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MAN CITY WIN HISTORIC TITLE! | Man City 3-1 West Ham & Arsenal 2-1 Everton

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City’s team Orga Walker Diaz aangi guardio um rodri doku is in then we got Silva de bruyne folden and Harland listen to that say that say that last Silva de bruyne folden Harland champ amazing Silva de bruyne Harland foden I like coach getting taken out he’s been decent the last few weeks good against Spurs but I think the how slowy can be on the ball yeah I think just get dku the ball early and win the game early I think that’s all it’ll be thinking give it daku oh what a touch Phillip Oh my days Oh my days what’s happening oh my God and thank God for that when he hit that I thought there’s no way and thank God for that who’s that against he did that a few weeks ago that M mad oh look at that yeah oh BFA Player of the Year baby come on outrageous thank God for that oh go and K have go on son they’ll be they’ll be transist radios now like that they’ll be on the transistor radios look at this touch that touch away from that touch away is it from is it from Ward PR how watch how wellie takes it away from Ward PR that first touch from Phillip and the way he hits it as well he don’t bend it he hits through it so it kind of moves like a old school Ronaldo free kick they’ve gone one n up after one minute how good this kid they’ve gone one n up after one minute they’re such geers I think the Arsenal fan is going they out on the left then is outrage in there it’s game over guio you have to rewatch the guio moment there oh it’s outrageous he’s on for a hatrick Phil mate he grew up in the shadow of that Stadium man it’s an amazing achievement to go on and become this player growing up where he grew up and then doing this for the club in which he it’s just unreal it’s unreal he has won them the league yeah and and you’re right he could score a hattick today that God that would be amazing wouldn’t it it would feel so can you imagine being him scoring a hattick on the way to winning unlucky spey It’s a grand old team to play It’s a grand now for the leag committed to see ever win come on Everton come on everon History do it for the tofes tof I hope they smash got free kick and an interesting position here about 24 yards out oh oh it’s a grand old team to play for It’s a grand old team to support that’s a three goal swing it’s over you know your history it’s enough to make your heart go West Ham oh that would been funny def it’s deflected as well can I ask you a question if if Man City win and Arsenal lose can it be called an Arsenal choke no yes no are they still the best side in the Premier League this season if they lose this game because we assume they’re going to win it when you’re saying that and that was a fair debate you lose to Everton at home I think it’s a bit of a choke but too right they were making Amazon documentaries about the deflected F against us they’ve been banging all about for nine months now they’re second with the worst goal difference than us let’s talk about that got worst goal difference than us I can’t believe Man City have pulled that goal difference back you know what I’m oh no wow Arsenal scored Tommy Yu good goal he’s been good recently actually Tommy Tommy Yu good goal well that narrative goes down the drain then St that was a waste of 10 minutes was it on dice you idiot oh my God oh my God yes come on oh my God what the [ __ ] are you play suddenly those turntables are turning baby what the [ __ ] is come on West what the [ __ ] are you doing you bubble blowing are you a [ __ ] idiot are you an idiot what are you doing this why are you calling this drama brother brother brother brother brother brother What’s happen What’s happen what’s happening wa what’s a goal the ball oh just in the goal oh god look look they’re saying 2-1 what a finish that’s goal of the Season potentially up there cuz he did set it up himself that goal is about to win Arsenal the league that’s what yeah get get why bring that into the universe why say it just don’t say it I’m really really goal difference is the same I think we’re going to B I think it’s over in in whose favor I think Arsenal going to win they’ve been fantastic they’re currently second if Arsenal win it you take your top off they’re currently second on 87 points they’ve been the best side ever according to Rory Jennings they’re the best side the premier league has ever seen because they got the most goals for fewest against couldn’t beat fullam at own got smashed in the Champions League but the best took four points off four not six when it could have been six four could have been six they’re the best thing since R oh get in there it’s 31 thank God for that oh beautiful rri with another crucial goal City one of the CH League he’s been out of this W probably won him the league here oh what a finish that is I just want someone imagine someone out there going there’s been a fourth goal yeah yeah yeah yeah God what a little finish from Roger he’s been out of this world poor keeping I thought I mean sure if he saved it like he shouldn’t have gone good goal but poor keeping I thought he touched it Gabrielle’s gone off injured at the Emirates Guardiola what a dude what a dude seen I’d love to have I’d love to have a beer with Pep Guardiola I reckon me and him would’ get on really well over a Cru Campo do you think yeah yeah I don’t think he’d like you much it’s actually incredible if city were losing wouldn’t matter anyway yeah I know that’s wait it would no it wouldn’t no it would no no it wouldn’t matter I was need a twin yeah they’d be on 88 it’d be yeah that’s a foul dirty [ __ ] fcker okay so Bristol that he took the ball mate he literally took the ball that’s very much your kind of tackle that you wouldn’t like scor challenge took the ball goes out the window we’re winning the league Roars four in a row baby there’s something about the tvand with a goal and assist today 2-0 to Manchester United turns it on when it don’t matter from yeah it’s our worst League finish since 8990 which is I was born in Premier League year it’s the worst I was born in 89 so it’s the worst one I can remember PR Premier League ER so you reward that with giving allowing him to stay in the job yeah CU I think we if they win the cup ridiculous oh such has scored for West Ham oh my God and Arsenal aren’t winning Arsenal aren’t waiting no but this is still on it’s 8710 in the Arsenal game for us it’s 8720 in a city game for us a goal from Arsenal a goal from West Ham and suddenly the title’s going to North London yes but they need two goals what I mean is if arsenal were winning now yeah manity basically West Ham can score again and Arsenal still can score to it’s going to be ruled out he’s slapped it into the back of the net Aral in Arsenal in on the ball and they have scor have scored hang on a minute it’s a shame that goal didn’t stand for West H Oh I thought it did then I forgot we’re not pitching Vader sadly I think it’s I think it’s a great tradition I love to see now it’s over it’s over there Crow on the pit what an achievement we are witnessing greatness uh it’s four in a row for Manchester City and Arsenal now come second in the Premier League back toback Seasons uh unbelievable players getting straight off as the fans invade the pitch that was like us yesterday actually Len Johnson that’ll be us tomorrow that’ll be us tomorrow 100% yeah uh what a special achievement you have to you have to credit Phil foden for opening so early it been part of other the years I’m not saying he hasn’t but this is his year is it and it’s so special as a city fan see a city fan win PFA Player of the Year in Phil f come through the academy won everything at the highest level he’s so technically gifted and he’s gifted us this league win because it could have been tricky yeah the important thing to acknowledge about Phil foden as well he has been you know sometimes some players they come to prominence as a season develops I don’t know maybe Kai H to Arsenal is an example of that he came to prominence it took him half a season though to get going Phil foden has been immense from the first day of the Season until today yeah he has been immense inass in every definition he’s been the best player in the Premier League by a distance from the and the scenes at Arsenal at the moment are scenes of obviously disappointment amongst the players but the fans seem to be quite happy of course of course Arsenal Arsenal have done incredibly well it’s not it’s not enough and I think I think there’ll always be that moment where Arsenal fans will will try and and figure out where it went went wrong those people that will be more SN to Arsenal will will say that there was a bottling effect maybe against Aston Villa Uno emry got one over on there’ll be that but I don’t really subscribe to that I just think Arsenal have been sensation but Manchester City are actually great you know when we use terminology we often say legendary or Legends or greatness or whatever and it’s and it’s not quite right this Manchester City team they are legends they are great Guardiola is comparable now to the very best to have ever done it and that’s that’s where Man City are so Arsenal they should hold their head up high Arsenal are a brilliant team and they should be very proud of their their their approach but Manchester City are now one game away from the double this kid he’s won six Premier League titles six Premier League titles like Arsenal got so much ground to make up in terms of the just the experience we talk about the quality you can debate the quality of who Arsenal will sign in the summer but we’re talking about the experience this city side and a lot of these players are young and have got a lot of room to grow still it’s an unbelievable time what you just said there though you know if you’re an Arsenal fan and you’re looking for positives I imagine that you’re heartbroken today as an Arsenal fan proud proud but heartbroken right konio was back I didn’t I imagine that if you’re an Arsenal fan you’re you’re very proud but you’re also heartbroken the one the one reason why Arsenal fans should be inspired is if you look across that team how old’s Declan rice how old’s Gabrielle how old’s William CA how old’s b s how old is Gabrielle Martinelli how like I’d say virtually every player maybe with the exception of odard is still approaching their Peak still approaching guys got a way to go he’s still young yeah okay maybe you got that thing though you know when young CL left Liverpool resigned or whatever you want to call it you kind of said energy has been beat out here like I’ve got no energy to go on and that’s one of the things Arsenal are going to come to see now like you’ve gone told told twice thir can you go third for a third year if you don’t win it next year then you know what happens to that team does that team get broken up do you have to change it all up but on the flip side they’ll be looking quite positive jurian Timbo is a player that was available today for Arsenal he he got in earlier on in the season maybe he could have had an impact on them you add one or two more signings and maybe you can get there can you think of a side in the Premier League era that have come second and built a winning title campaign the following year because it always feels to me that two years of that kind of spell where you get like poino at Spurs for example he had a two-year run you know got one lead title out two years didn’t obviously you think a third year you can kick on again I don’t think there is an ex there’s no reason why this Arsenal team can’t but I’m off the top of my head I can’t think of a template for it I think what your years four five years your poino example is a very good one because what I think you can learn from from tottenham’s experience is some would argue and I think certainly neutrals you know like Jos and that they would all argue that that Tottenham team were the best team in the country and they never took their opportunity they never won the league and they and they look now as far away from winning the league as they ever have done but that summer off the back of finishing second and whatever and they didn’t spend theen they didn’t spend the penny and Arsenal definitely won’t do that they’ve been very open with artetta they’ve provided him who he wants a couple of xman City players that were quite expensive I think they’ll do that again in the summer but but there is there is a lesson in this Arsenal I think as as I just demonstrated when I was talking about how young how young some of those players are Arsenal have the potential to go on and win the league whether it’s this year well whether it’s next year the year after or whatever but I think Tottenham taught us that there is a shelf life and if you don’t make that moment count make hay while a sun shining make hay while a sun shining bro


  1. Buvey needs to learn some facts. Isak has scored more goals than Watkins and played 1,000 minutes less 😂 him and Rory are literally the cancer of YouTube.

  2. To all the city fans, if your club not doing any wrong doing why would city 8.8mil fine during 2020 for uefa breaches! Don’t worry, 115 charges will make you relegated!!! pep is just a crocodile and ask him to manage Barcelona..without money he cannot achieve anything

  3. Every time I look at Man City- it crosses my mind- why have they not answered the charges- so of course it crosses people's minds- they can't invent 115 charges- if I were an Arsenal fan I would much prefer to miss out by two points this season then have 115 charges in front of me and win the league!

  4. 115 – CHEATS – all channels should be BANNED from talking about cheats unless they be honest about the CHEATING

  5. Nobody seems to mention that Yanited are Proven FFP cheats and we're fined for it. So should the Caribo cup win have an astrix next to it. Oh hang on that doesn't fit the narrative does it

  6. Absoloute limbs from Buvey. Don’t worry Arsenal will destroy Man City next season

  7. Rory is so pretentious…after telling all Season how Arsenal are showing title qualities and why Arsenal will win, immediately he felt they wouldn’t, he remembers he’s a Chelsea fan and hates Arsenal. The West ham goal celebration was real. Guess he forgot he wanted City to win

  8. Rory you are getting more more like a pratt but there is something gullable about you. I guess it must be because you don't have self insight and iq enough to know better. Apply for a job at the sun "bruv" What a disgrace

  9. city is a cheat and fans from all clubs should say that out loud in every away game city plays coming season.

  10. I’m super angry as a Tottenham fan that Levy didn’t invest in the squad back then. Tottenham should have won at least one title…drives me nuts.


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