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Audience WINS the Lockinge Stakes LIVE | Horse Racing Tips | The Morning Post | Racing Post

Join host Dave Orton for our live and interactive betting show sponsored by William Hill.

Paul Kealy and Maddy Playle are on the panel this week to give their views, insights and horse racing tips ahead of the action at Newbury and Newmarket.

We will also be speaking to Deputy Irish Editor David Jennings, who will give us his analysis and tips on the great action in Ireland this weekend.


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00:00 – Countdown
05:00 – Intros
08:00 – Paper Round Up
09:00 – Derby Ante Post
16:00 – Oaks Ante Post
20:00 – Aston Park Stakes (Group 3)
27:00 – Carnarvon Stakes
33:00 – Handicap
37:30 – London Gold Cup Handicap
44:00 – Al Shaqab Lockinge Stakes (Group 1)
53:00 – Irish Angle
59:00 – Match5 Handicap
1:02:00 – Every Day Handicap
1:05:00 – Queen Anne Stakes (Ante Post)
1:08:00 – NAPS
1:10:00 – Outros

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] n [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] good m morning welcome along to the morning post of course brought to you by the racing post and sponsored by William Hill happy Saturday everyone another great day on planet horse racing isn’t it absolutely fabulous couple of weeks we’ve had we’ve had Chester we’ve had York of course we now got the today locking meeting that’s the highlight of the day but great cards elsewhere as well even in Ireland also stick with us for the next hour or so we’ve got a great panel we’re going over to irland as well David Jennings is going to join us to talk about everything that’s coming up and of course what has happened this week as well throw in some tips for you as well it’s all about tipping of course this show this one of those unashamedly good betting days and we’re going to get stuck in B you don’t be mad you know watch your stakes and all that sort of stuff but definitely get involved and enjoy it let’s see if we can build you a multiple all that sort of stuff of course this is a show to have your shout out as well press that thumbs up on YouTube like And subscribe that’s what you got to do open up the community we’ve got two really good producers for you today as well th change and we’re going to open up the socials we will let you have your shout out let’s build up who is going to win the Locking let’s also introduce who’s back on the panel mad PR is here full of life fresh of fresh of energy yeah absolutely I’ve enjoyed York this week Dave uh economics was very good in the danty wasn’t he and we kind of needed that fire breathing into the Derby or maybe not uh me and KS have a bit of a I would say disagreement but we can have a bit of a chinwag about that oh clearly back on the show yeah absolutely yeah looking forward to it week off playing golf last week tell the 10 then played absolutely appallingly as I did yesterday afternoon um but no look forward to it and thumbs up to newbie because they transformed this card 10 years ago this was a you know I mean it was a Dam Square bside of the Locking and maybe the London Gold Cup which has always had even when it had no prize money uh but it used to be a car full of class 4 handicaps otherwise yeah especially at the end of the card now every single race is good every single race has the potential of throwing up AA winner uh you know you know perhaps even a classic winner space is an oak St now uh so yeah superb card I’m totally in agreement as well let’s see if Jamie Bride As we open up the trading floor for you every week and the top Trader at William Hill comes along J how are you long week I’m hearing yep uh all good D yeah spend a couple of days at York so yeah it’s been a long week but uh it was good fun yes indeed right let’s talking of fun let’s see if we can do this shall we uh uh the Boost if you’re new to the show every week whether you’re ler and if you’re layer it has been rather good we’re going have a bit of fun with this one of course it’s the Locking look at William Hill will take the odds on their site now and boost them for you out there so get on the website go to the app if you haven’t got that takes literally 30 seconds to download Apple Store Google Play Store however you’re going to do it get it up and you can get the price come on then which one of the two Market leaders is it this week boosted in the lockage well I’ve resisted the temptation to uh knock out ins spiral to carpet 3 to1 and instead we’ve gone with big rock which is 3:1 from 9 to4 uh for the usual 50 obviously we’ll get into it later but uh the switch of yard is would be a big worry for me and maybe even trying ground as well three to one big rock I tell you what the panel you can’t see they’re looking at me working that one out in their mind you probably are doing it at home as well right that’s your boot it’s live now for up to 50 Quid sounds all right doesn’t it he was he was know borderline sub two to one at one point in the week will the weather have arrived we’ll get to that race in our Saturday previews let’s have a look at what you can pick up in your racing po this morning if you’re feeling in your fingers which I say every week who still buys the racing po great isn’t it of course you know to fill that ink but if you’ve got the members Club this is what you’re seeing on the start of course the big Clash which of course is not just at Newbury Fury versus usyk as well is it tell us your shouts about that gets some great tipping in the sports section kills has made the front page look as as big rock and in spiral and I’m going to have some fun with this as well people said that Tom Seager and P KY don’t sit next to each other if they haven’t done this week I’m a monkey but Robbie Wilders on on his analysis says don’t take the market of face value there are doubts over both big rock and in spiral good reading there with some stats from Rob uh what is this what do we got here David KH gr Rob said desert hero the Royal Runner of course in the first at new 150 out to transfer top form to straight track interesting okay back naturally Nimble to get it right after nce blow Johnny Denine basically comes on what’s his wager of the weekend naturally Nimble okay get the headline now you can read the great man of course every Saturday does a colum and basy tells it how it is friend of the show Johnny yeah there he goes Thomas Eagle what’s he G giving you this premium content for free I’m laughing because the gamble on which CH and now is just absolutely insane and it’s due to two men that we work with very closely one of them being Z one of them being pulled desert cop then new New Market winner to follow up Shanty of course in the London Gold Cup and witch hunter in the lockage um okay where do we go with this before we go into our previews we’re going to take out away what’s been a pretty up and down week for the classics and all along guys city of Troy just keeps shortening and shortening for the Derby despite an abominable run in the derby before we ask kills and M their thoughts about this let’s get the market up Jam we gave you some pels when he was six0 straight after the guine you did you did yeah like you say he has just shortened and shorteners of other horses of fluff the lines and we’ve also introduced economics with a run so you’ll get your money back if it doesn’t turn up H sorry Epson as the seven to4 joint so seven to four non-runner no bet uh come to you on economics yeah and if you don’t know what economics is go into your search bar or whatever you’re doing and work it out if you’ve been hiding under a rock economics the Dante winner dantey of course still thought to be the leading trial for the Derby domestic we’re all nodding at that one that’s good too for a start isn’t it so it’s it’s the highest grade dby Tri desert Crown obviously a news well the Arabian Crown is now out for Calin so it’s just all over the place this Market money economics what did you make of it first and foremost loved him absolutely loved him thought it was a really dominant performance but I know KS is is sad that he’s not going to run um at Epsom seemingly so far maybe they’ll change their minds when they have a chat to the owners but they took him out of the race in order to not feel tempted uh they said just because they don’t think he’s the right type for the race and a lot of people would disagree with me here but I I really see that he’s a huge big powerful strong horse his pedigree doesn’t necessarily scream that he’s going to stay a mile and a half and I just think he’s he’s not he’s not a Golden Horn he’s not a desert Crown he doesn’t look super athletic super well balanced and that’s what you need for Epson but let’s be honest the race is looking a bit disappointing isn’t it as a whole with all these horses coming this is this is the point isn’t it I mean it’s a sad sign the times now I when I joined the RAC in post which is a long while ago 1987 long7 like the Derby was already beginning to lose its Prestige but it was still the race right if you had a horse with a sniff of a chance uh they would run in it guiney wiers routinely ran in in them even if they weren if they were even if they were pretty much certain not to stay and in fact B run in it for Jim Bal he pretty much told everybody he wouldn’t stay before and he went off F but you know I mean and the year the year I joined the previous year’s um duers winner was adjal now he ran in he ran in two gin and got beat still ran in the derby and two much later one and UNF long time ago I think I know what you’re talking about I do it’s a sad sign of the times that nobody wants to run in it anymore oh I think it was the race it’s now just a race I think with William he’s had he’s had a good couple of horses in recent years you know the breakfast at the stars morning yes he’s had a few like decent trial winners go to that young Rascal was one of them and he’s not been 100% that Epsom would be the right thing to do he’s run them anyway and I think he’s paid the price for it and I think with this horse he he do just wasn’t very good well he was all right he went to Australia a couple young got a mention yesterday some people I was talking to about this because they thought that they think that’s the one that got in Williams head a little bit with it’s bur big sponsor of course invest and all that sort of I think just ruin that’s the problem you do one thing and it goes wrong once and then you it’s in your head for the rest of it’s in the head for your rest look at this horse though he’s a huge great big hunk of a horse pedigree says on the look of a horse and whether it’s going to be balanced or whatever right but we get told you know after the guine everyone says oh [ __ ] you TR look like he hadn’t grown at all like you know I mean I no B com actually actually he’s 161 don’t go there there won’t be a biger horse in the derby you know what I mean well there will be if economics run so who knows he’s well named isn’t he of course because they 75 grand to get back in taken him out surely the Derby isn’t only one by small horses I mean that’s a very good point having this difference in size between all all the runners in the derby would be like that I think it’s the ups and down isn’t it and also if you’re a heavy horse your weight the way that your weight is going to go around those undulations yeah down the hill it’s going to be more difficult and he’s still so inexperienced we ought to bow to William as well because he is fine fine judge isn’t he like over the years listen he’s one of he’s one of the best trainers if not at the moment the best trainer around he’s right up no doubt about it but the IDE a lot of people a lot of people have the idea that trainers can’t make mistakes well I mean you know the minute you say something on you go on we have to call it X now like you you get absolute pels from PS how dare this is your moment how how dare you ever go at so and so for doing this like you know what I mean but there was not a single trainer that would tell you he hasn’t made a mistake and I’m not saying I’m not saying m is wrong I just think it’s it’s a crying shame and it goes to show how the Derby lacks the importance it had yeah not just 50 years ago but 10 years ago I mean I’m looking at that market now guys and I’m seeing another big horse there called Los Angeles he looks pretty big to my eyes as well yeah true he was kind of working was like in the Daren town or whatever it’s called now uh DJ might help us a little bit with these Irish Runners and where they’re going because we’ve got Diego Velasquez in there as well run fine r in the French guine looking you like him yeah yeah I like him a lot um after the the French guiney I thought well this horse is definitely a pretty Jockey Club horse but there’s been a bit of money for him in the derby market and apparently they’re considering going this way he would definitely be of city of Troy Los Angeles he would definitely be the one I’d want to be on and is the biggest price um you know he’s related to broom and um Point Lonsdale both incredibly strong stayers is absolutely crying out for a mile and a half another point now look at that Derby they take out economics right and the one two three the fourth favorite for the Derby is the horse that’s got slammed seven length by economics well has there been a slight overreaction to him you got to be Workforce haven’t you to get beaten in a danty as the as the one that that did it but I thought I was a little bit more positive on his run than some a lot a lot of people were it’s just not a great race though it’s a mudlock it’s a it was a trial a terrible race yeah but he’s 14 to1 I think he’s slightly over the ODS I think you are on the right one well I hope I hope I am I mean you know there’s a little part of me that doesn’t want economics to run because of back ambient friendly yeah mbn friendly price was he aftern what price was he straight after straight after was 16 I didn’t get that yeah I didn’t get that because I was playing golf um suggesting you would have taken it um I should have done I should I should have done you don’t have to tell us what prices you’ve got no I mean I just just came around to him the other day I I’d come back off a golf trip and I was just watching videos of all the runs and I thought hang on a minute this thing’s he’s floated Round the Bend he’s Flo you know this is proper fast ground he’s floated over that like you know we got to remember he got beat by ancient wisdom last year in softground you know and he basically cruised home do you know what he is though and G he’s an athletic horse he doesn’t look massive it doesn’t matter it’s the form I like yeah like yeah but we already we already know know he can come come around a Bend we got we will of course be doing a derby show we’ve got to sort of move on to the Oaks a little bit but this market now before we go to Jay for what might be the steamer in the race and to have a look at the Oaks Market city of Troy anyone with him at all absolutely not how can there are tumble weeds going a lot are you with him out there let us know this is your time to ramp up your comments he know Brian did it last year didn’t he and this horse is going to end up going off a lot shorter than August roading because there’s nothing to take him on yeah well if it and say economics doesn’t run on that graphic money he even money he ends up going even money having been toed off in a guine Jamie McBride is sitting there with a cat that got the cream because he was Unapologetic about the six to1 straight after and did say he’d go off shorter look at that face it’s absolutely disgraceful well may maybe I should be looking at myself for being as big as 6 to1 though D that’s the thing if he’s going to go off even money if I just stick my or and i’ I’d be on Paul’s side economics should run I think not to run is just overthinking it no over complicating matters he’s by far the most talented horse on what we’ve seen this year he should be running I think all right okay that’s the Derby let’s flip it to the Phillies equivalent we still do have potentially a couple of fliers in the ointment for the big players running today at Newbury we’ll get to that but here we are five to2 y Lang y Lang basically Aiden O’Brien is holding for basically Ireland are holding for there’s Tam farer in there we’ll get to medy Pearl shortly on that one uh but uh even we don’t think oping is going to run Etc now this does look like a more solid Bal Doll favorite doesn’t it Jay um maybe all she the momentum horses are the second and third in rubies and red and eel have been well backed this week um yangang yangang it was a good run in the guine is staying on Fifth and she obviously she’s crying out to go up and trip but uh that’s more than covered by the price I think uh and I think you’re right I think today’s trial is arguably the uh warmest one with seen and there is still time for something to emerge from that last r at new today all right okay you can you can skip ahead and have a look on the app and Etc exactly what that is uh I said we had two very good producers in today just uh if there were some interference soundwise apologies for that I think they’ve got it back on track and got the meter working what can go wrong everything on live television right okay uh Oaks in the week I read your column Weekender straightforward yeah she did run very well in absolute Blinder she looked like she she looked like she needed all of a mile at two uh she only just got up to on top late on when she won a Philly mile she screamed home she’s going to stay a mile and a half I mean if rubies is red is second favorite I mean I know she charged down the straight in the end at lingfield but if you lose ground on the bend at lingers what you going to do what you going to do at epom um can’t see the madora being anything that thing is too Keen uh in the early stages all that doing on a flat track try racing Keeny uphill in the first section epom so I can’t you know unless something I I mean aelia is the unexposed one I fold him for a bit I’ve got to be honest and looks promising but I just think yangang y Lang has got very very good form Omar and she’s bred to want this she stank in in the guiney market before we get to the formula guine and she did like no one was with it by Johnny Denning you know and and she ran very promisingly I think you can watch that final F on back on the website now uh the guine form however having gone very close to Wi I want to talk about this Dave did sort of put up the winner as well in the ginies but Tam farer was your nap on the show and it’s fair to say most people think she should have won you’re Ling your hands five to2 you can get what is it8 to one with hills she’s not going to run is she this is my take on the race that you know if you’re wanting to take on your Lang Lang and um I agree with ke’s you know the performance is there for all to see and you could argue five to2 about her versus the city of Troy price I’d probably rather take five to two about her um the two most talented Phillies I think up against would be Tam and opera singer can’t wait to see opera singer back out but I don’t think either of them are going to run no um I had a silly bet during the week um on Eda at 40s who comes up against siola today yeah just because well seola there 10 to one on the graphic you can get 40 still about Edge OFA and they’re in the same race and the price difference is you know nothing like that if Ed jaaba comes out and runs well she was the only Philly who I thought had the potential to really have a price crash now you know I could look like an absolute fool uh in a few hours time if she tails off but we did an interview with Roger Varan after El Mala won the guine and he seemed you know pretty open to the idea of running her in in the Oaks after just one run she’s also by Franco um she’s out of a very Speedy May Golden Slipper winner in Australia but she shaped really well over M they clearly think that this is going to be her trip so a sneaky one for me was Ed yeah 40s this is this race the last race at new was usually run on the Friday isn’t it of the card I remember first thing it’s not actually a very good trial it used I think again going way back it kind of I remember getting into racing and people still used to run a decent Oaks Philly in it Mar St used to ride run a lot of those L canav your Islington and all those it was it was a race if they hadn’t quite got there and Roger was sort of open to the idea that the turnaround isn’t too quick it’s going to be a fascinating heat that isn’t it y Lang y Lang yeah uh well I’m just going to pin all my hopes on Ed Ed which I think there’s a lot of reasoning there isn’t it and don’t worry if you look at fall at the end because at 40 to1 we can pay to take the chance small stakes and you get a big win you’re l y lying then there you go there are Classics done and as I’ve said if you want to watch back these replays you just need to join the members Club get 50% off your first three months in the Racing Post members Club as a member you get access to the digital newspaper exclusively available to members the night night before you’ll get daily tips in the likes of pricewise Tom seagull Robbie Wilders and Paul Keeley enjoy award-winning journalism from the industry’s best writers and watch replays from all British and Irish racing now available within the Racing Post app subscribe today and get 50% off your first three months all right great stuff there you go that’s simple and uh if you missed the Boost earlier jat this is your moment to shine uh people might just be having a very late breakfast crawling out of bed after Lively Friday night uh maybe after York or something like that what is the big boost for punters at William Hill this weekend this weekend we’re boosting big rock in the big race of the day the Locking uh 3 to one from the 9 to four we are currently for the usual 50 pound all right three to one um we’ll be we’ll be doing the lockage but we’re kicking off now with the Aston par three to one in a match range you tell me at the start of the week the big rock his prob wasn’t going to run at one point uh we’ll have a talk about the weather all that sort of stuff a lot of talk about weather watch and stuff at newb I mean I’m a little bit nearer than you guys to newb I think I’m about well about half an hour as the crow flyes I seem to be half an hour from everywhere where I live for the where the crow flies but it was starting to come down nothing significant every forecast seemed different that I looked at and I was looked at three or four of them uh I don’t think it’s going to be that significant though is it I think we’re going to be looking at can we say good ground it was good yesterday wasn’t it you know I think that was a fair description of it wasn’t it yeah and we’ll be hoping I mean it was drying but might put some water on you I mean it’s they’re going to be putting they’re not going to be putting water on now are they not now but I I just yeah I don’t know I think it’s going to be safe ground let’s just go with that yeah all right so we’re going to base our selections on the fact it’s a fair surface for all including big rock which we’ll get to and now this has been what price is this desert hero my goodness gracious me if only we had a boost coming at the end of the show for this stick around Jamie McBride is the raw Runner yeah one way traffic in this race da we were 7 to4 on Monday afternoon when we started betting on it but uh some firms thought it would be a good idea to be 5 to one so at least we haven’t leid those kind of prices um six to four was the price after the final decks on Thursday and like I say it’s been oneway traffic has been really well supported the only only one uh in opposition is Maxi King we’ve laid at Big prices but uh yep we’ll be needing to get the this one beat it’ll start off a lot of haggus marker and multiples so it’ be a good one to get beat oh yes it’s a strong day for the team nodding away aren’t we all uh let’s come to you Maddie then desert hero see the ball big they they’re just listening to me AR they um this is ridiculous price now but I think he just wins he’s my strongest fantasy of the day Dave um you suggested that and the other horse in there against him Maxi King is the one who I quite fancy to follow him home at a big price as well tell us the case for Maxi King first um that would be a nice double of course wouldn’t it a nice forecast it would we okay we’ll go for Maxi King first we obviously he won um at New Market very strong handicap I think ba beating a horse of smicha stout so I think he’s very well handicapped um it’s a it’s a very very good race and I just think that’s form to follow I think he’s a progressive young horse I not sure that there’s that big a gap between him and the likes of Salt Bay and king of Conquest flying Hors I I think this is a good placement for him um and I just think he’s a horse who’s really peing um you look at his profile and you think oh does he want slightly more cut in the ground well the rain that you mentioned will help that uh I just think he he’s he’s a horse in the form of his life he’s improving um and I could see him continuing that Improvement throughout the season this is a a division where I think you can pick up plenty of prize money um but desert hero yeah you know he’s got that lger form with with Middle Earth um he was back in seventh that day um you know the case makes itself really it was such a good reappearance at Sandown running on second over an insufficient trip he’s going up in two furong here just a really likable horse the way he yeah moves through a race the way he finishes his races off he’s very straightforward of course there is the small query that he was beaten in the London Gold Cup at this uh meeting last year but I think there are legitimate excuses for that uh obviously he’s race fit now so he’s had a run unlike Middle Earth and I just think he’s yeah a good thing to be honest with you a good thing from Maddie will come to kills in a minute just a nod to those flash odds at the bottom of your screen guys you could see there Tom Maran to two or more winners at newbry was ease now six to four I saw an email I think first thing I got up for the Traders at William Hill on this sort of running order seat that we’ve got a thread and they were like it’s being back there’s so much all of his rides are shortening and I’m not surprised it’s 10 pound Max until 12:00 if you want to have some fun this afternoon Tom’s got an unbelievable book of R great day yesterday as well really good week uh I don’t know there you go real dream is the cicha St favorite yeah um and even the ones in behind Relentless Voyager to catch Fe youthful King this is King form line yeah they’re decent horses um and I think Maxi King is going to run a big race as well a very comprehensive case anything to add absolutely I mean go racing have your 10 at six to four that’ll get you a pint and a half correct just yeah uh no I mean M’s M’s covered it pretty much yeah I mean desert hero rpr matched his previous personal best on his return over a trip that just on all known form is too short for him that suggest he’s improved I mean it was one of those I was actually sorely tempted to take the seven to four early in the week and I don’t do that anti post and I was still looking at it yesterday yesterday and thinking CU you know it’s one of those unofficial figures you can make a case for it being too short well you can but we’re just expecting him to be miles better yeah like you know and because Salt Bay is one a Blinder against haish last time really good run absolute Blinder do you not think that Oki chob is a really nice h yeah this is those that beat desero if you remember we spoke to William agis we were doing another show about this time last year in the studio and he he could tell the glint in his eye about desert Crown he was too Keen wasn’t he because he ran on this day and was only eighth on his return hero sorry he’s had that I’m going to do that all day he’s had that run and you just think he has to improve but him and middlee have had certainly going into the into the C Ledger of very similar sort of profile Middle Earth now when he was around about 7 to2 at the start of the week I’m thinking I want to see how he go and I wonder whether he might be a bit of a state I was slightly surprised he’s not in the Gold Cup but it’s the Roaring line influence I guess they’re sticking at a mile four his only entry going forward is the Hardwick five to one a lot of people looking at that thinking Rock Solid yeah could be you know couldn’t argue he’s he’s got a profile um to improve as well you know what I mean so just you know you can make cases but I think you know all of us are singing for the same him sheet here we what we’ve seen from Desert hero he is race fit for a start is that he has improved from last year that run over an insufficient trip tells us that he has so it’s just very hard to oppose and how how is Middle Earth going to make up that much ground when he’s not had a run from soft ground I think in the St Ledger but it’s the not having the run which probably is putting people off slightly but I suggested yesterday when I was Brea in this race elsewhere that he was a flopping the in the C leder I got immediately mud back on my face and the ground was totally wrong for him if you watch back his ass got win he he really does hit the line hard and I think ashy Murphy loves him so look this is an Absol to Cracker it’s the 150 it’s the a part stakes and it kicks us off now let’s get to the sprinters shall we and uh some really are seeing the ball big in this race as well it’s the 225 is the is the is it still the Cavendish Stak the canavan stakes isn’t it of course it’s a listed race for threey old sprs Jamie McBride what’s hot uh again same story it is hagas Maran with relief rally uh I’m not particularly Keen to OPP desert here on the first but I do think we can get relief rally beat uh we’ve been Keen to L all the way along and we’ve I’m actually looking at a really big red number next to her name she’s as bad a result as you’d get at this time of the morning really uh so she’s going to be a stinking result com this time is that what it is is it red is that the is this the is this the The Flash color it is yeah uh like say it’s big number uh we’ll be needing to get a beats but I I actually uh I mean it’s a bit of guess work but I don’t think she would have won the Fred darling if that was a six fair long race there’s a chance others have just caught up with it I’m hoping uh a couple in on the greenham uh do us a favor Mr Sketch and room service uh the only one the other one we’ve laid against the five is Paul’s tip in the paper James Delight he has been strong for each way players and I should say we are four places four places here which will Delight you about James’s Hope come to James’s Delight I’m getting good with my my suffixes here okay because I’ve been reading all week about this and again you’ve put it up in your scissors today you put up in the weekend as well didn’t you is this the big one today uh I would say it’s the no I wouldn’t say it’s the big one not not at all but just I just thought here you’ve got a improving Sprinter who’s won the race that I think he won the race that Shaquille won last year coming into this now yeah he blew out at Newby in the greenham but it was a bit of a messy race he was key in front and it just wasn’t right he is a sprinter I think I think he’s a sprinter pure and simple he’s bolted up on bottomless ground at Ponty FR first time up he’s um you know he tried got tried in the greenham dropped back into handicap but off a big weight and I think he boled up at New Market thought he went easily he might have been a 16 to1 shot but I mean he shouldn’t have been um and yeah I like him I do quite like him as a just the toor that Clive Cox does so well with money do you know what I’m going to have a good go in this race actually the more I look at it the more I fan say mil no all right cuz that’s the other one I like Mr Sketch yeah he ran he caught my eye through GRE um it was an N catching run in the mil Reef last year behind aray when he probably I think he shaped like the best horse in that race probably just got stuck in the mud a little bit look at that form he had seven questions behind him that horse has gone on to win a palace house he had hearten back in fifth that horse has gone on to finish third in the guine you know you know you’re not talking about anything of that caliber in this race and then last time in the greenham again he ran very well in six but his chance was gone and I I just think he’s crying out for better ground as well um he was held up in the rear he was a little bit short of room William Buick sort of accepted once his chance had gone he was only beaten three lengths he had room service and James’s Delight behind him um he’s just better than he’s been able to show so far I think and if you’re getting the 13 to two there on the graphic um I really like him I I just think he’s a he’s a sprinter um I think he’s unexposed he’s got really strong form when you look at a race like this where you’ve got relief rally who we’re not really sure where she is and then you’re talking about improving handicappers James’s Delight a day in Devon well Mr Sketch is probably better than a handicapper you can see why a day and Devon we need to talk about a relief rally guys we’ll get to it but a day and Devon is probably the only one that’s not tried seven furlongs this season do you know what I mean which slightly worries me about some of the others because I know it’s good to try and have a go to stretch them out but it means that maybe this now brings us on to relief rally I thought she I don’t know she was a darling of a 2-year-old wasn’t she it’s not surprising at all to hear that she’s the worst result nearly of the day at William Hill cuz she’s got huge public following people were saying to me yes I was getting a messages saying this is her race this is her race but why run her over the seven does that she’s lost the T speed it was it was a strange one wasn’t it I mean I suppose I mean this is point about how important the classics are is you do try to stretch stamina for most you know what I mean you allow the winners and you and you she all that and and and again the Colts versions you try and stretch that distance but I mean after she won the L last year William hugus was talking about running in the Abbi like you know what I mean so he must have thought of then that yeah actually she’s a sprinter isn’t she but it’s Chang his mind so there’s one trainers can get it wrong shouldn’t have run in a greenham too far and let’s talk about a greenham run because she sort of came there to win the race she was she came there she came there looked like she was going well didn’t see it out I mean it looked it looked a simple that but I’m semi in agreement with Jamie there I’m not convinced she didn’t want at six furong either though I didn’t think she was running all over furong and half moment yeah we’ve seen that form obviously work out rather well also so look well I like it has it hasn’t because the front two were both tailed off they both went they finished 11th one in the French and one in one in the English guies the thirds won the guine so pick the bones out of that form I mean it was terrible times very slow compared to the we did get a guine winner out of it orbe she probably should have won the race on a day I like relief rally for this at 7 or2 I thought she might be a tad short but the horse that’s putting me off is Mr Sketch and I I might depending on how the market goes back both Mr Sketch on top for you yeah the more I think about it the more I fancy him I think he’s a cracking price I think he’s a cracking bet all right see you need to correct me when I correct you for saying wrong hor I got just got a message from David Jennings say it’s the Fred darling not the green listen I don’t knows I got a lot going on here thank goodness DJ’s in the background maybe we should bring him in all right let’s get to the London Gold Cup shall we uh this is is an absolute treasure in the flat calendar B over jumps as well I said it yesterday this is one of the best handicaps anywhere you look on the planet each year and uh no that’s the 248 New Market New Market which is what we got coming up before I did I’m looking at the running order and all right let’s go to New Market first then shall we and here we have oh now Tom seagull has put this up isn’t he desert cop in what looks a pretty tricky race to my eye I’m a big Divine Libra fan like a lot of people are Jamie McBride I’d be slightly worried about the quick turnaround here yeah um it’s a so another tricky handicap isn’t it with extra places uh it’s a quite enough betting heat uh the bad results are darkness and summeran so two to two Northern rers obviously summeran was unlucky at York midweek he put line straight through that run and he has shaped well on a couple of occasions uh this spring and early summer but yeah wide open looks another tricky uh bet and heat on TV okay uh four places then guys we’re going to need them here I think a little bit this is it I mean I didn’t bother tipping something in the paper on this because I like everything yeah it’s one of those I mean I’m a fan of divine Libra rainbow fire I thought ran a cracker last time on ground that I don’t think he actually wants uh so quick will be fine um darkness is an old Cliff horse of mine Quinn Al’s form is you know with mream last year is Sensational Now isn’t it and he was just a massive improver one loads of races last year uh sugan’s one of my favorite horses in training and has been since he was nine and he’s probably 15 now or something in you you know what I mean he’s been around forever uh he goes up to seven Furs for the first time in an absolute age he did finished seventh sorry sorry fourth to kinan um running on in one of those big seven furong handicaps at aset years ago um and he always finishes too fast too late doesn’t he like you know what I mean so is quite interesting yes it is um to to see him come up to this trip after a long while some of these horses they lose they lose a bit of speed didn’t they you know what I mean I remember I can’t remember the name of it now I think we know what’s going to happen with Summer Gan don’t we I I think I just looking at this like he’s going to keep he’s going to keep doing what he does but whatever the trip and then he’ll come to the big sum of ons and he’ll probably niit one if you can still get in him by then that’s the issue though W BL me wow time every time you finish or six you drop a pound don’t you you know what I mean I guess so you know he’s 95 now you like everything in the race to stay out I like everything in the race token tip was rainbow fire okay yeah I don’t think you like the Gran hok either B uh no strong view in this but I did come down on Divine Libra in the end just because of the overall unexposed Progressive profile um worried about darkness and also just noticed there along the bottom want to keep an eye on in future as Imperial Fighter for sure now with Jamie Osborne who’s had a a fantastic season um this hor used to be with Andrew balding ran in a couple of group ones um wasn’t a bad horse at all tended to like yes yeah remember him and I’ve backed him a couple of times for sure uh running now off a mark of just 97 I’m not saying he’s going to win today um but definitely want to keep an eye on for a very shrewd team but yeah it’s um Divine Libra for me just think the overall profile of the horses is what you want in a race like this um just shapes as if um has much more to give all right okay that that is a tricky looking race but you getting four places there he won well didn’t he despite that draw at Chester Divine Leba sure to go off favor now let’s get to the London Gold Cup shall we I’m loving this race so much I would have had it right at the very beginning of the show we’ve seen group horses a plenty win this say no Brian took it out last year of course with Bonelli he’s now in Hong Kong o this is an interesting Market I wasn’t expecting to see that favorite so short Jam M at bright yeah like you said it’s a kraken race this always one of the stronger three-year-olds of the year uh three-year-old handicaps pre ascet and yeah Kings Gambit and Shan T both really strong even though we have seen a good spread of businesses you’d expect there cases can be made for most of them we are an extra place as well but Kings King’s gamb but yeah the CH y obviously like to Target this race remember time test and Imperial Aviator both been bad results in this race and they could have run the same owna had hand of God who’s being held back for the 10 F on handicap Ascot he could have run in this but they’ve gone with Kings G bit said which could be a tip in itself and shant T’s the other really strong one at the front end obviously ad no Brian had a three-year-old hanaba win at York early in the week and you think because this one’s been targeted the more valuable race like that one might they might think he’s got a bit more in Hand of the handicapper than that one who won at York so yeah they’re both really strong but it’s a good race in a good spread of business all right thanks Jay conscious that we’re over the half an hour mark in the show we usually around for just over an hour here guys we need to pick up the pace a bit here uh and a lot of what Jay said B Bears true I’m looking at this market and I there’s a horse on there I can’t even see so he’s gone the wrong way and I’m looking at King one yeah yeah your one going I’m gonna start here if you don’t mind I got I think I’m allowed to have a short list of three in this race I love it so much hang on I thought you said we needed two no no no I’m picking out the pace I’m picking out the pace Kim’s Gambit I’ve got on top I was loving the 5 to one I’ve had a little bit I didn’t think he got 130 that bracket last form is obviously more than good enough to take this I think he’s a newb specialist already I love him very much and the hand of God reference I think he’s absolutely right I like Bion who finished behind Goodwood Odyssey last time there’s big swing in the weight so he’s got the draw Jamie Spencer on the other one I like his fighter command who took a lot of putting up on his third start when winning at Windsor last time and he’s been a bit of a thinker so far he’s been learning on the job and Paul ke you’re very keen on this I was Keen sorry will you just go I I’ll have to have a little top up yeah is that what you were doing no no no no no no I was I was looking at another one there um yeah I it’s one of those you can actually make a case for him deserving to be 16 to one because the form isn’t brilliant he’s just shown a lot of promise and it’s just the case that last time he got hassled by a loose horse and he was he was clean enough early and then he got totally lit up at a time when um R Evin wanted to wanted to get him to settle uh and slow him down and he slowed the pace right down but horse was fighting for his head like mad and um the finishing Blitz were pretty quick goes to show how how slow they’d gone initially and uh I just just impressive way he he actually saw it out because everything went wrong for him and he still won now the form isn’t brilliant um but the godlands put him in the King Edward the seventh Stakes a day later so I mean they must have known he was going to get him Mark in the mid 80s on what he done to so to still put him in a group two I mean obviously this race routinely goes to subsequent group horses there are loads of potential ones in there and I just thought he was a big price he’s even bigger now the horse he beat byet was called Liam Swagger is a whopping eye catch of Tom singen is after racing you’ll get two for TR there’s a horse in here who finish one length behind economics last year and running off 78 which is uh individualism oh yeah Mark was fifth in that he was fifth in that new market race uh last year and K Zoom Zoom was second in the green yeah uh I think the second is it was the ground that day I actually back second’s one maen since the third is unbeaten in two starts since and the fourth was economics was he a bit disappointing on his return on his return but he’s he’s uh he’s damn the damn subjectivist he’s drawn him W and Joe fan is just going to get try and crack on it isn’t he you know and the Johnston have run so many good horses in this race and got the majority of them beat I think commun won it but but you know Monty Rosso got beat in this off a mark of 84 when off favorite for the Irish Derby two months later like you know what I mean so they always run a very very good horse in this he’s got a very low weight and an interesting bit of form massively strong Trend racist the draw is not ideal if you’re drawn wide if You’ watching Sky Sports right You’ just seen Jason Weaver doing a walk of the track this week and the one that really stuck out to me with the shot doing that was the 10 F on start and it and if you look at stat I think six of the last nine have been single Figures it’s a tricky start uh shant T Goodwood Odyssey uh they’re all sort of wide aren’t they Spirit at clams absolutely fascinating Runner as well huge Beast if I was to have a short list Spirit of atlam would be on it Goodwood Odyssey would be on it i’ to be honest Dave I disagree with you on that sand down form I thought the trip he had was just a disaster and he did really was it with Bion he did really well to win as soon as he got to the front he pricked his ears wasn’t doing a tap in front I really like that horse but neither of those two are my selection um because my selection’s bigger price talking of good form lines I mean this isn’t an exact science um but persa third to the uh 2000 guine winner notable speech at Kempton obviously apart from notable speech I don’t think anything else in that race has uh run any anything of note since other than witness stand to outrun his 22 to one odds at Chester and so that was a decent run um just thought that was a nice effort from from persa who’s got some really nice juvenile form from last year really I catch him running the big sales race at York when he was 10th behind Dragon leader as well that was over six Fong so he’s a horse of quality one when he stepped up to Amile at Kempton obviously that was a mile again last time I think he’s going to really enjoy this Step Up in trip um he’s shaped as if he certainly would he’s by new bay plenty of those get further than mile um yeah and I really like Richard Hun’s quotes on him as well he’s quite bullish he knows um the sort of horse you want for this race and I just thought at the prices I wouldn’t be surprised if he drifts out again actually but I think he’s around the 12 to one Mark at the moment um he’s not the sort of horse a lot of people go for in this race and as a result I think he’s probably overpriced but is is this race not just what horse racing is all about on a yeah it’s an important race for the going abely fascinating you can make it for every single horse you know they’re Progressive they’re likable uh it’s a puzzle it’s enjoyable to solve you know that there’s going to be winners come out of this race afterwards I just think it’s great and I’m really going to enjoy watching this later do not be anywhere else at 3 p.m. we probably spun you around in circles about that we like the fa he’s just a bit short basically oh King Cab it goes out of 7 to2 I’ve spoken all right okay let’s move on then it’s the big one coming up it is the group one the first group one for older horses of course and it is the lockings which sets the mar we’ve got the m match here you’ve seen it on the front page you can see that just behind me look can we get that up there already at there we go the big Clash yes indeed in spiral versus Big Rock this is not the first time they have met I will get the panel’s reaction on whether it is indeed a matchup once Jamie at bride tells us how that boost is looking big rock out to three to one yeah he’s steady away but um punters don’t believe it’s big Clash really the story of the races the how sort of lukewarm the front two on how punters are looking to find Alternatives obviously Paul and Tom have put up witch hunter High Royals been supported at fancy prices uh so yeah front two lukewarm all right okay so I know what Paul’s going to say I kind of think I know what mads might say about this as well let’s see what David Jennings makes of this lockage he’s been waiting in the wings listening to us all make our mistakes on horses names and races and things like that guten Morgan to you DJ good morning no I’m enjoying the show yeah very good so far how are we you look once again you’re looking fresh that punches down is just a a mere memory now DJ sharp as ever yeah moves quick doesn’t it moves very quick you quickly forget about the jumps although there’s a very good race at a toy today obviously the French Champion hurdle is on uh but quite a Saturday like you’ve got a bit of Everton um obviously got Newbury we’re talking about the London Gold Cup there real cracking handicap and then obviously the the first group one for older horses in in the lockage yeah and and so much everywhere for everybody to enjoy two meetings in Ireland as well so yeah cracking Saturday yeah I mean the choice of naps today was mindboggling wasn’t it what about the Locking then are we with bug Rock are we with in spiral or we with something else yeah I’m very much within spiral um I like I tou you R well I have to say first time out last season in the queenan I didn’t think things went according to plan in the race I thought it was a bit of a mess and I know triple time wasn’t exactly the best ever winner the queenan but I still thought it was a rock solid run I thought she maintained her form if you take away the the Goodwood run in the Sussex on awful ground I thought I thought it was a real good campaign for in spiral um and and the one thing I do think that’s really interesting is John gin’s quotes leading up to the race like he’s he’s very much emphasizing the draw like stall one kind of scares him because I think um they ran lurel in the race last year and lurel was in Stall one and didn’t get any cover and when I hear a trainer talking about the draw it suggests to me that he’s pretty confident he has our spot on for our first start of the season um look I think she’s a smashing Philly and big rock you would like a bit more cut in the ground um I think the race is going to set up nicely for in spiral and I think this is going to be the first big day for Kieran schummer um yeah he just needs he needs liftoff and I think today could be lift off for Kieran schar he does need lift off I think that’s a really good way of saying it because there’s almost a bit of David Moyes about this isn’t it sorry David taking off you know over from Alex Fergus and he’s taken over for Fagor a couple of rows haven’t haven’t gone the way that he might have lik to I think that could be said I think yard form comes into it as well yeah course yard form question yard form matters too doesn’t it I mean joh go had a really slow start I mean he didn’t have any winners at the Craven meeting uh which would be unusual um wasn’t the best guine meeting either but then he had seven winners in then he had seven winners in yeah but Mickey Mouse races like you know what I mean so that that that’s is I mean look she is the most likely winner in my view yeah um she was definitely more consistent last year she’s tough she’s won six week ones there’s there’s plenty plenty to like about her um I just I mean Chris Cook got it right in in in the paper on page two today that she is she can be a tricky ride she can flop out the store she can be Keen like you know what I mean and it’s first ride on her so you know they’ve got a they’ve got a gel haven’t they are you surprised that she’s not outright favorite no because big work has the the single piece of best form doesn’t he do you think people are under playing the ground with him a bit or over playing it or if anything over playing some of his form is very good on on a quicker service I do think he’ probably always be his best when it’s bottomless but they’ve had a falling out with a trainer and they moved it to somebody that none of us had ever heard of like you know which is a bit unfair to um what’s his name again Mr G whatever he is um but yeah I mean I had a look he won a group one in Italy in 2001 and and another one in 2010 they’re both now group two racing but I mean he’s a he’s a low strike rate trainer five from 91 in this this year and 18 from 281 last year how much is that going to be relevant for this though when he’s been prepared for it by his previous trainer don’t know well okay absolutely no idea I mean neither do I you know I mean conundrum isn’t he he’s still been with him for six weeks yeah um I’m assuming they giving him the same food and different gallops and whatever you know so very French to do this by I don’t know but the other thing is right there’s so much Pace in this race now it’s hard to say he got an easy an easy one up front on temp as because he went so hard he’s the best Moder in the world on but he went yeah yes but he went so he went so hard but we’ve got audience in the race now audience is a Seven fur on front run specialist just happens to be owned uh by Chev Park and trained by John going to be the hair isn’t it if he doesn’t try to lay up with it I’ll be staggered um High world has gone from the front um Flight Plan uh has gone from the front there’s a game group two winner from the front so there’s loads and loads of so it sets up for inspiral but it also it half sets it up to ruin a lot of other aers chances and I just thought outside the big two here we go there is very very little difference now this is where people I keep saying this seem to be a lot people always think we’ve done this for years people think that Paul key and Tom seagull sit next to each other in the office and we’ve said no no no they don’t they completely different they sit on his show to get seag anyway how have you both ended up on witch hunter and it’s now a right G this is it when I put it in I put it in the weekend at 50s on Wednesday and it was like one or two places and all it did from there is drift this is the power of price wise Tom puts it up 20s and 16s in the place nothing to do with me um but yeah um I wouldn’t I wouldn’t go any short than that I’ve got to be honest I mean I’m as an outsider to to get in the frame and outrun his odds now case for him is simple he was you know outside the top two there’s not a lot of difference between Top Class mild handicappers and the rest right and he’s a top class handicapper uh he won the Buckingham Palace last year came from last to first right small field Group races you very very rarely get a solid Pace he got one in the Hunger for Stakes last year came from last to First absolutely bolted up he had chindit nearly five L away and third chindit is a course specialist at new who’s twice been placed in the Locking now he hasn’t done it at a mile but he’s never had a chance at a mile really um this just Stacks up really well for him uh I think there’s not much between him and any of the others outside the top two still needs the top two to underperform okay uh but he’s race fit and the race is going to be run to suit and I thought a 50 to one 10 to one place was a massive it’s borderline value now okay mad we were sort of on the clock a bit but I’m going to ask you a couple of questions quick fire round for Maddy here oh no all right so it’s like big rock or in spiral in spiral well answered quickly outside of the big two there were a couple of prices yesterday looked massive I was 50 to1 about about High royal and considering he’s placing a guine we all right as we know about the strength of that guine but he then sort of ran one an IR as well he’s got Ry Mo I knew that would crash down wasn’t it surprised I bit surprised him what’s the question Dave what do you like outside yeah I’m now going off the clock what do you like poker face at the current prices for me uh because he’s incredibly consistent and reliable because he gets a three pound weight pull with Chon for his sandam run last time because he can lay up with that fast pace that Paul key has referenced because he stays further because he is adaptable with regards to trip because he put in an absolutely belting effort to beat Isaac Shelby in the pre Daniel Wildenstein last year uh he’s just not going to run a bad race whichever way you slice it and he is a very appealing price should be shorter than Shar in other words I think so I’d prefer to Back Him Anyway I could both him more one two three in the race okay go there yeah go on one two three in spiral I can’t trust her I find her hard to trust even though she’s becoming more trustworthy uh but yes we’ll go in spiral because she is the most talented and who’s going to go off fa in the race in spiral all right DJ you with that as well do you think INSP spiral will go off a yeah do yeah I think she win okay all right let’s stick with you now DJ that’s the Saturday previewing done what a card at Newbury And We snuck in some decent action at New Market as well but it’s good racing in Ireland today as well DJ M apps in Ireland as well whoa what track it’s Navan here we go here we go he’s not even in yeah okay it’s h yeah it’s it’s one of these it’s one of these days where we don’t have anything spectacular like the Locking but we’ve got decent solid race in at naen where we’ve got possibly a really good Maiden to start with um six fering Maiden turnbury Wells represents aen O’Brien who is an NOA ever and brother to Blackbeard of course who was such a good two-year-old a couple of seasons ago so that looks a really really strong race to start to car because Dr Ali was a real ey catcher on debut as well and later on in the card we’ve got the eight Stakes which is a listed race and an interesting enough race as well that’s a 340 if you read Johnny ganin column in the race and post today h he’s very keen on Gasper delos uh I’m not I’m taking him on actually two of Johnny’s strongest fancies today are against two my strongest fancies so it’s like up in the anti all over again uh and Johnny usually gets his R but he he fancies Gasper lios in the 340 I’d be very keen on bza for jerlin and Colin ke I just think she’s slow now she started off in the Sals B over a mile and two at naen last time and I actually thought she was reasonably eye catching um I just don’t think she’s got a real turn of foot and speaking to Colin Keane about her he thinks the same he thinks she’s she’s a grinder she’s a stayer she could potentially get two miles in time and she’s stepping up and trip obviously to a mile and five here for a mile and two so I think beleta will beat Gasper deos but Johnny denin who’s in terrific form at the moment really scares me um and the other race were really taking each other on and this is actually um can I give away my my Napa the day or am I allowed to you’re on a double as well aren’t you D you’re on a double yeah yeah mayman actually who I napped on this show last week that’s actually running today at naing again so hopefully he’ll do the business again but in the first race at Wexford right the Wexford race course mayor’s Maiden hurdles 2 and 1 half miles we couldn’t get any lower in the barrel than this it’s for horses who have never been placed before okay but I find with these races okay when you have a race like this that’s confined to horses who have never been placed under rules before you often have horses who are actually targeted at this race cuz there’s only a couple of them throughout the season and time for Te number number 13 for Henry de Brad and Rachel Blackmore runs in the put cat on colors she is a far better mayor than she’s been able to show so far um she I thought she was really like catching at down Royal in on St Stevens day or boxing day as you call it finished four that day to the other Mazy and you the likes a purse price M Frisco who was behind her there long way behind her that day as lens behind her like he’s right 118 over fences now so the form of that is reasonably solid she ran a fairy house in January and bumped into now is di hour who turned out to be one that that grade to it at hadock and it was bottomless ground and she absolutely hated it they’ve been really patient they’ve waited for good ground they’ve waited for a race like this and not broken her maiden status last season so she’s out early this season and um I just think she’s she’s better than a race like this only time will’ll tell whether I’m right or not um she should really be winning this I think she’s just a better caliber horse than the one she’s running against here so I do really fancy time for T in that 140 at Wexford but Johnny theine my old buddy he likes one night standard for Gavin graml and Kei duno who are winning everything at the moment I think the way they’re going they’re going to win the Euros head to heads yeah there’s a keen on runner in that 340 race isn’t it and my apps in it you not even mentioned it DJ so we’ll get to that at the end of the show all right talking about Ireland DJ stick with you on the Irish Angle now tomorrow as well as a good racing H there is yeah tomorrow is a massive day at nce H it’s their centinary celebration so it’s uh they 100 years as centinary would suggest H in action at nce and uh free entry so this is we often see some odd free entries here and there for different type of race meetings but you very rarely get free admission for a card that has I think four stakes races so this is n’s best flat card and um it’s going to be a terrific day they’re expecting a couple of thousand there and N is one of these race courses that are always on the front foot they do things really really well they have a lovely Circle building just past the win and post where kind of overlooking the race track you have a beautiful view of the track coming up and you just got the parad ring the other sidey as well so it’s really well decked out so it is the new nce so if anybody hasn’t been to nce I would advise you to go cuz it’s it’s a it’s a terrific race course and they do things really well so fair play to deran and the team there and you’ve got an opening race so last year on this card we had two Royal ASA winners so we often brand these big days as you know Royal ASA trial days and you see chelham trials day at I think it’s at n as a chelam trials day where nothing ever really runs there and wins at at chelham but this Royal ASAT trials day has worked out to be a proper Royal ASAT trials day because River Tyber won the opening race the kmore stood CX race last year and went on to win H the centry stakes and then Porto Fortuna won the Phillies group three later on the card and went on to win the Albany as well so so two Royal Ascot winners won in this card last year and don’t be surprised to see Roy baskot winners this year in the opening race treasure Royal was um one of them typical oine newcomers in the opener uh you know obviously needed to run and I’d say it’s quite useful that runs in the opener at Treasure oil so I think it’s it’s quite highly regarded treasure is and then later on the card uh in the 355 I suppose is the main race it’s the gos lacken Stakes it’s a it’s a group tree buano Fuerte who won the Phoenix St Stakes last year and finished third in the centry he’s rate 120 so he’s the most high-profile horse running on the car but he runs against gimme the beat boys and uh he has to give gimme the beat boys three pounds as well and give me the beat boys has had that run under his belt he won it nav on his return to action last month so it’s going to be a big ass for for buan for to to give H give me the beat boys three and I don’t think he’s going to do it cuz I fancy give me the beat boys but a great day at at yeah and free entry absolutely love that well that’s wetted our appetite for the Irish action not just today but tomorrow as well very comprehensive ban fto one of my favorite horses last year but give me the beat boys really well to win when he was back didn’t he last time I see little beat that is all to come let’s now bring this nicely onto our Sunday previews tomorrow we’ve got some Mark at William Hills to give you because it’s one of these Sunday Premier racing days and it’s finally new Market’s turn to have a go which I think personally is going to get more eyes on it so that’s great and what if we what have we got uh before we go to JB got a social coming in I finally got one out of the producers what we got uh KES and seagull always copy my picks and ruin their prices says mike boy Mikey boy absolutely Mikey boy you’re not alone there all the racing post office is nodding along with you at that one all right okay 445 Jamie mbde tomorrow yeah there’s actually a couple of good races at good handicaps at New Market like betting Heats so far obviously with most people concentrating on today’s stuff uh but we have seen a bit of money for barishnikov in this race that’s the one that’s been supported early uh but there’s a couple of other entrance and ones not more SN cluster sh for me I do I do think he can make a case there to trainer uplift and he’s of Interest yeah okay all right 4:45 tomorrow then I mean Ma I’m beaten then for the goens looks like one of those pivotal AES for PS tomorrow initially I had him on top in this race and then I looked again and I thought actually I don’t like him um so he’ll always teach you to look closer at these things um we mentioned the John and th gon form okay they had all those big string of winners but they’re still not absolutely 100% firing that could look nonsense by tomorrow Mao uh four-year-old guilding he just looks very green and gangly in his two wins at linkfield you know it’s not surprising to see that he has had that guilding operation because he looks a little bit Wayward this is going to be his hardest test by some way and an opening Mark of 91 it’s not a gimme and so I switched uh not to the eye-catching uh track runner last time Days of Our Lives but to llean um offer featherweight for David simock and Haley Turner always good to see that pair turning up um this guilding has been on a rampage on the all weather tracks Chels for wolver Hampton Newcastle wolver Hampton sou winning winning winning um but did go well on Turf last season at Yarmouth that was an eye-catching run when he was third back uh in June and then rippen as well uh clearly a progressive horse still rated 75 but has been winning with plenty in hand on the all weather and maybe the handicap has just not caught up with him yet I’d much rather have him than ma off a mark of 91 but it’s a good race this is going to be harder for the favorite than anything he’s faced so far yeah I’m of that opinion I thought Daisy Li was a big ey catch on I’m all over really um I was on a day at the Craven meeting when no nothing had come from the back and he nearly did yeah and he was further anyway H and he goes out to goes back out to 1 M two here I like these colors as well there something B I think he’s a massive play yeah all right okay look at garcy hanging there G’s become one of those JP MC’s horses that’s gone to Ben Haslam know he’s just we thought he was going to be the next coming is that a bit harsh on AR you watch no of course he’s not Ben aam does a great job all right okay let’s move on next way he’s coming up a new market an hour later is the 545 and uh the winning New Market machine that is wood hey wand head your Market Jay yeah a close battle for favon but yeah turn into a bit of a dist specialist uh and then there’s the Chester pair of Al shabab and Garfield Shad out 9-2 you can make a case uh they can both win from the Chester race obviously Al shabab was caught wide but Garfield Shadows probably got the sexy profile the one for early money is Jan geared 11 to1 we play bits and pieces with him I thought he had been given a stiff enough handicap Mark of 9 to3 but he’s the one we’ve laid so far Al shabab storm was a right out gamlet Chester from a horrible draw very nearly won Garfield’s Storm from memory got uh Shadow sorry got caught up in his run and then flew on the inside but you have to say saved more ground of the two or are we looking elsewhere uh we’re looking at the outside of the entire field we’re looking at watch my Tracer off a mark of 99 on his penultimate start really impressive winner of the Spring Cup at lingfield um that was a listed race shaped as if he was far better than the the result anyway I thought and I SP to Callum Shepard afterwards and he confirmed that uh this is horse who finished seventh in a strong commentry last year two wins either side of that were really good as well uh just think if it wasn’t for the last run he’d be much much shorter price for for George Scott and uh I think 25 to oneish is too big is it 25 to1 is Jay uh yes uh I’ll just bring it up it is currently uh 33 uh sorry 25 yeah 25 to1 he nearly said gave you 33 so he had to look a long way down all right the outside a lot for Maddy kills uh yeah it was warm spell but I can’t remember why cuz my phone froze and I can’t my brain’s muddled oh the kids know I six uh I know six in the list of races Donnie last year on soft ground they didn’t like it was very promising very promising word on the show dancing Gemini G gini yeah War rooms it was a good race all right okay a goodace don’t ground as we can see top connections as well we’ll be better yes all right okay that’s Sunday done just before we move on the Naps yester time a lot of you have been waiting for drum roll will come after we have a little nod to the queen and because it’s of course the Locking today this is I don’t want to call it a trial this is a stepping stone for the queen an this of course opens up the Royal Ascot meeting the group one uh Mile and we’ve got I mean blind me hang on a minute this is interesting Jay we I mean we’ve got nine to four the pair today and reminded that big rock has been boosted you really don’t like big rock do you no we do think if he does blow out today obviously it’ll be our last chance to lay at Short prices so we are trying to get a bit of big rocket 9-2 before today’s race uh obviously it’s sort of M broadly similar and mirrors the Locking market with the exception of kwar he’s been well backed uh a new new shooter in the division we were 50 to1 before we won at ASC trials day we went 16 after that race and he’s been back sported into 14 uh against the front pair right some players that not playing today kills F chal nashar yeah I mean I was going to mention couldwell but I didn’t realize that short like you know I mean so completely lost interest now much prefer dockland no uh no I tell you what I prefer I just really want to see nashar being given a chance in a fast round Mile and yes so do I assuming Big Rock runs you get it and I think it’ be Taylor May for her I really do okay anything that we should be thinking about today with the Locking before the queen an in mind not sure I’d rather back poker face today at 89 to one than backing for a queen on at 12 anyway yeah DJ what about you let’s move on DJ that um the the The Vibes coming from the cold Camp are very strong about Royal Scotsman I thought it was an absolutely awful guine last year so um I can’t exactly say that I think Royal Scotsman is going to come out and beat in sping a big rock today but he’s just one of those if he did happen to run well today I think he’s like 40 to one for the for the queen and I I think he’s the type that is such a strong traveler was a really good 2-year-old disastrous last year um but he was eye catching enough in the guine so I don’t know maybe he be the one but look I think inspired will win today and I think she’ll win the queen oh there we are there doin’s for me Dave S I did cut you off no no no that’s fine uh we haven’t got much time yeah I just thought the prices could were uh doland’s ran all over him until the closing stages is is rated uh 10 pounds higher than him on official ratings so impressive at the Royal meeting last year could be to just keep improving throughout the season there you go all right that’s the queen and done all right naps are coming up after this three bets [Music] here we go then okay the Naps are now live on the website and the app I can tell you that much and I don’t know I was expecting I was expecting streamers I was expecting I don’t know a little bit of champagne coming out because last week it was a good week and the nap finally and our names are next to these naps as well by the way on the website and the app oh some of the times I must have had egg thrown at me over the winter I’m delighted to say and didn’t it sting you a little bit Jamie McBride my that one ha do was the last one to run we got Illinois beat we got all the other naps beat but uh yours excuse Sor excuse how dare you sorry DJ we got all but one of the other naps beat uh and yes it shash really did wipe out all the Illinois profits and more on top it’s because it was so early DJ that’s why it’s because it was so early uh DJ all right so let’s come with you these are the Naps this week they are indeed boosted out which is great to see you’re probably loving that if you’re on M’s napz hero but DJ give us the floor and and you are going for that opening race at wford I am it was only messing by the way Jamie obviously nobody pays any attention to my naps as we all know uh in the opening race at WX yeah time for T now all the money has been for H Johnny the fany W night standard I think is into about 6 to four time for tea is very much on the drift but I I just think she’s a better class of horse to the one she’s running against here and I think that good ground is going to make a massive difference to her so time for T in the 140 at weord what price you giving me Jamie 3 to one from 5 to2 oh beautiful beautiful yeah I’m quite happy about that about Birdman is M app DJ I think I mentioned this to you last week very quickly he didn’t half impress me on his debut had hyb behind i h improved Leaps and Bounds since with horse he beat of Jons can’t remember his name I backed him that day and this horse went past me like he just joined in he is an impressive individual there’s non runner in that raceing inqu but I like him a lot I’m going for the double this week never thought I’d be saying that after a while Maddie even money mdy player it’s not like me is it you go from a 40 to one nap um that finishes fourth so I hope some people got some each way Returns on that anyway with Tam far to an even snap he’s skinnier than I want but I do think desert hero uh will just win he was a bigger prize than that yesterday but I am really warm into Mr Mr Sketch so next best I’ll definely she showing off now but he’s 4 six on and we’re now getting even so you got to be delighted about that and KS 20 to1 I know twice the price I backed him out on Monday which is a little bit worrying but stick with it um am I going to press up absolutely no I’m going to have a bet at 20s without question and we’ll wait and see nobody else seems to like him though watch back that again you probably joined the members club now after the ad right that’s us pretty much done then DJ time to thank you where are we this weekend n I’m n now should be there in about an hour uh so looking forward to that and I’m off tomorrow so yeah looking forward to the weekend have a good one yourselves yeah cheers get word with Jesse Harrington when Birdman wins won’t you okay all right lovely stuff from DJ lovely stuff from mny plow and Paul key thanks for having us whatever the response enjoy the day enjoy the day absolutely Jamie McBride time for some more naps to go in and will we see you next week or is it time for Johnny the judge to come back on uh no you’re in the safe hands of Johnny uh next week I just quickly say mine up is Wilshire I’ve got the joyous task of pricing up the workingham and hun Cup on Tuesday afternoon if I was pricing up the workingham now he would my be my favorite so hopefully that’s still the case on Tuesday but yeah Johnny is back next Saturday another good weekend here do and the kurer you nearly forgot about DJ’s winning now I nearly forgot about your nap he did very well to win didn’t he and I think Jay’s just giving you a little heads up of what might be happening the week once the wokingham is priced up that is it thanks to the guys in the gallery thanks to you for watching as well everyone at William Hill we’ll be back next week we got more great racing to bring to you we got the Derby coming up and all that but today it’s an absolute peer it’s locking day enjoy it [Music]


  1. Love tuning into this programme. Plenty of good people with proper knowledge on the chat. We're all here to help each other and loosen the bookies sachels.

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