that was what the club like buckton you know survived on I mean buckton were you know were a club that probably didn’t have too many home fans cuz it was pretty much in the middle of nowhere they sort of they sort of benefited from Birmingham going there centry going there cowder going there because they took loads of funds FS yeah and East born yeah yeah just to interject uh regarding Grand jwy I have um I’ve uploaded quite a few Clips as well okay um including interviews from your son okay many years ago many years ago yeah yeah yeah that’s our YouTube channel by the way okay I’ll check that out myself uh were your thoughts on nomadic teams and that that not being allowed um I’ve never saw the point I never understood it was never explained why they did they just did it again this consistency and this Clarity was not there this was this was before Phil Morris came and P wasn’t it so I mean Phil Morris would have nothing to do with the national league anyways yeah yeah it was it was disappointing because he sort of fall you were Bing your you were sort of cutting off your nose to SP face I didn’t understand that you know I mean Cy obviously would have cley would have obviously folded anyway of course W not running this year they might they might have continued at Birmingham of course you know I don’t think they were very keen on the audio of going back to Birmingham where they I think they were from you know I don’t want to don’t really want to sort of speculate too much it but I think there were there were there were issues really that a lot of people had with the between the two clubs really yeah well there was always going to be a [ __ ] it was CED like yeah but I would love to see them back they’re good for the sports it’s good for British Speedway to have a you know that’s that that’s famous team I don’t see how at the moment because cadle Council don’t give a well I don’t know how to say that without being rude I I think the problem crow’ got now I mean it’s 30 30 I it’s 29 years since dudy wood Clos it’s a long time and you just wonder now whether it’s too far back in in the past people said that about Birmingham of course 21 years isn’t quite the same as 29 years to be fair you know that’s that’s I mean mind you Le Lester how long leester out for I think Leicester closed 83 they didn’t come back till 2011 so they’re still they’re still the fan base at Crowley but it’s just again it’s uh fing your sight but you know it’ be great if they could uh get back and obviously even better it’ be great if we could get back as well so should we catch up with a few more of the comments that come in and thick and fast there’s a couple of I’m not sure you whether you saw that one there’s one about um you book I think I see if I can remember it at Bon you can get hypothermia and um Sun Sun the same afternoon which so yeah Ben Cook Rider of the week he’s getting double figures regularly at NSS getting better weekly he is coming on making a lot of progress when he was at Peter last season as well which is a track that would have suited him Pete Clark said I was stud ankle deep in snow while applying sun tan otion that was buckton uh cedley still looking for land to build a track there was something in the Press at the end of last season there were but that that seems to have gone I mean that obviously there was a site that they were looking at but I think circumstances sort of blocked that yeah anything happening on the wolves wolves Council front absolutely no idea no all all I know is that CS is look is looking at two potential sites as far as I’m aware they are both Green Belt land which immedately causes a yeah a problem um I know he’s desperate to get back for next year but I think it’s if it’s going to be next year it’s going to have something’s going to have to happen Prett very very quickly for it to be next year it might well be that it’s going to take another a year maybe even two years um I think there’s a bit more realism now I think there was a lot of sort of top thumping really from CVS at the end of last season you know we’ll definitely be backing well he didn’t say definitely but he said you know we determined to be back for 2025 but it’s got to be it’s got to be it’s got to be very very soon um you know it was interesting as well the article in the expression store a few weeks ago I don’t know whether anybody’s seing it about the fact that the the two people that in that were primarily responsible for the decision to kick aside and M have since left and that in know having quite a few monetary issues from from what they gather as well um the only thing with the article I think is that it seemed to be sort of insinuating that stranger things have happened than int going back to CVS and asking in to come back there’s absolutely no Prospect whatsoever of of WS going back getting back into to M if anybody’s seeing any photographs of the place I mean the track’s not there there yeah yeah you can just about say they sh of it but it just it just looks a a mess to be honest that must be sad try and trying I don’t really want to say the photographs of it to be honest but I can understand that I can understand that you take it up a little bit so there was a few that we didn’t see there you go okay so the National League fixtures none know till June the 7th total 3- week break for the whole league clubs only have five home meetings doesn’t help very spread out fixture list yeah I mean I can’t argue with anything just said you know we need clubs need to have a consistent level of fixtures you know it’s not good having a couple of meetings then a five-way bright then one meeting then another three or four week break uh Dave T says thing is that some tracks have not got dates to fit Junior racing in teox well they’re supposed to have they’re supposed to fit the junior racing in in the second half as part so in the Premiership that’s what’s supposed to be happening yeah um people are telling me that that’s not happening Oxford to be fair Oxford haven’t really got a lot of room to maneuver because they’re running in the three leagues so well I mean so they are supporting Junior League racing in in that in that way as as well people are keeping me busy tonight H yes can you yes get back UPS uh okay no we gone we are G that’s gone quite on the Coventry front as well people are saying right yeah I think a lot of that is sort of dependent on on Brandon the state’s next next move isn’t it because obviously the the appeal’s being turned down but that doesn’t mean they’re not going to put another application in so no I think at the end about this one uh did anyone ever find out about this new track film Morris spoke about at the Brandon appeal I think the short answer is no no I know that I know that he did speak about there’s been lots of speculation about it but yeah I mean I think the most of the speculation seem to be surrounding Bradford but I just I just can’t see Bradford ever staging Speedway again Reginald Barker says kingslin only two point deduction is a per decision yeah we discussed the not sure I agree but at least it’s a decision at least it was done with Clarity it was done with speed and it was done uh you know with consistency so that’s that I think that’s the most important thing about the whole thing for me anyway interesting point one or two rain offs at Oxford would cause a load of problems for the three leagues I think they need to use I think they’ve they part of their deal with the landlords is they’ve got to get the dates in at the at at the stadium so I suppose obviously if they didn’t feel they had enough dats in and they have to run national league as well yeah have you seen the Peterburg campaign it seems they getting they’re betting to get back at the show ground uh rather than try and find an alternative site it seems like a losing battle for them in my opinion they’re trying to go down the same route as cry campaign but I feel it’s a totally different scenario I had heard something about this yeah as far as I know they still haven’t had the go ahead for the to to construct on on the on the sh ground yet um you know as say it’s good that they’re doing all this battling and camp iring that really they should have been doing this while it was still there I thought yeah I mean it did feel very it did feel like they just threw the tolling didn’t they but we said that at the time Simon corett says I’m afraid once you’re gone it’s a long way back that’s true but it’s not impossible not impossible but you know some sometimes it can feel like it’s going to be impossible doesn’t it so I mean you have you have to say Birmingham is going through its longest ever if you don’t count the break that we had when when we lost in the the Prem when we the elite league and we we folded that yeah but although we did fold that year we then came back came back the next year so it’s continuous in that sense this is the longest period of continuous Speedway we’ve ever had yeah yeah I looked at it the other day oh okay so yeah it is a long way back but it’s not impossible i’ I’ve found that this year really it’s been you know I’ve enjoyed going to miss miss spway at Birmingham but it’s it’s not really the same as is uh that’s never going to be is it never going to be so and as Craig said Oxford’s a good example they for for a long time it looked like that was lost but they they they plugged away and they got workington as well you know workington admittedly weren’t out for that many years were they they were only up for 3 four years uh and I suppose they were lucky that they had another site that they could go to that wasn’t too far away from Derwin Park Rich Thomas says apparently the track was brayfield stuck car track I have toite allegedly there because we don’t know uh but he was never going to tell you where it was he was never going to give you the coordinates for it was to be fair sir maybe we should get him on the show well he’s been on before has he has been on before I must have a chat with him I’ve got his number so oh I’ve got his number just realized and I’m not giving it out to anybody so stop asking um I was asking yeah I think we ought to get on with our prediction League yes I mean there was not a lot of movement last week I believe we got the um let’s have a look I quite like that there wasn’t a lot of movement because I’m in my best ever position you are no I think you dropped out of place actually so you’re you’re there I’m equal ninth yeah pretty good I’m happy with that 22nd but I’m only four what’s with this buck NY at the top oh yeah yeah look at what’s going on right so so we got smon at the top and Brian book uh Rich Thomas map book Duncan pton Dave twine Elliot hunt John BT and Gordon gaml that’s as far as I’m going to go I’m not going to mention next one okay where and where’s Mr uh Chris Brown 22 22 slowly slowly climing up I think four four points behind you so I’m happy with that okay we shall see have no fear that 100 quid [Laughter] safe what Craig SMI says get Phil Mar somus I think we need a show longer than an hour I doubt dated how long was it it was in Co during Co he was on last wasn’t it I think it was yeah cuz I I wasn’t there that night I don’t think cuz that was when my my dad was Ill so right yeah yeah that Rings B actually I think that was more to talk about the JPS wasn’t it right Pete Clark wants to know how does the points work on not scoring very many you have to get the uh you have to get right well that’s the first thing if you get uh if you get the exact score right you get two points and then it turns green on the little chart which as you can see nobody got one uh if you get the right result then it’s one point and you get a yellow and that big block of red there I guess is Edinburgh versus Plymouth yeah yeah yeah nobody got that one nobody got that one okay let’s get on with them then there got fixes in front here to it I believe it’s me to start this week so we will start the base end series tomorrow south coast Derby pool against Plymouth I mean I mean I pull by 10 points can lightning strike twice I’ll say I’ll say pull by 14 I’ll go in the middle pull for 12 by 12 okay next up we’ got the East Anglia Derby kingslin against dips and if you don’t get you don’t get a point if his s’s postponed [Laughter] either it switched by 12 post uh speit by six okay um do you know what I think no I’m actually going to say it switch by 14 I Tor myself out of a silly decision just to point out if don’t dun it’ser you get a mug there yeah and a t-shirt you get called a mug yeah yeah okay well he got usually got a Simon doesn’t it so we got a mouse mats now as well M there we go Matthew harl just uh comfortable win by which doesn’t put you on the league you need to give us a score okay right next up also in the Premiership Oxford against bellev oh it’s up to me isn’t it that’s a tricky one that is um I’m going to go BW by four Oxford by four you Oxford did you just let me have time to think I’m an old man Oxford by two okay and the next one Sheffield against Leicester oh that’ll be a nice uh M yeah I’m going to say Sheffield by eight Sheffield Bo ice as well Sheffield Bo 12 okay okay next in the championship on Friday it’s Glasgow against red car oh that will be tasty y glasg go by six also I’ll GL go by 10 glas go by eight might split the difference okay next up also in the championship on Friday Edinburgh against skunthorp that’s what’s up to you Chris edingburgh by four I think edingburgh will have a bit of a reaction so I’m going to say edingburgh by 10 I’m going to steal your thunder draw oh okay okay okay let’s move on then to Saturday afternoon it is workington against Oxford in the championship okay that’s to me [Music] uh workington by six workington by two workington by eight okay also on Saturday night the return in the Bas n series Plymouth against po it’s up to you m I’ll say pull by four I’ll go pull by two I’m going to say Plymouth by two okay then on Monday night we got the War of the Roses at the NSS bellw against Sheffield that’s up to you bellw by four I’ll go biew by eight B by four okay also Monday Birmingham against dip switch holy cow was the easiest one to predict I don’t want to say anything draw would you take a Ser he with with Emil and doily no obviously super hit we’re going to lose but with Emil and doily in this this so hopefully there’ll be a few good few there obviously to say you know think back to when last round at Perry bar with cry in the place Ram doesn’t it and and his first race was unbelievable yeah he did like the track didn’t he anyway uh I will go for ipswitch by six Matthew harmer’s G IP switch by 15 when you can get a 15 Point get but that’s a lot yeah well go by 12 okay okay and finally in the Premiership Leicester against Oxford it’s up to the lester6 I’ll go list of [Music] I four Lester by [Music] him there we go that concludes this weeks yep so get your scores on the uh posted up and then we’ll put them on the lead table excellent thank you very much for uh taking part everybody I think this has been the best uh so far in best prediction League ever mly because I’ve never been that high still a bit of time to go yeah for me to sink is that what you’re saying you even know do yeah I’m pretty confident s will win again yeah we we we I think we need to start thinking about a handicap system yeah can we find 115 charges onke his eyes out can we find 115 charges on him or I shouldn’t say should have we not allowed to say in the okay I thought it was 151 um how are we going with the RO of the week who do we who do we think’s at the most votes so far I think Ben Cook’s probably obviously us two went for um M mels Ben Cook’s had quite a few so well that’s up to you to Kay yeah I have a look ler yeah we’ll we’ll send the win of the trophy obviously don’t worry so I predict I won’t score many this week either says P does he get a point for that if he’s right yeah he’s pretty rubbish right well it’s been an interesting week I think with the GP uh a brand new winner MH we’ve got this decision with kingslin we’ve got teams like Plymouth giving teams like Birmingham hope and workington yep um it’s a funny old game this Speedway MH you know I mean Barry Barry C and workington have made a big impression of in the championship side for they’re both toed at the top with um so again this sort of I like what I’ve said with the with the the Run of fixes baric have had four matches workington have had five Paul have had two Oxford have had one scun I’ve had one Plymouth have had three so you got to say Paul’s the standout team really I think I think so yeah Glasgow haven’t had a great start they are really uh I mean I fancied red car to do well but they’ve had a a poor start as well obviously they haven’t got they’ve lost all four of their matches so far and Edinburgh which is a big surprise to me Edinburgh obviously rock botom as well um I just I just worri with Edinburgh really because we don’t know what their future holds either with the a surprised team of the season so far I know it’s early days pouth yeah I think so workington have been a bit of a surprise as well I know they’ve got a lot of experience at the top end of their of their side um yeah but I think you’d have to probably say Plymouth they’ve they’ve done they’ve done okay so far you they certainly exceeded my expectations but it’s yeah we should mention Jack Smith signing for Glasgow as Dave Twi has um pointed out uh a rider that I I felt was going to kick on and go somewhere never did did he really I think I think he had a lot of issues away from the track didn’t he know Jack so Matthew Harel says what do you think about the state of British Speedway it’s a shame about Southern tracks going like Ry house and Lakeside nearest track to meet is Oxford which is 1 hour 40 minutes so the southern well that’s that Southeast area used to be a real hot breakfast Bo same as the Midland you and now obviously in the Midlands we’ve only got Birmingham and Leicester uh and obviously in the Southeast is completely wiped out now isn’t it so yeah it’s not I know there’s there’s obviously campaign to try and stop my house from going um Lakeside I think are still looking for for site as well I’ve been hearing stuff about that yeah no it’s uh it’s a it’s a shame you know a lot of these areas where there was a track near you you know that was one of the tag lons wasn’t it for many many years there’s a track near you and that seems to be less and less the case in uh in racing times doesn’t it s well one track in the West Midlands mhm one track in the East Midlands my track in the East Midlands yeah how many tracks down in uh South now you got Poland you got pouth that’s it um Scotland seems to be the place to they got theyve yeah Edinburgh Glasgow red car you could possibly K in if you been Kent I said red car I you said Kent I said red car you can count in there the maps the other way geography wasn’t his suppose you could say workington as well if you’re pushing it would you because it’s obviously just just South of the Border Beric Bar’s On the Border it yeah Pete Clark says is that the last we hear of Lee comping I would think so yeah for those that don’t now he uh been a naughty boy uh some substance or other we don’t really know what who’s the Australian up working he the one to watch says simonot and you’re you’re chating out to find out no I’m not using Google wouldn’t use that can’t be his brain yeah the lass of Peter which is a massive shame unbelievable loved that track great great little RAC track big racet track I should say um but you look back at the the tracks that you when I used to go Speedway in the 70s and 80s there was two leagues and there was more teams in the first League than we got in all three of the leagues now sets it all don’t it really it does so how many were in the top T zish is the the roer by the way who sorry t zish okay is the Australian there were something like 25 yeah a seven yeah averaging just under eight points a meeting so it’s a good start for him yeah just just before we just before we wrap up what’s what’s the biggest gate you biggest crowd you’ve ever been in not not GPS um British final oh okay 1982 I think it was and where was I centry oh centry yeah Brandon absolutely Haven when um uh Andy Grand one of course yeah um one of my one of my one of my earlier amings of Wars would was a derby against Crow and I believe there was about 10,000 in the stadium right and there was a few darbies Birmingham versus cley that were absolutely humming um yeah I mean dunan d Duncan Pon there 130,000 inside C in 76 13 oh my God yeah that’s crazy isn’t it right well um gosh we’re there we’re there we’re there um we’ve got a surprise for people next week talking you’re not coming yeah uh yeah you you do know what I’m talking about you’ll think about it in a minute um thank you very much everybody for your contribution tonight the show does not work without you uh what’s your opinion on Switching the venue for the British GP to Bell viw on a brilliant race track rather than a temporary track where the racing isn’t great they can’t take they haven’t got enough space m is my view on that and to be fair there’s you know you got to Bell View there’s not really a fat lot to do around the area as well Cardiff is Right bang slapp in the center of the yeah and Cardiff was better last season I will say that Cardiff was a lot better last season so there we go oky dokie uh thank you very much we will hopefully see you all next week um keep going to the speedway enjoy your Speedway and good luck to each and every one of your teams take care bye-bye good night good [Music] night G here [Music] [Music] hey

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