Golf Players

“I Can’t See Nix Being A Bust” | Payton On Nix: ‘It’s Almost Like Watching A Good Golfer’

In this video, we dive into Sean Payton’s high praise for former Oregon Ducks quarterback Bo Nix. Payton, known for his keen eye for talent and offensive expertise, recently compared watching Nix to observing a skilled golfer. He highlighted Nix’s precision, poise, and consistency on the field, drawing parallels to the calm and focused demeanor seen in top golfers.

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so Shawn Payne had a very interesting comparison when talking about bow Knicks after the team’s first uh basically rookie mini camp on Saturday and this is what the Shawn Payton compared Bo Nicks to take a lesson well the location of throws you two or three down the field throws today it’s almost like watching a good golfer you know sometimes when you watch his game um over two years you just there’s a patience to how he plays the ball comes out and um I don’t want to use the term bore ing that’s that’s not the right term but yeah pretty good decisions and with each play the efficiency and how he’s operating all of that well Shan Payne has been very high on bonix from the very beginning even comparing to Patrick Mahomes the same type of you know excitement he had for draft for potentially drafting Mahomes which he wanted to back in 2017 before the Chiefs jumped him he has that same excitement now with B knck so I want to know how do you think B Nicks will perform if he is the year one starter under Shawn pton and the Denver Broncos well before I get into answering that question I thought Shawn Payton’s uh comments were a little odd yeah definitely to say to say he looked like a good golfer out there I mean what does Bo Nicks take away from that I look like a good golfer he also called him a little bit boring is his little boring too I mean come on yeah I guess he said it wasn’t the right word but he still right yeah yeah I think what he was trying to say is you know a good golfer is pretty accurate with his shots right B Knicks apparently was very accurate with his throws yeah he uh 77% completion percentage last year college he did well in the in the practice herea he went to the white right receivers uh he was as good or better than the private workout that they had so they were happy with that uh his onfield performance is exactly what uh they were looking for that’s what pton said uh he’s doing well passing offense relies on consistency Rhythm and timing that’s what Shawn Payton’s looking for maybe that’s why it was boring because he excelled in each one of those categories and being consistent having good Rhythm and his timing was good apparently was very accurate he hit the right receivers with the pinpoint accuracy uh and he say said performance was boring in a positive way he makes good decisions he needs work on operating under the center I don’t think he even may may not have even taken a snap under the center when he was in college everything was uh shotgun at uh uh where where was he he was at Oregon that’s right yeah so hey I guess given the way that sha Payton treated uh uh Wilson Russell Wilson to have him say nice things about a rookie if I were bone X I guess I’d be happy well I am very high on B Knicks as well as Shawn pyton is clearly if you’re comparing to Patrick Mahomes you got to be pretty high on the guy and I am actually a lot of people aren’t well when you throw when you lead the entire NCAA in completion percentage at 77.4 and also have 4500 yards and 45 touchdowns along with only three interceptions and throughout your college career you’ve dealt with I think four head co five head coaches a number of offensive coordinators and yet you could perform at a decently high level like previously when he was at Auburn it wasn’t good it wasn’t great but it wasn’t horrible it wasn’t horrible then he goes to Oregon oh my God kick a play the first year Oregon 72% completion percentage basically 3600 yards 29 picks uh sorry 29 touchdowns seven picks if that was Drake may people would be fawning over at that was Drake may but no it’s B Knicks and then this past season 77% completion percentage 4500 yards 45 touchdowns three picks that’s massive growth right there and I think Sean Payton respects that I also think unlike Russell Wilson who had trouble with a Playbook had to go to wristband and reportedly had to now learn two words and everybody need to know what those two words had to say I think Shawn pton knows that b Knicks will nail down this offense which he already had because we heard uh basically like during his pro day after his pro day this the excuse me the Denver Broncos actually set up a a private workout gave him a number of offensive installs the night before the next morning nailing it in the in the classroom making great plays on the field practice-wise did a great job and that time Shawn Payne’s like you know what this is our quarterback comparing it the Patrick Mahomes though that might be a little bit something the when when talking about a watching a good golfer could it be that lines up his shot takes his time makes the right read knows how to analyze the golf course to make the right putt maybe maybe and maybe that is what bonix will bring but we’re talking about the overall performance in year 1 I’m saying it’s going to be pretty good I’m not saying it’s going to be great my guess is seven wins that’s a good starting point I would say it’s a pretty good starting point actually because you made it to eight wins with a guy who’s already won a Super Bowl and been to two if you go seven wins with a rookie quarterback that you picked uh last in the first round at the at the number 12 pick I mean that’s pretty good rookie quarterback with a roster that honestly it isn’t great I you’ve talked about it before some of the some of the weapons that they have and I’ll bring it I’ll uh they lost a lot of their play they did they did they lost Jerry Judy courin Sutton’s not happy with his contract situation there’s a lot there’s a lot of issues also javante Williams can’t stay healthy they they did pick up Josh Reynolds which is not bad they got Troy Franklin they reunited him with his star wide receiver so that’s Obviously good offensive Line’s okay it’s not bad at all defensive like defensively you got John Franklin Myers which I think was a underrated pickup on the defensive line and you also have Pat San on on the you know as a quarterback for you so I think this team’s going to be okay I think it’s still going to be growing you just got a rookie quarterback my guess is you’re going to go seven- n me S and 10 and uh I think you’re going to be okay and moving forward just continually grow I think Shawn pay honestly I I I talked to one of my friends about this because we were talking about bonck and how you know we don’t don’t hate the pick don’t I like bonix I’m higher than on bonix than he is I think he could be a serious starter for like at least seven seasons seven seasons of being a legitimate starter now obviously if Shawn pton gets fired that could obviously be a different story but I think where you end up obviously matters and with I mean think about this jamus Winston went from that 30 interception season to then before he got hurt 14 touchdowns only three picks under Shawn pyton yeah Shawn pay knows how to coach quarterbacks Drew Brees Drew Brees was special talent we don’t know if B is going to be another Drew Brees but uh I’m happy that U Payton is happy with him and I’m happy bck is happy with them so uh we’ll see what happens I mean do you think you think that do you think that uh if the Falcons hadn’t picked penex that the Broncos might have picked him instead no I I think if I think the Raiders probably would have okay that’s my guess and and a number of teams are poorly tried to trade up to try to get penx to no avail obviously but let me ask you this because the question is how will bonix perform in year one with the Broncos and right now no one’s the true quarterback one for the team what are the odds bonick beats out Zack Wilson and Jared STM I think pretty high I think very very high because right currently right now and obviously there’s no legitimate quarterback one B Knicks according to ESPN is the listed quarterback one uh for the Denver Broncos I think it should be I’m not going to say a cakewalk because there’s a reason why some of these guys are in the NFL I think it’s I think there’s a very very high chance bonix will be the start of week one I don’t think there’s much question about that either I I really don’t who you think Zack Wilson might be released no I think they’re going to keep him as a quarterback three uh there’s no reason to get off them you’re not paying him really anything you denied his fifth year option well given how poor the Broncos are I thought maybe they just carry two quarterbacks so they could have one more position for something else I mean only one quarterback plays so having three of them I two of them sitting over there on the bench 54 players yeah maybe you like to have one more position player out there we’ll see I also think Troy Franklin being you know the fifth wide receiver I think he’s going to pass Marvin Mims I don’t mind Marvin Mims had a couple of very very nice plays last season I just think the connection between Nicks and Franklin will be very high so much so that Franklin May creep up on the depth chart to at Le I would say wide receiver three at least he’s wide receiver five right now that connection I think is going to be something special that’s what I think but I do think bonix this is the is this is the correct spot I think Shawn Peyton is going to do wonders with Nicks I’m sure bonck loves being there learning from Shawn pton an incredible coach and I think honestly refine his game more long time started for the Denver Broncos the Broncos have had trouble finding quarterback since pton Manning left they’ve been all over Brock Osweiler Joe flacko one point now you have a bunch of randoms going out the Russell Wilson you tried out uh even before uh pton Manny Kyle Orton Tim TBO yeah had a you had a whole hodge podge of random quarterbacks that didn’t really stay very long I think bonix could be the answer for the future okay well we’ll see confident in that too I just think I mean he already fought through a bunch of adversity with learning different coach learning from different coaches learning new offensive schemes yeah well he’s going to have it tough he’s in a pretty tough division he is in a very very tough division but I also think he has a very tough head coach who I think will Coach him up very well yeah we’ll see how he does against the Chiefs that’s twice a year and against the uh Chargers twice a year with uh harbar now their coach it’s going to be tough for him I think I I I’m not going to say that it won’t be hard because it’s the NFL and you’re a rookie quarterback but will I say that you’re going to be a bust right now no no I wouldn’t say that I don’t think it’s I I really don’t think it’s that realistic to say Bon knck would just be a cataclysmic failure with Denver personally I can’t see it maybe I could be completely wrong but hi everybody thanks for watching make sure you subscribe here to get the latest from the show also if you want to check out the full episode make sure you click the i in the top right hand corner right now if you want to listen to this 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  1. I think all the hesitancy to embrace Bo Nix comes from SEC fans who cannot fathom Bo coming to the PAC 12 and excelling.

  2. Im guessing you guys dont play golf. A good golfer has consistency. They have mastered a constant swing. Sean is saying he knows what to expect from Bo because he has mastered his art to the point of consistent play.

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