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Brett Sears, Cam Taylor-Britt, Ben McLaughlin on Sports Nightly: Monday, May 20th, 2024

Sports Nightly, presented by the NDOT Highway Safety Office with Greg Sharpe & Jessica Coody, live from our ✨brand new✨ studio in East Memorial Stadium. 6-8pm CT, M-F!

good evening I’m Cole Hartman and our Sports ticker is brought to you by the 1890 initiative the Husker baseball team after wrapping up a 34 19 regular season and a 16-8 conference record Now set their sights on Omaha for the Big 10 tournament the Huskers earned the two seed and are set to face off with the seven seed Ohio State tomorrow at 2 p.m. the Huskers took two of three games from the Buckey in a weekend series earlier this season in Lincoln as always you can catch the broadcast right here on the Huskers radio network with pregame coverage beginning at 1:30 p.m. central keeping with Husker Athletics the Nebraska track and field team will have 53 entries competing at the NCA West preliminary round this week at John mcdonal Field in fville Arkansas the top 12 competitors from each individual event and the top 12 teams from each relay event will advance to the NCAA outdoor championships hosted in Eugene Oregon the for a regional will meet the the 4day regional meet will have the men compete on Wednesday and Friday while the women will compete on Thursday and Saturday and in case you missed it last night the final NBA Conference semi-finals wrapped up with two exciting game seven matchups Minnesota overcame a 20 point deficit on the road to beat the Nuggets meanwhile the Pacers completed the upset over the Knicks game one of the Eastern Conference Finals between the Pacers and Celtics is set for tomorrow night at 7 and in the Western Conference the Mavericks and the Timberwolves face off Wednesday at 7:30 our Sports ticker is sponsored by the 1890 initiative do you want to support Husker student athletes through name image and likeness if so visit 1890 hour one of sports nightly is coming up next right here on the husers radio network coming to you live from Memorial Stadium it’s Sports nightly all the Huskers all the time Sports nightly is presented to you by the ndot highway safety office who remind you to buckle up and put the phone down Morgan brings it in Tyler Stone rips one to right that’s hit deep and that ball is gone Tyler Stone ties us up at four a three-run blast to right Stony into the bullpen and it’s a new game here in Lincoln mcder the rander deals can swings and lifts a Fly ball to left field going back as Peterson it’s over her head and rolling all the way to the wall bacon scores BL scores a two-run double for Canada and the Huskers boost the lead to 62 in the third Dylan turns hands it off to Dowell left side bounces to the outside 40 30 25 20 15 10 5 touchdown Dante Dowell here are your hosts Greg sharp and Jessica Cy on the Huskers radio network and welcome another week of sport nightly it’s a week without students on campus it’s like empty around here there is parking a plenty I love it oh you already know I love it U no having to fight for parking spots and yeah it’s been weird not seeing any pictures being taken out there that starts back in what March it seemed like and we’ve had ton of people that were right here by the studio posing for graduation photos but I was down here for graduation and it was um it was it was hopping down here felt like a game day do you remember your college graduation I really I I don’t have a lot of big memories for my college graduation I do it’s funny because I did not really want to walk I just didn’t think it was like that big of a deal but I was the first I was the oldest my parents made me walk yeah they went through it and then by the time my brother came around they’re like yeah you don’t have to so they like went through it one time and like yeah it’s okay you don’t have to do it but I understand it it means a lot to a lot of people but it’s a great accomplishment to do that just you know to kind of sit around in the ceremony and then go it just it’s kind of anti-climatic right I just sometimes feels like you just go get your diploma and then it’s all done and okay here we are we’re on our merry way I will be there to celebrate the Day Camden gets his diploma whatever whatever year that that is for him uh welcome to another week A lot has happened since Jess was with you on Wednesday night let’s let’s talk let’s start baseball because Cole had it in the ticker the tournament starts tomorrow in Omaha the Huskers will play game two against Ohio State 2:00 1:30 pregame you know I know NE Jess they went to East lansine hoping to maybe jump Illinois win a conference title they needed help they because they were game behind they didn’t have control of their destination I think when you go and you went on the road and you win a series you kind of did what you could do I I I I hope Husker fans are sat you never want to be you want to win the title yes but I hope they’re satisfied with what this team accomplished they were pick fifth in the league I think the Finish second was was a pretty good year and you have to give it kudos to they care of business you know and it was going to be a tough match up we had talked to Ben before and um even coach Bolton thought that maybe Purdue would give them more of a fight it ended up and Illinois went improved it and they earned it you know they earned it on the road and pretty much guaranteed a share by Saturday night or Friday night that they were going to at least have a share of it and so you know U we could say what you will I mean I don’t think they played the toughest teams right Illinois didn’t but didn’t play the Huskers um so but you got to go prove it again this week you know and here’s a chance and you know I think the Huskers have a good setup to maybe go make a run for a a tournament title which should also be really good heading into the postseason and you know that’s the one thing that’s really been missing from this program for 20 years it’s been since 205 the Nebraska last won the conference tournament title you got to go back to the Big 12 days down in Oklahoma City when they won the conference tournament so they’ve not won it in the Big 10 they’ won the Big 10 regular season title a couple of times but they’ve not won the tournament I think it’s time and I think this team is kind of equipped to do that with the depth that they have bit of a HomeField Advantage because there’ll be a lot of Husker fans going to these games up in Omaha I think it’s kind of set up for them to do this yeah and the first game is really important right to stand that winers bracket to be able to make a run do you feel like are they going to throw Sears tomorrow I don’t think they will yeah I didn’t think so I mean I I’ve talked to Sears where we’ll have it coming up but I feel like they’ll save him I do too and maybe try to to go get it done with someone else and maybe someone that hadn’t pitched against Ohio State I don’t know right um here’s the the advantage Nebraska has they’re in the NCA tournament right they don’t have to play their way in which is a really nice feeling sitting up in Omaha tonight they’re going you know what yes this is important yes they want to win and their competitive juices will flow but there’s not that thing hanging over their shoulder going you better win two games here to get yourself in the next week right yeah that’s it’s huge and it and it also alleviates some of that pressure and I know some teams use it as motiv a but for Nebraska they they just want to go up there and win a title they want to hold a trophy but it’s not going to determine whether they’re in or not they are in and so the know maybe could improve some seating I don’t know I don’t you know with the committee though they they match them up a lot of times story lines and sometimes it doesn’t even matter how good it is it’s travel it’s all of that so I don’t even know how much more they can improve where they might go if you’re not the one it doesn’t really matter if you’re the two or three you’re going to play the other one and Nebraska is not going to be a regional host most unfortunately that kind that dream sail when they got beat by South Dakota State a couple of weeks ago that’s where that thing kind of came to an end but starts tomorrow 2 o’clock 1:30 pregame coverage Ben and David guson will have the call for you up at Charles Schwab field in Omaha I want to jump into the stadium next because this came out on Thursday Nebraska athletic director Troy Dannon met and we’re hoping fingers cross to get Troy on this week at some point in time but I think he’s left town he’s got some meetings going on somewhere around the country but he’s not in town right now but he did talk about the future of the stadium and this is you know this is the biggest thing that he’s had to kind of tackle since coming on board in March as the new ad is okay what do we want to do with this massive football stadium project he met with some media members on Thursday and said basically the project is going to remain on track but going forward we’re going to focus first on the East and West Stadium they’re not going to take down south Stadium at the end of this coming football season which I know a lot of fans were concerned about because that’s about 30,000 seats on that South Side that people would have lost their tickets for a couple of years he says right now the landscape in college sports is different we got to figure out the ability to generate money and try to figure this all out so they’re going to do some reconfiguring of the East and West with some seatbacks chairback seatings seat licensing moving forward and some premium seating on the east and west side and then they’ll going to get to the south at the next phase I heard this and I thought you know what this to me seemed like a very mature approach to this thing the $450 million price tag that got rolled out six months ago was just staggering and I don’t know in this economy right now if that was going to be doable I think this is a pretty reasonable approach by Troy I think so too and I I think he’s fully aware that they’re absolutely needs to be some updates to the stadium but we’ve heard his approach to things and also we’re awaiting a Monumental decision that could be coming out this week of the kind of Revenue share and and the money that might be being paid towards student athletes so it just have to be really cognizant of of the the revenue and and where it goes and how it’s going and you just finished the go big project that people are just now moving into which was a a hefty load to to bear for donors and and contributing money to and so I just I think you take it get in phases and you go from there and it seems like that’s what he’s going to do and I also love that it’s not going to disrupt a football season correct you know I I didn’t love that aspect of it that it was going to start in the middle of a football season and you never know what a season could entail by then that you’re starting to disrupt disrupt some things and so I I like that it’s not going to start until after the football season and you know I think he he understands and I think he’s trying to get his handle from engineers and all these people that are much smarter than me what what exactly needs to happen in the southide does it have to come down or can we bolster it up can we reconfigure it work on the current setting the whole thing so I think he wants to explore more options on the south leave it as it is right now and I gota I gota imagine and maybe our audience is different on this that they’re relief too I I know an awful lot of people that have season tickets in the South stadium and they were kind of going man I don’t I really don’t want to miss two years of Husker football because my my seats are totally gone so I thought this was a really well approached move by the new Husker athletic director kudos to him but he also understands too and factoring into what you just said about this current ruling coming up about whether we’re going to have to pay student athletes more and more money we got us keep thinking about generating revenue and so if we can do that with the East and West with more licensing fees seatbacks whatever we have to try to do that yeah and you know I know a lot of maybe what trev’s plan was based on was some of the the survey and and people giving some feedback on that and and I know that seatbacks were a big thing that people wanted to see which it sounds like that’s going to be one of the first things that they’re going to tackle is trying to provide some of those amenities but um you know I’ve been asked a lot what’s going to happen with the seats I don’t know you know we didn’t know we didn’t know it was going to happen and so now here gives another year or so to figure out okay what is going to be the plan because I don’t think they had a plan on what how they were going to factor in those seats and so you know I I kind of like it done in phases as opposed to one big chunk at a time and um that’s personal preference for me and I just I keep going back to you never know what’s going to be on the line and you you have all this construction and it’s just a pain like I was at Oklahoma when they were going through uh massive renovations to their Endzone and it was hard for the they were in tra travel trailers on the side of the street like across the street they’re having to walk across the street to get to the stadium it was a nightmare to to navigate and deal with and so I I just don’t love the in season having to and I know it would be the opposite way but still it’s still is disruptive to a stadium I just I don’t love that it would cause a lot of noise uh throughout in in in the middle of a season so I like pushing it back a little bit and figuring out okay what is going to be the best plan moving forward because there is still so much unknown with in terms of the future of College athletics and where we need to be focusing some of that that revenue on and we can maybe make some improvements and some changes that fans want to see that would certainly help improve the stadium but yet you’re not going all in with this huge amount of debt and huge amount of money that you’re tied to to try to do that exactly Mike on our text line said I am glad to see them getting rid of the grandfathering prices on tickets that Mike that’ll be a tough topic for a lot of people because there are people that have had tickets since the 50s and the 60s they believe their loyalty and and I get that point of view they believe that their loyalty for all those 50 years of supporting Husker football and Husker Athletics should be rewarded I get that I understand that but it is kind of a different era so Mike I’m not disagreeing with your take on that thing but that’s a that’s a topic that will certainly have push back on the other side with people that have been grandfathered in on tickets prices moving forward one thing that Troy Danon did say and this was kind of a this was a big picture thing and and I do appreciate this about Trev Alberts he was a big thinker he he he thought big he thought big projects He talked about putting together kind of a oncampus hotel Entertainment District maybe on that side of the stadium and kind of having restaurants and bars that you could kind of set up for people to come visit year round Troy danis says we’re not we’re not getting into that business we’re we’re not that’s not what we do we’re going to step away from thinking something like that he goes that’s that’s not on my personal radar again I think that’s a pretty mature approach to this whole thing he he talks about is it going to help us win and that’s a big part of his his points of emphasis is it going to help us win where does it help us generate Revenue well this this place has been sold out for six since the 60 years and I just I don’t know and and I I feel like too people can feel the momentum happening and so you you start talking about losing seats of people not being able to be in their seats and what could be a big season and just I don’t know I just it it just seemed really extravagant and yeah it’d be cool to have but is it absolutely necessary for this football team to win football games probably not I’m not so sure that it is you know so again just re-evaluating how you approach this and being smart about it and understanding the changes that are coming to College athletics and the type of money that you’re going to be potentially doing out and you know just again being considerate of all of that and and not just you know taking on this huge huge undertaking that is going to be years before you see the the fruits of the labor completely and totally four you know when that that price tag of 450 million you knew it was going to be higher than that it’s just that’s the cost of things that go big project which you’re right they’re starting to there’s a lot more furniture in there I walked around a little bit over there today a lot more furniture in there people have moved offices and they’re getting a lot of stuff moved over there now look how that thing is over a year late getting open and it it ended up costing way more than what they thought 5 years ago when they broke ground so things go up the 450 M EV ended up being $657 m00 million that is a huge pill to swallow and the two years might be 3 years you know there’s no guarantee when you start a big project like that of it being done and you know I remember move when I got here and they were hoping that it was going to be a year that they were going to move in you know and then it just kept get or year and a half and then just kept getting pushed back and pushed back and you know they’re finally getting into it but you know it’s it was a little bit of a tough discuss because it was it was a year before they were able to really start year after what the projected date was before people were really able to start utilizing that new facility now it’s going to be phenomenal oh yeah yeah everybody so I saw Heather Brink take a recruit by just a little bit ago going out there to take a look at that huser’s gymnastics coach also Troy said no alcohol sales at football this fall and I you know that shouldn’t surprise anybody I know we’ve done it at PBA the spet got turned off at haym Market Park for baseball this year I just don’t think we’re quite ready to do that I think it happens I think it happens the next couple years at Memorial but it will not happen in 2024 Pinnacle Bank Arena was set up for it was an easy they you talk about having the in venue capacity to be able to do that PBA was already doing that because they had concerts they had other events that they were serving alcohol at so it was easy as just a turning on like you said the spet and distributing that they already had the infrastructure internally to be able to do that how much did they have to add for not much cuz the salt dog sell be was all there it wasn’t that big of an undertaking but there’s just so much that you have to to be able to put in place to be able to do that and it just realistically I don’t know how they would get it done by the Fall yeah I don’t either because you just have to have that internally there’s so many things that go into being able to to sell that and to be ready for it and I just it’s not a matter of a snap your fingers in it Stu you and I are not normal fans because we come here to do a job and work but I just don’t get a burning desire for people to have it done in the stadium I think people are fine going to their tailgates and doing that maybe I’m way out of bounds on that because I’m not a fan that I don’t come here every day but uh and again it but it’s going to happen it’s just not going to happen in 2024 I do think the the thing about here is you can leave and go back so if you wanted to you can come back into the stadium a lot of stadiums you cannot do that and so if you wanted to at halftime run back out there at to your tailgate whatever and hang out for a little bit then come back in it’s just yeah I it just doesn’t seem like it’s yes there are fans that certainly want it eventually but it’s not like I’m not going to go to games if there’s not alcohol so I don’t I don’t feel like there’s any of that it’s still the place to be and people can navigate how they’ve always navigated it agreed Mike and Grand onam said Stadium investment winning season then another winning season then build it uh I think you know we got to get this winning thing going first and I think that’s kind of the end all be all uh moving forward I will say do think that alcohol it’s coming it’s inevitable that it’s coming it’s just such a huge Revenue source and when you talk about having to find all the types of Revenue that you can you need you’re you’re missing out on on a big chunk of Revenue especially because Nebraska owns this facility where they’re sharing right the alcohol Revenue with hey market and PBA but this is something where you could and and we’ve seen it college football stadiums have made great deal of Revenue by being able to do that I do think it’s it’s coming it’s just a matter of being able to be ready for it all right great show coming up uh just had a chance to catch up with Brett Sears Who We Believe will be the Big 10 pitcher of the year I don’t know what the League’s doing that should have come out today they’re going to announce it I guess midday tomorrow which games have already been played is totally backwards you should have your All Conference teams before your conference tournament starts but that’s what this league does with the ball bat Sports it’s a shame but we’ll talk to Brett who we don’t know if he’s pitching tomorrow against the Buckey will bold has not made that announc but that’s coming up here in a few minutes cam Taylor Britt was back in town he got his degree I’m so proud of that young man Jessica had a chance to catch up with him after his graduation on Saturday we’ll have that for you coming up an hour number one as well Ben moffen will stop by we’ll break down Big 10 baseball his thoughts about the hoscar as they enter the Big 10 tournament coming up uh tomorrow against the Buckey that’s an hour to and we want to hear from you we’ve already heard from a bunch of you on the Tex line 402 413 2400 also time to tell you Husker fans check out the all new hivy Perks program sign up for the totally free hivy Perks program and enjoy exclusive perks pricing on hundreds of items in store and online score big savings today at SLP perks back with Brett Sears next deer roads trails and rivers you ready for some SUV action Toyota SUVs can roll their SL leaves up for tight turns and twisty Trails dress up for a night out on the town or head to the Great Outdoors take your family adventure game to a whole new level with the roomy Highlander make a serious Splash with the rugged reved up R 4 and Tow all your toys in the spacious new Sequoia don’t forget the Trail T and Forerunner and a Sleek vinza hybrid all Toyota SUVs feature a whole Suite of creature 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expires June 3rd 2024 see dealer for details welcome back inside our housecar radio network broadcast Center sponsored by Acres it’s the Midwest premere John deer deer supplying the equipment and service to advance Agriculture and much more Acres solutions for every field Greg sharp Jessica Cy with you on a Monday night so glad you’re with us here tonight well the Oscar baseball team is headed to Omaha for the Big 10 tournament starts tomorrow Oscars will play the second game of the day the Tournament begins with Indiana Purdue at 10: a.m. Oscars in guys will play at 2 with a 130 pregame coverage the league will announce at some point tomorrow the All Conference teams which will include the pitcher of the year which we all and we’re obviously a little biased in this believe it should be Brett Sears earlier today just got a chance to catch up with 34 here with Brett Sears well how much fun is this time for you uh no school just all on baseball yeah it’s a lot of fun you know we don’t have to focus on anything except for just a baseball for right now um you know it’s best time of the year to go get a chance to go try to win championship so we’re excited to go after that how does the mentality of this baseball team switch knowing that it’s now into postseason and got a lot on the line for every with every game you play uh I think you know we obviously know what what’s on the line but I think I think at the same time we just have to work on staying present which I think we’ve done a good job of all year so I think we do that you know uh we’ll handle business we’ve done a lot throughout the Big 10 uh pretty much won every series uh this this year so I think if we just keep doing that staying present uh we’ll do well how would you describe your season and the season you’ve had so far uh it’s been it’s been kind of surreal I guess I just you know coming back I didn’t know I guess what to expect I expect a lot out of myself but um I’d say it’s probably better than what I expected but you know it’s been a lot of fun just every every weekend giving the guys a chance to win and that’s been the main thing for me what’s gotone into you putting together just from from wi to wire this type of season and and leading the Big 10 in ER and and just all the accolades that are going to come for you what do you feel like has has gone into that I just think staying focused on you know uh doing what I can to be better for the team I think uh pitching you know you get a throw for 20 minutes a day and like other than that you can’t do a ton so I think just stand on the little things like Mobility strength and conditioning like all those things and I think coach childr has helped me out a lot just focusing on attacking the attacking the zone and working on that coach bolt talked last week about your mentality and and how you approach things and not maybe trying to be perfect but but staying in that attack mode how is that continued to develop for you and and especially going into here in the postseason uh you know I think I just kind of tell myself out there that hitting’s hard like you know even the best hitters are hitting three out of 10 times so I think if I just kind of have that mindset you know just throw stuff that moves different speeds up there uh over the plate and kind of dare hitters to hit it I think that’s been what works for me and I think uh going out there having that realization that it’s a lot harder to hit than it is for me to throw it in the zone I think so how do you feel physically going into the postseason I feel good you know I just um you know strength coach has been good strength conditioning has been good diet’s been good so just I’ve been staying on top of how how I feel so I feel pretty pretty fresh still you talked about giving this chance a chance to win games on Friday night how have you embraced how have you enjoyed that role on being the Friday night guy for this team uh yeah I mean I really don’t I really don’t think much of it like I just think think of it as my day to pitch like I just go out there and do what I can you know would it be different if I was pitching Saturday Sunday or or midweeks uh it’s just kind of my day to pitch and give the guys a chance so that’s kind of what I just roll with do you like setting the tone though for this team going into the weekends yeah no doubt I mean I started on Saturday some early and and even then and just you know going out there giving us a chance to either win a series or get back even in a series was fun so but no it’s it’s nice to definitely get out there and kind of set the tone you said you learned a lot from coach childr where do you feel like he’s helped you grow the most as a pitcher uh I would say mindset just just KN one to attack the Zone um how hard hitting is um getting hitters counts you know not being trying to be perfect but trying to hit like half the plate uh and make it difficult on hitters I think that’s been the biggest thing you can uh you heard you heard Josh there bragging about you but what can you say about Josh Karen and the job that he’s done managing this pitching staff uh he’s Onre back there uh it’s a lot of confidence for a pitcher to know that any pitch you throw like whether it’s o02 in the dirt or or even a bad first pitch of the batter like he’s going to block it or get a guy in base like they’re not running because of him so it’s it’s a lot of confidence just to know you can go out there and Pitch freely and know he’s going to handle that stuff coach bolt told me last week how much he um appreciates and likes the demeanor of you guys in the in the Dugout no matter what is going on in any game so how much confidence do you guys have that no matter what’s going on in the game you have a chance to win it yeah I think you know we know we’re a pretty resilient group I think we’ve come back from games this year we’ve won games in the ninth um so I think we we have that confidence that you know no matter what the score is we got a chance to win it as long as we stay in the fight so I think it’s been pretty fun to do that and then the dug out we’ve just always had confidence in whoever’s at the dish how important is that mentality especially now go headed into the postseason yeah it’s definitely important you know we’re going to get teams Best Shot obviously in the tournament some teams are playing for postseason lives um but you know we know that and we know as long as we stay in the fight we got a chance to win with with our lineup and with our pitching staff how much fun have you had with this team this year a lot of fun it’s been a lot of fun to win to win a lot of games a lot of weekend series um yeah so hopefully we get a lot more chances to do that guys play Ohio State you’re familiar with the lineup uh whoever is up there on the mound what is it going to for you guys to maybe win this one and advance in this tournament yeah I think they got a good a good Lefty we saw last last time we played them in the weekend um you know everyone at this point is going to give you your best shot uh we kind of know a little bit about him we’re going to do a little more scouting on him but yeah I mean we just got to stay focused on us and do what we can um play our game and we’ll we’ll be fine how excited are you to play up there in front of a lot of husar fans that you know are going to show out in naha yeah it’ll be fun the fans always show up big time and then especially when we get in tournaments uh we had a lot there last year so I’m excited to go out this year and see how many fans we get and see how loud they can get and then just finally what what does this team need to start putting together going into the Big 10 tournament the postseason just that you guys can do some of the goals that you you accomplished you set out to do at the beginning of the Season yeah I think just staying consistent you know um you know dayto day uh not not letting one day get by us and be like I wish we had that back cuz we we don’t get them back at this point um I just think staying consistent having good at bats uh being present on the mound and throwing strikes and I think I think we’ll it it’s fun getting to to chat with him it’s just been so impressive it’s one thing to jump out onto the scene but for him to have maintained how he’s performed and even a couple weeks ago people were like oh he needs a bounceback performance but he even his down nights a lot of people would would kill to have that as a starter eight no and out of nowhere and it’s it’s a it’s a remarkable story and I’ve done Husker baseball for 16 years I don’t remember a guy kind of coming from out of not totally out of nowhere but kind of out of nowhere to this kind of a year where he could be pitcher the year for the conference it’s remarkable so really proud of him again we don’t know if he’s pitching tomorrow I would be a little surprised I think they’ll try to hold him off until later in the week uh but we’ll see what what willb decides to do good to hear from from Brett there Woodhouse Auto family they are your trusted Auto partner 20 Brands 20 convenient Sales and Service locations we’re making car buying on your terms visit us online at we’re going to put our caps and gowns on we’ll talk some graduation next experience personalized service and exceptional deals at Woodhouse lincol with cuttingedge technology and incredible design Woodhouse Lincoln is the place to find your next luxury vehicle going on now receive 2.9% APR for 72 months on the 2024 Lincoln Navigator or save up to $2,000 off MSRP with retail customer cash on the 2024 Lincoln Navigator with approved credit $299 doe do it signing offer expires July 8 2024 see dealer for details n companies is proud to support Husker Athletics as a leader in commercial real estate we create thriving communities discover what’s new in the Builder District in North downtown sunny at Garbin and Rous town homes on levven Nole companies is adding Omaha’s first hybrid Timber building to the skyline soon to follow is Builder Green Park surrounded by mouthwatering food exciting retail and a hub of thriving businesses n compan is building a better Nebraska for more information check us out on Facebook and Instagram go Huskers hit us up on the text line text 402 4132 2400 with your Husker [Music] thoughts hey Mom yeah I got in a crack I’m okay I was wearing my seat belt people count on you to buckle up brought to you by the ndot highway safety office Husker fans Springtime in sarpi County means Sports and Outdoor activities catch an Omaha stormchasers baseball game or a Union Omaha pro soccer match at Warner Park visit fontel Forest where you can enjoy tree Rush Adventures or hike and bike on one of the many trails play round of golf or experience great fishing relax refresh and ReDiscover yourself with a springtime trip plan your adventure at at groundworks we take great pride in helping our Nebraska neighbors keep their homes healthy from repairing foundations to Waterproofing basement to fixing crawl spaces or lifting concrete driveways we’d like to thank our customers choose us because of our attention to detail or the fact that we’re the nation’s leading Foundation Solutions provider gives our customers the most Comfort is we’re right here in Nebraska visit groundworks tocom for a free estimate groundworks Foundation Solutions crafted with pride the official Foundation company of the Huskers it’s time for another round of Nebraska Farm facts if there’s one thing Nebraska is known for it’s our beef and Nebraska soybeans feed a lot of them and even more pigs and chickens farmers and ranchers raise livestock and poultry to provide nutritious affordable protein for all ages to help build muscle and maintain energy for a healthy lifestyle keep that in mind as you prepare all that tasty meat on your tailgate Grill this message is brought to you by Nebraska soybean Farmers growing 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check us out on Facebook and Instagram go Huskers sarpi County where great food drink shopping concerts and fun await you stay play and plan your getaway Edo Greg sharp Jessica cie back with you Monday night Sports isy here on the oskars radio network so glad that you decided to spend a little bit of time with us here on a Monday night coming after the graduation weekend that took place last week a lot of husker student athletes got their diplomas that’s kind of what it’s all about it’s so uh great to have all that done and picking up degrees they had the the big ceremony The Graduate Ceremony at PBA on Friday and then the big one inside the stadium at 9:00 uh that were able to do that but 103 Jessica husar student athletes picked up their diplomas pretty much every sport across the board was representative and I I think you know in the grand scheme of things that’s one of the big things about bringing kids to college is to get a degree yeah I you hear the coaches talk about that it’s uh it’s important for them to be able to come here and be successful just in Beyond being a student athlete but a record-breaking year I went up to the student athlete reception and it just Dennis leblanc’s going have to find a new place to have that uh celebration because it they were overflowing it was uh it was cool and you know seeing all of them walk in and you’re right it was all sports I mean and a lot of the player or a lot of the athletes that we’ve had on this podcast just Gardner michaan Moore just it was they were all walking through it it’s just it kind of makes you proud too just seeing them and and you know I know a lot of them will go on to do really big things outside of what they’ve done here at Nebraska but yeah it’s it’s neat to see and then you have some like we are from the guy that we’re about to hear from some guys like that that want to come back and finish their degree I love those sort Lexi Rodriguez Meritt B from volleyball both graduated uh so congratulations to both of them they’re not done playing don’t don’t get me wrong they’re not finished with their uh their playing days but they are coming back Ethan Piper saw him how about that and how much weights he lost so much I was like dang Skinny Minnie he goes yeah the social media guys were supposed to be taking pictures of us and they almost didn’t recognize me but great chatting with him he’s already got a job lined up he’s going to be a teacher like Junior High and high school Science teaching a bunch of different subjects and he’s got he’s going to coach um be an offensive coordinator is uh what’s in the works so he’s going to coach football too coach football and be a teacher in high school he’ll be phenomenal yeah he’ll be phenomenal with that well a couple of former athletes Nate Gary who was a draft pick almost 10 years ago Nate and then was won a Super Bowl ring with the Philadelphia Eagles came back and got his degree it was a fifth round pick of the Eagles in 2017 great to see him come back the sou Fall South Dakota product and can Taylor Britt came back to get his diploma something I think he promised his mother and was able to do that he’s had a terrific start to his NFL career with the Cincinnati Bengals helped the Bengals get to the 2022 AFC Championship game and Jessica had a chance to catch up with Cam Taylor Britt after he picked up his diploma on Saturday cam Taylor BR officially a graduate of the University of Nebraska how does it feel man it feels great man you see I haven’t taken the hat off yet tell me why the decision was so important for you to come back can get that degree today man it was very important to me uh one thing I can say it was probably my family uh just had letting them see me you know walk that stage you know it’s it’s one in a lifetime opportunity to do that and uh you know I want to do it right here in Nebraska you made a special promise right oh you know that I did man a long time ago I did made that promise to my mom my n gram and know my ladies in my life that I would do it and you know we made it happen so when you walk there you get the celebration how did it feel to to be back out there on the football field of all all places too while I was sitting down the whole time I was just remembering the plays that I that I made on the field and where I was sitting that I caught an interception so it felt you know good I was like oh I remember this spot right here but yeah it felt good to be back out there man and mor Stadium a lot of people have asked me why and how you did it um this academic staff has been really helpful right can you take us through that and and Dennis LeBlanc and his staff and how helpful they were once you were in the NFL trying to come back to school man Dennis is Dennis when I say he stays on it man he he’s been on it you know from the day I walked in the building my first me year to me you know wearing this this cap and gown today uh he he stayed on me uh and everybody in that building I can say I give him a round of applause because Miss Andrea texted me Kim shell pepper texted me uh all the time man just to make sure I’m on on my entos uh make sure the work’s done all types of night just making sure that I’m handling business you know it seem like when you’re back for the spring game so much love for you and you’re like the number one interview request that I get get too to to have on again the love and support that you felt here at Nebraska how has that continued once you got to the NFL it hasn’t changed not one bit and just going to the Bengals you got Zack Taylor right there the head coach it doesn’t get any better than that for me you know being a Husker uh and having him as a my coach you know coming back here and just getting the love that I it’s like I never left you know and it it feels great so to the recruits why not come to Nebraska what has it meant now that you have had some time to reflect on it to be a Husker to have worn that in honestly man uh this was the best decision for me man I believe me and my family as well uh we made so many great relationships here uh on and off the field you know just the people here are the number one thing that got us here and it they’ve been nothing but great you know while I was here and you know that I’m going as well one of the things I thought was really special too is to see how you interacted with the older guys that you played with and then even now the younger guys that are still in the team talk to me about the Brotherhood and how special it is to be a part of that honestly I just feel like you had an end on your chest and on your helmet you know you’re a part of something special uh they signed that letter of intent just like I did you know four or five years ago and then uh they they’re locked in man so and I know how the transport Portals go and everything but man like I said why not Nebraska man it’s the best place you can be defensive backs especially it seemed like there was just passed down the guys before you to you to Quinton Nome and now the guys that are here now that just you know being a part of that Legacy too and making sure that you’re you’re leaving it better than you found it how important is that too man this this that was the number one thing you see the facility you know it’s looking great right but most definitely that’s one thing that uh kind of harped on to the guys while I was here you know that I would never hold information you know if you need to know anything you know need anything just call me or I’m right there and I think that kind of just trickled down to them and they’ve been you know just keeping everything rolling man and it it’s looking great man I I see great things coming you’ve been a guy you’ve never been shy to work hard for for what you got so what what’s your message to some of the young guys that want to be in your shoes one day that it’s not always easy but but to grind it out to get to where you are honestly it’s just a you vers you battle you know you look yourself in the mirror every morning you just you got to tell yourself you know you got to go do it uh regardless of what happened you know yesterday just know it’s a new day you got a obligation to go get it what kind of goals and uh do you have for yourself going into year number three yeah year three is wild but uh Pro Bowl individual gos Pro Bowl um and I want to win man simple as that I’ve always been a team guy no matter how we get the win but I want to win uh most definitely get that ring this year last thing you got a great support system here your mom’s been awesome um how important have they been to you being here today and and just everything that you’ve accomplished in your life I wouldn’t be in Nebraska Corn Hare if it wasn’t for them man you know just sacrificing so much for me throughout the years and you know me just you know finally having the opportunity to pay back you know in every way possible man so they get the world for me because they gave me theirs appreciate your time congratulations thank you so much I don’t know he he was here his last year was my first year and it’s going to be really hard for him to be knocked out of my favorite Husker list I mean my top five favorite he’s classy so great and and just so willing to do whatever and you can hear now when you talk to him you know he’s been in the NFL now he wants to be a spokesperson for the University of Nebraska how many times did he come back and say how great of a decision it was for him and those young recruits this is what it’s all about and so he’s you know that’s important too to to have guys like that that are great spokes people for this program and he didn’t even play for this coaching staff and he still believes that much in this program and so great to see him and his family and didn’t get to chat with him for too long he had a lot going on but he’s going to be back and it just speaks to how much this place means to him he’s going to have a camp here coming up in July so he wants to come back and continue to give back to the community one of my favorites great to hear from cam Ted 103 it’s a record Husker student athletes got their diplomas over the weekend congratulations to each and every one of them he what house Auto family they are your trusted Auto partner 20 Brands 20 convenience Sales and Service locations we’re making carbine on your terms visit us online at 402 413 2400 we’re back with the last segment of hour one next Woodhouse Nissan is an Easy Choice when shopping for your next vehicle right now lease the 2024 Nissan Rogue SV for $296 per month for 36 months serving the Metro for over 20 years this is Woodhouse Nissan lease for 36 months 5,000 m per year with approved credit tax title license extra $3,299 down plus first payment and $299 do Fe do it signing discounted price based on sale price of $ 32,43 VIN number RW 43564 offer expires May 31st 2024 C dealer for details Husker fans Springtime in sarpi County means Sports and Outdoor activities catch an Omaha stormchasers baseball game or a Union Omaha pro soccer match at Warner Park visit fontel Forest where you can enjoy tree Rush Adventures or hike and bike on one of the many trails play around of golf or experience great fishing relax refresh and ReDiscover yourself with a springtime trip plan your adventure at hit us up on the text line text 402 41324 with your Husker thoughts at groundworks we take great pride in helping our Nebraska neighbors keep their homes healthy from repairing foundations to Waterproofing basement to fixing crawl spaces or lifting concrete driveways we’d like to than our customers choose us because of our attention to detail or the fact that we’re the nation’s leading Foundation Solutions provider what gives our customers the most Comfort is we’re right here in Nebraska visit groundworks tocom for a free estimate groundworks Foundation Solutions crafted with pride the official Foundation company of the Huskers get ready again for some Nebraska Farm facts with when there’s work to be done Nebraska soybeans are on the job in many of your everyday products in fact Nebraska soybeans are hard at work and good to your tires Ford cars and trucks Sketcher shoes asphalt fuels lubricants name brand paints and stains and more soybeans are an Innovative replacement for petroleum leading to more sustainable products all over the world this message is brought to you by Nebraska soybean Farmers growing opportunity from the ground up welcome back inside our Huskers radio network broadcast Center sponsored by Acres they are the Midwest Premier John Deer dealer supplying the equipment and service to advance Agriculture and much more Acres solutions for every field Greg Shar Jessica Cy back with you here on a Monday night so glad you’re with us 402 413 2400 let’s head to the phones our first caller of the night down to Kansas and our buddy Tom hello Tom Sharpie how’s it going my friend I’m hanging in there looking forward to this week you know I am too um it told the guy was like it just doesn’t feel like a baseball season if I can’t baseball with you this team’s been fun to follow they’ve been I know frustrating at times but I think a second place finish was a pretty good year yeah we really our inability to close it out on Sundays uh really pretty much cost I think cost us the Big 10 title but that’s how baseball is and you you’ve been around at long enough and it it’s hard to like pick and about baseball because it’s so much um a fluid it’s it’s a nonfluid game I mean you can’t really foresee some of the things that happened I mean all through the year but did I wanted to call Jessica when she was solo I think it was last week because I wanted to ask her who was her first caller her first show on Schwarz nightly you’re first ever for her first ever first ever gosh I can’t I can’t remember was it you yes it was oh awesome that that was a whirlwind I was was your first caller oh cool good to know I will not forget that again that’s right I was the f I think I that’s the earliest I ever called I think I got off work early just to call it but uh one I got two things and then I got a question for you Greg and I’ll hang up and listen to you um one how do I get a Nebraska baseball hat with the GS on the side of it yeah those are those are they’re they’re patches and I don’t know if they’re making anymore they’re not hats they’re just patches that go that get ironed onto the hat but I’m going to ask that question because I’ve had a lot of people ask about those patches I have too so I meant to ask so we’ll get on that we’ll dig into it yeah because I’m owning at least a few of those thank you I appreciate that very nice how cool was it that Jackson BR it was that Wednesday night and you know how this hit me and home against K State Jackson Brocket throwing a no hitter I think that was the first night of the patch wasn’t it um I think you’re right I think it was was it was oh how weird is thaty that you know you being an exk State anouncer yeah and then for the next since you’ve been you’ve been in our lives as an announcer for 15 years going on 16 now right 16 going on 17 yeah 16 going on S 2018 right yeah 2008 yep and I mean I I tell what I don’t get real emotional but I I mean I have the whole thing recorded and I was just thinking about you like in the background and you watching this thing unfold and I was just like man that had to been great for Sharpie because he he deserves it and whatever you did you touched you touched brockett’s left arm somehow and he threw a gem it’s pretty good I’ll tell you this it was pretty good medicine for me Tom I did enjoy that yeah I’m glad I got to talk some baseball I think um I think we’re set up to be a tournament team I I I’m a little I’m a little worried about our hitting falling in and out and things like that and and you get to a regional you you know as well as I do that there’s a lot of know a lot of good pitchers out there and we got to be able to Barrel some guys up and you know can’t just can’t rely on you know Sears and MCC and you know Jackson Brocket whoever it is know shutting everybody down because that’s not the way it is too because there’s a lot of good hitting teams out there you’re absolutely right Tom always good to hear from you thank you bet have a good one CH and we’ll dig into that I’ve had a lot of people ask about the patches yeah I I don’t know I meant to ask Lana but I will get on that I will find out okay see what I can do you know I know I I think they only made a certain amount like 50 and then so everybody on the team had a patch and they gave me a couple extra ones but uh that was a really cool thing I I will bold is just it’s been phenomenal about every 2 or 3 days I get a text from him checking in on how I’m doing and I really really do appreciate that Tom thanks for the phone call uh what an hour fast hour we got going to talk more baseball Ben’s going to drop by we’ll talk big 10 baseball the tournament get all that preview also a lot more coming your way everybody’s weekend winners headed your way at the end of hour number two as well come on back one down one to go [Music] hit us up on the text line text 402 413 2400 with your Husker thoughts if there’s one thing we like it’s choices find yours with Ford F-150 gas hybrid or all electric whether it’s Towing powering up or getting from 0 to 60 and 3.8 seconds what you choose to do with that much power is up to you tough this smart can only be called F-150 get 1.9% financing for 72 months plus 1,000 bonus cash on a brand new 2023 F-150 only at your Midwest Ford [Music] dealers did I forget something no just wanted to tell you I love you oh don’t forget to buckle up Drive safe I will love you too someone is counting on you to buckle up paid for by the ndot highway safety office n companies is proud to support Husker Athletics as a leader in commercial real estate we create thriving communities discover what’s new in the Builder District in North downtown sunny at zarbin and Ro house town homes on Lenwood Nole companies is adding Omaha’s first hybrid Timber building to the skyline soon to follow is Builder Green Park surrounded by mouthwatering food exciting retail and a hub of thriving businesses n companies building a better Nebraska for more information check us out on Facebook and Instagram go Huskers hi this is Husker national champion and Super Bowl champ Tony vand throughout my football career Chiropractic Care helped my athletic performance on the field and kept me in the game today regular Chiropractic Care keeps me healthy and active to do the things I love Chiropractic is safe and effective for all ages make chiraa your first choice to reduce pain improve your mobility and feel better naturally it works for me and it can work for you too learn more at Nebraska e e e e e e e good evening I’m Cole Hartman and our Sports ticker is brought to you by the 1890 initiative the Husker baseball team after wrapping up a 34-19 regular season and a 16-8 conference record Now set their sights on Omaha for the Big 10 tournament the Huskers earned the two seed and are set to face off with the seven seed Ohio State tomorrow at 2 p.m. the Huskers took two of three games from the Buckeyes in a weekend series earlier this season in Lincoln as always you can catch the broadcast right here on the Huskers radio network with pregame coverage beginning at 1:30 p.m. central keeping with Husker Athletics the Nebraska track and field team will have 53 entries competing at the NCAA West preliminary round this week at John McDonald Field in fville Arkansas the top 12 competitors from each individual event and the top 12 teams from each relay event will advance to the NCAA outdoor championships hosted in Eugene Oregon the 4-day regional meet will have the men compete on Wednesday Wednesday and Friday while the women will compete on Thursday and Saturday and in case you missed it last night the NBA Conference semi-finals wrapped up with two exciting game seven matchups Minnesota overcame a 20-point deficit on the road to beat the Nuggets meanwhile the Pacers completed the upset over the Knicks game one of the Eastern Conference Finals between the Pacers and Celtics is set for tomorrow night at 7:00 and in the Western Conference the Mavericks and Timberwolves face off Wednesday at 7:30 our Sports ticker is sponsored by the 1890 initiative do you want to support Husker student athletes through name image and likeness if so visit 1890 hour two of sports nightly is coming up next on the Huskers radio network coming to you live from Memorial Stadium it’s Sports nightly all the Huskers all the time Sports nightly is presented to you by the ndot highway safety office who remind you to Buck up and put the phone down Morgan brings it in Tyler Stone rips one to right that’s hit deep and that ball is gone Tyler Stone ties us up at four a three-run blast to right Stony into the bullpen and it’s a new game here in L mcder the right-hander deals can swings and lifts a Fly ball to left field going back as Peterson it’s over her head and rolling all the way to the wall bacon scores BL scores a two-run double for Canada and the hosers Boost the lead to 62 in the third Dylan turns hands it off to Dowell left side bounces to the outside 40 30 25 20 15 10 5 touchdown Dante Dowell here are your hosts Greg sharp and Jessica Cy on the Huskers radio network we’re back era number two sports H here on a Monday night hope you had a great weekend we’re coming up on a holiday weekend the official start of summer right with Memorial week coming up in just a couple of days we’ll be talking some Husker baseball with Ben moffen a little bit later on in the hour the Big 10 tournament starts tomorrow first game is at 10: Indiana Purdue the Oscars and Buckeyes will play game number two at 2:00 with a 130 pregame coverage uh the winners of those games will meet later on in the tournament the losers will also meet in what will be an elimination game it is a double elimination tournament up in Omaha all right 402 413 2400 remember to be a part of the program with a call or a text Art on our text line Jessica said how many other college football programs have alcohol sales is it just a Nebraska thing or is this a nationwide not selling it at football games I would say probably more do than don’t I think at this point yeah I mean Michigan just announced that they’d be selling alcohol um West Virginia was the first remember a few years ago um and a lot of it was I think they were reporting that they were getting so intoxicated before the games they were dealing with people passing out and a lot of issues in the game and they found that when they started serving it at the stadium it helped with some of those issues I do believe that was the case with West Virginia I know Texas does Texas has a sponsor for they have like the official Al they have the official um like vodka official wine and official Seltzer and official beer uh they yeah they’ve got a lot of money tied up in sponsorships on top of the revenue that comes in from alcohol game day cells I know Oklahoma implemented it trying to think around here did did Colorado have it at there oh yeah yeah they’ve had a few years yeah so I I would think it’s probably more than 50% art that’s a good question and that’s a legitimate one because I’m not sure our fans think in that way but um again as as we mentioned in R1 it’s a revenue generator and right now it’s kind of all about revenue and some people say well maybe we win more games we won’t have to worry about this Revenue you’re always going to have to worry about revenues okay I found an article this is from November 6 20123 ESPN and it says survey 80% of major college football programs sell alcohol according to a survey by the Associated Press of power five conference schools and Notre Dame 55 of 69 of them 80% now sell alcohol in the public areas of their stadiums on game days of the remaining schools some sell alcoholic drinks in non-public areas of the venue such as sweets others do not sell booze at all but 80% of the power five schools W all of a sudden you’re talking about Nebraska is in a minority now yep yeah all right well that’s good to know that’s those are good numbers to be able to to put out there as well well um earlier today going jump into a topic that’s not much fun to talk about but uh it deals with Harper Murray the Husker outstanding volleyball player who obviously has had some run-ins with the law the last couple of weeks and months she did not play in the match out in Carney against Denver a couple of weeks ago she did finally U make her voice heard through social media she put out and I’ll just read her statement today I deeply regret some of the recent decisions that I’ve made and the pain that I have caused my family my team volleyball fans and everyone who has supported me I take full responsibility for my actions this past month has been a great opportunity for me to reenter and focus on myself to get back to who I am thank you to everyone who has shown me Grace kind and compassion when the time is right I hope to share my story more and in the process hopefully help others again thank you to everyone who has supported and believed in me uh I think this is a very mature first step for Harper I kind of get the sense Jessica this is a young lady that is dealing with a lot and almost in some ways kind of crying out for some help yeah and it’s a lot for someone in her position to all of a sudden I couldn’t imagine being a Freshman and having to deal with everything that she had to deal with last year in terms of the nil the expectations being on a team like almost immediately being thrust into this massive Spotlight huge and it was the entire team and it just um there’s there’s a lot that comes along with being a student ithlete there’s an incredibly amount of lot of pressure that comes with being a student athlete a volleyball student athlete here at Nebraska and so you know I I myself could not imagine the spotlight that she has to deal with and and it look it’s a blessing and and I think they would all say that but it’s also a lot to deal with as a young woman and and trying to navigate this and so I appreciate her statement I know we’ve been waiting for that a lot of people have asked coach Cook and in his press conferences throughout the spring and I think first and foremost I and I think it’s all right for me to say you know they’re they’re doing whatever they can to help Harper at this point and um you know we don’t know exactly what maybe punishments might entail what it looks like moving forward but I do know that this volleyball program is doing whatever they can to make sure that they’re helping her move forward and I think that was a good first step and you know hopefully she we we do continue to give her grace because yes it is you know she made some mistakes but who hasn’t made mistakes we’ve all made mistakes we’ve all made massive mistakes but you know for her to want to try to navigate this and learn from it and and who knows what she’s dealing with I just hope we continue to to be understanding and and give her Grace but there will be consequences for her actions and I think she’s fully aware of that and there should be yes absolutely but you know also there’s comes a point where you don’t want to be too hard on someone and when they’re trying to again seek forgiveness just because they’re a student athlete I mean everybody makes mistakes she’s not had a perfect life I think some people will say oh she’s living this dream and perfect life and she’s put on a pedestal yes there’s a lot that comes was being a volleyball player at Nebraska you you are they are put on pedestals but this is a young woman who lost her dad at a young age so she’s grown up without a father um who tragically died uh with with an illness so she’s dealing with you know she had to deal with that in her life and that was at a very young age so you know I’m not trying to dismiss what she did she did it she has to own it and she is owning it I think but to me today was kind of step one in the process for her to start to heal yes and I I know it’s not just about hey I’m just putting out a statement I believe she’s actually truly doing work on herself and and trying to figure out how she can be better from this how she needs to learn what are the things that she needs to address why are these things happening this the these decisions how can she better manage some of the the pressures that come along that she’s had to deal with and so it’s a tough situation and um you know all we can see at this point is at least she’s acknowledging it and taking responsibility and hoping she’s getting the help that she needs and we will await to see what what the consequences are of her actions moving forward in terms of being on this volleyball team or what what that looks like but you know I I do know that this volb program has have completely wrapped their arms around her and doing whatever they can to help her navigate through this this is not a bad person no she is not a bad she made yes she has screwed up and she will pay for that but this is not this is somebody that is Nebraska needs to wrap their arms and I think they are wrapping their arms around her and she’s a teenager still absolutely you know she just finished her freshman year she came a semester early so not even finishing her senior year it’s just I just keep going back to the pressures and all of the the magnitude of what they had to carry last year and even more so it was I mean you remember yes it’s this is a team that is beloved here in Nebraska but then you have volleyball day in Nebraska and it was whole another level it just Amplified it yeah to even bigger they couldn’t go anywhere without wanting autographs selfies I was at a basketball game that she was there with hinr carberg who she’s dating and just there was a line of people we want to talk about the line of people for Dylan Rola the line of people that were wanting to take photos of Harper Murray it just you know she can’t go anywhere and cannot actually be a teenager at this point and yes I understand that there’s it’s trend mendous blessings that come with her being in this but it’s also a lot to carry and so hopefully she’s continuing to nav to take the steps that she needs to address this and I think she will I think she will and you know there’s enough so many incredible people in this volleyball program that want to help her through it that uh I think I think she’ll learn from I think she’ll be come out from this and she said as she said wants to share her story at some point we will probably learn a lot of what she’s been having to go through absolutely all 42413 2400 keep the texts and calls coming in fact let’s go to the phones up to Minnesota our old buddy Tim good evening Tim hello Greg and Jessica how are you sir oh hanging in there um and I hope and pray you’re doing well I mean that’s one another I constantly think of and pray pray for you and can’t wait for football to have be hearing you um the reason I’m calling tonight I was you know we were talking about pressure just now um and one thing I kind of wanted to ask Coos Bolton and and you” be a good one to ask us too I remember you know last year all the onslaught you know just a great year that we had with long balls especially with Bryce Matthews and and Max Anderson and you know I was kind of curious um and and then you know we definitely I’d say exceeded my expectations for forers you know I didn’t expect to see all these guys you know hit the long ball like they have which has been great but especially I think of Ben Columbus um so how do you know we always talk about getting the barrel on the ball how when someone gets hot like maybe Vin Columbus does or the guys from last year how do they keep from forcing you know trying to get that home run swing every every time you know that you can really I think call seems like you know players can really get into that trap of you know trying to swing for the fence swing for the walls every every time instead of just you know playing their role how do they how do they uh how do the coaches manage that or what what’s the key you know just um you know getting the barrel on the ball regardless of the home runs also I just want to say I I’ve made more mistakes and disappointed people like you couldn’t believe over my lifetime and so I can relate to Harper Mar and you know like someone whether you’re an athlete or someone in at my age just got to hang in there you bet Tim appreciate the phone call thanks for the call you know you hit on the thing that makes baseball so fascinating and so difficult that it’s hard to as a hitter and I think Brett even mentioned this to Jessica in the interview a good hitter still fails seven out of 10 times it’s hard to constantly be up there and make good contact with the ball and when you’re in those situations where you are you try to stay with that as long as you possibly can but you know I think you’re the kind of a point I’m not sure you were going this way but I’m going to take it with it that you know I think this coaching staff did a great job this year because they knew they weren’t going to have guys hitting 20 home runs a year like they did last year with Max and Bryce and so they made their offense a little bit different than what it was a year ago and I think some of their offensive numbers are you know runs per game aren’t that different from last year they had to kind of retool this team I think that’s it’s a great coaching job that they did with this thing but it’s the beauty of the sport of baseball or softball on the other side that when you’re in a Groove offensively you try to hang in there as long as you can but it’s hard and that’s why hitting a curve ball or hitting that thing some people say is the hardest thing to do in sports because uh the ball is constantly being moved uh moved around but I think it’s a credit to to will Bolton’s coaching staff that they kind of retool this offense without Bry and Max and have had kind of a year where they finished uh second in the league and hopefully have some magic left here in the postseason which will begin uh tomorrow folks if problem gambling is burning up your money there is a way out help is free and confidential for Nebraskans and their families there’s no judgment just help visit life after back to talk more baseball with Ben we’ll do that next it’s time for some Nebraska Farm facts want to know a fast way to rev up our Nebraska economy while helping the planet it’s right in your tank when you fill up with clean soy based biodiesel you’re increasing Nebraska biodiesel production while reducing greenhouse gases by up to 74% 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Foundation company of the Huskers it’s time for another round of Nebraska Farm facts if there’s one thing Nebraska’s known for it’s our beef and Nebraska soybeans feed a lot of them and even more pigs and chickens farmers and ranchers raise livestock and poultry to provide nutritious affordable protein for all ages to help build muscle and maintain energy for a healthy lifestyle keep that in mind as you prepare all that tasty meat on your tailgate Grill this message is brought to you by NE Nebraska soybean Farmers growing opportunity from the ground up hi this is Husker national champion and Super Bowl champ Tony vand throughout my football career Chiropractic Care helped my athletic performance on the field and kept me in the game today regular Chiropractic Care keeps me healthy and active to do the things I love chiropratic is safe and effective for all ages make chiropractor your first choice to reduce pain improve your mobility and feel better naturally it works for me and it can work for you too learn more at Nebraska with buy now anytime from anywhere you can compare hundreds of handpicked safety inspected pre-owned cars trucks and SUVs that are available to purchase completely online shop Smarter with personalized estimated payments on all the inventory apply for financing and schedule your driveway delivery all online Woodhouse deliver ing a better way to car buy online with buy [Music] now welcome back inside our Acres broadcast Center acres is the Midwest Premier John Deere dealer supplying the equipment and service to advance Agriculture and much more Acres solutions for every field delighted to be joined tonight by Ben mofin back from East Lancing Michigan other than a little rain the L look like he had pretty good weather for that Series yeah it was too warm if you ask some people um that we normally travel with with but to me it was perfect baseball weather I didn’t find any reason to complain after sitting in 35 40° weather for 80% of our year I thought the sun was a welcome site and and it’s it’s definitely heated up around here so it certainly feels like postseason baseball time how did you feel about the weekend I know everybody went up there hoping that okay maybe we can overtake Illinois and they didn’t they did their part so it wasn’t going to happen but how’ you feel about the series well I thought you know Friday was an interesting game certainly how it went went down you know allows back-to-back hits to start in the first inning and they score a run off them in the first um and then Nebraska kind of string some things together with a couple of two out RB and won a really competitive game on Friday two to one and then um you love the way Saturday got started with the Karen Homer off their Ace uh they went their Ace went on Friday game two of the series Karen went yard on a just a monster Homer to left Center and then to back that up with three more runs in the second inning you f great um Michigan State made it a game at 53 after six and then you know the Huskers just kind of dominated the last third of the game there and and really ran away with it which was really good to see um you know you saw continued strong outings from guys like Caleb Clark and jayen Worley came in did a nice job uh Kyle freck finished the game you know guys that you needed to come in and build some confidence before the tournament they did that um and then you know Sunday Michigan state was their last game of the year their seniors last baseball game and you know they really took it to Nebraska particularly early you know the first five innings they really dominated and got after Jackson Brockett got after Christo in his second inning um touched up will Walsh which probably felt good for them considering what he did to Michigan State last year to finish the season and um you know the really one thing that stuck out about Saturday’s game was anytime Nebraska made it a game right 64 um 8 86 Michigan state had an answer and just you know took the wind out of your Sals by not getting a shutdown inning and you know that’ll happen sometimes I think that there are some bats in their lineup that impress me particularly their leadoff hitter Jack Frank who is going to in my eyes is a first team All Conference type player um and you know that that’s a team that was trying to finish their season on the right note and unfortunately for Nebraska fell on the wrong side of it and now you turn your attention to the postseason let let’s step back a second and think about preseason polls Nebraska has picked fifth to finish second satisfying how do you how do you couch the regular season well it’s it’s interesting you know I was on one of our stations this morning talking about it and because of the emotional roller coaster this team has taken us on particularly in the last month it’s kind of hard to have a big picture quantify of a season because you’re ecstatic of a no hitter and then you’re disappointed of a seven Run ninth inning and then you hit a walk-off home run and you have a chance to win the league and you finished second it’s just been a wild emotion so it’s hard to sum up the year um as a whole I think think right now but pick to finish fifth finish second a game out of the share uh you have really no reliable starters coming back of guys that have done it before um I think if you would have told all of us before the year what Brett Sears final numbers are you’re probably laughing I don’t think anybody saw that coming uh us included and then you see you know the Mason MCC who was literally a No Name last year wasn’t even a part of the team become an all-conference performer and and obviously you know the emergence of Jackson Brockett so that’s just on the pitching side of things you couple that with the offense with you know how many newcomers with really our first look at brumall Riley Silva was you know unknown Cas Sanderson was an unknown weren’t quite sure what you were going to get out of guys like Ben Columbus this year and what was going to be made of the Outfield situation with all the Log Jam out there so with all the uncertainty that we had coming into the year I think in more cases than not you’re signing on the line for what you got in a lot of those positions and so if you kind of Encompass the whole year it’s unquestionably a success I think Nebraska is a slam dunk at large bid I don’t think they have anything to worry about this week or on Memorial Day when you know their name’s going to be announced into a regional and you I think if you were to tell you and I and everybody else around close to the team before the year hey you’re you’re going to make a regional we all would have taken it Ben mcclin with us here on Sports onic kind of doing a recap of the regular season for Oscar baseball it is is a really good feeling entering this week not having that pressure of man we better win two or three to get in I don’t know that you want to go 0 and two you probably don’t want to test that side of it but even that I still think this team has done enough to get in there so let’s let’s talk about the field it was pretty well set going into the weekend six of the eight Penn State to me is a surprise what a job on that first year head coach to get there they’re on the other half of the bracket but I Ben I I gotta tell you I don’t mind the force the four on nebr the other three on Nebraska side of the bracket yeah and it’s and it’s easy to say this now we might look at this back on 72 hours and laugh about what we say but it’s a massive win to avoid Illinois and it’s a massive win to avoid Iowa I mean those are the two teams that on paper I think scare me the most that’s not to say Nebraska can’t lose to any of the four teams on their side of the bracket or the other three teams I think that’s certainly a possibility and potentially a reality um you know cuz they did take two out of three against Ohio State took two out of three from Indiana really hardfought serieses in both cases but I think just the way those teams are built with Illinois and with Iowa tough teams to go on a run against even if Ohio State were beat you or Indiana were to beat you with their lack of pitching depth I feel like it’s not an it’s not a a far-fetched idea to say Nebraska couldn’t run through a losers bracket and find a way to make a title I think in the way that that everything sets up um has he feeling good about that and then the other team in Nebraska’s side is Purdue and I think everybody wearing scarlet and cream has no problem lining up against those people uh with everything that’s gone the last few years and the lack of help they got this last weekend I think they’d love a crack to play the boiler makers and I’ve always felt you know like Purdue 11 game winning streak in the league was a bit of a farce I I think they’re a bit of a fraud um and I think they showed up showed that this weekend with a chance to kind of take control of Their Own Destiny and they and they sank pretty pretty deep so in terms of a draw I love what Nebraska got as a draw now it’s up to the team to go you know execute Purdue has no momentum you get swept at home coming into the say Nebraska wins a Road Series Buckeyes Have Some Mo after beating Rucker I don’t I don’t know what the heck happen to ruers I didn’t see him earlier in the year you you did that series with David I don’t know what happened to them but the Buckeyes kind of limped into this thing I think so that’s who the opponent is tomorrow we haven’t heard starting pitchers yet for either side of this thing but they’re they could be a little bit scary they took the Sunday game for Nebraska so this isn’t just a layup game that Huskers will play tomorrow well I think you and I walked out of there being most impressed with their arms um you know I think the I I wouldn’t say depth but the quality in wi of guys that they ran out there particularly on Sunday when we saw their their true e and ninth inning guys we walk out go those guys are pumping 99 um Nebraska just couldn’t touch them uh those were a couple that was a couple of Team couple of guys on that team that were like that’s that’s kind of scary seeing that now they did move one of those guys that cart started for them in the finale and that didn’t go so well against ruter so I don’t know what they’re going to have available but the thing that everybody listening needs to understand is outside of Nebraska you’ve got seven teams fighting for their season and will do whatever it takes to throw who they need to throw um bring back a guy on short rest they’ll catch a guy every single game of the series if they have to all the chips in the middle of the table for seven of these eight teams I I don’t think you start Brett tomorrow do you I mean he started Thursday this is a Tuesday that’s a five that’s a quick turnaround particular when you’re thinking ahead and a week ahead to Regionals well you’re already he’s already on a day less rest because he went last week on six days and if he throws tomorrow that’s two days less than what he had last week that’s that’s not ideal and again you want to make sure there’s no hesitancy from any of the coaches to go into a regional to be able to throw a Sears or a dice or a worthley you you don’t want any of them being taxed from this week uh I mean unless it’s to raise a trophy unless it’s for a championship you don’t want those guys feeling any ill effects next week because that’s when it really matters but um the way the tournament is set up and structured is making it hard on coaches when it comes to how they structure pitching I mean even even for a team like Nebraska’s opponent Ohio State who is playing for their season they’re still going to have a decision to make on who they start because those guys are coming off Les they’re in the same situation Nebraska is um so it’s it’s it’s a tough one it’s a tough one to navigate and I’m glad I don’t have to make those decisions get bu with Ben gofin here on Sports hone Big 10 tournament starts tomorrow 10:00 a.m. Huskers play at 2 against the Buckeyes our coverage begins at 1:30 right I I don’t know why the league why the honors weren’t put out today you would think you would the day before the tournament you would put out the All Conference up I guess it’s coming out tomorrow we’ve been getting conflicting reports all day long let’s speculate a little bit is there and you and I may differ on this a little bit I I’m convinced Brett Sears will be pitcher of the year in the league I know you and I talked about it on the Indiana broadcast a week ago you thought that there may be some votes for Brody bre there will be because of the name and how much preseason hype there was around him and how he’s pitched lately all those reasons tell me he’s going to be in the conversation should he be no will he be absolutely I think to anybody with an eye for the game that’s been paying attention to this conference all year this isn’t even one they need to spend time thinking about this is a Brett Sears vote and it should be a Brett Sears vote my trust level for the conference to do the right thing and to pick the right pitcher is probably a five out of 10 I I wouldn’t be shocked at all if you know at least from the from the league standpoint um that if Brett raises the trophy for pitcher of the year um there’s something sexy about 101 mph fastball but there’s also not something sexy about a four plus ER and a walk to strikeout ratio of what it is so so um to me it’s a no-brainer I don’t think it’s as easy as you and I want it to make it believe but we’re going to find out might have sick the Louisville police on yeah the thing of that happens tomorrow I I’m I was I was thinking about this over the weekend Ben I don’t remember my 16 years a Husker coming kind of out of that far to the year that Brett had that you’re like okay he’s on the team he might start to go eight and lead the league and ra I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Husker pitcher do that it’s hard to think of one right I mean like when chance Sinclair had the year he had I mean he had a very successful Husker career so it wasn’t that farfetched right to to see uh but Chance didn’t also didn’t have the Gody numbers that that Brett does you know um a Matt Waldren kind of had I would say a mostly steady incline but but his numbers when he stepped aside finally were sick I mean his walk to strikeout ratio we’ll never see again um I don’t I don’t think I mean that’s like the Cal Ripken record that I just don’t think anybody’s ever going to get to he was like 100 plus strikeouts to around 10 Walks Like that’s just never going to happen again um but Brett’s in that conversation like it’s it’s that it’s that incredible of a of a run that he’s had um you know and and you think about guys like Max and Bryce both had bad sophomore years but they were they were preseason you know as freshman all freshman honors and guys that we expected to take a step forward might have taken a little longer to get there but I mean Sears like even just the summer that he had going back to last year we’re like what he’s doing what like he pitched better at the end of last year and you felt reasonably confident when he came in the game but from the where his first two to three outings like he was teetering on not pitching again that’s that’s where how close he was to just not being a factor at all for that team right and then to just become an absolute Bonafide Ace All-American candidate um Hower award semifinalist like it’s it’s one of the more amazing Transformations that you’ll see it is and it’s a credit to him and you know yes you got to give the coaches some credit but they are quick to flip it back to Brett and they’re quick to say we messed it up we should have started him a year ago he’s a starter not a GU that can get hot in a few minutes and come in at a bullpen all right anybody else all conference Mason MCC make all conference Josh Karen lot of good catchers in this league what do you think yeah I mean I don’t think Josh gets first team catcher that’s going to go to Purdue guy casanet who or shoot even Illinois guy I mean there’s there’s two two in front of them that had really good years Josh had a great year and could get one of the utility spots um I think to any coach that faced him this year kind of understands what type of threat he I mean just ask coach Mercer from Indiana you know what he thought of Josh Karen this this couple weeks ago um but I think he’s certainly in the conversation I think it’s a slam dunk that case is in all freshman team I mean batting 370 had back-to-back three hit games this weekend against Michigan State and you know has been really a main stay in the lineup in the two spot really the last two months of the year I think you know he’s certainly in that conversation I don’t think Kaden brumall has played enough I mean his average I think is probably good enough to Garner honors but he’s he missed a ton of games um I think MCC is certainly in that in that breath as well um you know and I felt like Casey dice was maybe a couple couple better outings away from maybe getting some honors as a relief pitcher just because of the save numbers he’s grabbed um and Jaylen Worley was trending that way for a while but he kind of ran into a buzs saw in late March early April too so I don’t see any Nebraska relievers maybe getting honors but you know certainly MCC and Sears are to me slam dunk call conference picks and you know you might see something with a guy like Sanderson as well all right so Husker fans don’t be throwing your phone tomorrow when you don’t see a lot of names on there this may not be because it’s outside of those two there may not be a lot of prime guys well and again just think about how this year’s transpired it’s like every we’ve taken turns with Riley Silva stepping up and Joshua overbeat getting hot and uh Tyler Stone had a run there for a while where he was Nebraska’s best offense Rett Stokes is hitting over 320 as as your nine-hole hitter it’s just like that’s the main difference between the 23 and the 24 Huskers is what is Max and Bryce doing for us and if they’re not doing anything we’re not winning to now it’s all right Josh Karen can go two for the weekend and Nebraska can still score runs that’s the biggest difference and and it needed to be Cole’s the one I’m worried about thr on his phone that’s that’s why I had to say that we do have to work on his temper yeah I know uh the 23 Huskers 33 wins the 24 Huskers 34 in counting pretty good stuff yeah and great shape with the RPI they they did their work in the con looking at what GCU did won their league a week early uh Char Char Charleston I mean we just stole three wins from those guys I mean they they want nothing to do with Nebraska um but they turned into almost a top 25 team they they’re they’re close to 40 wins they won their league um so yeah it’s been it’s been an interesting year for Nebraska’s opponents um especially looking at you know some of the non-con teams as well and it’s not over the fun stuff has come hopefully good crowds hopefully the weather holds off tomor tomorrow I know one know chance to rain but hopefully it holds off I hope so and it would have been nice to get some of those Prime Time games where people could make it you know where they get off get off work but you know maybe you can slip out yeah after lunch just say I’m out for the day great have a good call good to see you thank you good to see you B goofin with us here on Sports a what El Auto family they are your trusted Auto partner 20 Brands 20 convenient Sales and Service locations we’re making carbine on your terms visit us online at we’re back with more of the show 40 2 413 2400 call or text we’re back next dear roads trails and rivers you ready for some SUV action Toyota SUVs can roll their sleeves up for tight turns 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leading to more sustainable products all over the world this message is brought to you by Nebraska soybean Farmers growing opportunity from the ground up hi this is Husker national champion and Super Bowl champ Tony vand throughout my football career Chiropractic Care helped my athletic performance on the field and kept me in the game today regular Chiropractic Care keeps me healthy and active to do the things I love Chiropractic is safe and effective for all ages make chiraa your first choice to reduce pain improve your mobility and feel better naturally it works for me and it can work for you too learn more at Nebraska online for your next vehicle with buy now from Woodhouse car buying 100% online from your local trusted Auto partner easily compare hundreds of handpicked safety inspected cars trucks and SUVs features capabilities and payments conveniently apply for finance Ing and complete your paperwork for purchase 100% online anytime from anywhere plus we’ll deliver it to your 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hey good evening Greg and Jessica hey Dan hey uh I just want to throw out a big shout out to all the the people that stepped up Greg when you’re when you’re gone uh I know Jessica with all her interviews and stuff and then Cole and there’s so many others that that just uh make make this radio station in this program just awesome and with you being gone and stuff they’re taking care of you Greg yeah that and I can’t I’m I’m glad you said that I I am so grateful to Jess and everybody that’s been pitching in for me and uh it’s going to continue I’ve got treatments continuing every other week so it’s you know I’m not I’m not I’m at the beginning of this race I’m not near the end yet so I I certainly appreciate appreciate all them I’m glad you said that yeah we’re all behind you Greg thank you yeah hey my question is and probably Greg this is probably more to you um and I’m not being a Debbie Downer on this but I I’m not a coach and just kind of watching some of the games on the Big 10 plus that you know when we shift what in the world we’ve I don’t think we’ve ever done that before and boid did we that bit us a couple times and can you kind of explain that or what you say coach coach has been coach was asked about that a couple times during his radio shows and he you know they they’ve got Oodles of data that they deal with and I I think he would say that the shift is probably resulted in a lot more outs than hits and yeah you can be beaten by the shift but uh they’re pretty detailed with that so you know he says we you you tend to remember the ones that it doesn’t work but you forget the ones to do so I think they’re pretty comfortable with what they do with the shifting oh okay um and then I got one more comment it’s like for Mother’s Day I don’t know whoever came up with all the senior moms pitching throwing out the first pitch to their sons and and then the Ros and stuff boy I was choked up that was really cool yeah that was neat yeah yeah that’s cool damn appreciate it thanks thanks for the last thing is I just hope uhoh we losing still there he’s still there hold on there we go sorry Dan go ahead yeah I just hope the Boys of Summer can get it done no doubt starts tomorrow thank you Dan starts tomorrow 2 o’clock 1:30 pregame Huskers and the Buckey tomorrow I yes I mean the family our family here Ben Jeremiah Damon I mean Cy everybody has has really stepped up and it it just um it really makes you feel proud to be a part of this that you know you our leader and they wanted to be here and everybody’s been what can we do what how can we help so I agree Dan everybody’s been um there for Greg but also for me and so it’s been yeah and like you said it’s uh we’re starting this thing and we’ve got a lot of people that have hey whatever we can do to help during this time so I I Echo those sentiments we’ve got some great folks here at the Oscars radio network again I I and I tell them a lot I probably don’t tell them enough but I do app appreciate all the work that they’re doing for that are you out of the NBA Playoffs now with the with the Thunder done or I’m so sad it was probably a year ahead of schedule they are so young and I don’t think anybody expected them to be where they were and I think you know I go back to when it was Kev it was Kevin Durant Russell and all the that they made it to like the Western Conference finals and they realized that they they needed some help and they went and got Kendrick Perkins and then that’s what got them to the NBA finals the following year I think they to maybe find uh a big man I don’t know how well they’re going to match up Chad hram is great but he is uh has a hard time uh guarding some some Big Fellas so I I think maybe they’ll they’ll reevaluate but they’re so young and they’ll get better and so I’m sad but what an intriguing matchup with uh Minnesota and Dallas got some fresh faces right with those two and then you’ve got Indiana and the East came by the Knicks and took them out so some some new blood I think that’s okay yeah there’s a lot of young superstars in this league and I think it’s it’s good I and I don’t think anybody’s complaining about not having a golden state or LeBron or who was the other one that didn’t make it there’s three that didn’t make that Kevin Durant you know those three it was the first year I think since 2008 that all three are out yeah y I don’t think anybody’s complaining about that so but I’m still I’ll still watch I think it’ll be a fun series moving forward but I am sad that the Thunder are not moving forward a lot of Thunder fans kind of in this area because Oklahoma City’s not that not that far away all right step of get our final break in we’re back with everybody’s weekend winners that’s next at groundworks we take great pride in helping our Nebraska neighbors keep their homes healthy from repairing foundations to Waterproofing basement to fixing crawl spaces or lifting concrete driveways we’d like to think our customers choose us 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provides the perfect game plan so you stay ahead of what’s in the field from the best in irrigation and cuttingedge agtech solutions to personalized support Valley is your winning team visit your local Valley dealer or Valley today Husker fans Springtime in sarpi County means Sports and Outdoor activities catch an Omaha stormchasers baseball game or a Union Omaha pro soccer match at Werner Park visit fontel Forest where you can enjoy tree Rush Adventure or hike and bike on one of the many trails play round of golf or experience great fishing relax refresh and ReDiscover yourself with a springtime trip plan your adventure at Wood House Auto family your trusted Auto partner 20 Brands 20 convenience Sales and Service locations we’re making car buying on your terms go visit us online Cole that’s my best advice I can give you I always love it when you put a little extra it always throws you off you always start laughing time for everybody’s weekend winners everybody ready for this who leads Cole can go first Minnesota Timberwolves my winner Fred hyberg Minnesota Timberwolves yeah and I’ve I’ve Got a Friend Joey huge Timberwolves fan he’s been with them for many years through the very difficult times more specifically Anthony Edwards incredible incredible Talent so to for them to uh take down the what two and three seeds pretty good pretty good do you see what he said to Chuck in the on TN and now they’re framing it’s like get your butt here yeah yeah cuz he’s saying he had never been to Minnesota so he’s he us a different word but now they are coining that phrase to to promote getting to Minnesota for the for the series he’s got a good he’s got great personality I think he’s fun I like him I like him you know Chuck at halftime said they should bench Rudy goar then Rudy played pretty well in the second half he did yes last night yeah all right what do you have well you know I could go with Xander for finally getting a a win but I think I’ll go with Scotty Sheffer to be able to be in jail come out and still play the way that he did finished on top 10 yes and under par for the day no warm-ups got their 33 minutes before he teed off and managed all the hoopla all all of that if I mean I mean he didn’t win which I know Cole picked him to win but I mean I cannot imagine just going through all that and then still going out there playing golf you had Rory right I had Rory who’ you have she had Scotty I had Brooks Brooks I thought you took Scotty no I I texted you I changed my mind I took books so nobody had Xander I don’t think no no cuz he hasn’t been able to actually close one out I the one time that I don’t pick Victor hin he can we agree the most entertaining guy was Bryson oh yeah yes he’s electric yes did you see he threw the ball to the little kid and someone snatched it away and he went and got it for him awesome and then I love the fact that he went and he sought out Xander shook his hand yes that was cool pretty I noticed that too right after that he was one of the first ones to go find him and and congratulate I mean most people hated Bryson five years ago he’s kind of matured and now you’re kind of going I like the guy yeah some people still don’t like him but he’s I’m warming to him I yeah he I mean I just think he’s fun to watch Mr Camden what do you have uh I’m gonna go pretty broad here but um just all the student athletes that graduated over the weekend obviously that’s a big deal to I mean be an athlete at a high level for one but then obviously to graduate in four years and some of them in three years like volleyball players so um awesome accomplishment for them I think that’s great in fact you know sometimes sometimes it’s not even four years sometimes these kids get in and get done in three and a half it’s amazing to be a division one athlete in all the time constraints that are put on them practice working out doing all those things studying all the travel that they do in season to get what they they’re remarkable people and I’m glad that we’re able to be able to bring you some stories uh from night after night after night here on Sports H I got a couple former Husker baseball guys I want to shout out Matt walr 10 punchies against the Braves the other night he got a second win of the Year fantastic the knuckle baller for the Padres but I’m going to go Jake Meyers Jake had a great weekend for the Astros he went seven of 12 against Milwaukee hit two home runs drove in five he’s now batting 302 on the year talked to Lane grindle the former host of this show now it’s with the Brewers he said he had a chance to see Jake in the locker room over the weekend and he said you know he’s it’s so hard to get to the big leagues and he goes in it’s an amazingly hard to stay and Jake has now been in the big leagues for 5 years pretty cool now hitting over 300 so good stuff there we got baseball tomorrow in Omaha we do let’s hopefully we’re talking about a win tomorrow on the show we will have a full show for you tomorrow night barring a rain delay of some kind that maybe pushes a past six with a baseball game but we’ll play not being here tomorrow night with you on the program thanks to the ill cam then he fought through it to get through the show tonight to Cole to Jessica and all of you have yourself a great night go Big Red tomorrow talk again tomorrow night good night [Music] hit us up on the text line text 402 41324 with your Husker thoughts Husker fans Springtime in sarie County means Sports and Outdoor activities catching Omaha stormchasers baseball game or a Union Omaha pro soccer match at wner Park visit fontel for where you can enjoy tree Rush Adventures or hike and bike on one of the many trails play around of golf or experience great fishing relax refresh and ReDiscover yourself with a springtime trip plan your adventure at go hi this is Husker national champion and Super Bowl champ Tony vand throughout my football career Chiropractic Care helped my athletic performance on the field and kept me in the game today regular Chiropractic Care keeps me healthy and active to do the things I love Chiropractic get safe and effective for all ages make chiropractor your first choice to reduce pain improve your mobility and feel better naturally it works for me and it can work for you too learn more at Nebraska [Music] plus 0.9% APR for for 36 months on the 2023 Buick and vision avaner all-wheel drive with approved credit must Finance with JM Financial must currently owner leased a 2010 or newer nonm vehicle to qualify $299 doc fee do at signing offer expires June 3rd 2024 seat dealer for details at groundworks we take great pride in helping our Nebraska neighbors keep their homes healthy from repairing foundations to waterproofing basements to fixing crawl spaces or lifting concrete driveways we’d like to think our customers choose us because of our attention to detail or the fact that we’re the nation’s leading Foundation Solutions provider what gives our customers the most Comfort is we’re right here in Nebraska visit groundworks

1 Comment

  1. Its never gonna be cheaper! South stadium needs to be complete redo…don’t piecemeal
    Retrofit it into a piece of junk!

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