Golf Babe

FULL TOURNAMENT ROUND: Day 1 at the WPG Ladies Open @ Sunrise Golf Taiwan 🇹🇼

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please welcome thanks to our friend James we’ve got another tournament footage for you guys out here in Taiwan so we’re playing at Sunrise Golf and Country Club and I thought I’d show you guys my round and how I did and maybe some comments on basically the day so this is starting from Whole 10 this is whole 10 which is a par four so you can see 1 2 three bunkers out there so the middle bunker bunker that you can see here is actually bunker B in the photo and for this hole it is always into the wind and blowing from the right side so for today’s Target the Target is actually to go towards bunker B and to just give ourselves a shot from the Fairway so I don’t have my yardage book to tell you guys the exact distances but I know what clubs I was roughly hitting so over here I’m hitting a nine iron once you hit the fairways on this golf course it’s not too difficult although you will have quite a lot of undulation so it’s quite likely that you’re not going to see a lot of flat lies out there so we walk away with a power on the first toll of the day and the next toll we’ve got a part three you can’t see from this angle but there are a lot of bunkers surrounding this green so it’s pretty difficult hole it’s also playing about 180 today so I was hitting a 5 I in here and as you can see by the flag it’s pushing towards the right there is a bunker on the right side and this green landing area is pretty narrow you’ll be able to kind of see it in this next clip you can see that it’s not a very white green so it’s definitely not an easy one to hit here um got myself in the bunker the wind just kind of took it and I didn’t hit it very solid so tried to get this up and down from here I was pretty happy with that bunker shot you don’t get a lot of spin out here on the greens that we play in Asia especially I think you can tell a bit more from this green it is not in the best condition um I’ll show you guys a close-up later on but yeah unfortunately the greens were poisoned by something so it’s not been in a very good condition and you can tell by that part it just is broke basically every single way possible so yeah it’s not the easiest to be reading the greens um during this tournament but sometimes you’ve just got to play with what you’ve got so next up we’ve got a par 4 and I think one thing interesting you can see a lot of green a lot of golf courses in Korea in Taiwan in Japan they have two greens so you can see one on the left and one on the right where the people are putting at um obviously not too happy with that t-shot but we are still it was a this hole is honestly very very wide so we they’re completely fine for this second shot I’m hitting an eight iron coming out of the rough so I was expecting it to come out a bit hotter but just because I didn’t have a great Li so just clubbing up a little bit to get myself somewhere on the green for sure so we just slightly underr that part but we gave ourselves a taping part here so completely fine with that let’s move on to the next to which is a par five you can see from the picture we’re going towards green be so it’s a pretty straight hole but everything does kick from the right to the left on this Fairway and the wind is always blowing from the left to the right so at this point during the round I don’t know if you can tell but I wasn’t really happy my ball striking at this point hitting everything a little bit left so yeah on this hole if you do hit the fairy you do have a chance to go for the green but because I hit a bit left I did not so I was just hitting a five iron here to punch it out towards the Fairway give myself a good wedge into the green because there is water down the left side so from this distance of where I was after my t- shot it would didn’t make sense to go for this green after that second shot I left myself with about 75 Ys to the PIN as you can see again like I said lots of undulating Fairway so you’re most likely never going to be on a flat L and like I said as well how this entire hole slopes from the right to the left you can see it’s all feeding towards the water hazard so you definitely have to be a bit cautious about that the next to that we’ve got it’s hole 14 which is an easy PA for we’re going to it green V again it is only about a 210 carry for those bunkers in the center of the faway so it’s only playing about 340 yards so as long as you carry those bunkers you’re going to leave yourself in a pretty good position like I said I wasn’t hitting my my shots very well at this point in time but I knew that I have so many h ago but this was a very much welcome ho because I could give myself a pretty wide Fairway to hit as well as a pretty short approach shot so this was definitely a good hole to get myself a bit of a confidence boost so a nice little birdie there to get ourselves back to even part and moving on to whole 15 which is another part four so again the water hazards only about a 210 carry so another nice Fairway to kind of let one rip to get ourselves a little bit back in syn again going toward its green [Applause] bee so from here I think I had a 9 it wasn’t too long of a hole but this green is a little bit tricky especially with today’s pin position it’s a bit on top of a slope so I’m just aiming towards the wider side of the green which is where I’m going to end up here and trying to give myself an uphill part um like I said it was a bit of a slope so you can see if you hit it towards the right side and if you miss right it’s going to be pretty tricky so I did a good job here giving myself um apart from The Wider side of the green which on a lot of these screens you just kind of need to take your medicine and just go towards the wider side because of how much ulation there is so the next door we’ve got whole 16 is again a pretty long part three I was hitting a six iron here so it was playing about 165 but it was about a 1 and 1/2 Club into the wind and there is a bunker in front that’s obviously there to trap everyone the pin is only about 5 pieces on today so trying to get it all the way there but obviously as you can tell by my reaction didn’t get all of the shot so left myself luckily not in the bunker but I pushed it right enough to give myself a chip uphill here and got it pretty close so whole 17 is a paffle there are some pretty well positioned bunkers here so we’re going towards green a but we actually kind of almost want to aim it at Green B over the right bunkers and um successfully got myself on The Fairway which from here it is it’s a pretty elevated green so we do want to try to get as much of it as we can unfortunately I had a pretty bad lie because I was up here as you can see like up against the slope but also my ball was like kind of in a hole so I didn’t catch all of that as you can tell from here left myself short and also the left side of this green I’ve realized was definitely not the best play because you can see how much my ball broke and the greens are pretty slow they’re only at the speed of like 8.3 so for them to be rolling that quickly from that direction you know it’s all downhill down grain so that means this part is uphill into the grain we successfully saved the part so no harm done there and we moving on to whole 18 which is a PA five so one of the things tricky about this golf course and about Taiwan in general is that they don’t give us a lot of Hazards so it might look like a pretty wide Fairway but if you miss it it’s most likely going to be OB so that’s one of the things that makes it quite a bit narrow um on this par five we can the aim is kind of to carry that right bunker and then from there everything is going to kick left so over here I am just laying up with a five iron I’m on a bit of a down slope so it’s not a great lie to be honest to hit a wood and from here I only got some kind of wedge so I knew that ling up the 5r will give me in a good position to be quite a bit aggressive and as you can tell again no flat lies on this golf course and everything kind of the slopes always just lead towards the water hazards so it’s definitely not an easy golf course but it can seem pretty wide depending on the Wind as well in Taiwan a lot of the factor is going to be nature because nature can really be quite aggressive out here I was definitely hoping to close with a birdy here but finished with an even on the front line and moving on to our back line hole one again well positioned bunker on the left we can’t carry it but we can definitely get into it and on the right side and the left side it’s OB the target here is actually towards the left side of those right bunkers because it’s a bit of a slow slope where depending on where you land it’s either going to kick left or right so it’s a bit tricky but it’s much wider towards the right side from here I was hitting a ner into this green and hit a pretty good shot here was happy with that to give myself this look at birdie yes happy to make one there and we move on to the next hole hole two again all the path three that we play is pretty similar in distance so on this hole I’m hitting a six iron I’m pretty sure it’s about 175 to the pin and you can see it’s blowing pretty hard from the right to the left and into us so this green is again a bit tricky where it’s a slope in the center of the green where if you land it in the certain point it’s going to go right if you land it on the other point it’s going to go left so I was trying to hit it to that slope but I I think I aim a bit too far right um ended up on the right side of this green honestly wasn’t too bad because on this green from the right side is uphill into the green and from the left side it’s downhill down Green so it’s definitely easier to approach from where I was um you can tell I thought I hit that pretty hard but still did not even get close to getting it there um so left myself with about a six footer here aart so the next door we’ve got a par 4 it’s a bit tricky you can tell there’s a big slope in the center of the Fairway um the wind here is always going to be left to right and you can tell that it’s picking up a bit but it’s hard to aim towards the left side of this Fairways you can see that’s not where you want to be it’s all OB over there and you cannot be too far left because if you get a wrong bounce you could potentially go to the ob as well so my target here is always going to be towards the right side of this green which is kind of right in the center of that slope because I know that with my draw if I hit that slope it’s going to go down towards the left side which is technically more ideal because it’s flatter to be approaching the Green from there so you can see what I’m saying here my ball did hit that slope and ended up on the left side of the Fairway unfortunately I had so much mud on my ball with the wind and the mud it I really had no idea which direction the ball was going to go and it just kind of lost a lot of its speed ended up being quite a bit short but I left myself with not too bad of a position here wa and a nice little surprise birdie so the next hole is a PA three again hitting a six iron here um the wind here is usually blowing from the left to the right but it kind of looks like it was dying down when I was about to hit and you can see again everything on the left side is going to bounce left and here you can see the wind kind of picked up again cuz the flag started blowing I was expecting the wind to kind of hold it up a little bit so I was just kind of aiming towards the scent of the green here and not too bad of a position here I would say anything on this green I’m happy with especially because I hit a draw and it’s just not the most ideal shape for my eye like seeing that everything left is going to go for the left so I’m always pretty content with pars on part three so let’s move on to the next hole um you can’t really see from this angle but it is a pretty big darkg leg left and I’m kind of aiming it at the bunker that’s far left on this screen here because with my draw I can definitely cut a little bit of the line do need to be a bit cautious because the left side is OB but from there it’s really not too bad of a position and from my second shot here I’m on The Fairway but I’ve got a bit of a downhill lie so I’m clubbing up a little bit because it’s going to carry a bit further because of the downhill eye so sitting an eight iron into this green and I ended up hitting a pretty good shot giving myself a good look at birdie here so hit a good pot but just did not drop so uh tap in part and moving on to the next tole which is a pretty short part five I’m going to kind of show you what it looks like from the T box from this photo so we’re just trying to get over the water hazard the more right you go obviously the shorter the line is going to be but it is Into The Wind as well so we don’t want to be too aggressive it’s a par five just getting ourselves on The Fairway would be good enough and I ended up not hitting a super great shot but it was not too bad it was completely fine because I it a little bit though I did end up being in the rough but I decided to just go with the three-wood as well because it was only about 220 to the green at this point so I didn’t really feel like laying up with the 7 iron would be the best place so I decided to just go with my fuid and try to get it as close to the green as possible to be honest this is kind of the spot where I felt like this bunker is just in front of the green so even if I hit it to this bunker I’ll be fine but unfortunately as you can tell well I just had a really weird Lie from the bunker like there was sand behind the ball and I just kind of caught it really heavy and then this pin as well was in a really awkward position where it was just above this slope so I to be a bit aggressive with that Chip Shot make sure I get it on top of the slope at this part coming back for par and it just broke the completely opposite direction of where I thought it was going to break so this was a pretty bad bogey here honestly I didn’t think that that bunker was going to be a bad spot because it’s a power five and getting to a green side bunker in two I didn’t think it would be a bad position to be in but I learned my lesson um from that day and definitely did not go to that bunker anymore after that day so let’s move on to the next hole you can see here water has it down the right side and again the whole Fairway is kicking left to right so just aiming towards that left side of the Fairway here usually there’s a pretty big bounce if you hit it towards the left side of that Fairway and as you can tell I thought I hit a good shot but I ended up just getting stuck in that rough you can see I’m like one yard from being perfect if I had hit that side of that Fairway or if it had bounced right I would have probably ended up being like 50 yards further which was kind of the game plan but it’s all right from here I was hting and eight iron into this green ball below my feet but the wind is blowing right to left but obviously right is not the my so we have to be a bit conservative aim towards the center of the green and honestly hit a good shot from the light that I had in the rough but unfortunately it was just pretty firm green and from the back here it was it looked downhill to me so sitting a 54° wedge to get a bit more run out and the plan here was just to kind of hit this onto the green and let it roll out so you obviously couldn’t see from the camera angle but there is a big slope there that I thought that the ball would take and go down uh maybe you can tell a little bit more here that it’s kind of like downhill and going towards the water so I thought it’d be much quicker than it was obviously did not happen that way so ended up leaving myself a pretty long part for par um ended up hitting a good part here almost made it but ja didn’t want to go in so unfortunately another bogey here honestly not from anything really bad just ended up I mean my first shot my drive I think was a bit unlucky cuz he got stuck on a divot on the rough if not it would have definitely went back down into the Fairway which would have made that whole lot different but anyway let’s move on to the next to which is another power for the game plan here to be honest is kind of to go over the right bunker even though everything the wind is always blowing left to right and there’s Obi right and the Fairway kicks left right as well the approach to green from the right side is just a lot better but I don’t know if you can see but my ball took a massive bounce right um yeah definitely was not expecting that so did did not leave myself in the best position here the ball was very severely below my feet I mean I’m just happy that it stayed up but I you can tell I’m having a hard time getting comfortable here because the ball was so far below my feet that I felt like oh I was going to literally going to fall forward and I was kind of afraid that to be honest that I’m going to sward the ball um shank it so I was just hitting a lot more Club than I was expecting to and just honestly trying to make good contact with the ball at this point happy to have gotten that on the green to be honest I would not complain about that so definitely not complaining about power that hole and moving on to the next hole which is hole 9 and fun fact we actually waited on this hole for 45 minutes before being able to see off so yeah that was very fun um I don’t know if you can tell but it’s also one of the most narrow t-shots on this entire car of course and the wind is always we are also quite high up up above the mountain so the wind s barely affects the the ball in this hole and if you can tell it’s blowing quite hard from the left to right which means that for me even with a draw I need to aim towards the left side of this Fairway which honestly feels like I’m just aiming at the trees I’m going to go so far into the trees but just got to trust the process so I am on The Fairway here although it looks like I’m in the rough I’m on The Fairway way with about 230 to the pin so I decided to just go in my through it and get it towards the left side of this green here because I thought that would leave myself with an opio chip which is what it did I did hit in the ideal position of where I was trying to go but I don’t know if you can tell the pin is on a very difficult position and I thought that um I would be in a good spot but then I ended up being in a hole and my ball my club face kind of got stuck on the way down ended up leaving my club face open and with a much longer part than I was expecting to you can see the slope that I was talking about but yeah anyway it is up part five so I’m still parting for birdie here thought that I hit that part so hard but you can tell by my reaction still did not get it to the hole so this last part here to finish the round at even par and luckily we made it so even P for day one thanks for tuning in guys hope you guys enjoyed it thanks again to James for capturing all these videos and I’ll catch you guys in the next one


  1. I like watch U really going after your dream on playing on Tour!! Manage your game and stick with your shot shape… Don’t doubt yourself, make good decisions and play golf!! U got this!! 👍🏾✌🏾👊🏾

  2. Hey Gen… Fantastic… even tho I know what your score was going to be… Thanks to the camera man for the vids… I always hope to see you play in person again soon. 😍☠✌

  3. It must be something for your shots to go where you want them to pretty much every time. This video is how I envision myself playing, on the drive to the golf course. On the drive home I really can't remember anything except for how great the cheeseburger was at the 19th hole.
    That being said, your videos are a great help to me for learning how to at least plan my shots.

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