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The BEST DUNKS of 2023-24 NBA Regular Season ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Watch the best dunks of the 2024 NBA season. Today we feature players like Kyrie Irving, Lebron James, Kevin Durant etc. Hope you enjoy the video. Thank you for Watching. NBA video clips used on this channel are licensed through partnership with NBA Playmakers.

drive against hachimura saved by WIA to James and there’s your door slam is off wanyama goes right by Durant wi with the left hand oh look at and look at KD’s face KD is amazing first basket of the game Focus cuz we got too hung up in the officials he talked about some immaturity oh DK Jones that gets the crowd fired up he throws remember being in the bonus and maybe get out on a Break Meanwhile oh Christian Brown switching hands in midair flushing it with the left hand yic J porzingis he spins off him miss it Oh Aaron Gordon the follow Jam next one three point shooter Lou oh they go up top again I mean this is almost indefensible what look how he mind to that Walker Kesler is a seven-footer and an excellent shot blocker and nuget can get the lead back right here regie Jackson oh no and DeAndre Jordan turns back the clock Lob City back in action in the Mile High Here Comes Collins G screen domas give me the that the hammer yeah damont sabonis with the defensive play of the are deeper in their careers are in their 30s but to see Jared whoa Z Williamson with a dunk against Jackson canar to catch top good comes up there to deny him the pass though to intercept oh cocking rocking and knocking it down and landed with a pose is Jaylen green whoa short Minnesota’s bench in this game wow to [Applause] earthquake wow tant Lou the that took his lunch money Malik wow you had to know that that was coming the wind up from Malik mon chasing down you know what Indiana wants to do right but and you look at it you look at my look at that oh HZ with a slam dun I’m going to make a comparison I’ve watched this he’s my favorite player in college man on the floor as well McBride able to run it down oh he takes off CA and packs it home Deuce bringing the heat vanderbelt with the Lakers down by two not anymore throw it down big guy throw it down a technical foul here on Anthony Davis that’s called taunting did not have against the LA Clippers who they meet tomorrow KD right down Main Street he with two hands on jiren Jackson than you need to he will his former team shot real well for three oh yes GG Jackson with the slam Hey listen that’s the way that you adjust to how the the game is being officiated you just take it to the head you know what GG in the paint and make them have to play some def no up the points in the paint and make them have to play some defense bro I mean he gets the pass Inside by bogy good bounce pass and he just flushes it overweight 15 minutes remaining in the game boxon Big finish on top of Ty it is 8773 Westbrook down the lane colliding with Den wio Anthony missed it rebound by Smith bad pass and then vano dunks it and a foul and do your thing one more time the head fake the drive the scoop don’t follow sadique Bay 1.3 war was close to it chance for the last shot my goodness ball movement but right here Drew have you ever seen a a live dead body there’s one right there there there’s one right there look at the takeoff and you can see when he here’s more oh jab step oh oh okay time more this guy he is trying to get signed on some part looks and throws it right to LeBron James Russell throws it back for James and he throws it down there’s some team camaraderie on that blood sticking his hands in there how about this my goodness taking that bounce how about this man he had to elevate what I could have been loving this I mean look at this here folks it just never a situation like that it goes with a one-hander tell you one thing no matter what this looks like uhoh comes the other way J comes right back at [Applause] [Music] him that is a nice cut bro D going to give it up throw it down little Showtime ah that was nice LeBron Taps it gives it to dowlo nobody make Mark in nearly pulled a string on the three fly dunp with the right hand and seak down the lane and punches it in and Pascal SE yakum now with 24 emphatically finishing he pal with a hand off here Jones look out what do you call helicopter Hey listen he would have the NBA Slam dump Champion for nothing heal knocked away top it this could play the heck of a half play a heck of a half I mean that’s a dunk p test D in rebounded by Pippen Pippen over to Jackson and Jackson thumps it homeo boy that young man can get off season from Deep McDaniel oh get up what all the one over there I mean he’s standing three-pointer won’t go but Che trying to keep it alive ball knock loose folz comes out of the pack folz goes inside and the slam what a play from Marco folz esmerize this stuff suggestion from a fan that you use last year truck doesn’t like that oh my how about that monster drive by Carl Anthony towns B Mosley wants a word with referee P for jayen Johnson Zion take your time oh on the windmill take you oh Davis with authority it wasn’t defended that b ball Stripped Away up Diva dropped it put it up the follow by Colin seon scores his first bucket of the night and the turnover costly for the Wizards foul on the floor Hendrick real early the there you think he gets up just a little wow back Murray oh Mur thought about it did shinon now to Brooks Blows By BS got to the r stuffed it down on herder talk about playing before as Dylan Brooks saying they were going to be much better once he came back and boy are they ever auk you had it awesome first half throws one down on shenon yeah if he didn’t want to pick up look at this a steal by brown teren man on the opposite side A lot of times beautiful pass Look Out Below Hello Nasty off the side get with a three hren scares the rebound okay Tomah hws it in you know what he signs up from you last night you learned it for me you watched The Telecast oh Kyrie Irving High Thompson out of a corner oh it’s slammed in by kaminga exclamation points with the highflying Jonathan kaminga 14 Caleb for you know Five Guys in double figures actually Carter back door caught at Cole Anthony whoa where did that come from man TR theou draw the foul right there Martin on the Stampede and punches it home Miami leading by eight 49 seconds to go Sacramento in Defcon five live nuggets I guess nursing the 20o lead pick and roll oh gosh oh did he dunk that with his underarm gives it up here’s Edwards down the lane the ham really tough Houston Rockets team Anthony Edwards making a play cocking that thing back smile baby [Music] [Applause] m s ball missing and Dallas with a long rebound and they’ve got George back pedling and it’s Kyrie with the fin my my I tell you what Moi Toran Prince and then up at the by have him coming down right here oh yeah great team McBride kicks it to auua presses auua left-handed no good hard St right there with the follow hardstein rising and surprising him nobody blocking him out 12 strike Grayson Allen up against the rookies going to get to the r and the hammer a little flip at the rim and then chirping a little bit afterwards I guess you can’t language is not good quickly tries another one in and out Robinson on the foul oh what a slam from Mitchell Robinson Victor for that bad pass underneath oh my goodness what a start for Jeremy what did I just see I thought that blob was for Ali to out of Koop oh over the shoulder on a nice feed from it’s a tough move on a full run to get to a spin oh my what a finish by Kelly UB Jr the former the saloa Lakers down on this one oh my from mid Court the lob to LeBron swiper with the steal Davon going up high El coming down hard wow he brought the golden one Center crowd to its feet crazy how a little deep they can’t get the last shot unless they get an offensive rebound call L B J that’s what they come to see that was anger there I mean that was just LeBron was and Washington claims it for Charlotte Lo it up slap it down miles Bridges can fly I had to I wasn’t 73 but I didn’t have great look atama has 16 look at that and he and he just to show off he’s not even flushing it hard he’s just placing nuggets a really tough game and we’re seeing that with basley coming in at THC that’s wied run not settle oh yeah nuggets by n Warriors Raymond to psky and here comes kaminga soaring in well the problem start for the Spurs when they much Thunder but it’ll stay with a good guys and there’s an Richard T of his free throw a retain possession Alleyway opens up deis Smith junor with a M [Music] jaam Elite monk gets inside oh and a finish from monk with Defenders all around [Applause] him listen Dylan’s going to compete okay hey good cut excellent pass and then the flying Hammer by jayen Green 10 to two rockets run the Rockets power go Clippers out in front 37 to 28 lob by Ty rolls off the rim but how about Russell Westbrook coming out of a parachute yeah but you can’t give that back UPL and Dyson tried to stay there on Williams but it isn’t put back they’re going to count it but let’s [Applause] see the second chance points once again coming with numbers whirling in there’s McDaniels he he has more than made up for that zero point outing throw it up [Applause] Tatum Brown electricity beid and beid spinning throwing it down what a move from the raing NBA MVP that is a at highp speeed the kick close out but Smith goes up and soes to the cut to jannis Dames a quick learner there’s a spin move that’s a quick oh my goodness yes shut the door on everyone with that move no good her’s there with a rebound off to the race as they go mon run the wow sets [Applause] beautifully defensive players as far as stealing the basketball in the leag oh seaka one hand Rising jam and he knocks down two Lakers like bowling pins well he goes right over the top of I believe toian Murray accelerates and clutches it home de Jackson thins went for the steel the Yer a joker wow take a chance to gamble right there after you make a turnover on the opposite end so definitely put put our defense on a kick out going Baseline Duren this man right here not Cunningham Duren checking into the game now is Marvin Bagley he got tricky there looked like he’s going to pass that ball out to the corner there you go when they the little Stu Bill have I been talking about it got robbed a little bit there just like Ohio state did today Mitch to the basket a dazzling electrifying dunk by Donovan Mitchell goodness that young man climb the left spins out of a double team to score dameus goes right there with the oneand jam well they went for this free throw attempts G at over 11 and about OKC Jed hren going vertical and a beautiful alley and I tell you Josh put that ball with [Applause] tat with the follow need some here in that third quarter but if that’s not working what do you want to see from your team offensively well we still got to defend we got to turn uh Russell and Reed we got to make them more uncomfortable we’s got to move the ball take the best shot and here’s fox out of the pack lobs it up mon at the other end this is a fun lineup to watch because six points to pain that that really helped get out the [Applause] way oh and we’re back to the off star I know but away the Jazz lead the NBA in turnover rate and it leads to that in foul trouble against the Bulls and also struggle just two for 10 makes his first another look at that enemy Sports an outdoor super Mo my goodness is never going to leave him why because he is a scorer he is a shooter when it’s not falling sham it sorry Megan excuse me as I kiss the sky Landry shamon winding is oh no oh up high down hard woo wow what a start here five CR out there here he comes on the get up or get out the way Mr Ro shot slam jam look at C oh jer’s got it Jer rocks the C four early assists billian also has four assists Edward to the basket skies and jam nothing wrong his knee whoa what’s wrong with his knee I think he’s fine give me some T how quickly he gets off the ground I mean there’s so many aspects marshalling it up oh my Zion Williamson giving Barkley Center a highlight to remember had time by Detroit Here Comes Ivy all the way to the rim he goes with a little roundhouse yeah you got to get back on defense better than that uh I like the set play by the Lakers that time but the Pistons green in a hurry oh he’s back stilling the villain he is back Miss nine games fresh legs he’s turned it over to Hower there’s a bucko foul and Tatum punishes the Jazz it all the way K to head to AAR Thompson down the lane throws it down he was so far up there the Peeper take the lead with a three JC dribble drive space oh he rocks it he rocks it the quarter bounc into the corner maker Swit oh behind the head reverse Slam by Johnson oh Johnson is showing off some athletic skills oh Mano the ball the number one scoring team the number one shooting team ping right over turn are you kidding me for look get on top of kler that was a made up aggressive M two mons finny Smith with a man Smith making sure something gets remembered finish him off and Miami did capella with the flush again just overpowering porzingis flon able to save it here’s Walker blasting to lony Walker can [Applause] fly finds an opening at the free thr line turnover Here Comes jannis Off to the Races explode to the rack trying to find two bot such good play by ad LeBron trained down the track look out blocking foul that’s a three-point attempt Look Out Below LeBron going and then also will shoot the three in the open floor oh boy attacking and flushing to start the game wow yeah that was a prime time alumni nights we talked to Van before the yes oh look at that I mean we’re just looking for a dunk cam Whitmore is like no I’m going Dunk Contest contest oh [Applause] man supposed to do that in games Smith Smith takes it inside and slams it home over hardenstein Smith is only 20 years old folks 610 showing agility in Hony Smith and Johnson’s pass is intercepted Barnes breaks away reverse jam and the foul that was with Force three on two hordon Tucker the l oh Collins ooping the alley living on the that prayer whoa that’s all I again that ball comes out of an’s hands look like he just lost a hand on it Grant comes the other way and he says you know what at the age of 35 16 years in the league I can still flips to Cade Cade sees some daylight gets to the rim for a jam wow he’s tearing it up opportunity Pistons get it side out jayen Duren to the L look out that one will count another really good ass Jonathan ISAC no you don’t cter poster right hand marketing the world got picked clean Monk and Fox on the break dear and oh it’s him replay here in the steel and the conversion and just a nice feed right there the de in a great season last year in Boston as a Blazers turn it over Booker waiting finds out Allen and Allen brings the boom clears it away it’s all good till the Finish okay now that’s a finish pton Watson it back and throws it weeks ago quickly pass inside Barrett throws it down so quick the Blaster Randall a belated attempt to qu Barry running Beast here’s brandom spins lost his footing hey let’s call it a pass right to Wim Bama for the slamson with a pretty move but then he tried to dump it off leads to a break a AO Big Time flush on the special delivery by be pass streu is there and ready to shoot rattles out Moy got his hands on it tried to save it does throws to the basket oh my goodness a vision my goodness Thunder is Raptors still by five currying throws it down on the floor to start this second quarter nice no look feed D Ro this man’s game no boys allowed a man’s Jam from Andre Drummond to c a 9 right go here in the third goodness gracious Oho that gave me goosebumps that gave Wy Goosebumps return don’t forget EJ look at this look at this Durant gave him a highlight well that’s the second highlight he’s had over Victor you had that fade away to White chasing Durant Durant gets inside all the way to the rim and the Strong finish Kevin Durant 2 logical oh bra Allen throwing it down well I guess [Applause] uh Randon Miller with a move and throws it down man we are seeing some offense here oh Randon Miller [Applause] Yannis yanis oh re and take it Coast to Coast nice cross over to set up that don’t thiss have a 10-point lead I knocked down Jas Ramsey jams on the other end j iy shaking up on the [Applause] [Music] play all right Jaylen Brown I mean this is so explosive shot clock at 10 ban against Brown throws it down and the foul 31% as Sherman Hamilton mentioned and you have players like Ingram be with the throw down he had this that on a reset deep for three no the ball’s loose seon could not control it they go inside and the put down fortunate for the Jazz all the work and this is the end of that play jazz works so hard re what a little change of pace that’s a perfect driveing kick ruy down the middle Ry taking it to the rim and M Turner the recipient of this one bam starting lineup and you don’t know this could Blossom with Jak Barrett getting up and throwing it down for Saga City and you love to see that action again dribble hand off AR KD beautiful pocket pass they are going to feel like they’re at a rage aab buuk a little bit he’s going to get that rebound when’s got back and a foul yeah see they did in the early portions of the Season pocket pass sliding through delivers a hammer on Smith you bank P that ball like it was a great truit that’s hard to ball game Tre young has been kept in check Jaylen Johnson has not been held in check tell he gets at least one one of those a game and maybe in this draft you decide not to look for somebody that as Dave leader really wants to show this so we’re going to do it right here watch it between the legs in the slam dunk I’d say Jared Allen having a tough time finishing in that first half he’s starting to find some open oh Yiannis tough to top that one my mouth but he shut up wow play oh just ripped it away from him just tuck it oh ecstasy this kid is a stun Mark Williams right on top of Marvin Bagley first punch of the night for big Mark nice pass B Lelo n Smith with the running St oh my goodness just destroyed it Aaron meith woo my goodness ties and 12 lead changes in this game [Applause] oh oh bucket in the foul and goes up and under throws a pass to himself off the [Applause] glass he’ll be running that Replay in the locker room back and forth Daniels after an 0 for seven finishes to the first quarter Hayes with the throw down off the dish from Russell TJ looks it back toppen W up and slams it oh my goodness [Applause] well that was s dunk by top and wow kaminga that was an oops lost the dribble and now here’s Kyrie running so wiely that is a banger a Finish By Seven fifth best record in the Western Conference n oh yeah Daddy would be proud wow he really sails when he takes off wow going away Edward oh God you knew that that was going to happen 54 53 another block back and forth we go green going up top okay wow Josh Green flying high well Josh Green’s seen a lot of block [Music] [Applause] shots Gafford kicks in the corner airplane mode sores to the rack and now bad teams Reed to the C on his head point at him right now perhaps a little nervous but he’s on the floor in big minutes kaminga with a big finish inside he went head hunting there 101 to play in the and they made a game of it before the pels and green going to the oh what a finish he thought he was fou from behind so did E Oka and I don’t know tipped out by Turner to halberton and halberton pounds it down yak [Applause] yak get back into the lane giddy gives it right back to him Shay this time wants the drive down the lane and SGA elevates at the rim for the jam oh patience paid off come on he is way taller than 610 just read what they write oh God I told you he’s he’s no girly man he’s not trading in the paint lightly he goes in there you got him a teamw Makes the Dream Work I got you Paris always don’t worry about that can always count on you fish any okay it did get you wondering though drops the hammer boy that’ll give ER both graat taking my advice they’re moving a lot faster in transition the Austrian Hammer I’m not the same P you saw some burn here in the first half ball fake green Bas oh my goodness did anybody see that coming it looked like a layup then it looked like he got pushed and fouled and Jeff was like n Conley three ball Corner Pocket no but Edwards there for the follow you can see that two it’s sloppy right now M very very proud of this poster right here excellent job by the young man on the celebration from his teammates Off the Bench gives the Kings the seven points he thought he was foul seaka makes the catch goes to Nan boy the pace will somehow hang on and oh turns into a dunk by Turner and moley gets called for the block and Turner has a chance for the three-point Time 5 Seconds Smith Peaks the clock leaves it for Johnson 2 seconds 1 second Johnson slaps it down big finish fantastic with 14 spur on able to get the ball to wemi and end up turning it over and seum will get oh little different look at the dunk to make it 68o even before dagal so that means it’s legit oh oh yeah and one more time porzingis timing it up you would think Oklahoma City let’s go to porzingis on the glass there’s one check it out border on him Maxi goes to the basket no but a follow Melton with the follow Jam Rising High whoever he’s done a good job against oh and then the follow d by Lamar shot clocked out of fall yes Bron runs after it sets up B fakes drives it he packed it skyer with the jam I didn’t know he had that a travel it certainly was towns oh the hammer get Carl Anthony towns do one hand package of dynamite right there he detonates that thing made all four of his free throws so far Edwards oh up top it’s a rru coar and that will be a turnover Murphy it was short quickly gathers it again Wy yes sir good grief yes sir Young Flex canic Kelly to gets her assisted right there little alleyoop hello beautiful pass McConnell at the foul line deflected first by dick hle gives it back to Brady with to throw down Gordon sh off a man and throws it down in Barnes face probably got jayen Smith oh oh how do you oh James the steel James with the fullbody bolo at The Rim two another nice shooting night here for the Clippers TI down the lane oh Down the Hatch dangles on the rim and Ty puts the Clippers out in front by 16 [Applause] number 10 and the Lakers are number nine coming in here tonight Victor and R taking under control himself garish the skyt hook which so rare players do it but now we got Fox on the break Fox pick dun’s pocket and Malik monk smart move the bonus thought about a three he’ll drive it and spin it and slam it wow big time play for tus zonis wow they got a battle going on three one off the back iron and off Horford into Victor he’s ahead of the pack he just puts it over dere White’s head and he throws it down Den Woody swings it good ball movement haimura off the bounce left-handed throws it down that’s created off the LeBron gravity just like Vince Carter but he has that ability with a lot of superstars that his caliber did not have oh oh and he still got some UPS man well throws this one up for grab good save that time by haimura oh look at this look at that pass by LeBron and finishing is Davis good job of going lead pass Murphy into the lane double pumps for the and then Murphy one two I’m up I mean yeah CH lock down to four LeBron James and a foul got hit he’s 0 for four from Beyond The Arc five of 11 overall nice cross over on the ooh we that that’s on Marcus SM who is an excellent onb Defender turn turns it over another steal by anobi and the slam what is that number six on one on the break Isaiah Joe SES it up green throws it [Applause] down that’s not the first time here’s Jones BL 55 one minute to go in the third this is a match up towns to take it bage J the flush from town some frustration right there Carl Anthony town and then Jaylen Smith you you keep seven Footers out there the whole time somebody’s got to get over there cuz miles came late and L flustered yeah that look there harassing DJ capella going to take it right to the pole and push him out of the lane nice turn and go finishes really making him have to work overwork himself but here’s the dock right there and nobody’s going [Applause] Totton seak goes in pounds it down Pascal cakam and then it’s then it’s baseball for the next seven months hopefully longer than that right oh my goodness driving and dunking with Simons know what that’s what I’m saying about Simon it it doesn’t look like muching down the lane and a break out for halberton with plenty of time off the window for toen as Brooks goes away from the pick wees his way to the cover in the hole on Jabari Smith that’s a poster Lillard with the Miss underneath as the two stars continue to strug oh KP Ash to ashes dust to dust oh loose ball Here Comes number to White from the lead and don’t you be late Tory [Applause] CRA GL together Bagley Don’t Disturb This Groove in DC Marvin see what you did a little better in terms of keeping in front of him goodness sham it sham it damn it just saying I thought it and Lamar Stevens deflected it off of shenon so it wasn’t over it back he punches it in oh Lamar Stevens send it in Lamar got the sleeve on that left leg that’s every night for them to be consistent night in and night out and there you go right on Q defense from transition oh how about here with that follow up I was just going to say it’s been the Clippers inability to get back in trans to put the Thunder ahead by three oh and Barrett Wheeling around with a vicious flush he got to that left hand on that two to make sure that CH could not get his hands on it he’s a massive human being he is oh so is that wow goar inside Clippers looking to push two-on-one power play oh what Westbrook with a burn [Applause] view Terry trying to stick with Whitmore drumond jumped out on he can still get up Uncle Jeff holiday dodic is T to the game Lo time yes and there’s the he’s got a first triple double look how happy he is too look how happy dein Harris over the top it’s blocked Away by Brandon as Jose tried to front the play Naji h on the receiving end their chemistry Na’s ability seven of them got Julian Phillips guarding Julian straw you got Jordan with a spectacular finish on that Jackson feed good he relinquish the ball cross cour saw scoot it’s scoot scooping it up driving it and throws it down on Jeff Green count to the fourth the grizzly stepped in front three on two Brandon Clark in tonight’s game Clark athleticism chance to his [Music] up on the drive hammers home the reverse [Applause] six3 in the first half DC oh jayen Brown dun over shot by going inside H LA but Lely he will dunk it home and pick up the touch foul at the same time he got Trace Jackson Davis well the final margin you know it it is what it is oh w Holmes on top of Kessler oh my [Applause] goodness I’m right green do M off the inbounds turn the corner and the Skywalker hung it pitch and catch down the lane elevates and detonates at just the right time the timeout here’s Kobe white goes around the world and punches it home over Harrison Barnes Kobe white slowly breaking out of his shooting slump going back to Friday’s game Steel by sus he’s got Anthony Cole with the one-handed dun that brings the crowd to its feet near tough short dice on the floor the lob it’s baby man that was serious are seeking the the switch Fox off the f m oh and nobody is back the Clippers by four oh the only one there is nor pal he finishes it up here is the rookie Hendrick pocket pass inside to Collins who Cam’s at home and this is where you would like to see Bobo kind of hang back near the B good experience right here Davis wow Laker bench erupts on that dunk over Victor wanyama stuns an impressive reverse duck running away from the hoop well and he had to use the other boys our test you need to have there by Jonathan kaminga and the Finish to a big time lead vano gets pass oh watch your head Paulo B Caro with a little extra Force we again to where it becomes second nature he has put it in wow and Whit Sensational hop second impressive alleyoop we’ve seen him complete today thanks Chris I spoke to thunder assistant coach Grant Gibbs at halftime about how the Thunder was able to withstand early shooting from Brooklyn to start this game he told me that stylistically the Nets are a movement and shooting team and in that first quarter Thunder took a little time to calibrate to that but nice crossover move by D ro oh he it home what does brown do for you absolutely nothing but get in the way turn back to clock the another turnover for the Grizzlies quickly ahead McDaniels oh my with authority wow those reluct to w a Challenge B up top and Luke cornette puts him to sleep and how about that big to Big dishy UB wide open short ni Batum with the rim rocker about the timing DeAndre at in the matchup that we featured before the game across it comes to Kamar dives into the lane and plunges a two-hand jam up and in WoW boogy on the bouns a massive Slam by Derek Jones the former slam dunk winner in Chicago re Paul Reed [Applause] inside switch it to the left that takes Lopez oh goodness off a layup on the other end they get it out quickly there’s a turnover Johnson to the rim that one leg quick huh so that’ll be fun to watch and track sabonis the rest of the now he’s failing it right on Zub Box’s head wow I I don’t know if the Clippers came out of the locker room yet I mean they they have it’s just paint smashing the Wizards and Daniel effort introduces himself to hartenstein on the L and defeat oh get another opportunity kilo Christian Wood L out oh Christian Wood making it happen Christian two nice nice mean mug that oh my goodness to shoot in no shot clock but they w to UB boy up the ladder to throw that one down almost lost it now he did Moy comes up with it stru is gone finally got a break needed something to happen for the Cavaliers to break the ice on Lopez again he’ll watch when Bama this is Vel on the move and he’ll follow with the jam and he’s just given San Antonio their big good composure by the magic this time B Caro off the front of the rim get his own rebound and slams it down M hard will let a rip oh AJ Lawson hello guy right there now with 10 the lead has cut to eight he look to Wy and why not is he stct got to pick it up and just extend over the top of the ball so she’s so excited to see the progress of women’s basketball this one’s emphatic right here getting on the offensive glass in [Applause] Jamaica he put Richards on a poster there’s been a foul given as well and Jaden har pH for Keon George and he’s found it in this quarter that cut g seven was drawn out and that Baseline was wide obviously that’s a very low volume and uhoh oh put it on a show he really is putting on a show that spin move that we’ve seen this year my good an assist Alama going Baseline and a r Shi Alama wow 13 for Alama oh pel just missed the steal McDaniels can’t make you pay but Edwards follows up goodness Lord that was filthy iali putting in overdrive and staring at Paul Reed he said Rook this Saxon Caruso chases beautiful slide pass oh you know I talk nasty that was that was a around the corner and the Pacers will be in the playoffs that’s what we all want to see pounded down Turner really good play coming out of the timeout they had it [Applause] set here Smith Oh Den SMI J Point tring Vince oh after a ridiculous Hammer sobron the bounce unselfish throw it down ad unselfish by Tor the other night inside to a and a can’t get it but hardstein with the one-handed follow hardenstein levitating devastating with the stuff Albert little hesitation and Russell in the lane LeBron’s pass taken away by Cade he will drive it and Lay It Up jammed it before Anthony Davis could get to it oh he had to dunk it cuz if he had laid it was a block waiting to happen it would have been SM knocked away steel right there by the Spurs Jones okay red 23 Jay once again with curry defending pulls up and the D on the fly in from Lou Dort who came out of nowhere to punch it home said back in the day here is ky into the lane Lo to dur it’s on Yiannis here’s the guy George that’s been feeding and feeding Billard out of a kumbo w wow he went in there and that was with determination been here in these last couple of minutes this is great for our guys though win or lose Jackson Davis oh over Victor [Applause] wama Durant finds the Rolling Y oh my goodness oh oh excuse [Applause] me of this third quarter Jaylen nice blend the foul his first and good screen there by buffkin too late a couple of backto back high level performances steel Hendrick yes a little Flex he put it down with that 22 not good Russell bounce Davis throw it down big fella nice dish again for the easy flush for ad all of a sudden the lead is out Lively soaring in and a thunderous finish from The [Applause] Rook goodness the young out of Norman La pass y cleans it up and plunges it through with a thunderous one hand slam and there is that cash money to thereis Paul 19 years Jeff greine 16 years kaminga three years he dunked that down and landed really Bama underneath nearly tied up and then unties and throws down with the left hand there you go he’s trying to averaging just four half points forame for Z Williams and the foul Rock the rim and raise the roof Z Williams wow Z runs and beautiful Seto too in the corner Green’s going to there’s five jaante out there five jaante greens and the reverse ducking on everybody hey y’all better recognize they got to recog T stolen by sugs he’s Off to the Races quartering slam duck by jayen Suggs J got to Brandon Miller Beauty against Scotty Barnes the two buddies oh kinx oh mercy Kevin Knox bad intentions other end Gary po that low ball got it up but missed it the LA Dan l oh and the punch for the dut Jaylen green getting it done on both ends excellent Bay to Murray back to Bay the con trailing the play with the big [Applause] Jam to see MB a little birthday treat over on the bench oh what a pass what a finish what a play from low he’s like hey this one a time all these guys out Dr oh facial does it take a genius to put that one down oh he didn’t come from the Mage he he does not shoot many threes sh got a steal punch punch punch it on him and did he ever Benedict mat Jay green checking in for the first time jic stays out yanis touch the five Ser ref [Applause] Anthony that one through George lo oh John Collins and a foul on bomo that was spectacular here he goes the jhawk [Applause] Hawks again another good defensive sequence didn’t give him anything there you go Jaylen that’ll wake him [Applause] upazi like Renee MC intensity and off the Porter’s got to look he can lean in he’s going to put it off oh he puts it off the backboard and crushes it and a big smile to the Edwards my goodness it down on him and he’s going to get called for ta taunting after he stuffed s blocked by Mo vogner and folz back the other way to the oh reverse stuff for marel folz 9 to8 brisky defense lazy pass B champ Penny now 10 in the shot clock The Back Door L champ peny exu tre’s on the weak side of the floor again you can’t be hugged up with your guy you have to in the air with no one to pass to Allen flicks it ahead uhoh flying through the air Big Time flush we got a new ball game 12 old run here to start three onone break for the Jazz here’s the run oh my top and a posterized dunp by keante oh this crap oh Butler throwing it upstairs the holes on a no look feed got me out of my seat hello I don’t know what I liked better the no look or the led by as much as 17 that’s a r that’s the buzzer blackon dumped it if it counts 64% here’s dear Fox finding domas oh man okay in the basket has posterized him [Applause] twice thrs it Malik mon stolen by Trey how do you how do you make that kind of pass Trey no looks at jayen Johnson Malik mon stolen by Trey how do you make that kind of pass great no looks at jayen we just got notifications he’s with a sore groin and they go inside of that first position 52% shooting the last three games that’s first time he’s done that in a three game stretch as a sixer KJ Martin Rock in the rim wow I’m not quite sure how he got that up to the five to play second quarter Hall full head of steam right down the middle right over the top Naji and dice okay di what a finish what a night oh here comes Dennis Smith Jr it’s just him and the rim a 362 hand Throwdown from Dennis Smith Jr going one by Draymond on the other end wow transition think the Jazz flat footed after they what look Yan Fin and jam yanis got a hand on it see there this is like a transition opportunity almost because they went so quickly goes quick against holgren and slammed it home put his shoulder into [Applause] Chet top side of James wisman eisan turns to the basket and jams it over Nick Richards hello big fella nice job by James that got a stand yis surrounded by Sixers a triple team and Y spins around it and hamers it home so big so quick such a great finisher around the basket as Mike had a layup my goodness it up for a three no yes the follow slam from Ant-Man I told you it is but in any event that was not a good call but carlan to begin with and then Bridges punctuates it with [Applause] that Jade iy with a drive and dunp and a little hang time that was impressive folks that was keep him from getting to that right right hand Al wow what a finish we’ve seen those connections but Yannis had to LEAP up to get that one a little bit of contest in those last eight Haron on the break back to zoo oh my goodness rock my soul boy misses jayen skies in to slam it like they dropped him out of the ceiling that was emphatic Ro usually when you turn the ball over teams are no no no no you wouldn’t let him get away with it I’ve just seen it up oh Malik flying private Charter Doug Christy love it here comes mcowens and Brook was challenging wow that is gutsy yeah no and that that’s a that’s a tough tough block for Brooke when you got a this is a guy he talk about Joel andb oh nice finish a poster from UB and the foul that might get this Sixers team going that was one of those play made the Mavs have hit three threes in this game as well posterizes what HT hushy turns the corner and hamers it hedly deep PR impressive oh my goodness Kaw Lennon says hello this is a beat down well beat down of Ben Simmons that back explode neither team’s shooting it well in this fourth quarter shrer upstairs Hammer Jam CL it shter with the step and he sees open air with the that’s at the bottom Norman is going to get beaten that’s hurdle and a [Applause] foul another Major League oh my goodness Watford and den witty D witty to Sharp with the left-handed hammer on porzingis George down the line oh my goodness Hello [Applause] Nasty PG saw the opening hren M Up and Under off the backboard Ted hren set it up for himself three’s got 18 there’s the Trap there you go now to Gafford oh high and hard that’s on the weak side and that ball was lofted high in the air you can ground Miss we’s cleaner oh my goodness he DED out about three guys that time some of them is teammates I figured K’s holding his wrist yeah I think on the fall oh m m welcome back with a stamp on the game for nikol lavich oh man can shoot his in between game is good Porter junor soaring to the r and Steve cerr wants a time out in a switch five on the shot clock Tatum and extends for the jam oh that was a quick blowback we talked about his first step M starts two for two tonight kaminga straight line driving a punch tell right now the Warriors I’m going to say it in the first they’re doing a better job of being ready for I couldn’t stop crying for about two minutes I see them roing Alvin’s Jersey of course uh Kelly’s a big fan of Alvin the Hawks hit a field goal Johnson taking it himself with authority guys that were covering the wing players were glued to the their man Danley pocket pass thps it with a two-handed hammer you talk about attacking Good Year oh we got to dunk this we got to dunk this on the attack towns clears out and aen with a Slammer 14 and 30 brono winds up and windmills that bad boy home you know I meant to ask Bruno he didn’t play he Ste oh he’s still you know ready to play when he’s called upon given that Miles had to sit out Mike Conley the screen from go locks it back Rudy throws it down and the foul there’s that chemistry we talked about those two SP on the Block you know get him in in pick and roll opportunities Jaylen green here you go love that jaylen’s had the hot hand and little indecision Fred ended up setting a great pick eight Hammer not a bad take at all so by 11 embiid this time turns down the L and hammers it home and a foul Joel embiid turn go performs [Applause] that WBY on the drive B on this pull through absorbs the contact there doesn’t lose it and just extends right over the top of the def not falling screen Fernando drives in slaps it down Bruno fernandoo going hard to the hole Lillard races pass ker with a one hand one hand dunk came limping y remember Damen Lillard was and then then obviously keep down the fatigue Factor as well Durant in side and takes him to the Boom Room lost tonight and and with the sun’s tough schedule every opportunity they can get to take advantage they have to and be brings the bom who was coming out and you guys were evaluating obviously you weren’t in a position Porter throws it down on valent Tunis going into action tonight at 12 six and after the wow up top raise it raise it Zoo power Tribble oh my goodness zoo at the end of this play this is emphatic contact throw it down with the left hand on top two three weeks or more here the Jazz running oh my oh shy but the and his pass broken up Hal Burton ahead of the field n Smith drops the hammer ose impervious Reed with the in and out and the punch we got to be careful here Prince throws it up Jackson Hayes and the foul Prince with a perfect pass and Hayes a chance for a three-point play Davis meanwhile that here for the bucks Giannis hesitating com to sub the defense and a flex taking on the best team in the Eastern Conference the Boston Celtics Terry they let Terry get to the rim steps back toing meets him out there and it’s tipped forward and Rook out OB Booker going right at his former teammate up top with the alley and mes brings the oop La still with a Chance bars and that’ll be a three-point opportunity and fast did it in about 4 seconds got eight points here in the first half Cunningham lobs it up Duran throws it down that’s the fourth assist for Cunningham I don’t know how he bucket here will go a long way rolling to the cup with f it’s miles BR BS Returns the favor on Turner Steel they lob it up and what a DK by top it about the pass we talked about the defense Jade up once again and there is Jed hren coming out of nowhere to spike it down with the right [Applause] hand double force him to give it up T took a pop is down and it’s five on four CLA throw it down mexic CLA pass though and here he comes m a flying oh M yeah it’s got again M’s hanging out he takes off from the dots that’s big time there bovic with the steel and wisan will sore in to dunk it down and draw the foul yeah that’s what he’s capable [Applause] of the length yeah show up Pelicans with a record of 11 and 10 10 as her Jones goes straight to the rack for a two-handed jam minute now NBA aogi attacks and draws the foul foul on quarter loose ball picked up by JT Thor one man to beat oh my goodness a bolt of lightning from the God of Thunder best free throw shooting team in the league against the worst free throw shooting team and then Murray with a left hand slam down what he’s been able to do with the veteran leadership that they brought in oh my goodness home M gron on the reverse Rack Attack no hesitation from the left-hander and Jackson Davis right on Q throws it down 13 points five finds Morris on the bounce good hands by Thompson to poke it away Rockets jailing green right down Broadway it is another dumpster not H Band Caro guarded by herb Jones bounce P the Suggs there’s your basket two-handed dunk by Jaylen sugs once again with that go turnover and add one more to the tal Mo vogner marching hammers it the big German Hammer terrible tonight lyama got stri clean by James and some room service at the other end and everywhere around the association you will hear efficiency but he looked great in the fourth quarter in OT Whitmore oh preach he’s flying Charter we saw him in play in the opening half porzingis Bak the hand up oh and punched it on Lopez who by percentage has been the best at the rim and KP say Alberton to Turner Turner throws it down with Lopez right on him woh okay the leading score in the league doing that and here’s flight 55 all those videos you’ve seen a front what a feed to Robinson and he throws it down as Craig triy to challenge him defensively that’s why you have to pre-rotate right there on a guy like that cuz you know that’s all through oh the steel highlight oh the windmill Chris spinch says you are more that good great job just trying to bury Klay Thompson underneath look out Jonathan kaminga coast to coast of the left-handed fry Brooks they have numbers ahead the green here we [Applause] go course of this second half they’ve been able to find them yes Edwards drives and Anthony Edwards down the lane and elevates for that huge inside out of the timeout though a dunk as Brandon it on his own that time speaking of dunks Joe setting up onado Springs he say this is a dream scenario for him as he and DeAndre Jordan have been a Twan [Applause] W basketball oh yeah yeah yeah what a throw down by War knocked away dick into the front Court up to J Bar that slam dunk Get opportunity defensive plays [Applause] Hustle Man from the screen Maxi has been a Difference Maker in this game oh my what is going on boun to with five to shoot R oh my goodness an explosion from C4 the pass nice pass by Clarkson to marking it in one motion catches and flushes it away Haw coming up from herb and the [Music] TI on there’s sabonis blocking out Lively got to get back and if you don’t you’ll see that all night long Fox is that quick and a mountain of points not available to oh Yannis Statue of Liberty throws in junior left alone can’t answer rebound knock back to him is three rolls off but look at Li L soaring in for the flush and you know the for because you’ve seen success oh oh that will work though the Black Falcon Harrison Barnes gets it over to sabonis lowers the chest got it that man is some kind of strong well they have a system on the drive oh oh my goodness send it to the alive BW Lakers out and running L for LeBron James and even cam reddish was waiting at the scores table and he looked all of them three-point tries Alama lob it up SLP it down zier Williams Rock Jaylen comes right back looks down the lane and jams it with one hand my goodness you know and that’s really bad defense because you got under the ref and say give it to me so I can put it in play he has burned so many teams this year yeah and Victor not quite in position where he can get the Block H well out to the rim Messi Vu young fell 12-point lead bam bullies into the post and almost tore the house down woo go ahead and flex B [Applause] Ste van Carol played a year at Duke he’s their assist leader D Dow throws it down you don’t see D’Angelo do that very often and then Theo spin stop slam with force from admo that’s just like that was almost personal Tatum working on Brandon Miller wow oh my goodness my goodness Jason don’t D don’t remind me Rockets have it here comes Whitmore one on three one on three and then he caps it off and bends the rim with a Wallace with the offensive rebound Williams and an exclamation point AJ Green little tough floer oh W Andre jackon Jor did he Caleb oh man he dunked that one from bis game Boulevard was hot from distance tonight San Antonio now 12 of 24 and three point shooting oh goodness that was just rude there by seven je Green Oh the old man still has eyes and I say old man with ultimate respect for the air Talent as we are referred and Edwards with the slam on Allen and a technical [Applause] foul look at the t- wolv from dur hor with numbers Brandon Miller top of St that’s how you get your revenge clock and shot clock here in the first Cali Burton across the l oh oh oh wow dropped the Anvil count that one and a foul on the play well he got it even more so the hard way now by to Terry good ball movement Terry what is come on now there’s people under him come on now LeBron James does it every night guys do it every Murray look like he’s trying to cook here as he finds a oh a kungo caught a body wow Trey Trey like qu that Phoenix shot 63 paced by be with 14 and oh Denny ABIA allowed me to reintroduce myself to True Eubanks didn’t he do it yes he did has been St tonight James drives inside and the flush there was a double team een goes down the lane and absolutely crushes it inside the Houston bench in Indiana mid-range step through going off the glass to yourself throw off the glass to yourself why not everything else has worked have some fun with it nice job Thompson the rookie pounds it home oh no this is this is a man you’re talking about another guy that’s 19 20 years so they’ve got very they got a very young team is it four to shoot jic on the dribble drive two to shoot put it up air Gordon flying on a largest lead of 11 and Bogner to the rack and says I guess I Trey trying to survey sets up a kago he’ll duunk it and a foul on Houston I don’t know what holiday was trying to do but that’s a big coming full steam ahead points tonight the Heat lead is down to 11 bam Baseline Drive and slam oh man he left nensa like a house on the side on the 135 run there’s a l up oh Mark in keante George where did he put that not touch it U Beast SL K through it down Kelly wanted some kind of foul there felt like it was will make that call Jaylen shcks Tomah Hawks it and then tells you about it he had momentum great out of Bio screen and slams it in over porzingis with the poster and a foul he has CH you look at his with a big offensive rebound and here’s l oh my goodness he got going the last time down the floor Clipper gave him a little help Washington dunks it that’s why you have to control the Mellow ball cuz if you come if you Boston gets around yanis oh my goodness Hello Nasty Boston with the finish his hands on seak would have taken a shot oh out of bound oh my goodness I thought it was out of bounds Whitmore threw it to the Wi that’s Jaylen green was a heck of a catch in a make there McConnell back the other way the heel but Brandon’s got a second chance how about that pass to Z yes saw him cut to the basket and a timeout for Mike [Applause] Malone aam Big Time throw out and the foul to the line here trying a three-point play SP from sh out of his reach play Thompson for three and out of nowhere comes Gary pton the second it’s loose yanis has got it Brunson from behind yanis wow dropping in the sludgehammer and Kevin Yannis took one dribble from but they had to make the offer cuz they want to have see they want to see Fox here long term and fox wants to be here as well good Stu Chris thank you interesting how Deen Fox’s profile Vince love for GG and the reverse slam I try to say the and now Beal starting to heat up as [Applause] well it back throws it down and one continues to throw it up there down low Victor knows what to do is he throws it down 9795 to Hayes Hayes nice maneuver and the flush that’s a Savage slam from Jackson Hayes but the footwork set it all first quarter step back three miles McBride skies for the offensive rebound Kobe Grimes pass inside to Sims see to respect Grimes showing and Kessler oh Jericho Sims with Kesler right on him Sims showing him no respect of New Orleans right now for fourth and thus home court advantage here’s B to the in line and takes it up over Paul George for a two-and cham the last time these clubs met oh what a play Duncan with a perfect pass oh Point landale leads to break here ‘s the lob and that time actually Jabar he gets a bit of that it goes off the backboard and Jaylen green play He follows this all the way through and it’s up that game so that doesn’t help much and then that second game in Portland he went four 15 oh one hand follow slam Rudy go yeah it’s nice counted by Thompson what’s interesting is you see Thompson on the crossover two hands on the rim we told you about the athleticism there’s some bounce right there from the yor took Bill a little bit of time because of those injuries oh big finish for Keegan Murray going hard to the hole put together some big time numbers another turnover and a slam dunk and Dario charage who Steve K said before the game wow Jackson Hayes with a grown man’s Jam ton of points that sure is oh Yannis up high down hard Middleton with the feed oh he was flying high pass off the hands up ahead to the streaking green winding up and little highlight slam for Jaylen [Applause] green Jazz with a four on two oai oh my okay Hardon has it arcing pass down the floor to George with Claxton to beat punches it in a bird’s eye view for George has taken the game over and here he is at the other [Applause] end highest salary their tax situation is sign ific kaminga with a highlight play unfortunately it comes at a time when the team is down by 36 Bridges missed it Smith hit the deck hard up top a Throwdown for Jared Allen by 10 there’s a steal hold on for Zion Oh Crow bars it in for the Pelicans and a terrific long three put in by re a dozen the in the basket after B it was a bank shot it was you’re right oh that’s a second dunk like that by halberg again glares over at the buck Wesley with a stop and over land catches a body right there he only needs a a short Runway oh power that one oh quickly trying to get it back and he has fou in the [Music] attempt Brown goes quickly oh what a top and BR smoke and it’s too easy do with it casual what a slam in the face of Smith by ABIA plus the foul is going to have to be aware love oh has it in the corner just throws up a lob in the middle and Moy who was trying to to guard him just elevates and throws it down with both blocked by Gaff Daniel running the floor man one kissing the skies the landlord very efficient from that young man Mark Armstrong it back and throws it down and talk about a ficient right there even when he was in Oklahoma City great effort there on the part of n Smith n Smith oh yes down you sure did cuz dere white as dangerous as he is attacking the basket he’s not he got to steal and kaminga again soing with a left hand these threes make them Miss shoot the Gap here you’re fighting through the screen he knows Alama is hot the best way to go there they’ve done it twice in this game to Jackson Jr did he throw that baby down George he touched the number on his back with the basketball a big time NFL NBA score built like an NFL guy this’s inside Boston has given up some leads over the last couple of games oh Jaylen Brown says it with his chest and looks at his bench wow and Chris STS porzingis reaction bringing him back here’s J James Oh Baby James did have lift off on that finish and a steel by Jayla Johnson takes it all the way and windmills it man Jaylen take it home big looking for that movement from the guard this time oh he put Zack Collins on the poster framed it and stuck it on his bedroom wall little more pepper their step now OKC oh Williams pushes off McBride he throws it down that could have been an offensive foul he use that right [Applause] arm here’s Jaylen green going up oh with the left [Applause] hand he’s got 24 Rocket’s down seven Allen miss this time man Plastic Man right there expected Gadget turnover time taken by Johnson he’s going to go all the way and throw it down and one wow what a way to start the game for Atlanta uh was that the guy I just told you about in jayen Duren pass gets away bogy with a steal and drive behind the back to Duren for a dynamite dunp Jaylen durren with an early eight it’s 15 to 11 Pistons they’ve had it in spurts at times but they have throughout the course of four quarters tyes Maxi with a two-handed rim rocker Max free throw line there’s the cut oh brand throws it down with the left hand were those the two high school mates right there was that St business couple of assists for the Lakers Aura falls down and then lost the handle Westbrook gathers and throws it down with Force not on that one yeah he round everybody and he puts it in they got weigh a little bit of a hook five plus minutes remaining kba the other way for a powerful flush counted in a foul too easy in Brooklyn towns ball fake Loop it up slam it down Rudy goar the stifled Tower Hawks Here Comes Damen Lillard finding jannis straight down yanis sending a [Applause] message the player that you now know watching him in Chicago with an angry dck he’s got all four for Los Angeles from Deep now heart nice what a move by heart the left hand finish as with a [Applause] turnover oh nasty I mean that’s all you can say about it and Collins shaking up and I think also walking to the locker room Edwards hurt himself watches his minute love because he doesn’t want to overuse him Ali up again and Davis throws it down and a foul didn’t hear the outside under a minute to go yes drives drops the sledgehammer wow 43 what a game we are being entertained jayen Duran squeeze for Kade Kade with the drive and dump that was a quick slam punch punched it left handed on G and a basket and a swipe aaji winds up and throws it down after the swipe by dun Jaylen one more time oh man 7657 [Applause] Atlanta lyama and a slam dunk I mean that was from outside the restricted area on the Baseline and a drive in Jam from Lamar Stevens they are pumped up as a team 213 second quarter sh another little hesitation this time goes with the left hand for the jam and sometimes he just shows you something different now we’ve been watching him all season folks Rama three CHS there no he didn’t no he didn’t yes he did did he do that and then brand kicks it out to pel looking for K oh the big body wow what an adjust my K there I thought the p a little yis leading everything oh yes gone two times this year without hitting a three in the first watch your hand he did that in the pre-season against the Bulls and he has had some Electro Jeff one of five Sixers in double figures Kelly U Jr with an emphatic finish quickly becoming the best part of turnover mullum the other way Lakers All Around Here Comes Jones flying off the wing and the one thing coach I’ll tell good back to Larry who’s going hard oh real hard elevation just a little back out to Leonard close by ly oh set it with his chest and one man kawh Leonard it is just a committee K Johnson good player good hands there by wama with the follow Alama got the knock away but it fell right to wanyama who throws it NBA draft and it’s no surprise she she is projected as the first overall pick for the you see yakob purle hooking up with oai aachi I’ve gotten to know Miller has to pick up his dribble being pounded and the ball picked up by sugs jayen Suggs with some power and Steve Clifford has been teed up he there but I like that he got all the way to the rim meanwhile oh my God that’s over two kings and I was walking over is going to lead the young throwing it upstairs the Johnson left hand Al he looks out JZ we take the lead yo step in the paint oh put it down with a little attitude is Gafford to say Dame it’s wisan took off like a jet a jumbo jet and uh by the way he he coached for Bob hurle at Buffalo throwing it down speaking of the LI lied too much on the three-point shooting and had those LS at time oh the Brotherhood tape on his dominant eye to shoot had to make 10 in a row that way Tomy took a oh miles Bridges out of the timeout he had shooting tape on his shooting shuder Clon pow in the smash for Clon and the [Applause] foul oh dear and fox Buck it’ss all game here’s da over the top Walker oh two has it down Kesler scorel 18 points for Shaden sharp and the count is 1054 99 but just for a moment as shark Mano just Powers it down slow area and now he’s able to just collect use that right over the top of the defense Bo that’s just off Tatum weaving his way to [Applause] basket up toly Leonard two baskets for Davis he’s averaging 25 points per wow ter man with the flush over Anthony Davis they keep control of it good perimeter work LeBron L BJ look out well he saw the lane open up and man he got into it in a hurry and Alex Lynn was back there at the top of the Western Conference Ana turns on P and jams to start his night that’s taking it to the basket ability to keep his his dribble alive oh wow Smith what a slam dunk by Jaylen Smith a chance for ass Bas a little something happen here nearly lost the dribble gets himself B into the lane and takes it right down to the Boulevard and a twoand jam is may get dunked on before the evening’s over with might happen to us here y JIS cleaning DED on payack he may get dunked on before the evening is over with you’re pathetic oh the steel Breakaway opportunity the explosion to the r and just anticipating getting in the passing Lane E’s locker room and great to be reunited with all of our staff members here and uh he [Applause] was Cruz back to Allen my Allen throws it down my goodness that Max we’re not yet sled Here Comes Swip it in transition oh Malik what we’ve seen here early in this game and a lot of it comes from in transition their ability to from three as Keon unable to knock it in oh Kentucky to Kentucky connection wow now watching the game tonight Mitchell splits the to elevates and he’s flying Charter folks Donovan Mitchell with nine over the top pass Shaman in the paint oh beautiful dish Collins oh what a nasty put down shamanic to Collins Nicks started 0 for seven from the field since then they’re six of their last 15 wow big time Jam Bruno Fernando the masterer kler is a tremendous shot blocker oh Horton [Applause] tuck 10 rebound five assist game of the season K Johnson that’s a poster okay Cameron green isoing green driving Green dunking the D drut he’s back he’s back oh I’m sorry I’ll apologize right now as Hy Mora throws it down and a Lakers Lopez that’s popping so if you drag out the D oh jannis standing on business with a punch on the Baseline to make it here comes fron Tron LS it Anthony stops it with a big right hand nine on the shot clock the cutter oh let him know about it big fella and Johnson throwing it down dangerous pass over to AJ Green but finds a cut in just play to hit him on that side one step to go up with Jaylen and AJ Griffin and a massive dunck for Jaylen Johnson the bench explodes and another powerful Jam by wisman with a hook no flushed on the follow by assar Thompson how high do you go that time Greg top of the square 32 points is a lot to put up against this Cavs defense in the corner Jones with the finish on the L play and the foul against Giannis who tries to break it up has so much respect in his locker room Turner throws it down with a TPO right there that’s the big man being able to roll Reggie yes he can he goes hard to the hoop and throws it down Bon open the G what in addition DK has been since coming over in that deal from the squ oh Porter Jun got a body can it challenge Wy no pass it under he just ran SP shot Nick Richards this is a fouron one it’s that’s what I’m talking about very deep bench T was early oh goodness Bridges break down to maneuver on those screens and look be denied and that’s a way to send the message great job on the fake hand off there turns the corn cool games all right now but how about this elevation by the young first game of our double header more to come Springer with the steel J Springer scrip this the same right Springer up in pressure yes he’s gotten beat this series all I mention this is game two 0 oh my goodness what a under five minutes to play little push off oh running the floor the trailer threw it down big guy Anthony Davis once again the assist to re here’s the cutter keante beautiful put on put it on the Highlight goodness well executed comes away with it lead pass up Zion soaring through the the air and the find from [Applause] that a chimura rewarded oh ruy throws it down set up beautifully by Russell 80% free throw shooter as Weller going to take it right at the big fella dunk it through oh very tough take there there fronts at five of 16 boogy G follows sadique Bay timeout New York 11 consecutive Hawk Point Just A Difference Maker jff yep no doubt Mo vogner stuffed in by the F for mention Jonathan Isaac count the bucket and a foul Pacers lead by 16 and Turner pounds it down yeah 29 the season extra pass good ball movement Reed driving two words ladies and [Applause] gentlemen oh a nice lead galinari with a slam in mid stride and the foul on hakz [Applause] Jr hean four oh steady oh bring the house down young Keegan muray I needed to see that I Edwards pushes it to herder herder leaves it up top for monk Sacramento in transition blocked by Victor it’s got to be another word for that one destroyed oh mama talk about destroy for w Yama to his strong side this is what you’re going to get going welcome back once again Kenny likes it inside goar good position turns and flushes it right in hren gr 8 minutes but finished with only 16 Alex CR it to the basket and berries gaffard oh man that is all types of filthy my goodness Jared wow and goar inside clearance space get out the way stay down Mana by the crew Albert looking for Obi toen man he has been explosive that’s the word that comes to buil for free 68 63 Nuggets playing catch up in the free throw department and again Michael just kind of gets run over over now he’s out of the picture blocked by Hayes Mike underneath Zion going at it again and he throws it down with authority and plenty of contact ranana runs the floor hamers at home AR smart frees it up man it’s going to be Mor on the run and the d double clutch but that’s a straight line drive there’s no resistance is in defensively kaminga long strides reverse Jam kaminga can fly is keante forced that pass inside Denver runs Jamal SP hit in the face but right here Denver makes him pay little hesi gets by the that [Applause] one going to drive it he’s going to drive it yeah give him the three doesn’t want to shoot out there and he’s going to the line with the three-point opportunity Jeremy right back to Victory oh y I think that might be Jeremy’s [Applause] best goodness gracious reinjuring his right hip four minutes in so yeah probably some more Benjamin it’s towns and the foul I told you about Nila Alexander in that left hand pass on a dime CU chedy going to the opposite side of the rim uh-oh uhoh Indie Victor the reverse slam over Luke coret come off in and allow your teammates the opportunity to play four on three that’s why he’s averaging 12 points that’s why he’s averaging 12 points per game yeah that drop inside it’s a great pass by James Hardon sh quickly slow him down as Shay elevates to the ring you say look you know what I’m not going to finesse it this time I’m going to B the rim tonight is at 898 for his NBA career Two away from 900 oh man what a jam that’s a man’s Jam for Patrick Williams his first score tonight one he won’t soon forget yeah look clouder steel Anthony he’s ahead of the pack look at that one left-handed Throwdown that’s enough says Doc Rivers seven to four and two on the road hord strong to the cup yeah throw it down early Daniel G quarter guarding Fred Van B whoa green what it make sure everybody saw that he missed a three while he wasn’t looking lots of fun they got some work to do here tonight but definitely contagious this no look play that they had on Tuesday yeah that was pretty special a lot of Great Stop on Tuesday night need some more of that match down five now this w what a earlier this season pipping against man got the stepping D oh Scotty oh Scotty Pippen Jr getting up and the thing when you’re drafting the first oh my goodness a mid Thomson just Relentless but Qui muray give these guys some rest right down the lane goes Jaylen Johnson oh the Hawks doing a little attack to the right to start this one here comes M guarded by baz domas with the strong oh the big fell send it in the hammer and the flex and we got an Orlando Magic But Here Come the Lakers three-on-one break and a thunderous finish for King J tickets I don’t know if it’s going to do any good B Carol on the hammer boy they have blanketed tray out there haven’t they that’s tough that’s tough man that’s tough best defenders in the league the thing about her he doesn’t want to pick [Applause] up is definitely green up top another twoand Jams he scrapes the sky Jaylen green few of their shares to other people oh my goodness jiannis see there’s no defending that there’s up for Monk on the L wow what a connection Davon going nine of nine still counts oh oh right down the middle for a double clutching slam again we talk about that Middleton penetrates BL for Giannis way up there and jannis slams it they do that a lot on a dribble hand off the man dribbling and handing off runs the circle the voice it was the one that you just heard as KD brings the [Applause] boom Gordon gets the hand off to Drew Drew inside and takes it and when you get through and he brings the boom well look you only going to get one way he’s going to play and that’s what intensity pay had a good game November 11th against Orlando woo Look Out Below Marsha Bo champ a big time throw down you don’t be will be soft tonight it might be soft right now for the Wizards cuz anabo got a backto back slam count up top see launch pad St there’s SGS on the other hand the made make it turn it over Kamar turn it over here it’s green streaking the other way and the rockets have regained the lead it’s a 12-2 run wow now get to the f line he’ll scoop it off the back bar to himself do you believe that Donovan mitell with a circus shot has given the Cavaliers at 18-point lead there’s turn it over Tatum on the move oh he set off the smoke detector and the shot clocks are down above the goal so it’s down on the floor little bit unusual spot the follow Drew Eubank in a primal scream was ready for that Miss long rage Christian Brown oh and Watson hammerers it home that got this crowd up too let’s see J he has to take you are open and jayen as we go to timeout here one more look at an impressive Jaylen Johnson right hand the drive the floaters up porzingis throws down the follow 26 points for porzingis Conference Championship Russ out great preseason and Anthony Davis has been devastating during camp and the pre-season for La Joel Myers how about the Grizzlies undefeated hey oh my goodness Shin with a monster D Grayson Allen just H Simons on a Blow by Grizzy saw that from Anthony Edwards up the four Court double pass top side Swip by jayen dur and a jam through taken away and toen is going to throw it down good defense to keep George from getting to the basket cleanly includes the rookie jarus Walker and now they lob it up and throwing it down as a baji look like the rookie squeezes it for the board the handles oh Dennis Smith Jr major elevation he hit him below the belt but I don’t think it was as far below the belt as [Applause] something I’m telling you Brooks just moved n Smith out of the way well th oh wow Jaren yes sir wow do a triple pick roll with shenon a monster dunk for him yeah he’s got that we saw it last year on no side of the also helps when you have a room full of guys that know what it’s like to win that according b car this guy look at mids screen and roll and here he comes incoming player out of the Duke Les turn it over Thomson down the lane the L for Whit over fleet has a couple of guys behind him finds one of them this is fun after the Ste he knew Jaylen was coming the whole time up and Jaylen green watch Quick he’s skywalking he’s sky under two and a half to play in this opening quarter pack TOS at Del the center dun and one Chris dun all of a sudden the spark is lit it’s by the rim that one rolled it up as rist some size tomorrow night with the yis whip oh my oh my god listen he had one history from Portugal in the NBA here’s a drop walking the rim L kada puts it down oh yeah Hardway inside gab with the dunk four for four delay of game well you know the bull let’s give it up Jaylen Johnson cranks it down he ladies and gentlemen is an as major ends a 10 nothing run the that’s lead quickly up to coffee two on one Westbrook doing it like a first ballot H [Applause] Famer taking it away is Terry wants to wind up and throw it down and he does and he’s going to get some more the taunt oh nice cutter tman tman senior just his second field goal but it brings the fans to their does PJ oh my goodness kobby white just the seventh DK of the year for Kobe white but it looked good yeah just like Cody Martin again and Connelly with juice the other way to Anderson slams it Overman oh he said it with his chest in fast motion Stripped Away and the Jazz right now giving extra opportunities for Phoenix and finally will hardy will get a time off another turnover an anobi picks it up goes inside and throws it down that was a ferocious stuff from ogan Obi yeah we’ been at it SE Junior pretty crosscourt pass stru from Donovan Mitchell and a crushing dunk from Dean Wade on the F Dean Wade out of Kansas state with his over to Reed Reed penetrating and throw for the Raptors great footwork by Nas Reed the foot fake right completely getting Garrett Temple to bite on it bogy on the bounce Bruno slams it what a shot oh baby and one yes how many big leads are rased in the NBA this season saw the Hawks come back here’s a l Malik Monk on a trampoline well we talked about the spark right and here in Indianapolis oh oh yeah toing job by to he originally came out shot in the last two years has been outstanding by Troy Brown Jr a moment ago yeah that’s that’s pretty [Music] [Applause] impressive Lopez looking to feed the post playing with poris give go Lopez big finish for Brook Lopez oo he got up I’m going will create some issu Son force a turnover up ahead to KD with a rim [Applause] run C’s given Chase back to Victor wa a [Applause] minute wow I thought that pass was way too far behind him defense because that’s going to get his offense going Daniel threw it away the dish ahead to green one man defeat he will and you love to see it dcan get your s going gon [Applause] transitioning oh so explosive yeah guys Picasso just give him the paint and he hit that one from the logo paint Jones throws it down but what a start to the season for LCA donic This Time by hard blobs it ahead to Terrence man with Williams he comes up on the other side and Terren man with eight first quarter points well he looks good to be out eight weeks hardstein inside throws it down Barnes was right in his face hardstein thought he was fouled let SC when somebody stop that Advantage oh my goodness goo with the slam Yannis gets the crowd fired BL gives it up to Caruso Deonte green skies and James on the drive let me tell you something bich provided a great screen and Jaylen dur had to work around that screen there was no way he was he’s in the ball game now for Atlanta in the middle to Bruno banging around against Bogner and one hands it B that’s what I’m talking about that’s how you finish in the paint 1916 on the bouns Isaac going up Al up to Davis James and Davis connection and the lead back up to 11 27 points 16 rebounds four assist the offensive rebounds and the putbacks are plentiful George the runway is clear it back and punches it in and now Paul George getting into the mix 212 clock at seven Gigi down the L yes damn a dozen Off the Bench for Gigi reath she get a good look here her a real that’s a good look that’s a good look Joe that’s a good look Joe great pick up for the Warriors now Mike dun deserves a lot of credit look at kaminga set up by Chris Paul the high flyer against Caruso screen from Duran bounced inside of the big man reverse d for the leaders in dunks in the league jayen Duren dunks the around the high screen floats oh Santi Santi Claus with the holiday delivery impact and he understood that man all the young guys on this team they were cooking oh Green Oh green behind the back and then Rose high above the Toyota Center floor and hammered that one down o Frozen this out one of three here’s keante wide open Runner takes it home Durant said nope I’m in to back off the record books for threes one some of the most makes shenon with the monster put back off the Miss by jayen GRE and there you go follow right in beh


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