Golf Players

Detroit Lions Have COMPLEX Roster Issue That’s DIFFICULT To Solve!

The Lions are in a real pickle on what to do with QB Hendon Hooker!

#detroitlions #onepride #nfl

in the NFL when it comes to Fortune it is a rather fickle mistress it can be kind to one and can be cruel to another for the Detroit Lions this is definitely happening when it comes to their quarterback room and we’re going to talk about it in this segment folks so stay tuned what are we what makes us what we are and what we’re going to be it’s grit it’s what we started with last year guys doesn’t matter if you have one ass cheek and three toes I will beat your ass can definitely compete with with the big dogs 10 F and touchdown Detroit Lion you guys you guys are unbelievable man I’m telling you we are driven by Detroit hello all lions fans and welcome on back to another episode of MCM Motor City Mania I’m your host David T Pike and as always we’re diving on in so here’s the thing folks when we take a look at the Detroit Lions over the last three years last four NFL off Seasons the Lions have had to build this team from the quite literal ground up and they have done this being Guided by the likes of Brad Holmes Dan Campbell and Chris Spielman and those guys have all been supported by the owner Sheila and as such the Lions have made a drastic metamorphosis a drastic transition from being a lovable laughing stock to a serious title Contender that’s all happened within the last 3 years now going into season 4 now through this period of time the Lions have become one of the best teams in the NFL in terms of overall talent but also in terms of depth and this is because of a very strong job a very great job by Brad Holmes which is a testament to his ability as the GM of the Detroit Lions because when we take a look at Brad Holmes’s track record he has done a very very good job in terms of signing players or you know acquiring players from outside of the organization other than the draft but when it comes to the draft his record is damn near spotless think about it when you take a look at his track record in terms of drafting he’s drafted pan Su Hutch Alan Ross St Brown Jameson Williams alen mcneel jir Gibbs freaking Brian Branch Sam leapor other guys like Kirby Joseph I mean Jack Campbell these are all guys that are immediate impact kind of players or they’re players that are about to break out that have done an excellent job for the Lions but then when you take a look at what he’s done in acquiring players from outside of the organization whether it’s by signing them in free agency or trading for them it’s just as impressive he went out this offseason signed Kevin zler and DJ reer he went out in the in the very early period of 2021 got Alex anzelone last year signed Graham Glasgow and David Montgomery traded for Carlton Davis this year and then in the very beginning traded for Jared gof so Brad Holmes has established himself as a GM that can do do both sides of the equation whether it’s acquiring Talent outside of the organization or drafting Talent very very well now here’s the thing folks Holmes’s ability to fix the roster as I stated has not been solely limited to his ability to get starting level talent but it’s also in the ability to have solid backup Talent depth pieces and this is as as I’ve said in times past has allowed the line to have what I would consider the most complete roster that we’ve probably had in a long time or potentially ever had now one position on the roster right now has been receiving quite a lot of attention that’s the quarterback position and obviously that’s because of two main reasons the first reason as we already know is because Jared G just recently got an extension for four years 212 million and everybody’s been going literally cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs talking about this because it’s a really big deal but the underlying topic that’s also getting a lot of conversation that’s also getting a lot of you know topic time is what the Lions do with quarterback henden hooker because now there is a huge ass question mark that is under that that is surrounding henden hooker because nobody really knows what the lions are going to do with him and that right there is the main question that we’re going to address in this segment is what do the Lions do now that the now that they’ve locked Jared goop long term what do they do with henden hooker that question has a lot of potential outcomes because it’s honestly a multifaceted answer because there’s multiple things that could go in to how the Lions address this situation and that’s how we’re going to go about with this episode so having laid out the groundwork having established what the topic is let’s actually get into the meat and bones of the episode here let’s actually talk about this the way I see it there are three possible scenarios of what the Lions could do in regards to henden Hooker here the first option is I would like to call it the do nothing option well okay maybe not do nothing that might be a poor phrase of words but what I’m trying to say here is that the Lions do nothing with hooker other than to hold on to him and develop him and ensure that they have a solid backup quarterback option in housee and that is because they want to make sure that they have a solid backup quarterback option in the very unlikely case that Jared G is unable to play the reason I say that is because Jared G is now been in the NFL what eight or nine years and he’s literally missed seven games Jared go is one of the most reliable one of the most steadfast quarterbacks in the NFL so it’s good to have an insurance piece in place it’s good to have a backup piece but at the same time Jared go has shown that having a backup quarterback is not necessarily something you’re going to have to use very often as far as in game gain use however though that does not mean that having hen and hooker around does not provide value for the Lions and this is the value that Pro that he provides to the Lions should the Lions just decide to hold on to him and do nothing else the importance of having him other than having solid depth is that again you have to think about how hooker benefits the Lions by being there first and foremost hen and hooker would ensure that if something should happen to golf that everything continues to run smoothly but at the same time the backup quarterback has other responsibilities other than just being the backup that he does while being in the you know in the organization first and foremost the backup quarterbacks help the starting quarterback to prepare for the week that they’re getting ready to play against whatever opponent that’s why when they go to their meetings the starting quarterback will work with the backup quarterbacks and they will work together so that way the starter is better prepared for the opponent they’re about to play that’s an important role but the other role that the backup quarterback often has a role in is usually being the scout team offense the the backup quarterback will play the scout team offense for the first team defense and run the opposing offense which will allow the defense to get a look at what they might see on on defense which if you have a better backup quarterback that will better prepare the defense for what they might see com going into that week so again there is a lot of value to keeping hen and hooker in the building and you have to think about it there have been many many times s over the course of the NFL where a quarterback the starting quarterback has gone down with injury and it has completely derailed the team’s ability to have a successful season and there was probably no better example of this than the LA literal last season think about it last season 2023 the NFL had the most starting quarterbacks that went down with injury in a long time think about it there were seven quarterbacks starting quarterbacks that went down with season ending injury and were put on IR if you think about it these were the quarterbacks I have to pull the list up because I’m trying to remember all of them here you had Aaron roders with the Jets you had Justin Herbert with the Chargers Kurt Cousins with the Vikings you had DeShaun Watson with the Browns you had Anthony Richardson with the Colts you had Daniel Jones with the Giants and you had Joe burrow with the Bengals now think about it all of those guys right there are the starters for their teams so I decided to tell myself okay here how many of those guys’ teams made it to the playoffs after first and foremost they were out of the season but also what was the record of the backup quarterback or quarterbacks because some of these teams used more than one what was the record of said quarterbacks that came in relief of the starter that was injured take a look at this for the Jets we pretty much already know since Aaron Rogers got hurt in the very first game like five snaps into it pretty much you’re talking about a seven and 10 record because Aaron Rogers didn’t do anything but take a couple of snaps and then he was done and over the course of the season the Jets used three backups obviously they didn’t make the playoffs with a seven- 10 record for the Chargers they had five games where they didn’t have Justin Herbert because Justin Herbert realistically he gutted it out through the entirety of the season but in all five games the backup lost the backup lost all the games Chargers didn’t make the playoffs and as a likely consequence their head coach got fired now Jim Harbaugh is the coach you take a look at the Vikings as we know Kurt Cousins got injured because he tore his Achilles tend in that meant that then you had two backup quarterbacks that came in Mund and also Nick Mullins they had a three and six record after cousins got injured didn’t make the playoffs then you have the Cleveland Browns the Cleveland Browns are a very interesting I would say situation here when DeShaun Watson got hurt there were 12 games where four different backups were used for the Browns and the Browns in those 12 games went seven and five with those backup quarterbacks and they made the playoffs now obviously the most prominent backup quarterback was Joe Flaco but the point is out of all the teams that had this situation happen to them last year the Browns are the only ones that made the playoffs the Colts Gardner menu one backup quarterback they went nine and six but unfortunately they couldn’t make the playoffs with Gardner muu the Giants they had two backups I believe it was uh Danny DeVito and Tyrod Taylor both of them went five and seven didn’t make the playoffs Joe burrow they had one backup I think it was Benning he went four and three in relief of burrow they didn’t make the playoffs the whole point I’m trying to draw at here with this is that that having a quality backup is important to a team because if you have the ability to have a starting quality backup a backup quality quarterback pardon me that can come in relief and start it could help you maintain your season until the back until the starting quarterback can come back from injury no so that’s reason number one and option number one I would say as to what the Lions could potentially do now option number two I’m going to say this this one is probably the most unlikely scenario the most unlikely option but it’s the trade right away option this to me is unlikely and also the most stupidest option because it just does not fit what Brad Holmes and the Lions do the Lions have never been impulsive they have never been knee-jerk reaction kind of individuals as long as Holmes and Campbell have been there and I’m going to say this right now the only way something like this happens is if the Lions if Brad Holmes gets a very appealing offer from a team for hooker some point in this season and the way I look at it is the lions are not going to actively shop hooker so there would have to be a team that would have to show extremely fond interest in him in order for Brad Holmes to say okay we’re going to move off of hooker here like some team would have to really want him and have to put up a pretty high you know price tag in order for Brad Holmes to say okay yeah we’re going to trade henen hooker because like I said I don’t see I don’t see Brad Holmes actively shopping him that just doesn’t seem like a brad Holmes move however we also know that stranger things have happened in the NFL but like I said I just don’t see that situation happening unless a team comes up and offers like a third or a fourth round pick or some other kind of package where it’s like hey maybe a lower round pick with another player something like that because I just don’t see Holmes making a move like that that jeopardizes the quarterback’s room stability however though there is one potential wild card that is in that situation that could force Holmes to do something something and that’s hen and hooker himself Now understand what I’m about to say here I’m not saying that this is what hen and hooker will do I’m not saying it’s what hen and hooker is prone to do I’m just simply saying we have seen stuff like this happen in the NFL I’m not trying to say anything bad about hen and hooker I’m just simply offering this as a possibility because hey I’m not in the building I don’t know what goes on I only know what I see from the outside looking in but let’s think about this here hen hooker is as smart as anybody in the NFL and I guarantee you this he’s able to read the writing on the wall just like anybody else the only way that henen hooker is going to get a chance to start in the NFL is if he leaves Detroit there’s no chance of it happening with the Lions there’s just none you take a look at jerro off’s new contract that he just got he’s got one year left from the original contract that he got with the Rams way back in the day then his actual extension starts next year Well if you take a look at the contract on spot rack the Lions don’t have a potential out until the very last year of the contract which is in 2028 well think about this here folks hen hooker’s 26 right now that is literally 4 years down the road the lions are not going to hand the Reigns of the starting quarterback job over to a 30-year-old almost 31y old quarterback it’s not going to happen that’s way too late for a guy to start to officially start in the NFL so if I’m hening hooker I’m reading the right on the wall listen I don’t have a shot starting here there’s no there’s no future for me as a starter here so if I’m him and I’m not saying I am but I’m just simply saying this if hen and hooker were to look at this and be like listen I don’t have a starting job here I want to go somewhere else I want to have my shot he could and again I’m not saying that he is I’m not trying to smear him I’m not trying to give any sort of negative connotation here I’m just simply saying we have seen this happen in the past hen hooker could demand a trade where he wants to go somewhere else because he’s impatient he does not want to wait now as I said I personally do not see this happening I do not I do not think this is the case the reason why is because henen hooker’s personality at least from what we’ve seen on the outside does not appear to be like this he appears to be a team oriented player and furthermore let’s just think about it from this perspective there’s no way in hell I could see Brad Holmes and Dan Campbell drafting a player that is selfish so again I’m just presenting it as an option the only reason I’m presenting it as such is because human beings are unpredictable at very best so I can’t speak with any author Authority here I’m just simply saying that’s the only way I could see Brad Holmes being forced into this situation and again I don’t think that’s very likely the only the the the reason I think that Brad Holmes is not going to have to deal with this is because hen and hooker’s got to realize something the best thing for him is to stay here in Detroit and get his chance to develop over the next couple of years or year whatever the case might be behind Jared G and with Ben Johnson take your time develop and then after you’ve had that time to develop go and find your opportunity somewhere else that is what I think is the best likely opportunity for for henen hooker and that’s the route I think henen hooker is going to take I don’t think he’s going to try and force anything because that does does that just does not seem to be his personality and that brings me to option number three which like I said just a moment ago is I think the best option for him sorry I’ve lost track of my notes Here option number three is what I call the fatten up kind of season option because again think about it this way folks for those that are you know from farming communities rural communities you know what I’m about to say here when a farmer fatens up a cow or a pig they will then take it to Market they will sell it they will get the maximum value they have out of it well the same thing could happen with the lions in regards to henen Hooker let him sit develop behind Jared G let him be a sponge and absorb every ounce of information he can from GF and Ben Johnson and then when it comes to a point where hey you know what he’s at the highest possible value we could get get for him then you start taking offers then you start seeing if somebody wants him then you start seeing if somebody’s interested enough in giving you a fair return on value which for hen and hooker you might be able to get a third round pick you might get a fourth round pick my whole point is this if you consider hen and hooker’s skill set which okay we know he has a strong arm we know he has Mobility that right there should make that right there in my opinion should mean there should be no shortage of suitors for hen and hooker Services it’s just a matter of whether or not a team wants to take a shot on him because of his Advanced age in relation to the experience of what he would have because again let’s just say he doesn’t get a trade offer this year or the Lions don’t try to trade him this year which I’m saying they most likely won’t by the time we have this kind of hypothetical situation hen and hooker might be 27 28 years old that is a really late time for a guy trying to start the last kind of quarterback that did that and I’m telling you this I keep bringing it up but it’s the truth Brandon Weeden was the last quarterback that officially made a quote unquote start in the NFL at 28 years old it didn’t end well for Brandon Weeden I’m not saying henen hooker is Brandon Weeden I’m just simply saying the statistics the trend the data it just doesn’t go very well so again it could potentially happen I don’t know all I’m simply saying is in this context in this particular situation there are kind of different options that the Lions could do here it just realistically depends on one where henen hooker is in the whole proc process number two what the market looks like in the rest of the NFL but at the same time it also depends on if hey there’s somebody out there that is actually in need of a guy to come in and fill in because the main thing that’s going to be of an interest here is one if in the off season you’re trying to find a team that is looking for competition at a quarterback position or sometime in season if a starter goes down and hey you need a guy to come in right away and potentially you know like I say save the sinking ship there’s multiple ways this could play out but again the way I look at it is the the the most likely scenario is either Brad Holmes and Dan Campbell do nothing and keep hen and hooker here in Detroit let him get seasoned up let him develop or instead of letting him stay here the entire time of the remainder of his contract they do the exact same thing but then they say okay we want you to have an opportunity to go and play somewhere else we’ve already got our guy we’re sorry about your bad luck but hey golf is our starter if you want to go somewhere else we will try our best to accomodate you the best we can that’s what I think is the most likely scenario now what team could that possibly be possibly be pardon me I have no idea it could be a team like you know the Giants it could be a team like the Bucks it could be a team like any number of teams where you know it’s like hey the starter is not exactly the greatest quarterback in the world or you know they’re not exactly the most consistent another guy another place you could possibly send him is the Cardinals because hey Kyler Murray’s been up and down he’s been dealing with injuries the same thing has happened with Tua in the past and the Dolphins maybe potentially with the Chargers because Justin Herbert’s been banged up a lot over the years I have no idea what potential place the Lions could try to send him all I do know is that much like what they did with Matthew Matthew Stafford if it comes time for when it’s you know hen hooker’s wanting out because he wants his shot I believe the Lions will try their best to accommodate him and put him in a situation where he can succeed my whole point is this when you take a look at this situation and what it is it is a very complex situation there is no just clear-cut black and white answer you have to take a look at multiple layers you have to take a look at multiple situations to try and see what is the best possible situation that the Lions can put themselves in to take advantage of but at the same time what is the best possible situation for henen hooker and how can he get the most most advantageous advantageous situation here that’s why this whole situation in and of itself is very complex it’s very difficult to try and figure out what is going to happen all I do know is that the lions are in a no lose situation either they keep hen and hooker and they have a solid backup or they trade him get some sort of draft compensation in return and they can use that to further you know further strengthen their roster there’s no possible scenario where the Lions lose in this situation all they do is they continue to get better whether by keeping hooker or trading him away but in any case I figured I’d talk about this because this is is this is a topic that is very very difficult to try and get a you know a read on but I try my best I try my best because this is a topic that I know people have asked me to talk about these are my personal thoughts whether or not they’re 100% right I have no idea but I do know this this is a conversation we’re probably going to have a couple more times over the next couple of months if not years but with that having been said I’m going to end the episode and I just want to say thank you all for watching another episode of MCM Motor City Mania if you like what you saw by all means encourage you all to watch the next episode also encourage you all to do one of these three things like comment and subscribe to the channel if by chance you subscribed in the past forgot to do so at the time or you just subscribe not had a chance to 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I’ll see you all in the next episode [Music] oh [Applause] [Music]


  1. The best thing that can happen is for Hooker to ball-out during the preseason. As QBs are playing into their late 30s these days, Hooker won't be too old, especially for a team looking at their competitive window. The NFL knows who this guy is. He was a Heisman Trophy favorite playing in the best college football conference in America. He put up 50 points in a win against Alabama and all of their 1st round picks (and including 2nd round pick Brian Branch). After this season, teams to watch will include Las Vegas (who really wanted Michael Penix Jr.), New Orleans and both New York teams. The Lions should settle for no less less than a 2nd round pick. They're playing with house money right now because they were smart enough to get Hooker at an injury discount.

  2. The Lions need to keep him, our luck Jared will go down in the playoffs. All great teams had very good #2 QB's, nearly a dozen.

  3. All I know is, Hendon Hooker has no chance at being the starting QB for the Detroit Lions. That was set in stone with 3 words…NO TRADE CLAUSE! Whether Hooker is good enough to play in the NFL and has trade value is TBD. If a team reaches out for a trade, they intend on him starting so I doubt he'll be cheap!
    We will see what the future hold!!

  4. Only Lion fans would make this a big deal. We got a starting QB. We have a young backup who hasn't played even a single down in the NFL. There is no problem. Stop trying to create a solution when there is no problem. Geez.

  5. Your video today points out the new issues of bringing all these new pieces integrated in roles from starters to depth pieces and situational decisions only the real season not preseason is the barometer to see this happen , as preseason is just advanced practices. You have to have a back-up or fillin place QB. The hooker option is to learn and play only just in case scenario right now , everyone sees that . There might even be a few special times to see Hooker in real games for experience Your talk again today proved that your QB that gives you best choice is GOFF to win ,Holmes is not giving Hooker a release they value him too much unless a experienced QB becomes apparently available as first back -up . The game plan is literaly for Goff , they would have to make a Hooker game plan playbook to use his talent and abilities will be tried and tested on taxi squad and pre season players as his health is now in tact , maybe they put in Hooker as a gimmick on plays this year or trade him depending on how his value is brought forward because hes still a rookie on the field or maybe they tap into canada again as holmes likes some of their stars and send Hooker out for picks as a option.

  6. Do y'all understand the Lions backups can play the starters toe to toe? Practice is going to be crazy. Goff vs. Hooker, FA vets at corner or draft picks 1 & 2? Monty & Gibbs of Vaki and Craig? Manu & Mahogany are going to push people around. Only at WR are the starters (St Brown & Jamo) clearly better than bench. Linebackers Barnes and Campbell or Reeves-Maybin & Rodriguez? Even at kicker there's competition.

  7. It took Geno Smith two years to learn McVay's playbook and Russell couldn't Hooker is in yr 2 while Caleb Williams is in year 1 under new OC Shane Waldron. Relax there's plenty of time for Hooker. IF Goff ever went down Teddy would be getting a phone call guaranteed

  8. Know what could be even worse. JG goes down before the BYE week. HH takes us to the SuperBowl. Next Year what would you do? 🤷🏾‍♂️

  9. What is hard to understand?? Goff is the starter, and Hooker will be the backup.
    It's not rocket science having a solid backup QB for dreaded in case of emergency … Fools ask foolish questions 🤔

  10. I think we should trade JG in his second yr in to contract and start double H. Let that boy shine. He has mobility and strong arm. Everything else will fall in place.

  11. This might seem like a goofy question but do you think they could use hidden hooker similar to how they use Tyson Hill in New Orleans as a change of pace quarterback

  12. When goff regresses to the mid tier qb that he's proven to be, Hooker will assume the starting job and the Lions will be stuck with goff for 3 years as a clipboard holder.

  13. Hopefully Hendon can put together a good preseason and maybe Goff needs a maintenance rest against a Tennessee or Arizona which Hooker can thrive. Then Brad can flip him for an edge rusher at the deadline this season

  14. You just mentioned all those qbs who went down for the whole season last year, then you say there is no way he starts for us for the next 3 years. I can think of one way…

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