Hailey Ostrom

Come Play Golf With Me! (With NO Camera Cuts!!)

Today I kept the camera rolling for the entire 6 holes of golf during my round at Lookout Mountain Golf Club!

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we are going to play one take so we’re not going to cut the camera at all that was piped oh my God I literally almost just missed the ball there we go what’s up you guys before we get into today’s video we do have a sponsor today thank you to Rocket money for sponsoring today’s video it’s actually such a perfect sponsorship because I have been using rocket money for a while now to help me with my my own financial goals and they wanted to sponsor today’s video so that is perfect so if you don’t know rocket money it is a personal finance app to help you track all of your financial needs and goals so I actually initially downloaded rocket money to help me just be better about budgeting and staying on track and just tracking where my money is going it’s hard being adult sometimes right adulting is hard and I am the last person that is good with with number numbers when I see numbers that just goes in one year out the other I don’t understand so that stuff stresses me out but I like to stay on track and kind of know where my money is going and just set goals for myself so rocket money is the perfect help for that while using it I discovered that there are so many other things that it does for example one of the things is it tracks your subscriptions so if you are subscribed to four four different you know Netflix Hulu Max whatever those kind of subscriptions it tracks those it tells you what you’re subscribed to it tells you how much you’re paying each month for those and it will help you cancel them if you no longer want them I am the kind of person who will sign up for a free trial to be able to watch the game that I want to see on TV I actually just recently did this with peacock and I completely forgot to cancel that subscription and I was paying still every single month and I wasn’t even using it it’s so frustrating that’s why I ended up downloading rocket money just so I can help keep track of those things and I know what I am subscribed to it also tracks things like your credit score which as an adult of course we should all care about our credit score and keep track of that and it gives you tips on how to have a better credit score so it’s a really cool app I find that kind of stuff really fun and enjoyable to look at and kind of track especially when it’s not me having to do all the math myself be sure to check it out I’m going to put all of the links down below and right here so you guys can go check it out go download rocket money and I hope that it helps you with your financial needs as well all right let’s get back to this video Hello everybody welcome back today what we’re going to do is something that I think is a little bit different than most channels we are going to play one take so we’re not going to cut the camera at all as much as we can we’ll see how the battery holds up we’ll see if there’s anybody we have to wait for but you’re going to see my entire round no rakes obviously we don’t do retakes here okay you’re going to get to hear from me in the cart we’re going to I’m going to talk you through my round um and yeah you guys are always saying like I want I want to play around with you so this is what we’re doing where you’re playing around with me today so we are at Lookout Mountain um we’re on we’re starting on random we’re starting on hole number four right this is four yeah we think it’s four um so we’ll see how far we can get with the camera battery and we’re going to try and play a little bit quick because of that that was piped that was so good holy moly want try to play through nine yeah we’ll try and play through nine we’ll see how how far we go I mean a battery lasting that long like Sam said his batteries usually last like 30 minutes so we’ll see what we can do but we did just drive backwards from some other holes so we know we’ve got a little bit of space up ahead we’ll see we’ll see play to nine or play through nine n that’s it yeah okay anyways um wow I guess I already don’t know what to talk about and it’s the first to you guys might you may or may not like this video how have you been playing so far oh today I’ve been playing pretty well actually I’m hitting the ball really far which is is like a miracle for me I am not a long hitter as you know but I think I have been been hitting it a lot further than usual we going to just ignore this one for a second we’re pretty close anyways um and I’ve hit some really good putts also that have dropped or almost dropped we only have this is so short we only have 66 yards so let’s hit our 56 and we’ll choke it down and we won’t hit a full swing usually with my wedges I don’t like to play the full wedge just cuz it’s more consistent I think if I’m choking it down a little bit playing it more like a pitch shot and I already tried to do a full 60 earlier and it did not go very well yeah that worked out really nice because I hit that a little bit weird I mean that was a true pit shot there take care of the course it’ll take care of you you guys know the rules um but yeah I I just like not hitting a full a full wedge shot Sam would you like to say hello to the people hi everybody that’s Sam my filmer editor um social media partner I don’t know how well they’re going to be to hear me but I probably ask questions throughout that’s fine I can repeat the questions hello little dog he’s a little chubby dog oh yeah professional yeah I played professionally for almost 5 years now I do social media awesome yeah okay we’ve got not a very long putt so that’s nice for a change um oh my goodness did someone just Jam their wedge into that or what okay you guys I can’t I can’t let this go unfixed I can’t do as much as the greens keeper will be able to do but that looks actually pretty good right that’s OD okay anyways um we have like about 20 footer is footer to make a little birdie putt oh my gosh I feel like they’re not breaking as much as I’ve been playing them to break do you agree Sam yeah oh we’re going to say I made that you guys nice par I can make a less than one footer there you go everyone’s going to be like oh no reduce no reduce um anyways I do feel like I am playing too much break maybe but I don’t know tell them if if there was a cut early on it was cuz I forgot I don’t know if I cut or not I don’t think I did but it’s only been rolling for 5 minutes and surely oh Sam says that if there was a cut earlier um it was on accident he forgot that we’re doing no Cuts but he doesn’t think he cut but he can’t remember so won’t happen again won’t happen again all right we have a par five it’s a shorter par five shortish par five I like this hole I don’t know why I’ve never like done anything crazy here oh my goodness these are some bumpy par paths talk about what’s your favorite course in Arizona to play my favorite course my favorite course in Arizona is weapa I don’t get out there enough but I really love weap poot and I feel like it’s a little bit underrated also this cart has just hated me all day I also love camel back I love Lookout I I am kind of a hater of some of like the really popular courses that everybody talks about I’m not going to name names I’m not going to name names but some of those courses everyone wants to go play them and then they’re just the greens aren’t always in great shape and they’re a little bit gimmicky if you ask me and I don’t mean that to be rude I just mean that’s just yeah I don’t know a lot of people are like oh the views like every course out here has great views honestly okay we’re going to aim at that really bright lime green tree down there oh my God I literally almost just missed the ball I did that earlier too hopefully that kicked back out [Laughter] yza I end I’ve been hitting my drive so good too all right this is way harder than playing normal golf yeah I do feel like this is harder than playing normal golf just because now I’m like I have to be on I’m like having to talk cuz if I’m not talking it’s like you guys are just watching me do nothing just sit here and that’s boring but I’m wondering if this feels like you’re on live which is kind of the goal like that was my thought process with this but let me know in the comments if you guys like this let me know your favorite Arizona courses if you’ve been here and also what courses you would like to see me play oh I see a ball oh my gosh that is going to crazy that is pretty dang lucky lucky also I almost hit a snake earlier and then I almost crashed the car because I really didn’t want to kill the snake heck yes I am going to make a like move some rocks so I don’t kill my clubs for a YouTube video but that’s all I won’t like move the ball all right um we’re a long ways out and the goal here is just to get it back into play honestly so I’m going to move some of these well this is allowed but I’m also going to move there’s a giant rock under my ball and I don’t want to hear anything about it you guys this is literally just all rock anyway so probably doesn’t even matter okay I have my five iron in hand I don’t know either way we just got to get it back in play all right we’re on grass as far as I can see so that was the goal when it comes to course management if you you’re going to get yourself into bad situations it’s going to happen so when that happens like the number one thought is to get yourself back into play don’t bite off more than you can chew like here it’s a part five there’s no reason for me to try and take a lot of Club it’s just get it on grass and then I have another shot at it and bogey sometimes is not a bad score don’t forget all right cuz Bo bogey avoids triples and doubles 137 I’ve been hitting it far but with that lip right in front it just stresses me out a little bit I don’t want to leave it short but I’ve literally been hitting it so far I’m going to choke down my seven normally this would be an eight I’m just a little nervous I want to make sure I carry it there get up oh my gosh even that wasn’t enough all right well we’re in the beach either way it was just meant to be that way you guys but yeah with course course management I feel like a lot of amateurs they need to just eliminate triples or doubles like wherever you’re at in your game if you can eliminate eliminate those you’re already taking your game to such a different level and all that comes from course management it’s not going to you’re not going to go out there and like change your swing overnight just change how you’re playing the game what was the biggest thing that changed for your course management for my course management I feel like mental game 100% was the biggest thing for me was like I had to swallow my pride I had to know like sometimes I can’t play this shot all the time I need to Club up or I need to choke down or whatever I I think that made a big difference for me overall um I can’t really think of anything else but mental game is such a big aspect and I encourage everybody to learn a little bit about the mental game it is very important okay so we have this bunker shot I’ve got my 56 in hand um wow there’s a massive Rock in here too so front of your stance open stance open Club face shallow swing is what I always think but that’s not that doesn’t apply all the time woo definitely pulled that just a little bit just a little bit and there’s just Footprints all over in here it’s also the end of the day so there’s probably not really anybody behind us but still rake it just in case okay so we have this for par um it’s makeable that’s another thing I will say like with Louis too he’s always constantly keeping track of his score the entire time and especially for amateurs I just think that’s a bad idea because you get to score or score oriented and you like Focus too heavily on that and then you get bummed out when you’re like oh no I’m already out of par and I’m not even on the green yet it’s just not very good mental game look there’s another one what are these people doing out here going to tell the pro shop on them just kidding but they should not do that to to the course left to right breaker I don’t know probably about another 18 I do feel like I read that one right at least definitely had the right read I just needed a little bit more speed okay we’re going to have to take our bogey take our medicine here it is definitely a lot harder to play with the camera going constantly like I like having the camera on but I think just feeling like I have to talk and perform and like show my personality the whole time and have things to talk about where normally I just say random stuff and clip it together and there you go you can do a little chilling too a little chilling good cuz I’m already out of stuff to talk about I don’t want to blame anybody on uh the divots on the thing but you know who was behind us those two kids in their bike yeah they were one hole ahead of this true it kind of looked like uh one of those Putters though that has like the spikes yeah it’s kind of what it looked like but were those kids even they just look like they were just riding the carart path they had a golf club oh they did y oh wow yeah if that is them then somebody needs to let them know if I see them I’ll ask if it was them yeah like excuse me like no oh okay no it was us okay well I’m glad to hear that make sure make sure you don’t do that I’m like an old lady already telling kids to get off my lawn okay a par three also really usually like this hole um we have 155 does anyone else do that instead of like sitting here and doing this I’m like like I have to lean in 155 okay I’m going to hit my six iron that should be perfect and everything on this scen kind of slopes to the left so I always try and remember that and just play for that a little bit aim a little bit more right usually felt good is it enough go oh yeah oh yeah oh thank you that was good pen High looks like right after I said it moves a little bit left and then it didn’t at all that’s okay it’s been really nice in Arizona too we’re like close to the ’90s now which is a little bit toasty but you really can’t beat this right now like this afternoon golf just getting in a quick quick nine holes or whatever it’s so fun so so fun want to know ask people to comment what they’re up to while they’re watching these what’s their perfect golf watching oh yeah yeah I want to know what you guys are doing while you’re watching these videos like is that what you’re asking yeah yeah like are you appropriate as long as it’s appr comment below yeah um cuz I always watch videos like when I’m working out if I’m on a treadmill or something and it’s just so boring that’s when I’ll watch videos but the reason I was wanting to do this video one of my friends actually had the idea but also because I do feel like people are willing to sit there and watch a long video if they feel like they are a part of the round so I thought it might be interesting give you guys an opportunity to feel like you’re actually out here playing with me hopefully I’ll play good golf um but yeah it does feel like a little bit more pressure yall make me nervous okay again we I mean I feel like every single pot is about this distance so we’ve got again about a 20 footer a little bit more actually this time breaking hard hard it seems like right to left at the end there’s a dead Cup on the right side I’m going to aim at and try and dye it in and it’s a downhill pot Ted all oh my gosh I just blew that by soon as I hit it I was like oh my gosh if that doesn’t hit the pin the hole I’m screwed and here we are I just blew it by those downhill Breakers they can get away from you okay this is when I need like the heartbeat [Music] B nice par see now you guys know I make those putts I make those putts all right a good par save there good par is a good par y’all I will take that um so we’re still one over after three we’re going to try and get to six holes total we’re going to do a battery swap and we are going to do a battery swap cut in three two one we’re back we haven’t even left this hole yet so you guys know okay oh you know what hole is next my least favorite hole I don’t know why I’m so excited about that but I think I’m having a change of heart I think I might be starting to actually like it and watch me say that and then go to this hole and hate it again but I don’t know there’s something about it that I might I might be changing my mind why is it your least favorite haul it is my least favorite haul because it is definitely a strategic hole it is the next one yeah cuz the red and the yellow’s on top of each other today oh okay unless you want to play White no I’ve been playing yellow we’ll stick with yellow um it’s my least favorite hole because um I don’t really know why I think I just had like a bad experience one time and I was like oh I hate that hole but the landing area for my drive is so narrow which you would think I would like cuz I like my driver but it’s just like you don’t get rewarded and then because it’s an elevated green it’s kind of hard to reach it at times not really reach it I guess it’s short I don’t know I don’t know why I don’t like it I just don’t you know you just sometimes have that feeling yeah I wonder if the wind is bothering the mic while we’re driving you think it’s fine yeah good cuz I need the breeze oh a wind screen on you yeah true true true true true true I also there is a chance that I will have a um a little video ad video to put in this so there may be another cut at some point that I’ll have to add in but we’ll just see you guys will have even already SE seen it or not that means there isn’t one okay so as you guys are about to see look at this this drive it is really narrow where I end up Landing you’ve got crap out to the right crap on the left yeah it’s just it’s a tougher drive and I don’t appreciate that about it but it is a really pretty hole especially at sunset this place is popping okay there we go that was much better that was a killer Drive I landed it dead center of this crop area or of this of the good area dead center between the crap areas so I am very happy that ball was on a rope do you think we’ll be able to put any shot tracers on this or no yeah okay so maybe there’s a shot tracer on that so you guys could see how straight it was everyone also always gives some crap about that they’re like you said it was straight or you said you drew the ball and then your shot Tracer proved you were lying I’m like think about where the ball is starting out and where it ends up like no I’m not lying it’s saying that whatever and the camera angles are not your angle yeah the camera angles are different yeah and I always think that’s funny because if you watch on like the PGA Tour if you watch on TV coming off the club it always looks like it’s going right I swear it always looks like it’s coming off the club it’s going right and then it’s always a great shot I’m like [Music] hello look at that Quail on that rock so Majestic excuse me Mr Bunny I need to get to my ball oh my God I love bunny rabbits I used to have a bunny rabbit his name was Mullan we called him moly for short and that was because we saved him he was the only baby bunny left from his little Den from a cat attack so he got a do over life um 134 it’s plays uphill that seems so short doesn’t it like that looks long longer than 134 but it probably is 134 I’m going to trust it uphill and I always feel like there’s dead air in that goalie but you know what I’m still going to hit my eight iron because I think that’s I don’t know what do you think doesn’t that seem long I’m going hit my seven iron you got 134 yeah I don’t know I’m going to I’ll choke down the seven or I’ll just hit the seven actually cuz last time I choked down it it wasn’t enough I think sometimes when I choke down it ends up being literally this the eight like it ends up being the club down that’s not the goal oh I hit that really pure so hopefully that’s good oh wow did you guys see that over here cuz that was a good shot it landed it I mean who knows how close that is from here but Hallelujah I trusted my instincts cuz that was the right club that just felt really far I was like there is no way my ad iron is going to carry that and in that goalie it really is always like dead air I don’t know if there’s any science behind that but in my head that’s how it is I’m out of breath and talking so much what do you get when the beverage cart rolls around today when the beverage cart came by I got a power raid because I need those electrolytes I got a yellow power power raid I like the yellow ones the most same with Gatorade I don’t know what you guys like definitely don’t like purple really um I don’t like that purple drink I do have to actually make sure I don’t say anything bad cuzz we can’t edit it out um believe it out yeah that’s true we can ble it out um but for foodwise I I always want chips but I don’t get them so normally I’ll get like a granola bar or something and be really lame because chips aren’t going to help your game they AR going to give you any energy so I get a granola bar and I suffer through it and I the whole time I take a bite I think I wish I had some potato chips instead you ever get an alcoholic drink oh that’s probably what everybody wants to know what alcoholic drink I get um yes I do uh I do like um um what are those called what’s the transfusions yeah the purple drink the purple drink I do like transfusions and I like vodka sodas with a lot of lime but usually out on the course like they’re kind of stingy with their limes so I’ll just get a transfusion instead yeah and you guys if you’re wondering most of the time Sam is making sure that I’m saying stuff that you would actually want to know about because I don’t even think about that I’m like telling you my snack order and a hot dog at the turn always with mustard and relish okay once again no surprise we’re like probably like 24 ft 25 ft here that’s very specific God I just really want that to break and I may or may not have had that same putt earlier good parsky we’ll take no birdie that’s a birdie one two yeah yeah cuz it’s a short part five oh you look at me with so serious I’m like wait no okay so we are even par woo I that was good thing I didn’t even know that was a eagle P honestly well I missed it anyway so I guess it doesn’t matter even poor going into that’s the downhill hole right which one the next one yeah yeah yeah I like that one oh and then my favorite part three I am getting hungry now that we talked about snacks I’m going to make for dinner what’s your favorite thing to make for dinner well that’s a that’s what’s my favorite thing to make or what my favorite thing to have favorite thing to make I don’t really like cooking very much so easy items like stir fries I really like stir fries and making them is so easy I throw everything in there um I do like salmon ones and shrimp ones and sometimes salmon and shrimp and then my favorite to actually have would definitely be a cheap meal and that would be like um Mexican any kind of Mexican anything I would take tacos enchiladas I would eat chips and salsa for my meal with a margarita yep Par Four I love this hole uh uh and it’s not very long which is also nice how long is it soon I did Birdie my least favorite hole well I it didn’t even feel like it was a birdie because I didn’t even realize it that’s so exciting y little pat on the back there this is only like 300 yard so that’s very exciting all right that’ll do I forgot to tell you guys where I was aiming but it was basically over there it’s at that right bunker that’ll do my driver has always been my favorite club and I try to say like oh it’s my putter because a putter is obviously a better choice for a favorite Club but it’s just not it’s just not it’s always been my driver and I love my eight iron I’ve always loved my ad arm is this where the snake was yeah maybe it’s still there that would be exciting what’s your estimated score from here to the end of the you’re even now you got two to play one under because I can birdy this hole and I always have the option to birdy the next hole but I don’t usually birdie that one for some reason it’s kind of a even though it’s such a short part three I don’t know why just gets me but I can definitely pour it woo so that’d be dope see I almost needed you to bleep me there I thought you going to say see I really do sing Everything I Do sing everything and I think this video probably proves that okay let’s see 72 I’m going to Club up with my wedge you guys already know so I’m going to hit my 52° and hit it like a pit shot we’re getting golden hour now it’s so pretty out here I love afternoon golf on this course and I’m going to aim just a little bit right because of my stance see it pulled it just a little bit oh no oh no oh no I’m okay something in the world I love going to the beach that just pulled it way more than I thought it would off of this ball was above my feet situation that was quite the situationship you know I could sit here and be bummed about it giving up an opportunity but not going to not going to I’m going to move on Oh wait we’re still on see that is the that’s why you have a positive attitude Sam’s shaking his head at me but that is why you have a positive attitude positive attitude means you can look at things in a better way obviously that is what positive means but positive things will come your way believe it ladies and gents cuz I do um does possibly look like that thing is right in front of my ball though which would be free relief nope it’s not so I might chip it but that’s probably not the play here to be honest yeah I’m going to putt it and you guys know I love chipping it but with how much this is down slope and there’s just not a lot of room and this is like really breaking hard like this will be really fast so putt it is and I always say that amateurs should putt as much as possible keep the ball on the ground as much as possible well around the grains not off the tea but whatever works for you see look how fast that was right off of that and it already is breaking dang it though I needed more more to get it out here but that was the right line I basically aimed right at this dead cup old cup Not Dead all right we got a slick one you guys we’ve got a slick one [Music] look at that holy cow shoot okay that’s just what happens that’s what happens on the golf course that one hurts that one does hurt you know I said earlier sometimes you got to take your bogeys but this is like that is not a good bogey that is not a good situation there I do still think that putting it was the play because of how much that broke and that second putt was just horrendous so we’re one over now but I do really really really love the next hole I could have my hole in one today we’ve been on a hole in one watch on that hole every single time we play it and if I have my hole in one on this YouTube video if I have my hole in one on this YouTube video I will pick somebody out of my subscribers to play with okay deal deal oh and let’s look for the snake that we saw earlier it’s not on the cart path anymore which is good because I was a little worried he was dying or something it’s cooling off who is calling me oh my grandma sorry Grandma playing golf all right the rabbit’s nest I also thought this used to be called the rabbit’s Den not the rabbit’s nest really really short honestly I don’t even know how far it is from back there that says 105 it’s not it’s never 10 5 um but I just always play my 52 degree so I don’t even know how far it is so let’s just take this man if we could just put this in the hole that would be a great day I would make Sam go to the bar with me and cancel all his plans agreed agreed I have to pack still for tomorrow but who cares okay I also go back and forth on if I like teeing up a wedge or not I’ll let you know in like 30 seconds if I do it’s right at it not today not today oh no my favorite tea got it got it all right but the good news is we have a really nice uphill pot so I could still make the birdie here but dang I know one of these these days watch I’ll end up having a hole-in-one on a different par three that’s not my hole-in-one watch but I’ll take it either way I’ll have a hole in one anywhere oh I just walked through a cobweb oh no if you see a spider on me don’t even say anything just kill it and then tell me after cuz I will freak out you think I almost crash the cart trying to avoid killing a snake I will crash the cart just trying to kill a spider it’s a little bit shorter than I [Music] thought this’s a tough gauge really is have I ever birdied it yeah see says they have on the whole one watch yeah oh yeah arey black love like MJ like OJ MJ we were talking about OJ earlier though guilty okay longer putt much longer putt sometimes these are the ones though these are the ones I end up randomly making man I am so hungry so this is our last hole okay so if I make this it take us back to even par that would be a really good way to finish [Music] go dang it I think that was a good putt just wasn’t I should take my time on this I’m not going to I told you I should take my time on this a yeah we got it’s in the car cool thank you very much yeah um anyways you guys know I can make that putt okay uh I’m saying that I was one over I’m not counting that short little Putt and I’m not counting the other short little putt you see a consistency here anyways um one over there’s a lot going on over there this is all the stuff that we normally cut out but for you for you guys so you can play around with me today we’re leaving it in so one over through six holes Lookout Mountain let me know if you guys like this kind of video if you don’t like it also let me know so we can go back to something else but I think it was kind of fun and it it puts more pressure on I need to get a little bit better at it but anyways see you next time like comment subscribe thank you bye


  1. I'm just kicking back watching you play😊
    Very entertaining, I've haven't played in years, I'm in the 4 corners area at the moment, weather here is great 👍

  2. Lookout is my local course, I live directly south of it. I'm watching as I work from home today.

  3. I wouldn't mind seeing you play the full 500 club, or Rancho Manana. Do that either live, where Sam is fielding questions or doing this format again.

  4. Hailey, I always enjoy your videos. This format works well, I think. My personal opinion is that when someone plays like this they'll probably (maybe subconciously) hurry through their round…that might affect your game. But I take that into consideration while I watch.

    Now I'm not gonna lie – I find you to be adorable, so it's much easier to watch. (If you wore a beard and your friends called you "Biff", I'd probably tap on by!!)

    But I appreciate your game, your attitude, your humor (and the fact you're able to laugh at yourself), and then add to that the "so darn cute" part – its a win-win….for all of us.

    I played some golf up to 20 years ago. And what you said about amateurs and not being obsessed with scoring makes so much sense. I just liked being out there on the course and playing, and i wasnt half bad. But i had no desire to play in scrambles, etc., so i couldnt tell you what my handicap was at any step along the way. Just find a friend or two and enjoy the day….and take care of the course and it'll take care of you!!! 😁

    I'll shut up. But thanks again for your channel. Its quite enjoyable (yes, maybe moreso to guys – so what?!) And for the record – your sponsors should know that I didnt fast forward through your promotional….your hair was down, your hat was off, you looked beautiful, and I was more than happy to watch. (Can't say that about most promos I see!!) Have a great day.

  5. Well done Hailey, thought you coped well uncut. Should consider a live stream one day , appreciate your efforts 👍🏼🇬🇧

  6. What is your handicap index? Also you need to come visit us at Poston Butte Golf Course. Designed by Gary Panks(also designed Grayhawk and Whirlwind) Green fees on me.

  7. I love watching you golf in any format, but this type does show more of your personality, with the facial expressions we sometimes miss in your normal format. Either way, I just love watching you play period!!!

  8. What I do while watching? I sit in a chair and watch you play. I used to be a long hitter, but scoliosis and age (50) have me hitting the ball about the same distance you do now. I have played better accepting my distance and trying to play more within my current game from watching your videos. So, thanks for that!

  9. Glendale Arizona Belair golf course that’s a good one. You should try that one. I know that golf course for a long time.

  10. some years back i used to fish on a professional level, you know a pole for each bait, different conditions or structures, line sizes, etc. etc. golf is much the same in terms of equipment, everything specialized for that one need. i used to guide here and there every now & again folks would ask why all the fishing rods, i can do the same with one rod they'd go on to say….No you can't. lol..

  11. I really recommend trying Glendella Arizona Belair golf course. That is one of my favorite golf courses. You really should give it a try.

  12. I liked it. How can you not like a video with you playing golf…aaaannnnd a bunny rabbit. Mulligan…a classic name and story behind it.

  13. Driving the golf cart wrecklosly around the neibourhood was not cool Hailey your clubs are so expensive and dear to you, nobody would mind if you put the ball back on the grass don't wreck them for a video

  14. I’ve played Lookout Mountain once per year for the past 17 years. It’s a great course. However, Eagle Mountain is my favorite. Hole #1 at Eagle Mountain is my favorite hole.

  15. It felt a little frantic and rushed to me Hailey. I think I prefer your 9-hole videos with cuts. Plus seeing and hearing Sam was a little weird 😂

  16. Holy crap, you hit your drive on the par 5 7th 330 yards!!! You didn’t even talk about it. Amazing. How did you do that? I think you need to pee in a cup. 😂

  17. I really like Verrado founders course. I agree, wekopa is probably the best course I've played in Arizona.

  18. The reason we dont like certain holes is exactly the course designers goal (narrow landing spot) dont let that designer achieve his goal… is what I say. Like the no cut recording!

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