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Detroit Lions Fans NEED TO STOP THIS

Neal Ruhl, Darren McCarty and the rest of the BDE crew discuss the Detroit Lions fans that are still in love with Matthew Stafford despite the Lions need to beat the Rams. When the Lions play him, what are your thoughts? Like, Subscribe and leave your comment below!

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all right guys here we go uh from that uh the tiger stuff into the lion schedule and and we are we’re going wall toall we’ll take a look at everything potential pitfalls what game are you looking forward to the most all of it but the one that jumps off the page at me week number one Sunday Night Football NBC streaming on peacock 8:20 p.m. fordfield the LA Rams in town boo them kids and oh by the way someone asked in the chat the shirts are coming soon they’re being mocked up today we will have them boo them kid shirt I want you guys to buy them wear them to Ford Field but here’s the statement and immediately I got questions from people about this dmax so let me just address this now the Matt Stafford tribute the thank you thank you for what thank you tribute for what talk about it let’s just put this to bed right now and I know we’ll do this again the week of the game there’s no Matt staff you tribute tribute for what if you want to give somebody a tribute how about for somebody that I don’t know like was better than 6 and 60 against teams with winning records cuz that’s what he was number one number two what was your favorite Matt Stafford moment was it the what the first playoff loss the second playoff loss or the third playoff loss like for how many times you going to run out the video of him playing against the Browns or the Cowboys right you know what I’m saying like there there is no tributes dmac there there’s none of that he’s just a regular guy that left town and he’s with another team and you know what too we talked about the whole Justin berlander thing yeah there’s an angle of that too with Stafford Stafford’s known more now as a ram than he is as a lion he’s gone everybody and I don’t care and look I’ve told you before I drive down van djk on my way to keyworth I see the football field that he put his name on props you did well for the community you know where you didn’t do well on the field I don’t want any tributes I don’t want any videos I don’t want any graphics thank you Matt none of that man that’s not you think they would do that in Philly hell no you think they would do that in Dallas no you think they would do that in San Francisco absolutely not be a real organiz and be real fans dude no tributes no thanks for everything Matt thanks for what I I’d give a thankk you Javi graphic before I gave you a thank you Stafford graphic he is not playing he might even retire a Ram oh absolutely I don’t give a what he retires as I don’t care I don’t care either but I’m just saying to your point that like everyone wants to say that JV is GNA uh be remembered as an astro well Stafford’s going to be remembered as a ram he won there so why why do we care we he’s should be dead to us at this point can we be realistic yes right which you’re all you’re all true when you’re in the combats of War but the but the whole thing is I guess the the poll question is it’s not whether they should or they shouldn’t it’s whether they will or they won’t and they will thank you for your contributions to the community yeah that’s what they they’re going to do something like I believe I believe just sort of and maybe it’s in I don’t think it’s a moment I think they’re going to do it like before the game or something like that but they’re going to does anybody believe they’re not going to do something they they might do something but I I think like I honestly believe they will and it’ll be something hey can we can we check that yeah will will the Lions give Matt Stafford a tribute because that’s and and more of and the just will be more of the community stuff not the football stuff I think they will I think that I honestly believe I I always believe that they were waiting and we’ll and we’ll do something like that but everything you say Neil is is absolutely right uh wward Sports Chat threat are still going to get booed let’s get into this then KP what did Barry Sanders win when did Barry Sanders say trade me I want out I quit here and Barry Sanders is also the best running back to ever lace him up so let’s not get that confused and he didn’t say hey trade me right he didn’t do that I can see if Stafford was Tom Brady then maybe you do give him the damn he was done playing and he retired which KP is your right to do as an employee you’ll work and then one day you’ll say hey I’m done working and I retire and guess what nobody can tell you anything yep so you can just stop that right away we’re putting that out so I’m curious to know do people think I just put it up there it is the streets God I hope not I I I definitely don’t want to see that you know what I want to see and this is going to sound harsh but you know what I want to see I want to see him looking up at the stadium lights kind of crosseyed again oh well no seriously that’s what I want to see he’s in the way let me reset this Matt Stafford is in the way so what do you do with things that are in the way you got to put them down yes you do and once again like I said on the morning show this is not an attack on him the person him the person I feel like is a good person he’s done a lot for the community he’s done a lot for the city all of that is great but in in one season Jared G has accomplished more than Matt Stafford did in 12 years and this is coming from somebody that supported Stafford that that fought for Stafford any chance I could there’s always caveats to every situation but at this point he is still an active competitor um on another team that wants what you have that he won on he left us and immediately got everything done that he couldn’t get done here why are we honoring him at this point preach kg it makes no sense no so here’s the thing break down the why right as far as the organization from the top because I believe that’s who Sheila is yeah no no like like but but my argument is no no it’s not you’re right yeah you’re not wrong you’re all right in what you’re saying I’m just taking the tech okay but what’s gonna happen because does this organization in Sheila or is Sheila is Sheila more of the thank you for what you did in the community and being a line and stuff like this nothing to do with the football or is she more or less you you’re not ours anymore is I don’t see her at as the owner that way I see her more of the thank you for the community as everybody’s saying in the chat right now if you’re owner with Jerry Jones or somebody else or calling the shots and maybe Brad and Dan are going to say that to her but it comes from her whether it is or it is I just think at this point right now being announced that they will do something but I agree with all of you so my plan is don’t you can do a video tribute for him after he’s retired why do you need to do it while he’s still a competitor you got the Rams week one to open the season in prime time that’s not an appropriate so I guess you should talk talk to Sheila like address Sheila with this because I think this is coming the tribute would be coming from the top not coming from the locker room or the social media or whatever it’s right true so so Kenny speak right to Sheila right now do it after he’s retired Sheila it’s a perfect time to do it Galloping Lake six this would be like AB lincol paying trib to Robert E Lee well here no I want to take I want to take it one step deeper right because what did we here what have I been saying because the quote coming out of the owner is Super Bowl or bus so if you have the Super Bowl or bus mentality are you everybody else this guy I don’t give a do you want to see that absolutely we want to see it are we going to see it I don’t know if she’s got that level maybe now she has the dog in her like that that’s what we’re talking about that’s the understanding does she understand that concept and then it’s just all the all of the an and that would be Savage if she did no it would it would but when you add in the fact that he’s left he’s gone now and all of the Antics that have taken place between that last playoff game and now we we had him not even acknowledging the fans or the city really in the press conference we had ex to say that we uh boo his kids yeah exactly the boo the kids thing we had the LA Rams video a month ago where he kind of like I wanted to to cut their throat out like he’s showing you at every turn kind of his true colors at this point why do we need to honor him because we’re being soft you want the answer cuz we’re being soft right now oh so are we thing to do killer be killed mentality is no tribute it’s you and they come out and and and they hear all of us talking about this or whatever and somebody comes out with the statement says oh there’ll be no tribute yeah the ram schedule that’s what we need to hear from the media right like our D Camp right like whatever like this when we go oh right we’re in it right so I want to hear that they keep taking shots the Rams uh schedule release video they put staff in front of Ford Field staff field like come oning okay guys now let’s go to this keep keep stabbing our so does Dan Campbell sit there and go see what Sean McVey and the Rams are doing absolutely does he say this she looked comes out or somebody comes out Brad or Dan and says what the are you guys talking about you stupid there is no tribute yeah this guy do it when he’s he has to come back to Detroit after he’s retired he’s done too much here don’t do it now uh Steve OAB so Neil you think jarro G should get a tribute video if the lions were playing at the Rams as well well when they played out there I don’t think they did a tribute video for golf did they no they didn’t I’m pretty sure they didn’t and the man got to a Super Bowl with him like that’s well then you should take that into consideration and come out and say you [Music]


  1. I'm in Total agreement of Matthew Stafford not deserving of a Tribute when he returns back here for the Lions home opener.I just look at it like this, Matthew Stafford had a losing record at Home at Ford Field (41-42) 😂 He never won a Divisional Title, never won a playoff game,never led the league in passing yds.What did Matthew Stafford accomplish here in Detroit? So many of other Lions fans root for Stafford to get a tribute and live off those old highlights of him winning a comeback game.I mean he had to Win sometimes because he did have a great throwing arm but how many L's did Stafford take against above.500 teams? How many times did the Lions have a chance to win the Division and Stafford just couldn't deliver? We deserved better and we now have our QB Jared Goff who delivered a Divisional Title and won playoff games💪🏿 I wanna see that Support for Goff be what gets shown more than this lost love for Stafford

  2. Stafford will ALWAYS have my respect. He played through so many injuries even with nothing on the line. But as far as a tribute? Who cares?!?

  3. You guys are idiots. Jared Goff is nowhere near as good as Stafford. Jared is benefitting from a franchise as a whole, that Stafford NEVER got to benefit from. The same fools who argued against QB wins during stafford’s time are now praising Goff for winning playoff games.

  4. JV won’t be remembered as a Astro for playing 4 full seasons there lol… he won two cy young’s and a mvp in Detroit

  5. Play the Don Draper clip when he yells at Peggy: “That’s what the money’s for!” then put Goff on the screen and let Detroit be Detroit. Jar-Ed Goff! Jar-Ed Goff!

  6. Stafford was meh. Why do I think this? He lacks the one key ingredient of a QB. The QB needs to be a Leader. A Leader elevates the play of those around them. Stafford is not a Leader. His lack of results in his time with Detroit bear witness to this fact. To those saying this is disrespectful. It is not personal, don't look at it that way.

  7. Stafford wanted to leave. He left. He deserves all the smoke. I think if they want to do something, Sheila should invite Kelly Stafford and the kids to the owners booth. To keep her from parading her family in front of the troglodytes. Cause even though fans aren't booing her kids… that's the way she played it last time.

  8. No one cares if you give him a standing ovation. He left an organization that gave him shit his whole career and finally want to help their QB out. 0 SBs , your fan base and team is just shit. We showed Stafford how to treat a HOF QB, thanks for that SB and he will win another 1 to just make that kick in the gut twice as hard.

    "all-shit" no "grit" up 24-7 you choked, its done now.

  9. The last 3 years have shone me how soft Lions fans are. From the Detroit Lions to asking for a tribute. If you want to celebrate him, move to LA

  10. Picking fights with a very small minority of the fan base and make it sound like it's a large segment so Neil can rant is a tiring bit.

  11. Barry and Calvin didnt win here either. So wtf we bitching about? Matthew is the greatest qb in franchise history atm. He is the sole reason the lions were competitive thru the 2010s. It woulda been 20 years of the Lost Decade from 2000 to 2021 without stafford. You guys are arguing for loyalty to trash lions management for 20 years. I may love the brand but i dont love the management ppl when they suck lolol why are we saying stafford is nothing just cuz he didnt win when we say football is such a team sport and calvin didnt win barry didnt win, but stafford is hated? Stop acting like corny bums crying over a betrayal. He didnt betray anyone
    He stuck it out thru 3 incompetent regimes. Why the fuck are we defending the lions failing these individuals? Theyre allowed to want greatness. Wtf we talkn about lolol yall would be pissed if yall broke ur body and mind for a company/community and when u say thx guys i need a change, and that community says fuck you. Fuckn clowns

  12. Goff didnt throw 50k yards, or 5k yards in a season, or set an nfl record 8 comeback wins in 4th quarter in a season. Thats why goff didnt get a tribute with the rams. Christ yall are brain dead

  13. Classless and stupid opinion. You should be ashamed of yourselves for saying that. Matthew tried his best for this team and that is what I am thankful for. I hope goff sees this clip and realizes how classless and disloyal the “media” is, here in Detroit. You disgust me. You don’t deserve a player like stafford or any former lion for that matter.
    P.S. What is your favorite calvin johnson moment? Was it the first playoff loss or the second playoff loss? Was it his record against winning teams?
    See how stupid you sound? Be better.

  14. I don’t know why Detroit fans act like this cuz you’d never see a OKC fan hate on Russ, blazers fan hate on dame, Cavs fan hate on lebron…

  15. Nah don't hate on Stafford.. He didn't have shit around him
    We had to change everything from top to bottom.. no tribute but the disrespect ain't necessary

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