Golf Players

James Tibbs III on the FSU rebuild | success under Link Jarrett | Wake Up Warchant (5/15/24)

#FSUfootball #FloridaStatefootball

Interview recorded last week

James Tibbs III discusses the childhood moments that helped instill his competitive streak, thoughts on quitting baseball, how chirpy the ‘Noles are and the greatness of Link Jarrett

Music: Elvis Crespo – Suavamente

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from tally to Cali it’s time to wake up up is your ultimate seminal Sports source and this is wake of warchant presented by Corner Pocket Bar and Grill Corner Pocket now here’s ass on hudy and [Music] Cory wake up it’s wake up or champ presented by Corner Pocket Bar and Grill coming up on today’s show 25 minutes with James T I thir we ask him about how awesome it is to be awesome at baseball and a whole lot of other stuff wake up or champ presented by Corner Pocket Bar and Grill and our great friends over at Vitamin this show presented in somewhat limited commercial interruptions again this is Aon everybody I am still on vacation uh I don’t say that to like be koi or um patronizing because I appreciate you all working and using your hard-earned money to go to corner pocket Barn Grill or vitamin using their promo code word champ Belo or going to and subscribing you should be over at for all the latest and greatest news in the world of college football especially that deals with Florida State so this has been recorded me talking several days in advance so I’m not even sure what’s happened maybe Florida State’s out of the ACC by now huh that’d be great right get off the boat get off the plane like hey as on they’re in the they’re in the SEC now I hope I hope I’m not sure I think ACC meetings spring meetings Amelia Island are going down this week uh if so P showel probably out there and we got a whole bunch of information over at so log on all the information that you need is over there that said we’re starting and continuing our interview series Today’s Show is just like 25 minutes with James tibs we had him the other day last week before the pit Series so hopefully we didn’t put any kind of jinx on him hopefully he’s doing fine healthwise um but what a great guy obviously with finals being in the books now these guys can just focus on ball so you could kind of tell he was a little bit more relaxed not having to worry about class so oh super great Cory got a couple questions in there I think wanting to glean and how he’s going to raise Co Brady for these next few years so he can maybe be as good as James tibs I don’t know we’ll see if he gave us enough information to uh transform Brady’s life but I think it’ll be a good 25 minutes of your day so sit back and enjoy Corey Clark and myself talking to James sibs I third all right we got James sibs on the show we said it he’s here hopefully you’re watching this on YouTube everybody you can see his palatial setup what what’s that sign behind you James tibs Drive tibs road tibs road yeah my grandparents uh used to have a farm in Dalton Georgia and the road is tibs Road and so my parents made a sign that said tibs Road and gave it to all of us so my sister and I both have one it’s something that we we both hold pretty special to us so yeah that’s cool pretty cool all right so I like to always ask guys about recruiting stories I know things are a little bit different when it comes to baseball but for you being from the state of Georgia not too far away from Tallahassee but what what’s the decision process like what was it like for you in high school knowing the options that you had what you were looking for and ultimately you know made you come to Florida State who else was maybe in the mix for you and what do you remember from that experience in your life yeah that was pretty wild um it was pretty early on so freshman sophomore years kind of went it uh 8th grade through freshman year when it really heated up and then I committed in the fall of my sophomore year um School obviously Georgia schools George Georgia Tech had some Clemson had some uh Tennessee and there some Miami stuff like that but um you know feel like Florida state was where I wanted to be it’s where you know great hitters come to develop and and and go play pro ball and and get an opportunity to go play professionally and be the best they can be and so um really bought into that and really B into the history of Florida State and that’s kind of what led me uh led me down here to Florida State I’m very thank for it this place is uh it’s it’s been amazing for me I changed my life so extremely thankful for that did you I obviously you were I’m sure you were a good hitter when you could barely walk uh but did you know that like the recruiting started that early where they would be looking at you as coming out of Middle School almost or as a freshman were you surprised even though I’m sure you were on Elite travel ball teams and and playing any all these National tournaments you were barely a teenager so you surprised no not not really I mean I’d seen everybody you know that had been older than me um kind of go through it and so did you play at East cob by the way were you an East cob kid yeah yeah so you know all those guys obviously been through it um you know I had several friends that were already committed in like eth ninth grade and so um it was pretty wild to kind of walk through that and see all that and so um it really hit me quick it really kind of started quick but it something that you know it was It was kind of mind mind-blowing to be quite honest with you um you know I was hoping just to play anywhere and uh to have the the the opportunities that I did were pretty surreal I would say so did you uh and people that are listening to this know that I have a son that’s come up through the baseball travel ball system and all that he ain’t you uh we’re hope hope he could go somewhere but he ain’t you but uh did you ever play wreck ball or were you a travel ball kid when you were like six yeah well okay uh so yeah I played uh recck ball um I played rec ball from four at my church five at uh local park and then six is six and seven as well uh played travel ball in the summer technically Dy Dean type stuff and so played that uh for three years and then went over to East cob and played for East cob at eight so I mean I was still I was still kicking around 60 to 70 50 to 70 games uh at 5 six and seven once we got to eight it was pretty much year round um you know when I got the opportunity to go play football or baseball or basketball it was something that I uh thoroughly enjoyed getting a break from for sure James are there like home videos of you like in a onz dragging around like a whiffle ball bat like how early were you introduced to the game of baseball yeah I really don’t know um we’ve actually never talked about that I don’t think my parents did a lot of video growing up um I don’t know even how many swings I had that are recorded growing up um you know one memory I have I’ll give you this little quick story uh when I was four years old we were playing at my church and I was the only one that knew how to catch and so I was playing first base and they would throw it to me and I tagged the base and he’d be out and the kid would stay at first and I remember looking at my dad and being like Dad he’s out like why you know why is he still on first base um and Dad’s like just shut up it’s it’s it’s wck ball they don’t know how to play yet and uh which is funny now but uh looking back on it I was so furious with the fact that nobody else was was was out um but it was definitely something that I enjoyed growing up um you know a lot of fun lot of fun you should have been looking at the umpires as a four-year-old going like this like what hey go to replay man there’s video of this somewhere yeah I don’t think there were umpires that’s how uh how small it was but it was fun for sure can you uh and again this is coming from a dad of a of a baseball player um but I’m asking you because you’re obviously an elite hitter and you’ve been a very very good hitter for a long time how much do you think now that you’ve been a a a you know a pretty competitive baseball player for 15 years um think it’s natural how much is it is god-given a natural ability to see things quickly to fire everything that needs to be fired to get a barrel to a ball and how much can it be improved how much is Just constant work and trying to get better well I’ll tell you I in my opinion there’s parts of the game that people are really good at um I would say that I have pretty decent I hand coordination um I have the ability to um you I have quick hands you know so those are the things that I feel like the Lord blessed me with and you’ve always had them right you think like you’ve always had them I would believe so yeah but I don’t think that’s I think part of that is what we did Growing Up So we did uh a lot of heavy bag drills a lot of small bat golf ball drills and and you know I I took 400 swings a day for you know six seven years like there was nothing that I didn’t work for you know what I mean and so yeah I think there’s a natural part of it part of it but I think it’s a combination the two um you know there’s no question that the Lord blessed me with these things but there was work that you know we put in every single day um you know the whole the whole mindset for me was uh Bryce Harper was taking 500 swings a day and he was saying nobody’s better than me nobody’s working harder than me so like for me my my attitude was okay nobody’s G to be working harder than me you know what I mean and so that was kind of the way that we went about our business and how we worked for it um and there was a plethora of other things that we did throughout my childhood that kind of helped me you know continue to grow in the in those in those in those parts of my game put that all in a book and sell it J James all the way here but was there a moment for you like driving back from a travel ball tournament or after dinner just hanging out with your your parents where like your dad kind of grounds you in the in the reality that you have these abilities you have this Talent you can do this or was it just becoming a player in high school and seeing all these letters come in the mail that made you kind of think and click that yeah I really can pursue my my passion playing baseball to the next level yeah I think that it’s a combination um you know my I wanted to quit multiple times I was like 12 14 13 at 13 I didn’t feel like I was one of the best players on the team and so I was like I’m done like I’m not hitting well like I want to be done dad gave me an ultimatum and he said never quit when you’re on the bottom quit when you’re on the top and so that’s kind of what helped me just kind of stay through it and then I’d get to the top be like I love it I love it I can’t you know there’s no way right so uh it’s it’s it’s kind of you know some things I I I always hit really well um I always hit you know well above 400 and and had a lot of home runs and all that stuff and then got to high school got way harder again after freshman year it was really tough I think it hit like maybe 200 with like three home runs it was just a bad year and so um you know there was times where I was like I’m done like I can’t do this anymore and then there’s other times where it’s like okay like maybe I can do this um you know it happened a lot but I think all of those kind of molded me into you know understanding how this works um at a much you know bigger level than just the surface level you know looking at it from my point of view at this moment you also as you grow up you understand and it is a it’s a cliche but it’s a game of failure I mean even the best ones that have ever done it make out 60% of the time but when you’re as good as you are as a nine-year-old and you’re hitting probably 811 you’re not used to going to a playing better people and then maybe you’re only hitting 380 or 410 but to you it feels like you’re in a horrible slump so how did you finally get adjusted to failure um failing more I mean the reality is just like you don’t really understand how to deal with failure until you can actually sit there and take control of it and be like hey look I’m not doing well this is nobody’s fault this is I’m not going to be the victim here this is my fault I’m not playing well um let’s figure out why let’s figure out what we need to do and how we can change it as quick as possible um you know it there’s I don’t remember who said it um but it was some degree of like yeah like I’m gonna slump but the point is to minimize that slump right so that’s my goal every day is like all right well if I’m not doing well if I’m on a over for you know streak right now um which I haven’t been doing too hot of late right so right now for me it’s like okay how do I minimize this how do I how do I put together good at bats you know it all starts with simplifying the process my high school coach always always always said uh it’s the process the process the process the process and so the process creates results right if you have a good process sometimes it’s not going to go your way but reality is that you’re going to feel better about it going to your next step at and so um part of my whole thought process is like okay how do I make sure that I’m being extremely cognizant of you know my pregame routine my bats my thought process my Approach all those things to help give myself the best chance yeah I’m still going to get myself out I’m still going to struggle um but how can I minim the bad results and just be able to put together quality at bats you know quality days at the field quality batting practice all those things help create uh more confidence and and in turn kind of create a a a stronger belief in yourself at the plate you know when you go to the plate every day and are you good at separating uh as you’ve gotten older like man sometimes the guy just made a good pitch yeah these are good players man like sometimes he just Paints the black or that’s a nasty pitch that I wasn’t ready for I’m still awesome hitter yeah I mean it happens all the time I mean I can name him plenty of those um and it’s something yeah you just sit there you’re like well you got me um there’s definitely times where I’ve sat there and laughed at myself and been like man he really like just smoked me right there it happened early on in the season I swung a bad pitch I think it was against Notre Dame struck out in like three pitches and they were some of the nastiest pitches I’ve ever seen in college and I was Sting there I was sitting there and I’m like okay like you know I’m not mad about it I struck out whatever you he made good pitches like good for him um but yeah it’s it it happens um but more often than that it’s you getting yourself out right and fig out ways to minimize those things figure out ways to uh control the controllables I know these are all such cliches but it’s it’s so true um you know and that’s part of what’s frustrating sometimes is you get yourself out right you gotta figure out how to not do that so it’s definitely tough James it seems like no matter the process you’ve gotten better every single season you’ve been here in Tallahassee uh what has it been like year or two now with Coach Jared I know meet obviously thought the world of you and and you did quite well under his approach but his approach is seemingly vastly different than than what coach Jarrett wants to get done at the plate for you has it been a more natural comfortable feel this year in terms of I guess an aggressive approach coach Jarrett the other day on his Zoom was kind of just bragging on all you guys for being so aggressive out there and only a certain percentage of your guys at bats ever getting to two strikes I mean how much that been a part of your success this year yeah it’s been a big part I mean I think we understand how to do control damage um controlling the plate controlling our bats our approaches and knowing what we’re going up there to do um he gave me a pretty good pretty good uh talking to after or it was in between um the fall and the spring so our exit meetings I had just had lab surgery after freshman year and so I hadn’t played the fall and I went in my ex meeting was like look coach I just need to do me like do do what I can do and that’s you know being aggressive on pitches in the plate and uh you know being able to fight with two strikes spread out battle and so he was like hey just go do what makes you good and that’s I think what’s so amazing about Coach Jarett is yeah he’s got approaches he’s got things that you know he’s going to give you tips but at the end of the day he’s going to let you do what you feel like is comfortable and what’s going to make you the best hitter that you can be and I think that’s just a testament to why he’s had such good teams in the past why he’s made it to Omaha why he’s won coach of the year because he he understands at at some point to let hitters just be themselves and figure it out right that’s been uh something that I didn’t really expected really know that that was going to happen and so when I when I experienced it I was like that’s one of the first times the coaches ever looked at me and said just do what makes you good and uh that was pretty surreal um pretty fantastic thing for him to say you know that’s one of the things that I’ll bring up at some point later on this year yeah James speaking of speaking of Link in just this team uh because we want to get onto the current team first off um when you come to Florida State you don’t expect to go through the first two years you went through is it team um was there any thought about in this era where everybody switches all the time and you’ve got a a lot of brand new teammates were you worried that it was never going to be a good team at Florida State in your three years where what gave you I guess the the the confidence to hang around and this thing would turn around like it has yeah it’s two words link Jarett I mean that’s pretty cut and dry that’s the best there is and uh I had the utmost confidence in him to to figure this out I didn’t know if it would would have been this year I wasn’t necessarily sure um but I was all in to figure it out regardless you know I wanted to be a part of the team that brought it back and that the the guys he’s brought in Daniel kantu Jackson West Maguire H Brook Alex Lis Drew Faro um you know Max Williams and I can go on and on short Marco yoel Marco yeah all these guys have been so good right and and uh it’s just been such a blessing to be a part of um coming to coming to the field every day and getting to watch those guys go to work the way they go about their business the way they compete I have gotten a front row seat at the coolest turnaround in college baseball this year and I could not be more thankful to be here um yeah you hear all the the Rah and the moving on in the transfer portal and it’s like that’s cool and all but Florida state is Florida State we will always be Florida State you know and that freshman your team was really good we just made some mistakes and then last year obviously speaks for itself um but this year’s team is unbelievable and probably one of the best teams I’ve ever been on if not the best team that you know I think maros said a couple weeks ago it’s like it’s a bunch of three- hole hitters hitting in a in a nine person lineup and that’s truly what it feels like anybody can come come up clutch at any moment it’s it’s it takes pressure off everybody just let them just do their thing and I’m I’m the one hitting in the three- hole but I feel like there’s a three- hole in front of me behind me and everywhere else in the lineup and it’s just so cool to watch that uh Inspire the way those dudes go about their business how hard they work um it’s it’s one of a kind and I don’t I can’t you know I know there’s a lot of good offenses in college baseball I’d put us up there with the best of them I think it’s that good did you know uh obviously cam had a great uh summer at the cape uh after having a a good good freshman year not a great one but a good one and then he he really took off in the cape uh canant to had done things in college uh fough loes Jackson West even all the Alex Williams they had had they had played high level division one uh baseball um Marco had not and Marco I keep bringing him up on the show Almost daily um he is one of the best hitters in the country uh it’s crazy because I didn’t he was the one where link would talk about him in the preseason I’m like yeah yeah yeah what about kantu what I was like I don’t even know who Marco dingis is did you when did you know okay this is not a normal bat this is a guy that could really contribute yeah I watched him take BP so the BP groups in the fall I think it was the same I think it was Cam haime and Marco and I remember watching their BPS and it was sick to watch I mean just unbelievable and I was like cool all right he’s got you know Light Tower Power he’s got some of the most juice I’ve ever seen whatever cool let’s go see him you know play the game and he goes out there and just smacks every ball he’s hitting balls 110 he’s yeah taking balls the other way he’s not striking out a bunch and I’m sitting there like oh my gosh like this this this is unbelievable like you know and I’m watching then and then he’s then he’s yapping at me and haime about home runs and we’re all competing for the most home runs in the fall and then all this stuff and I’m sitting like this dude can hang with the best of him he is that good and uh to watch him go up there and compete it’s freaking awesome I mean just a fantastic human being um you know I know he he he he gets fiery and you might not see that you might see that from an outside perspective but the kid is could not be a nicer guy uh could not be a better teammate and he is he’s the guy you want to go to war with he’s just a fantastic human being and I’ve absolutely loved being on a team with that kid I think I actually might go hit with him here in a little bit oh nice he’s just a great guy and um you know to watch him slowly figure it out as the seasons progressed has been unbelievable and um man what a you know what a testament to coach Jarrett and what he’s you know what he saw in them and letting him come in here and figure it out and he’s done exactly what we hoped he would do so now does his does his uniform top does it just not come with a button up top or he just takes them off or they they just make him special for Marco but yeah your guess is as good as mine there you know he they they they’re all about the drip I love it hilarious uh but yeah he’s he plays with a flare he plays with a chip on his shoulder and it’s it’s evident he he’s a fiery one and it has been amazing to be a part of that so well in your whole team I’m glad you mentioned this I I wanted to get to this uh last year you know there wasn’t a lot of reason to be excited but it didn’t seem like yall had a lot of excitable personalities on the team and then literally the first game of the year cam lighter strikes out a kid from who did y’all play Butler yes and he’s he’s barking and talking and yapping and and pumping his fist kantou hits home runs and stares down pitchers Marco talks you talks the second baseman at Miami like it just and there is an edge to you guys uh do you like that because you don’t play with one like they though I know you H I know you have some of that in you but they seem to brought a little extra which I think it works for you guys it works in y’all’s favor most of the time yeah I’d agree I mean it’s it’s a it’s an attitude of we’re gonna go out there and we’re gonna get this done and one way or another somebody’s can come up clutch somebody’s going to do it and that’s evident right it’s evident the way we play we play hard we play hard noosed um we have a confidence within ourselves that we’re going to figure out a way to compete we’re going to figure out a way to win uh you know there’s there’s dates and and and games that are marked on our calendar that we’re like let’s freaking go let’s get after it like we’re ready we’re bringing everything you know we got and it’s amazing you know I it’s definitely not my type of game um I’m more of a quiet and just go about my business type um but it’s made me want to get Fiery it’s made me want to get after and so it’s been it’s been amazing that’s just a testament of their their level of competitiveness and their fire and their want and will to win it’s it’s you know second to none and um you know I I can’t say I dislike it because I love it it’s amazing um yeah it’s G to it’s going to ruffle some feathers it’s going to um you know the traditionalists aren’t necessarily going to love it and that’s fair I I’m more of a Trad traditionalist myself but when you when you sit there every day and you watch these guys compete you watch them play and you watch them um do what they do and the level of work they put in to go out there and do that I got no problem with it at all I feel like Link’s probably a traditionalist too but he seems to give you guys a Latitude to go out there and and show your your personality yeah he is for sure he definitely he definitely does enjoy it I think you know to a degree right obviously we we don’t need to be going and getting thrown out but uh there’s been some times where we’ve gotten close but we also know when to reel it in and figure out and just go and focus and get our stuff done but it’s it’s been amazing it’s super fun to watch I don’t know how it is on TV but from the game I sit there and I’m like oh my gosh this is the most fun I’ve ever had playing baseball and that’s the truth like I’ve never had more fun playing baseball in my life watching these guys play and watching them go about their business it’s are you ever thinking like oh man we might be fighting in about 30 seconds like this is right up on the razor’s headge of okay this might get this might go somewhere yeah there’s been one or two times against Rivals that I I won’t you know go out of my way to name but against a couple of them early and late in the year um that I’ve been like yeah there’s there’s a chance that we’re going to go uh throw people throw people away from from others so um yeah definitely some nerve-wracking points but I think that we’re able to reel it in when we need to James uh appreciate you taking time out just one last thing for me I don’t know if you can give us maybe like an anecdotal story about Coach Jared I didn’t play a lot of baseball growing up I didn’t play any baseball growing up I didn’t watch a lot of baseball growing up but listening to him talk he just seems so knowledgeable and so confident in his approaches I’d follow that man to the end of the world and again like he could tell me to to put a he tell me to put a helmet on backwards and set the left batters box and tell me that’s the best thing to do and I’d believe him just uh what has he he brought to you guys overall and just how I guess you know appreciative are you of what he’s been able to accomplish for you guys this year yeah um there’s a couple and I can’t remember the movie off the top of my head every once in a while he’ll come in the meeting room and we have meetings before practice for games and he’ll give us something give us a quote and it’s a quote about it’s a military movie guys’s in he’s um he did something wrong so he’s in court and he’s sitting there what’s that A Few Good Men maybe a Few Good Men he say don’t look at him and it’s just uh things like that or he’ll bring a whistle out to practice and start blaring the whistle it’s just funny things like that that he does that kind of keeps the keeps the day light um and but it makes you enjoy those moments even more um and just enjoy know the grind of college baseball so he’s really good at figuring out when to kind of let loose and give us a little bit of uh just fun and laughter in in in a pretty tense season I would say so he’s he’s pretty fantastic he’s one of one for sure James I wanted to ask my last question was obviously you’ve got goals at Florida State Omaha you want to go to Omaha you want to get you want to win a regional you want to go to a Super Regional you haven’t been to a Super Regional in your career um it’d be awesome if you’re hosting at Hower that’s what we all want make that happen um but how do you as somebody that has dreamed of playing professional baseball your whole life not get too anxious to get to that next step how do you stay in the moment keep your feet in Tallahassee and not think about when whenever that Jo I think it’s the All-Star break is when they have the draft I don’t remember when the draft is but you know your name is going to be called fairly early in that thing how do you keep your feet in Tallahassee in this team and in this current environment knowing what’s waiting for you after you’re done yeah um there’s a Bible verse in Proverbs it’s I think it’s 169 it says a man plans his step or a man plans his path but the Lord establishes his steps and uh that’s been a big part of my you know thought process going on I know yeah there’s there’s a lot of talk and Rah raw um I’m I’d be lying if I said I didn’t hear it and um the reality is is I came to Florida State to to go to Omaha to win a National Championship now regardless of if that happens or not my focus is with these guys it’s with this team with um bringing Florida State back to the level that Florida state has always been at right and that’s Premier college baseball that’s being on ESPN late in June that’s doing all these things winning championships whatever that may be my goal when I came to Florida State when I committed was to win a National Championship something we haven’t done here and that is my number one priority right now I have no other thoughts you know towards any of that I’m not looking to go I’m not looking forward to it all I want to do is win and and that’s that’s the truth like I can’t I’m not lying when I say that there’s no part of me that believes that’s not true um I I love this place I love these people I love the sacrifices these people have made their their love for us and there’s nothing that brings me more joy than walking out from stadium and winning baseball games and bringing Florida State back on the map you know whether that may be Nation Championship or not my main goal is just that and um you know that’s the truth you know what’s cool about that James is I was W it was the NC State game y’all played on the Sunday um uh when when y’all when y’all even the series and that and damez Ross came into the game and it’s five y’all end up winning the game I think 8 to one but it was five to one at the time the Bas were loaded it’s a tense moment in the sixth inning against a good team and he makes that diving catch uh to end the inning and get out of the jam and your reaction to that was not because baseball can be such an individual sport it can be a lot of guys thinking about man I’m over too I’m not having a great weekend or whatever it may be for the other guys oh nice play DZ but what okay great you were so excited about that play and so excited for him I think that prends to what you’re talking about right like it is for you it seems like it is about the team right now yeah it’s pure joy um I want to win right and anything we could do to win is I’m all for it you know there’s no questions for me on what I want to do and uh yeah I mean I think that does speak to it I think that’s evident because you know it’s it’s easy to be like man I’m one for three on the day I got you know yada yada and I’m not not swinging it well and it’s like I can be focused on myself but man it’s so much more fun there’s so much more joy in watching these guys succeed um because it’s what makes this game fun it’s what makes it a team and what what’s what it’s how you win and uh so yeah that’s definitely been my main focus this year for sure I lied last thing on the way out James suavee we gonna ride that out the rest of the way suavee yeah um we’ll see um I I’ve had some some thoughts about changing it but right now I I I think it’s too much fun it’s too you have Johnny Cash I did it was yeah that was a banger man that’s a great song it’s a great song it’s one of my favorites did it in high school used it uh last year then this year and I absolutely love that song U we might go back to it here shortly we’re we’re still thinking about it but um I’ve really enjoyed swabe it’s been hilarious and it’s been amazing so uh it’s nice to kind of have a little different personality walking to the plate I think that’s also a testament to those guys just uh you know hey I’m going to have a little Swagger I’m we have have a little fun and and do something a little different here and um you know that’s kind of was my thought process going into that so um love it I’ve enjoyed it can’t can’t can’t say I haven’t So Cal I think Cal Fisher probably has the best walkup song because I’m an old guy Island’s in the Stream is one of the great Duets of all time it is really weird that a 19yearold kid has that as his walkup song but whatever yeah I hey I talk to him fantastic it’s been he’s awesome he’s a good kid will you uh will you talk to us again either a after winning the Super Regional or B or both after uh after you get drafted and all that good stuff and you start your professional career would love to yes sir um would be happy to be on anytime you guys need it and uh you guys have been so much fun to watch this season large part of it is what you’ve accomplished for the team and sticking around James and know we appreciate that and we appreciate you taking time out good luck the rest of the way James tibs everybody thank y’all so much for having me shout out again to James that was great we spoke to him a little bit afterwards I didn’t want to ask him like a last question but we kept him for too long I felt like I want to ask him about what it’s what it’s like to be part of this new generation maybe this latest generation this first generation that really is all in on physical fitness and training and Mobility exercises uh he did tell us that uh like he he can squat a house upper body stuff surprisingly not his his Forte like the bench press things of that nature but squats our guy and that’s where the power generates from everybody right right that’s what it’s what chub said it’s all in the hips everybody it’s all in the hips all right that’s a wrap for today’s show we got another one for you folks on Friday I think it we’re going to probably schedule it for Friday I would assume it’s going to be um a little of a Look Behind Enemy Lines if you will Nick delatore from inside Gators I think I think that’s the name of the Florida Gator side on the on3 network and Matt showell from can sport which um if you’re listening to the podcast you might want to watch the video because you you probably just want to watch Matt’s face it’s very punchable uh while you’re listening to him gas up the Hurricanes good guy appreciate him taking time out but oh boy oh boy it’s uh it might be exciting everybody Miami Miami thinks they’re back everybody like I know this is not a drill it happens every year I get it but man they really think they’re back it’s going to be kind of funny when they realize they’re not back uh so Friday show we’ll talk to a gator Rider a hurricane Rider we’ll see how the rivels are doing uh to see how Flor State’s doing go to the Ultimate sellon Sports horse again check out the corner pocket Barn Grill in Tallahasse Florida vitamin that promo code warchant BOGO I should have kept like a a sounder from Cory doing warchant BOGO but I didn’t uh I’m going to go put on some sunscreen probably and probably still seasick and probably haven’t had a really solid shower in a long time so I trade places with you for Cory I’m ason thanks for listening to wake up or CH presented by the corner pocka Barn Grill


  1. Excellent interview guys. What a wonderful young man. God bless him for wanting to stay at FSU and going for the National title. Go NOLES 🍢

  2. Thank you Aslan and Corey for making sure that we don't experience withdrawls during your well-earned vacation! Great content as always!

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