How a *PROPER* Putter Fitting Can Improve Your Golf Game

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The Sam’s Lab putting test was one of the coolest things I’ve seen in golf and glad I got fit for the exact putter that suited my stroke!

Big shoutout to Derek & Cobra for hooking this up!

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we are getting fitted at the Cobra Puma headquarters we’re joined here with Derek from Cobra Puma we’re going to try out the putting and we’re going to see what we can do Derrick’s going to explain all the numbers he’s the guru behind this so let’s get right into it at the very least so like how Potter fitting works for me and in general is identifying head types that make sense even if there’s a few different styles that match that for your stroke is finding what do you like the look and what like what can you align and Visually putt online and then getting things like length Loft angle head weight those are kind of the finer details like does grip and shaft play in this fitting I actually like that you guys have the super stroke pistol cuz that’s what I got on mine generally for my fits I’m going to stay in like big things so like talking about La golf you know stability shaft in a putter or grip that’s getting super fine and that’s like almost on the not controversial but less defined so what we’re going to do um s putt lab it’s a ultr sound machine that tracks this Doppler in space uh we’re going to do a set with yours go over numbers and what they mean and where you are with yours and then figure out what kind of putter for us and in Cobra calibrate it so you good yeah okay and then seven putts from here if you want to go through your full pre-shot wherever I’ll help place the ball just so you focus on the PO all right so they’re quick yeah it’s like 12 okay [Music] putter fitting um a lot of unknown but we know just like ball flight laws tells us the ball will genuinely start where the face is aimed uh it’s the same for a putter but you know unlike a full shot where path controls curve putter we’re not curving at all so what we’re really trying to influence then is that face at impact getting it to where we want to start the ball so on average you rotate the putter about 3° open that’s kind of moderate to low what’s your common Miss left or right usually is it a push or depends on what the putt is okay left or rights it’s always kind of a push so I’ve been practicing releasing the toe more y it’s mainly just like left to rights where I’m seeing I’m missing a lot to the right yeah the rest so are pretty depends on read it’s like read almost yeah yeah I got you on average you have the putter about4 de shut oh part that’s cu the Break um so you you you rotate it a moderate amount and you get it back to square pretty easily and then the only thing with path that we’re really trying to look at when we say you know face matters more is we want it to be consistent right if the path influences a face to be as consistent you know on target where you want to be means you’re going to start the ball in line a lot more you can kind of see here you know face relative to path lot of pretty good though yeah you see it’s a lot of black line which black line means you have the putter Square to your path a long time so that gives you a really good chance of making you know a good stroke and keeping it online contact pretty good liing go also really good I like that so mean what that tells me from a contact perspective is length is good you know if length was too long or to what do you mean length length of the putter oh yeah yeah so means we’re really spot on with it you don’t need a longer cut I know I did cut it I think it’s 33 yeah might be 33 yeah that’s how I play well we’re not the tallest dudes in the in the unfortunately right yeah all right so this is a page we’ll pull up whenever we start looking at comparison so uh down here gives us a score so when we compare Putters it tells us you know are we getting better so tendency is just it wants you to obviously roll that putt online and be zeroed out like tiger said uh and so your tendency is really good like you’re really good putter overall as far as your metrics timing that’s you know your Tempo control your speed control so pretty good um and then consistency 82% also really good anything above 80 is a really good player so Road just scratch I mean if you’re not losing putts I average like 30 to 31 putts hour yeah so you’re not losing a ton of Strokes there um um but yeah I mean we said 4° shut that’s off of one de shut Aim so when we start looking at how you get the ball in line is it an aim thing or is it a stroke thing means you have a little bit of an open relationship you start a little left and push it kind of online we’ll see how that you know changes overall all right so let’s see what other put us yeah Do It um where you’d go from here we can talk on a blade on how it’ll show that it probably goes even more right and that’s why you play that’s the one that I was like looking at well do you want to try blade or yeah we can I want to try well this will be very similar honestly this is where we’ll fall back into probably why don’t we try a blade just to kind of show differences damn so I’m lowkey like a like a good putter technically too yeah so above 80 is considered scratch level so you’re you’re definitely Strokes gain wise you’re not losing anything you’re pretty good [Music] similar putter cuz it is pretty similar style um but tendency actually got like Elite like that’s left is this yeah left is the uh sport 40 That’s the name of the Putter and then this is yours so overall basically about the same tendency went up what is tendency see mean again that that’s you starting the ball on line you know doing everything it’s a robot so it just wants you to be zeroed out just hitting every put dead center aiming dead center so means your stroke metrics from a aim and start line perspective got better so interesting the the different neck design right plumber’s neck versus wait what the heck yeah you aimed it more neutral by a lot yeah no but even this consistency yeah come again what does this mean so plumber’s neck on the blade versus you play like a little flat neck right so just saying that you aim it probably a little bit more neutral like a little bit more consistent so in a Potter fitting if you’re being really broad the three things I’m trying to influence is can you aim it consistent can you start a ball on line and then how fast can you hit that ball consistently you know controlling that those numbers are just 10 times better yeah just really good overall the face was dead zero like you were which is just phenomenal yeah really good but now what happens if like we take if we make the smaller only thing we’d look at is the bottom weights which you could play whatever you want they would be heavier so the head weight would be heavier and you were choking down there so all that tells you is 33 is still your length I mean that you’re diet on the contact so that’s almost like Center Center yeah that’s dead center you don’t need to play excessively light or excessively heavy head weights whenever you have kind of pretty even Tempo you know if you’re really slow tempo you generally want a heavier Putter and if you’re really fast you need less weight cuz you don’t need that ball to come off really hot so so this is almost like the one and we have’t I mean [Music] yeah buckets you got better judging Tempo your consistency is crazy good so left is with more yeah so all 83.3 yeah really consistency was just crazy plumber’s neck you aim really really well you know from a dress versus the slight slant neck you aimed a little left and then literally zero so that’s kind of crazy so I’m Legit hitting it exactly where I want to yeah you’re a so now so now it’s literally all read it’s never going to be my stroke 2% I think is massive right that’s losing a putter to a around dude I almost like don’t even want to cut it yeah based on how perfect I’m hitting this like why I think like if I cut it like something’s going to happen with the stroke where it’s like I know exactly where my hands I’m I want to keep it well it’s as short as we are it’s almost like a counterbalance grip I I don’t want to change anything about this so all we really were looking at changing is this one rotates a little less but we also noticed that the neck design he had he aimed a little left at times and would have to then kind of push it back online the Plumber’s neck on the blade here he was aiming a lot more Square you know a lot more zero out from where we wanted to be so it allowed him to just be really neutral with everything and roll it online and then the last little bit the speed was a little off you know matching his Tempo we just gave him a little extra head weight and that allowed him to be really consistent on the tempo a little more consistent on the speed overall and now he’s even better so that was actually crazy the blade was so much better than the Scotty and then just adding the 20 G made it 2% better you already rolled it online and your speed was pretty good we found something that you aimed a little better that was the only thing that you know you needed a little bit more Improvement you’re still rolling it online the end there we got your speed back to where it was if anything a little better so uh now we’re a happy camper shout out to Derek for helping us out the putter is what I’m most excited about thank you guys for watching go check out Cobra Puma if you’re interested in a fitting or if you just want to try out any of their clubs they are very good clubs especially with Dereck Derrick will get you dialed so thank you guys for watching we’ll catch you on another video [Music]


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