Golf Players

How important is Pettersson to the Canucks’ success| OverDrive Part 1 | May 15 2024

Bryan Hayes, Jamie McLennan and Jeff O’Neill discuss Elias Pettersson’s playoff struggles and how important it is that he gets going for the Canucks. They discuss if the Canucks should start Thatcher Demko over Arturs Silovs even if Demko is not 100%. And ahead of the PGA championship, the guys are joined by PGA Tour caddie, Scott Vail to discuss the tournament and what it’s like for a player being paired with Tiger Woods at a major championship

all right here we go overdrive off and running TSN 1050 on the TSN app Your Home Smart speaker and up on TSN 2 all afternoon Brian hay z o dog Jeff O’Neal Jamie noodles mclennen how we feeling beautiful Wednesday here in Toronto finally some good weather fellas finally some good weather that’s all on the links out on the links boys or what how we feel well I’m more prepared for the links down in uh the PJ Championship I mean that’s really the concern today is that we’re gearing up for the second major they’ve changed the schedule over the years right with uh the PGA used to be at the end now it’s number two and I like that because it slides in before the US Open and the Open Championship but we got a big one today because Scotty veil’s coming up who of course is a good Canadian boy and caddy for Keegan Bradley he’s going to join us later this hour from Louisville Kentucky we look forward to that we’ll have our picks today think in a five pack a Canadian someone suggested via Twitter John Daly versus Michael block oh someone’s got to pick JD with his Dart smoking on the Range and someone’s got to pick Michael block let me just ask you this right off the hop right now this second who are you taking between those two guys I think I’d take dily daily for sure I think so I mean Michael block it was a once in a lifetime Miracle unbelievable run last year at a different course it wasn’t Valhalla this isn’t his home track like you can find odds on him on FanDuel to make the cut to miss the cut and like it’s huge juice like to miss the cuts like minus 1200 or 1,400 or something on FanDuel like no one thinks this guy is going to replicate what he did last year but uh he’s back you know Michael block is back John Daly he’s won the PGA before he’s smoking cigarettes on the Range he’s just having himself a great time so Rory single Rory Rory single single you think him and eldri hit the town last night you think tigers’s got any old uh spots that he likes in Louisville from back in the day with Bob May are they they’re boys they’re really close they’re going to be better friends now yes now they’re going to be the best of friends can you imagine the bar play of those two like in a Florida like golf is massive there like those guys walk around and tour players like professional athletes that’s kind of like Mitch Marner was not wrong with his comments although it was weird he used that time to use them but it’s like a tour player shows up it’s like everybody get out of the way get off the first tea get him what he wants to eat and it’s like I can’t imagine those two hanging out somewhere at a nice dinner or something wow wow wow especially those two two are players one thing Tiger and Rory is a completely different thing so yeah I’m I’m curious to see what the uh what the boys have in store you know on the course and off the course tiger might have to keep his hat on though these night might be in line for the rebuild I thought I saw something the other day am I wrong like no you’re 100% right it’s been that way for about a decade man Tiger Tiger is you know he’s morphing into his dad like he looks like his his dad right like as his dad would have been a little bit older than he is now when he was coming up in the mid 90s but not far off and yeah tiger might be in line for the uh the scored Earth full salad him and Todd rear in who else we got to we got to do the salad rebuild next week I think next week we do the salad rebuild it’s been a long time and we need some stuff so let’s do the salad rebuild okay there’s there’s one guy I think and I I didn’t lay eyes on him in the the leaf series but shaton Kirk what did he do with his salad he went Messi he did the right thing in Anaheim he was down he was on the beach in Anaheim and he said what do I think I’m doing what am I doing here right and yeah he took it down to the to the wood man he shat Kirk pulled the stage you know when he went to Anaheim so yeah there’s there’s a long list of like there’s a full Lottery right like you gotta you got a the lottery that’s what we’ll do we’ll do top five we’ll do top five lottery picks lottery picks yeah we’ll decide you you can decide we’ll come up with our top 10 or 12 and you decide the lottery picks from 5 to one okay one is like real serious and that’s that’s the first overall Lottery there’s probably someone out there that needs a salad rebuild that’s like above and beyond others that has like exceptional status a generational talent in terms of you know a solid rebuild and we might need like Bob McKenzie and Craig Button to break it down we need Dey on the the desk I mean we we could we’ll we we’ll really amp this thing up so yeah that’s coming your way in the next couple of weeks could be a bracket though I feel like we could do like a salad rebuild bracket like March Madness style because there’s enough people out there especially in sports like visible that you and now you don’t want to hurt feelings because I’m you know I’m heading in that ter we got to know we we we all are heading we all know what’s up but there’s some people like I know a lottery pick right now is Brian McCay as face is a lottery pck no because he’s he that picture he fighting back like droing he is so very good to us Brian McCabe if I Loop him into a group text and say let me see the salad with you guys looped in pcks come within 10 minutes yeah I know but he looks good go he goes from behind up top and then the front and he says it’s getting better I’m telling you man he’s in the green room and he’s falling in the draft he’s Aaron roders in the green room because you’re you’re right a year or two ago cber was a potential top pick but that hair is being re revitalized you think think the fertilizer he put in is his laramy tunel yes he’s he’s got Scott’s Turf Builder up there and everything’s coming together and I love it for cber because it’s moving in the right direction and he’s part of the Panthers organization so I don’t know maybe he’s on his way back to to Boston right because credit the Bruins for surviving last night and there’s something about this Florida team it’s it’s not like they’re a perfect team you know like they I I really like the way they’re built I appreciate the way they play think they’ve got a real chance at winning a Stanley Cup those are not hot takes everyone I think sees it the same way but it’s not as if this is the 77 Montreal Canadians or 85 Oilers or something you know they can be beat and Boston got them but I feel like Florida it’s like they need their back up against the wall to really give you their best stuff you know it’s like they need some reason to be pissed off and maybe them losing game five that’s what’s going to happen albeit they had a chance you know they had a chance last night but that series goes back to Boston and it’s it’s 3-2 um and then you know you look the other way it’s what a finish in Edmonton last night and the Oilers I don’t think they stole one cuz they should it shouldn’t have ever been 22 Yeah they deserve to win that game they deserve to to win the game but man they they are playing with fire both teams are like it’s been a pretty wild series so far I I wanted to let’s go back to the Boston Florida thing because I want to both your opinions on like Mo I thought went over the top last night trying to trying to draw attention to himself and not to his team because I I they didn’t talk about anything other than him just swearing and yelling and then he put a bit of a show on and then got up and walked away like to me that’s a coach trying to draw attention hey look at me don’t look at my team losing and not having a great effort tonight will’ll rebound and then I don’t know our boy Monty he was a meme behind the net behind the bed did you see some of the body language on he was doing some weird stuff like he his threepiece back Tor back Tor faking that he was diving and and you could read his lip saying watch it it was a dive he was yelling to the ref but it I right away I rewound it 10 times and was dying laughing cuz I’m like that is a meme somebody’s going to put music to that like you know how the internet works and it was just both coaches were putting on a show for I don’t know I mean listen They’re Playing for Keeps they’re deep in the second round but like Monty was just coaching the hell out of that team and mo was just trying to fire his up it was crazy yeah you’re right and you know after the game in Vancouver I guess you could say the same thing about Rick toet but I’m not sure not sure how manipulative that’s supposed to be or how you know pre-planned it is I think that’s just him shooting from the hip yeah and you know he he had some pointed comments oh yeah when he said you can’t win with 12 guys you know the guy he’s talking about well he’s got comment he had a specific comment about Pon we’ll get to that and then a comment about you know six six or seven guys that’s a third of your your team that’s dressed um let’s begin with the passengers comment because he didn’t actually name names here here here’s Rick tet after the game talking about his team well it’s a will to get the puck it’s not X as an O’s it’s a will there’s there’s you know there’s times there we have some guys you know the puck where it’s going to go you just got to get there before the other guy I think we’re pausing some guys are playing pause hockey and you can’t win if you have five or six passengers or seven I don’t know how many we’ll take a look but there’s at least a half a dozen just passengers tonight you know quite frankly that’s what it was but saying that that’s playoff hockey where the next game’s a new game so some of those guys can be a hero for us so they they got to step it up yeah I think I like that last comment and he’s right like what are you going to do sit six guys seven guys that’s not going to happen you’re going to need them and you know Patterson he he was even more pointed on Patterson and we’ll get to to that comment in a moment but I’ve noticed you know everyone’s got a different viewpoint on everything and you know specifically when it comes to hockey and whether and the prote ction of stars I think that’s something that happens in in Canadian markets in particular because you’re so drawn to stars and you’re so drawn to salary caps and contract negotiations and Pon represents all of that this year is he’s not you know his linemates aren’t great his linemates haven’t been putting up big numbers right but for me that’s a complete cop out because Patterson I haven’t seen him do anything really at any point including in the Nashville series where he has looked anywhere close to the player that he is capable of being and the player he’s established right as an NHL and a player that was worthy of a massive contract the largest contract in in kak’s history wouldn’t you think he would have snapped out of it by now that would be my concern and and another reason why it should be even more hyperfocused now than it would have been after game one or two or three against Nashville is you’re that much closer to the prize like you’re two wins away from a Conference Final man you’re two wins away from being one of the last four teams standing that is a massive accomplishment and the idea that sure you got passengers and that’s never acceptable but if you have a passenger on the fourth line you can you can bury it maybe you can survive it if you have a passenger and your third de pairing because susi’s not in well you can replace that you C you cannot have a player of the status of Elias pson be a passenger no and anyone letting him off the hook I I can’t understand that for the life of me I mean deserves all the criticism he’s getting there was bubble Demco but I think Pon was sick in the bubble too like he was dialed in and like unbelievable and he is just a ghost out there and I I can’t figure it out and I don’t know if Jimmy Rutherford is different now that he’s been around for a while but I know if that was me he like he doesn’t he he’ll have a meeting like most GMS will be like coach he deal with it he’ll be like let’s have a little chat here because what you’re doing out there is just not good enough trust me I had I had a bunch of mine and I don’t know if he still would do that but he does not take that lightly that would not go over well with him no but if you’re Vancouver so I was trying to make a case for both sides because it’s a best of three and really it’s a coin flip I know Edmonton is I believe you know Hayes you can look into it slightly favored or whatever right but you can make a case for both organizations moving forward so let’s look at Vancouver they’re on their third string goal tender he I thought he was really good again last night played very very well game-winning goal goes through the body but I mean you got two of his own players that don’t block that shot uh to me Vancouver looked like they were ready for overtime and eon’s like hey let’s try and finish this right now Vander Kane did a great job you know creating that separation but Pon hasn’t had you know he hasn’t had his Goods like if he decides to wake up or if he finds a way to wake up JT Miller called himself out last night so you know he’s going to have a response they’ve had guys who are really quiet you know laughy um mck you know like like you guys like that they haven’t really put up points uh Pon has one goal other than that he has no points exactly so so if you look at it there is there’s a a silver lining if those guys can get going that being said same thing in Edmonton you know there’s still room for McLoud for Fogle for Kane and you know all of that group Cory Perry You know guys who have been there had some some exper outside I mean 29 is on another planet right now well that’s the thing though that that’s what P needs to do like yes lafy and Mev and McLoud and those they good enough but no expect them exactly like what if you’re if you’re relying on Sam laferty or mcev or McLoud to drag you somewhere that’s not going to happen but you know dry Sidle like that that play off the- wall in the power play is the most lethal play in the National Hockey League it’s not there’s nothing even close to it like last night McDavid BRS to the middle and dry sutle doesn’t miss I mean it’s oetkin in his prime that’s that’s what oetkin did on the other side he doesn’t miss he’s already done it multiple times in this series he did it twice in Edmonton both games he he does not miss the pass he made to buard was outrageous for him to you know put some zip on it but there was touch behind it to to get through that many bodies and sticks and give buard a chance to get it on net dry settle’s the best playoff performer in the league that has been established for a few years that includes McDavid he is a bigger game player than Conor McDavid he is the best playoff performer there is today and yet he needs his team to help him get to the promised land right he can do all he can do Leon dry settle at some point someone else is going to have to do it multiple guys are going to have to do it and I’m not even talking about just Vancouver I’m talking maybe Dallas in the next round and Florida in New York in the Cup Final it can’t just be dry CLE but Patterson dry CLE a better player dry subtle clearly has more playoff history and he’s proven who he is in the playoffs but Pon should be in that conversation like he can’t you blending in with the mcclouds and the mcvs and the Perry’s like that’s just simply not good enough and yet they’re tied two too and there’s been positive news on Demco you know tet said it today over the last 72 hours he’s been a lot better now that’s going to be an interesting conversation because shav’s been really good you know it’s it’s been good enough to to be in a position where it’s the best two out of three to see who gets to the conference final did he provide an update on Demco like what just said he’s getting better like it sounds like it’s I doubt he plays game five but if they get to game six or seven maybe he’s available and what a conundrum that’s going to be because based on status and based on on talent and ability if Demo’s 100% that’s your guy but if he’s at 80% and like what if you win game five and then Demco is available game six how do you possibly put him in well I know what noodles say I know what noodles would say Hayes would you play Demco at 80% or she loves mean yeah yeah yeah I I I mean it’s hard who would you play who would you play Hayes I would play she loves if if he wins game five no I I’m playing Demco at 70% over over she loves she loves you has been really good man you should be glad like that guy’s been a rock star man you’re you’re right he’s been really good Demco is I understand who he is he’s he’s a vzna finalist he’s out go to you got Rick toet walks in your office right now where you are noodles and says you’re making the call on this Jamie it’s Demco at 75 or she loves me yeah yeah yeah for which game though because I think even if he’s six let’s call it game six okay but who’s winning that’s my that’s the other thing Vancouver wins game five they’re up 3-2 in the series you can close an ad in game seven Demco says I’m good to play I I I think you could go with Demco and here’s why because he gets another opportunity if he loses that game in game seven you can give him one more this guy loves shoves man I love she he’s been great de hasn’t played in two months I I I know but he’s a he played right near the end of the year like he’s he played a game or two and then got hurt again yeah but he’s like he’s that good like you’re not I know it’s a different position and it just did I know you ride the hot hand I would say if if it was game five a she off no matter what like if Demco says to to talk it today I can play tomorrow okay let’s give you a couple extra days I want to see how game five unfolds Shea coming home game six is a different story because if you are you’ve got two cracks at it you if you win you kind of expect to you know maybe lose on the road and go back at home and win in game seven like I think you would give Demco two cracks at it Sheila gets the next game for me like that’s and and he’ll start tomorrow but I don’t think he’s going to be in a position I really I think they’re they’re selling it but I I I don’t know if Demco will be 100% available to them I think they’re next round then obviously you go to Demco yes like if you get through and Demco is ready for Dallas you play him of course you do but um I don’t know aavs has been a he’s been steady for you he’s healthy Demco hasn’t been I don’t know what kind of rust dco is going to have there’s a lot that would be up in the air there but going back to Vancouver tied 22 so it was a it was a wild third period last night uh all right Scotty Ville coming up later in the hour Corey Schneider Corey Schneider he knows what it’s like to play big games for Vancouver yeah uh he’s coming up he’ll join us in about an hour his take on that series The Boston series you only got one game tonight you’ve got uh Dallas and Colorado and and obviously Colorado looking to survive live so we’ll look ahead to that Adam Oats was on U the the Strickland and and Jansen podcast with some really interesting commentary about the Marner neander Matthews bench blowup whatever you want to call it we’ll play that audio we will discuss it uh roleplay level of concern in just over an hour and the Jays just got walked off in the night Jordan Romano uh gave up a two-run bomb to adly rushman of all players rushman that kid is so good and he’s going to be a Jay killer for the next decade and Romano was linked to the Orioles as a possible trade piece prior to this series and he blows a save this afternoon they had that game so more on what happened this afternoon down in Baltimore as well overdrive continues TSN 1050 and on TS 2 overdrive continues brought to you by FanDuel bringing you everything from the opening line of the final score Scott Bale later in the hour caddy for Keegan Bradley PGA Championship beginning tomorrow we’ve got our picks later this afternoon got a few options for the slide today I thought we might start the old sliding into the DM skit that we came up with a couple weeks ago yeah I got a few options there we got role play level of concern yeah there’s a lot of them here so we’ll see what kind of mood we’re in a little bit later on love it um the NFL schedule is slowly coming out you see Netflix got in in the states on the Christmas Day game that’s huge well that means the NFL now has CBS FOX NBC ESPN Amazon and Netflix like that’s who they work with in terms of dates Amazon how did they weasel in how did they weasel in the Christmas like wasn’t that a mutual thing with the NBA like that’s our date they finally just said well they just said screw it we’re taking it and I I feel like it’s a Wednesday this year it is so I don’t even know how that’s going to work in terms of like that’s not even a short week Sunday to Wednesday that I don’t think that’s possible because they’ve announced Chief Steelers is the 1 p.m. game Ravens Texans is 4:30 so right in the middle of the day I’m not sure why you wouldn’t have a Prime Time game on Christmas night all of it yeah and why not have a third game like just do what you do on Thanksgiving that’s what people are going to be once you’re into football you’re watching football yeah you know you’re doing the Christmas stuff in the morning maybe a little brunch and then it’s all we watch football yeah we not watch foot King though you I I can’t imagine what that deal looks like financially oh it be massive yeah netx can afford it so I might explain why the Brady roast although Brady’s working for Fox I don’t know everyone’s in it together but Christmas day is Chief Steelers and then Ravens Texans so like that’s bringing the heat if you’re Netflix you’re like I’ll pay money but I want Mahomes all right we’ll give you momes like mandatory Mahomes not doing it without it exactly that’s fair and there you go and and the Thanksgiving games are out Bears Lions at 12:30 it’s funny how the Lions all of a sudden Everything Changes remember I I was canvasing for years saying get the Lions off the 12:30 game on us Thanksgiving no one wants to see it now I’m dying to see that game Bears Lions Giants Cowboys in the afternoon and then Dolphins Packers I love it the Packers are playing on us Thanksgiving Hayes if you had an option if you were one of the execs and they said we’ll give you Cowboys or momes knowing what Cowboys Nation represents what are you taking Cowboys are you serious just how much they move the needle I’ll give you I’ll I’ll give you a local One Prime Time 700 p.m Saturday night leave sir McDavid who are you taking I’m taking the leaes exactly and that’s what it is like as big as M and by the way don’t shoot me a tweet saying you’re a goof in% accurate if you’re if you run a TV network and you would take McDavid or momes over the Cowboys and leaves you’re an idiot the the the brand is bigger the fan base is bigger draws bigger bigger reach that’s good business like that’s that’s actually it shouldn’t be a debate even though everyone wants to watch McDavid everyone wants to watch Mahomes those brands are bigger than life doesn’t matter who plays for the team it’s the brand that’s what it is like you know to me like that’s the Cowboys in the Leafs they are the ones who move the needle because they have the biggest loudest fan bases that’s the way I see ex Yankees or Mike Trout Yankees like you know you can do it for every every single League yeah you know it doesn’t like Lakers or Giannis Lakers you know like that’s just the way it goes the big the biggest team brand with the biggest fan base and the big biggest media coverage those are the true needle movers now ideally you get both like what would it cost you to have mome like the Chiefs versus the Cowboys that’s a grand slam man you get momes and Dallas you know that’s it’s just like when McDavid rolls through Toronto that one time it’s a Buzz noodles you and I were down there there there’s nothing like it like when when mcdavid’s in town and it’s it’s Leaf Oilers on a Saturday night there’s no bigger ticket it’s it’s as big as it gets but um yeah the the best part about the the NFL schedule being revealed is now you see the teams that just don’t get any Prime Time love and their fans who are those teams just like nothing Well Indie Indianapolis Indie Tennessee is that ‘s Brothers team indie brother loves the Colts yeah like how the hell do you come up with that like I have no idea I and Mike scnc loves the Tennessee Titans why I don’t know yeah it is Weir do we have friends that have now randomly my six-year-old I think I told you guys this loves the Chargers and J that man young enough how thaten like I don’t know how that happened he’s like I need a Chargers jersey and Justin Herbert’s my guy I’m like you’re six and like and he wants to go to a game and I’m like I’m not taking you all the way out there like for a game we’ll go go the bills like let’s go watch the Bills like let’s go the Giants or you know something close we can get to maybe he’s actually brilliant he wants to go to La you know it’s all just about working on you and being like by the time I get to like 16 can we go to Sofi you know get to La and hit a game um but yeah the the sced is is slowly starting to to come out but again the NFL is is kind of working with with everyone I mean although someone just tweeted in and brings up a good point that it’s not just momes anymore it’s it’s the swifties as well because Taylor Swift and Kelsey do you think that carries over another year you think it’s factoring into to decisions hay like what we just talked about fan bases and needle moving I don’t know I mean I think she brought in a lot of eyeballs that was factual like I just don’t know like I know they’re still together or to my knowledge they’re still together does that carry over to next year when she shows up week four to a game Kansas City’s playing Vegas is that big it happen like she’s just that big as soon as you say oh it’s going to fizzle the she will be like even if they stay together through next season she will be shown every every damn time there’s just no other way around it she’s that big I you know what I resend because when you said momes are the Cowboys I forgot about the Swifty I so I’m going momes in the cow because I the swifties have a lot of power right now because they’re bringing in new eyeballs like I said my my daughter who’s not a football fan 11 years old couldn’t wait to watch a Super Bowl with her with her you know Travis Kelce Jersey on face painted just waiting for one glimpse of Taylor that was it and that’s that’s you know that’s a that’s a whole different Dynamic so I changed my vote on that I I think you’re on the Chiefs I think that’s that’s reasonable I’d still go Cowboys but not not by much I mean that’s a superpower she started dating Dak Prescott or something you know that’s when you’re talking just a a you have a monopoly over everything she’s dating a cowboy at some point it look out Cowboys will be playing prime time every single week yeah 17 Prime Time games for the Cowboys but um Caitlyn Clark made her debut last night she hit 20 points I had the over 19 and a half she had 10 turnovers yeah what isn’t that a record too for it was substantial but here’s the thing that and I I we know the buildup towards her you know debut in the WNBA and a lot of former players are pouncing on her and a lot of people are doubting her and saying you know you’ll see what happens when you get there she’s she’s a rookie like of course it’s going to be tough the WNBA is is as high as it gets yeah it’s it’s the best league in the world so what were you expecting Caitlyn Clark to show up and put up 50 every night I I think it was disrespectful to the league and the players that play in the league to to for anyone to think that she was just going to show up and be the best player immediately I mean how many players young players show up and fail early in their careers expected that every sport I thought she was and we’re we’re talking about one game but I thought she was going to step in there and dominate and it was but maybe that girl was white uh that was right that trash talked her and said she’s not coming into this league and right away this is a great league and and I don’t know why she felt the need to trash talker but it is one game and she might dominate the next the she’ll have her moments undoubtedly she’s so good but I guess I guess I’m just saying you see it in every other sport you know we just saw with Jackson holiday the number one Prospect in baseball came up and he went like one for 40 and they sent him down yeah know do you think that guy’s going to suck now no you know cuz Caitlyn Clark had 10 turnovers now she’s going to be a disaster and a bust no it’s a tough League it’s a tough sport you’re dealing with Pros now you’re dealing with with grown women that are like best of the best best of the best come get some not going to be easy for her I didn’t like the one exchange it looked like at halftime one of her teammates was tuning her up on the way in yeah a littleit strange I was like that looked like somebody that knew the cameras were on and said I got I got to get in here I’ll take you under my wi cuz it was like and and she was pushing back on her too going like I don’t again I don’t know what they were saying but it looked like there was somewhat of a spirited exchange there and I was like all right like knock it off she’s a rookie man you guys know what it’s like with rookies like you gotta you got to chew on it like it doesn’t matter how big you are they’ll they’ll they’ll knock you down as a peg or two you know if you’re walking into a room and there’s veterans that have established it you you’re going to have to wait your turn and possibly just chew on that I saw that too though that was funny I kind of chuckled to myself I’m like really like that early on come on over here like it was basically a full headlock like kind of had her arm like kind of grabbed her arm exactly why you’re causing us problems and we’re losing at the half because of you they lost big too they did yeah well they’re not that good of a team I mean they have Caitlyn Clark and and that’s that’s why they had the first overall pick all right Cory Schneider coming up roleplay level of concern we’re going to try out the slide today we got a number of opportunities there for the slide we got Scotty Veil coming up PGA Tour picks as well the PJ champ ship down at Valhalla starting tomorrow overdrive continues TSN 1050 and on the TSN out all right Cory Schneider just after 5:00 roleplay level of concern at 5:30 uh scottt Vale coming up good Canadian boy Keegan Bradley’s Cy and when I was down at Augusta I saw Scotty and he was rocking the white jumpsuit no shirt underneath and you said numerous buttons undone noodles you have to ask him his thoughts on the leaves what he thinks of that that oh yeah okay I don’t jeez Scot he’s a big leaf guy I don’t know he what if he shoot from the hip what if he’s just like they got to blow this you what if he’s just like Scott from the parkway joining us now hey Scott from the parkway what’s up Scotty just have him tea off on the leaves yeah um yeah every day I wake up I don’t know about you guys I’m waiting for the the email to come in you know Craig baru’s been hired or I mean it feels like baru is going to be the guy but they’re interviewing other people and you know out there and I I see there’s been odds out there but I like he’s the leading guy right like I think Buu’s like favored but I I don’t know maybe they come out of left field with something else you know it’s just uh at this point if you’ve gone through the process what do it hurt to wait another couple days to see if other potential candidates pop up out of nowhere you know yeah yeah I mean I I can’t imagine that would be anyone other than Rod brymore if he’s willing to leave I don’t think he is I mean that would would be the only hiccup boys that would be the only hiccup it’s like I don’t know how these things go on behind the scenes but it’s like the best coaches hockey is going to be available you got to look into it you’re crazy not to look into it you got to you got to do your due diligence well and that’s you know Joel quinnville is obviously a name out there that we haven’t discussed a lot cuz I don’t get the impression that he’s even in the running but you know you’d have to get clearance from the league before you could interview him but I wonder if they would even do that unless you’re pretty much locked in on hiring him in other words like once you ask the league if the league gives you a green light and says yes he can be reinstated and Coach again and then you’re going to interview him but not hire him like why why would you do that if you’re the league so I would think that two two of them would be connected it’s like we want we want Joel quinnville our ownership is fine with Joel quinnville we’re going to ask about it and if he gets clearance then he’s going to be our guy but I don’t get the sense like that’s happening or the leas are even really digging into that idea um Cory Schneider in about 20 minutes and again roleplay level concern at 5:30 the uh PJ Championship beginning tomorrow on TSN we’ll have our picks later in the hour and someone’s taking Keegan right someone’s got to take Keegan I might have to take him I’m leaning towards taking him in our picks and uh to chat about Keegan Bradley the the course among many other things here’s Keegan caddy good Canadian boy Scottville how you doing Scotty I’m great boys how you guys doing today we’re doing well we were just talking about your leaves you know you got an idea on who you who you think should be behind the bench moving forward or what well I’m hoping that hurricanes lose tomorrow uhoh not a good start for for Scotty we lost him we’ll have to try to get him back I know where he is he in the clubhouse down there is he maybe he’s under the first T stands it could be is that usually the move I don’t think they’re as tight with like rules and regulations at the PGA Championship as they would be at Augusta like no phones is like you the guys allowed phones like what’s the ruling on that I think it’s only Augusta the only place on Earth you can’t bring your phones in there yeah exactly like literally the only place like cuz everywhere else guys have their phones like they turn them off but right they they’re in their bag generally you can see them on the first tea looking at their phone right before they tea off that’s what I mean like have you ever seen a guy like about to tea off or just teed off and he like texting like walk I bet you guys that are way out like trunk slamming and know I think you’re allowed to make flight arrangements that’s what I’m saying like if you’re on the back nine on Friday and you’re 12 shots off the cut you’re you’re on Expedia yeah I get some flights out uh all right Scott back with us can you hear us Scotty I can hear you boys I’m enjoying hearing this but you guys can’t hear me no we got you man we got you now yeah we were we were just wondering about the phone rules you know like Augusto obviously that’s that’s totally different no one can have a phone on the property but what’s the what’s the deal with phones in the bag caddies players when let’s say you’re playing the PGA Championship are you allowed to have your phones I mean guys have their phones they don’t have them on them but I’ve seen cases where guys have been missing the C are about to miss the code a Friday and I’ve seen them pull out their phone and text their agent get me out of here ASAP I know well I know for a fact Keegan and I we have some fun in the golf course in the in the during the NFL round so on or college football or NFL we’re not afraid to pull out the phone and check on a sports score every now and again I love that I love that like you’re you’re just feeling it you’re in contention but you got some cash on the Cowboys cover four and a half like I would have checked sometimes we need something to get to get our mind off the golf course absolutely well I mean mind tricks that that’s probably important right like I’m curious how how you and Keegan and other players you’ve worked with in the past like how do you prepare for a major championship is it once you arrive on the grounds it’s all business all the time do you try to get each other laughing I mean how how do you how do you prepare for once you finally tee off tomorrow yeah I mean usually I mean with Keegan in particular we we play nine holes each day and just um do a lot of our workout in the on the golf course because that’s where it’s needed mostly um a lot of short game stuff um in particular this week there’s really there’s really no tricks to the golf course from ta to green and um so we do a lot of chipping a lot of potting and and various things around the green um this week we can use um lasers as well so that’s always nice so it’s a little bit extra weight in the bag but it’s it’s nice to have a laser to to shoot things and to look at things um up by the green so it’s a little bit different but it’s it’s nice Scotty what challenges does the tiger effect have out on the golf course with your guy I know everybody wants to put eyes on Tiger but like people moving after he hits and wanting to go to the next te what kind of challenges is that yeah do you know what Keegan’s he he’s not phased by that stuff so I don’t even sometimes you know I’ll be on crowd control and stuff like that but with tiger crowds you’re you’re fighting a losing battles so some guys can hear you know a pin drop and somebody move and their swing Keegan doesn’t he’s not fussed about any of that like if I were to you know stop a golf cart in the distance because it was you know distracting him he’ll just say Scott don’t worry about it it’s good we’re we’re good so he won’t he won’t be phased by that he doesn’t he doesn’t mind all that and I’m sure he’ll be exced to play with tiger um you know given the magnitude of playing with him and and what it’s like to to be around him and the crowds and stuff you’ll be able to feed off that stuff so I’m sure he’ll be looking forward to it yeah that’s that’s really cool I mean you guys te off 8:04 a.m. tomorrow with tiger and Adam Scott we’re chatting with Scott Vil caddy for Keegan Bradley and I guess you know to O’s question and O’s point it’s probably worse of tigers the group behind you or group ahead of you right like at least these crowds yes they’re you know they’re all compiling and there’s supposed to be like 200,000 people showing up or something but they’re they’re they’re there to watch your group so that’s probably helpful right knowing that it’s it’s going to be electric like there’s there’s going to be a huge Buzz out there tomorrow morning yeah I I would definitely say that it’s a good point you say um behind Tigers group the one behind it you always get the you know in front of it or behind tiger you get the distractions people arriving on the scene you know a half a hole early to see him and then as soon as I mean when you’re behind him as soon as he’s gone and left the green I mean as soon as he puts out he’ll be the crowds will be gone they don’t care about Keegan or Adam Scott so it’ll be you know it it’ll be a little bit of a challenge but um I laugh about things like that I thought they were out here to see us what’s going on here guys wait wait a second guys you know come on Scotty you’ve been around I love it you’ve been around and seen it all Scotty like the tiger effect back back in the day when he was dominating and Scotty’s kind of doing that right now Scotty sheffler like how different is it or how far away is Scotty schaffler to being even close to what tiger was doing back in the day do you know what it’s an interesting question you ask I a couple of months ago I just I said to you know quietly to some friends back home and and guys I know that this Scotty sheffer’s got a chance to to really do some serious damage now that he can you know put it average or even above average and you know back in the day I can remember particularly the one time I I worked for bran neaker and we were in the final group with him in the third round of the playoffs in like the third event and like the the effect that he had back in the day before you know everything you know broke broke loose with his personal life he he it was it was different he was you know he’d get to the range he wouldn’t wouldn’t talk to anybody he would just like you were walking on eggshells around him just looking at them you know Scotty Scotty doesn’t have that same effect but I mean he does his effect on the golf course and he’s just so dominant on the golf course it’s a it’s a different feeling and Scotty is not he chats with everybody he’s such a great guy um he’s you know was exciting to watch because he’s hitting it in every Fairway he’s hitting it on every green or he’s hitting it close you know tiger would you know win golf tournament you know hitting 30% of the fairways and you know we’d always say if you’re going to if you’re going to miss it Miss it like tiger you know way out where the crowds walk so you can you know have a a clear lie and a clean shot to the green or something so different but it’s I mean it’s impressive what Scotty sheffer’s doing and how humble he is and and he’s just such a such a nice guy to be around is this caddy drive up in a Lamborghini Scotty because shefer caddy is just Rolling In Cake right now well I I’ve been saying to the boys the last couple of weeks we you know we’re we’re racking our brains you know doing rough estimates of how much he’s made I’m like when’s he gonna start flying Net Jets and you know throw a few of the boys on the plane and you know maybe we ask a couple of players to join us come on let’s go Teddy’s flying us you know netjets from you know fear to Dallas or something next week Scotty I never figured that out like the the players if they’re flying and in close proximity to their caddy why don’t they put their caddy on the bird with them I don’t get it do you know what a decent amount of them do uh a lot of them do if they’re you know sharing it and they’ve got room and they’re I mean I I was fortunate enough even Sunday from Wells Fargo and Charlotte to hop on board with with Keegan and he split a flight with Matt Fitzpatrick so you know and both those guys you know they bring their caddies if you know it makes it easier for us you know I’m available ble to work Monday morning with them and and get get in you know and at a decent time instead of getting in at 1:00 a.m. and you know sleeping four hours or something so I I’m lucky Keegan was um nice enough to bring me along but yeah some of them don’t but those guys some of the caddies don’t want to be on the plane with their players they’d rather drive eight hours than fly the hour and get away from them I won’t name any names but there’s a few of them that don’t want to be no thank you I could imagine with Scott Vil uh caddy for Keegan Bradley Keegan playing with Tiger Woods tomorrow at the PGA Championship uh Valhalla I mean it’s it’s long the the rough is nasty everyone’s doing the rough test um you know what how do you see this play out what kind of score do you think wins this it depends how the PGA sets it up there’s a couple of T’s that are you know new T’s as opposed to previous years but you know they do a fair job of setting up the golf course and they don’t want it to be like a US open at you know even far so I anticipate them moving up some te’s and the greens are soft and they’re and they’re they roll really good so there’s a there’s a tough stretch on the back nine 14 15 16 um that’ll play a pivotal factor I think if guys play those three holes really well and and and capitalize on the par fives that’s that’s the big thing um being able to hit the par fives and two because they are reachable um it’s a quk one on the front nine but I think if guys I think probably 10 to 15 under will win it um you know weather pending so yeah I think if guys beat up on the par fives there’ll be some scores out there Scotty what do you make your Leafs we got to get you out of here quickly but what do you make your Leafs where do you think they need to go well I was I thought maybe they would start at the top and get rid of that and and then go from there so I I I hoping that Rod the bog gets in and and maybe you know Carolina loses tomorrow that that would be my pick I’d love to see him whip those boys in the shape and get those specialty teams going yeah you’re speaking to the C to the choir here man you’re preaching to the choir we’re all over rod brind Moore finding a way to get up here but we’re not we’re not holding our breath either uh enjoy it it’s it’s going to be a whirlwind down there in Louisville so have a great weekend Scott we appreciate you doing this thanks boys I appreciate it love the show and uh keep doing what you’re doing you got it there Scotty Veil The caddy for Keegan Bradley Keegan Bradley Adam Scott Tiger Woods tomorrow so tiger that’s got to bring some juice man when you’re oh even for Scotty who’s the coolest guy like I play golf with him at Christmas time I go down to Georgia and he lives on the course and he comes out and he’ll just like caddy a little bit like that’s this is where you got to hit it and he’ll read putts with that silly thing they do and he’ll be like just put it there it’s just he’s just a great guy man he’s just a really cool guy yes he’s I’m telling you man he had a Vibe going out of Gus oh he’s got a Vibe like he’s well respected and well-liked from everyone out there he’s just he’s a really cool dude yeah yeah yeah he he had a great look going man like three buttons done up tops no shirt chest hair flying loving life at austa um all right Cory Schneider roleplay level of concern coming up overdrive continues TSN 1050 and on TSN too


  1. I think for all he says he doesn't like playoff hockey.Him wanting to wait till the end of the season to sign confirmed it for me.He would enjoy hockey more back in sweden

  2. how's this peter guy gona get goin'? oh get off yer high horse pet pete, i mean jeez louise ,bub > he's gotta score more man, its not a chore /snore fam! come on jack, get 'er in there ,& done do it so it done got did.

  3. Sivlov hasnt been great lol. Hasnt allow3d less than 3 goals in any game. Hes let in a bunch of softies…im shocked at the praise he gets.

  4. “Hair on Fire” June madness bracket, sponsored by Scott’s turf builder or Chiapet… restore that landscape 😂😂

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