Golf Players

Once You Learn These 3 Moves Golf Will Feel So Much Easier…. Forever!

In this weeks lesson I want to talk to you about how your body should move through the golf swing, and specifically the 3 movements that we should all be using to hit the best shots we can. Every golfer, including yourself, has to blend these 3 movements together in order to produce accurate, long and consistent golf shots and in my experience many golfers are lacking one or more of these moves.

I recently helped a student called Owain who was missing out on one of these key moves and it got me thinking that this is a topic that is often not covered as much as it could be.

If you feel like there is just something missing from your game then this is a must watch as i’d almost guarantee that there is something here that can help

So watch as I cover the 3 movements and provide you some really simple drills to help you practice these on your own.


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00:00 Introduction
00:30 Perfect Rotation
03:30 Lateral Shift
07:13 Vertical Push

you can’t play Great Golf unless your body is doing three really key things in the Golf Scene and in my experience coaching many of the golers that struggle are missing one or two of these really key elements and that was certainly the case for a recent lesson of M Owen he had a great goling really really good but he was missing one of these three really key movements since we changed that his performance just went like that start to strike it better hit it more consistently so what are the three movements well we’re going to start off with turn so I’m sure you can all appreciate that in a goal s we have to turn we have to rotate our body we turn away from the Target and we turn towards the target however it’s not that simple because we have to turn on an angle so how do we turn on a tilted angle well that has to be through your knees through your hips and through your shoulders so here’s the first little exercise want you to do to really kind of feel and and get a sense of what that’s like at the end of your back swing you’re going to tear ball up we’re going to we are going to hit this golf ball in a moment take the club pop it across your shoulders I want you to just stand perfectly upright this way and I just want you to get comfortable making a turn so I’m going to rotate in the grip grip end of my golf club is going to start to point towards you as you’re looking it through that camera this is a turn you can see that my shoulders are turning through around about 90° notice I’ve also got some hip turn and I’ve also got some turn in my knees my lower body basically needs to turn to allow my upper body to move into this position so this is number one we’re going to turn and then number two is with our whole body we’re going to tip over towards the golf ball now the golf club itself will never Point down towards the ball it’s not on that steep an angle but what you can see here is I’ve now got angle through my shoulders I’ve got angle through my hips and I’ve got a little bit of angle through my knees and from my viewpoint the end of my grip here is pretty much over the golf ball now I know it won’t look like that from where you’re viewing it but if you do this exercise and you’ve got around about you can see a grip length outside of my lead shoulder when I make this movement as my turn and add my tilt I start to see that grip pretty much on top of that golf ball and you can do that you can do that at home in the office wherever you’re kind of watching this now and i’ love you to actually stand up and try and do it if you’ve got a golf club handy and the beauty with that little exercise is that within a few seconds a few rehearsals you can start to feel what a perfect body position is at the top where you’ve got tilt and you’ve got tur so how you actually going to hit a golf ball well look this isn’t easy this is a tricky little drill but I’d love you to go ahead and practice it there’s a reason why I’ve got this ball teed up I want to take my setup so I can gauge my sort of distance from the ball and make sure my relationship is correct then what I’m going to do is I’m going to stand up and I’m just going to put the club onto my trail shoulder okay really really simple I’ve got a nice light grip pressure you can see that my arms are pretty flexed and what I’m going to do is I’m simply going to add in my turn that we did I’m going to add in my tilt there’s my body position and I’m simply going to put the club into some sort of position at the top and then I can just go ahead and swing through and suddenly I’m able to get my golf club to line up with the ball not because I massively rerooted the club but because I took my body and I put it on an angle which was representative of where that ball was so that was a pretty terrible strike went pretty high not very far and actually kind of landed the club a little bit before the golf balls a little bit of a divver but didn’t feel compressed so why was that not a good shot I was missing one of those elements what was I missing I was missing the shift okay there has to be some lateral movement in your golfing especially when we’re talking with the I you can get away with it little bit more the driver we don’t necess need as much but let’s look at why that’s the case and just why you need that why it’s so important and then I’m going to give you a really simple drill to to practice it so if I took a setup here when I address the golf ball I’m basically setting a low point of my golfing okay my low point is going to be pretty much middle of my heels now that will depend a little bit on how you set your up where your hands are but effectively it’s going to be pretty much mid of your heels but we all know that if you want to hit good quality Iron shots that are well struck you have to hit ball then Turf you have to have that descending blow so the club has to be bottoming out Target side of the ball how do we do that well there’s a couple of things rotation is one of them but we have to have some lateral shift okay if you watch any great player and you look at their hips in the downst you will see them shifting laterally towards the target well that does is it shifts that low point and allows you to hit ball Turf get the club going into the ground and get that really compressed feeling so I want to make it really simple I want to give you a really simple exercise that you can do hopefully you’re all going to have a towel or something that’s quite similar now I’ve just folded this over a couple of times and I’m going to place it behind the golf ball for my towel which I fold over a couple of times I want it maybe one and half one to 3/4 lengths of my seven ey behind the golf ball now if I took a setup and I kept my hips in this position without any lateral shift if I wanted to hit a shot I’m pretty much always going to be colliding with that towel it’s not going to stop my golf club but if I was to do that it’s certainly going to disturb the towel or move the towel I’m going to get that feedback what I would love you to do and absolutely let’s start without a golf ball let’s start with you know just getting comfortable with the movement first I really want you to learn how from here a bump across the target with your hips a lateral shift allows you to land the club consistently into the ground but always missing the towel notice how when I do this my head’s not really moving okay it’s not a lateral shift with a whole body because that can cause you to get a little bit steep with the hands a little bit steep with the club shaft and start to see your path move with the left but a shift in that midsection allows you to land the club in the same place every time and that place is where it needs to be relative to the ball now you can see the speed I was doing those that pretty slow speed okay so let’s go ahead and do that with a ball and let’s see if we can do it at the same speed I’ve got my towel behind as my reference little back swing add in my shift and guess what the strikes are perfect so how I shift in the dcing is directly related to how well you can strike it where your low point is and once you’ve done that a couple of times you can do two things you can build at the speed let’s just make sure my setup is good so this time I’m just going to go in a look quicker still going to shift and again miss the tow you can see a big divot there but the divot was in the right place and then once I’m a little bit more comfortable I can start to take away my external Focus start to take away my feedback and start to transition that new skill to the golf course because guess what on the golf course you can’t put a towel down but what I’ve done is I’ve trained I’ve Got the Right movement in and then obviously I can just go ahead and execute that movement without the towel there and the last thing that you have to do with your body and this is exactly what I did with that when this was the game changer of him transformed his whole game you have to push away from the ground so the forces that you generate from your body are three they’re rotational forces they are lateral forces and we call them vertical forces now this was really key for Owen because he had the first two he was missing the last one and when we added it in I say massive changes so when I set up the golf ball look at my body shape I am tilted or flexed forwards I’ve got angle in my hips and my upper body is tilted over now when Owen was going through the golf ball what we saw from that face on is as he was turning through he had maintained too much of that body shape so he was still in this flexed forward position what I wanted him to do is take this position and as he went through the ball push extend and actually move towards this little bit of a kind of extended position because Watch What Happens here if I take my setup if I remove my Flex and work towards my extended position that looks pretty strange but if I did that with rotation it looks like a perfect end position so as we’ve got our rotation we need to be making sure we have got this push away from the ground into this extended position so let me show what that would look like good versus bad this is what we kind of saw Owen doing okay I’ve made that a little bit worse but you can see that body shape if we want to try and avoid and then what we had him do was move very much into this different position at the end where he was pushing through his body I want him to feel like his hips were closer to the Target than his chest and his chest was facing up to the sky and this is one of the big stumbling blocks of many golfers because you think about what we said in you know Point number two that’s all about strike many golfers are desperately trying to improve strike they desperately trying to get the club to go more down because they believe that’s going to help them and it probably will so it almost feels contradictory to move away from the ground on the way through to kind of push up in this direction but I always use this example okay my club head can be going down as the other end is going up there is not a direct relationship between these two well there is but it’s not they don’t move in the same direction the golf Clum isn’t moving like this in the GOL swing it’s moving like this so provided you have that shift that’s going to get you into your lead side and then you can use that pressure into that lead side to push yourself out into that follow through position here’s the drill I’d love you to do I’d love you to take a setup mid IR is perfect and I’d love you to hit some shots where you find yourself in this end position with the club head lower than your head okay let me show what that would look like yeah probably a little bit higher than my head at point but it’s finished not too bad there’s my extended body position Club head is well if I cheat a little bit lower than my head that’s a great little exercise okay so many golfers struggle because they don’t use the body well enough the arms start to go through and the club head starts to work up very very quickly


  1. Excellent video Chris on how golf is a "vertical angle" sport because of the ball being on the ground. That's why I always have a inclined circle in mind when I'm making my swing! Using gravity and ground force during the downswing is also helpful! Well Done Chris!

  2. I love the production quality in your videos, but consistently, in nearly every single video – there are very simple spelling errors in the texts and overlays. I dont care too much, but I'm sure you're paying your editor, and silly mistakes like this aren't fair to you.

  3. Thank you for the excellent content that you produce Chris. I believe that the topic you have discussed in this video is vital to hitting powerful and accurate golf shots. I like to feel the moves that you describe in a dynamic and athletic fashion. I do this by triggering my swing with a quick movement of my pressures to my forward foot. This allows me to then move my pressures quickly to my trail foot early in my backswing. From here I feel like I bounce the pressure off my trail foot forward which allows me to recenter by the time I complete my backswing. From here I feel like I surf forward and downward to my lead foot. When I have finished "surfing" to my lead side, I feel that I spike my pressures on the lead foot (apply the brakes) which whips the club through the impact zone. I realize everyone feels their own golf swing differently but do these "feels" sound reasonable? Thank you for your response and I look forward to your next video.

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