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“I hope there’s a statue in the making” 🥺 | Jurgen Klopp watches emotional Liverpool tributes to him

Jurgen Klopp sits down to reflect on his Liverpool career and watches a host of Liverpool legends pay tribute to the outgoing Liverpool boss.
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[Music] so Jurgen you said when you were appointed it’s not so important what people say when you come in it’s much more important what they say when you leave well this is what they [Music] said that big smile and that aura were just hit you straight away I’ve never been around a person like her before how he is as a man is very special I think we’re going to stay in contact for forever I’m so glad that I could have a manager a leader uh like him I would pay any amount of money and I would do anything for anyone if I could represent this guy for one year oh he’s right up there at the very top I just hope to God that there’s a statue in the making football will definitely miss him your first impression of Jurgen Club the excitement just started straight from the first press conference and when it was appointed I think I said uh we better get my seat belts passing we’re going for a we’re going for a a big ride it’s going to be fantastic after that first interview you’re almost Shadow Boxing in the midor you you’re you’re thinking oh come on then game on I was delighted there’s no doubt he was the best man for the job on the list of names that came in I think I said that on that uh famous Clipper TI on re he touches the leg straight away that that big smile and that aura would just hit you straight away very passionate energetic uh knew exactly what he wanted um short fuse definitely at that time I think as well um you know putting his mark on the club and you know I think the best managers do have that sort of Fear Factor as well I strange blend of intimidating and very welcoming um very very friendly very Smiley very happy and love to see young players around and create a really good vibe but if watching his watching him and watching him on the touch line and seeing how he is and seeing how demanding and kind of emotional and sometimes angry he got was was intimidating and the size and stature of him he’s a lot told them what people think I think any manager for young players intimidating but with the baskets probably a couple couple notches higher I think he has that presence and you know I saw him and obviously when my first game at nfield and he’s watching the warm up of the the opponent’s team that’s what he always does and you know that’s was one of the first times I’ve saw him up close my first impressions come from from the first video call we had was a special moment and I realized that we would have a special partnership uh in football he summarized a little bit his way of thinking his way of thinking about football uh his way about thinking of life as well and I realized that we we we had a lot a lot in common and that’s the reason that why it was a special do you remember what your first impressions of him were the manager um I think the first the first thing when when the first call we had like uh that’s the thing stuck in my mind more the first time we had a call and he was like explaining to me uh he want me to come here no basically explained to me that look he’s building a new team in the club and S is there and Bob’s there and he just want me to to play in that side and my football will he will he said I’m going to improve your football I’m also going to give you freedom to do what you want then yeah then I was like okay fine I’m going to come um then yeah I came then the rest you can see favorite moment or game personally I think the the Norwich game it was just one of the moments that you dream about it doesn’t happen often being involved in a game like that I mean I think norch equalized in the 95th minute or something and straight up the other end and yeah obviously my Ark took me in a certain direction and Jurgen was halfway at the touch line at that point I will go with the with the celebration together uh after The Late Late winner on the Derby just running onto the pitch uh to celebrate with your goalkeeper that was a special one I saw him running this guy just think this guy is crazy yeah I think that’s probably the the famous one um B at home are we talking about do you think like a really special human here someone who can give other people belief where maybe there is none mhm yeah I’ve I’ve never I’ve never been around the person like her before I’ve never seen or experience someone who can Inspire and motivate um at the click of his fingers if he told me today it was snowing outside I believe him you know that’s that’s that’s probably the best way I can put it if I had to pick one moment then I would probably also say you know the Barcelona game that was just under the circumstances that we had you know it was a was the perfect game it was the if you still see it back you know you just get goosebumbs and um but there are many moments and even you know it’s just his Charisma and and the way he is and football will definitely miss him I think after winning the Champions League we we had a a moment after the game and and you know you see the emotion of the fans and the players and what we’d been through before that in terms of you know 97 points and not winning the league and coming that close losing in the Champions League final so I think that achieving that first big tropy was massive we are here I think seven eight years together so it’s like there’s too many m in in my in my head but I think um winning the Premier League in that game I think when Chelsea pit uh City and also win the Champions League that was like the thing stuck in my mind more because there too much emotions involved but especially was when we won the when we won the premiership and the presentation was here and the C although it was empty still nice to have it in the C I just think of of club and I think of the the nights I had with me sun you know things I’ll always remember you know the night in in Madrid when we won the Champions League being with me son after the game and friends and family traveling over there coming back and and and they stay with you for life that’s what Jen klopp has done for a new generation of Liverpool supporters we were invited to represent the first team myself and Jamie in Australia for the exhibition match and Jen took the team so we got a small segment of what it’ be like when he’s standing in front of you and he’s giving you the tactics and the plan and I remember sitting there thinking to myself I would pay any amount of money and I would do anything for anyone if I could represent this guy for one year that’s what I was thinking when I was sitting in the rim and I mean this was a friendly match this was an exhibition and but I flew into that game like it was a cup final what has he done for you what does he mean to you well there’s absolutely nothing’s possible whatsoever with that opportunity I was fortunate to have the manager at the right time who wanted to play young players and seen something in me that warranted a chance and I was able to take it so I think for that I’ll ever be in deted to him um for me he’s been a massive part of my football Journey like he’s G me my first chance at football playing senior football so sort of weing to him really he’s G me my my sort of breakthrough so and I just want to try to cherish every little bit we get left of him because he’s one of the best managers in the world for me personally I feel like I ow absolutely everything and he helped me fulfill my dreams which was to play at anfield and for Liverpool he got me to Liverpool and that’s uh one of the biggest blessings of my of my career and I’m forever grateful for for that opportunity and um he made he had obviously helped me and and and made me the player who I am today as well and I’m always grateful for the ones that helped me along the along the tough road that I’ve had and um where I am today I mean it’s hard to put in a words is it I think when you spend that amount of time with someone I think the journey we went on I think how he is as a man he’s very special as well and to be able to do it with someone who you respect and you like as a manager um was amazing and um you know I’ve got a lot to be grateful for that he kept me around and put with me for that long I always look at this situation as like as a human being to be fair um he improved me as a player that’s for sure I help him a lot as a manager that’s for sure uh we help each other a lot and we give everything for the club to win trophies and everybody can see that um but the thing I take from that as a human being um I think he’s a person that if I if I’m in trouble I could give him a call and ask him about his opinion and I think we when I speak to him we just keep the communication for sure forever for life because this is not just relationship in in work also we take it with us outside and um yeah we we just I think we’re going to stay in contact for forever Jurgen is a really special guy for me personally I at the darkest moment of of my life uh when I lost my dad he was really close of me he helped me a lot not only that but I improved as a man uh as a father as a friend uh having a leader as him uh we we have to follow people good people uh and uh I’m so glad that uh that I could have a manager a leader like him I turned up at Liverpool and I was I was insecure Big Time didn’t feel comfortable in the dressing room on the pitch in the kit straight away he took that away straight away and I’ll I’ll never forget that away from the the pressure of the game he’s also very human and normal and his family come at the game obviously every week and they’re fantastic it’s just just eclipsed everything no like coming in just surpassed everything that that you thought you would what it would be like the biggest thing for me was um obviously after the disappointment of 20 4 when we come so close and I don’t have to mention it again um there was a lot of pain a lot of hate myself my family obviously a lot of Liverpool fans and there was a lot of Doubt after that moment there was a lot of painful times and I just hope to God that there’s a statue in the making and I hope it’s nearly ready because I think he deserves that stature at the club you know you mentioned shankley Fagan bonitz all the the ones that have delivered the big prizes at Liverpool that comes with huge pressure and it’s very difficult to achieve then big accolades he’s right up there alongside the best for sure oh he’s right up there at the very top with the top I mean the number one in Liverpool support as eyes as Bill shank because he built the club basically from the second division to where we are today I always feel like J’s almost like the Shankle this C so I think that’s a really big Legacy and just it made the people happy wow you look like you went through a the full range of emotions watching that what’s it like hearing the people you’ve been on the journey with and how they feel about you let me say it like that if they would talk about somebody else I would think wow that must be a a really nice guy just to thinking about yourself um I wonderful things I I I’m not sure I I praed any kind of Television stuff recently or for a long long time or maybe ever that’s a really nice piece it’s a really nice piece um yeah so I I what it’s really nice that because the the relationship I have from my side to my players I want to be there the biggest support they ever had on a professional basis obviously because family is different um but getting as close as possible to the to to to be a family and yeah it was now really emotional so are so many things what uh what they said um really got me um anything in particular that was not be fair I have to say I don’t think so that was anything in particular it was pretty much everything I I didn’t know and didn’t realize that Adam Lana felt like he felt before I arrived obviously was not there but I L the player from the first moment and by the way it’s birthday today send this morning a message um getting a kind of in the heart of James Miller I think besides his family it’s pretty tricky it’s nice to have that so look um I’m not I always said that’s how it should be can you do that that’s if you look I look watch that movie now if somebody ask me about them doing a movie about James Trent in 10 years virtual Ali Mo I would have only positive things to say uh and that’s exactly what what you want to have together it was nine nearly nine years it’s such a big part of your life we spent them together and everybody feels the same it was worth it um and I’m I’m I’m really happy that was wow that took me back and um really good times I couldn’t Barcelona game obviously everybody who was there would mention that it was an ABS great moment but we had so many great moments I actually can remember the moment when Chelsea got the penalty against City and like the hand ball and I was like hand ball I I I literally can feel it that was the biggest relief of my life probably yeah there so many so many moments oh my god really cool thank you very much oh you’re welcome you absolutely deserve it it feels like you’re the guy who blew the cobwebs away you know you mean there was this kind of treasure lying there and and you found it again yeah but found we found it again that’s probably the right way to say we didn’t invent anything or we didn’t had to have to so that’s why I said and I know people from other clubs don’t like that if you speak like that but what can I say about other clubs I don’t know them good enough but I think we all agree like us or not Liverpool is a very very special Club um and the club doesn’t stop at at the pure result this club at least and I don’t know how it’s in other clubs how I said understands um the importance of the role we have and we try to be um there for pretty much everybody when they need us uh last question then because often when we judge managers you know you kind of look at a spreadsheet how many Premier Leagues did he win how many Caravel cups how many champions league of course when you look at that is this a reminder of what’s really important more than any trophy is it the relationships is it the family that you’ll take with you from Liverpool so I wish Liverpool all the very very very best and I said that if you win a premier league with Liverpool or a champion league with Liverpool it’s more worth than five with another club I know how that sounds it’s just again it’s just for us it’s like of course it’s because we didn’t win it now all the time I don’t know how it feels if you win the championship three four five times in a row I never did it I just can tell you how what it meant to us and what it means to the people and everything what we do here feels to us that it means more um it’s allowed it’s allowed if you if you want to be part of us we want to be part of family you are allowed to think it means more to us and that’s all I need so of course people will say he only want one Premier League in nine years and that’s absolutely fine because it’s true am I interested in that no why should I if the same people would say I won only two in in 9 years only three 9 years that would change my life not for a bit so that’s it’s just not important important I said it before as long as you do the job you try absolutely everything to be as successful as possible but you have to accept that others do that as well so it is it doesn’t Define you as a human being if you want five or six trophies it defines you as human being how hard you tried it and that’s what that’s how I understand life and I I I blame myself and and criticize myself for a lot but not for not trying hard enough because I really did that and that’s where I’m fine with myself um and I think we created again a good basis for the for the future because that’s obviously nowadays not easy we see that now it’s it’s really like that that you come somewhere and people expect immediate success that is just what you cannot that’s really difficult part of it and that’s why I mean um we showed the people it takes I’m a little bit can take time a little bit but then you can go there if you are there but they don’t have to start where we started 9 years ago it’s a different situation now so and with the understanding of the situation of the people I’m super positive about the future I’m really looking forward to it well thank you very much you made the people happy I don’t think there’s any doubt about that thank you that was wow [Music]


  1. This man has his own gravity, a true god sent from the stars, forever missed, forever loved. he'll never walk alone.

  2. Everything was perfect with Klopp and Liverpool….Jurgen, I'm living in Trinidad and Tobago and I'm a Jamaican…..You reminded us WHY WE ARE THE GREATEST CLUB AND FANS

    And you reminded us to love the sport itself than the business…..Thank you….Thank you for also doing it with friendly rivalries…. I've never respected other clubs like now before you came….Thank you, Jurgen Klopp

  3. Im a Sunderland fan but ill miss Klopp & his football . I think the Premier league will miss him massively . I cant imagine what Liverpool fans will be feeling now. Hes a unique manager without a doubt .

  4. Boss, how could we – the Kop- not love you more and more? Hope, God bless you for your new journey and expect to see you at Anfield again.

    Thank you and you’ll never walk alone.

  5. My son lived with us for five years saving to buy a house 🏠 I have the greatest memories ❤️ to see my son and granddaughter Olivia winning the champions league and premier 👏 league you will be sadly missed god bless you a genuine gentleman ynwa

  6. I'm a Man Utd fan & there's absolutely no doubt this man will be sorely missed. He had everything in a manager won it all at Liverpool he gave the Premier League a huge lift just by being himself being passionate & unpredictable. He breathed Liverpool into life completely transformed them to the point they're now a real force once again. No doubt in my mind that Klopp is one of the best managers ever. He'll be a massive loss to the Premier League. I'm still suffering from that 7-0 trashing u gave us lmao. All the best Kloppo

  7. Klopp will always be in the hearts of all Liverpool supporters. I would also like to say huge thank you to all involved especially his number 2, Pep.
    He has been immense.
    Good luck to all for the future.

  8. Some of my greatest memories from my 20s (31 this year) are due to what this man did for a team that had me shambles back in 2014. How everything changed, so quickly, even without silverware in the first years. I've met wonderful people through watching the team and I have so many experiences to recall. Happy ones, frustrating ones, doesn't matter. I used to hope he'd get drawn with a Greek team in European qualifiers or groups, just so I could see him in our country.

    Thank you, Kloppo. For things that many have said and more that cannot be put into words. Enjoy your time from this point onward!

  9. Sometimes in life the game is important but not more than human life, as he highlighted so many times or shall I say everyone else mentioned it so often…

    A man cut from a different cloth ❤

  10. I’m a Barcelona fan since I was born and I will die as a Barcelona fan. Now, the ONLY reason I get a lil’ less upset about Barça losing 4-0 at Anfield, has a name, JURGEN KLOPP! What a person. Hats down for men like you. You’ll always have another fan!!

  11. …danke bosss, thank you for all your sacrifices and your role to all of Liverpool fans around the globe

  12. The fact he knew it was lallana's birthday, who hasn't been a Liverpool player for years just shows how much he cares.

  13. Jürgen VOMES as "THE NORMAL ONE" to Liverpool…and goes as THE KING…of LIVERPOOL Football Club !!! Geets and all the Best for Jürgen in his Future ! GREETS FRO GERMANY/DEUTSCHLAND 👍🇩🇪👋😎

  14. Other fans cant understsnd why Klopp is so loved and why we all praise him so much. They say things like, he only won 1 Title and 1 champions league in his time here, but that isnt the reason why all us Liverpool fans love him so much.

    Its becauae we love Jurgen as the man as much as we do the manager and they will never get that. He is a top human being and thank you for making us all believe again ❤


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