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Why AEW Wrestlers Are Leaving

There’s has been lots of drama in AEW recently in regards to wrestlers leaving and potentially wanting to leave AEW. This of course on top of all the recent All In backstage footage drama, so there’s a lot going on in AEW right now so like the video and let’s talk about it, let’s talk about all the AEW drama right now.

Video title: Why AEW Wrestlers Are Leaving

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there has been lot of drama in aew recently in regards to wrestlers leaving and potentially wanting to leave this is of course on top of all the recent Allin backstage footage drama so there’s a lot going on in aw right now so like the video and let’s talk about it let’s talk about all the aew drama happening right now there’s been some controversy surrounding the firing of the boys from aew I’m a bit late to this story so you might have heard it already but for those who haven’t then here you go the boys were a tag team signed to Ring of Honor and aew made up of Brothers Brent and Brandon Tate and they mainly performed in Ring of Honor and were around in Ring of Honor pre Tony Khan and returned to the brand when Tony Khan bought the company the boys were aligned with Dalton castle and a key part of the act and leading up to Super card of Honor they were involved in the middle of a storyline between Dalton castle and Johnny TV and during this Feud there was a match stipulation where if Johnny won the boys would belong to him Johnny of course won and the boys would start coming out with Johnny TV and Ty but on the go home show to Super card it was randomly announced that the boys were gone as they had been eaten by bears okay and then out of nowhere it was announced that the boys along with many other aew Talent were released and the boys being released was surprising due to the fact that they were in the midst of a storyline and were just abruptly written off of it but the pot would stir even further when on the media call after super card of Honor Tony khah was asked about the circumstances leading to the boy release and said that they were released due to no showing multiple shows which at first hearing you think is probably an understandable reason to release them but the boys had a different idea what happened and release a statement that to give her too long didn’t read they reputed a lot of what Tony Khan said and mentioned they were cut due to budget cuts and that the no showings that Tony Khan referred to was an incident where they had been booked flights from the airport further away from the one local to them and when they tried to get it changed and tried to get it fixed there was a lack of communication from aew’s part and the boys never ended up on the show and it wasn’t their fault that they no showed and also loads of screenshots of text with seemingly an aew travel agent were also posted along with it as evidence I’ll leave all of this thread linked down below Tony khah would then respond by saying he’s open to working with the boys again but stands by what he said and cited past issues he had been told about and his own experience with regards to the no- showing as to why they were released and if their tweets are any indication the boys don’t seem to agree with that statement either and despite Tony Khan saying he’d work with them again I’d probably predict that we won’t be seeing the boys on Ring of Honor or aew again in other wrestling news Matt Hardy is officially a free agent again and no longer a part of aew Matt Hardy of course joined aew in 2020 debuting as broken Matt Hardy he left the WWE for aew as he wanted creative control over his character and wanted to bring the broken character back which WWE weren’t interested in doing he of course went to aew as broken Matt Hardy and it started out fairly well there was that street fight tag team match that was fun with the golf caddy and also Stadium Stampede which was great that Matt Hardley was a part of but unfortunately this was all in the middle of the panoramic and with no crowds broken Matt Hardy just wasn’t a hit whatsoever and after only a couple of months Matt Hardy himself decided to drop the character and then after that came big money Matt and his endless Stables the hfo then the aho then him and Jeff Hardy’s tag team with private party where they were meant to like Mentor them but then nobody really got over from it and him and Jeff Hardy Were Meant to actually win the aew tag titles but Jeff Hardy got a DUI charge so these plans were scrapped and since then Matt Hardy has kind of just trailed around mainly on rampage and it’s all led to now where apparently despite aew trying to negotiate with him he’s gone from aew According to Matt he’s still in conversation with aew and to be honest I wouldn’t write off a return if I’m aew I’m getting Matt Hardy on a short-term deal just to run Copeland and Christian against the hardies in aew because when Copeland debuted I was sure we were going to see that so I’d be surprised if we didn’t there’s no word on when Jeff’s deal expires so if Matt doesn’t come back it will be interesting to see what Jeff Hardy does in aew and maybe if a WWE return could be the future for Matt Hardy and I wouldn’t write off a TNA return either at this point regardless Matt Hardy’s run in aew fell a little flat and I say that as someone who as a kid actually preferred Matt over Jeff I was a weird kid I guess but like I said I’d at least like to see the hardies against cop and Christian at least one more time because it would be really disappointing to have all of them in the company and not do that and that’s all that’s really left for the hardies to do in aew Dan Howen clearly wants to leave aew it is very clear that he doesn’t want to be there and aw fans are not happy with Dan Howen after they noticed what was going on in inside his Twitter likes no he wasn’t liking any weird but rather he was just liking post supporting CM Punk in the current debate and discourse over aew airing the all-in backstage footage Dan Howen was close with CM Punk during Punk’s time in aew and seemingly Dan Howen has been unhappy in aew for a while so obviously the release of this backstage footage is the perfect time to let some of that out if you weren’t aware though danen is the character invented by Donovan danous and Dan Howen got pretty popular on the independent scene he has also made a few mainstream appearances with the likes of Conan O’Brien and had good merch selling ability and sold lots of merch for an indie wrestler all of which I’m assuming is the main reason aew signed him it’s been very clear that Dan Howen hasn’t fit in with aew his character hasn’t been a hit he hasn’t really had any memorable matches and he isn’t really a work rate wrestler to begin with and all in all he just doesn’t really suit aew and the way they do things combined that with his limited and inconsistent TV time and the fans haven’t really made a connection with him and Dan hen can sort of be seen as a bust for aew and like I said I’ve been seeing aew fans annoyed at him for liking tweets supporting Punk over at aw and while I personally don’t care about what he tweets or what he chooses to like I think he’s sending a very clear message to his employer here and it’s very clear that he just doesn’t want to be there in fact like this video if you want to see a full video discussing aew wrestlers who clearly don’t want to be there because there’s definitely a few more examples of this genius so reports have came out recently that hook may be considering his options in free agency when his contract expires with aew and that interest from the WWE wouldn’t be surprising and this is a bit of a shock to me because Hook is an aew guy through and through and he’s been built up a lot more recently and a lot more of a regular fixture on TV and while it does shock me that he may want to leave aew it definitely doesn’t shock me that WWE are interested in him though because he would definitely fit in well with the WWE in case you don’t remember he made his first appearance for aw in late 2020 as an associate of Team Taz as Hook is of course the son of Taz and it wouldn’t be a year later until he finally made his debut by which point he’d build up a cult following for himself and his debut was long awaited but a common problem I have with aw debuts is that a lot of aw debuts will get hyped up and they’ll start squashing guys and beating lower card guys for a bit which at the start of their run is the right thing to do but in aw it feels like that goes on for a really long time and they never really level up in competition and kind of stay stuck in that first phase of their run and it looked that way for hook for a while but in the last few months I think we finally seen hook become a more integral part of the main roster and move up from being a lower CER to an upper mid cter he of course challenged for the world title in a great match against Samoa Joe earlier this year which of course kicked off that drama between Tony KH and Jinder Mahal but like I said hook has been getting more involved in aw storylines which is why I’m surprised about the potential of him leaving aw but then again maybe I’m not surprised because the storyline he’s involved in is with Chris Jericho who just recently took a trip to the US trademark office to file The Learning Tree which is definitely a stable name oh God hook get away but in all seriousness I’d like to see hook remain in aw because I think he suits the company and he’s getting better and he’s still a good worker as it is right now and still got good things to come for him but at the same time I also know that he would definitely do well for himself in the WWE guys that is it from me leave a like for more content just like this if you want to see that aw video about wrestlers who definitely don’t want to be there leave a like especially comment down below what videos you want to see next subscribe to the channel for more content and I’ll see you all soon goodbye and keep on rolling


  1. Danhousen would be better off on NXT selling Merch as a Comdy jobber Bushwacker style hes shift a load could be on Mania Rumble sell some more Merch andcurse someone and back to NXT.. Hook could go to the WWE Midcard but will next NXT first like Brain Pillman Jr and they will give him a dodgy name to

  2. Tony just gets wrestlers for a quick pop before they sink beneath the roster again

    Thats why I couldnt give less of a shit when Okada, and Mone were signed, cause I know theyre not gona end up doing much judging by how previous signings have been treated

  3. Tony should have quit being everyone's friend and started being a boss. On top of that, keep that coke out his nose, and stop with the Twitter fingers and grow up.

  4. Danhausen as a comedy gimmick in WWE like Santino was or R-Truth is would slap so damn hard.

  5. Maybe it's because TK is not doing his job (being the boss) properly, and his booking is BS.

    Meanwhile, poor old Schiavone is thinking to himself, "I've seen all this before."

  6. Honestly, the Hardys are so broken down and depressing, I don't want to see them wrestle anyone. They should have both retired about five years ago.

  7. As for Danhausen, they never had any idea what to do with him in AEW. All I can think is, man, Danhausen interacting with R. Truth would be hilarious.

  8. Fire Tony Khan. Dont sign too many wrestlers, and make their wrestlers have their creative freedom. Then AEW will be great again.

  9. I watch AEW, I still want Danhausen to be on more as he has been great to me with what little time he is has had on AEW

  10. Aew is turning to wcw all the young guys leaving and all the old wrestlers are going to Aew and Wwe is going take all the young guys hope aint like that😅

  11. The boys were down to being divas and demanding to fly out of a closest airport that would have been $1500 dollars more, they were told to do a 3 hour drive then flight but they refused – can't blame aew really

  12. "Where the best wrestle" that's their new slogan it's like they are paid every time they say that 😂

  13. Part of the problem is there are only so many wrestlers you can feature or give air time to at any given time. Its great to have a bunch of talent on your roster but if you dont have the time to feature them all it is a no win situation. The wrestlers and the fans get frustrated.

  14. I’m not surprised HOOK wants out. He only started wrestling for AEW since 2021 and where is he at, still in the lower to mid mid card. He’s had a few run ins for the upper mid card but he’s forever just in this nebulous FTW title scene hold that title 2 times since 2022. I’ve only ever seen him challenge for the World title very randomly not even an International or TNT title match before those but I could be wrong hard to remember his very forgetful career in AEW. He’s been getting better in ring but his character is nothing anymore, that cool mysterious guy charm has worn off and he’s just another guy and that’s it. Only reason I think he’s still in AEW is because of his dad but I really want him to go to NXT.

    He could really use some help trying to figure out who HOOK is and develop properly under Shawn Michaels.

  15. 🤷🏻‍♂️
    Hook looks like a teenager fighting grown men.
    I liked Matt Hardy 20 years ago. Personally I thought the Broken gimmick to be silly.
    The Boys?
    I wont miss these dude a bit.

    Danhausen was at least entertaining backstage. He is a funny dude. Not sure I’m interested in watch a vampire or whatever he is rassle though.

  16. Idk how people will react when i say this but idc either. Its one thing to be a wwe fan. Its another to be a die hard wwe fan. But if your one of those people who actively hope and pray for a company like aew to close down and fail, not only are u not a real wrestling fan but ur also a trash human being.

  17. That hardy boyz vs Cage/copeland crap is EXACTLY whats wrong with AEW. It's looking more and more like a WWE Retirement home just using what happened in WWE to rake in fans. AEW almost had me untill they made that specific problem too obvious. And since i know AEW has a hardcore fan base lemme just add this: I ain't attacking AEW, i am merely very dissapointed. When it started in 2019 i was like: heck yeah a true rival for WWE. And it almost was untill it became apparent things aren't really clicking aswell as i hoped. I hear all these rumours about AEW being in trouble i hope thats not true. Honestly i rather see them TRULY become the rival for WWE we all know it can become. It will be so nice to be able to follow 2 amazing promotions doing biz at the same time.

  18. I can totally see Danhousen as the next Santino or R Truth in WWE, specially with the production behind him. And Hook would benefit incredibly from being on NXT.

  19. I tried watching again for the first time in about a year and a half, and holy shit, Aew has really gone downhill. There were definitely issues before, but this sucks. It's mostly former WWE guys, and most of the wrestlers that represented AEW are nowhere to be found.


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