The Steps To A Great Golf Swing By Johnny Miller

Johnny Miller explains the key steps in building a great golf swing. Grip, Takeaway and impact are Johnny’s focus in this video and he explains it like only Johnny Miller can.
Johnny says at the start of the video that “You Better Pay Attention” and he is right. These are can’t miss tips on building your golf swing or fixing your golf swing. How he drops the club in the slot it key and something I think all of us higher handicappers need to work on.

[Music] I’m going to give you a synopsis of the key fundamentals of the address position the grip and the swing one take through the whole works okay so pay attention the grip obviously is super important it’s the only thing holding on to the club and I have a grip that I consider a neutral grip where that my hands fit sort of like that and then I just without changing my arm positions I go ahead and grab the club that allows me to have my arms hanging without twisting them in position on a strong grip or putting them out here for a weak grip just getting that neutral position I put the left hand on right there a lot like Ben Hogan said right across the the hand here and then close it in puts my V here about at my right ear and thumb just a little on the right side of the club not much and I take my right hand and there’s a groove right there in your right hand it fits right on the thumb goes right into this V that I have on my grip here and I put my hands on right through that part of my hand there right down there and then I have one finger width right there that’s sort of important this is a key key part of your grip I believe for for power because that finger John Daly by the way puts two finger wits there more than anybody else but if I was going to break this club in half the shaft and tried to do it with my finger this way I could bend it that much right there if I put it down as much as I do I could bend it that much if I put it like daily I could snap in half if I wanted now I’m not saying to put it down that much but it impact it’s pretty important that’s like a stabilizing force that knuckle there and gives you a lot of feedback so let that knuckle give you feedback in your swing all the way as far as the dress position again always put the uh the ball pretty much where the club wants to drop and where it drops is usually where your brush is did you notice that in other words if I get nice and relaxed and let my arms hang that’s where the ball it seems like that’s where the club wants to go where it’s supposed to don’t go pushing it up here or out here let the club just drop and that’s how far you should play it away from you you shouldn’t play it out here shouldn’t play it in here just extend your arms after you get in this position and drop them that’s where you should be I said weight is 50/50 knees nice and flexed a lot like you’re going to jump It’s that same position rear end out and just move down into it so that you can reach the ground right there you’re nice position head up okay as far as first takeaway you want to obviously have the face Square to the Target by the way you don’t want it open or close have the face Square shaft angle pretty much 90° to the Target here and if you do those things that address you should have it in pretty good shape you’ll notice that when I let the club hang down it’s pretty straight line to my left arm pretty darn straight line as far as the take away there’s a lot of ways to take it away but I try to almost take away with the whole the hip shoulder and the arm and a hand all in one motion just sort of push away I don’t go hands and leave the body alone to me that uh takes away from the rhythm of the action I try to let sort of let even my knee and hip shoulder arm and hand all just sort of push away and turn nice and level so the key position here is halfway back check that make sure that that clubs extended sort of nice if you want to add a little wrist like I do early that’s fine and then that’s your one key position check that you’ll notice your knee now has gone from here to here because you’ve loaded onto the right side on the top your wrist is the same position as you were at a dress except for you’ve added a little bit of this so watch me at the top of the back so I get right here and now I’ve added this much wrist action to the ball you see about a foot of wrist action right there so you do add about a foot of wrist action here and now coming down is pretty darn key you notice my knee’s over my right foot here I’m coiled good I’ve got my left shoulder behind the ball my right side is tucked that way pretty pretty good got be in in here I don’t you don’t want to leave your right side in front of you you’re dead if you do that you want that right side to go that way Hip shoulder get deep here sets the clubing position and from here it’s sort of a falling position Nicholas said from here the next movement is a gravity move you just gravity back to the halfway position no power is given yet just very little just gravity is doing a lot of work for you right here he’s picking up speed just through gravity and now you’re in the hitting position you still have the 90° here you you’re in good position now you haven’t used a lot of Body Action yet and now you’re ready for that what I call sort of a a karate move where in karate it’s sort of a move boom and that’s what happens in golf you get it up here you sort of delay things the arms catch up the arms are catching up to the body and right about right here now you’re ready to make a good penetrating W and hit that wall if you watch when you hit the wall you have to go you get about right here and then it’s boom so it’s in this area that the body really comes alive it’s sort of settling in about right here into a squat position and then about right here to penetrate into that wall boom and that’s where you want it and you’ll notice that the elbows in on impact the elbows right against that right hip the knee is driven in this knee is solid and you’ve penetrated there nice straight left arm here face is square if you want to hit it straight and then what you want to do here is figure out a way to penetrate through the ball penetrate what this a good little drill here to just do that penetrate through there and as soon as you get past your left leg this is a key position ear Square keep the face square a long time not a lot of timing involved I don’t believe in this stuff right here it impact words when it comes down it squares up it stays Square for about that long and then then it releases and you cross over and halfway through if you want you can see your arms are crossed over the left wrist is still solid right there hip high and then from here right to a nice high follow through with that same good follow through right shoulder should be now about over the left foot if you’re seeing your right shoulder here you’re going to have weight here back here if you want to make the weight get over to the left side the only way you can do it is by taking this right side and putting it over by the left foot that way you can do this all day so if you have that those are basic fundamentals in a short amount of time if you watch this tape over and over and over you’ll learn something new and it’ll open up a different door of knowledge to you every time you watch it because this is not normal stuff a lot of the stuff I’m teaching you is things that have not been talked about much are not at all so I believe it’s uh true knowledge I’ve worked it out in the ground like Ben Hogan said I’ve proven it in Championship golf uh in Tournament level competition and under the gun so um I’m giving you the whole deal so I hope you enjoy it

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