Golf Players

Brooks Koepka talks relationship with John Daly | JD is the man I’ve always loved being around him

Brooks Koepka talks relationship with John Daly | JD is the man I’ve always loved being around him

yeah Brooks uh saw you got to play practice round with JD today crew got to meet Uncle John as well too last night what’s that relationship for the two you like being past champions here and reuniting yeah JD is a man um I’ve always loved uh being around him he’s gotten he’s gotten close with my dad as well I think um what was it Beth Pig um him and my dad hung out for a while I think my dad even forgot to come out and watch me for till it was probably about the back nine so he probably should have stayed with JD otherwise it wouldn’t have been as close but uh no look he’s he’s been great we text a lot we have we have pretty good communication and um it’s always fun try to play with him at least once I think played with them at the British um last year and then obviously here try to try to get nine holes in with them

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