Golf Players

Stephen Hendry Argues With BIG Opinions From Kyren Wilson & Shaun Murphy

Stephen Hendry asks four of the top players in the world questions like should snooker be in school PE lessons? Does snooker need more entertainers? And is Chinese the best takeaway?

Join Stephen, Shaun Murphy, Ding Junhui, Luca Brecel and World Champion Kyren Wilson for an entertaining debate on all things snooker.
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okay Karen Wilson next on Q-tips Pick Your Side sea the magician Murphy Luca brell ding Jim so what it is we’re going to pick a card and you got a chalk so we either strongly agree disagree strongly disagree Rono Sullivan’s fastest 147 is the best achievement ever in snooker I I’m going to I’m going to put it out there I think it’s the best achievement in sport yeah let’s go there I’ll agree I completely agree I mean I did one in the shootout which was under different conditions uh against the clock yeah well there’s a little little thing on social media which was the best one it has one A year one yeah I mean nice to be in nice to be in the conversation me you know but I don’t think I mean doing it here I’ve never made one here right which is still a dream for me that’s still a goal of mine in my career um so to do one out here Full Stop in The Crucible how many three one against you three one against me yeah no I remember yeah you played more plants in that shot than S I was watching Ground Force for a minute will thought used to call me bch cassid in the two kid every time went to P used to find a plant somewhere keep the tremendous unbelievable no I think I actually would agree with you I can just semily move that just back there for a moment I actually think not only is it the best sporting achievement in snooker it’s possibly the best achievement in sport I think so I think it’s at the World Championships where it matters most and it’s been retimed it’s been corrected to 5 minutes 8 seconds I mean s played a shot longer than that ridiculous players should do pund Tre whilst competing in a tournament oh this is tough and it cuz I’ve done a little bit of it I’m going to go disagree okay oh no you do it when you when you’re finished don’t you when I finished but I’ve had the option to do it whilst I’m playing yeah but you know you see people like Ronnie he’s had good success with it my thing is what would you be doing in your downtime right would you be using it to kind of your advantage doing the punditry cuz you’re there you’re among it you’re seeing it well I think that’s Sean Sean’s view isn’t it my view um especially for this one is is if you’re going to go the whole way I think your downtime is so important to get completely away from it and completely chill out that’s that’s why I would go disagree but I’m like do you enjoy the pund tree I do but again I I want to be I don’t want to be amongst it whilst I’m still in I’d rather know that I’ve got my practice time done my down time done so yeah okay having a snooker brain is vital to becoming great strongly strongly agree can you recognize it in other players you don’t have to name names on but can you recognize in other players you think well he that’s not the right shot he’s that’s that’s I wouldn’t have played it that way or% yeah immediately immediately cuz you’ve been so natural since you’re young so you to see you see everything yeah I I think my snooker brain is probably one of the best on tour right okay it’s funny statement but I’m I’m actually it’s a good statement yeah how would you describe as a as a snooker brain what would you describe that as just feeling the right shot you know sometimes a shot in one situation can be wrong and then a different one could be the right one you know I mean so you just need to feel like where your opponent is at at the moment how is he feeling stuff like you have to take that into consideration as well so that’s for me that’s a snooker so so you would decide like when’s the right because obviously you win the world championship last year by pretty much all out attack yeah this season I when I’ve watched you been that’s also a tactic yeah right okay M because well I mean I I thought before the final that you were the out the two semi-finals you were the only one that could beat Marx Selby because of the way you were playing yeah because you can’t play market his own game no you have to attack him yeah but but this season of you you played whether it’s because you’ve I don’t know how how you feeling but you played turned down a few pots that’s just confidence yeah just just you didn’t feel feel feel yeah because if I’m confident I just know I’m not going to miss those long balls yeah but this season has been I don’t know what it is maybe just thinking a bit too much the world championship should move away from The Crucible big question big question that’s big question for a long time yeah yeah J I think uh I’m going to disagree I’m I’m I’m I’m older I’m I’m going to disagree I I I I just love the cruci bow I love I love the atmosphere I think when you walk down especially one table the final you’ve been there when you walk the atmosphere is just like like nowhere else but um I understand that the players now feel maybe more prize money somewhere else is that how you feel the history is here and then they know it’s like in Crucible and he went seven times here so yeah you like but I think for the new market or new you know this new generations come up uh they love to walk into at Crucible to walk to see around and maybe see the match here more chance to development to move somewhere Asia or other countries yeah so to would you like see a world championship in China absolutely yeah each own country’s players they love to win that world champion in their own country more pressure on you though the championships in China I never feel that to feel it think you feel it snooker should be taught in school PE lessons I’m going to go there which is kind of between I agree and I yeah I’m in there yeah yeah I’m is in China isn’t it it is in China and we you know we talk about the Chinese takeover of snooker a quarter of the tour of chines now people forget this it’s a widely forgotten point about snooker we don’t receive a single Penny not a dime from any government from any government body to help us fund and get snooker into schools clubs uh memberships activity not a penny everything you see about snooker comes from wst if we had some help from the government things would be different I I do agree that all all the young T people always ask me like where’s the where’s the next you know aivan Murphy Higgins Where are they coming from where’s the young players and I’ve yet to see them and it’s and it and it could be just that that there there’s nowhere for them to play really I mean you hard play pressed to find a snooker Club these days you don’t have to have it in every school but why not have it where you could go to a school or somewhere where you could you could you know learn or or or get to play at least absolutely as I say it’s something we rolled out um with wpbsa many years ago in China every city we go to we drop into their schools we leave tables this size some bigger some smaller and we interact and we get the kids excited enthusiastic about snooka and some of them have even progressed to the tour some of those stories have come from those cities that we visited years ago some of those kids have made it as professionals they’ve got to Q School theyve they’ve lived that dream the kids in the UK don’t have that opportunity cuz the government look at us like we’re the ugly relative they won’t spend a single penny with us which is a disgrace really I mean we why aren’t we in the Olympics we should be people don’t know this either but snooker and Q Sports was a founding member of the Paralympics really why aren’t we still in it the government have completely abandoned crowd should be allowed to make more noise in matches o I’m going to go disagree I’m going to go disagree it depends what what they mean by noise I mean a noise while you’re actually play like darts when you’re actually queuing up they’re actually then I would completely disagree I would I would strongly disagree yeah again I’m going to go disagree obviously the difference between playing here I’ve talked to people who’ve been to watch snooker at the Masters and been to watch snooker here and it’s two completely different venues absolutely but the MS is you love it right the is incredible but you wouldn’t want them in any noiser than they are would you no I think yeah like you say the master is more like a showpiece kind of spectacle right and I think The Crucible is so intense and everyone’s so close you know I mentioned in an interview before my first experience here I was watching Peter Edon sort me tickets to play Michael Holk okay and me and my dad was sat in the crowd and our tumm is were rumbling and I thought the players could hear us down there that’s how intense it is so yeah I’d go disagree but then I feel like sport modern day sport is moving so quickly so do you go with the times or do you stick with the traditional how how do you C playing in a shootout because that is the one that that is noisy all the time did you see my game against C no I didn’t I had a blue ball shoe Tower at the end and every time i’ got down from the blue I kept giving it large to the crowd to play and I crunched it it’s just dead pan face got down bang felt like I was dying a slow death but no I uh yeah I go slightly disagree okay making the first 167 would be a better achievement than making five 47s more money it’s not important yeah I’m going strongly disagree obviously 14 SS yeah I think it would be really incredible to do it for as the first player to do it in front of the Saudi crowd right that would you’re CH was somewhere in the middle then yeah somewhere in the middle you know it’s it’s difficult but obviously the 147’s much more difficult so what was the the sort of Talk Amongst the guys inide about the Golden Ball did you did you discuss it much or everyone was talking funn enough uh but I was like it’s not going to happen it it feels like it’s achievable but hiin got close didn’t he but yeah but the problem he Hein said the ball was like a different sort of texture yeah the texture was a bit different but I tried to play it a couple of times along the cush and you couldn’t actually miss it if you were on it like if you were here you couldn’t even miss it really because it hugs the cushion oh okay that’s interesting but I think the problem is we’re not used to that kind of pressure you know one ball for 500,000 we’ve never had that one for for a million yeah that’s we never had that kind of pressure so how how we going to make it it’s possible obviously yeah yeah so you’re in the middle I mean 5147s would be incredible but the 167 for for $1 million yeah fabulous snooker players can be over coached too much coaching I’m going to say I oh what coach too too much players can have too much coaching I think yeah yeah yeah what what’s your opinion on on coaching have you had much I can’t remember ever seen you with many coaches I I don’t have many coaches uh I think the players should be learn themselves what what they need to do in the practice routine what you do with your techniques things what you do with your thinking head what you do like SEL be doing like tactical things to learn everything about that the on you don’t learn when you play on the in there yeah you got to lose yourself sometimes you got to you know the situations always come come new things so as soon you get ready you got experience everything and you learn each every each part so you got more ready for the the things coming yeah I I agree I think I think there too too much coaching is is sort of it can hinder your natural Talent obviously um and also when you’re out there I think coaching you know it’s it’s about you right it’s about inside it’s about it’s about up here it’s about how you can handle the pressure um some coaching I think is okay but I know too much coaching I had too much coaching I think and it affected me so would you say that um a lot of the Chinese players now look over coached very technical the way they play I think they too much concentration under their technique right okay two actions everything uh they don’t think about to improve the game sometimes not not about just practice it maybe I watch a lot of uh SN games even qualify I still watch yeah so I look at the Players they think each each single person they thinking different right okay so the same same shots they they have uh 10 players they think different Maybe this is just like uh you got to learn every place what they think you got the 10 10 choices to make that decisions right you would never be a coach no I don’t think I could I like to Lear myself Kiren Wilson is the best rest player in the world oh oh oh let me see where I’m going to put my joke I think I’m I’m going to might put it there I’m not going to strongly disagree but I’m going to disagree and and as as much as it pains me to to say this when you’re sitting opposite me I do think you’re the best rest it’s not by Miles you’re you’re probably going to strongly disagree um I think no but as you know about me I only have strong opinions yeah get two these two things this two this two Billa for you for me he wants to agree or disagree I want to strongly agree or strongly disagree I think there’s a we talk about obviously the big thing is you and Karen there other a great player I mean Williams is great with the rest Ronnie’s great with the rest great with the rest the thing I I like about you you you you play with the same Q action with the rest as you do with your hand and I think that that to me is the sign of a proper rest player yeah I can’t speak for the other players I had a good grounding with the rest I was so small when I first started playing as we all were I guess um that I had to use the rest a lot good grounded with my technique I think I’m quite unique in terms of I have my elbow quite high that locks it out means I can’t get much lateral movement that’s good um so there’s some good technique in there um and I think you just have a some people just take to it don’t they some golfers are just good out of traps some are some never get it um I always thought the rest you’re going to you see players they play the wrong shot to avoid having to use the rest right that’s just wrong yeah uh and I didn’t want to do that I wanted to be able to play every shot yeah yeah um the long rest still learning how’s your long rest play my long rest plays average where’s the average section right excellent Sean Murphy is the best rest player in the world funny enough he was asked a similar question and I I know you sat opposite me but I cuz I I can’t explain to him and then then then say a different thing to you because that wouldn’t that wouldn’t be honest and the reason I gave to him is that his Q action to me is identical with the rest as is when he’s got that his Bridge hand and I think yours is slightly different yeah I would actually I would say mine’s totally different cuz yours more like it goes like that I’m actually quite I’m almost like the Rono solivan rest action like the really flu and get going and buff straight through it in my opinion I I can work the cuq better than him with the rest I feel like if we had a screw back competition I do I put a red level with a pink spot and I can screw in and out of bulk really from from White on the blue red Cub’s coming off the table if I temped that I’d like to see if he can do that right okay but I would say kind of say more there qtip short and it is I would say he’s he’s more accurate on his potting right okay snooker players practice too much I think I know this is age yeah probably I do agree I’m I’m not just follow follow followed you there followed you in my day it was it was sort of drummed into you that you had to practice six hours a day six days a week and if you didn’t do that you wouldn’t win consequently I mean don’t get me wrong I had a lot of success from working hard but you kind of if you don’t if say you do only five hours instead of six you feel guilty yeah and you’ve got that did you ever try to do less in your prime time some sometimes sometimes I I would I wouldn’t prepare usually my manager didn’t know I’d be knocking off early and I didn’t and I still won the tournament of course so I think it’s it’s about the quality of practice I think more important than than the quantity 100% it’s all about the quality 100% I mean you won this last year without practicing right yeah but obviously uh when the tournament got on obviously I got my practice from the games but the first game against Ricky I was I was so um Rusty yeah so I just needed a couple of frames and then I got confidence and then obviously after that I got all my practice in the tournament the 147 prize money should be higher yeah so this one I put it here y yeah me too so I I think it’s because the 147 is like the biggest occasion you can have in snooker so I I believe it should be a huge prize right you agree yes I think uh there’s not many 147 to make it like a few few happen one season that’s quite difficult uh we looking back at history it’s only like I don’t know 100 100 just over 100 yeah this is so difficult to have 147 that’s all have to Big I have a big bonus for that yeah cuz you played in in Saudi Arabia where they had the Golden Ball and you had like half a million right for the so do you think it should be something like that and every and maybe not every tournament maybe the world championship the normal tournament it should be higher maybe after 50 yeah yeah so World Championship abs like like I I like the used to you have it like last time 147 yeah and if you make make twice you got doubl or make three or four times I mean impossible but it’s possible so got big chances to have it it means if you if you take a risk in the frame for a tricky pot it’s worth the risk right yeah I know this sometimes you just lower price in the normal tournament like example in qualifiers I don’t know how much you get just winning first but not take risk how many of you made now competition seven seven okay you can’t close close to me CU ball control is the most vital part of a player’s game yeah i’ I’ve I’ve had to learn the hard way I think I mean you you I mean you’ve had people like me criticizing you for and and and it’s improved obviously but the amount of centuries you make now you can’t do that if you haven’t got good qball absolutely in in in in the beginning is it fair to say your Q was 100% And and I know exactly why um my bridge was too long and I feel like I had too short of a back to I couldn’t I couldn’t get my feel and the timing through the shot so I’ve brought my hand in I kind of go through the ball more and I get more of a feeling through the shot and you know my sentries have gone through the roof now you know I’ve had probably one of the most poorest Seasons I’ve had this year I’m still second on the sentury count with like over 60 centuries right so it’s definitely something that I’ve worked on and improved and it’s not only making breaks so it’s under pressure being able to control that QQ ball isn’t it when it really matters because if you got to make a a 60 clearance or something you know you can’t do it if have your Q B’s all over the place can exactly and you look at obviously like yourself and like Ronnie John um they’re sort of the highest scoring break Builders of all time and they’re kind of some of the best pressure clearances aren’t they some of the some of the clearances they’ve made so yeah I’d strongly agree and I was going to say these cloths as well because when I’ve played qualifiers it catches me out I mean my my cuq control now I’d love for you to commentate my cuq control but you could absolutely ruin me even 100 B break players to go out there and play on them and the thing is the the kind of the deflection with side as well you play any shot with Sid spin it just throws off a mile on a brand new CL and until you’ve played on that you know you can’t you can’t describe that to people absolutely I mean the chalk should be over there for that one but yeah snooker is the hardest sport in the world he can can we go over there somewh I mean people talk about golf if you get someone who who can’t play golf eventually they’ll be able to hit the ball and hit the ball again yeah and hit it pretty straight yeah that’s how we got into it well exactly snooker you go to pot ball and Ball’s got to be there for the next ball so you use a 58 in piece of wood yeah to hit a QQ ball onto another ball into a pocket that’s only just big enough to take that ball meanwhile that Q ball has to go around off several cushions around a 12x 6t table and position perfectly for the next ball and with a 10 mm tip you got to hit the where the Q ball where you want to hit it now all these clueless idiots that think golf’s harder than snooker yeah have never played it they don’t know they they just I love that you’re holding back here hold back I can hear Jimmy Bullard now screaming gu no mate no the scull out of snooker Jimmy I’ve seen you play snooker you are useless he can hit the ball I he hit the ball he can’t hit the ball he can hit the ball who who was the guy you had on your channel who claimed to have had a centy who was that that’s Jimmy Bullock me no I swear no we actually I actually filmed with him as recently as yesterday yeah and he can I reckon he did do it can he count to 100 that’s well you said that not me you’re not me we’re biased but I mean we know how difficult it is yeah but in like it’s certainly we can only count single player Sports in this conversation of course um in golf the conditions play a massive part but they’re obvious the win the r you can see that we have all of that to contend within Arenas obviously not rain but the conditions play are massive they’re just not as seen they’re not easy to see the public can’t see it we know what we’re doing we know what’s happening um maybe they should ask all the people that go to the local club and try and put two balls in a row all civilized people agree snooker is the hardest sport in the world okay Chinese food is the best takeaway what’s your go actually my my goto for a takeaway at home is probably Indian yeah so I I got to go disagree I’m going to go strong I will I will do as well yeah cuz I I prefer I mean I I I obviously spend a lot of time in China I love the food and I love the authentic Chinese food it’s different so so I tend to sort of go to restaurants rather than have take away from Chinese so yeah so I’m going to I’m going to disagree do you like the food in China yeah I love it I love I love how they do that like their veg is so nice and fresh and the meats and stuff and it is so different I feel like over here we fry a lot of our stuff whereas they boil a lot of theirs I think it’s definitely a healthier lifestyle foodwise what would be your go-to takeway Indian I’m close to in Indian and the Kebab on Mark Williams with a a final Kebab yeah nice nice chicken shees kebab snooker needs more entertainers H I’m going to I’m going to agree but but let just let it be put out there you want to be here so you’d like to be there would I’d like to be in this middle ground because I think it’s some of the snooker I played was probably entertaining but you know there is argument I know you believe that we are in in the entertainment business I was in the winning business I was there to win I wasn’t there to entertain in my opinion that’s why I was my job was to come here win the World Champ my job absolutely my job wasn’t to come here I hope everyone was having a good time I was just there to collect collect a trophy you were blessed because of the era you played in there was so other there was so little competition for snooker when you played thanks a lot I don’t know where I take that well well I only speak the truth um there was hardly any TV channels when you were playing so we weren’t competing against the world we live in now there how old do you think I am well you’re considerably older than everyone else in this building um you know when you turned Pro in ‘ 86 there was three or four TV stations so so it’s a completely different it’s a different world well you’re never going to get Dennis and Steve 18.5 million no again no watching snooker it’s not going to happen a lot of those people were watching cuz there was nothing else to watch ex exactly it’s a completely different we’re now competing against all the other channels all the other Dennis sorry about that by the way it was it was great to watch just before Dennis gets on the phone there was nothing else to watch you see I only have strong opinions one way or the other but no I listen I’m it’s not a I don’t mean in an offensive way the world was different we now have to compete with everything else that’s going on there that’s before you talk about streaming platform and all of that other stuff all the other live sport people can go to a completely different world now we have to we have to drag people’s attention from all of that make them watch that the players have to be more entertaining they have to interact more they have to put on a better show they have to play better they have to interact with crowds more they have to be more active on their social media platforms they have to do whatever they can to drag people’s attention from what they’re doing onto this and at the moment in my opinion they don’t do that quite enough I think the players could do more to certainly maybe not at tournament because as I said earlier I’m all about there you you’re there to win and and you’re there to do a job and if someone’s got a normal job they’re not laughing and joking while they’re doing it you know they’re there to do whatever job they’re doing but um Ronnie obviously entertains with the snooker he doesn’t um you know he’s not he doesn’t laugh and joke he doesn’t interact with the crowd really but he just he entertains obviously so I think it all depends on your character but um I agree that I I I would say more in promoting the tournaments stuff like like this before every tournament maybe going to where a venue is a month before and publici promoting a tournament and doing some local stuff yeah I agree that but on the table that’s a bit where I find a bit more difficult I think once you get to the table part of it yeah you should be business head on I’m here to try and win anyway next Black off a spoty Miss I’ll be pleased to see you interact with the crowd and be all happy I shall moonwalk back to my seat [Music]


  1. looool PE lessons? PE stands for Physical education, what physical stuff are you doing in snooker? stop being so bias, it ruins the show.

  2. snooker hardest spot in the world? go to MMA, then let me know. go play football and having to run for 90mins, let see you guys run for 90 seconds.

  3. I believe that climbing a V17 boulder or 9C route is easily more difficult than making a 147 in snooker (the greatest achievements in the two respective sports) these grade climbs are pushing the physical limit of humanity and fewer people can climb those grades than can make a 147

  4. Really dont see ding talk this much so this is great to sorta see what he thinks…well what the ccp let him think lol 😂

  5. Snooker is not the world's toughest. Some motor sports are far more deadly. Even winning a marathon, or the Tour De France, would be impossible for most people. You can train to be a weight lifter, but can you beat all the other professionals? Probably not. It takes super-human abilities in every sport, and I cant say that any of them are easy at the top level. Even Golf, it's hard to birdie or eagle 18 holes.
    As for moving the Worlds, if players were in the 02 in front of 20,000 people, who all paid £30-£100 to get in, you do the maths. Snooker should be about those who want to see the event, like F1 or Golf, not just those who are luck enough to squeeze in to an ancient claustrophobic venue.

  6. mmm the snooker brain,last time i played snooker i had choice blue in middle or pink in left corner,blue easier pot but harder to get position on next ball,if play pink,harder shot easier to get position,if miss,leave red on .usually at club level,i would play the blue,get some points up,hopefully land on a red or play safety,used the snooker brain,played the pink,luckily it went in

  7. Funny how Stephen Hendry throws a question and gives half the answer himself, give others a little bit more time to talk….

  8. Ding is a good speaker and interesting guy. Much more forthright than I'd have thought he'd be. He should do more interviews.

  9. Murphy is absolutely right about snooker players needing to be more entertaining if they want the sport to grow. He's a smart guy, maybe the smartest snooker player around (and very funny).

  10. I really don't get why they still keep saying Ronnie is an entertainer. How is he? Modern Ronnie is a very conservative player on the table. The only thing he does that's a bit unique is play quite quickly and he does draw in the fans, but these fans are the morons of the snooker world generally. And when you put him under pressure he turns into a petulant arrogant child, moaning about his opponent, the ref, the crowds etc. Players like Trump, Williams, Brecel are far more entertaining.

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