Golf Players


🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🎉 🎟 OPEN GOAL LIVE: Scotland Summer Send-Off Event. Tickets On General Sale NOW ➡️


A mega week in the football calendar has finally arrived as the lads will be taking to the OVO Hydro Arena stage for our hat-trick appearance on Friday night, followed by Celtic vs Rangers at Hampden on Saturday in the show-piece finale for the 2023/24 football season!

The boys discuss a monumental few days ahead as well as look ahead to Ross County’s play-off with Raith Rovers after both team’s confirmed their place at the weekend.

#Football #Celtic #Rangers

[Music] where were you last night uh Ash you last night just again off no for [ __ ] early start as well you see got caught in between his teeth he sent me a picture last night he’s got he’s got the [ __ ] turke again I’m going to get mine done after Hy my teeth in here don’t here there’s someone else I he straight for that got HK of your on the horn tell’s looking tremendous what you know what the best thing you ever done was we keep up you was that what a plan that was get your hair done in time so it’s looking really good for I [ __ ] Cher big Tripper at the Hy Hy the haircuts nor working no it’s time take time [ __ ] I know I think somebody said one half one half sticker than the other half I know that’s what she said last night but you talk about what did you get a bit naughty last night no no does she prefer length or thickness don’t silent he turned up this morning went I’m On One the day somebody’s getting it he’s been Ying for I’m justy I’m just trying I’m just trying to figure out who’s getting it there have you working this morning so I was up there this morning 4:00 I woke up at 3 fascinating he gets 3 in the morning every day I’m I’m quing that tell he been lying in his bed no no no how was what was your last pick up tell last pick up was from uh up in g52 to banan galleries what g52 he drove stra in the banon Gallery Nelson Manda plays stet um who who the taxi driver us wonder about night remember tell you what there a few roll Sor the T are looking cracking them bad boys why he got D sches on can’t be any blood circulation his feet listen see see when it comes to Fashion boys I don’t think he’s on any [ __ ] state to be go me you your time in the hyro got a pair of the Jo bot nice I like style we just I before we move on show we just what we just CL we just don’t really [ __ ] you take Green Jacket before you you busot Garden work oh you your back started in the garden good by sister’s P met he there oh my God that picture him you sister your sister when speak no you don’t sister I sister so in your the hotel he looked flying in their bed naked he looked [ __ ] didn’t that picture I had a few pictures for your dad was obviously he it must have beens smells his bag for he’s not going to Hy I don’t know he just so weird that guy um we need I’ll try get him there because it would be be B the show don’t too much away which is lovely which would be good for him to see is that going to get taken over before the the c c quiet it’s quiet see that picture you sent to this morning thep chat how good is that is that going up the screen no I can’t has to can’t well it kind of ties in me something for the hyro could work it’s a great picture I know you’ve seen the picture I was going but it’s been changed me and it’s [ __ ] incredible what picture for me picture of you oh no s sent time last night do we see this do we see the screen see where we are when he comes do we see do we have a screen we can see uh I can’t remember for last time you’re rough no no I no I think we did cuz we we seen all the last one was the Christmas VTS was it he always flat on the Monday when why you smelling your fingers just before one can just say how funny was that golf day oh the night before was amazing it oh my God see that I’ve seen him one a bit iron coming into your room you should have videoed that I’ve got videos on my phone no but there should have been an actual YouTube Vlog Vlog his bed I could hear him snoring upstairs by you that’s why I [ __ ] done it I could hear you snoring upstairs try to get sleep in the living room he’s went down to the room it’s SN like I’ve never heard snor like this so we’ve got [ __ ] every for the put like his room was like a corner so get his room you would need to come around the corner just [ __ ] everything with iron boards go Flags he was just wonder I had I had about maybe six or seven PS right so when I woke up at like 1 in the morning to get the toilet you know when you wake up you be bit dazed so I woke up and I say the [ __ ] did I go of this room I had to get the phone torch on and then I seen an ironing board and I seen a clo horse and I the hover so a [ __ ] bar stool came up the bar the kitchen I I was sleep can’t wait [ __ ] get back could my right so I got my trainers and I thought [ __ ] my golf shoes where’s my golf shoes my golf shoes in the freezer I’m Ling on the couch to sleep and I could hear the hair who the [ __ ] look Bast you I don’t what must have been up to but and big believe how F man oh I just kept fting every time you set a shot a sh used to straight some of the dodgy questions he’s asked in early that theone [ __ ] really good guy great how was your feet soaking theway around no they dried up a we bit man Rock Solid you absolutely for the very first t- shot I you talk just that was before right of bounds hit the wooden St and bounc back at Fairway play after that bring Street up as well that was really good the boys want a free breakfast telling jimy a shot no Scot 24 hand fck H Scot that man loved it that was that was a he’s a good player har decent I think he’s won the junior comp this weekend he played yesterday B so BR hopefully he’s won that so be good what I must admit it’s gave me the [ __ ] fear of God going to gmany we used to oh you’re getting it you’re getting it everybody will be get everybody’s will get it listen you stay lat to get usleep in this game what’s the deal what a good idea it was for I get your head done for the Hy it’s just right it’s just exactly wait a minute wait a minute what you want to day P just make a [ __ ] up on him for his breath and he’s BN as my bre’s ever my bre [ __ ] H right on the cam [ __ ] oh my God he’s up his ass by second [ __ ] off I love that after sh you’ve got jimy smell Brant and Jimmy just you stick to smell like dog [ __ ] oh my God the Simon and Glen vodka manager of the season goes to D mckinness make it double double Still Still man in incred job he’s done what that in the space two year bring them up to we spoke before that interview don’t remember I’m saying about justy get players in and maybe keep theel in the leag and in they’re in Europe aming official Spirit of the spfl do you like for you do like it you know i’ started drinking Glenn vodka soda water and L I’ll tell you it see a Glenn vodka where we touch a ginger beer beautiful I like a Coke a Coke a glass Coke could be the worst Dr of all time for the we you got Jimmy redn I got one yesterday jimm redn stop see a little mro calls every player the little mro and Dick anybody 5’5 you call a little mro and always say little you can get the B something in a phone boook he loves that one who the [ __ ] could get a B something in a phone boook cuz you just did that you speak the door before you get somebody a genius who goes in can you clip Up R up say that the amount of times he says the phone box I need somebody he’s 10 to get year that’s disgusting what the [ __ ] it’s mental must be something he’s done cracking it off as well a he oh [ __ ] you what about you any pet peeves I um guys that come into the tune in shitty cars soued up making Mega noises popping and cracking I’m does the same thing you’re sitting there on traffic think [ __ ] hell that’s some car in front of me there must be a fast man you overtake the car in front you he a [ __ ] V all over why do people do that my Dre mot when I was young I just wanted I wanted a car where like had spoilers and sub wh you did you ever got cares no I don’t actually care about cars but I was younger I was like no you see the sub your family no the family all my mes you went and you when you ra up when you get beside motor you look at them what was that what was thaty used to do that used to used to take no a c course or something a circle younger everyone you should take you should go die for a bir what would you do just a walk you know actually M I’ll do that when I get what you going to spend your hydro money on teth in hair how you going to get teth hair done St was you look like a good looking guy messages by been speaking to Steph me last but I’m low was yesterday he never told me he bumped J last week she me that she get J’s dad watch podcast and you get B sorry a free Mak feel niceu come to coming to the high any other pet PE ER the other one’s a football related one good season’s ended and I get that for a lot of footballers but putting on Twitter where we season 15 ticked off a [ __ ] off I’m I’m [ __ ] off wait a minute here son you’re playing for [ __ ] G friers Bobby or something who gives who gives a who you like come on I understand if you just done 15 season with Manu but we were [ __ ] talking about [ __ ] walkie or something come on I spent to use the word chapter chapter I about chapter 15 off chapter op my time up at this club great people great memories hope to see you soon now after a fresh start can’t wait to get started can’t wait to get started I don’t know how you people do it I don’t come on one the guy in my court I like him to me and him quite P my S this is her pet peeve so this last night she like get this in we’ve got a guy in the co-op right who commentates on every single thing that you buy see when you’re going sing he’s swiping it so say chicken you got oh chicken lovely looks like chicken dinner tonight and you you potato chicken and potatoes for for din and then pack CH got oh we snack after late night snack what watching the football pack chis does that annoy you does I love it she Anno act please go and buy like a cucumber and a packet of Johnny just that is like the game when Jack Victor’s in theic in the that’s what it is done that like like [ __ ] in a magazine imagine she done cucumber and the condoms and he’s like cucumber and condom s is what they commentate that oh he commentates on every but I love him he’s a hero man I’m standing in Zar on Friday talking to somebody that I know then somebody else that I know watches F in a distance so I’m having a conversation with this person this person other person walks up and starts trying to have a conversation with me while I’m speaking and you actually didn’t know which one to [ __ ] talk to him why do people you get what the [ __ ] just wait till finish talking to him and then I’ll [ __ ] speak to you that’s where that’s that’s where I just turn and say excuse me I’m talking to him first the I didn’t s the night TR Speak Us night couple young boys was talking to the GL one of the lectur of glas un that could have been one of the worst conversations he ever a lecturer of Glasgow uni yeah he does a football teams a lecturer so we’re try to about the uni teams and stuff and then this two young kids are come get a picture I meant boys I’m speaking here two minutes good for you cuz if you don’t [ __ ] there no red it’s abrupt mhm take that they did they stand there wait for two minutes [ __ ] absolutely they did do you know what else is the worst just on that subject just came to me see when you’re your power like see if I’m like maybe M or something like that or and you’re in Wonder Bar and somebody comes up and goes like that got a picture you you got of course you can’t got [ __ ] you take the picture when that happens your heart sinks your misses got take a picture of me him me that reminds me of pet peeve right see when older people ask for a photo in the day selfie like don’t [ __ ] it’s not you mean you me somebody asking for a picture and then they then asking your part to take the picture for do this right they’ll do this that’s T times [ __ ] off ask power take a picture of you and the you and the they come up and they see can I get can they get a picture and you go I but then they give you the camera and they want a picture of you to take it with them that so I just grab the phone I put it in my b hand it back to him I had one I had one at Kevin Grove Park before where me and my M have been was it co when you just just getting out and a woman said can I get a picture of you and gave me two dogs and I’m standing there with two PS just getting a picture I’m saying are you can you come in here I’m St we got two dogs here say chees smile smiling my mate was waving he was [ __ ] he had tears in his eyes I’m just two dogs I kept laughing but there was two of them there was a a man a man a guy and woman and then like hold on I’ll get one in my phone as well so I’m think [ __ ] sure’s going to come in with me you know what I mean what would you do if the woman and dad was like right now turn and the dog’s going to take the picture I’ve got again see the response to the pet peeves I get thr to topics and pet peeves see how angry people are it’s incredible PP grown men. like or last and they said on the last podcast and I [ __ ] hate it no no way I said that that need to V need to go must be I tell that person’s talking pure sh never is I Academy SN St pure sh there no chance I love it uh petp for the podcast and people on Instagram on holiday never coming home [ __ ] up Sandra you’ll be C on the plane on Tuesday like every other of that that remains me another one where somebody picture whe they’re on holding your the airport the drink at the airport mind we P the airport the picture they put the two passports down they put the oh well done you’re going P people comment on X players post saying come home or miss you is right up there that’s miss you P for next why the [ __ ] is every and Country Music absolute pile sh G country song favorite country song what name is a couple of country singers John [Laughter] St no a country voice he a big [ __ ] country singer one of my favorite moment a cowboy pistol in as a cboy podcast wow man song what you got H favorite will be Morgan W he’s coming to Hy everyone loves this guy who’s that to hydro in September Morgan W brilliant it’s got a new song post and what is it what it what a poy country country country you must know lookes I love G classes do you love why my favorite singer ever you know about cter me [ __ ] love music what what song You 22 you’re man H discuss this please say people wearing Crocs as a fashion statement should be locked up I hate Crocs bro used to but I do like them for the fact that they cover your toes on holiday I don’t mind Crocs you know that I would wear Croc just purely to cover my toes don’t mind them at all I’m a big fan of Cs why not cuz my boy could you D [ __ ] suitcases on your suitcases on your Fe my boy2 kg that’s geni let see them [ __ ] [ __ ] problem this is good cuz this is a proper pet peeve of M and I know people like this I [ __ ] hate you got a pet peeve face out when you’re out with a group of people for dinner and drinks and someone in the group only wants to pay for what they got in the bill 100% it’s horrific by Imagine embarrassing your you do that get embarrassment that’s I only [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up and get yourit what you want [ __ ] three p change B I know I’m not going to name them but you all know somebody one of your pals who’s like that didn’t you who who you actually you start to become don’t know if he has my because of that do you know what I mean you hate them that much I I think you could be I’m I could be wrong but I think you could maybe be a we bit n not at all people are kind of see that never know would you just pay I just pay cuz I when I go f with with family dinners and grp dinners with pal I’ve got more kids than any other family I just I just I see people that are tight Mega tight that count every single penny do you hate when you get tipped in the taxi no I’m the B I don’t take tips in the taxi I I I know a well-known Celtic player right and it was her Steph’s Grand pal who’s a taxi driver got in and the the the taxi J came 18 quid and he gave them 18 quid Sunday you know really well try to think so must have been his ER 18 quid there’s an people gave him 20 quid and took the 2 change back that was NE people in taxi that would always try and give you a cash TI B would say no keep it cuz somebody else needs it more than do you [ __ ] f I don’t take cash tips don’t take cash tips cuz the tax man’s watching this no no not at all it’s not with tax man don’t get that many cash tips but I don’t take I people see me a bit tight tongue tips you want what’s the topic last last one this is good when your mom and Granny used to lick their thumb wipe someone off your face as a kid yeah well your mom used to lick something off your all right I get what the [ __ ] was your mom I thought you meant like you’ve got chocolate in your h just [ __ ] see now you know you’re my older I was thinking toing that I don’t mind that no it’s m to the boys if they got Chalk in her face I would wipe it off face you would wipe your son’s face where you’re like it and WIP in a public place and there wasn’t a place to to get to wa the CH half a face I maybe go come here Tom and get that bit off your teeth Tom’s 18 Tom but why don’t you just go Tom just date yourself cuz he might know get to the bit that he’s going he might just put his hand on his face and that’s CD kicking it I shouldn’t have put my your D us it to he but he would topics for this week convertible motors for or against convertibles and in Scotland against day against why if they still exist yeah it was of them I see why would you have a convertible in Scotland wi it at Sunny I’m against against just can’t imagine yourselves as a grown man unwinged two minutes you got confession make you got got on you no when I was about 25 I bought a Mercedes ASL 500 us black red leather convertible and L over me remember when I walked in that we show when I used to see that [ __ ] football driving around the winter time with a hat and scarf on Rift in that part she liked you cuz you had the con she thought it was a [ __ ] and there was a [ __ ] is there more room for legs up in there I just like the I used to like the Bree through my hair but no the in so no I didn’t make the conable but now looking back I’m thinking that it’s one of them kind of old man car type things I’m 100% certain that people have got convertibles the same things people motorbikes put the in their garage and sit top do you know any players that had convertibl when you say Rangers anybody have convertible who’s the best motor you ever seen Craig B was the first one that came to S the black Ferrari First time i’ seen a black Ferrari and I was like holy [ __ ] man what is that some and I think Tom went and got a red Ferrari [ __ ] it was a Bentley truck nice was a you meant no is it good reallyu that sounds amazing it was what about your I’m not a big car fan though best motor you’ve seen best motor I’ve seen I love you go monies I think they’re cool as [ __ ] me I love M you know [ __ ] some I I told you last week how you drive no know shocking that why got some it why do people that I Mickey G had a red Ferrari back day that was some car belter Ferraris are belters AR there SE a Ferrari right trainer socks I hate them you [ __ ] hangs me they G take your shoes off and somebody ping so see no no no no I’m going to defend them see the ones that you’ve got the know see because you can’t see them they’re fine but see the ones you can see the out the IB coach that wears them a pair of football boots and a pair of cargo shots the worst T ha does see we white socks at the bottom his top his trainers no so the ones you’ve got in the are perfect you can’t see them no I wouldn’t that no quite like st’s got their ni Nik on nice nice height H and then last one pissing in the sea shower or po all for it how do you go about pissing in the seat do you hide that you’re pissing in the SE no you pe you pee any poten you’re things anyway standing come on here Tom ping away Tom come on it to you bring your kid away you’re pushing no maybe for the [ __ ] SE the pill see in the the P the imagine you just sitting ping in the bath man sitting like I’d go up Tom you’re in next I’d go up against the wall something you know what I mean the wall of the pool right and just stand against look bit as in the pool and checking is watching me and then I’ll [ __ ] right off as soon as I’ve done it I’ll go away is no pools that go purple but I think the pools better cuz it’s got chothing that cleans it straight away like SE man when you your head in the SE man like somebody P could be coming your face so but look at the look at the size of the SE come on Sal look at the size of your bit we pump we pump Su SE oh [ __ ] hell there’s fashion see andion octopus is do a sh be honest you ever pass the show show football shower you pass the show no PE your shower here no yeah know Tom come here Tom there a toilet right there push your because your to me your toilet like they’re just stepping wait and pushing the shower and then jump back in sometimes just pushing your in show it’s fine do you what you push over the the windows I just depends do you know what I do I set in the shower sometimes oh yeah I’d sit down let it just R off my head TI or something I just sit down hard on how hard does that hard on that’s too hard everywhere go everywhere this is the last I’m going to say see cuz I was just in a cafe there getting a coffee I just kind of believe that people leave the toilet the way they do it disgusting people push on a seat and leave it I can’t I can’t to argue I like my steady nickers in them but I’m we your toilet you got the toilet there piss the seat just wipe it just wipe it and then put it back the way it was every podcast I Monday I think about doing that we Tash off his chin you look on chin beat boy still when he played I he did can beat I love Li his fingers Li his fingers where did you say put him before games just watching people there fingers W fingers and stuff perfect right boys how do this week my you nervous or buzzing or what I have no s for a good Bing about it if I’m being honest Chang my open B about 10 times have you MH so much pressure on that but it it’s been so good everybody expecting it be amazing expect stop there is a level of anxiousness I don’t know boys I’m sleep M [ __ ] really thought it honest hav decided them all how you going one day three words at your s you talk about that I just don’t know what way to put what in order they go hey I’m relax well well planned me the shoulders look amazing I just 10 half thousand tickets sold only a few left so what do we need do I think we need like another thousand to go is it just under a th 900 To Go please Let Us sell it not for the money that just to say you’ve sold it for 100% I and you don’t the show is incredible so you don’t you don’t want to miss out it know what the thing is right I was saying this to to jelly yesterday see if you see if you announce some of the stuff that’s happened if was say a minute yeah but you want to keep some element I surprise didn’t you which is obvious we see also none of this would be going on video so like if you’re not there t night you will not get absolutely that’s a good great idea but the cameos and the people that are in it have made it incredible some incredible performances man that 25 minute video we watched last week I don’t think I’ve laughed so much in like genuinely I don’t think I’ve laughed that much in a long long time and the fact that some of the the C are actually surprised on the stage as well it’s just the whole Scot with the VTS is Gen it that is [ __ ] very very good who is your favorite Cameo who J Ste a show mine generally is still his BT VT two the beginning of his VT with the two the two boys I texted one of them yesterday say just saw your part in the VT the two ex football players go before I don’t know why they make you laugh so much M see when you watch it you just think they were the perfect two people do you know what kills me it’s what they’re wearing on what the VT is unre and there’s obviously recurr theme where you It’s a Wonderful Life they twoo that come into that and do that at the end I think that’s we way too much I giveway though no like saying that I think it’s way too much I a giveaway you just to see who it is no they are brilliant they were brilliant everybody played the part we’ve got a 26 minute obviously straight after it’s like 26 minute movie thought it it’s [ __ ] brilliant to watch [ __ ] this one I know we’ve all see this but this one me than me than ever I would say people please get in really early because draws B’s over his which would be amazing but I mean that alone but see after that that you don’t want the VTS are at the start so you don’t want to miss any of them so the fact as well that like we hopefully i’ imagine it will be rammed for for JW B but the fact that it’s already busy before we on everyone will be bouncing for the Jun was can leave at last minute side because you leave last minute like the last time cuz there’s pu checks as well there pu checks so you need to get I would just let everybody in we fill pubes this time pu pubes I think we can sck with you Friday morning get the pubes off you come pubes everybody else start on Wednesday get [ __ ] pubes off but um there will be a pube check so make sure you’re in try and get in about 7:00 in it oh we get started cuz if we need to be off by 11 want to get every at the show that we’ve got planned in we need to start what do you want to eat we don’t to e Kevin you need to be so you want come at you come at at if you the the last time it was delayed was it so that can please come in as as you can cuz last time everyone queued up 15 minutes to go and then there was just that many the start you need to be the show ends up getting cut shorter than it exactly and did you get your scout I’m actually I’m actually I’m actually toiling you got your I’m toiling if anybody there wants to try and dress me for this week that’s weird for us it’s weird though that you had your outfit plan 3 weeks ago that was my that was but I was excited about color you going Navy was that svy you going what goes top for you I gen don’t know what to wear I don’t I don’t have a style I don’t have a see please wear the out for the first HRA Vic justar why don’t you Scotland the one you were I could important what’s oh didn’t ask her she’s tring I’ve I’ve had to pick up [ __ ] every order this weekend I Del for her or deliver for this for that and then you get that’s a p peeve unless is all the hunter stuff and then it all goes the bedroom bag it all up and put it away and you’re like I just want to get a bed to sleep try to [ __ ] move that after you’ve side it on well that we Le was last night was a bit tight you been at it this week been way this week is the no we’ve been very quiet this week the life’s been quiet this week very quiet all right M be a s same same just getting myself prepared for the hydro all for the testosterone kind of wait for the after party as well after party be good didn’t go last one didn’t we no up the road you make sure you’re going wait for five minutes Road how come just probably get a bit deep after part the first one was unre oh that was the de are you going to get that stupid hang after is that going to hopefully I go the after part I mean that’s a wor me in it depending on how why would you not go just performance you actually need to go though you need to I do I do I want enjoy this one so your at the hotel in the night the Hydra I think so he’s no he kind of get off work that’s end the season so goone enjoy this I can’t wait to see Derek on stage he will be genius he’s a man I can’t wait to see when his V right last game of the season Lads sad that it’s it’s done season’s done no nice be break in it looking forward to the hyro in Scotland but I what season it’s been the one as in maybe standard wise not been brilliant but I think usually maybe a team runs I know in the end go away but I thought it was really Rangers CL it back I thought it was brilliant this year it was it was they come the end it was a bit to think just had it in the hands and then obviously couple of doy results allowed Celtic back in the Celtic ended up running away with it but and then obviously the bottom the bottom half’s been exciting to see who finishes second between Johnson and Rose County then you had the fight between um Kamal and S Millan was it to finish who was going to finish automatic fourth for the was the fact come up stayed up and pushed on I was D 20on season first season in charge as an actual manager great top six HS sacking everybody left right in center um just as usual you don’t like obviously you don’t like to go to F down rabbit H but the per TV deal we’ve got but the fact that the games yesterday embarrassing what for one period of the game ST Johnson on the playoffs and then Rush Tops on the D that told you [ __ ] can’t even got on the T he’s been a part of them going down going to the playoff Adams definitely K got a right F Point since he’s came so he’s done he done D Adams what obviously it’s Cup Final the the difference in results with that matter going obviously at home 32 rers draw three3 with hearts I thinkers will be stronger because they’ll have SEMA back he did he come on he come on I think he’ll be back actually that back forth on me I mean no Simon I must admit I watched the I watched the game and I’m I kind of like how high is hav here for some of the goals you get asked to play high I suppose maybe but then again I thought shank was exent some of his runs that that for me Bas basically makes it understand that had Rangers just went and got him in January Rangers could to the fback it’s going high right I’ve seen a few people go how high is tavier here why would you not want James tavier high I know but see high where he’s got possession the ball in the Midfield why is he there but but C Rangers were their best under Gerard right Tavern and Baris got really high the ball broke down Jack or LOF out there quick to stop the counter attack that comes for a manager for me need to be a plan in place that that Bo does somebody needs to get to that side of the pitch I think talk about the first goal Rangers are in complete control a position there so it’s not even as if it’s a 50/50 scrap for a ball and then you’re saying why you up there we’ve not get secure position they’ve got complet secure secure possession and one look pass and then it’s literally losing the ball one through ball and on goal he’s never it’s not even as if he’s got time to get back in but Ken of Vargas had the better be first second half One V ones and Tak down the line and whatnot but H I don’t think it has any be going into the Cup Final I still think Cel will win the game anyway I still think the favorites the big thing Rangers need is bodies back it’s as simple as that talk the two Center either Center back or be f it was King and Davis at the weekend is it Y is that the two that it looks like it’s going to be on isy be but you just can’t see any I think St would play half like playing the last half sent half at Celtic par I would just play him I think two starts off season the last two games Big D play the game in five months he can play the two of them in the Scottish Cup Final no way we come on change yet this game what can you change Poss maybe give M CH CU I thought he did all right I think M play probably play mland and Des Des Des missed actually thought Des was all right it was again but it’s the same it’s just the big it’s the big big moments in the games the big chances where are you think you’ve got it like the one that MOS has passed in he’s hit it and Xander’s made a great save set for me though just a good save is it a we bit behind him the pass slightly he’s got to score I’m trying to I’m trying to defend him to a we point here he looks at mland that’s what he’s looked at that’s what he looked your [ __ ] toy six yards that’s what he’s looked at in for what like if You’ have played that we bit in front maybe I’m stepping on rather than coming from behind you score that now I don’t know if You’ CH don’t H A score die but I don’t and then the other one the other one where he um he gets his feet left and he he strikes it andand Mak that’s quality you know I mean and some good link up play where they’re in the corner for can’s goal so I think listen he’s been Rangers best Striker this year so as much as he gets criticized he’s been go to for goals but it’s stuff like that is why he’s never going to win everyone over because it’s just too many chances in Saturday he misses he misses that similar chance against Ross County up at ding he takes out Rangers and go two up and that could be the game over so it’s these big moments and big games that he’s not taken that’s why Midfield three Midfield three rasal start i r he supended has he asking Dand in can probably again some says come on that and BR you Che come back in I after strongly by the way who you going or kogo by’s performance honestly brilliant I’ll go kyogo I think I still favor depend on what what Brandon thinks Rangers are going to do so if Rangers going to come and get after you man for man do you go either because you’ve got that out ball or if Rangers sit a bit deeper do you go kogo I think I think if you’re looking at it from the way that Rangers always injes Center half and in even if they even if whatever whoever comes in they’ve missed a weeks worth a train or whatever I think you’ve got to go with kouo just for that sharpness between the gaps that’s that’s for me I think if you get either you then kind of help Rangers by playing at your feet back to goal I know he can run off the ball and he’s great taking the ball he has great taking the ball and he’s feet but kogo makes those runs that either doesn’t you know what I mean I think the one of the goals in Saturday come the m one comes from like K go backing in be being behind the lines end up flicking itend right behind them and they kind of really drop to pick him up ends up so I think he’s been excellent but do come this High Press and like struggled playing out with K go front I was thinking see if it is see if it is Leon King and Ben Davies I wouldn’t be surprised they played either for the physicality we see the game I BS at the three each game yeah actually when Rangers the second half Rangers the game he brought you it kind of changed it and put it in Celtic’s favor but I just I think he’ll go with kogo he see kyo’s goal M on Saturday incredible you see it he wins it back M and you see how quickly he passes it to to see him hit the Box the [ __ ] desire the see see even even even that that desire the winning the ball back the Lan half and desire to get to the Box play to for the wait a pass that finish incredible after you just done that that’s that’s that’s Instinct and natural that’s no talk that’s just something that’s in him that desire he see Center fors me play it away as a [ __ ] PL to get he laid it off he’s laid it off he’s checked his shoulder and thought there’s a gap if I get that Gap he gets the right ball I’m getting in there it’s always been his main movement his movement is to as he wow I think he’s like what the season I think it’s hard because I think Shanks has been unbelievable this year but it is one of them where because when the play of the year start like the way M ended the season incredible’ been right up for a assist unbelievable mad I would still rather go would you would you I remember when a was out they W the same team were they honestly you had you had to lose one for me it’ be keep a t just I think is just taking more time to come back to full speed and but once he gets a preseason on his had a lot of this year you’ll see he’ll go M would he I think he’ll go definitely go much would you say but but she she seei H this sounds harsher than what I’m try to say but will he have a season as good as that 18 goals 18 assists so I think it makes sense to S do you know what I mean he couldn’t stay and have another good season but numbers wise at your Peak that’s say he had some season the his feet work oh what a player his feet Works incredible big Santa Claus coming on who was in the S don’t believe just keep using him every single he’s done that plenty she um did Santa get Bo Santa CH got when they lost Santa get B fine is it he was coming on the fans get [ __ ] it saw it actually good hum for Celtic I like it Bo at half time and Celtic lost it [ __ ] imagine being s getting [ __ ] slaugh fans even s bad G the guy probably big massive fan I up with Sant massive [ __ ] up get genius how big game is this for come on I think it is I think I think I don’t list I don’t think he’s big in terms of his job I don’t think he’s going to be I don’t think he’s under pressure with his job at all but I just think what would that be four all firm games you’ve not won in any of them so then see the first one at Celtic park I think I think it’s massive for them I really do what how do you see come on going to B this talk about 10 of Rangers let’s talk about the I think they’ll go after Celtic so right up against man for over I think they have to I think they will as well I think they have to stick with that idea that they did in the last all F trying to make J kick the ball longer but it’s it’s then the next phase after that but we spoke about the last game they never done it well may because we they do well they didn’t do it well so they need to learn to do it better and then when it does go long then it’s the second phase from that because I felt sometimes when it went longer alth L injures may have won the ball Celtic then picked up after that and then still picked out gaps from the halfway to the the third the attacking third and you’re sitting there thinking how how’s that even possible but I don’t know it’s a big one it’s personel for Clon like who who like he’s had injuries in so Celtic and stuff but you get your two sh half sh injured and they going to bring in an r two and then they got work with him to play the way you want to play and you brought m c and he’s not been playing for weeks now he’s come in it’s like there’s too much ching and changing and they asked him to play a certain way that’s hard see see previously the Press has been obviously allow the ball go to skills and then you’re 10 going and the day that sort of see why not just go right up against s you can to make them kick which is what I think they have to do the way they sort of set up the second half against Celtic at hbrooks when they sort of presses are two Strikers one the half the middle you I think it’s got to be I think it’s got every time Celtic play well against Rangers McGregor’s at the heart of everyone right and obviously they tried to put um Lawrence kind of was like a man marking roll but getting close up to McGregor to try and stop him playing does he have the legs to maybe do that or the but feel for that’s what I’m saying when he has to jump to SC that’s when MRE getting face because somebody else is jumping up so you I’m going [ __ ] M do what you call the boy St that’s played in every position but he’s played at every position well is he is he worth a shout in there somewhere to try and stop McGregor Maybe in terms of legs but then does he then detract away from the other ones in terms of he’s maybe giv up a role somewhere else but if you stop McGregor cuz when he starts dictating feel when he dict I think we just keep positions where they need bodies back for what played sent half in Wingers 100% you need Pace think you need pace and hopefully Mato being back in the squad will help but then C ass as I said as well it’s Leon King and Ben Davies have probably got 10 starts between them this year so if that’s your back two going into a Scottish Cup Final against Celtic he’s yeah I think they need a center half or two back and then sea looks if he’s back but if they can get Mato or some back as well I think it will help but I still think Cel are going to be heavy favorites going would this be a success for clont this season if he wins the two cups oh definitely I think so think I don’t think it’s success for for rers because I if you’re going if you’re going to close the gap for 12 trophies in 13 years you need to win the league financially with the actual po that you get straight away for guaranteed Champions League football but for clont for what he came into to go win two cups 100% get 11 my P to beat Michael Rangers for him to come in and win two cups I think he would look at that as excess the thing that goes against him is because he got so close and he got himself in a position of that’s a that is a worry though it how close he got in had he not got that close that’s on CL that’s on the players who people brought the club I think coming in if somebody said to CL come in well we’re going to finish with two trophies this year the two cups Rangers fans went ah great we’ll take that League’s done anyway but the fact they got so close to League that’s what’s probably the bit that’s going against kont because how did we get so close a chance to go four points clear whatever it was and we’ve ended up losing to the league eight points no terrible is it four four1 the last 10 or something it’s been a bad bad run but that can happen in football as well since they lost it telon Rangers have had their at the wrong time of the season do you think CL good at rang in for games though we set up I don’t know I just sometimes responsibity sometimes I just put into Personnel I would always put into Personnel because you can be the best manager in the world and and set up everything look at your your um is an example right you probably worked on watching r a million times figured out a way that you think you can win the game but see on the day if players don’t want to do or take take opportunities do the hard work do all the St that’s not on you cuz you you can only guide them to say like this is what want to do and this is if the is I still didn’t really see how he how he wants to play com again I don’t know if that’s because of the personality he did say in his interview that that the the the group of players has come to the end of its cycle so that would indicate that there is going to be a lot of people that’s got to be that has to be out the door they’re going in motorbikes finra 10% and just will attract good players cuz they’re going to lose a lot of wages off the B MH I seen a I seen a picture the other day a Rangers starting 11 I think it was like a year ago or two years ago and I look at and think all them are playing now that have left like rank maros glar all would play out they’re better than 100% 100% not even got a team s Santos is it is it Santos W what about Jo Heart reti Right Time says he still feels physically and mentally good why would you retire he said he wanted to retire because he wanted to be able to head and shoulders adverts Head and Shoulders ad be amazing if inside say names told me no it wasn’t he he’s meant to be amazing about the police as a leader just a I know but we’d be BR about the Poli get us a [ __ ] 5 might get this caught F the you might have a change of heart you never know change of heart might have a change but weird CH I find as weird like he’s been really good with Celtic but has it not been so that since he’s been there everybody’s always said I think Celtic need a new goalkeeper I always think you kind of play up how good he’s been when he’s leaving I he’s been a good signing but everybody has a good Str finish you’re right a big sentiment around the fact that he’s decided to call it a DA when he has done and then obviously now it’s the last few months it’s the it’s the Jew heart let’s let’s recognition but six months agoing I do of his feet no passing out let’s get new goal crosses AC crosses take pen in the final I hope no I hope not some balls if he D it oh the size of balls so what is that about the place what is he when he’s a leader just going come on you’re brilliant man just keep everybody as a leader he does so great I honest I think they they I feel like I’m say but I do think they guys they get their people they when the chips are done and just make sure they like bro so get get your ch you know I [ __ ] don’t know I play but do do you have you found that in your career where the players in the dress room that can help with that please get me out of this [ __ ] it does I experience helps I think ju if he’s one of the types of characters as well where you always say and Celtic like you kind of get too high you kind of get too low so guys at that that have been there done that had experience he’s head can can help within that but I do think it’s I think it seems right the right time for for both parties to be honest I think Celtic will will go look to try and obviously get a go in the summer would he surprise me as well if he’s got something lined up outside football whether it’s going to get a coach’s job or man Ambassador wow that’s a job you fck coaching put his arm in Santa got a [ __ ] great up man right up it kids love you Lenny must Lenny must must be sweating no he had he had a suit on Lenny but it was [ __ ] roasting he must have been sweating CU he were outside all day I me in the game what was that but he looked [ __ ] red no what F F’s we that we cream long sleeve like zipper type thing where jeans and no bad jeans and Yeezys is he go to jeans oh so I was going to ask you would you would you have been happy with set going next year would your heart is the number one again um have just speak to a few the boys probably I but I think I think he can get better a day I think especially the B Celtic want to play um you get get somebody definitely better with her feet um Scott B what he say late six year deals I’ve heard rumors that Liam Kelly’s going to S I seen a h about that surely not I heard him’s got Angel as well supposedly got the again this is supposedly he’s got the choice of two would you would you be happy Liam Kell I think heart’s better K I don’t I like KY shotgun he’s one my K as a backup possibly see last thing a backup anywhere I know gold for he’s still good any I seen the face of Hampton Alex McCarthy is very good in talks with him right that would be a bad one few sh came for a few um few sources again I don’t say s a great goalie by the way St Johnson goalie he’s [ __ ] good a he very good he’s kept him up would you say him no I would take him down he’s in the same sort of category just gave a name of M do you know no you do I know anyone he for me better for number one said he thought going be a number one but see if he’s not been number one though he’s not going to be number one next year is he he he see he’s not a chance but you can see him training every day if he’s good enough he he would get a chance where else like looking summer um I think potentially I feel I always say this and I don’t like I think it’s now Center half with skills when you got up to that Europe I think Rogers is when he’s came in he said he wants to make him a in Europe um so I think that they’ll look at that other s half alongs side Vickers um but he did see Rogers come they want a stronger Squad stronger [ __ ] mental they’ve got about 40 players I think he obviously thinks that like know the outside the St 11 players to come in on the good good enough but on the ready to play but you you need to get ready a lot a right for first train must be busier in window bar on Saturday night I wonder how on that training pitch me I don’t think they all train I think they must this is what I like to hear for you where do you you say I could see a few leaving can you see anyone leaving this summer should leaving Joe har teams for Steven Welsh as these other on look at you’re say bring in a set half right they’ve got scales cut Vickers noov lagab Welsh kobashi that’s six half kobashi’s got go you need get the fre I don’t mind do you know what no or something about me I like about him I get what you’re saying defends something he’s actually a good pass the ball I think I thought he’s very good at passing the ball I would say Kashi and possibly I think Welsh is at a point in his career where he needs to go and get more regular games what he do 20 2 23 or something keep Scot Scotland he’s always his goto win that goes in didn’t he homegrown as well homeown but then you’ve got rson does he so we back to the point we said a few month ago you g me a hard time while buy Bernardo he’s not play SN I would take Bernard even when he came on Saturday just highlights he just I can tell Bernard a if you’re talking about having a stronger he stronger Squad then bernardo’s seven remember remember M’s probably going to go I like Bernard I really do would you take can run can pass what you say Ida Ida what about if you had op meowski and Ida for similar money great question great hosting I know aine fans are listening and they’re going to say oh we not selling meowski for any less than 15 million you’re not getting 15 million you’re getting seven or eight me I’ll tell you right 8 million fori I’ll I’ll do something I’ll I’ll not getting 8 million from what would you do I think he’s very good but 8 million no I’m I’m I’m I’m the same thing I think five six um but they seem to think that he’s going to go for is going to be six why why would me to be six that’s what I’m saying that’s what my point so who who you taking if they’re both six but I I don’t think meos can do what he I think he is perfect for when need to change the system I don’t have meowski is that Target man he can fli and he’s strong get I think he’s the another one that’s better box striker in behind runs and behind I don’t know if he’s not too obious I think cly need that guy who you can kick a ball to like all done it for a bit didn’t he under when teams are pressing them high you can kick your ball to and you I I would agree with you in terms of when when Celtic P teams in by just pass pass pass pass pass sometimes you need that focal point MO is not going to be that guy he’s very like kyogo no in terms of like playing on the shoulder all the time but he’s he’s some finisher I had Edward no I woulded chance I would Edward B 80 grand a week Crystal Palace their manager a genius was there a p argument right make sense but Palace of 14th but they were [ __ ] 182 we’re not talking about Palace we’re talking about him as a manager we see was he the frankt manager when he won the Europa League man united I know I’m pure reactive man anyone that does for [ __ ] two minutes everybody look at his record M Frankford he’s [ __ ] good manager man you I go for I’m assum I take I see what he call him the manager ke thing was getting favored for the bright job and then Rob Edwards you did say that Rangers for who M they play very good football [ __ ] p mck and he done the hypnotist it’s absolutely terrible uh anything else you want to say about this game Sunday can you only see a set like one I I think Celtic have actually in the last few weeks some of especially against karik even Hearts I thought I think they’ve been good I think they’ve been very good and I think that they go to Rangers with that same intensity I feel like in the last two or three old FS they could have blown Rangers out the water but they’ve let Rangers back in one way or another like s like the one they were two n up there should have been three four up at half time I Brooks the last one there they were two n up and then score 2-1 probably should have put the game to B in second half with a in I think they Duty give Rangers a bit of a a a bit of what a bit of a once over I don’t know if it happen I thought you were going to say they probably could give a horse on day I think Saturday could be the time I don’t knowen though I don’t these games never really B Rangers other I don’t know but I tell you what I would love it if R just won honestly I love it look so forward to this Monday podcast so I could have Monday’s podcast is cancelled he’s in stok and it’s back all day back back in are we back back time didn’t it midnight Monday midnight could be scra then I I would love it go and see it go see it get a c going if can you see can you see Andy no I can not it one comfortable just again cuz most of the games have been tight I would say I I can see it being tight I just I can’t see Celtic no scoring two goals you know what I mean which means that R need to score three win the game and I just mad how Football turns in it like six weeks ago when Rangers were crazy flying under come and now not getting any we try to put off the M podcast Avengers when you should do it yourself just the cam D podcast what is it p in and we just like watching last I’m going take get a ticket I don’t know yet I don’t know you you going there may go have you got a ticket just the no I’ve got a ticket there you go get a tiet take we Paul the no I had a ticket I had a ticket I’m not going I’m going somewhere else Saturday where are you going I’m going for a we overnigh with the wife oh oh you’ve been Billy because you said last week youve only G that d I’m not saying not told her where we going you got the game no I’ve not got the game she said to me go the game it’s a one half but I’m not going to go at the game we anniversary so that comes first who comes first take you definitely right prip playoff wow St Mar that that was exciting yesterday feel bad that you put us County Down disgusting why would I feel bad mother to be fair mother will see the chance his mother will post s johon Center half flying the tackles I didn’t he see that at all by the way that did not see that at all tell you who was a joke Striker was a joke very very good it must it must have just been a game plan for them where whatever they won it whatever it was in the pitch they were just flipping that behind and he’s rapid mate honestly so he was just putting on the last line of defense and Johns would just flip one do the channel he would make a terrible ball a good ball every time with just his Pace M and uh he was very very good and then obviously me to saving the penalty kind of big mgab must had the sun in his eyes the full game honestly missing the ball that what the [ __ ] are you do man fair play at Johnson they brought in leine which was questionable at a time REM the REM would be just to stay up and he’s managed to keep very obv I’ve said in the podcast a few weeks ago that would’ happily see Johnson get in but took a bit of stick last night for that but couldn’t really care gutting Friday F getting beat G I love after last what after last SE go do we think do we think that Ross County I think Ross County take care of so D it I’d like to see they’ve but I think I think take care I do I just feel that I feel like I watch watching thisle how they play I thought they came really really close and probably could have deserved it another but I think L County have got some really good players I think the boy and hearts think he’s he’s really good and I just think they’ve just got I just think I don’t know en getting relegated for the highlands it wouldn’t be ideal if both teams are can do the leagues um but no I think I think W will struggl when you look at if you go man for man I think got better play just just they just do first the first fixes that um at ra at and Thursday it and then R Sunday I’d like to see a new team up a bit I it be close I don’t think it’ll be a run away for for Ros K I just think it I think they take care W I just think Simon muray and D I think could be the difference for for Rush County but I thought part would beat ra to be honest so that was that was kind of as well they missed first didn’t they re Miss SC BR missed had big goalie for man he was G mental big thing Kevin what’s his name was G mental but craigin stay St John next year see him in there again potentially or it might just be um I forgot his name Andy and it might be andic and then K upstairs a difficult one well last time Craig was upstairs that really well great ATS do that again at Hearts but John I think they still the the BR family still try to sell the clubs just choke to sell they didn’t do on the playoffs they you should just the just just dropped the BR so good so good [Laughter] the and he’s he heer [ __ ] he did well as well coming at the show him up stage we’ll get him backstage we need to car him on the stage great guy Joy done loing what we actually feeling about ly going do we quite happy that for family the Brown family and Dav and CH the BR that’s amazing have you spoke to the brown this is this is one of the moments where my ears are officially turned off sh just nonsense and noisy the about it is laughing then I don’t get what you’re laughing at [Laughter] you know all about the BR family pretty s you know all about the Browns you sign them upe now start call your sh even funny am I missing something am I missing something it’s just my say sorry oh dear Nick M wait you talk GMS going [ __ ] hell from know he’s power into game GMS I’m sure that was his first for but we on another year he he get another year after give him another year when he gets going definely C Chan is I se a c times absolutely buff to the it’s about [ __ ] much right m is away are you surprised lad no no surprised that lastek I wasn’t surprised after the Aben game but again I think he probably deserved in our season six months I just I think wehs have been everyone K knows what’s what H the CR summer they give him that chance with the way they’ve played you can see an improvement although it’s not really seen it in terms of results but like you say all the time if teams are going sack managers the most important thing is getting the next guy right H hav done that for a for a while now get it right under Mal M being the sporting director where is that game for you know by the way that it you wonder where who sits and goes I’ve got the perfect candidate for his job you think you’d look at somebody that’s done the job before somewhere been really successful going get somebody like that to do the Joby last year happy Wonder CL HS I know surely you’re these guys in ch are looking at people that have done this job before some done it well this is what happens when you get americ owners it’s American owners M some of these guys of America have not got a Scooby Do and who sorry who who’s the voice between the American owners and that next person that turns into American owners and says I know just a guy right manager managerial appointments based on Maly Mai’s appointment who who would you imagine a younger manager Thompson I think who Kevin th TR ree M’s got to be in the G to ree M he’s I watched his te been outstanding see what he one what a style play he’s got it and he’s been successful then it he’s done it under not the biggest in a league either you look at his team this year full of young boys that comes down to coaching me which HS desperately need i’ M were you would Rees mck be ready for that job in terms of he’s obviously still you ready for the job no no I don’t mean that in terms of whether he’s ready manager or years whatever experience I mean like he’s still playing he he maybe wants to still play so that step up to but you You’ get up playing to get the hob now mhm don’t know cuz some people gen kind of love playing that much just play FS on a [ __ ] Tuesday night I know people J Love still playing n he’s still young as well that’s HE2 or something young who who’s the other names Scotland David Gray you know done anything might be a good coach in that I’ve no doubt he is but you kind he’d be the one that you would would he take it Jen I think he would take it for Tony doc that’s a good CH as well but D mcken sty a play what the H fans are after uh probably not if he’s having them third every year and challeng S I agree with you that I totally agree with that and I would I’d be happy with that but he did that well but they W happy with that because of the St of play the style of play it’s not he’s always got exciting players like Greg Stewart yeah Danny Armstrong no definitely they don’t have it they don’t H it no they don’t have it they’re just they’re pretty direct and they’re obvious in how they play but sometimes I don’t know I just I just kind of get to Maly M that’s I think would put d off it manager I think D would want full control he’s he sign in and but I don’t know if you’d get that where big Mal you be there you think I don’t know I never I never personally know how much role or how much influence a sportting director has I don’t think I don’t think it would affect the manager making decisions and and playing how he wants to play so I don’t think that would put d m to be off off to be honest but the question is although they’re clearly a bigger club would they take it I don’t know or would they want to go have a year in Europe with Kelly and S again L it would obviously have a bigger budget if I’m d mcken right I’m going to stay with Kik I’m going to try and see how well I can do in Europe start the season with Kar see how like you said earlier clont l Cup Final lose his first game to the old F it’s under pressure could be an opportunity there W that’s what I would what you thinking that’s what I would do PA would you take it if you I don’t know it’s been a total [ __ ] mess hips in it get in there an absolute mess when You’ went in before he went in I think he’s a guy that could change but see see that see that job opportunity ATS whoever gets it what a what a project that is to there with the the finances they have the fan base they have you could become something special to us like it’s got a great opportunity to be really really successful and I think they’ve got a they’ve got a decent core standard of players already it’s not as if I don’t think they’re in anywhere near as much a messes what people are saying personally say a couple couple couple of really decent Center halfs going back aren they sorry or the loans will be going back I don’t think that’s a bad thing mate honestly but the two the two best players this season have been the two loan players they it and has been very good M has been good as well but I just think I think the two this is a stick on headl I think the luxury players me the two of them yeah so as much as I think they’re good at I don’t think you can get away with probably wouldn’t be Derek mckinness type of play definitely not he definitely not the boy vent honestly I’ve never seen a striker kick the ball so soft in my life hat hard he cushion on his to is a but they like they’ve still got like some very good players already contract going next year HS who who like Le new le new Caden Jordan who’s probably been the best player of the Season V Bo they’ve still got like some some good players but obviously the attacking players that you’ve mentioned are the ones that are in loan but they’re not Irreplaceable far from it mhm Tony do still there t with st this year as well he with that kind of guy above him at done be he’s probably used to that sort of like if you look at Kamal and the players that they recruited in and they’ve obviously got van v l I’m thinking if I come think I going get van v and take him from whereever he’s come and scored 30 goals last year see see as much as you say should you talk about defensively right you say Defenders on the good enough but see if you’ve got a MZ a Maya and a yuan is a is a a three binder Striker none of them defend even as attackers you know what I mean over so defend is always on more so it’s no if and then you look at your Midfield to with it’s Le and Jo it’s two ball players yeah so it’s it’s not just a back four Personnel cuz said I think the boy I beat clean up last night in the awards he’s got the players play the your play put left back all season season right if you were dere mckinness would you take a job yes or no no I I would take it I don’t I don’t think I would no D mckinness has done enough to go and get a job in England or I don’t know I just think when you’ve been to England and you’ve not done it in job but you don’t get don’t get opport you go Eng but it’s what job you take in England as well you get good Championship job I I don’t think yeah do you want to go to League one and stuff like that no I don’t know what I would do sure an English Championship side would would take him though I just think him for too long haven’t they done enough you look at heart’s finish in third every other year oh HS have been miles off and HS are Miles off miles off it and that needs to change because a strong premier league needs a strong hips and hearts needers cuz see what I I always find this funny cuz I was listening the kind of stuff about Jurgen Club yesterday in sou and out and he was saying about owners this and all this needs to be better it’s the manager you need to get the right manager in% look what D’s done it killing it’s incredible it’s not because they’ve got it right above Dell it’s because they’ve got the right manager in course it does he then set standards everywhere M that’s exactly right need to get the right in for the job yeah I I don’t I don’t know whether HS needed a sporting director I think they may could have got somebody to consult on who the next manager is going to be somebody to help them like an advisory role can somebody come in and oversee the process you know how aadin brought in a Bernard Langer I Berard Lang did a rem of the club to see how they were performing whatever know that they needed that maybe he should have got something to say like let’s drop a checklist here know what we need and how we can move forward do they need a Maly M time because that may be off for some people M do you on Maly M who was a manager a year ago who was a manager a year ago I always feel these guys that kind of sport directors they end up getting the job anyway it’s the best job in the world that sporting director or a head of recuitment or a club Ambassador pck off me [ __ ] trophy [ __ ] had a scout a scout that be be Bell Bell’s prob you call Richard Hugh he’s just got Theo just got the Liverpool job B probably end up head scouting at Liverpool amazing you take any job in a football club what would it be European Scout manager din lady still manager European Scout is that the best one for me would be traveling around the world watching games of football in war countries and that manager you going under eight games so looking for play to bring bring some going to do a big reshuffle this song is it is it a clear is that a turnover we a big turnover are you I don’t know we’ll see I see you get just like I’d love to get I’d love to see you first team job 100% ago what it did you wear a su Sur the B would give you I would wear a su I’d be track with white what you me white short I’d love to see you honestly I’d love to see you Z one of these days I be good for you caning I might get the boys at the E sh might be a job going up there [ __ ] take it take ity never saw that he’s come on it’s my hometown team boys stay in the league it about it what can you chances over two legs scored what three goals over two games is incredible scored what four home goals in the last some many games 10 12 League games and again we can see two set Pieces Just people not picking up their men so can you believe something the biggest settles of oh Mame been absolutely incredible foret we ask him every time you’re eight to run in he continues to can accept Mist for get that obviously you’ve lost over two legs and fair PL staying open unlucky I just something do set with me right that you win a league only and you finish B the league and you we knew that we KN that KN I I know you know that but how does that change moving forward for Scottish Football I don’t think because Scotland’s only one of the the countries where the clubs in the leagues get to vote on what happens so they’re voting for why they vote against you know the only league in Scotland in that happens like the other three leagues have you you you you go even even like the play I’m just be gone for three W Premier up because they St it’s not just it’s not just um it’s not just the loading League into the the the the second division it’s more to do with things like say you finish fourth in the championship you’ve got to play like so many games to try and get to the the Premiership I just don’t agree why can we just one s so but see on that point why does the team fourth in the championship get a chance to go we win a league and we you get the same chance as a team finishes for I mean it’s not right is it sometimes we become a we bit of a know a laughing stop but we don’t help ourselves sometimes G I think the pyramid needs to change again it’s obviously changed a few year ago and it it changed for better but it’s not perfect I think it’s going to need to change again as well I’d like to see bigger leagues across the board and I think every single division upen in Scotland should be automatic would rather teams in the league I think so I you don’t want to play the same team four times in the season what could we have could we have three teams a top top top League of maybe 20 I think 16 and then two maybe two divisional teams of what 16s 40 teams 34 24 now you could see two eight two teams are ma is incredible two team are 12 big V two team two leagues are 12 and maybe can of make it more um area orientated cuz that’s a that’s a big problem Scottish Football is finance if you think if you think of you Le areas you could put like if you think of like think of um think of and Clyde had to go to elen to win to stay up right oh remember going I know but there’s more money in England do you think El what El’s thinking if C be we twice a season I was looking at in N obviously be in League one I couldn’t even tell you their closest game so they’ve got miles away Queen of the South Miles Away Al not too bad no wait kov will be close Co what maybe 2 hours no I was just turned come about three so was about 40 minutes up the road [Music] now I’m starving you starving me man is that why you’re I’m see if my boys done that at 9 and 11 i’ got you s no need you haircut before Friday po he’s got I’ve got my haircut right penis hand just cut fry up time fry up time fry up time hey at Hydra [Music]


  1. Can’t believe that bum shankland got player of the year. Matt ORiley 19 goals and 18 assists as a midfielder. Man of the match against Athletico. He’s been utterly outstanding and well clear of every single player out with Celtic in the spl this season. Embarrassing from the league that hates itself again.

  2. Si just trying to give kev it stinking every single episode is brutal he’s like a broken record and just comes across like a right weapon

  3. Even if rangers never crumbled n got 1 pt drom " theyre 2 games in hand" was still always in Celtic hands, all we had to do was win all our games n we wid have won the 3_3 IF .. we NEEDED to win it

  4. N as for " if rangers had just went n got Shankland" may IF they had the dosh to make an offer for him they might have got him

  5. Really poor show how the loyal open goal fans who some of whom can't afford a ticket will not get to see the show….poor effort lads

  6. As a Celtic man I would be offering 10m to Norwich for Angus Gunn and Adam idah, or at least asking the question how much you wanting
    Even though Miovski has shown he can score goals against both Celtic and rangers and do well up here, we don’t know if he’s got the mentality to play for Celtic whereas you know idah does and he’ll come in and hit the ground running after a successful loan period.

  7. Rangers can keep everyone on the pitch they have a chance it’s going to be a better game than it was last time at parkheed it’s a one off Aberdeen gave them a game so just don’t know 🫣🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿⚽️is something else 🤷‍♂️

  8. All the best on Friday night lads you have to love Scottish football 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿⚽️🍺🍺🍺

  9. 117k subscribers but fuck it if youre no going to the hydro youre no getting to see fuck all

  10. Oooofft si shit patter again the amount of times I've switched this aff cos ah si and slainey pure tools, aye keep laughing at your own jokes !!

  11. Si ferry got a cheek to say neville is dain his nut I'm si your the bigger pain in the arse than slainey

  12. A feel sorry for si wife or boyfriend cos hes a immuture wee clown he spoils this podcast honestly no wonder him or slainey done fk all in football there idiots!!

  13. Si can slag people off about their outfit when he stops turning up looking like a mime wi a bad hangover.

  14. Ha, I've been served by that guy in the Coop numerous times. The guys a local Stepps legend 😂

  15. Hahaha, get it right up ye Si. Sat there the full show being a snide prick to Kev, as per, talking about dick constantly and then when Kev mentions the Stranraer game, he goes in wee cream puff.

  16. Andy Halliday seems to have a proper issue with Aberdeen asking for decent money for Miovski. What’s his problem?
    Rangers got ridiculous money for Nathan Patterson, didn’t see him moaning then

  17. Really disappointed to hear that none of the hydro will be released, got a ticket but can’t make it. Was buzzing for it so hoped it’d have even been released for £5/10 after to be able to watch it. Would defo pay that

  18. Bumped into Slaney and Si on Buchanan Street today, took the time to talk to me guys thank you. Can’t wait until Hydro on Friday 🎉

  19. How on earth does anyone look at how this season has went for Rangers and say ''its a worry that he (Clement) got so close… but ended up losing the league'' and question Clement!? Hello?! Does noone seem to remember weve had half our squad on the injury table for much of the second half of the season??? Thats clearly had a massive impact of proceedings and probably will on saturday aswell sadly

  20. Know the guy you're talking about in the co-op, same situation for me, annoys my wife but I just find it funny now that it irritated her so much. Last time i was in he said, oh I fear for the safety of a couple of steaks tonight 🤣🤣

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