Golf Players

Wesley Bryan Saturday Leader Flash Interview 2024 Corales Puntacana Championship © PGA Tour

Wesley Bryan Saturday Leader Flash Interview 2024 Corales Puntacana Championship © PGA Tour

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okay walk me through your third round uh how’d it feel getting the birdie on the final uh the birdie the last was nice it was nice to see a putt drop um felt like kind of in those right after I missed a lot of really short putts uh there’s really no hid in it um but I felt like right when it was starting to like Teeter I would make a nice Putt and uh the one on the last was nice um and so yeah I might go hit a few uh five Footers on their on the putting green to get ready for tomorrow but um all in all I hit the ball well I didn’t hit it great off the te um but I felt like I managed it pretty well and would I’ve lik to shoot a few better absolutely but um the pos position I’m in right now um it’s a good one to be in what was the key and kind of mindset after a bogy to kind of just bounce back uh I would kind of brush the mustache um and I don’t know hopefully it it offered me some some thoughts of what would George do and uh so then I did the opposite and bounced back I mean there was a lot of B I guess I made probably four three or four Bogies today and um they were all like just really dumb mistakes um like completely avoidable and so got to clean it up um mentally stayed pretty locked in um never getting ahead of myself never getting too upset um over all the stuff that was going on and um there’s still a lot of golf to be played has George M get any feed back past two rounds uh no um he did uh ship our our camera guy and editor in town uh for today’s round and tomorrow’s round so um carne’s uh the goat for a reason he just hopped on the plane came down Dominican and uh yeah excited to let you guys see some of the content we’re going to bring from here is it kind of typical of your guys’ relationship that kind of keep Golf and competition aside on advice and just kind of there from a brother standpoint or he’s offered a little more encouragement than usual um and by more than usual the fact that I’m actually playing gives him a reason to offer a little encouragement um because we’re not going head to-head but uh he was just talking over the last couple days just how comfortable the putter looks in the hands and um been rolling it nice and again I I didn’t feel uncomfortable out there with it it just they just didn’t go in um a couple more bad putts but uh I’m excited to hear what he has to say because I think I think he got to watch a little bit more of the coverage today so um see what he has to say uh and then I’ll put it in play for tomorrow and hopefully it works first 54 hole lead on tour what kind of past experiences are you going to be drawing upon is it the first Elite maybe RBC yeah no it definitely wasn’t RBC um yeah I don’t know it’s fun um excited to just get the nerves flowing a little bit tomorrow and um have a chance to win a golf tournament that’s what I’ve wanted to do since I was six seven8 years old and got a good opportunity for that tomorrow fun household with the Martins yeah what have you guys been up to mention pool time what dinner’s been like what’s it like with six kids uh luckily um I don’t want people to think like I’m super bougie all the time but we’ve had a chef in all week and it’s made life so unbelievably easy um so the cooking and cleaning has been amazing we’ve had some of the best meals I ever could have imagined uh candy uh has been unbelievable so um going to have another good one tonight uh yesterday we went to the lagoons um and that was great a 5-year-old jumping off one of those Ledges which I felt was really out of character but um we had a blast uh yesterday afternoon and uh lot of time by the pool fellow C Carolinian with Ben Martin who kind of asked who or how did this housing plan come about uh it our girl the our girls are best friends so um the well both wives and daughters so uh anytime within reason well and again I don’t play that much out here anymore so uh anytime we’re in the field together you have a around like today and you still find yourself at top of the board does it give you a little confidence going into tomorrow uh um I mean yeah I guess I I’ve feel like I’ve played fairly close to perfect uh given where it’s been but um yeah I’m just hitting the ball nice and and feel like I’ve been chipping and putting it pretty nice and hitting it nice off the tea and again if we can have another day uh tomorrow like we did the first three now the scores have looked drastically different but um I just feel like as far as uh for the vast majority of the shots I’m hitting I’m executing them well um now they don’t all turn out great but um just going to try and put a solid one tomorrow and and see where it is on the leaderboard first last doesn’t matter um it’s been he heck of a week so far thanks W yep um question for you tell me to kick rocks


  1. As long as we are interviewing one of the heroes of YT golf, I'll use that foot in the door to make a couple of comments. First, Wesley now comports himself on camera as if he has been an actor or a broadcaster all of his life. Not all of that comes naturally. But the time he has spent on camera playing with George and other YT players has given him the opportunity to hone his on-camara persona to delightful perfection. Second, all tour players should take note and devote more time to YT videos. Like it or not, these guys (and gals) have become public figures in an era where media is everywhere, all the time. They all need to be able to put their best foot forward when on camera. And, third, network broadcasts of pro golf are stuck in prehistoric times. Tournaments should be presented exactly like YT videos, with a camera or two inserted within every paring, shot tracers for every full-swing shot, and audio pickups to catch the banter between players and strategizing between players and caddies. Having been a caddie way back when in the old Buick Open, I realize this might force the players to clean up their banter a bit, but what would be gained in getting to really know the players over time would greatly exceed what is lost.

  2. Wesley, great 3 rounds! Hope you hit it DSP (dead, solid perfect…if you remember the movie) today. Keep hitting fairways and you will have your name on the trophy. Best wishes.

  3. Imagine the RBC tourney exec's face when a former champ/hometown hero wins the "opposite-filed event" with panache. The stache, new putter, Jerge – whatever it takes! Let's go Wes!!

  4. "Asked myself what would george do and than did the opposite" 😅😅😅😅 i died when he said this. Come on stashley bryan one more solid round and it's yours!

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