I Played The Hardest Stretch of Golf on the PGA Tour

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guys welcome to day 23 today I am at PJ National for the final graduation we have a special edition I’m playing the hardest three holes on the PJ tour which will be later in this video thanks for tuning in let’s get right into it [Music] first toll par five PJ National the back nine uh from the blue te’s this is where they play the cognizant classic I love this golf course and I’ve played very well here in the past Peter Finch I actually shot 5 under on the front nine with Peter Finch was awesome but driver in hand going just over the corner here with the baby draw and I am going to be committed to every single golf shot I hit on this N9 hole portion took the less conventional route I’m going for a record score here in the final episode of this mini graduation series let’s make it great okay I’m at a great golf course with some of the hardest holes on the PGA tour and I want to play well so par five to start and then we’re just going to just going to rock and roll took the uh took the shortest route possible here um 160 yards uh into this par five and they actually play this as a par five in the tournament obviously I’m playing the blue te’s from the graduation but they switched this ho to a par five this year in the cognizant and the scores were much better obviously that’s ridiculous to even say that but just sound like a dupus there but my the thoughts in my head are they’re pretty they’re pretty special sometimes yeah I want something that only travels about 158 we’ll see have if I have that type of accuracy and turns out I do that was that was that was nice that was nice I love it when you pull a shot off like that that you plan out and uh just makes you feel really good at golf 38 ft here all about Pace from this distance turn turn turn yep I will take that birdie there to start off the round one under one off my goal right now which is two under four you guys already knew that on to Hole number 11 which is unrecognizable without the stands and Rocco has never seen this scch without the stand he’s he’s just completely flabbergasted right now h two it’s uh I think it’s around like 390 yards but I can’t hit more than a 4r off this T I’m looking to go about 235 get myself in the Fairway front pin we’re ready to see some action here golf is easy I don’t think that with that swing if that ball goes 255 that’s crazy but you actually have me a little concerned right now I’m concerned right now all right 153 and I’m going to play this about 145 cuz I do not want to be long of this pin um because it just oh my gosh that is literally probably one of the top five shots to be able to get it up on top you’re going to see that Ridge is like the size of a dinner plate I did not think I would get it on top of there but that’s just the beauty of kind of getting lucky with within the shot pattern like I said I was I was like okay with being a little short of this Ridge but to be able to just I I told myself to hit it 145 and I hit it exactly that and the wind carried a little farther to just perfection here I got 12 ft down the hill break to the left not a ton but just want to focus on speed here oh my gosh I’m rolling it nice it look like I pushed that or not yeah no was just that was a great but I shouldn’t I shouldn’t be overanalyzing everything it’s like 12T on tour I don’t know what the make percentage is but it’s definitely not even 50% 50% at 8 ft at 12 ft I think it dropped significantly and I’m over here over analyzing it like I’m on the freaking tour brother just [Music] relax all right hole number three here one under par I don’t need to get greedy driver just it gets real Pinchy up there and just makes it really hard to hit the Fairway so I’m going to hit two iron I’m going to go right over this first bunker and try to hit a little baby draw and I think it’s going to be just the lumous holy crap that came off horribly that hurt my hands that that like I hit the freaking middle of the ball and that shocked my hole all the way up my arm terrible terrible strike there probably see that one on Tik Tok somewhere 185 here I got seven iron in hand I think it’s a good number I’m just looking 10 ft left of the hole oh hang on yeah it’s pin High what it is that wind was it was it was a lot I just main thing was just like you know make a good strike you’re 190 yards away it’s you can hit it inside of a barn from that distance it’s pretty good miss that a little bit but I can get up and down you laughed at me for saying this is pin high it’s I laugh at you because you say every shot is pin high no this one look it’s perfectly lined with a pin from where I was shooting just want to carry this to that there a little bit of a down slope you probably won’t be able to see on camera but got some grass behind the ball so it’s not going to spin at all and it’s going to go a little bit to the right so sit sit sit okay good contact there I’m I’m I’m loving the way my short game is starting to feel much just much better technique here stop I I do not like when I just like just don’t be weird when you go to get the ball out of the hole just like lot of people do weird things and I just don’t like it like just be normal I don’t like like just like why you P [Music] what this is for all the people out there that say he’s only hits two iron yeah I know I only hit two iron when I have to so just shut your mouth cuz I shoot 6 cut okay hole number four one under par of course I’m hitting driver there’s plenty of room I’m looking for a draw that starts at the right edge of this bunker and works back toward the pin the hole it’s not in the hole but it’s going to be really good very easy swing there feel like I’m not quite getting like my I’ve got a little little hump in the ball going and I got to get I got to keep that butt back and go get in like more of this position because I’m getting a little bit up there it’s just not okay I think there’s room enough to kind of get it I think I can spin it enough to carry it over this little bit of a slope here it’s going to kick a little left this would be really like a aggressive play which is is what I’m here for today so spin a little bit aggressive a little bit long there but and I don’t like how I dug that I got a birdie putt moving on I’m going to make this putt I’ve kind of been just L just L gagging around it’s time to break kind of a big swinger here not the best chip shot but also proud of myself she not leaving it short so 18 ft programmed I’m programmed to hit 18t putts hang around just hanging around I just told I just I just told the camera that I’m programmed to hit 18t putts people probably think that I’m I’m an alien too under par when I have this type of confidence things get [Music] scary two under through four holes on the hole number five here so we are about to enter the bear trap this next three holes after this one is what you came here to see two iron in hand I need to hit this 240 in the air and then kind of swing it around those bunkers there’s three palm trees out there that’s my Target and uh just going to go just right at those with little draw I mean I think it’s fine but I pulled it it’s fine if it’s over there all right this actually it hit the cart path and got probably 15 20 extra yards which is kind of nice but I got 114 yards and it’s playing downwind I’m going to play this more I’m going to play this closer to like 105 I hit the tree Go Big Bounce go ah I’m putting I don’t know if the tree hurt it I don’t think I was quite as aggressive as I needed to be but I got a birdie Putt and if it’s 18 ft then I’ll make it 21 F feet here for birdie feeling pretty confident I you know I love hitting longer putts it’s just for some reason about it I just feel like very confident I’m not going to say anything that was a great putt you could start just being like Oh I should have made it no stop it’s 21 ft a lot of people do that though freaking scratch golfers YouTubers stop [Music] warning all right we are entering the bear trap now Hall number 15 here at PJ National like like the sign says over here tournaments are won or lost in the bear trap and uh I am entering entering it now at two under par so 150 yards I’m going to play this up about 15 straight into the wind um I have an 8ar and I’m choking down about an inch on so let’s see if that is the right number good confidence swing here trust the process man what a great strike it’s definitely a little long but I started thinking you know what I could hit this 10 ft left or or I could just trust that I can actually hit a draw and I just decided to do that and I think it worked out really good that was a very nice [Music] strike all right I got a 25 or 27t putt here but I’m trying to hit it probably closer to 25 I think it’s probably 2% down I have no clue how what that equates to but I do think I’m I do think it’s probably going to be about that of a 25t putt oh my gosh look at that roll look at everything about that except that it not go in the hole that is totally fine like you have that dispersion yeah shut up [Music] TIG H number 16 here two under par I got 4 off the tea from the blues here I’m trying to hit this two this is a 235 Club push it kind of right to the edge of the Fairway and then I’ll have myself a nice shot in we got a drone out there for you guys so get ready for something spectacular I mean that is right where I was aiming was that good or was that good can’t wait to see that drone shot 17 1 yards I’m going to play it up to about 185 I got a perfect seven iron um center of the green with a baby draw ideally it would be pretty close oh my oh my shot how about that how about that all right here we go to get to three under we’re going to split the difference between what what we’re feeling there and we’re going to hit it you ran what we do gosh dang it TIG you hit like it was a 30ft putt I know I I just I wanted to hit it hard and I just I just I thought that it was going to just like grab grain was going to pull it to the right yeah I overthought that one I’ll go ahead and be the first to admit it um that is to under with two holes to play and we have a par five to finish which is just I Love Hole 18 out here but we are on the hole 17 it’s a great hole pins in the front it’s time to get nasty with it and give myself an opportunity here wrap this thing [Music] up hole number 17 that that one Burns that one Burns a little bit but I got to lock back in here and uh give myself another opportunity 132 yards I’m playing this closer to 140 because of the wind go wow I think that was a Groove heavy and it was just enough to make me scared as you could see I mean I think I I mean I’m on the top shelf so as far as like bottom shelf would be the water so I’m on the top shelf here I was really wanting to hit something close here and I just kind of failed that mission I’m going to hit this pretty straight it’s breaking a little bit left but the grain’s going to hold it so probably I’m going to aim a cup outside to the right I was about to say it is an absolute joke if I miss the last one and then make this one that’s golf in a nutshell I feel like I’m a pretty good lag Putter and uh that’s a important thing to have in golf so that is two underpar going into the final hole which is a par five a big Drive allows me to get home in two why not finish with an [Music] eagle final hole two under par I think that I can carry all the bunkers it’s like 300 and that typically is not a problem for me I’m going to aim kind of right over the middle of this just Subaru of bunkers that’s just like it should be okay long right to short left to shot pattern so that’s definitely not going to travel as far because I spun it but I really wanted to go for this green and to you know what I probably still can so don’t give up hope yet I did get lucky my ball stayed in play however I don’t think I can go for it um I’m going to kind of aim there’s a bunker over here that is one bunker to the right of this left bunker and it’s if I can get it around there I’ll have about 67 80 yards left oh my gosh don’t hit the cart path oh get in the bunker or something that is a terrible lie 76 yards I did get into the bunker I thought that maybe I was going to be on that right there and that would have not been good um but these are just they’re all about contact it oh my gosh I think there’s a bunker back there I just hope I mean my gosh T what are you doing all right it’s still alive I’m just thankful for this bunker in this moment but time to get it up and down oh oh I am going to make this putt I’m so determined I’m I’m feeling good I’ve hit a lot of great putts today I can do this yes oh my gosh that is such a huge success for me that feels so good bogey free 2 Under on this course I know I was playing the blue te’s but bogey free 2 under is is pretty freaking cool thank you guys so much for tuning in I did successfully graduate the blue te’s let me know if you want to see another version of this in the future thank you guys so much for watching and thank thank you so much for all the support if you haven’t subscribed to the Channel Make sure you do that now um click the link in the description for 18% off a bad birdie apparel the best looking Apparel in golf hands down we’ll see you guys tomorrow [Music]


  1. no offense to anyone but these holes don’t rank as the hardest on the pga tour, and individually don’t rank as the hardest holes on this course

  2. La passione che guida questa conversazione è palpabile e accende fiamme di ispirazione interiore.💕

  3. Micah i have to say you have really improved since the good good days. Even from when you first went solo. Your game was struggling a bit and thats okay but you really have improved on the short game. And your putting has gotten sooo much better. Keep up the great content we are loving it. Cheers.

  4. Course is played out by YT golfers, more used than NBA players taking turns with Kardashians. Just looks like another flat Florida course. Good golfing though.

  5. That aerial shot on 17 / 8 in this video is me (in the white). No big deal. Damn drone came zooming in over my head on my birdie putt 😂😂😂 You’re bigger in person

  6. Micah please stop being surprised by your amazing golf shots.
    If you are constantly surprised, you cannot be confidently sure.
    Keep killing it.

  7. Your playing is really on the upswing Micah. That mental lapse on 7 was just that, a mental lapse. hit it way too firm, had the line.

  8. Not that hard of holes. The crowned greens at Pinehurst are damn near impossible. Try the 504 yard uphill par 4 on the front on #2. Humbling hitting a wood into a turtle back green. Not a chance it stays on.

  9. so the hardest holes on the pga tour start with a par 5 that you can miss the fairway by 100 yards and still be in bounds? huh. makes sense. 'swing away'!

  10. Great video sir. Not sure why people give you such a hard time. If you ever feel the end to showcase how much better you are than an average golfer, just let me know. Willing to take a beating for the program lol. Average mid/high handicap golf who isn't an ex high school or college player.

  11. Congrats, this was one of your best 9 holes I've seen. With that attitude, you can still bring it pretty far!

  12. Really enjoying this series Tig. Loving all the variety of content you have came up with the last 30 days.

  13. Congratulations Tig Man, your course management was pretty spot on and your shot making only added to that.

    On 18 I was a bit nervous as I saw the big donk come out and as you were playing well I though you may have some nerves, which could potentially lead to a shakey swing. But you got away with it luckily.

    I would have loved to see you hit 2 iron on the 18th that is the only time I was a little hesitant for you.

    Great round, great putting, some good iron play and some good clutch putts.

    You are improving and keep going with it!!


  14. Micah your change in demeanor/attitude has been so noticeable and I feel like this series you’ve been able to find and show your true self. Your game is going right along with it. Insanely enjoyable to watch during this 30 day series

  15. Great video. However, stop putting boxes around the scores on the scorecard on the screen, it hurts my brain. <3

  16. You push so many putts. Bring that putter head more left on the follow through. Back stroke is 💰

  17. Micah, I’m a member at Oakmont in Pittsburgh, PA. Come through. I can get your crew a tee time or two. No cap

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