Golf Players

Tyrese Hall And Alfie Devine Impress! [INSTANT MATCH REACTION]

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you can’t take too much away from it it was uh non-event for the majority of the game I think first half was better than the second half but from what I saw in the second half I really like the look of a few of those players I thought Tyrese Hall looked brilliant looked a real tricky customer on the ball Alfie dine I thought looked really good as well um his ball playing ability was there for all to see and um I thought Ashley Phillips as well looked a bit of short at the back and he looked a lot bigger than anyone else on that pitch at some stage so I think those three players are the are the players that come away from this with um with something to talk about yeah I really like the look of Tyrese H he really impressed me in the center so I think obviously there’s been a lot of talk about him and a lot of people saying he’s one of the most talented players in in the youth at the moment and looking him in firsthand in a game like that in front of 880,000 people didn’t look out of place at all he in fact he was probably head and shoulders above a lot of the players on that pitch so very very impressive um divine look look decent um but yeah it’s hard to learn you obviously the first half it was first team players couldn’t really learn too much from that game but that’s all it was really um it was a nice little outing for Tottenham last time we’re going to see Spurs until a until July now yeah so enjoy it while it lasts yeah I think our next game will be out in Japan right against Vil Kobe that’s what’s been um you know communicated and arranged so far it looks as though the preseason plans will be to Japan to Korea and then to the Tottenham hotb Stadium a double header against Bayern Munich in Korea and then back in London so um yeah we sign off I would say in style but it wasn’t in style because uh we we did go one n up Newcastle got back into the game just before halftime with Alexander isach and then it went all the way to penalties and Brian Hill was the only Spurs player to miss a penalty unfortunately an doing a lap of Honor now but a good homecoming for an I’m sure he would um would have really enjoyed this trip out there to his hometown out in Melbourne giving everyone a laugh of honor very nice he got got a long way to go if he goes around that whole pitch it’s a massive pitch that’s what he’s doing so big up to apparently there’s a there’s a three-part documentary about him one on YouTube at the moment oh really yeah just really been released I’m going definitely going to watch that maybe we’ll do a watch long party for that yeah i’ love I’d love to um but yeah like I said it was um what you expect to post season friendly to be this game should never be happening but I guess you got to take into account the fans out in Australia um because it would have meant a lot for them to see the current first team out there playing in front of so many fans in the first half look I thought we did all right Sonny looked good was there any stand out before yeah Madison really nice goal was a handall his goal shouldn’t even recounted yeah was a hand Ball but the way the way he took it past Anderson and finished in the top corner it’s something that we haven’t haven’t seen for him in weeks true nice little bit of dribbling nice footwork and a nice finish so that was positive hopefully give him confidence going to those England friendlies ahead of the euros and hopefully he can earn his spot um obviously he was taken off at halim I think you can see we were quite careful like players who we know are going to tournament to make sure you don’t uh keep on for too long a first opportunity pretty much at a halftime take them off so first half was decent son and Madison were were playing well I thought obviously Spurs at but couldn’t hold on to the lead uh which is not unlike Tottenham this was a bit classic Spurs wasn’t it like dominate the ball don’t create too many chances and then at the first line of trouble concede yeah and then it was uh pretty much a under 21s game in that second half with all the subs being made so that second half just felt like one big substitution literally it was just one big substition pass pass pass and more more round of Subs uh couldn’t have made them all in one go while why Wai and stag on them was a bit annoying but uh could get the job done on penalties unfortunately Whitman wasn’t able to make any saves um but positive was uh don Lee took a really great penalty right to the top Corner showed his quality confidence and yeah as I say Tyree Saul very impressed so tyres sa was the biggest takeway of the day I think 18yearold kid at the beginning of the Season he was playing for the under 18s um yeah fine this game was a bit of a mishmash in terms of what players were on the pitch but he showed his quality for sure how long till he’s ready yeah we’ll have to wait and see the commentator said shades of dembele you can definitely see that I was really impressed with his decision making he looks very mature in terms of the way he plays and um dribbling ability was really good physically he looked pretty good physically as well I would like to see him though again cuz like maybe he looked physically good because he was playing against players similar age to him you knowa maybe if he was playing in the first half it would have been a different story we don’t know yeah probably but who knows


  1. It's a bad idea to go to Asia during the summer coz there's a few typhoons. Remember last year? Yeah… well it's like that every year. You have to be very lucky to avoid them. Korea is probably okay but Japan is a different story.

  2. Been impressed with Hall whenever I have seen him. A lot of talent coming through but we need to manage expectations, they need time to develop, some need to go out on loan to get some regular first team football

  3. Maddison looked dangerous the whole time, beautiful goal. Son played his heart out and should’ve had an assist. Spurs need a FINISHER.

  4. Younsters did really well. A match that had no meaning and shiukd not have been played. But as usual levy saw the oppertunity to make a few quid. Player welfare my ass. Gil was awful as usual,ship the lightweight out asap

  5. I think Spurs fans enjoyed that far more than Newcastle fans, we dominated. But their goal has to be dealt with in the close season, happens time and again. Agree Tyrese Hall was the best (same age as Mainoo….).

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