Golf Players

Phil Foden is THE dominant player in the Premier League

It’s not just about the Manchester City fourth successive title, it’s about the Phil Fodens that were made along the way.

Marcus, Luke, Jim and Vish take in the final weekend of the Premier League season where young Phil demolished Arsenal’s title hopes with a swivel of his hips and Jürgen Klopp gave an emotional and fully-clothed goodbye to Anfield. Plus, Roberto De Zerbi bows out to smoke a lot of cigarettes and Jean-Philippe Mateta’s revenge mission against Andy Brassell goes on pause until August. Come join us!

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Manchester City 3 West Ham United won Manchester City won a record fourth successive premier league title don’t you know um what I did quite like about all this um predictable stuff is the the unpredictable um Paul dickov not that he’s unpredictable it was unpredictable that Paul dickov was going to um bring out the trophy to them I thought that was quite nice it does feel like show boting isn’t it at this point well he scored a very important goal in their club’s history which I’m sure a lot of people do remember I’m sure a lot of people unaware of attached to that club um but I you know good old dick off nice to see him though yeah I remember some of the greatest times of my um formative years being at threaten Park screaming [ __ ] off dick off [ __ ] off dick off which Aon used to do when he played oh is that that is that city’s new thing now that depending on who they beat they beat they bring out their player who used to play for that club who they’ve beat to the title race yeah so if they if it keeps going this way then it’s going to be like you know nazri you have to plan that Advance yeah to a point yeah yeah bad will that get sylvinho everybody not Adam Johnson no probably not he didn’t play for Arsenal did he no yeah Bor to the title it’s the one shameful thing he hasn’t done in his life that’s true yeah how’s he come up in this uh yeah so I mean look two minutes in Phil F score the peach and it set the tone and it was you know what it was annoying I I didn’t have any kind of wasn’t even 2 minutes it was 79 second going to be yeah it was in the second minute I suppose but there were there were several teams so I was thinking about this earlier and I was thinking if you swwa the teams around they were playing like and if Man City were playing Everton yeah and arsenal were playing West Ham it would have been more interesting because you can imagine dice just really kind of drilling them 24 hours a day so they can do all the shap in their sleep and and frustrating Man City no one ever thought West time we’re going to do that particularly at the EAD and but what we wanted was a kind of flavor of it maybe we could get to half time at nil nil oh this is exciting it to be a bit Topsy Turvy as a story almost yeah but then when foden does that you think that’s a shame okay fine but on the other hand if you bracket up his second goal and the fact that rodri scored you could argue that actually it’s very fitting you know possibly the League’s best player this season rodri is possibly the second league League’s second best player this season there some other people in the mix of course but you that’s a very fitting way for them to win the title so ultimately two of the best players in the world currently 100% it’s an expression of their dominance isn’t it and while we sit here as as broadcasters doing a premier league Focus show we have to assume it’s all legit until we get a proper amount of evidence saying it isn’t so we’re going to behave on that basis today they’ve been amazing they deserve to win it for a row is something obviously no no one’s ever done before it’s an incredible thing the level they’re able to play at that under Guardiola Man City have been able to get into a situation where the extraordinary it’s just business as usual and it was very very difficult to tell yourself and make yourself make an argument with yourself that there was going to be any doubt about this MH I think um I don’t want to drag it back to anything that may be seen as being a little bit you know underhanded but the touch that to foden takes to set himself up for that goal amazing I want to see his uh I want to see his foot cuz I think that might be a hand in there it was amazing it was amazing was it it’s absurd just the Little Brush to set the shots amazing the shot is a separate thing of beauty but that touch they just so delightful with the ball and even the finish right which is amazing like we can sit here and concentrate and think okay make yourself understand that is an amazing goal the problem is because he does it all the time he does it all the [ __ ] time it’s it’s the clean the cleanliness of the strike and as Jim says that touch which all Man City players seem to do you know just get the ball and their first touch is setting up their pass and whatever they’re going to do next and I know that’s that’s a you know that’s a quite basic thing when it comes to football at any level really you’re always encouraged to do that but they just they’ve just nailed it on and he he did the little head twitch thing where he moves it to the right it’s like a lateral Pez dispenser dispensing out bangers all the time what season he’s had though yeah I think the thing with foden this season we’ve always known he’s been a brilliant player and and a match winning game-changing player but like I feel like now he he’s a a a tight match winning player there’s an X Factor in there where he will find a goal out a nothing because he can operate with such such quality in the tiniest of spaces and there is something really really kind of magical about that and we mentioned it last week he probably is the replacement for de bruyne well it’s really interesting you say that because at the end of the game when sky was talking to Guardiola about F about foden they um they made the point of you know he’s playing through the middle now which is where we all he I think red naap said where you know all England fans wanted to see him play and Guardiola basically said well he’s earned it and it was almost like you never really think of Guardiola teams as necessarily having that middle focal point Beyond someone like Le bruyne before um and obviously with Harland there you like oh is there any space for that and he say cuz harand was out for a bit of the season foden was was the best option and that that was probably the biggest compliment of all to foden that he got Guardiola to trust him in a position that he doesn’t really trust too many people in throughout his career I mean it’s hard to sort of nail down where he floats around he plays so many different positions yeah sort of a waste to kind of stick him to one isn’t it because he’s he can damage you all over the pit can put him anywhere well for Manchester City certainly I mean one thing that that he certainly seems to have done um this season is he’s shooting from range more yeah and and they and you can immediately think of at least sort of three or four and and that is De bruyeres I mean a lot of the a lot of the top managers often obviously they crave control you know that’s how you do it which is one of the the um if you like criticisms or or or sort of labors they’ve got it’s a bit boring because as you mentioned before you know they reduced the Jeopardy of the football match so therefore it’s it’s obvious which teams going to win and uh but I mean kudos to them for doing that so it’s all about the control and one of the ways you keep control is you don’t just shoot from range a lot because obviously the XG give the ball away exactly all that kind of thing but we know that Kevin De brona likes a shot from range and so when that the opportunity presents itself they seem to take it and they’ve got the quality but de bruyer is of course again one of the very best we’ve ever seen at shooting from range so obviously Guardiola lets him do that um foden seems to be given has been given the keys to all of the Kingdom now and that is one of them I know that’s a that’s a tiny little detail but it still to me has been noticeable this season he’s also he’s also com into his own in the key part of the season I mean he’s an amazing goal return this seon he scored 19 Premier League goals I think but he scored nine goals in his the final 10 games of the Season which when they ramped it up yeah it feels like that exact spot that he he scored the first goal from is a place that he shoots from a lot which is which is why I understand some people will say for England and we we’ll leave England for another day but you know if he plays on the left he doesn’t he won’t find himself in that position too much if if you see what I mean but it’s quite a rare thing to be able to get a shot off in that area considering a how congested it is B the fact that when City play you still you basically have to break the ball through a line of players to get it to goal in the first place but that’s because of his skill like the load up very small when he takes a shot and also because his control is incredible he doesn’t actually need as much space as other players to get a shot away yeah yeah oh yeah I mean playing in tight spaces and the ball sticks he’s a remarkable footballer and it’s so great because we remember a few years ago when he came along and he was been sort of drip-fed into the side yeah and here he is now six Premier League titles already he’s 23 I me that I mean that absolutely extraordin but it but in on in in in the individual um in individual terms here he is just been given Premier League Play of the Season just a few years after and you just think my goodness you know like the sky the limit for him yeah he he might well be the you know the dominant individual I suppose if you if you want to put it like that in the Premier League for a long long time to come and I think you know we’re lucky I suppose to sort of slightly kind of take a peak in England’s direction again that he’s that he’s played under Guardiola in the formative years of his career because this is how he’s become so versatile I suppose because I think one of the Hallmarks this season that’s been really interesting and and has been part of the reason that that City have managed to be so fresh because they are really dominant but it’s not always in the same style is it it looks like the same same style cuz often people can’t get the ball but he’s played Alvarez in the Midfield he’s played stones in the Midfield he’s played center backs as fullbacks he rotates he rotates um like individual players positions really really well so you you never quite know what you’re up against difficult to play against them yeah it did and then they all buy into it I mean look at dohu yeah do dohu like would it would be fair if he was knocking on the manager’s door every week and go why am I not starting every game but he’s but he’s used so effectively and I think again Guardiola gets the players to buy into it and they’re hungry every time and look we as as as Luke’s already touched upon we know the whole financial thing and and and the investigation and and absolutely and and you know we hope Justice is done whatever that may be I did hear that greip points was knocking on Pep’s door but it turned out to be a stationary cupboard yeah but but he says push but there’s so many so many players in there who who who love being around it’s been like we clop at Liverpool we’ll come on to them obviously in a bit um but I you know they are once again worthy winners definitely premier league and it’s just so it’s unbelievably difficult for other teams you know credit to to Liverpool a handful of tops obviously they won one of them but to keep ping credit to Arsenal but again Manchester City go okay you’re going to be that good we’re just going to be that little bit better and I think I think on the when you mentioned it again there that the the 115 charges outstanding people seem to look at that as a binary thing they’re either amazing or they’re not because of these charges and actually it’s not like that but they’re still an amazing team they still the best coach team in the world whatever happen it’s not like it’s physical doping is it which is how it sometimes seems to be viewed yeah I mean of I mean they might not have had one or two of those players and all the rest of it and and like we say well they might not have had Guardiola yeah I mean that’s the key and certainly for certainly for as long so but I I agree with with um Luke summing up of it there that it’s you can you look at the football and you’re like this this doesn’t happen on a balance sheet yeah or or you know behind closed doors you’re only part of the story but but it is it is it is a shame that um that we’re having to wait partly because of of Manchester City’s conduct we have to say but it is a shame that this is going to drag on for goodness knows how long because I do feel it is hanging over the club um but back on the actual game between manchest City and West Ham um there was a glorious goal from West Ham Kudos yeah yeah brilliant go well that was that was a kind of I mean Vish said earlier about kaido scored an end of term goal was a proper bring your gate ball games on the far Day School goal that I’m going to flick one up in the penalty area overhead kick at the home of the Champions pep just see that see what I can do sensationally good and that was when things got a tiny bit nervy for Manchester City nah well for some of the fans maybe I I think someone was saying um might be Andy saying on Friday that man city have shown in certain games towards the end of the season they do can get a bit nervous I don’t think they were nervous against West h no but I’m saying some of the fans May well understand that klopp did sorry klopp Guardiola did throw the mother of all hisy fits when Cuda scored and it was like what can you do yeah like he’s just scored over kick man yeah it’s yeah but I mean of course if it’s only just one goal in it there’s always a chance but then obviously rodri scores and Ari might have been a little bit disappointed but like there was just no way man city were going to be denied no it felt like that I mean after the um Man City Spurs result I’ve kind of felt right about in the time but sort of woke up a bit sad I was like it’s probably gone but then very quickly I couldn’t stop myself from imagining James Ward PR free kicks sailing into the top corner cuz he’s not scored one for West Ham which is is surprising isn’t it but that was that was the best I could must mentally yeah um well that cudas goal actually broke the record for the most amount of goals in a Premier League season bearing in mind that record was um in a 42 Game season as well so this I mean this season has been very very entertaining shuffled United everybody yeah I mean like they’ve made they’ve made they’ played their part what I would say they played more of their part than Manchester United with their minus one goal difference do agree with that well I mean obviously 104 goals conceded it is piss po there’s no it’s like literally like turn football manager off stuff isn’t it yeah how I how I got it’s not realistic for me to be this bad of football manager that’s how bad it is it is yeah and and and so I understand when we talk about the um the golf scoring record in the Premier League being broken often actually can be quite a shame because the the bigger sides are getting better and they’re hammering the smaller teams however we can all remember largely thanks to Manchester United some four RS and four threes the season won a couple of five ners hey look they scor week lot of high scoring games they did um so I feel everyone’s played their part but I I think I think it’s very fitting for the Premier League the the the record being broken for the amount of goals been scored in the season is by bloke who’s gone up the other end at the home of the Champions elect flicked up himself and overhead kicked it into the corner and gone Premier League that’s what we do here there was a bit when um you know they were like it was clear city were going to win the game and they were just kind of talking through the season as it was and they got into future planning and they turned to the bench and it was Oscar Bob and Rico Lewis and I just thought [ __ ] sake they could have outlive me yeah but will pep be there much longer it was interesting to say on his future pep did say the reality is I’m closer to leaving than staying did you see the the interview where this where he said that by the way yes because the the ination there wasn’t like well you know I’m going to be gone soon it was that he was closer to the end than the beginning he’s not going to be there years yeah which is reasonable yeah because well he says I mean my feeling is I want to stay now I will stay next season and during the season we will talk but eight or nine years we will see so I mean he always does this doesn’t he he he he doesn’t like to sort of um um be very clear about how long he’s going to stay somewhere and I think it’s just to keep things fresh and to keep things Lively maybe even for himself yeah I mean I I think klopp leaving probably makes him think about stuff in that yeah maybe there is sort of life outside of football I think as as difficult as it is to compete with city as we’ve seen over the years I think him being there is a huge huge motivator for anyone trying to compete with him because you want to win the title against this man City team against Pep Guardiola City because they have set the Benchmark J klopp is obviously one of the very very very very very few people that have managed to um uh win a league title when when Pep’s been operating in the same league and klopp said you know if you put any other manager in that Club you don’t win the league four times in a row and he’s right isn’t he yeah uh I mean yeah it’s you’d expect so but I mean the energy that that that Guardiola still has and the love for it and the passion and and all that sort of stuff but you know we at some point one does get tied and and one does need a new challenge or a break or whatever and so we you know by his own admission it won’t be next season but perhaps next season they will they will be in talks um we know that Mel artetta will be around for a long time though at Arsenal unless it goes terribly wrong you never known football but so far so good I mean obviously they they beat Everton 21 and that was not enough because it’s only three points for a win it would be quite odd if the the Premier League said go on then you can have six and win the league with that one I like that yeah I thought you but um but I mean was they labored to the victory yeah it was a strange game the actual game itself was really really unusual I think the um the energy from the crowd ebed and flowed to a point where it was very clear to the players what was going on in the other game I think and it was a bit of a sticky stodgy game Everton are obviously a decent side they were in a good run um and I it felt really important that Arsenal won that was the feeling in the stadium it’s like we can’t affect what’s going to happen elsewhere obviously um we are deluded enough to think we’re going to what’s happening on the pitch here but even if we win by cheating we can still you know importantly win the game yeah you think that girl should have stood uh isn’t it to do isn’t it the sleeve um you’re allowed you’re allowed the uh you’re allowed the sleeve aren’t you allowed genuinely is wear long sleeves then and you’re all right see Jim’s referring to the T-shirt Ru is that but that is correct isn’t it any part of your body can score a goal so yeah it’s not hand ball from above that point not hand B I would have been fine if they cheated make absolutely clear well a lot of people obviously don’t know that rule Jim because people were saying that that that shouldn’t have been given but uh but I can can completely understand why like looking back at I was like I’m surprised that one stood but I believe the T-shirt rule is why my only regret about this season the league title wasn’t decided by that goal people would have lost their minds it have been brilliant That’s Entertainment luk more but didn’t get it sadly we didn’t and I don’t think we ever thought we were going to get it um but Arsenal did what they they could control they control what they control which is something they they’ve done very well off season I mean they’ve been very very good this year and I think you know it’s easy for me to kind of say it because I don’t support Arsenal but what you’re looking at is Improvement year on year and and and them still um being able to go back to the well after a huge effort last season and not only were they able to do that they’re able to improve uh by pretty much every measure um so they’ve just got a double down I mean basically you got to be in the box seat for when Guardiola does the off yeah yeah and and at the moment they are well I genuinely think that um they will be desperate to win a title while Guardiola is still in situ so I think actually him him sticking around is is a massive massive motivator for this team in particular not just Arsenal obviously for everybody um but that will be what they’re aiming at because it’s them setting the standards as you say arsenal have improved uh more points more goals defensively they’ve been better this season Champions League quarterfinal which obviously ended in disappointment but is is valuable experience for a young team going forward and it’s it’s important to look at where Arsenal have come from you know I guess we’ve been doing that a fair bit but it wasn’t that long ago when scker had broken into the team and was looking like he was going to become the player he’s already become that among Arsenal fans we were thinking he might well go to City or Liverpool if we can’t sort of step up and go in the in the in the right direction there’s no kind of danger of that now there’s no real talk about that with any players it’s an important thing in terms of the status of the club here’s a really interesting question for you Jim as an Arsenal fan if Man City had done exactly the same thing this season in terms of points and Premier League performance as they did last season this season would Arsenal have won the league I think they would have no they wouldn’t would they because they they I think City got they would have one goal right wow so if Man City done exactly what he did last year ARS would have won the League this season by one goal they improved what man city did last season but unfortunately Man City improved even more had him going on the old goal difference though didn’t we we had him going there for a bit Yeah that would that’s a fact that they’ve got nailed down also definitely won no you were right on the Bonus Ball I won the moms didn’t i j arteta said full time when he when he took the microphone I think now it’s time to have a break it is Mel and you deserve you have to you can’t keep playing Premier League games now oh no anyone will try he’s going 39th game I want a 39th can we go to Melbourne as well think reflect and please keep pushing keep inspiring this team don’t be satisfied because we want much more than that and we’re going to get it big words inspiring words because the players were absolutely gutted on the pitch and you could tell that they had bought into the idea that there would be a miracle from West Ham and they and that’s you know great work froma really absolutely but if they they look like they look like they they’d blown it almost I think it’s also massively um difficult for the rest of the Premier League what I have done this season if you look at the transitional Seasons other teams are having yeah you know whether it’s Chelsea uh Man United and if you want to be generous say Spurs Liverpool um but Liverpool kind of yeah Liverpool will be if you see what I mean there’ll be a question mark over them because of the Chang of manager but ultimately you know you know the goal standing is set by Man City but if you look at what’s needed from a Chelsea from a man united um if man even man united get a new manager or Postino and Chelsea start the season far in next year and and start really well the points overhaul is so big now I mean even though Arsenal didn’t win the league it’s still 89 points Chelsea about there 63 points man united on 60 points Spurs on 66 points started the season brilliantly still finished like over 26 27 points off the top of the league so there’s a lot to do for them you know it’s a real big challenge now for a lot of these teams to to expect them to be The Usual Suspects challenging for the title going to be much much harder than that KS Liverpool showed the blueprint which is that actually you probably have to do it over three or four seasons because it’s you know it’s a huge huge level that you have to get yourself to and you have to get used to it and be comfortable there and I think again you got to take the positives from a season like this where you can disappointing as the end of it is is that they they looked comfortable there you know it showed that last season wasn’t a fluke it wasn’t sort of you know run on kind of the the thrill of of the unexpected and you can see how they can improve again and they’ll probably spend a lot of money in the summer because it’s there because of the Champions League so yeah I I think that’s it I think I think the bar is is so incredibly High I don’t I you know it couldn’t go higher realistically and as as as Luke says for any other team it’s not like it used to be you know we remember being his second spell Mourinho wins the league with Chelsea the next season they nowhere you know you think about one or two others you know that that kind of thing it’s not Guardia they’ll always be there they would always be having a near perfect season and with what Etta has done with this Arsenal team has been incredible and they’re still just that incredible just one too many off days I literally just won don’t lose at home to West Ham and you win the league yeah what I well but you know I I was going on about how fullham were King makers cuz Liverpool has still got c c and Man City well of course the side that did lose at K was Arsenal yeah and so they did end up beinging absolutely and what the take home from this League season will be that you were right but that um but but that that game is is an illustrative one actually because the West Ham game Arsenal made a lot of chances and and and and they played played really well despite it being frustrating um but the Fulham game they didn’t really turn up you can’t you just can’t have Man City will have games obviously where they’ll drop the odd Point here and there but that that Arsenal performance you know but again it just go you just blink for a second and and that’s the end of that so what do Arsenal need to do then in the summer to well I say challenge to win it next season I think um the shopping list of upgrades will be um probably a versatile fallback because left back’s been a been a lot of shuffling around there summons replace Thomas party Bruno gimmer is has been mentioned for bastard factor and probably a a bags man who can turn a nil nil into a 1- nil yeah yeah that it’s funny when people can be going they need a number nine I get that yeah they score an awful lot of goals indeed but you need might know what he’s doing you need you need your options um uh and before we move on from AR David ryer uh proper Club proper club man he said he’d swap his Golden Glove award for a Premier League trophy no one’s talking about Aaron Rams down now are they no that’s interesting point point to talk about I think yeah do you imagine that if he got handed the golden clove and he went around celebrating oh you still thinking about this good news is I’ve I’ve won the cly go GL award has anyone tried to swap a Golden Glove award for the Premier League need 5000 the currency it’s the exchange currenc is here somewhere he didn’t get egged he didn’t get egged well Call to Arms on Friday our listeners don’t respect us that J oh yeah good point Jim and producer Rory were both there and neither of egg Richard Master we got be careful because in the spirit of certain investigations going on in the the USFA you know we don’t want to be called up yeah more eggs though if it’s an egg War it’ be fine we had an opportunity but there was a there was too high a chance that he might Splash Jules do it then there’s um there was like talk that he was at the Arsenal game because he didn’t want to be at the city game because obviously the charges over them didn’t want to hand them the title so he went to the Emirates where he got pelters for throughout the game from Everton fans yeah of course kind of comes to the territory Richard if you want to do that job on Richard he’s the Premier League hobgoblin we worked out on Friday we did work that out on Friday is he divorced on let’s not go to him for a 90 minute let’s not do any of that um let’s let’s mention Granite Jaa though yes one one Arsenal guy that did win a title there we are they did win it a while ago an unbeaten season in the Bundesliga he is now an invincible yeah and he had to leave Arsenal to get it it’s a proper Invincible by the way as well because they haven’t lost in any competition that’s right we haven’t got time for this now Jim every they haven’t lost to Chelsea once this season exactly exactly did you see that the goalkeeper Lucas RI gave the Bundesliga Shield to the Leverkusen fans and let them celebrate I thought that was so nice and by the way we should say that it’s not just tossing into the crowd that this is uh you can’t do that it’s aing Shield you can’t do that be a bit Captain America would but uh no as in he just didn’t say oh yeah you you can do it it was very much you know these are the Ultras who are leading the CH the guy with the megaphone top off all that good European stuff and then one guy basically got the shield and showed it to the fans and held up and every it felt like a real victory for the people it was nice and what what we like about that is it’s the first time in their history that they’ve won the bundes league amazing because Club fans of big clubs sometimes don’t understand that those of us who don’t support big clubs or or or or any DJ haven’t seen them side one the Le it we don’t want to see the same team win it every time nothing personal but that’s the way it is you know I um I really like the Bundesliga Shield it’s a very very cool trophy I read at the weekend that the Premier League trophy weighs four stone I’m astonished that Bernardo Silva can lift that that that’s mad people would struggle with that if around have you seen the Stanley Cup yes ridiculous yeah yeah that’s a big one it’s a big old boy indeed it is all right coming up in the second half we’ve got a fully clothed Jurgen Klo we’ve got Manchester United Y and we’ve got and we’ve on behalf of the neutrals and we’ve got Fulham clinching 13th see you in a moment yes come on well done Arsenal it’s not a win but it’s a [ __ ] good effort I take it all day long welcome back to the Football Ramble everybody that was uh AFV formerly known as Arsenal fan TV after Arsenal Drew with Man City at the end of March do you respect AFV Luke uh no no okay I think it’s [ __ ] terrible still not uh well thanks to Friend of the ramble Steven for sending us that clip you can become a friend of the ramble too by heading over to ramble if you will associate yourself with these people you’ll be um able to get access to the Discord where you can chat with us and other ramble listeners get adree episodes of the ramble up front and on the continent and Liverpool tool tool wolver Hampton Wanderers nil yeah caps off Jorgen klopp’s time as Liverpool manager he was fully clothed as I say and at full time he put on a red jumper put more clothes on uh with a heart in the front of it saying thank you love and I’ll Never Walk Alone on the back that’s it it’s all gone good night folks he’s done L he’s done um yeah it was I actually flicked over to this for the last 20 minutes and it was very strange atmosphere in in a good way actually and I think it obviously it was very orchestrated how they did it at the end but his speech was so chaotic and it kind of spoke to I suppose his time in the Premier League really it was a neat little snapshot of a bloke who has so much going on for him you know in in a positive way who has endeared himself so much to the club and vice versa the city to of Liverpool has imprinted itself on klopp he really know what to say yeah I know what you mean I think I think that he he said before didn’t he to the um to the broadcast was it Kelly Kates and Jamie carer that he said the week leading up to it he said it was very strange and he was saying he even said something like I don’t think as a human being you should have so much attention on yourself or or be elevated so high which is sort of more philosophical point but he said that you know they had to kind of deal with that and he said but on the day on that day they were they were speaking on the game day he was like I’m I’m in game mode I just normal as always and I think that he he did really well with that with his speech in in the in the Chang room as well at the end it was just very professional it wasn’t especially emotional and I think again I think that he just went into professional mode and I think that’s probably the right thing to do you know make sure you get through it and he has a little sing song as well yeah I mean I think if you if you look at sport in general the ey like with with teams like that or any kind of success it’s beholding on the players you know whether it’s you you’ve got a medal at the end of it not it’s beh holding on the players and the managers and coaches whatever to leave the shirt in a better place yeah that’s what they always say leave the shirt leave the badge in a better place and undoubtedly he’s done that but with that comes an acceptance that life goes on I think he you know Vil van djk said it himself that obviously he’s really upset but life goes on Liverpool Football Club will start the season next year with a new manager and they will look to I suppos improve on what club’s done really that’s the whole point of it but yeah I was it was very nicely done and um I suppose showed the humanity of klopp well I think I think you’re right because I think that’s it isn’t it klopp is well aware that no individual is bigger than the club now one can sort of think that for a brief moment of such a successful and celebrated period in in Liverpool’s history and you think oh my like he is the club kind of thing of course it’s not true and and it shouldn’t be true and and klopp is again I think other than when he’s just got beaten and of course he’s a winner so he’s never going to be too happy and he got be a bit prickly but other than that you know he’s he’s usually got quite a bit of self-awareness I think yeah yeah I’d agree and um and and and I think that’s one of the things that has endeared him so much to the city of Liverpool or you know everon fans you know you know you you know what I mean and uh but certainly with Liverpool they just they they their love for him as a I mean if he wanted to be in the running for mayor of Liverpool he would win it yeah I mean he’s the the way he handled that speech and the way that he um led a a song about Anna slot Final Act of management wasn’t it because it it it it’s an embodiment of the feeling that he’s leaving the club in a good place and that they’re going in a positive direction it’s it’s sort of disappointing end the season but again it’s um the outpouring of Love is a sort of reminder of of where they were when he picked up and what better shape they’re in now he’s reestablished them as a as a force in in World football really you know they they are seen as one of the the big dogs of European football again and that is a big big um Legacy to leave and you know when he first came in there was you know a lot of noise about heavy metal football we were all very excited to see if he could deliver that and he did with with gusto and with style and they are one of the defining teams of the Premier League era in terms of the way they played the way they were just overwhelmed teams just absolutely swarm teams from from minute one there so much fun to watch so Dynamic just so many brilliant brilliant players improved by klopp and it’s a it’s a fantastic Legacy and in that Premier League winning season where they were so good you know often go behind and then come back and late goals and again it’s that Jeopardy that the neutral can kind of go oh that was that was exciting you got to you got to hand it to him and people often compare his trophy Hall with with guardias whether that has any value in it or not I’ll let others decide you know we talked extensively actually on the mailbag on Saturday about klopp’s Legacy and and delved into that a little bit more but he won every trophy available in his time at Liverpool and they did win one this season which was you know an impressive win apart from the Europa League sorry yes you’re absolutely right yeah yeah but they close to that as well I found the speeches I mean you’re talking about the public one or the one in the dress room that was yes the one in the dress room I found was similar like and and and what I put that down to is that he’s just quite an instinctive guy it’s impossible to imagine someone like klopp like I’m going to write I put a few words together he’s always just going to speak from the heart which I think is actually the main attraction to why people like him so much and and actually we didn’t cover this in huge amount of depth on Saturday but we covered it a little bit um with that type of character you take the rough with the Smo well the reason that he’s going to go railing about um a defeat that he’s not happy with or a 1230 kickoff is because he’s such an instinctive guy and that can be inspirational and and really and really charismatic and and contain a lot of gravity that people kind of are drawn to but at the same time it can be like [ __ ] why did I say that type thing and that’s just typ the type of character he is um I think as I said on Saturday the Prem is going to miss him in a huge way I mean you got to be You Don’t Know What You Got Till It’s Gone he’s a great character and it it’ll undoubtedly pop up at a huge Club again probably a bit sooner than than we think think because these types of characters they always talk about going on long breaks and they never actually do well I I I think Andy saying um that you know bayen might be funny enough a club where he might end up I mean you think about it you know people keep turning that club down I’m not sure what clpp would take it yeah well I’m not either but I’m just you know adding to um that chat I think I mean klopp said before the game that he will go on a long break for sure I actually I believe him I think he’s got such a passion for football that I understand your point he’d be back sooner rather than later but I mean sooner rather than later could be in a year and a half but name is going to loom large over any manager Under Pressure isn’t it indeed but but not in England because he said he will not coach another team in England and that I do believe I cannot imagine him managing another side I don’t think he would be back for a second spell at Liverpool um I mean you never know I I can’t imagine him coming back to anfield to watch a game either yeah I know what you mean I think yeah not in the next year or so that was one of the things that really hurt Moes wasn’t it that Ferguson was there all the time you got to stay away I also think um it’s interesting that he’s finally join Instagram yeah well that’s it I think that shows he’s going to 2 million followers already that’s clout clo yeah two days in he’s got 2 million followers is this what he’s doing is he going to become an influencer that be great Jim do you know what I would love to see him just travel the world well he doesn’t have a salary now maybe he’s trying to get free stuff yeah I I think what he could do someone sponsor him to go around the world on Friday we talked about the fact that he might come out for his final game with his Sho shoes and socks and his T-shirt and then nothing on his on his over his [ __ ] and ball could he do an only fans yeah Donald Duck I didn’t think Donald Duck yeah Donald Duck it around the world be a proper German tourist [ __ ] Donald ducky M Ryman SL he has uh his little caption under his name on Instagram is the normal one yeah nice ni it’s actually very kind of Nels SoMo to get sent off for him on so uh he could he could win his final game as well pretty easily days after wolves F emotion to scrap v v I think we’ll upgrade that to the referee probably should have seen that that was a anyway he should have done well yeah we will miss klopp we will bloody miss him there’s no doubt about that uh we will miss Eric tenh har if he does go uh for all the uh quite easily miss him now for very different reasons of course you think he’ll start a CH for the next manager yeah thanks say a few words just get rain dumped on him from the hole in the roof at Old Trafford oh Manchester United finished season a high they beat Brighton 2 um it’s it’s a a good victory and again one that I wanted to see because I want Eric tenh har to stay I want him to I want them to win the FA Cup because you know surely you can’t do that again to a Manchester United manager but look they they clinched eighth spot um Manchester United which is uh their lowest in in premier league history I believe I also believe if they win the FA Cup which is obviously a big ask they will deny Newcastle European place which for for you know sibling based reasons would be massive for you Vish yeah so it benefit the WhatsApp group and that’s it for about half an hour oh dear me but but the big news coming out of um this fixture was of course um Brighton announcing the day before the game that Roberto derer would be leaving the club he did a farewell speech uh the fans interrupted him with chance for him to stay uh Derby said listen we didn’t find the agreement to move on I have accepted the policies of the club I’m sad but I know my life and I know what I’m going to do he also said that he’s going to smoke a lot more cigarettes and watch lots and lots of football did he really did he say that Legend that’s great a legend shade of casano when Antonio casano was asked if he was what he was going to do when he was when he retired to get fat no he was like I’m going to eat everything everything absolutely everything yeah yeah the reports were saying there unavoidable differences between derer and the owner Tony Bloom about the club’s transfer policy I was obviously like most people a bit surprised not necessarily because of the results cuz they have been going down a little bit but a little bit surprised that it came out when it did but at the same time given how Brighton operate probably makes perfect sense because this is the kind of situation that exacerbate that gets exacerbated during a summer when the focus essentially is on signings and money and how how much they can spend towards improving their squad and you know it seems like the the disagreement has stemmed from we need to sell players to to buy players deserve he wants to build a squad and it feels in the world of Football Premier League football specifically this feels quite grownup thing yeah in terms of look we know it’s just going to get worse over the summer when we have more time to talk about this you you know you want to move on or rather you want to you want to spend in a way that we don’t want to spend so why don’t we just cut our ties here um so yeah it’s it’s quite refreshing I think and I suppose it also speaks to a bit of glass ceiling that Brighton have in that obviously they you know they’ve famously done very well from bringing in players and selling them for big profits But ultimately they’re a platform for people to go on bigger things and it’s no different to managers really and I suppose derer is just pulling the cord on that maybe a season or twoo early I think I think it’s um it’s sensible from deserie as well because his stock is so high like he’s linked with every single job at the moment every single time he was talking about the Liverpool job wasn’t he yeah but it’s diminishing a bit isn’t it you wouldn’t you wouldn’t think of him as as a candidate for Liverpool now obviously they’ve got someone in place but I think it’s probably a smart time for him to to to make himself available as well it is it is um one manager who is available surely Manchester United and and other Premier League sides who are either needing a new manager or thinking of changing is is Max allegri sacked this week wasn’t he sacked this week by Juventus um angrily drove out of the training ground in a fear of 500 it P said the most Italian storming off I’ve ever seen amazing it’s impossible to be angry while you’re driving a fe 500 it’s like trying to win a conversational or argumentative points while wearing a cycle helmet it’s just impossible no one’s going to take it seriously looking cool while you’re eating a bag of crisps yeah it just can’t be done no can’t yeah they said um Juventus said when they sacked allegri that he is incompatible with the values of Juventus which is like say you’re too big a prick for this prison well what what what are the values of Juventus I’d love to hear what that is got a little got a list I’d love to read is Max allegri a KN Max just just take this bag over the border and don’t ask any questions I’m not doing it and stop in the back stop asking just do it well the Juventus finished fourth there a bit me with that but his behavior in the Italian Cup Final where I think he was sent off wasn’t he and the picture is absolutely brilliant there it looks like he’s undressing yeah he does his shirt he’s got about four or five buttons undone where he’s where he’s screaming the play down I mean they did win the Italian cup but it wasn’t enough so they also qualify for the Champions League yeah I think I think half of serar did this season but yeah they finished fourth and bologna finish in third um for for for those who uh are interested in that sort of thing well done there but I wouldn’t be surprised if we if allegri is now linked to Premier leue defitely he has been before Oh massively yeah of course he has just stay away from stay away from our Eric he was he was yeah we need him to stay he was linked to a load of Premier League clubs after he left Juventus the first time indeed indeed yes yes yes well Eric tane K has claimed um after he claimed after the game against Brighton that they are in a better position now than they were 12 months ago I mean obviously in terms of Premier League positions that is factually incorrect um they do have a cut final to look forward to as they did last season yeah um it is against the same maybe he means geographically Brighton was quite nice it was sunny on the week we a much better place lick ice cream on be this is lovely this yeah what do you reckon Vish show of what of United being in a better place whatever you want what do you think growing like a stall Mite AR they yeah yeah yeah just when you look up it pierces you through the [ __ ] Sky that’s that’s a stall tight actually is it really oh from the ground um would you like him to stay uh no but the thing is but but when you say that though there is a there does seem a feeling with Manchester United fans if you get rid of him then who else is that it seems like a bigger issue I think so like um he’s been saying stuff like this which is factually untrue for a while yeah and it feels like he is lying in a two Monon long job interview with the new owners and he doesn’t trust that they’d look it up which they might not to be fair w we in the Champions League at Celtic we must have finished higher than e no no no you know evidently over the weekend uh s rackliff did an interview with Sky News and he’s got bigger fresh to fry you know immigration he came across he came across really well didn’t he God it’s weird would you ra would you rather the qaris got um but it’s you never cease to be amazed by billionaires who moved to Monaco are he also he also seemed to one he’s obviously doing the interview rounds at the weekend I saw the scar news one awful but he did another one where he seemed to say that he all the most important thing to him was winning the America’s Cup yeah all right great that’s not why people are talking to you mate no one gives a [ __ ] about sailing like you’re part owner the biggest Club in world to lose to some kiwis anyway a lot of the a lot of the kind of billionaire political class now that kind of kind of rarified atmosphere of where those people are um there does seem to be a barely disguised petulant them having to answer the questions that are being asked them because they’ve agreed to do an interview like every single time Richie soon that gets asked a question he seems really [ __ ] pissed off Radcliff every question was asked he was like it was almost like he was looking at the guy going why are you asking me that there’s no such thing as a good question when you’re as good as me you can’t think of anything as good as me musk is the same they’re all [ __ ] wankers would you swap him for that guy who is um injecting himself with his own son’s blood to try and oh yeah stay young forever the guy puts a little machine on his penis to monitor the amount of rections he gets over oh yes yeah um would you swap him for the guy in in samp who was waving the pro leg around I don’t which one of these is Pete Donaldson all of them hand puppet prosthetic leg um little machine on the penis and secret billionaire yeah chemical a chemicals magnet as well Pete I say one of The Chemical Brothers could be I would do that could be uh yeah I so it’s it’s a really interesting time I think they’re going to get rid of tenh in the summer I think they’re going to make a bad appointment I was I was also thinking about the fact that I wonder if they go for derer and it just ends really messily in a year’s time becomes a grand Potter style situation not too obvious but partly because derer evidently you know with the Tony Bloom thing we don’t I I don’t necessarily know how amicable that was but he’s obviously someone who who you know talks to um you know he’s not afraid to to pull up you know the people above him in the chain um and I don’t think any particularly like that or want that from a from a new man the arguments I’ve seen for keeping tenh um are the outside of this room outside of this has there been one well are they’ve had a lot of injury problems and they’re not only to have that of course but it has been a massive massive factor in the season I think they’ve had 14 different Center back pairings or they certainly did at some stage in the season might even be higher than that now um and that is a really difficult set of circumstances to work to work with do you think there’s any anything to that you know if they had a better sort of Fitness record surely you know yeah of course but but weirdly United are actually um because of I individual quality United are actually if you look at the numbers they should have conceded more goals yeah because they concede so many shots yeah yeah and obviously that’s that you know you can look you can go delve into those and find like a bit of a false equivalence there but essentially they should have conceded more goals and they’ve actually done all right in that way it’s just the issue is there’s no real you know style of play it’s not evident what the tactics are there’s obviously a sense that none of the players in the dressing room respect him and also you know bear in mind like obviously it’s quite petulant dressing room anyway by the sounds of it um but you can’t you know it’s it’s just fundamentally it’s just easier to get rid of the it does feel like er point about um we should have conceded more goals but we didn’t so get the problem is he he um he he doesn’t he passes up massively simple opportunities to to to to improve his own PR right he won’t like ever disavow a player’s [ __ ] performance which some people would say is a good thing but it’s a good thing when you’re in a position of strength it’s not a good thing when everything else is going under the bus like he won’t untie himself from Anthony who’s like a massive albatross around his neck he follows up like outrageously poor performances by like casemiro by just playing him again when actually what you could do if you’re in an absolute [ __ ] State anyway and your season’s over in the league play a center back from the youth team play an academy player like may not have got a great tradition with that he he makes really odd decisions all the time he’s basically he’s like Sideshow Bob steing stepping on rakes every single week when all these John Aldridge or John Aldridge stepping on a rake every single week um and and and and N T’s not even given credit to the NHS stuff no John Al is at least that’s my real beef with him so as for all those reasons make it absolutely clear I would completely love him to stay yeah what do you think s Jim R Cliff wants to do with the NHS for goodness sake yeah don’t answer that yeah um I think it’s rather obvious um right let’s move on to Luton Town they were relegated it was confirmed on the last day of the Season all but down of course before the game it was 12 goals behind not Forest on goal difference and they lost 42 to FH yeah their wife has kicked them out but they hadn’t yet moved their stuff out had they and now theyve just done that and it was thrown out the top window by fham it was absolutely was ful went round there and helped them move out didn’t they yeah that’s I’m surprised this didn’t lead the running order today actually F’s performance I got out voted yeah um 100 to one but yeah no you’re right the big story was Fulham clinch 13 spot over wolves without victory yeah gab um oh they needed that nice for himene to score a couple of goals as well but Luton yes conceding 85 goals this season I mean only D stat with 86 and of course Sheffield United with 104 conceded more in Europe’s top five leagues you can’t do that Jim and hope to stay up can you no you can’t I mean if you take the points of deductions away from from the season it’s it’s it’s they’ve all been slapped down to the championship pretty handily I’d like to um spare a thought for Luton I think they’ve been good I think it’s been exciting they’ve G us a lot of moments and it’s impossible to say these kind of things about S as patronizing but it’s amazing they’re in the Premier League they just so what to get there they gave some us some amazing like good moments exciting pass passages of football competitive games they fight really hard and still technically alive on the last day they were all the they were all the things that Sheffield United weren’t and and and even Burnley with you know the big name manager of course people looking at company so on now Burnley Burnley were a bit in between weren’t they they were a bit in between and fair enough they they ried towards the end but but Lon of the side who people will remember this season go do you know what they gave a fairly decent account of themselves and I I I sincerely hope that they’re back sooner rather than later because of of what that club has been through and Rob Edwards we’ve enjoyed him he’s a beautiful man we wanted him to be singing a bit of bjovi in the Town Square if that has survived but maybe that we’ll get it next season if they win the championship yeah and I mean let’s hope he that they stick with him and he sticks with them and that they can just use those parachute payments wisely and we’ll see them again I think I think one of the things it does show is that how down the bottom of the table how poor it’s been though I mean you could have stayed up with 26 point I mean that’s crazy it’s insane that really is yeah I mean forest and everon are both lucky well obviously maybe not so much everon but Forest are lucky that this is the season they got their points deduction yeah yeah I’ll be sure because because even without the forest points deduction if you take that off I mean Luton Burnley and Sheffield unit I mean Luton would have been down by 10 points I mean it’s it’s crazy really yeah it is um we have to mention Crystal Palace 5 astonvilla nil the most predictable result of all the results on the final day of the Premier League season um Jean Philip Mata scored a hat-trick once again proving Andy brassel wrong well you know what I was looking into this and I think that ever since the very day that Andy brassel cast doubt on Jean Philip beta’s ability in the Premier League he’s been proving him wrong I don’t think any player has scored more goals than Prem Le him which is amazing well since glaser’s first game at the end of February Mata has scored more goals than any other player in the league 13 yeah 13 goals which is Sensational because I’m I’m quite sure that if you’d have offered 13 goals at the start of the season for him or any you as a striker for for you know teams down there or you know fans would take that yeah um I mean you know he’s got 16 16 in the Premier League this season yeah I mean puts him in the top 10 of Premier League goal scorers glaser’s um impact has been phenomenal we spoke about this before of course but you know Roy hodin was there and and you know it was to try and keep them up and do all the sort of Roy hodiny things but we knew also that they play in a certain style which is not going to get the best of the out of that obvious attacking flare that they’ve had now they’ve had their injuries you know the that front three and one or two those haven’t haven’t played a lot this season but glasner has unlocked what those fans have been crying out for yeah and so it vindicates what a lot of Palace fans have been saying for a while I was also speaking to a m Mine He’s a palace fan and he said one of the one of the best things about glasner from a I suppose a fans perspective has been it’s all well and good like having really exciting young players who then go off elsewhere and you make money from them but the best thing is enjoying them and being like I was there when you know this and i’ you know I had QPR mates who about e but they didn’t have him for that long to the to the fact they’ve had like three months of e and Alis tearing it up together like having clearly having so much fun but also this emergence of mata’s part of that isn’t it if you trust the players to play to their attacking instincts to approach things with fun then you really really see the best of them and that what a midest touch that is also like there’s been a precedent set in recent seasons for teams who haven’t perhaps been that fancy doing really well I mean not Brighton getting into Europe Aston Villa probably you probably big a club that have really exceeded expectations there is room there given the amount of teams that get into Europe this season there’s room there to do something and with a full preseason behind him Glon looks like a serious operator he’s clearly got the players playing for him they’ve ended the season better than any teams outside of Man City and Arsenal they’ve been so good and if he can get them far in and get a good summer um and and keep hold of some players they could be a real Force I mean because they finish in the top half anyway and they only finished like 11 12 points or whatever it was of of teams like Newcastle Chelsea and all the rest of it and they basically wasted the first half of the season so it’s an incredible um platform they’ve given themselves really really really exciting time for them I did um I did enjoy that maybe musami was one of the best players for Villa follower of Islam so I he can go on the pist for last week you’re talking about yeah I’ve got you I do everything my [ __ ] self around there what I that’s what I was farting earlier this season now I got do this for you oh dear and Ole Watkins didn’t get an assist in in the game um I mean they didn’t score obviously so you’d have worked that out yourself but he was given the playmaker award for the most assists in the League this season which is incredible for really impressive stuff I mean if you look at the not too shabby look at the goals assists kind of stats in the Premier League this season there’s a lot of English players in there I mean Watkins has also got 19 League goals I mean it’s wild it’s absolutely wild yeah let’s hope Harry Kane comes back from that back injury in time the top the top 10 scorers in the Premier League this season include Cole Palmer domic shanki OE Watkins Jared Bowen and Phil foden like there there’s a lot of English players involved I think the I think the assist thing also shows just how well-rounded Watkins game has become definitely yeah absolutely um yeah I mean Villa were never going to win this game that that’s we can all agree on do you think that’s why unir named his son on the bench it’s a lovely move that is yeah he does even like [Laughter] football four years old they did sign him in the January transfer but he said to the owner I’ll put him on the bench now or it’s the first Champions League game of the season you choose you choose they got him I think from Valencia but I I don’t think he’s played too much in his care he’s only 21 bless him yeah he’s very young no don’t bless him why not he’s good enough or he’s not do you remember there used to be probably that’s what every said in the meeting what’s he doing here he’s only 21 bless him he got he’s got he’s got he’s brought his sticker book can he do working experence here can he have a pH then son stop asking the Villa players to sign your shirt it’s embarrassing they used to do that thing didn’t they when um he’s sober get him on the bench he drove there so he had to um the uh there used to be that thing where like certain clubs would sign certain players who are maybe a bit above their station and as a sweetener would sign like their brother yeah Max black he knows all my secrets when Blackburn signed rocket Santa Cruz they also signed and his brother I like that I think Christian bent’s brother might have played for Villa as well s he was definitely knock RoR yeah Don RoR might be one of them as well rings a bell definitely yeah uhhuh yeah uh the Nevels in the broadcasting world uh well there we are that’s it everybody the Premier League season is done and dusted um and yeah it’s been a good in it’s been right in terms of you know goal scored you can’t you can’t argue with it moment picking out a a game of the season is actually difficult isn’t itel man many so many bar burners it’s not difficult I told him or one of the five nil Fulham wins take your pick they’re in the same week easy peasy what a week what a week it’s going to be a national holiday next year I tell you um but now we’ve got to talk about some of the playoffs finals um down in the football league absolutely bumper episode this week I tell you what Oxford United beat Bolton wanders 2 nil to return to the second for the first time in 25 years imagine that if Oxford United got up into the Premier League original playmaker of the Football Ramble 11 Rupert frier loves it didn’t he he took his took his kids along he did Big Oxford United fan great to see him they they’ve had some great times over the years and they’ve been on that been on down their luck it’s good to see him bouncing back and and Josh Murphy there you go um his second goal talking about Touches earli at the top of the show with Phil foden if he meant that first touch for his second goal to go past the keeper that is one of the touches of the Season it was a beauty I’ve rewatched it and I took the whole thing out of it so after a few replays because he doesn’t stutter so usually if you if he wanted the touch to be shorter he’d like prepare for the shot wouldn’t he yeah but he kept going which makes me think it was deliberate I thought it was deliberate as well and and they also got whooped by Bolton not that long ago they turned it around yeah took a load of fans up it’s great no yeah and they narrowly avoided relegation last season but 30,000 Ox of fans yeah I I can’t be wrong I um I I do feel I’ve mentioned him a few times this season I do feel for for B and they they play some really nice stuff and and I think the um the occasion maybe got to them which is a cliche thing to say you lose at Wembley but they didn’t have Jacob Murphy’s twin brother they didn’t and if you haven’t got Jacob Murphy’s twin brother what have we learned today if we learned one thing about football at the end of this Premier League season if you do not have Jacob Murphy’s twin brother in your lineup you’re very very unlikely to get any sort of success whatsoever yeah everyday is a school day it is very much so uh we should mention cwy Town beating crew Alexander 2-0 to secure promotion to League one did the fans down there still hate Croy town do we know I don’t know but they were um they were favorites relegation at start the season as I repeatedly say done amazingly well as Welling and going back to Oxford United very very quickly their coach is a big Oxford guy quite an interesting career he he’s managed out in India and all sorts of different places and he’s come back to his hometown how about that and delivered them um and delivered them um promotion not the best coach to come out of ox Oxford this season though of course well they’re all students of the game up there that be John MHO yeah pumpy man pumpy man he managed to get out of Dodge and get to Portsmith Prime pan from from one amazing uh from one amazing uh seat of learning yes to another thank you for watching a clip from the Football Ramble podcast don’t forget to like this video And subscribe to the channel so you don’t miss an upload a single upload don’t miss out on the uploads the uploads are important [Music]


  1. Great video/content!

    Don’t think Arsenal win the league anytime soon.

    I’m a bit bias being a Chelsea fan, but if I were betting man, Chelsea will win the league before Arsenal.

    They won nothing again and that will take a toll on the mentality of the players. Maybe not next season, but for sure the next season.

  2. incredible year from Phil. en route to being the most decorated english player ever.

  3. This was great been searching for years to find a group who actually talk level headed about the league.. instead of shows whose analysis of city consist of “ city won, well that’s what they do, they’re really good. Now let’s talk about Arsenal and man united for 45 mins”

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