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Are The Bears Ready For Primetime? with Richard Deitsch

How does the national stage view this Bears team, and how did it affect the games we’ll see in 2024? The Athletic’s sports media business guru Richard Deitsch joins the Adams to dig in depth into the media side of the conversation.

#chicagobears #chicago #calebwilliams

what’s up welcome in hog and John’s back with you host schedule coming out enjoyed Kevin’s watchability rankings liked him bringing that to the show with me not being here that was a good job by Kev St JY you going viral yeah that snuck up on me because I wasn’t really paying attention I addressed all that on Cho yesterday people because you know what time John you know this we’re in that time of year where not allowed to say anything negative about anything or people lose their minds not even like I personally don’t like the schedule can’t do that it’s against the rules so we’re gonna do a schedule episode instead so all right here’s what’s coming up on today’s show make sure you follow us on Twitter at Adam hog Adam Johns Hogan Johns is our show account you can go to Hogan to get all the merch including the shirt that J’s wearing today all of that up is up at Hogan um so we’re gonna keep the schedule conversation going a little bit but in a different way because you know the athletic has an awesome Sports media reporter who’s been around forever and does an outstanding job Richard Dy hosts a sports media podcast I was listening to his pod I listen to his pod a lot because I’m interested in a lot of sports Media stuff and uh listened to his episode on the NFL schedule last week wanted to bring some of that conversation to this show so he’s going to join us here in a little bit um we’re going to talk a little bit about OTAs and because we have an open otaa practice on Thursday this week just what we’re kind of looking forward to so we’ll get to that on the back end of the episode as well but I I want to have a little bit of fun to start this this is probably not the best way to bring in Richard Dy to the show but we’re always transparent on this show that’s what I’ve always loved about it is we head into season 10 Believe It or Not of this podcast but if you haven’t noticed and I find this remarkable Adam John’s is complete and utter laugh lack of interest in the schedule release or anything that has to do with it from a television media standpoint it is honestly impressive I was I was talking to Kevin off off the show after I listen because I listen to your guys’ episode from last week when I was coming back from Minnesota and uh a lot of this is more off the air you do a good job on the air I think of Faking it but you now you’re calling me out you seriously don’t care about this at all I find it so interesting I I’ve been like this for a few years yeah I’ll be honest the schedule release day does not excite me I I find the videos cute that’s a good no honestly I’m with you on that I’ll put them that way like that that’s that makes it fun um if I’m thinking selfishly like I root for like trips to the desert or California in the winter like there’s certain cities I want to go to but just in terms of the buildup the I don’t know the the extra attention the entire week has for that that that whole day of certain leaks I don’t know it just give me the whole thing at once I don’t care I I’ll I’ll say this I do not like Thursday night games not a fan of Thursday night games because traffic and travel but um yes I do have I’m trying to think what’s the best word for it um I am generally indifferent towards the schedule release I just you’re call me out I’m not even trying to call you out I don’t have any problem with it at all I just I’m I’m just it amazes me like because I find a lot of this interesting I just we we’ve known the opponents since the season ended but a lot the the schedule still matters so much the order in which you play the teams how the the amount of rest that you have between games like has a to me has an enormous impact on how your season actually plays that stuff does interest me because that affects the actual football but in terms of like which network or which streamer which which app which Netflix you know which Amazon Prime like who who gets it like that does not interest me at all like I kind of enjoy the different opinions you get on such broadcast there’s a whole range of expertise you could get outside of maybe ESPN or fox now that I enjoy but just in terms of the alignment yeah I take note of like the end of the Bears schedule this year where they have three games in 10 days that’s rough that’s not good from a coverage standpoint that changes my job a bit but for the the players that that’s awful so that that affects the football but yeah in terms of who broadcasts which games I could care less yeah see and I get that that might be more niche stuff that that I care about a little bit more um the broadcast deals the money that comes in from it Christmas on Netflix um I totally get that that’s more Niche but I just want to have some fun with it coming out because I’m probably I just I’m not sure there’s a topic that you and I have a a broader spectrum of of interest in because I probably overdo it admittedly uh and then and maybe it’s because with caco you know we got we’re doing shows every day still and it’s May and the draft’s over we got to find you know find stuff to to Really dive into and you’re just like what baseball game do I have to coach today 100% 100% I would say my my my indifference extends to also like the broadcast teams and I know you’re more into that maybe that’s because i’ I’ve spent now 13 years not listening to to the broadcast teams because I’m actually in in the stadium but um I do find certain like last year I enjoyed writing a column off the Amazon Prime broadcast just because of all the time that they spent with the Bears you try to pick things out of that right because that we’ve talked to Adam amine about this those production meetings are invaluable to their job but you also get little tips and and feelings about how the organization feels about things through those so I like doing that column but yeah I don’t know am I am I like uh the minority on this I don’t know I look I probably not I don’t know I think it’s probably split I mean we’ve certainly we’ve gotten a lot of feedback in the last week or so that’s I’m not not necessarily this show but but probably more so on C just like how many times you guys gonna break down the schedule I get it I it’s not for everyone um but I do get in the weeds with the broadcast stuff so anyway this was a long intro of bringing in Richard D who not only cares about this stuff but does a phenomenal job covering it and knows the ins and outs and all the relationships of the broadcasters and the TV exacts and when there’s news to break he’s on top of it and the money because here’s here’s one thing whether you care about it or not we all know that TV rights are driving Revenue in all of the major sports and honestly you’re about to see this with the WNBA even as interest Skyrock skyrockets with that um but certainly with the NFL it and and case in point just as simple as it can be for for even the person who doesn’t care about the stuff at all bigger T TV rights why did the salary cap go up as much as it it has but especially this year um to even unexpected numbers that that we’ve even been talking about from the football side for so long so it definitely has an impact on your teams that you care about and all that so uh anyway I am very excited to bring in Richard D to the show to have some of his convers because we because we’ve uh we we both are but we we we haven’t really gone deep into this stuff before I think and and I don’t think we’ve had Richard on before so I’m really excited about that let’s bring him in um to to talk about some of these things that happen behind the scenes but especially relevant as the NFL schedule comes out all right let’s bring in Richard D who does a great job uh with all of his coverage you know across the media landscape especially with the athletic and the sports media podcast Richard I’ve been listening to your pod for a long time I do find this stuff very very interesting I found you know we’re Bear show so we’re gonna kind of talk about those specific angles but I have some you know broader questions for you as well on the back end I know we maybe it’s just because we’ve been so wrapped up in Caleb Williams Mania since really last fall if we’re being honest before the NFL season even ended um but I was surprised when the schedule came out and I know you guys actually touched on this in your schedule release episode you had last week kind of early on in your show that the Bears and Giants were two large Market teams that didn’t really get featured as maybe as much as you would have thought were you surprised at all by the lack of Prime Time games and exclusive window games that the Bears got with Caleb Williams uh well first good to be with you guys I appreciate that very it’s always kind to say you’ve listened for a while just it’s a nice way of saying I’m very old so I appreciate it’s very kind do that uh in an elegant way um you know what I you know the one thing that um writing about the schedule release as many times they have and obviously talking to the NFL broadcasting people is that people in each individual Market obviously are very hyper sensitive to what happens to their teams and by and large like you know there’s not conspir conspiracy theories going on you know Kevin C’s not walking into the courtroom like sort of back and forth back and forth JFK joke there um and so I’m not sure I was surprised that the Bears didn’t get more Prime Time games because I think if you’re looking if you’re looking at it from the league perspective while they have what looks to be a really good future there’s still not really a proven NFL viewership drawn nationally and so you have to sort of you know if you look at sort of the map as these guys do and obviously all the different permutations that they do you’re gonna have to have a couple teams that are going to be around the three or two Prime Time games number because everybody can’t be the Chiefs you know what I mean everybody can’t get as many Prime Time games as the Cowboys will so when I first saw the Bears well I do think that like a really really interesting team and I think their first round picks this year are like fascinating I wasn’t surprised like and I don’t necessarily think again it’s it’s it’s the NFL doing anything other than the Bears feel like the lions were one year before where they’re maybe one year away from the league investing in them in a serious way for prime time games the other thing I would say is this in talking to the broadcast networks over the last couple of years I’ve not heard many of them sort of go out and say like we’re really looking for like this Bears game or you know where they absolutely will be like Chiefs bills was you know number three or four on our list we really desperately wanted to get the Super Bowl rematch you know what I’m saying so until the Bears have sort of I think proven to have a little bit more success I don’t I don’t think the broadcasters are going to make that pitch I will say if they ever do get good though you know we’re talking third biggest Market in the country significant viewership possibilities I’m sure the league desperately wants them to be good but I’m not sure you can put them on Prime Time personally until to me they’re they’re a legitimate like playoff discussion team I feel like the Bears have always had a couple Prime Time games like like every year even like the the bad teams that we have covered like really bad teams Richard like still on prime time just because they draw like I’m curious like in your conversations with well the broadcast teams they like are there just certain markets where they could always just count on like hey look Chicago’s bad again but it’s Chicago people are gonna watch we could count on good numbers just because it’s the Bears well first of all Adam I would say this even if the Bears suck you still live in Chicago one of the greatest cities in the world so there’s really nothing bad about that or I was like to say in Toronto the Toronto we like to call the Chicago of Canada um I mean I think there’s value in the Bears being in a prime time slot or 425 slot because like it’s again a big big market and you know based on just simple population and data numbers yeah you know you have the chance to get a bigger audience but by and large ratings wise when it comes to like percentage of households there are better markets Kansas City’s a much better Market than Chicago right now in terms of the percentage of fans in that market watching Buffalo you know Etc so again I I don’t think it’s like any kind of inherent bias against the Bears because I I think if you really asked all the networks like their dream scenario would be Dallas obviously to be great because obviously the Cowboys sort of Remain the national team and then they would love for these big Market teams to be great you’d love for the Giants and jets to be good you’d love for the Bears to be good quite frankly you’d love for Los Angeles to be a better television market because the Rams um even when they were good they’re not really it’s not really a great TV Market my sense is not not a great TV Market because La fans for so long were able to get all different teams when they didn’t have a team there and it probably didn’t build up Equity um for a home team but I I again I I sort of would go back to what I said at the beginning I I think the Bears have to get into a position of where the lions were uh two years ago where the where the schedule makers and the broadcasters think okay let’s be ahead of the curve on this I I would say this and I’m fairly convinced of this let’s say the Bears go eight and eight nine and oh it’s actually six 17 games my apologies so let’s say they go N and8 I guess a phenomenal year would be like 10 and seven or even like seven and 10 I think if they do that this year then I think the discussion for the broadcasters next year is very very different and I think you’ll have um I think you’d have actually everybody CBS NBC Fox Amazon Etc I think they’d all ask for more bears games next year because I think they would make the thought that this is this is a team that has real playoff possibilities obviously so much presumes on how great Caleb Williams is and how um you know how the rest of the Bears skill position players are but if you project these guys to be great and they turn out to be really good the Bears feel like to me like again where the lions are maybe where the Texans were this year heading into this coming schedule I I think the Bears have a good future at least in terms if you want to think about in terms of uh like uh prime time kind of Windows the last thing I’ll just say is this not the filibuster but you know you know all the prime time discussion is great what really tells um broadcasting that you’re a good team is when you’re in the 425 spot because that’s I want to ask you about that Richard because they have zero 425 games that’s eastern time for that tell you about honestly that tells you more of what broadcasters think of the Bears than lack of Prime Time games because the 425 Eastern Time Zone spot in on Sunday is the most important piece of content in in essentially I would argue in entertainment um there’s nothing else that can guarantee you over 20 million Americans watching maybe with the exception of some Blockbuster movie that they’ll all sort of uh gather around but even that’s not a you know when we were younger like you might have been able to say that like some new Star Wars movie comes out or something like that there’s no guarantees anymore even with movies but the one thing I can guarantee you is on Sunday at 4:25 on the back end of that double header Fox and fox or CBS are going to get over 22 million viewers so that’s that’s the most important real estate and the bears not being there tell to me tells you more than just getting three Primetime games so again that’s something I would watch now you know like um Fox and CBS would say well we love having the Bears at one because it helps us with our early afternoon numbers yeah sure it does but if you really sort of believe that this was a massive viewership team you would be imploring or lobbying League to get them at 425 I’m glad you brought that up because I I think that’s I think that’s something that not enough NFL fans really understand about the business of all this behind the scenes because we and I’m guilty of it too like we think about this as Prime Time games night games because that’s it feels like that’s when we’re sitting around always watching the games but in reality that late afternoon window is so profitable for these networks um and one more thing just on this before we kind of switch topics a little bit you’re talking a lot about projecting the Bears going forward one of the most difficult things that these networks and Mike North and company that put the whole schedule together they’re trying to project even in season which is why we have flexing and all these you know crazy things that go on but I couldn’t help but notice you know like the Jets are featured a lot in prime time early in the season not so much late and the bears actually have three of their last six games in exclusive Windows when you also include the Thanksgiving game against the Lions so I wonder if they are actually banking on the Bears being interesting in December because they are backloaded with their Prime Time games yeah that’s that’s an interesting point I think that when is the Texans game with the Bears is that week two that’s week two okay so Sunday Night Football that’s the interesting one to me in terms of the bear schedule in terms you want to think nationally because um ESPN’s going to try to Hype that game pretty good they obviously are hoping that it’s a matchup of you know two quarterbacks who could be the future of the league heading forward so that’s it’s an interesting Bears game just if you just want to think of that as a media um sort of observation and I’ll be curious to see how much ESPN puts into that to get to your other point I think the I think the league front loaded the Jets because I think you’re probably trying to protect in case Aaron Rogers gets hurt that that’s just a guess I I mean again Mike North and the NFL broadcasting people will tell you and I believe them I mean the NFL spins as you both know on some things I don’t think they’re spinning on this they throw in 4,000 different schedules they could you know so many of these schedules could be great like that they didn’t choose and they ultimately end up wherever they end up um on the the Jets one it feels to me that you you want to gamble with you’d rather gamble with them early than late because they have a quarterback who obviously is old and just was out for the season and if you you know if the Jets turn out to be good you could always Flex them late in the year into better spots right and like you know 17 18 Etc um the bear yeah I I don’t know what to read of the Bears sort of being more featured late in the year other than maybe just that sort of how the schedule um worked out the the when I was on a call with the NFL broadcasting group where they sort of did like uh you know they had like maybe you guys were on to you like what 50 reporters on there and they I you’re talk yeah I remember the one game that they were highlighting with the Bears if I’m correct about this was that week two game and they seem to be very excited about CJ strad versus um versus Caleb and um I think you know it it does matter if the Bears play well in that game like you know like it would have an impact in in the back of like some uh television Executives or streaming Executives um mind the Bears do have but again the Bears have a lot going for them in the fact that again they’re in one of the world’s great cities it’s a great backdrop if you decide to like bring your studio show live there let’s say like an Amazon or something like that you know the vistas of Chicago are awesome particularly early in the year when it’s not that cold um it’s a good trip just like for the broadcasters and I think that well that’s not a big factor on it you know if you’re excited to be in a stadium or a city I actually think that has impact on your call like I think just it’s just human nature um and so again I think I think the league I think the league would really like to see the bear I don’t neily think they like they they’re like saying we need the Bears to be like the the new Chiefs I just think they need them to be competitive they need them to be a factor in the NFL because for for too many years like you’ve just eliminated one of the biggest population markets in the country um because that team is just has not been relevant nationally um and it would be really interesting to see what would happen if they ever were Richard it’s remarkable to think about how much the NFL has turned the offseason into like almost like in season with the amount of ratings they can pull in for the draft the the spectacle that even just releasing a schedule where we already know the opponents uh from the time the season ends what it’s become I’ve always thought about and I saw this idea floating around on social media a little bit too I think ahead of the schedule being released like if the networks had a draft for these games and like how much interest that would actually draw if you literally had you know ESPN CBS FOX we already know the matchups draft the games to their networks and then I guess figure out the scheduling later that probably just creates more of a headache for Mike north um but it would to me I I mean I would care I know my co-host here Adam Johns would not but I would watch it yeah here’s the problem with that the networks would never want that because they don’t want they don’t want their competitors to know sort of what they’re thinking and how they prioritize games I’ll give you an example um this year fox really lobbied hard with the NFL to get as many Cowboys games early in the year as they could versus later in the year last year they had a strategy where they backloaded their schedule with a lot of good games and they ended up getting a lot of blowouts for Fox early so the numbers went down and then the backend games weren’t so hot so this year they’re really starting early with the Cowboys because they think they can get some momentum um in terms of their schedule now while the networks probably are more um the the the the competition between the networks is nowhere near as heated as it used to be mostly and you know I’m sure you guys have seen this too A lot of people work for different places just in general in the media it’s not as sort of over-the-top competitive but like I can tell you like Fox it matters to Fox to have the highest viewed 425 PM window one it’s a source of Pride for them and two like there’s money on the line you you’re you you can go to advertisers and say hey we have the most watched window um for any content uh play that exists today here’s our advertising number CBS actually last year off an amazing schedule they beat Fox for the first time I think it was 13 or 14 years at 425 and trust me they’re going to Market to advertisers and mediab buyers and say hey if you want to advertise advertise on CBS we have Far and Away the best you know late afternoon schedule so it does matter like this stuff like does matter and then to get back to your point I don’t I just don’t think the the strategy people within the networks would ever want the how they think about stuff to be broadcast publicly because who knows the next year you know what I’m saying if another Network then uses sort of their strategy against them what’s really interesting and again you know obviously I’ve never worked for a network so I don’t know but it would be great to EAS drop on some of the network Executives trying to Lobby the NFL for games because they all do it and the NFL says like you know we we take all our partners uh um suggest questions um uh and we try to factor it into the schedule but that’s where relationships matter for a long time ESPN’s relationship with the NFL was horrific a lot of that had to do with just because ESPN was doing some pretty hard journalism on them you know concussions and stuff like that and so they’d pay a Fortune of money and you look at the Monday Night Football schedule you know and it was like you know Southwestern State versus cheeseburger youu it like they weren’t getting great games um their relationship’s a lot better now and if you look the Monday Night Football schedule is a million times better so like these relationships matter and like the stuff that happens behind the scenes um matters and that’s pretty fascinating to me is if you’re if you were a network executive like one what’s your top five game and two you know how much do you push uh the NFL to really give you one like you know if you basically if you were like I you know I really want that Chiefs 49ers rematch and you know you really let the NFL like this would be the game of the year you’re willing to send out you know all your people on site you’re willing to do I’m just making something like a week’s worth of of uh pre-show stuff you know maybe they give it to you and if that’s the case you know maybe you just landed a 30 million viewership game and that’s that’s that could be a significant amount of money depending on the you know the the ads that you’re bring in with the Bears drafting kale Williams I’m I’m kind of curious about this like how much influence does like star power have on like I know the best teams have the best players and all that Patrick Mahomes obviously you know the Chiefs are an amazing team but like you still get these stars like a Justin Herbert on kind of like a a middling team like how much influence does that have on decision- making the lobbying have you when it comes to all this big time the the NFL markets its sport around quarterbacks so if you have a Star Quarterback that’s that’s the ball game and um if you watch any of the networks how do they Market all these games right Mahomes versus yeah um you know Josh Allen Joe burrow versus Josh Allen it’s it’s not um T Higgins versus whomever right it’s the quarterback so if you have a stark quarterback the networks I think look at your team much differently and anytime I’ve ever talked to um like sports division heads presidents Etc they always when they’re discussing their schedule they talk about we have burrow we have Allen we have Jaylen Herz it’s not again we have you know name Aaron Donald you know name your defensive star it’s always a rotate it’s always thought around the quarterback so yeah I think it makes a difference if Caleb Williams turns out to be you know one of the 10 best quarterbacks in the NFL that’s going to change the bear schedule in terms of national appearances it like it’s just reality again look at the teams that generally speaking have the best Windows in the NFL and it’s you know Patrick Mahomes and Josh Allen before he got hurt you know the Bengals started getting really hot with with Joe burrow um you know back in the day Manning Brady that that’s all the you know the Cowboys are the only exception to the rule it it doesn’t really matter who’s their quarterback you obviously don’t want a quarterback that’s terrible but it doesn’t really matter who their quarterback is because that is the one team historically that just draws viewership no matter what that you can do you know a million words on the why does it go back to the fact that they were always on TV in the 70s and 80s is it something else the marketing of the team Etc but that’s the only team that’s the exception to the rule where and I don’t think Dak Prescott’s a bad quarterback but if if the Cowboys had let’s sort of think of a really if the Cowboys had Zach Wilson okay as their quarterback I don’t think the schedule this year would change at all so they’re the one exception to the rule to me yeah well and to your point I I I have a bold prediction I haven’t shared yet on the show all right I think I think Caleb Williams is going to be hosting SNL Within next five years you do because I think he has no 100% mean it because I think his he we’ve already seen May 2024 yeah I mean what else what else are we doing here in May of the NFL season still gonna be on the air that’s I mean that’s a good prediction there we there we go that’s a good point uh maybe that’s the boldest of all the predictions but but but if you get somebody like that obviously that increases you know the that that’s proof in itself that these networks you know yeah want somebody like that even off a football game yeah I mean again like personality matters like you know uh Swagger matters I mean if you if you did a like a a ra not rating is not the right word if you did if you if you asked NFL fans like who the 10 most popular people are in the NFL Travis Kelce would definitely be top 10 right for sure just name recognition so like that’s stuff matters and so if Caleb Williams could get to a point where he sort of crosses over into popular culture I think that would be significant in terms of sat live I’m just sort of trying to think I know pton Manning hosted right I’m trying to think of the NFL it’s it seems like it’s not an easy one all the time Walter pton may have hosted that show if you think JJ Watt maybe JJ Watt no JJ Watt did it recently Kelsey did it um our producer saying Aaron Rogers I don’t remember that ever host I thought Tom Brady did yeah he might have I’m just saying like that’s if he can get to that level that’s rarified air that’s that’s a hard prediction but it’s um that would be impressive if he becomes that and I think in order to let’s say host a live or to have those kind of opportunities you probably got to win like it’s you know they they’re gonna have to probably win a Super Bowl for Caleb to um to sort of get into that level but a lot of times it also only takes one you know you win one Super Bowl and people just think of you uh differently as a you know as a personality or like you know I know it’s a 2024 word but as a as a brand um and and it it does again that kind of publicity I think does help everything including make a franchise more attractive to broadcasting um entities the other thing I would say just for the people who are listening to this to watch is like pay attention to the viewership reing of that week two game that’s going to tell you I think a lot in terms of where the Bears are because as as interesting as CJ strout is and that team is the Texans are by no means any kind of viewership power at all have no history of it quite frankly they have the opposite history of it and so if that game Pops that that will tell you that there’s National interest in the Bears this year because of their draft um if the game is just uh um let’s say matches like whatever the week two was the year before or is down that that will tell you something as well but but I you know knowing ESPN which sort of you know as a general rule sort of overhypes everything I think they they’ll they’re going to really sell this game because it’s an easy marketing sort of sell in the fact that come and watch maybe what will be like the next generation of great quarterbacks in the league absolutely well uh Richard I have a thousand other questions I can ask you about with Tom Brady and Greg Olson all this other stuff but here’s here’s the good news you host a podcast that covers all that stuff and you cover it all for the athletic too so I’ll direct our listeners and viewers that way make sure you’re checking out all of Richard’s coverage and the podcast is sports media with Richard D I highly recommend checking it out there’s always interesting stuff on there so Richard thank you so much for jumping on with us great thank you keep up the great work Fells thanks thank you thank you so much Richard D from the athletic um and Kent is pointing out that the last three to host last three NFL players to host SNL JJ Watt Eli Manning and Payton Manning uh which I do remember now that you say that that Eli hosted as well also one correction Kelsey in there no yeah ke Kelsey did it last year I think yeah I want to say so I don’t the Plenty have done it but all of those names are huge names and they’re all players I think other than watt won a Super Bowl so that that’s I unless we’re going all the way back to it well no yeah so I that that’s definitely not necessarily prerequisite but also helps the situation as well and again because I know a lot of our listen are going to point it out yes the Bears Texans game is Sunday Night Football and that’s an NBC game not ESPN um there’s a lot of games that keep track of so when I covered the Blackhawks this is the year that they won the first stle cup but this is before they won it when they had the Olympics the Vancouver Olympics who where everybody was excited about that um yeah uh they had some well gold medal winners and they had some silver medal winners and they were all on uh all invited to the J Leno show I remember that it was part of the trip out to LA we all went the media went too um just you start winning you get on TV in different ways was that that famous West Coast trip with all the drama which one there’s there was a few back in the day there was something with a limo and oh oh yes no that was a different one that was with their shirts off drinking the cocy yeah John mad Christopher Ste and Patrick Kane yeah was the same season good good shirt for me to be wearing today as we bring hockey into the conversation shout out to game seven Canucks and Oilers last night all right uh we got a roll here but uh real quickly number one thing you want to see at OTAs this week besides Caleb Williams throwing all weapons that’s it’s a given well then I got nothing oh come on um what I was going to say well yes I would like this see I want to see that but more than I felt like last year like starting in OTAs it just became DJ Moore Justin Fields Justin Fields DJ DJ Moore like and that that was it it’s all that worked Co Kat had a couple good days in there we saw that work but how about like Caleb Williams Keenan Allen Caleb Williams DJ Moore Caleb Williams Kack Caleb Williams Roma d That’s What I want to see like an offense build chemistry not just just players I will that that was good I WR that yeah I mean it kind of didn’t quite fit the requirements for the question but I’ll give it to you because it is important that it’s not just what it all looks like but your point is that it’s not just Caleb throwing the one wide receiver that it looks spread out that it looks good to everybody um and I do think that’s important and I do think that’s not when I think we’ve almost gone all the way to the other end where too many people are like none of this matters they’re in shorts and I’m I’ve seen too many examples of stuff we see in may actually translate to September and October that I do think there are things like that that do matter and 100% last year Justin looking good with DJ Moore and none of the other wide receivers it’s exactly what we saw during the season basically you know and and more stock should have been put in that maybe than than it actually was I will go to the line of scrimmage which is always tough this time of year because that’s let me be let me be very specific with this because that’s actually part of the stuff I would put in the stuff to the categories of probably doesn’t matter as much until the pads go on at least in training camp because it is line of scrimmage you’re not wearing pad that being said I want to see what dvon Dexter looks like I want to size them up I want to see you know does he look quicker what is his get off because that’s something you can look at um just that very specific thing because I think gervon Dexter and his step from year one to year two given that the Bears really didn’t add much in fact they’ve they lost Justin Jones and they still haven’t really replaced Justin Jones that’s telling me that they think they have something in dvon Dexter and throw Zack Pickins in there too potentially but what do those two guys look like here in OTAs I take more note of because everything you just said that the the offensive defensive linemen aren’t in full pads and I think that’s a factor in how they play you can’t really go full go when you’re not ped up it’s just it’s different um I want to see very smooth seven on seven drills because that’s essentially what this entire offseason program is setting up the passing game see how efficient Cale Williams can be and see how fast the ball gets out all right that’s going to wrap it up for this episode greatly appreciate everybody being here watching listening please hit that subscribe button please hit that like button please rate and review the Pod if you’re listening the oldfashioned way through your car through your phones whatever that’s also how you can find Richard D in his Sports media podcast which I highly recommend thank you for him for jumping on the show today and um we will be back next week to recap everything we saw at OTAs um and we will do it in depth as we always do looking forward to being out there on the practice field seeing what it all looks like we’ve seen the rookies but what does it look like with the whole team we will wrap all that up on next week’s episode make sure you follow us on Twitter Adam hog Adam Johns and Hogan Johns is the show account Hogan is where you can get all the merch get those golf polos get those quarter Zips we’ll find it all right now and the t-shirts Hogan that’s gonna do it for us talk to you next time see you


  1. I love Jahns’ practicality and putting first things first mentality. It’s definitely more muted than the overhyped schedule release shows that get so superfluous after a while.

  2. The ball should be spread around more due to the added weapons alone! The added weapons without pads should look great!

  3. This guy mentions percentage of households in KC and Buffalo, but the reality is that Chicago can afford to have a smaller percentage of households watching just due to the shear population size difference between The Chicagoland area population being SIGNIFICANTLY bigger than either of those areas. In fact, if you combine the metro areas of KC and Buffalo, its barely a THIRD of the Chicago Metro area, so the percentage of households would need to be over 3 times more than Chicago.

  4. Tell yoy what Jahns.. for the Bears TNF how about you can stay home and make my sales and ill travel and deal with the traffic to watch The Bears in the press box. Deal?

  5. I'm with Jahns, I pay no attention to the schedule release, it don't mean 💩 to me. I'm also with him on Thursday games as well, most of those games suck because the players bodies haven't even recovered for the game they just played 4 days before.

  6. Mike North’s job is easily replaced by AI. If he isn’t already using it and positioning himself as the most capable person to evaluate AI’s output, his days are numbered.

  7. No, they aren't. They won 7 games last year and the Vegas line on wins and losses hasn't moved from 8.5 in months.
    All this hyperbole is based on nothing more than hype. And I'm exhausted and nauseated by it.

  8. The moment he said 7-10. 🫠 tell me more about you know football and the Chicago Bears so well. Bears were 7-10 last year. Barring injury, the bears should have a better record given they improved at qb, rb, offensive coordinator, wr, te, safety.. shoot even punter. So a 7-10 record would not be a good thing for ratings for the bears going into 2025

  9. Don't really understand this conversation. The Bears will have 5 games (potentially 6) where they will be the only game on TV. That actually seems like a lot to me. Also, they do have a 3:25 game scheduled.

  10. Don’t have that guest on again. Seems like a nice guy but just a horrible take on the bears going 7-10 this year lol. Did he do any research before coming on the show?

  11. The panthers have five 4 o’clock games. Two of them in the 4:25 slot. Do networks think they are a big draw? Doesn’t make much sense.

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