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He Woke Up The Sleeping Giant Jordan And Learned a Lesson

Today I do a reaction to a Nick Smith NBA video called Never insult Michael Jordan…The FULL STORY – SHUT UP LITTLE BIT*H!. Head over to their channel and shoot a like and subscribe, he’s great! Link is below:

all right welcome back to the channel everyone uh today we’re going to do a reaction uh this was a request from the comments uh this one is a Nick Smith NBA uh video and it’s called Never insult Michael Jordan the full story shut up little bsit you know what it says um yeah so we’re going to check this out together uh uh please leave this video a like if you could it’ll help it perform on the on launch and um as always if you want to check out this video from Nick Smith then I will link it in the description below um that way you can watch it without my commentary if that’s what you prefer but without further Ado let’s get right into this one let’s see what this one’s all about it sounds right up my freaking alley welcome to one of the most ruthless Savage Michael Jordan stories that you’ve ever heard oh let’s do it now you may have heard of this story before but you’ve never seen it made like this this video includes everybody that was involved on this day Harvey Derek Martin Byron Scott Phil Jackson Michael Jordan on the day that he got his revenge this is why you never talk trash to the goat because even if you think that you have the game won you don’t and this is the story a few things before the video begins I really want to say I hope you guys are enjoying the MJ Series this is 23 Michael Jordan videos in 23 days the one thing I’d love for you to do is hit that like button these videos take a long time to edit and produce for you guys so if you do enjoy them please help me out by hitting that feel you go support Nick Smith if you enjoy the content a little like or a comment goes a long way for a YouTube channel okay let’s get right to the beef here Le all the video footage and credits is located on the screen right now and also Down Below in the description box if you want to watch the full videos in their entirety and I hope you guys enjoy the video you inspired what many say was one of his greatest comebacks and a game you would never think that Mike was going to create this comeback and you sparked the moment with the Grizzlies and one of my teammates Derek Martin had been in LA with Mike when he was filming space Oh yeah yeah yeah for those of you don’t know um when Michael Jordan okay so Jordan comes back out of uh retirement from baseball loses uh like he he played like 17 18 games and then lost in the playoffs and he was out of shape and the team wasn’t you know they weren’t all there so he’s doing this movie Space Jam and he has um he has them Warner Brothers build him this place which is a baset an indoor basketball court and the entire summer he’s just inviting NBA players um from all over the country to come and play with him and a couple of them even you know appeared in the movie but yeah he was training the entire time and if you see him with the baseball body in 95 and then you see him the the next season it looks like he gained like like 10 15 pounds of muscle he was in such good shape but just cuz he didn’t take a break so his summer his summer break was massive training intense training jam it was a summer after he film Space Jams okay uh 1985 yes yeah Michael is doing Space Jams that’s right Space Jams so he has a court built down for him on the lot here in Los Angel here in Los Angeles for him to play basketball right he’s got every overseas guy playing and everything so he’s like this is not challenging to me he calls Magic Johnson says hey you got any guys that play at UCLA I hear about the UCLA legendary runs can you send some of these guys down here so magic calls me says Hey lil fella can you take a couple guys down there and play against Joan Howard all right cool no problem so I get Chris Mills Tracy Murray so we’re going out there and play we walk in we’re waiting our turn finally it’s our turn we come on it’s 66 going to seven one thing you don’t want to do is give Michael Jordan bulletin board material don’t say anything don’t talk trash to him just let him be yeah I come down much I’d much prefer Michael Jordan like me than hate me he’s going Michael doesn’t forget man I mean he’s borderline psychopath on a break on the wing and go with what we call a hands up move like I’m going to shoot the shot Michael jumps up I go by and lay it up for a game I commence to talking the best trash ever don’t do it lay Michael you get out of my town this is my town you’re not even the real MJ my man magic johnon man he won a championship in La don’t or against La in your hometown man don’t do this damj I’m just going going so hard that Chris Mills 68 picks me up when my feet are dangling yeah hand over my mouth and he says Derek stop we always say let the sleeping giant sleep yeah don’t don’t do anything to ruffle his feathers and I’m like no I’m just going in going in two games later he comes back on and they their team beat us so he’s following me around the gym now he’s telling you this is all in the in what you would call like the Space Jam pickup game pickup game exactly before the season before season so now we fast forward to the season right and we’re about to play Chicago in Vancouver the greatest player arguably of all time came to town for the very first time the day was November 30th 1995 the Vancouver Grizzlies were 2 and 12 and they were up against the 1995 1996 Chicago Bull oh literally the greatest team of all time wow okay so this story is going to be along the lines of Vancouver was going to steal a win against the greatest team of all time and then he sets off MJ and MJ punishes him I’m assuming this is how it’s going to go because they only lost what that was a 71 they lost like 11 games that season if I’m not mistaken talking about Jordan’s comeback season where the Bulls had the most wins of any championship team ever this wasar coming town and in the first quarter it is not really there and you know Jordan comes out and he he hits a couple long jumpers Michael at the ark o step back three long dece or long Deuce he’s moving at half speed to the point where I’m kind of going like is he ever going to run fast is he going to try he kind of Fades into the background a bit as much as you know Michael Jordan can no matter what town we go to the fans are up for it the players on the other team are up for it they want a piece of us this is the biggest game of some of these guys career and for Michael Jordan he’d rather just kind of like put up 25 shots you know score 30 points and hopefully go home with a 20o win yeah but you quickly realize that maybe that’s not going to happen tonight halim comes Chicago still up 4442 both teams just 19 points in that second quarter we keep waiting for the Chicago Bulls to be the Chicago Bulls and they are not and we can start seeing on the Sidelines a little bit Phil Jackson looking got dunked on yeah I mean like this is cuz like I actually think Phil Jackson didn’t care for the first half either like like I think he’s even just like can I like go have a drink and like maybe I wonder what was going on this game cuz for the majority of the season they were like amped up every single night so maybe they all stayed out and partied or something too much the night before they’re all acting hung over just go to bed or what actually there was one point in the first half he was even bantering with some some fans having a discussion I think with the fans behind the Bulls bench I think these people are very distracted by the whole Vancouver Grizzlies thing but anyway he starts getting pissed off we’re up eight Mike is four for 16 from the field he’s having a really rough night right and you know it’s funny in this third quarter what we get is what seems to be the signature Antonio Harvey energy burst Antonio Harvey the Michael running circles around Edwards MJ got blocked dunk defense o pumped you know the crowd cheers and you’re like that was a head-to-head contact third quarter like Antonio Harvey time or something we are getting to the end of the third quarter at this point but then Derek Martin comes in so I go by make a layup get n one get fouled we go up nine with about 10 minutes to go in the game and we’re winning and I watch it and I go oh nice like that was one of the you know one of the four or five best plays of the game to that point but then quickly my attention turns from the great play on the court to the oh no like oh my God what yeah that’s fair he he he got that up off of uh I believe Bill Wedington was 7even foot and K coach was like 68 yeah that’s a good L what are you doing man and one really with a super kind of like nasty attitude Stomps towards the Bulls bench and oh no again at Michael Jordan has he not learned he hasn’t learned okay all right he hasn’t learned up until this point and from behind his head is nodding like he’s saying some harsh words oh right at Mike right at MJ it counts and then something happens that sort of turns the entire Narrative of this game around from one that we remember as Michael Jordan comes to town oh no to Michael Jordan has one of his signature moments that is still remembered by certain people around the league to this it’s one way for D Martin to get remembered he decides to say to melord having an off night hey Mike shit’s not falling tonight Mike you’re having an off night mik told you going to whoop your ass tonight to Michael Jordan yeah oh no this is the moment I’m going like dude I get that you’re pumped I get this is a big moment and who wouldn’t be excited to do that yeah but know who you are and know who he is don’t that’s like I don’t know I don’t even know what the hell to compare that to that’s like winning your first like featherweight boxing match and then going right into Mike Tyson’s face and being like I’ll take you you little punk you know I bet you’re scared of me Mike you know no Mike Tyson’s gonna destroy you don’t do it just like Michael Jordan you don’t do it just don’t do it even at his old age now in in his 50s I would not talk trash about basketball to Michael Jordan I bet he’s got something left in a tank he’ll embarrass me somehow you know it’s just one thing you don’t do talk trash with Michael Jordan on basketball or Mike Tyson with boxing you look at Michael Jordan and you walk the other way man you just walk the other way Phil Jackson looks down the bench like what do you want to do Michael sees weakness in people if he saw that the individuals were weak he attacked and kept attacking until they quit so Michael TI to shoot up he’s not he’s not in the game at this not in the game this is the is this the third quarter and and just as they cut to commercial heading into the fourth quarter they zoom in on Jordan sitting on the bench and he is not happy I will tell you he you could tell he’s ruminating it he’s playing it over and over in his yeah he’s visualizing it he’s already thinking about how he’s going to destroy this kid and everyone is thinking who did not see that Martin Jordan lay this could be Vancouver’s night how you going to make one layup and you’re going to talk trash to the greatest of all time this guy gets what’s coming whatever’s coming to him he deserves crowd is smelling something good and is this could be a huge upet like Derek Martin at this point is begging to be embarrass yeah a guy who scores Five Points a game yeah like you can’t you had the bucket you’re up you can’t blow this they need the game they this is the year where they win 72 games we’re not losing this one tonight we’re going to take so they lost 10 they lost 10 and uh if it wasn’t for this they possibly could have lost 11 and it would have been a big deal for a team like Vancouver who they suck that year so it would have been a big deal for them to have a confidence boost say hey man we beat the we beat the freaking Bulls you know we could beat anybody but whoops went home ties his shoes up tow off walks in and says little man I told you about talking trash to me I said man we up nine with 3 minutes to go you not beating me tonight really and as soon as the Grizzlies get up by seven that’s when it turns Jordan immediately gets a DK Michael oh yeah he’s y he’s alive noww he’s awake what they all came to see maybe that night him Michael with only 12 points his first basket here maybe Superman’s come out of theone Booth huh y it’s so funny cuz Shaq lays claim to the Superman thing but they were calling Jordan Superman before they were calling Shaq Superman but somehow Shaq is so sensitive about Dwight Howard being called Superman is just insecure because Jordan never made a big deal about Shaq being called Superman he was like whatever you know the first time he goes to the bucket and he do and it’s the classic it’s the Jumpman pose arm up arm back leg spread classic tongue out and everything it’s the first time you see his true speed yeah and that speed is it seems exponential to that of everyone else in the court like he’s a full Step Ahead then yeah he was just trying to cruise through the game you had to wake up I mean some sometimes sleeping giant doesn’t move until provoked and he got provoked step back long two oh over the top of Scott Michael second in a row he has 14 then he I bet Byron Scott wasn’t happy about this they clear it up oh what a move Jordan on the reverse Jordan gets a baade away oh you time out huh Brian there he is the whole team knows it too Randy Brown Randy Brown was like one of my favorite dudes on this team he he didn’t play that much he was a defensive specialist guard uh um he normally play in garbage time but dude the coolest teammate man the coolest teammate you could ever ask for rwind it’s he is showing why he is Michael Jordan he gets a nasty and one Fade Away on country where he basically just shoves country face as he’s uh shooting daddy the little country Austin Reeves not really four minutes to go in the fourth Jordan on the pull-up and a foul the country couldn’t get out of the way 20 for ramj I think they opened the phone booth just in time for Superman to arrive here in the fourth quarter 10 points that was clumsy by Rees but then he gets a fade away getting the Bulls up six the classic against Byron Scott yeah poor Byron Scott man he must have been pissed off he knows Michael Jordan he knows not to do this and he didn’t talk any trash and he’s the one who has to guard him that’s not fair dude it’s not fair at all and if you watch the video his last jump shot this is no like catches the ball in the post the last one he made to win he does the typical Jordan fade away he’s fading towards our bench he knocks down the shot they go up by six he’s looking for me on the bench he walks over and I watched it like four times because it was such a key moment to the story of this game he walks over and of course just like perfectly scripted Derek Martin sitting on the Baseline like is not sitting on the bench he’s sitting on the ground like where the squeegee kids sit and where sometimes like the trainers sit maybe he’s getting stretched out or whatever but Jordan comes over and he’s standing over him all 6’6 and he admonishes him like a child like he looks down at him he wags his finger he turns to the [ __ ] and says shut up you little [ __ ] yes shut up you little [ __ ] never [ __ ] talk to me ever that way again you were more perfect than I imagined wow true story and true story you can’t hear what he says but I promise you his words were shut up you little [ __ ] don’t ever [ __ ] [Laughter] try I [ __ ] love it I [ __ ] love it that’s my favorite thing about MJ is when you piss him off he goes quiet and then he kills you and then he tells you look at this look at this you know know he heard it Scotty heard it like oh [ __ ] you done set off the Monster again try this [ __ ] again like that was it was so clear pointed at him too treating him like a child basically coming over to say this is what you get if you say stupid [ __ ] he gets a steal and a dunk with 30 seconds left didn’t roll the steal by Jordan goes in on Anthony oh man Michael with the steel B salting then he gets another steal and another dunk to finish the game off again Tony Michael to the line P it that way 29 for Jordan the blls run their record on the road trip damn they killed well they didn’t kill him they didn’t kill him my bad I I I saw I saw the wrong score yeah yep no they they would have lost if it wasn’t for Jordan icing it in the fourth quarter like this like like crushing it they would have lost yeah done made a big mistake sir wait tell him never to [ __ ] try that [ __ ] again yeah he is he’s sending him go and tell him and the final score did you8 just look at this look at this this is so funny he’s sending a messenger now the blls run their record on the road trip to 5 and one look at him he’s setting him yeah go tell him and the final score th Michael Jordan with a Scotty has seen this so many times he has seen this so many times in his career Jordan just getting pissed and then winning the game pretty much by himself what a happy guy like I know he doesn’t appreciate it now but dude Scotty had it good Scotty had it good back then he didn’t have to do this stuff he just had to go in and be a great great number two guy play solid defense move the ball around hit a couple jump shots you know get some rebounds but mainly play defense and just support and MJ man MJ did all the [ __ ] rest MJ was crazy fourth quarter 19 in the fourth quarter and the Bulls Prevail in this one 94-88 Jordan 19 points in the final seven minutes 19 points in the final seven minutes wow so the majority of his points came in the last seven minutes after he got he got he got what I I want to say triggered but not that I guess yeah he got triggered you know he he got a fire lit up his ass you do the math on that if he played at that pace and played Just 37 38 minutes he gets 100 points but he was so mediocre in the first three and a half quarters ended up with sort of a typical Jordan line 14 for 26 from the field 29 Points three rebounds three steals four assists both teams were bad that game but all it took was Jordan stepping at it on for 6 or seven minutes there at the end so those are things that’s why we say all of us oldheads that that that watched all this stuff say like dude if Jordan was just selfish and trying to rack up numbers the amount of points he could have scored be stupid and then the amount of assists he can get just because he’s he’s taking in that double team it also be stupid I mean I’m talking like 40 and 10 and like seven rebounds that that could have been him if you wanted to fight me in the comments if you want I welcome you too it’s all good I I’ve see I saw it with my own eyes I know what he was capable of but the thing is is he wanted to win win first look good second y’all seen White Men Can’t Jump it’s been a minute for me drove him the little things that drove him 24 points in the last 10 minutes he went on goodness gracious points to beat us I poked a bear that night and he showed me truly what greatness meant and so that was a Learning lesson we go in the locker room after the game like right Mike has killed us right Byron Scott was assigned to guard oh I was waiting for this yeah Byron Scott he should be the most pissed off of anyone they been doing a great job against Byron Scott and every game that I went in playing against MJ first of all I was like man I’m happy it’s just twice a year the West I’m happy twice a year and it wasn’t I was scared it was just like I’m going challenge his as much as I can and it might let him up for 24 points in the last 10 minutes of the game and he is just embarrassing Byron Scott like and like I’m not even making fun of Byron Scott like Byron Scott simply cannot I was going to say can’t stay in front of him he can’t even really react you do against that Byron Scott left in the dust as Michael Jordan now goes to allor NBA Jam on Fire yeah he comes in the locker room he’s on fire he walks up to Derek Martin and says listen don’t you ever talk to the guy I’m guarding I know this dude’s a killer I said but I got to I got to go out here and show up yep you talk to your guy don’t you talk oh we had to break it was almost a fight in lock room and that’s the story of Michael Jordan and that’s the story of the Vancouver CHR oh man and I hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did please help me out by hitting that I like Splash oh man that was good that was really really good um I had heard of that story before but I never saw it with all those angles like that so uh for the comment that uh that suggested this thank you very much um I enjoyed it hope you guys liked it um let me know in the comments down below what you thought about the video um me I I can watch this kind of stuff all day I absolutely love these stories they never get old for me me um but yeah this is kind of uh where I always come from which is like talk trash you know but back it up and that’s that’s MJ you know that’s where I learned it from as a kid like don’t talk trash if you’re going to lose if you ain’t going to back it up like you shut up so young kids watching remember that nobody looks dumber than somebody who talks trash and then gets his ass whooped nobody looks dumber than that don’t be that dude all right everybody thanks for watching like the video if you could I’d appreciate it subscribe if you want more content like this and I’ll see you tomorrow for the next one peace out


  1. When I got to this game playing as the Bulls in Season mode in NBA Live 96, I literally KILLED the Grizzlies, blowing them out 92 points! I made 45 points with Jordan during that game. Bottom line, in real life and in games, never talk trash to the GOAT!

  2. Did you see the entire Grizzlies bench looking, that dude had everybody scared. Imagine what type of player you had to be to go at MJ and back it up… Kobe did that. In todays game who would dare to do that shit and live to tell the tale…

  3. Not gonna lie. I would soooo talk chit to MJ right now. Just so he would play me. ( and obviously destroy me ) just so I can tell everyone I played the REAL GOAT 1v1. I'd have someone record that chit too. Idc if I score 1 point. It would be the most amazing thing ever for a normal Joe like me

  4. MJ was so petty …….and thats why he is a beauty when he is at it. coz its (NOT) just basketball.
    imagine at his (MJ) prime and Lebron said that !…boy i can only imagine how MJ will put that in play against…

  5. @therealmindcrime … I watched the lebush vs shekelstorm goat debate video…. When you won the 6 championships with the bulls … did you ever meet up with yob costus the coach of the George bush squad .. asking for a friend. ❤

  6. That’s what’s so amazing amount Michael… this was the preseason before the bulls exploded for 72 wins.
    Michael Jordan would annihilate players in today’s era…. Bar none.

    The man is just human excellence!!! ❤❤❤❤❤

  7. The Sacred rule is simply: Don't EVER run your mouth at God(Michael). The penalty in terms of divine punishment was taking sole responsibility for losing the game. Michael remained both respected AND feared.

  8. MJ would often play on little sleep too, and he would be at the weight room and at the arena shooting hoops at 7:30 the morning of the game, before anybody else was there….And everybody remembers his flu game, he wasn't able to sleep, because he was sick and had a fever and everything and he still played great in that game, LeBron would have had somebody deliver a doctor's note "LeBron isn't feeling well….He won't be able to play or even come to the game….He will be staying home with the flu, signed his doctor" 🤣😂🤣

  9. 72-10
    Lost 10 games. Some of them winnable if Rodman was there and if Pip in one game do some shit and didn't shot bricks.

  10. Great video! I guess Martin didn't talk trash to MJ after that. MJ was (and is) a psychopath, which made him and other players like him great. However, he took it to another level.

    PS. I recently discovered your channel, and I am glad I did. You bring up great points, but what is better is that you sound like someone with whom it would be great to talk basketball. Keep it up.

  11. Lebron going and saying "oh i could have won the scoring title 10x if i wanted" well you didn't and MJ could have been 40k points if he really wanted.
    Lebron never had this killer instict, EVER.
    Once again, there's no debate.

  12. @TheRealMindCrime if you have not checked it out, I think this one is a interesting perspective on the "debate" it is a video called "The side of the GOAT debate that EVERYONE misses" by the channel Basketball Universe

  13. Just watch the faces of the Grizzlies bench when Jordan comes over, you just know he said some cold sh– to dude😂😂

  14. i just wish you will do the analysis on the game 6 of the bulls vs the trailblazers hehe. this is one of the lebron fans saying that mj was benched for some reason

  15. “Borderline psychopath” nah, don’t undershoot his psychopathy. Him and Kobe are full blown psychopaths and Russel too he said he befriended wilt and helped foster his stat love and talk him up to keep him as less of a ring threat. Bird too. Most of the greats are psycho and singleminded.

    Another great movie! Thank you!

  16. my favorite one is still KG and JR Rider talking trash to MJ, or KG talking trash to MJ and Rider (and KG) both getting hell for it. and they both remember the story exactly the way it happened to every single detail. it's unreal…

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