Golf Players

Indian golf legend Gaganjeet Bhullar answers all our questions with a straight bat!

[Music] trousers you know I still feel that you know one looks professional with with the trousers on uh Punjabi practice round I love playing on the golf course I can play 7 days a week you know this question about 5 years ago maybe a lob bage but these days maybe a buta Thai is my favorite second is Korean oh homebird for sure home board I would say the open because you know it’s so close to my heart uh I played uh open back in 2009 uh turnbury I was only like 21 years old so it’s just the emotional you know attribute to the to the to the tournament match play because when I’m at home I love playing match play small bets with my friends and uh I feel that you know the pressure is more on during the during the match play games great book on investing and investing on yourself as a human as a uh Money Matters this book called joys of compounding this definitely I would like to recommend to all the pro golfers

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