I Can’t Believe This Private Golf Membership is REAL!

Is Pinehurst Golf the Best Private Club Membership in America?
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welcome uh to Pinehurst what I’m dubbing is America’s number one private [Music] membership all right let’s check out our room here Carolina hotel [Music] going to have to shut this if you’re want some privacy in here [Music] there not only is this place spectacular I mean there’s so many places you could just go and chill out and enjoy the scenery and the uh let’s say the Ambiance so you can do one of the package deals now the prices vary on those but they typically get you few nights in the hotel here the Carolina and then uh three courses like number two number 10 and one of the other courses and the prices vary they’re it’s like five grand but it’s totally you know bucket list opportunities there are a total currently of 10 courses here now 10 is Resort guests only the others are member and upgraded membership and a combination of Resort member tea times to be a member though you have to live within a 50 m radius of Piner proper then your membership current rates is a $35,000 Initiation fee and your monthly dues are roughly 550 bucks okay you might think that’s steep but as far as private membership goes that alone is one of the best deals available but it gets better if you’re going to buy a property in Pinehurst make sure it currently has a transferable membership then you pay a half the price of the current membership so it’ be 17,500 something like that for transferring your membership getting that as you buy the home and then you’re a member that’s cheap when it comes to private memberships and your priv private membership includes Pinehurst number two the ultimate Gem and home of the 2024 and now anchor site of the US Open which we’re going to show you a little bit in this video so when you’re a member here you get to play the Cradle but we’re going to chill out little evening time we’re going to take our shoes off you want to play with us go this is your this is your jam right here you ladies want to play with us this is nice I’ll take that little 50° wedge all right we’re out here with the USGA and Lexis and so we’re enjoying the time we’re playing with Lulu she’s going to um don’t get your hopes up there might be a lot of bleeps in this particular part of the video I want you to get monetized Alysa new lady golfer right here she’s awesome we’ve done videos with her in the past yes and Caitlyn Henderson who we just met yeah in the elevator and you’re a you were a college golfer right I was uhhuh where at you IND like the Indian area Okay so she can play you know what when you show up at cool places I don’t know how this happened but I get the group with all 8s it’s a good [Music] deal so I you know I figured this out in one of the private club videos but this this is a trash [Music] can I’m playing with all a a 11 wedges there’s only three of them but they’re called 11 I’m going to do that for the whole video 11 golf so look at that they put my logo on the wedges so we got a 60 a 55 and a 50 which I like you might want to prep ahead of time cuz look at my tan it’s ridiculous I look like I’m wearing white socks which I’m not it’s a golfer tan tell her you do it so do some prep ahead of time walk around the yard go to the beach whatever you got to do or just be ridiculous like me [Music] [Music] me man that was so much fun chill out great Vibes great times I would do this every night if I were remember here my first time through the Cradle I was one under so this will tighten up your game in a hurry moving on to more of the um membership um benefits here come on this is um Lawn Bowling I think is what the official name I don’t know what the official but they do you know that stuff here this is Bermuda grass and it’s in between a green and a fairway cut it’s more like a nice well US Open Fairway cut here so if you’re a remember here you can be in the Lawn Bowling Club of America I don’t know if that’s what it’s called but you can lawn bowl the cart situation here at Pinehurst is such these are all rental carts this is what you get if you’re not walking now they have some rules and regulations they’re using the easygo cart Elites and they’re all this color green but the members will have many will have their own carts however they still have to keep the same green and you must have your name on the front hood of your cart so this is Kimbra Benson and Bob they have their names on the cart it’s a requirement for members if you want your own cart now this is the pro shop for all the guests at the hotel and the resort it’s right here now you can get like really cool like apparel and all kinds of stuff here however in just a second I’m going to show you something a little more let’s say exclusive this is the pineur logo okay this is this is dope this is the Cradle logo there’s a reason I’m pointing this stuff out look at this it’s like a bag for for the Cradle how much do you think this is 285 now where we currently are is fully open to the public and the uh the guests this is the locker room for the resort guests at Pine art number two you can get a locker you can bring your stop when if you got to catch a flight put it in here you’re good to go nice Locker huh see they know you got a lot of Travelers need a space for your carry-on your your pack check bags put it in here save as can be cuz you got to check out the hotel play golf then go home we even got showering facilities for guests this you don’t need to do a little sneak aoo deal like I always do this is for all the guests now you might think this is nice and great member this is not the PRI the membership they don’t use this this is just for the resort guests and it’s super nice better than some private clubs I’ve been at but where do the members go that’s what I want to [Music] know you come off the 18th hole you just had an awesome round of golf you’re a member here right you have a membership what do you do where do you go to uh freshen up I’ll show [Music] you it’s very it’s like a secret staircase to the private membership area it’s brand new too they just redid it and you get to come for the first time let’s go this is the pro shop for members now remember the logo I showed you before this is the logo that members get so if you are a member they [Music] know these are member only teeth correct correct and Karen yes says we can help ourselves these are I’m going to give you a little big oh she’s the best these are member only Pinehurst te’s she you know she doesn’t know what she’s getting into when she says help yourself we’ll be kind there you go thank you very much you’re welcome not only is this private membership the best in the country the coolest people are here too let me take you inside the brand new men’s locker room we got the pain Stewart statue in the entrance how epic is that w watch out look at this I mean it smells newer than like it was just laid down we have pool table in here TVs snacks over here chill out area you want some goldfish goldfish here’s what’s cool if you’re a member you get a locker it’s free I mean it’s part of your membership but you don’t have to pay extra to have a locker this is where all the pros from the US Open will have their locker during the US Open oh boy here are the showers I I would say it is somewhat of an upgrade from upstairs oh look at this we got the Pinehurst logo fabric thick fabric curtain let’s see what kind of uh flow we got I say that’s pretty nice subway tile telling you this is my new favorite membership modern updated here’s what we got to know like here’s your hand soap it’s it better have a good scent oh it does you know it smells smells like Pine like a pine oh that’s the perfect scent to have here Pine Hearst pine pine pine we’ve got mouthwash I don’t know who uses this stuff anymore but you know some of you guys like that body Eclipse with a spf30 smells like lavender check this out now they even have a game room like for the kiddos what this is something I have not seen at any uh private club so what you do is if you have a few kids you just drop them off here and do your thing hopefully they got somebody to watch them but they’ll be all right this is the um private member dining right here is there a restaurant it’s little just off from General Public they have a little better seating looking at the 18th green and if you’re lucky enough to get a seat in here during the US Open forget it now I hear for that they have sold for like these seats this area corporate stuff big money big money but private menu good stuff here this comes with uh membership guests even the public you just show up here you could do this thistle 18 hole putting course awesome spot you can go get a drink over here at the bar over at the Cradle bar let me show you how awesome this is we’ll play the fourth hole here I mean we’ve got like a buried elephant right here and I’m thinking I’m going to go out here and we’re trying to go way down there look at that just barely started did I make it uhoh uh-oh not bad the goal here is like if you could tput all of these holes you’re you’re doing pretty well 15 now it’s just right there the flag’s not there but uh if you don’t hit the right speed this is what happens look you think you’re just a couple feet short nope nope not at all you’re redoing it you could be here all day so then what do you do then you’re like okay don’t be short so you hit it hard enough and you’re you go too far and then you’re like okay well I’ll just tap it down there like this and then it doesn’t go in then what happens uh-oh you see this is how it get you and now you’re hitting four from where you start did member guest visitor street right off the street oh this place is unforgiving and spectacular you might need to do a Phil Mickelson just to get out of this one a few times there we go all right we’re playing Pinehurst number two one of the world’s ultimate golf courses and we’re a few weeks out from the US Open so we are at U nearly US Open conditions so I need to make this round as easy as possible so I’m going all in here I’m hitting like all 11 clubs these are hybrid irons I want the ball to come in as high and as soft as possible [Music] all right we’re com for birdie that was easy [Music] [Music] thanks okay shot see Sam in three weeks out here Sam Sam’s going to tell us do you mind telling us about Sam’s a member here he’s going to tell us about CU I keep messing it up the three memberships in less than 20 seconds what are they Sports where you can play 1 through six and it’s pay as you go half price on the on the green fees and then you have Charter which is courses 1 through six and eight which you pay them monthly dues and you get unlimited golf including Pinehurst number two so if you play pineur number two one time your monthly dues are paid for and then there’s signature which is courses 1 through n seven and nine are considered the private courses they’re in gated communities but they’re included in the signature package awesome and the public can play one through three public can play one through three or 1 three and five but they can only get a tea time 24 hours in advance so it’s pretty much availability if there’s a tea time available the public can get on 1 three and five awesome oh we’re we’re right next to the hole I pushed it I pushed it so everything’s Bermuda here we got Bermuda greens Bermuda Fairways and what’s cool about this is you get these tight lights like I say as Fairways Go I mean a Bermuda Fairway is awesome but they they they do it right these balls you can really clip your wedges off here which allows you to get just tons of spin going into these greens which you’re going to need when you’re on a US Open day because the green is going to be hard and fast but if you spin it too much like Josh Kelly just did it hits the green and then rolls off so you can have a perfect opportunity from like 60 yards and then you’re going to have 20 yards for your third oh if I hit it [Music] as far as uh golf courses go now we’ve only played number two but uh world class as you already know but with everything the membership gives you all the other courses this is the best private club membership in America that I’ve seen hands down no other memberships have this many courses like on site that I know of affordable as far as private clubs go ridiculously affordable and the monthly dues are amazing for a country club most dues are $1,000 and up for one course and as far as finishing holes The Veranda the restaurant the stuff I mean this is up there with the best finishing holes for membership just to chill out have a cocktail eat your food enjoy the scenery spectacular Place how much do you tip a caddy what do you think now we’re with USGA Lexus they said everything included cadd fees and but if you want a dip you’re free to do that what do you leave it below what what do you think we here’s here’s my general rle thumb I’m going to tell you right now what I do is they always say oh it’s included da it’s not included don’t don’t be fooled by that come on they recommend $40 don’t do that either that’s ridiculous $40 that’s insulting in my opinion I would say you got to at least double the recommendation which is 80 bucks I don’t even do that I minimum do a Cote 100 Buck that’s minimum but Ethan I think we double that today you know we’re at Pine heurst we didn’t pay to play so I extra take care of the caddy that’s how you do it so I say two bills [Music] I think with that bogey is 82 well trained not great but dude I’m telling you those uh those hybrids are pretty solid hit them pretty well hit the driver great actually so link below for those guys and uh SP what a special day Piner number two Us near US Open conditions I’m happy with the number I could have puted a little better done a few things better we’re right there not B from the tips 7500 yards ouch that’s a long long day guys that is your uh Pinehurst private club tour everything you’ve ever wanted to know about this spectacular facility it’s only a matter of time before everybody gets a membership here it’s all I’m saying hope you had a great time love you guys see you soon see you dude


  1. You and your channel are the best. You should do a series where you play a round with your subscribers at their home courses. When you do and you come to Oregon I'm your man !!!! Let's do this

  2. I played Pinehurst No 2 just before the last US Open and had a great time there. I gave the caddie $100.

  3. I was at Pinehurst on Mother’s Day weekend on Saturday to pick up my US Open volunteer credential. I toured the new USGA Golf House and the World Golf Hall of Fame. I walked from the Hall of Fame to Pinehurst #2. I just walked around the clubhouse. I went into the Pro Shop and purchased a US Open shirt. If I had my putter I could have practiced on the practice putting greens. Yes I went into the ladies locker room. It was a great day.

  4. What a dope little vid. And you shot 82 near US open conditions on an unfamiliar course with unfamiliar clubs, first go? Hot damn. Nice shootin

  5. My daughter lives in Pinehurst. The food in the Village area is superb. Try Lisi Italian and get the ravioli stuffed with lobster in a cream sauce. Killer meal. As for Pinehurst #2 at the member tees- get ready to be humbled. Can’t imagine the US Open tees.

  6. Cool to see you in bare feet Matt. I used to play all the time in my bare feet. Always played great. Loved it. Haven't done it in a long time. I will next time.

  7. GREAT VIDEO! No doubt that member "Sam" is living the DREAM!!! I will agree totally, having been members at several other private clubs, Pinehurst far exceeds them all. And the quality of life of just living in Pinehurst is second to none. Thanks for letting me play with you!! When you are ready to pull the trigger on that house with a transferable membership, just let my wife know!!!! Sam

  8. Do they have limit on maximum number of members? Does membership cover family members? Are members able to sell the membership at current market rate?

  9. I played number 1 and 2 in Dec 2022 and I tipped my No. 2 caddy $120 for the round. You are correct, it is a bucket list place to visit and play. I remember every single hole on No. 2. Also for you viewers the temperature is usually good all the way through Thanksgiving and it's MUCH cheaper to play mid Oct – early Dec.

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