Golf Players

Rory McIlroy asked if his relationship with Tiger Woods is strained in any way

Rory McIlroy asked if his relationship with Tiger Woods is strained in any way

tough to ask but is your relationship with tiger strained at all through all of this or um I mean like I I would say I I mean I think friends can have disagreements or not see things um I guess not not not see eye to eye on things but you know have disagreements on things I think that’s fine but no I’m not I don’t I wouldn’t say we had a really good talk last Friday for 45 minutes just quite a lot of different things and no I mean I no there’s there’s no Str there um you know I think we might see the future of golf a little bit differently but I mean I don’t I don’t think that should place any strain on a on a relationship or on a friendship are you good with the idea of him being on this committee the only player on this committee that I’m on that transaction committee too you are yeah so there so he’s not yeah I’ve already had uh s with that group um I I had a really good an hour and a half Zoom with with those guys on Sunday we went through a 150 page deck about the future product model and everything so yeah I’m I’m not on the board but I’m in some way involved you know in that transaction committee I don’t I don’t have a vote so I I don’t you know I I don’t have a I guess a meaningful say on what happens in the future but at least I can you know I feel like can be helpful on that committee um and that was sort of a a compromise for I guess for not getting a board


  1. My concern is his temperament over the past year, but at the same time, he’s under incredible pressure, still competing at the highest level, and a very public face during a sea change of the worlds most traditional game. Tiger is a ceremonial golfer now and an extremely private one at that. He never had to deal with anything close to what Rory deals with on the golf side. To his detriment, he was packaged, promoted and protected by Nike and the PGA Tour. His friends on tour LOVE him. I bet once he trusts and respects you he is a great, great friend. Rory got thrown into a cat 5 tornado while he’s still trying to win majors. Still trying to win Ryder Cups. It must be incredibly stressful to worry about the future of golf and your own game. And then most of all the press is a lazy pig, used to feeding at the trough. Whatever slop is put down in front of them. Think of it this way. A million years ago Reggie Jackson was having a casual drink with a friendly writer. Just two guys having a drink. Reggie, guard down, having a drink, reaching for an analogy, picks up a plastic straw and says “I’m like the straw that stirs this drink”. Well holy shit fire stop the press and call the national guard. Well guess what? He was the straw that stirred the goddam drink but the lazy ass baseball writers didn’t have to lift so much as a finger for weeks on end. Now cast ahead to the pampered golfing press, jostling for relevance with the most cut throat animal known to known to man – the global press, in a feeding frenzy over one of their own being literally hacked to pieces. I have to give Rory credit. He has been playing pretty well while shouldering. A burden he could never have imagined. My guess is Rory and Tiger get along just fine in the locker room. I bet they pass goodwill between friends. They for sure respect each others games. But the press is the pitchfork that stirs the animal waste for a kernel of fermented corn.

  2. PGA and LIV have to get together.The tour without Koepka,Rahm,Johnson,C.Smith,Reed,Hatton is less interesting to watch by far.I will admit that the LIV format is unwatchable.

  3. Rory had great friendship with Sergio Garcia(was a groomsmen at his wedding) and John Rahm amongst others. Threw all that away cus he was fooled into attacking LIV and till today still not realise he’s a puppet for the PGA Tour and Tiger etc… he was told to throw shades at LIV then the PGA Tour set up a merger, was told by Tiger that he’s a friend and business partner and got back stabbed by Tiger when he was to be elected. Still doesn’t realise who the real snakes are. I really pity him, having all the money and success but no self awareness and perspective to see how much he’s being used and the bridges he burnt with his true friends. Hoping he sees the light soon.

  4. Tiger and Rory have been in love ever since they met. I think Rory is getting a divorce so that he and Tiger can spend more time together.

  5. Rory McIlroy is just a clown. Talks nonsense, constantly speaking about things he doesn’t understand and looks an absolute prat on the subject of LIV
    He should just shut up and play golf, as I think these players are leaving for LIV because this guy is unbearable

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