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Legend picks shock Blues pairing ahead of Origin Game 1: Freddy & The Eighth – Ep12 | NRL on Nine

Former NSW Blues players Brad Fittler and Andrew Johns name the curveball halves they’d pick for State of Origin after NSW’s horror run with injuries. Alongside Mat Thompson, the boys react to the news of Wayne Bennett returning to the Rabbitohs, rank David Fifita’s spectacular backflip, and preview the Women’s State of Origin. Plus, Joey gives his tips on how to survive Magic Round in Brisbane. Subscribe 👉 NRL News👉

0:00 Joey returns from holiday
3:19 Wayne Bennett to sign with South Sydney
4:50 Freddy vs the staple gun
7:48 Boys rate Fifita’s backflip
15:26 Arnold Schwarzenegger introduces Origin
16:40 Legend picks shock Blues pairing ahead
25:50 Freddy & The Eighth medal
30:22 Into the archive: Western Reds
31:50 Perth & PNG slated to become next NRL teams
36:30 Women’s State of Origin preview
41:05 Magic Round preview

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uh I’m really surprised I didn’t think Wayne would go there because uh there’s a mini rebuild for food is a weapon like if he was in a good system playing look at that try you I’m not bagging the Titans Luke Ki 58 wow I I think without doubt she’s got the potential to be without doubt the greatest player in the world this is the maddest place on the plane dancing the only show where you’re allowed to do it without Sho Andrew J’s one of the greatest players of all time cuddles and kisses go a long way especially when you’re in trouble oh the hor has bed look at the big fellow going imagine be want to fire they’re very horny and very aggressive we allow to put that to where Sydney stay classic I love everyone but making me feel this good hello welcome to Freddy and the eighth magic round there’ll be a few people dancing like these two in their Prime in Brisbane across the weekend Brad fitler and welcome back a very sun-kissed and relaxed Andrew Johns too right how you going good have a great time you got tud over in Cook Islands you got you got a tattoo yeah there yeah we saw that we showed that Vision last week very sharp brief one of the nicest places of been the Cook Islands I know you went there on your honeymoon oh it was wasn’t my honeymoon but yes I’ve been there okay I’ve given you uh wasn’t with my wife either no lovely spot had a great time so thanks to love their footy love their footy I’m just blown away you go to those islands Samoa FG a lot of it is rubby Union it’s all rubby League yeah right when did the local Grand Final there is it chaos or was it uh there’s some big hits there’s some big hits you know the crowd reaction they’re just screaming yeah but nice place what was the footy like in the local Grand Final chaotic phys yeah physical absolutely you dri AG or was that open Age yeah yeah Kevin IR coaches a team there I think they got four or five teams there’s only 18,000 people on the island yeah but you drive around the island you can drive around the island in half an hour but every as you imagine that’s you know it’s uh in the tropics there’s not a super wealthy place but you drive around there’s big posters like cardboard posters I’ve got the Ws playing tonight at N9 o’ everyone welcome so people just go to people’s houses to watch the Ws how good’s that I was actually really surprised how big rubby League was did you catch up with Kevin I just no I didn’t see him I tried to see him he ducked and mo a funny story funny story I went and watch the knights um Tigers so they’re 20 hours behind I think it was it was a 7:00 game over there anyway so I’m sitting there this Blake comes up local bloke uh Henry if you’re watching it’s great to have a be with you and Henry’s there and his mate comes up and he go goes oh he played for the knights back in the day and the boy goes did you play with the chief and Joey and his M went shut up you stupid salad so he’s no good that BL didn’t play with him well done yeah Cook Islands ra tongue up great spot beautiful part of the world breaking news off the top of Freddy and the E Wayne Bennett has put pend to paper at souths he’s coming back to Sydney 3 years 3 mil it’s on Andrew John’s money yep um was looked inevitable from a long way out but it’s been confirmed now good yeah that 3 million I get paid it’s in ban money it’s in rier it’s not in uh I’m really surprised I didn’t think Wayne would go there because uh there’s a mini rebuild but yeah he’s well he’s there’s none better be interesting if there’s a reaction this week well last week they were okay you know imp periods are okay they’ obviously down a lot of TR groups um be interesting if there’s a reaction to this this week and who they got Cowboy so that’s the turn to do it again plenty put cowbo the sword and have come out winners Cowboys been going poor haven’t they considering their team on paper I no they just give up points don’t want to tackle unreal um anyone watch Fray the eth in the Cook Islands yeah they do massive well my man Henry does does he yeah love loves it a lot of people are Henry Henry MRE what Henry cheeky Blake like he get up to actually Henry’s going to Magic round is he yes I’ve given him where you boys are St get give my number good in fact Brad’s number will be on the screen in just a moment pick up my suit now we’re getting close to orig and we’ve got team selected in uh what two Sundays time which gives us an excuse to bring out some of the Gory origin material Michael D with the staple one of the great one of the great origin Moments One of the great doctors Dr John Ard well if anyone had have been at the hotel prior of this you I mean like the week before oh God the doc was actually giving himself Staples was oh God that makes me want to vomit but I can exclusively reveal here on Fred in the 8 that Michael D is not the only player to have been stapled by that’s unreal Dr John Orchard oh that’s awful M I took this game away I went away surfing and uh off Indonesia on a boat trip and the American BLS were on I said bring a game so I took that game I think it was game one two 2003 so I told him the story before it and M these these American BL were going what what Brad you’ve been stapled yeah I’ve been stapled plenty of times he gets split open here oh bang elbow in the head oh that’s not a good place to be stapled either you got a h of cuts on your chin oh does John watch it again did it hurt I don’t remember that idiot chin reaction to him that would be awful right against your chin oh look at that he’s got the head on the boy or we won that game well TI you probably did I tell you what happened played in a game in England and the world club Challenge and Sharon Albert was playing fullback so I was icy so I was in uh start of the year the ground was the ground was okay but right under the goal post where the soccer posts are normally uh it was just ice so anyway hit a hole come off my left foot or whatever and just blacked out don’t know what happened oh anyway but then got up and I was just bleeding so I had a full laap he just like scouted me yeah had about 40 Staples oh that’s disgusting so Darren Alber got you Sharon Albert with a high shot well I think it might have been a KNE or something I still haven’t I’ve never seen sh again actually oh oh jeez had a full me my little scal just popped up so you got a face free face I wish you had a pull it back F little tuck you love Mickey Rock You Seen Micky you seen Mickey Rock L lately good it’s not good is it oh he looks like a cat but he wrinkles can you get away with one like one Reckoning your life like a a pullback well you have you’re 50 haven’t got a wrinkle on your face that’s not true one of the great Miracles um David F’s done a backflip he’s not going to the roosters he’s staying at the Titans which is another excuse to bring out some great RoR League back flips before we get into maybe the biggest back flip of the last little while let’s start with the great Nathan Blacklock what a freak freakish TriCore here we go I might give oh well that’s not a back fli oh there it is oh what’s a score boys that’s we’ve got our score cards at the ready there was a period of a couple of years he was Unstoppable wasn’t he he got learing Tri score I think two years in a row yeah that’s a nine that’s a that’s a nine he had the uh elongated track too CU he done the back flip and then the the other one the cartwheel fight for Australia never got an origin Jumper in Blacklock went away in early 20001 I re 2001 did he come on that TR yeah I think he did good fell tinger he’s a good Anthony mundine there’s a common theme Here indigenous indigenous boyss look at that that game he lit it up there chalk the end of it the double the double banger what an athlete all the controversial aside for him to do what he did in R league and become a great boxer eight tonight I got an eight too okay dogs dat rce Walsh didn’t know R Walsh was a back flipper here we go I think he can do anything he wants that’s a forward backflip wow that’s the uh the Blake Ferguson flip you don’t want to be doing that as a a coach would just be terrified I think that’s easier than the actual back flip you reckon yeah look at this go H going to tell when when do you learn and then he’s adding up and under upsetting stomach get the quicker and it’s blue blue Gatorade there is sign n yeah can we find out where he was born please South Wales he’s spewing blue that’s a sign I’ll go that’s I got a nine there for Reese good spew Kat Stags big big man fast TW a a this for pal he didn’t let me go in the air that’s like an angry back flip that’s a eight like his head doesn’t even go in the air he just flips over that quick that’s an angry eight yeah I’ll give it an angry eight it wasn’t spectacular but because he’s so big over 100 kilos just all muscle hey um ree wsh she’s born in that great uh Sydney suburb of Southport that’s in the goldie you can’t pull one back there so maybe the biggest back flip David for feeder how bizarre sign with the roosters what the end of last week this morning the Titans send a press release through and and on their website 735 saying he’s agreed to extend for a couple of years so trigger that option in well trigger the option his option to stay with the club and then 5 minutes later The Roosters came out and said that they’ve withdrawn their offer so who broke up with who but for feeder decide it he doesn’t want to go to Sydney he’s going to stay with the Titans oh was good for the Titans he’s one of those players creates a lot of opportunity would have been interesting going to a really strong club like the roosters whether they unlocked him there’s a question mark to over how it all happens Le why can you sign and then is there a cooling off period yeah 10 days oh sorry I didn’t so why do clubs this is why do clubs announce it I don’t think the roosters did they only announc they pull their money did they announce it right well I wouldn’t be doing that there’s a lesson there so that’s the you you just mentioned something there have we have we seen the official where the roost has actually announced them signing him yes we came through last week um FF probably had to make a choice that if he if he wanted to go to the roosters or penrith who were obviously cting him as well if he wants to get the best out of himself as a player they’re the they clubs where he could potentially do that but clearly they have a a defined work ethic was he prepared to go there and get into their system or did he want to stay in the comfort of the one person could answer that and that’s David well last week he wanted to come to Sydney and this week he’s had a rethink his his girlfriend’s from penr didn’t she she’s from glore park I think yes but I think she plays I she plays yeah his girlfriend plays does she she played for the blues W she’s a gun she’d go into camp and steal the game plan bring him back so any Espionage any reaction are you I’m not surprised by any contractual non plus situations so the roosters now I suppose the spin-off is that kryon and was kryon some uncertainty about his future supera you’d signed Angus yesterday yeah if this fell through with dve is a form player of the competition nearly he’d be up there the top three it just cost him 100,000 though you’re a decent [Music] manager it’s good to see Angus killing it we know he’s had some couple of troubles last year he wouldn’t be a nicer young BL humble young fell if you were given the choice Andrew you were running the r at the roosters for feder or Kon all depends the money depends on your team too The Roosters at the moment f is a weapon like if he was in a good system playing look at that TR you did on weekend I’m I’m not bagging the Titans but if he was in a system with some world class hares bringing him into play getting him one-onone all the time holy smokes what about defensively though well that’s his ailles Hill the but that’s where the good clubs put people around him and you know they’re smart with the way they they’ll train that and have people around him to support’s he doesn’t need people like as a bodyguard he he he just needs to want a tackle yeah but then at the at the top clubs the the senior players hold everyone to account the coach obviously does but you get the Sun strong senior BLS always it’s always player based yeah always and good luck to all right well the Titans have kept their man and not just short term it’s another couple of seasons on the back of this they got their second win on the weekend in fact they’ve been pretty good the last month so his extension like that he agreed to or that he had in his initial contract was that a couple of years or just one more year I think it’s two right so have they added on anything at the end of I can’t I don’t believe so but I I can’t if they came to you as a CEO and they said want to put these Clauses in the contract would you just Boogie on them get out I don’t you know what think you have options these days I think all the managers I just think they’re wired up with options Galore everyone’s got them you get any options no ORS if they come knocking late night shows new news the N news just make sure it’s nice and warm in the studio the n new the camera won have a zoom on it uh on the way of the break with origin around the corner don’t think so what better time to have a look at some of the classic old origin openers it’s like gold in the archive Wednesday June 11 2003 Brisbane I am back my mission to won the human race the Terminators among you I have detailed files Shane web Darren lakia Andrew Johns programed to Seek and Destroy Shan Ginger Gordon Talis one mean machine Ben kennedy he’s back they can’t be bargained with they will not surrender they will not stop are you ready for some football harv woman state of origin game one exclusively live channel name oh big fan of footy an he never seen that Ben kenady did fatty just voice that yeah good just lip sync I Fatty’s on turn it up this week is he yeah oh that’s good that’s a good get oh yeah he have to extend it he he’s got some great stories he’s the best he’s the best um you’ve got to go to the Whiteboard you know origin’s close when you’re off to the Whiteboard straight in front of the camera both of us or just one yeah both of you you’re locked up with too much holiday what have you been doing over there Ling on your back too much exactly putting in a mortal performances for the full 80 minutes it’s surfing I’m talking about all right or position battles the six and the seven for New South Wales clearly has been thrown into chaos Brad’s on the left Andrew is on the right here’s your 58 first 58 play up let me think Cody yeah you know they’re getting flogged I know mate but you know what game three last year M of the match one thing about Cody he can get a game plan on he likes he loves to attack lukee k 58 wow that’s come from leftfield Freddy what you thinking with that easier informed player I think he’s got he’s got a couple of good ones in him I just don’t know about Mitchell at the moment you’re going to go in with one game under your belt that’s a big ask and nik’s got a calf problem so I don’t know about going in with two injured players but Niko has been named to play this week yeah I know Cody would release the outside man and J’s the other one I just think we Nathan um problem with these three players is they’re all left field Centric players so you couldn’t go any of these together you couldn’t go Burton and Cody or Jerome and Burton yeah they been too technical but the halves so if you to choose from Moses or hindes at halfback they’re right-sided players well he does everything he can play everywhere so if you played him with him he just sits on the left with with probably Bradman and Liam Martin or Hudson young and then these two they steer the ship now if he comes back and plays well in game one he’s picked I’d pick him straight away off the back of one game but then Niko he’s got two weeks so they got the chooks this week at M magic round and they got penr next week obviously penr no Nathan but if he plays well the next two weeks he’s straight in so the next two weeks is dress rehearsal for niika and canola they need to to shed that tag that they they can’t beat the top teams so the next two weeks is the most important two weeks of his life nio for you Brad uh at the moment yeah I’m with Joey I think Mitchell if is a big game when he comes back and the fact there’s a camera there uh it’s a break it’s not a soft tissue injury so it’s mostly more of a pain thing and I think then I’d pick I’d give it to Mitchell okay Queensland don’t have these dramas do they when it comes to the halves they pick the same BLS every year and they performing the problem the problem is you look at at Queensland monster dce Harry Grant M uh Ben Hunt collectively together they’ve probably played 40 50 Origins together well DC’s played 20 Hunt’s played 15 no I’m saying together when they together yeah so that we all know combinations and how famili have to be at that level and then we’re going to have all new combinations hooker and the half so just having a look here to power matter following magic ramp play souths so that’ll be his one game and where’s that at I thought he was close to playing this week a and that’s a Saturday evening game what an opportunity yep what an opportunity I remember we went and watched actually Mitchell play against canbury and there was a similar thing going on do you reckon and conscious that it was only the the one game and he had a handful of minutes niik in a position where he wasn’t used to playing but can can that be valuable experience to draw on if he gets another chance yeah man he’s got better yeah he’s a good player that’s that’s one situation in the game yeah and he wasn’t the only one that you know Monster stood up as well so yeah he’s gotten much better he like he’s uh what he’s doing at the moment what he’s done this year has been great yeah he’s taken their ter to another level he looks stronger absolutely so I think without a doubt he can he’ll use that as an experience and just knows what it’s like new South unforgiving New South Wales are underdogs this year would you would you go Moses and Nica well they both play the same side really don’t they like you know and that’s one of the big things from a point of view of um Kiri plays Left niik Right so it’s one L thing you got it’s one thing you got to change Lou ibert and Cody are all left Footers so it gives you that option with the kicking game Mitchell MOS kicking game is so good the long kicking game what foot did he break don’t know don’t know one of the two uh I obviously talked with Gus before I come in here he he have a strong push for Lui or Burton as 58 on the left hand side and he said I asked and he actually answered which I’m surprised if I asked if he was coach who’d pick he said his halfes would be Burton and lei so jam came through as a halfback yeah he us play Half Back Against Nathan oh what a ands one when was at Sam Mar oh okay but what about in SG ball and all that Nathan would be half Nathan was half back in D I actually want to ask you about Burton now you and we you talk about big strong ball running five particularly in origin he fits the bill big big body strong Runner this kicking game I don’t know why he doesn’t every week he doesn’t kick him like that Matt seriously I’m watching every week against penrith I’m just I said there every time you kick the ball I hope you back yourself and kick it why would he do it I don’t know I’m not sure I’m not sure if it’s a conservative approach where the coach tells him he sits there every kick should be bang straight over Skyrocket straight towards a you’ve had air between the Winger and the fullback you’ve had a fair bit to do with Matt Burton is he dominant enough does he talk enough is he strong enough pushing players around and demand the ball where Cody is he’s not your normal he’s not a yeah he’s not what I’m saying Cody the ball goes away from Cody he’s going back rows and you stay here give me the ball now K the same K tell K’s in control yeah be interesting if he could control the people around him as well as the others and that comes with experience a lot of the time um but generally I’d say he’s quite a sort of block yeah I I wish I I should see three spirals game I don’t know why for sure had you thought all about how coin might line up we pretty much know who they’re going to pick Cherry monster but not not so much in those positions as there other players well they’re short of midd they’re short of middles with tuno going down and F and Gilbert FG will be back no fleg’s gone for the year has he yeah I think he is he yeah I think he’s gone for the Year talk of Cory Jensen today he he’s one player that when pain was out I noticed him this year he took his game to another level and he’s one of those players quick across the ground low center of gravity can play Big minutes so you got Lindsay Collins Faker No fed aaker yeah um Ruben Cotter no fed aaker no yeah yeah yeah Ruben cot yeah you know the the the Cowboys fin fukaki fin fukaki well the other one’s Nano is he is he going well enough they’ll pick him on the right side for sure yeah um the the one who’s been tremendous for Brisbane all year is Kobe heatherington Off the Bench he’s one of those he’s a real coin land isn’t he you know what he’s got he’s got a bit of footy in him Kobe yeah he’s just done some nice things through the middle every now and then he’ll play a bit of footy and he’s got a tip on and tackles well he’s a good tackler what you going to do on the bench we hunt as usual remember Peter R was it Peter R it was like that defensive freak very similar like similar players they both look a bit mad Peter Ron was definitely mad could I um I throw given how well he’s playing asra was out of this world last week could he slide onto the bench for Queensland yeah in front of kin well K’s not going to be there I mean could you have hunt and man’s kayin now for three months he’s the Le Frank he’s gone he might be lucky to play again this year yeah right uh Ezra yeah maybe for sure but hun be for they’ve always done that haven’t they they’ve always been in a position to bring a play through like that but then are you going to have Ezra and Hunt yeah kind you get big minutes out of carrian and cter and these sorts I mean they probably won’t have both of them but I mean you could see Ezra in that bench Ro the other one they miss they missed last year too didn’t he Paul BL home of origin right here on nine women’s origin tomorrow night Thursday night from Sun live exclusive and free here on nine fredd in the eth medal now this is how diligent Andrew JNS is watched every game while he was on holidays and he’s come up with this 321 Bradman was uh Bradman best was Unstoppable against the T no one could tackle him you obviously missed the konal game if you didn’t give Daniel Atkinson a point Once Again Sam Walker standing applaud that kick when he kicked across field early in the tackle count that was good we’ve seen him this year we’ve seen monster kick on play one for Xavier coats they just play it’s so you know what on that kick he had no time no time because I thought I thought oh he must have got up and spotted it he didn’t have time to spot it the blow was actually on him this is so good just plays just absolutely play and since they’ve given him the keys to the team four weeks you reckon it’s been y they’ve scored I added up last night they’ve scored and I’m trying to remember it’s like 136 points in three games or four games they’re a different team well the good thing is they won the who they beat the other day brisban the others don’t matter it’s who they it’s what they’re doing against the big teams under pressure and that’s what having Victor there also confident that they can score points he’s the next Superstar of the game this PL yeah how good is he he does everything what about what about his kick what about his kick chasing and pressure on the fullbacks they scor some tries for him though it’s he needs to do some work in defense decision Mak he did one bad one in the Grand Final when Moses Leota went through he turned out on Nathan on the dummy yeah that was a bad tackling wise he’s a Bel but he makes some bad decisions and then you know he young which will come won still isn’t he crazy he’s a baby yeah and that’s just like you know reps and Reps and Reps and Reps with the people around you as well um but oh Sammy shot to the lead quite L he’s too responsible Sammy would be good to take for lunch cuz we’ll just go and have a snitel and get on the punt loves a bet is he a pun is he loves it Jamal fgy will might be seeing him again the Hammer’s back this week now he could really rock it into lunchtime calculations M here what are they going to do with Trey Fuller he’s too good yeah well you’ll get picked up by someone someone’s got to sign him he’s a ripper yeah 28 years old what what a good story this is such a good crop of players we’ got at the moment it’s just the game’s flying moment really is some of the games it was a while there a while there when the wrestling was dominating and teams were playing so boring sometimes I wouldn’t even watch where now the games are so good the attack the turn the white terms are attacking well done I reckon they starting to get their identity canib is different to penth there was a time there where everyone was the same they play the St everyone was the same cuz the play the balls were so slow and they just slow every R down and BLS were coming in chopping late and and everyone’s jumping and now at the moment everyone seems to have got their own identity and the way they attack been jumping up at Sun this weekend sold out the whole round sold out sold out the whole round they’re going to get 20,000 to the women’s yeah well that’ll be a great atmosphere when are you going out uh Friday I’m going Sunday up and back you partying or are you going quiet um did you boys remember traveling over to Perth to play the Western Reds yeah yes long trip yes hard to beat over there western Reds hard to beat cuz they played on the Wacker yeah and had the cricket pitch good for head slamming people that was actually part of our game plan we went over 95 and the game plan was if you’re on the cricket pitch get and hold him up but then come in and head slam him on you can do it back there slam actually I got suspended Ian I was one of the only one of the first get suspended I got Keith blacket at parata it was bad two weeks something like you yeah hold him up and head slam him on the cricket the Wacker Cricket pitch actually we played him in 95 a lunatic that’s when mg was and Robbie jez eyes were absolutely spinning they used to train at a horse they trying the Park yeah that’s what they’re trying who was there inaugural coach Pand Mand very good why am I asking this well there’s talk of a Revival the Perth Bears could be on the agenda let’s have a look back in the archive at the Western Reds winning their first ever game St George the Western Reds dive back into their training routine today coach Peter M Holland washing away Victory celebrations with a 7 a.m. swim but last night they painted the town red yeah I think they’re all a bit worse away from the after game celebrations but yeah I think everyone’s pretty uh pretty good the Western Reds were the only new team to score a victory on debut Captain Brad mcki winning a personal battle against his former teammates before the Reds won the war so I had 12 blacks that were going to back me up from the word go and they did right in the start so you know I was happy with that for the defeated dragons Jason Stevens was literally the Fall Guy he’ll have x-rays tomorrow for a suspected broken leg he broke his leg lifting his knee into someone St used to lift his elbow into every time he’d run at you st like you get something there’s a m like you know obviously everyone knows sto and he’s um his faith very you know very strong in his faith he’d run out and just elbow you in the face all the time they’re a pretty handy team actually on paper weren’t they Chris Ryan yeah manly BL yeah look at those glorious I didn’t mean I did remember Fabia Fabia Brad Brad mcai yeah my mind that he played for them was he the captain he would have been the captain I think mg was Captain was he no was he I think he was my great friend David Morrow calling all the games over at over in Perth he used to travel every week and call the Western Reds thinking I’ll be mate well tell was funny I drove I got driven here by the wife and we drove past nor North Sydney she never knew it was a great she looked and she said how wonderful is that just the stadiums and stuff and I was explained to her about Perth and North Sydney and she was very excited about it sorry your wife didn’t know North Sydney o existed it’s not big on footy so I think it’s a great idea that Perth Bears because you got you play a few games at North Sydney and you got rosted on fans memberships wise you probably get 20 25,000 mother and you know what you get well we work here and we’re at North Sydney at the moment like what’s happening in North Sydney at the moment it’s buzzing it is flying it’s a different place to it was before this this has become a real energetic city of obviously not just people working but living the lifestyle smoke I’ve thought a little bit about it and we hear you hear um discussions around expansion Etc I I actually really like the idea of a team in perk now right you’re playing the daytime but and it suits television schedules perfectly you’re playing the day time and there is there is an interest a genuine interest in the game in in Western Australia so they’ve just taken over they’ve just gone over 4,000 players now that’s gone up and down over time uh there’s been uh through different stages obviously back when the Reds were there uh the energy and the interest in rugby league but they’ve just gone over 4,000 Melbourne just went over 5,000 players there’s a a lot of energy around Melbourne at the moment some really uh Nate miles is down there doing some good things they got a great Center of Excellence um but there’s doing well they’re doing well and this is this will be the the um spring board and even the the West Australian Premier was out in the Press saying well it’s not a National Rugby League unless Western Australia is involved in it the other day so clearly the West Australian government supports the idea rugia League over mining money lot of uh expats from the East lot of kuo over there I there a lot Big South African Community there so the sou Big R interest in Rugby Union that’s where the rug rugby the Western for a lot of their Bolding aren’t they that’s Melbourne Melbourne RB but also the Western they’re in all sorts I don’t think they go on that great but but what I’m saying yeah you know contact sport the South African people love that but you get it from the ground up at different times they’ve been in our different competitions SG ball whatever but um uh what’s the other one Jim Jim B cup WS Cup this is the next one PNG which is a political strategy also to uh we see what they do doing some of those games to have a better well this is sporting uh pracy through sport this is the prime ministers I didn’t they have a draw did they have a draw last year or the year before I can’t remember yeah they’ll be in PNG they might base out of mby but have to B no play games the ground looks good compared to what I played there in 1991 yes we saw Vision we saw Vision the other week I I think it seems inevitable that that’s going to happen for on a number of levels but there are a few question marks about how they’re going to set up like you said where they base um where the players is going to live I mean it’s it’s a complicated complicated project Port morby has has some social issues so it would be hard to get young Australians with young families to move there it it would be a a huge sacrifice for people to take their families there whether they’re based out of somewhere like cans what’s the furthest place up cans is that where they base themselves from yeah but is that is that a genuine PNG franchise then well no I don’t that you can unless I don’t think you would be able to take take families up there for the whole year to go and live there a full footy team like a full footy Club do a lot of fishing I think there’s a fair bit to pan out there you know 20 years time 203 we see Justin olum he’s up from the highlands he’s close to the border of tour he’s from R up 20 30 Years Tom might be the best player in the world might be living in a village somewhere you know 300 K from Port mby we know that’s the only country in the world where rby League’s the number one sport the growth area up there could be huge might be the equivalent of Andrew Jones living somewhere in the p& Hills your build well I went to cavan surfing up north yeah beautiful any night life no we know there’s a few few Jones around Wales um could be a couple origin origin origin Thursday night the first three women’s games at Sun can’t [Music] wait teams getting ready [Music] to skill power and passion this is intense as fo we are ready for origin [Music] [Applause] [Music] footage for the first time in women’s origin history a blockbuster three match series it’s a huge game for those women out on the big stage anal women’s state of origin exclusive live and free only on 9 and N now nothing quite like origin at Sun Corp GD be massive for New South Wales if they could Jag that first game there there’s obviously game two in Newcastle game three Townsville so they’re going to have to if the blues are to win the series need to win one away from New South Wales two very powerful teams so Queens named Bri short lock M Aken at 58 Zahara Tamara at halfback and then they’ve got Upton at fullback I mean that’s that’s good attack tomarrow I thought she was a kwi is the you are able you are able to play yeah in the women’s game gotta no she’s a good player good kicker no no Jesse Southall um no Hannah Southall for New South Wales and Charlotte Ben Charlie B if you took a straw pole of women’s rabor league viewers and asked who the best halfback was I’d imagine Jesse South would be the overwhelming answer well I’m biased because I’ve work with Jess um I I think without doubt she’s got the potential to be without doubt the greatest player in the world she’s close to now so yeah you don’t know what’s going on inside camp but very very surprising she’s not there and also a sister Hannah surprising Hannah is Absolut um tackle she’s one of the last two grand finals the halfback you know she was there as a kid she’s 18 17 18 she’s only 9 20 now winning Grand finals as a halfback so yeah that was a that was a big decision and considering you don’t get to see them play like they haven’t played so they’re actually um yeah that’s that makes it even stranger you think you’d go in incumbents it’ be much stronger Friday night footy the first game that we cover as part of magic round qu sold out huh Queensland won the aggregate didn’t they was it um this this will be an all out of attack game I think I think there’s capable to be upwards of 60 70 points scored in this game and I think Brisbane will absolutely put on a show obviously no turbos a big out Cola has gone to fullback interesting to see how he goes but for me Broncos win a win well uh jock Madden comes back in for the Broncos and then pretty much the rest to their team is as per it has been for most oh well no Billy Walters so smth starts MOS on the bench the raps on Blake Moses aren’t big they are huge I’m looking forward to watching him play he’s been E mark for a long long time it’s being a topl line dummy the big thing about their game the other night was their defense online they moved so fast no one gives their defense a WP they move fast they’re a good defensive team param had heaps of ball and heaps of opportunities within the quarter like on the the West Pack Red Zone was unbalanced like that and it was all par matter so their defense uh that’s what’ll break Matt Bell does a defense up there I think Bo count he doing a really good job C’s in their staff Al so you’re chatting to cardi last week yeah good what a good fell he’s in the origin coaching coaching team so good luck C you’re feeling chillax not having to worry about origin I’m sleeping well oh yeah I going I’ll be slipping better than M M M will be in the Fatal position Saturday night footy for magic round two which is very exciting and look this is must-win like this is absolute must win the Rabbid o we know struggling all year long but maybe the news of Wayne Bennett is a little little bit of energy for them and North Queensland I mean you look at that team on paper we’ve said this repeatedly they should be challenging for the comp yeah what’s going on well something’s going on something’s going on up there um I’m going to tip the Cowboys on trust but JZ he’s a good play this young BL fin fukaki I pronounced that right F fukaki yeah Cowboys for me but on trust with no trust y I’m the same Cowboys um you are right BR I wanted to correct that I I do apologize Queens land hold the shield yeah the women are both Shields so if you’re a Queensland fan you’re happy it’s time for the blues maybe to turn things around Sunday afternoon no Moses bit of a shame but Melbourne knocked around a game Melbourne versus par they’ve got this un now I think it’s 14 in a row they’ won at Sun Melbourne yeah they just win there for fun Melbourne yeah particularly when Cam and all the you know all the co the queenslanders go back up there and they get excited they barely ever get beat their record at Amy was 14 in a row their record at Sun cor’s 14 in a row what a I watched the replay of the Brisbane par game par they bombed about five six in the first 10 minut I think this game would be close than what people think I think it’d be really close Paramount were good their defense iicon that was the strongest as in contact all year mate and I mean from everyone all of them into it oh they were into it plenty of times mate those was BR bris been BL in the background just lying down wounded there was a hit Blaze tongi on SN cober now SN broke through it was literally Oran he had five M to run to the Trine and Blaze just went stopped him M they was so physical again brisban scored two tries off with their defense with errors so you know then have to tidy a little bit up that’ be very competitive the two power props needed to fire they haven’t had a great year it’s a shame you’re away for that game Blaze you’d love watching Blaze toongi he killed he killed it have we ever had a blaze in the NL yes is he the first no there’s another one and I had it the other day in my head and I Blaze was there a comedian there’s there a comedian there’s another one it’ll come to me it’ll come to me um before we go one of the great survivors Andrew John some advice for anyone heading to Magic round this weekend obviously it’s a Thursday through Sunday Carnival what what advice would you give the people out there to make sure they get through it I go as hard as you can early and then just then just dig in he’s the great Jonathan thirst he neck and beers right he loves it more anyway um bloody Mar’s good the next day morning for the morning have a bloody Mary and remember went in New York no I don’t what’ you do in New York we went and play we actually played Union would played in Bermuda Bermuda yeah for the classic wab it was hilarious anyway someone missing in New York for about a day and a half would I was with Phil Bailey and that’s what we woke up after on the drink when bloody mares all morning right it was awesome what year was this were you bloody uh were you retired so Joey would you start with light beer or just no no territory mate mid strength if you’re going to do it do it right do it responsibly uh you need someone well where you staying preferably a friend to have a cuddle with in the morning when you wake up to go through what’s going on so do what happened last night and they go you better lay down all so for instance if somebody has a ticket for um let’s say women’s origin tomorrow night so they’re going in the afternoon or evening all three days have you got like a roster or a schedule for the day what should they do well just cruising the Aro don’t drink in the sun champers champagne’s always good what time you start it’s a good tip don’t drink in the sun before midday 100 yeah 100 emoji right you’re up there with the boys or you’re up there with the girls dress up you imagine the excitement on the planes when people landing on Thursday or Friday and and then sad sad Sunday is going to be a day and a half there’s going to be some crying in the valley I love the excitement of the airport you see the groups you know hovering around the bar into it got their shirts it is a great initiative which was started by the Super League in England but you can take this jeez you could take it it would be great at aliance Stadium but in Brisbane it suits it because everything sold out all three days the climate Still Still mid 20s up there you be good if you goland at Eden Park yeah you know Park you what about if you did have like in uh the they do it over a couple of grounds well they do it in Adelaide yeah so they do it over uh obviously Adel oval and then is it what’s the other ground there there’s another ground there where they play AFL there’s a ground at Norwood which is more of a country sort of vibe I think wonder if you could do it in Sydney between combank and a well we’d have to use Ali course too big now aliance close to all the restaurants and pars I think it works cuz it’s at the one ground it’s at the one destination you just have it at one well just on airports too I never cease us to amaz me that you could get to the airport for a 6:00 plan or whatever and there’s always people on the drink first thing in the morning we going ride through crazy man there’s no there’s no time and there’s no real judging of what you’re up to at the airport there’s all postcode rules going on and stuff so it’s one of the great it is one of the great people watching places to have a beer at the airport we we played a test match one time and there was myself and Ben kennedy bedus mad kids and we go to the airport it’s Sydney we’re flying back in Nei come boys couple of beers so this was at 9:00 a.m. we kept putting the flight back the flight back we got the last flight at 6:00 p.m. we we sat in the bar at the domestic airport for 9 hours we’re just going if this place had a t this would be the greatest place on Earth they move in I shall see you in Brisbane magic ground magic ground go hard or go home but make sure you got someone to cuddle up to in the mornings and Sundays just openly weep in the in the streets and do it responsibly we’ll see do it responsibly we’ll see you next week this year NRL 9 is your One-Stop shop for all footage that’s right Freddy not about the highlights Action 7 days a week bilan G podcast get that on your drive on the way home Immortal Behavior grab a suit on the couch for that and of course my favorite fredd in the a the best footy brains the biggest games don’t trust the algorithm subscribe to NL on9 and get all your entertainment there


  1. 11:54 As a chooks fan there definitely wasn't an official press release on signing Fifita only a quote from Nick Politis saying 'we're very happy and honoured David has selected our club' or something along those lines. Whilst Trent confirmed the signing verbally there wasn't any press release and that in itself was very odd. We dodged a bullet and now hopefully we can keep Crichton

  2. Seeing the "logic" of Freddy and Joey in making selections for the blues is a great insight into why they've been so poor in recent years. All conditional almost like a threat is constantly looming over every player. Just totally the opposite of how QLD works.

  3. Hey Joey, can we have a statue update? One would think it would have been quite easy to get a statue of you built in Newcastle. Who did it? What was her name?

  4. 34:00 we’ve got plenty of keen NRL fans in WA. Along with an army of potential NRL giants, living here. Be they indigenous, European, Kiwis, South Africans, this state is not what it was in the late 80s/early 90s. I think it’s high time that WA had another shot at the NRL.

  5. Blake Brailey and Macinnes number 9s….obviously Macinnes machine back rower in defence…..Brailey has played 95 games straight since debut, durable and our future hooker….blues and Australia…ex. magpie fan…

  6. I think if they go Moses, the should seriously consider Will Penisini. I think he is on par with the best centers we have and the combination with Moses makes him a logical choice.

  7. I wish Mat Thompson didn't cut off the people that make the show. It's Freddy and the Eighth. Mat is dismissive, cocky and can be a straight up ass hole sometimes. I would rather Brace, Danika or whoever. Time for a change. He is best suited for commentary but not this show

  8. They need better writers for this show – as a NSW supporter, I refuse to believe legends like Johns and Fittler can give such appalling selections/views for NSW.

  9. the womens game needs to be advertised more. women SOO Game I was barely spoken about then all of a sudden its on in a week. like it gets little mention during regular NRL season, first half of it anyways. actually dont give af about W or womens origin but im aware enough that we dont hear anyting for a comp that wants to grow

  10. Question for ya guys ‘if you could take one person outta the Queensland side and put him in the NSW side who would you take

  11. used to be good guys. no there just weirdos with no real input into how modern league functions this day and age. painful to listen to and even worse to look at.

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