Golf Players

The travel disadvantage, Eastern clubs are sooking & participation medals…

Schoey is fired up that some Victorian clubs are “resentful” that WA clubs complain about interstate travel…Spare me. The boys dive into that players and coaches survey that had some interesting findings. Plus, we preview all the games for Sir Doug Nichols round.


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Music by The Southern River Band.
Shelter is born and brewed in Busselton, Western Australia.

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[Music] right now it’s business time sced any shorts and he’s in the house with thongs as well so it’s absolutely all happening shelter footy cast live from back chat Studios at the southern riverband boy sker good morning the reason I got shorts and thongs on it’s it’s still 28° and we’re in almost June what is going on in this town I love it it’s good the weather but it means I’ve got to water the plants a bit more regularly than I have to and I’ve got to wash my car cuz it’s got bird pool over it I don’t know how it’s seriously you going to have a look at the front I don’t know what’s happened it’s like 16 birds have congregated onto one car and they’ve gone woska so you know I got to go and watch in the front of your house I don’t know no from I don’t know where it is somewh somewhere I’ve landed under a tree and it’s um anyway it’s caused me a lot of angst and I’ve got to go to the car car wash and do all that sort of stuff but now good to be here and lots of footy talk FL I know you’re fired up about a couple of couple things couple of things there’s a bit going on Skate few you um why my mhone dropping in and out ah this is not like a jet star flight where normally uh jet star flight just uh boarding all passengers just had a couple of issues on the microphone scater seriously no just just like we just week in week out there’s always you know there’s always something like the as I said with jet star sometimes I’ve been on a flight and the pilot ladies and gentlemen just a slight delay on this flight to uh to Brisbane um unfortunately my co pilot has left the the keys in the hotel that’s just sign out of sign anyway very good it’s good thank you very good SC let’s go okay we’re going mate um there’s a bit going on as per usual make sure you’re coming down next Thursday to our uh our ladal Showdown spectacular down there we’re doing a bit of a waffle show SK is hosting H BR sure Le kitchen will be up on stage having a chat all the players are coming down got some pmies down there for the boys so it’s $20 pmies down there come down have a beer watch the footy the Bulldogs and Sydney will be on there’ll be a ripping game good game so come down from 5:30 10 bucks tickets you can buy them on the door but it be rather rather you buy beforehand back to you can get them there we’ll do some giveaways down there we got merch giving away you can take Dan and skater on in a handball comp if you beat them we’ll give you a free Pine of beer it’ll be good night should be a good night and uh hammer last time I saw him there now he he’s not playing the Stak game this weekend he’s pulled out with a glute he’s he’s still got some issues with his glute so he’s pulled out of the team so if he’s out for a couple of weeks cuz if he’s in the same form as he was the last time we l they’re playing they’re playing two days later so but no if he’s still injured he’s got an issue that keeps me out for another week he won’t be drinking he’ll be injured he can’t drink when you’re injured oh see well I tell you what he looked injured when I saw him at that show we did a couple of weeks back so come down have some beers with the shelter footy cast and with back chat and we’ll have a chat to the waffle stars as well before the lead of will Showdown backchat toau uh for those ones you can sign up as a VIP to the show hello and welcome to our new patrons uh sko we’ve got got quite a few in there actually coming this I’m looking looking forward to you punching out some of your special content for our VIP skater couple in the big skater tier which gets them a carton of shelters once a month skate so there’s a couple sign up to that I’m have to sign up to get some shelter myself I think I made a couple of cans somewhere at some stage the the fridge is pretty bad Paul and Tom very big listener to the Shel footy cast if you’ve got skater’s address get him some shelters he’s desperate he’s been off the beers for a long time he’s back in business now okay skater let’s get into some big issues shall we you’re happy with that do you want me to start with big or do you want me to ease into it you go straight let’s go straight to the head of the choke all right so this is from I’m assuming some sort of survey that’s gone out to clubs um over the summer over the start of the Year qu quite often clubs are asked by the AI now whether it’s a CEO’s meeting whether it’s something broader than that but yeah there’s there’s often feedback and part of that feedback is included um how do we reward uh clubs more than just the the Premiership winners in the year now the McLean trophy part of that is and it’s been expanded last year for million dollar prize money to include men’s and women so of that of that I think I think melan uh has won one what’s what’s that that’s the that it’s the number of points you get through the the seon anyway a it’s a way of I think a bit Lo in the eepl where they’ve got the the Premier League title which is just about to be completed the FA Cup champions league there’s just three or four different uh motivations ways you can win well yeah exactly have a winning season and in the American sport having a winning season is often regarded as a you don’t have to actually win the whole shooting match but you can win the championship or win your conference exactly so I think they’re trying to add that but there’s one element that I think just caught your eye but before we move on from that though so so the complaint is that all we have at the end of the year is 17 losing teams and one Premier yep yeah no that’s why it’s so important like why do we need more people to win it’s the same that happens I told you I was F up with with kids sport mate oh can’t keep the score no one’s no we can’t have we can’t have losers and winners yes we can that’s what happens in life you either win or you lose and if you don’t win you lose it doesn’t make you a loser it just means you lose and the next time you come around you can have a crack at it why do we need to create more things to win at we have one the Premiership and whoever wins it it means so much more cuz there’s nothing else to win that’s what you need to win why do we need more winers sker no the only uh aspect that you didn’t write this report Chris Scott was saying and others and others the minor Premier might deserve a little bit more cudos at the end of the home of the Way season whether that’s Financial or whatever which I got no issue with him getting some Financial uh reward for finish on top because that’s you know it’s not winning the whole thing but it is I think you know got to strive to to finish as high as you can so top of the ladder end of the home away season gets some money well more than what they’re getting yeah so yeah I would I’d be happy with that I don’t want a trophy no no I think more more financial which the players obviously sharing I’ve I’ve I’ve heard they want they want like you said Champions Leagues and Fa cups the reason there’s an FA Cup is there’s 10 divisions in England mate I agree they’re going to have the the the Grove bloody bombers down from Victoria playing against West Coast and you know who’s playing and you know who’s playing in the FA Cup next week don’t you it’s Man City and man united is it so it’s a two power clubs of anyway that that’s the beauty of the FA Cup it wouldn’t work in in Australian Rules so I did ask if you wanted me to go big first that was probably my second biggest gripe I had out of this report the biggest gripe I have out of this club SK out of this report skater I’m just going to ra raid this out because I I’ll do it in justice otherwise numerous AFL clubs reportedly resent uh the uh sorry I’m not sure why that says recent but numerous AFL clubs reportedly say the Western Australian clubs um about excessive travel referencing business class perks to claim they are actually at no disadvantage to the rest of the competition um I I’ll read some more quotes uh yeah uh this is uh and just to help you out here they the clubs from wa receive and have received a minimum of 12 business class seats under the CBA the wa clubs are afforded 12 business class seats for every flight to and from the Eastern Seaboard therefore they’re at no disadvantage for the travel burdens they take on each year couple of things here number one have you flown virgin over to Melbourne at all me yeah in the last 12 24 months no I was hoping you’d say yes because as you walk past the business class there is eight seats only so we’re for going to be picky there’s only eight business class seats on the Virgin flights that don’t fly the a330s anymore they don’t have the big 16 seater business class up the front they fly the the 3 370s or the 770s or whatever they are but I’m confused because don’t don’t most I know the Eagles don’t they most mostly take charted flights now anyway yes but they’re not A330 so there’s no business class on the chattered flights yeah there’s eight 23 players that play in it so even if they do get all eight seats and they’ve got a chart of playe now there’s only eight blos in business class which has been happening for literally 20 years like yeah they’ll take that maybe four maybe six how do that work is it on hot it was hot it what just don’t get me distracted it was hot it was the the the actual metrics of this is so dumb that flying business class would take away from the fact that combined West Coast and freem manal this year um at the end of this season will have traveled 22 times our season ends Collingwood just a six times into state so a quarter almost a quarter sorry a little bit over a quarter of the travel in total is Collingwood yeah I wouldn’t be blaming just Collingwood though because other clubs were just varing why other clubs want to play Collingwood the MCG and in Melbourne for home game um profitability but what you’re saying is now bear in mind clubs that are coming over here they say they get players get exit aisles and they might get two players to three seats that’s all been well and let me say this if you play for wa club and you don’t expect to travel then you’re kidding you know you’re in the wrong place any anyone anyone who thinks that um sitting in business class you know totally takes away from the travel is absolutely kidding themselves I’ve flown business class put my hand up you’re still just as on the other end right you know it’s not a big bed and you’re sitting up there and Mark readings is massaging your feet and right it’s just a bigger seat with a bit more leg room and you end up standing up half the time anyway because you’re trying to keep yourself moving you don’t just go down and have a snooze and L like it’s just so dumb the the the disadvantage is the travel not how you travel if they got a big gold rocket ship and they flew them across the country it’s still going to take your time it’s the disruption to get out of your own bed it’s all of the other things around it not how you travel so so so so in terms of sowing this we live in wa we know that most of the competitions in Victoria this is a problem that’s not going to be solved but I think what you’re taking on brid is is that their clubs such as jalong are saying this is not a disadvantage well it clearly is a disadvantage trust me I’ve driven the princess freeway from jalong to Melbourne it’s no Perth to Melbourne plane trip man and not just that it’s getting to the air but look all these factors we live in wa we get it and you have to travel that’s that’s absolutely on the cards but I suppose what the you know the salon garlics and Trevor nits over the years have tried to do is and now you know Don Pike they’re trying to mitigate or reduce the burden to some degree that’s not saying no travel but maybe trying to mitigate so that it’s not such a imposition on players recovery on all those aspects which you’ve experienced over the years off the back of uh Co and I know I’ve spoken to Don Park about this they’re really pushing for multiple games over East so play Brisbane and Gold Coast you know on Saturday and a Sunday 6 day break go over there makes total sense they done it in rugby the Dockers did it albeit they lost both games no no but and I say this they should have won both games which is they should have could have didn’t but I don’t think it affected their performance correct mind you it’s a long time it seems to be on the ground um on the east coast mean it’s that much longer so you go there for two nights prior so if you’re playing on a Saturday you’d get there on a Thursday right so what they do is they’d go in on a Friday they play the Saturday they set up a hub they’ train their J in the week they you know hopefully play on a Saturday or even a Friday night could you get there a six dayer organize a golf day whatever it is it’s some sort of team thing yeah I think it’s it’s certainly something that should be considered but uh I’m not sure that I’m not sure whoever’s putting the feedback through that the Western Australian clubs aren’t disadvantaged are absolutely kidding themselves it is a joke that is a joke SC no I agree Mark reings will scoffield sh of footy [Music] cast all right SK let’s get into the footy shall we uh Fair bit going on now I will do my very best you know that pronunciation is not my we’re both and could to be honest with you with uh uh your former Club adopting a name for the SG Nichols round uh while LS comfortable for me now for for the Dockers W marowa I’ve got that one wallich marowa so if we do butcher it we apologize we know that they’re playing n on the weekend and Euro euro is the team that wup is playing so we might not reference those indigenous names entirely through the Pod but we we tick it off to say look we we know that this is important for all clubs I will say I like it and I like I like looking on my fantasy I like looking on the AFL app I like looking in the paper and seeing these names I I don’t know what you think I I I like that we’re adapting this I just I just can’t I can’t say people’s names I don’t I don’t particularly like it from a broadcasting perspective because when you’re calling a game and you’re saying a certain team’s going forward on uh on Sunday I’ll be saying wallich marowa yeah w marowa w Mar it’s not something that comes natur aut no so it’s it’s difficult so apologies in advance it’s not great for broadcasters I understand the premise of it and let’s hope we don’t uh butcher those names too often Euro Euro and go head tohe at Marvel Stadium thank you very much sker uh this is the Dockers and the Saints uh which we can refer them as as well uh sha Dary is up the air he won’t be put this way he didn’t play after five if he didn’t play for a 5day break uh now what are we going to be 13 giv up Friday to Saturday he’s no chance if he’s got a C he didn’t try to the main session don’t play him no he’s not playing he did his Cal it wasn’t a little it wasn’t a little T I’ve had C on this it’s taken me 30 years 3 months to get myself back even walking again no I might have spoken the sh and he did his C okay yeah so he’s he’s not probably done his C so I don’t know why we hide this like he’s done his C and Shon killed his planning accordingly yeah correct they won’t be going oh jez I wonder if sha Dar is going to get up after not training all week going to going to ship him in uh what about Neil arasmus should he come into the side after a big 3840 to SP you you worked that did did the peel game he good was he good 38 or was it or was it no he’s good 38 he’s a the problem is I think we’ve discussed it he’s he’s a player that he’s an in and under player that who does he when he comes into the side often he’s a sub and and quite often when he plays he’s he’s not in the role that maybe he would prefer so his marking his ball winning ability is terrific he’s kicking is the the knock on him yeah um but you know given they were um given what happened last week against Sydney they were exposed a bit then surely he comes into calculations at the very least I I’m trying to think other players that might even well Michael Walters will come into the side out of the sub role so maybe he comes in as a sub yeah yeah possibly but there with with with what they’ve got to confront with against um Euro Rog on Saturday night it’s it’s going to be this could be defensively this is a Ross line Cup this is the r but it could it could be horrendous as much as you say lies defensive Justin Lomo he’s in the in the on the podium for and it’s a positive him anyways but they’re one of the most defensive sides in the comp as well I’m Happ to come out and say fre o win this by 6 eight goals that they’ll smash silda silda look right up there with one of the worst sides in the comp at the moment uh they got Richmond um you know they’re covering most at the moment North Melbourne are covering most at the moment but outside of that I wouldn’t have a I don’t think there’s a worst side than Compton silda Richmond and North and then silda would be the third worst so I think I think fre will come and smack him I reckon the Midfield get all over them apparently there’s a question mark over Jack steel who’s playing with an injury at the moment um I did read that I’m trying to remember what part of his KN yeah so that uh Midfield V foo’s Midfield Foo should smash them yeah they should own them right they smash them um sina’s got an okay no they’ve got a good backline so they got a good back they I mean they have got and what their system is good but you know F will smash him will smash they seven goals last week the Saints their forward structure looks really shaky yeah off the back of that I I’ve tipped freem Manel I’ve tipped um W up but I think that um Ross is always going to it’s all going to you think seven goals I just think he has the ability at Marvel St Stadium on a Saturday night to make things more complicated than that it’ll just be a hard we’re going to be I’m calling the game with you I think on radio it’s going to be oh we are too it’s going to be one of those matches that Ross will make it difficult but I’m tipping while you up and if they let me down then no they don’t let anyone else down they M they’re going to need a big rebound after the Sydney game they’ve got a decent break huge uh yeah after a 5day break before the cing game huge emotional dump that there’s no other way to describe but that that would have just been like the the entire emotions just flooding out of you and try to play game of footy after cam mcarthy um last week I think they’ll rebound and and they’ll they’ll get themselves up and and absolutely spank um Euro roke happy with that yeah wall marowa Vietnam at Opus Sunday 420 that is the uh Eagles versus the Demons of course Sunday evening game 420 what is happening well I’m doing the state game at 12:45 it is it it’s a Sunday night and as an adjunct to that given the new fixtures have been released for the rest of the season uh for wup no Friday night games they got a couple of decent games 610 Derby on Saturday night they got Jong at 235 on a sad day Eagles got one Friday night game um West Coast get Gold Coast because because the NL plays in it really pissed me off cuz I want to go watch that I’ve got a soft spot for the NRL but the AFL said no no will make life tougher for you do you think that West Coast Gold Coast or sorry wall marrow over Gold Coast on that weekend is the best game to put on a Friday night no it’s not even the second best game it’s the second game it’s not even the top five but they’ve decided to I think you’re 100% right just to sty Peter Val Landes and anything he’s trying to do with the NRL that yeah that’s the the draw but you know what you’re off Broadway when you’re not playing great footy and that’s our wa clubs aren’t in that bracket yet no Thursday games happy sad no I think we should because the numbers suggest that people the attendances are good the TV audiences are very good I think even slightly better than uh what is on a Friday night the afl’s concerned about leaving Sunday exposed as a bit of a soft day with regards to fixturing but is that is that what it is part of that absolutely yeah because the Blockbuster element is sort of diminished so later end of the season you go because teams like whether it’s north Oren kilder clubs that are down the bottom you know the tigers are struggling so I think that’s part of it but I personally I think I’d still rather see a Thursday night game moving forward and and make Sunday you know is what it is all right I was down at West Coast during the week SK I got some updates to give on West Coast players I saw Oscar Allen running around looking quite good actually I reckon he’s about three weeks away he’s at ahead of schedule about what he was sched ah head of schedule uh he looks 120 kilos and I don’t mean that in a bad no I don’t 120 is fat no won’t be fat for you and I but 120 of pure muscle on Oscar all n he’d be he’d be he’d be 100 and he he just I’m assuming he’s been doing a fair bit of Weights um he looks big did he need to uh when you when you’re off legs you’re going to sit you’re going to sit around doing nothing so trying to find the balance between putting too much muscle mass on but you got to do something so I would say he would have been doing a b he looks good no I mean in a good way it looks he looks frightening actually yeah so he’s running around going nicely mty Flynn I reckon must be very he he was looking like business as usual so he’s not too far away for West Coast so maybe you just after the buy for him yeah I’d say definitely like he he looked really good uh ja Warman due to com out of concussion protocols not sure if that hamstring’s going to be right threeway Cammy as we know sker yeah very close on the night we was calling it it looked like he had cramp you could yeah that seemed to be the case the concussion I must admit caught me off guard totally but I would have thought if if the Ham’s okay then then he will play on Sunday against n Elliot yo an outside chance of the three I’d say he’s the least likely to play only because of his history imagine playing him again does his groin a worse one imagine the amount of you just give him a week just give him a week another week yeah I mean you’re not playing finals they’ve been forcing both black BLS back because they haven’t had the cattle well they’re starting to get a little bit more competitive I think you got to give them another week yeah I don’t disagree with that and I think mcgaven counts he make that remarkable recovery going to hospital and uh not the second block from the Eagles to go to hospital uh this year and then play the next week who was the second who royan Merck he was had punctured lung broken ribs he was taken in an ambulance to the hospital and played the next week apparently G was not happy about being taken to hospital he was absolutely filthy and GV can crack the shits better than most he yeah he was very angry but but the perception or the what well I think he was U might have been maybe a little bit of blood in the urine so there was a bit of an issue there can’t be pissing blood and just you know drift around back on the you know plane but he was sort of maintaining that he was fine and it was just a knock and that was like well you need to go to hospital and he wasn’t very happy about that yeah he’s got a history of just internal rib sort of that kidney yes area so there there sort of all the ins and outs possibilities um wall marow That’s the Eagles and N how’s this go well no Jacob van royan for N I think uh Turner also misses but they do get I think it’s Shane McAdam playing his first game M from ad so he gets the gig I’m actually excited to look at Max Gorn and chrisop P tra for n in person at a ground which they do have some great memories going back to the Grand Final a few years ago good point they’re a good side it’ be good to see them live yeah you’re right and we’ve seen I think they came last year or whenever they came here and you got to watch a team that you know it baffles me why Melbourne or n hasn’t gone deep in the finals because you know they just haven’t been able to perform in those last two two seasons but theyve got a quality team their defense is really good their Midfield is is is aite the forward Line’s probably a bit suspect Ben Brown could be back in the side yeah look that that’s that’s the knock on them but they’ll be winning on Sunday easy no worries I don’t think this shouldn’t be well put this way when you take yo I mean Waterman and McGavin last week when you take out that’s that’s a worrying sign for the Eagles that they their senior older players are the ones that have have been the most important this year you like that balance to be a bit more skewed towards the youth but your man here with a the pin um Ruben jimy he’s he he looks like he just needs amongst other players we I know long and sadly he’s gone for the rest of the year but Ruben I don’t know what what he needs put him back back flank back flank played his Junior footy there played his PSA footy there from watching him play and seen him play against this year he looks like a bman to me and I know I bang on about bman but he looks like someone who likees seeing the ball in front of him can hit contest with speed apparently he’s the quickest and fittest player I I just think he’s he’s just getting lost in the Midfield has he got the also this is not this an opinion has he got the Finesse and the the skill to be a top level midfielder at this point bear in mind I I I big the question we talk about Elliot Y and what the type of player he has turned Elliot going back to his time at Brisbane in his first year or two I don’t know whether he anywhere near the level he he has been so so my point is Ruben could well develop into that inside love love to see him on a back flank yeah but but then possibly develop into into mid yeah correct um but just just pull it back a little bit yeah bring the game to him a bit someone’s going to have to go to pet tra it could be him well that’s big enough and he can go forward but TR goes forward that’s that’s where the issues come yeah well think he could he’s a Batman so I think he could go all the way with him I wouldn’t be surprised if to say that P tra though is well if he’s not the best player in the game at the moment then he’s the top three all right we’re both picking n let’s move on Gold Coast V jalong Tio Darwin this should be an absolute Dow affair because it’s just going to be like an absolute uh shower up there it’ll be running around 34 de today so it’ll be humid interesting like with no Hawkins no Cameron No Mitch Duncan uh the cats got a small ball have had to really change it up but the numbers that fascinate me with the Suns up at this venue they have have been very strong they’ve won their last five games I think at the venue with an average of 45 points as their winning margin so yeah won their last five they’ averaged 109 points uh in the process in those wins conversely the cats um have won six of their last seven against the Suns so they they the two stats that get me and I you know I give the Suns a chance tonight for some strange reason look I’ve SE I had a little little sneaky look at the odds like jalong of favorites and I like the fact they’ve gone small ball re Stanley’s out as well they don’t have any tall players so they they’ve they’ve completely looking this at this game this is this is a standalone game for them this is we’re going to be different conditions we’re going to play a different way we’re just going to try and win the game playing Darwin footy Gold Coast go well here because it’s similar conditions to where they are I think I re they’ve stayed up there for the week I’d be staggered if they went to the Gold Coast after that went over North and came back I’m pretty sure they would have stayed up for the week where did they play North last Saturday night so definitely where where where in Darwin yeah so they would have definitely stayed right they’ve gone backto back Darwin games yeah Jesus yeah that’s that’s that’s how it’s rolled SC and so you know I just they they managed Jared witch which is interesting as well so he’s there’s a there in fact you look at the outs for the goal Coast all their players are managed so that is long yeah so why can’t you is that right manag or are they injured what is it they I don’t think they’re injured they’re dropped are they dropped is that what it’s called Jake Rogers Jed Walter jaral wits Nick hin all managed all dropped so dropped them all is the reason for that because they’re they’ve got a five-day turn around the Gold Coast I don’t know mate like yeah I suppose they can do what they like can’t they like they can bring people in and out as they please I don’t think I’ve seen jalong play a full game all year I don’t think I’ve with my eyes seen them play a full game have you no you’re probably right probably why I qualified opinion on whether the best side in the comp or not probably doesn’t stand up too often cuz I haven’t actually seen him play yeah no well three weeks ago they but again the the people said to me the draw has certainly been soft for them according to some now whether that whether that means that they they’ve overachieved or I’m not sure what do you think you’ve said thatw what do you think I think they I’m picking the Suns by the way here SC and you know what I I picked a Thursday winner I think I picked Carlton to beat Richmond early in the season they won by a point with five points against a team that had no players so if you want to get your tips in I’ve picked the Suns go and put your house go and sell your family and back jalong I’m back at jalong I’m picking jalong oh you’re home it’s a certainty so they’re playing tonight other who spent seven minutes previewing a game he didn’t know where it was who was playing uh where their last game was yes it’s jalong up at the to Stadium against the Suns tonight 5:30 K the cats Sydney V Carlton that’s tomorrow night by the way yes that is right Friday night uh Friday Night Football Sydney Carlton good game ripping game massive test big clubs big teams at the scg Adam cherell miss the next three matches he’s done his hammy I believe kot will be out for a month that’s a decent out for them doesn’t sound like a big name for Carlton but he’s a role player for them like a like a Crips would be for West Coast uh sorry W it’s marowa uh like a I don’t know like a Clark no he’s not as good as Clark but he’s sort of like a role player needed in the S side so he’ll be out Luke Parker’s got to come back he’s been dominating in the vfl so there’s going to be a few ins and outs here but Sydney I think are the best side in the competition by the eye last week seeing what they did against um W up up uh man Sydney were unbelievable they they defended well they they they were intense they hunted in packs they tackled like the Sydney side’s been doing this for a long time too like they just they must have the fundamentals of footy and defense like tackling and don’t let don’t when when bles are running at you and they give their hands don’t let them pass you they’ve literally been doing it for 15 years and I loved what I saw and I and I and I think they’ll beat Caron I’ll start with that yeah you think of Heeney Warner will Haywood who just gets under the radar a bit when it comes to attend mention because of the names I mentioned with heene and Warner and and the like they’ve got every base covered anyone was at the game or saw them take on W up last week will’ll be tipping them tomorrow night no Jack Martin as well I think he’s on his Cal again so so there’s a bit bit there bear in mind both these sides since round 16 last season the swans have 14 Home and Away wins next to their name ranked equal first alongside the blue so both sides have been good for for a fair while now but the swans GE they’re hard to beat there yeah they they win this game I’m hoping the blues can go with them just to to make sure the popcorn lasts till 3/4 time I think uh Sydney will pull right away with this I think could be a good win for Sydney I thought they’d be bigger favorites to be honest but they not so maybe have a little lick at that on the on the punt Collingwood V Adelaide MCG Saturday think this will be a more interesting game than people might think this is the early game on Saturday Adela playing a more aggressive more attacking style now Collingwood still have those players out Jeremy Hal will be out as well Jack Bartel won’t come back they’ll I don’t I don’t know if Mitchell and deoy return so I don’t think they’re going to get those guys back so it’s a very underman Collingwood against an Adelaide side that I think’s playing better footy at the moment yeah look the crows they match up pretty well against the maggies to be honest with you uh they beat Port Adelaide two weeks ago they drew with Brisbane last week this this is Adelaide yep they oh my gosh W collingwood’s won its last eight games against the crows for the last five have come by five points or fewer their two games last year they won Collingwood over Adel I think a cumulative margin of three points so they and pretty stiff at the MCG so this is a this is a winnable game for adelite you know with the outs of of Collingwood they lost to ESS by three points the week before that and they beat Carlton the week before that Adela are sizzling well they Adel are back they’re back Adela beat Collingwood of the MCG this week you got them down tipping them yeah I am okay mate they’re going well listen to this I’ll go from the from further back than then I did right they beat Colton by two points they lost to essm by three points they smashed North Melbourne they beat Port Adelaide they drew with Brisbane thanks for coming I’ll see I’ll see at the MCG Adelaide Crow they they beat Collingwood and the line just for what it’s worth is 19 points which I think is very generous to adelite you need you understand that the line 19 so they can they can win thank you very much but they can also lose up to 19 points showy so like it a lot so off the back of that no my check no Elliott no Mitchell no deoy right there some big names big big names Jeremy Hal gone thanks for coming I was happy with some of their debut last oh Richards was terrific he’s a good young player is he Sullivan’s been going well SCH has to come back in obviously yes cuz he was just a week for the Su punch for what was that I don’t know what what was he actually old yeah what was it was it well it’s like something you do to me um yeah I felt it was like yeah on the P like knock you on the back a Bobby knocker on the back of the head anything in there sker no you’re J so who are you picking Collingwood ah yeah cing but you’ve almost you’ve almost turned me soft soft as you almost turn me gwv Bulldogs eny I think it’s me I think I knocked it out hang hang on we’re good okay Energy stadium Energy stadium is energy is it uh energy yeah something like that does it’s out there in the boondoc it is it the show is it the cow padic what does Mason Cox call it the Liv stop livestock Stadium jwv Bulldogs is this going to be a good game I know but your team the team that you just froth over and just drool over for the last months they’ve been shot for a while for three weeks they’ve been pretty average they have been uh Josh Kelly and locky Ash will both be out there big losses uh on the other side of things Rory lob played in The Rock had 30 hit outs kick four that’s a good audition for another club then isn’t it SK go he’s well he not going to be how can he fit into that line of Sam Dary Aaron Norton jamarien he can’t he’s not rman he doesn’t want to play he left Freo because he didn’t want to be rck he can’t play back can’t play back so he’s going to uh Collingwood North Melbourne take your pick next year he’s off so why did he go to the West I agree why the Bulldogs recruit him it’s not like yeah correct but like it’s not like they didn’t know they had Samar or n they knew they had it and they had Bruce and I’m not knocking not knocking um lob it’s the Bulldog’s decision to to recruit him um notable mention of Jesse Hogan 29 years of age plays his 150th game this weekend a look and stepen Canelo spoke about him during the week saying uh one of the most misunderstood footballers he’s he’s seen he works really hard obviously the change of environment’s been terrific for him um was a gun and he was he was notably upset uh last weekend after losing his good mate cam McCarthy uh gr on Jesse Hogan I reck I reckon if he came out with us for a night in the offseason and he’d have a good time Ian we s of just you reckon he’d be out there have a couple of beers and just one of the boys so well done to Jessie yeah very good points Kate I like that a lot uh look I have gws winning this one clearly I just don’t think the Bulldogs are consistent enough and at home at gws I think they find a way to rebound they look like they’ve lost their you know the the tsunami a little bit a little bit of their punch with that teams have taken away Whitfield his running driving so they’ve lost their tsunami because the tsunami to them is both defensive and offensive it’s defensively the manic pressure that we see from Sydney that’s what the tsunami is to the Giants and then when they win it back then they’re gone so tagging Whitfield takes a little bit out of that they haven’t had the drive from the Midfield like they would have liked I’m expecting a very big game from Tom Green uh with no Josh Kelly in the side I think he’s going to have a very big day against the Bulldogs who do not defend they don’t defend no they’re highly offensive and they seriously had a training run I watched that game um when I was sitting home waiting for my mate to ring me up to say come down to the bit last suay night sitting watching that game and thinking any chance that that Richmond might Richmond would pathetic though I know they got no players and they’re dwindling with numbers but the Bulldogs weren’t given a test at all so off the back of the a Bulldogs win that sorry Giants win that Bulldogs uh still not totally convinced about them Bru b v Richmond at the gabber wow that’s yes and the laws have won one game up there this year against the go cut Suns well I expect that goes to two what’s a margin going to be here a lot of criticism of Adam Us’s last week sort of saying that he can’t fault the effort from the uh from the Tigers like was always going to be the toughest job in 40 I thought taking over from Daman Hari I’ve mentioned it before given the success given the number of Premiership players in that lineup who’ve been to the well sometimes three times it’s very difficult to get a Dusty for instance you know buying into a rebuild which he mighton be there for when it finishes not too far away from 300 is he no he my thoughts he’ll get to 300 and retire or 300 and go maybe to the goal Co I maybe he wants to finish as a as a tiger but I mean North Melbourne have a little look don’t they need a big senior body to show him how to win Dusty knows how’ll win yeah I think he’d be more happy having the goal coach just sitting up there at the Burly Pavilion during the week not being noticed by too many Mex although there be a few Mexicans up there keeping on him is that right sorry they call them Mexicans who do they those in the north when like you know the Sydney side the Mexicans it’s like they come up up the Border yeah that’s what they’re call no it’s not there’s nothing no derogatory nothing derogatory it’s just that’s what they described as the Mexicans coming up to keep an eye on things D up um Brisbane Richmond Brisbane win this there’s nothing else to say it’s it’s they’ve done well bris well if they can somehow get get to the buy with Brisbane with I’m just saying with the the injuries I’ve had and the turmoil that’s been at the club uh you might be right they might win six in a row and they might be is that who said we’ win six yes you did is that right well I haven’t lost one yet since I no well that you’re right they didn’t lose they didn’t win but they still won’t be win the flag I’m not saying they’re going to win the flag I don’t think they’ll make the finals either but anyway keep going snv North Melbourne Marvel Stadium ladies and gentlemen I can’t announ that I’m picking Essen and you can bloody pick him they back especially against North melbour at Marvel I can’t lose ah Jordan Ridley could be back for the Dons which is a big one for them uh Kobe Kobe MCCA the number two draft pick he’s out with a hot spot in his foot that could be was he the rising star this week I thought he might have been was he the rising star for he was yes he was so been playing in the backline of very cushy roll back there for North Melbourne getting lots of stats and not doing much with it but that’s okay we’ll have a bit of a rest and just to comple with the game we’re both picking the bombers is the the priority pick which you said we’ve discussed this now Todd viney has come out and said we will not be applying for a priority pick at the end of this year you’ve in the last week or two said to me they can’t get a PR I think I still think it’s a rule that they can’t get it so I saw his comments I think he’s trying to get some like oh good old North Melbourne they you know yeah bootstraps pull them you know tighten up their laces and just toughing out I don’t think they can get one yeah no one said that apart from you in the media which is interesting cuz I if I me when you were late to 6p the other day I was bringing that up and I was hoping you would walk through the door and be able to confirm that this is an AFL edict that they can’t apply anyway I find this out and I’m I’m genius I’m leading the media you know rooll with it yeah you can you we we’ll jump on board we’ll follow the scoffield express I’m going to go going to go put my ear to the ground and find out about that but you’re ear to the ground now okay very good we’re picking the bombers look bombers bombers just just North who cares but the bombers have they’ve flipped some stats around from last year made they’re actually a good side now late last year I was listening to our good friend Brenton Sanderson over on the scn uh platform he said that they were fifth coming into around I 17 or 19 last year they were good for a long time last year if you get how badly they fell away and and and everyone was very excited about what they going to do in finals but they sat 18th in clearances in the competition they were the 11th ranked offense and the 10th ranked defense and he said not going to stand up and it didn’t this time around they sit right up there in clearances their defense is good their attacking side is good they’re not they’re getting a lot of possessions but they’re not stuffing around with it they’re going forward their inside 50s have improved they could be a good side them they could be good and if we were to stop the clock now and argue the coach of the year Brad Scott would be in the conversation very much so Todd and and agree and the followup to that would be Todd goldstein’s got to be recruit of the year because Sam Draper’s out for an extended period again with no Todd Goldstein they have Peter right plan in the r yeah which they don’t want to do so that’s a bloody good pick up from North Melbourne yep they they’ve they’ve done a lot of things wrong over the years but they’ve got it right this year I think they’ve been rewarded this year with six as it turns out six Friday night games one Thursday night game so the afl’s back them in I remember I to look at some figures after the 18 Grand Final win I think the Eagles had might have had three Friday night games off the back of that the Dockers after playing in 2013 in the Grand Final they had I think two or three Friday night games ‘s got six and they’ve done zero for about 15 years so longer than 15 so you look at it and the AFL just rewarding a big Club because they think they’re going to go well as opposed to if the Eagles uh or theot local teams here were going well then um you know you’re still lucky to get a look at the the Blockbusters y p TV Hawthorne skater the power that is the power thank you very much very good uh the power playing Hawthorne Sunday at Adel no is it Aurora or Adelaide I think it’ll be uh okay uh Port waiting on the fitness of their Captain Ros I don’t think he plays no I got to say this would put a month ago put this down as just a a regulation Victory but got to say Hawthorne’s been really good in the last three or four weeks they they’ve turned it around I think they’ve played well against coning we got to within a goal and then you know we’ve saw what they did against the dogs conversely with silda uh it’s good it’s it’s it’s what we expected of of Hawthorne but bear in mind preseason they had a lot of injuries so maybe they’re stting to get that availability back they still do SC they didn’t have a spine last well you said you said you tip whorn if sicy played I think it was but he’s not playing and you didn’t tip him so yeah know should no I think I did tip I think I did tip him pretty sure I tipped him they didn’t have a spine last week no Lewis no CH they sent half forward and full forward and they didn’t have Sicily they sent half back and they don’t have blank who’s done his ACL so they may get Sicily and Lewis back this week uh sorry lwis is out for another week they may get Sicily and Cha back this week this got CH wasn’t it uh Cho no no for sic yes M if he’s not having surgery on it it’s time to play so basically what happens with it once it’s stabilized you either have surgery and you’re out for 12 weeks um or you just grit and bear it and he’ll strap it up and he’ll and he’ll give it a go but he could he could quite easily do it again and he might have to have surgery but once it’s settled down you’re just going to have to play so if it settled down they’re not doing surgery he’ll be playing this way poor just have been a strange Sid of good win against the cats that’s massive and mind you they they just fell across the line but that’s you know they did the damage early on they poor in the in The Showdown we’re not saying Hawthorn could beat Port ad ad over no but I I don’t put this down as a as a regulation Victory as we might have done a month ago now Port you can’t see against port in that type of matchup but yeah Hawthorn’s been good okay very good will go I’ll pick Port two will go field Mar ring Shel 4ot [Music] cast this jet star flight skater my C my cord my microphone you can hear it can you hear that no what I can do got a BL in front of me he’s got his seat back all the way and it’s starting to really annoy me okay we’ll get you off the flight very soon SK up boys love the show I thought on the weekend uh for the first time I really noticed how poor West Coast are on the spread and by con and conversely how good Collingwood are so many West Coast hand balls were one or two M short passes to another player in a worse position Collingwood on the other hand were able to spread most uh almost instantly to clear the congestion and find that loose player 5 m out from the contest from a players perspective how to West Coast address this is it a fitness thing or a coaching thing spread from the contest is coach from Juniors so it’s not a foreign concept to AFL listed players cheers Kane ens good question Kano um so it’s some part Fitness but I would say it’s most part fundamentals so everyone knows to spread from the contest it’s a reactionary thing and it’s it’s reading the play and Nick Doos probably does it better than anybody goes when he thinks he’s when his teammates have got the footy he’s going 100% so there’s the there’s the reaction time but it’s difficult to coach that although you can there’s the fitness element but the fundamentals um of clean players with the ball um Clean Hands once they get the ball makes all the difference if you have one little fumble everyone around you reacting is out of position when there’s one fumble one little misstep at AFL level at the top level it just it puts everyone out by a long way so I think for West Coast their fundamentals aren’t good enough in the middle of the ground they’re not clean enough and they don’t hit good enough hand balls and so it makes it look like they’re not spreading when actually they may be it is a good point though I did watch some of the West Coast midfielders drifting through the middle of the ground while Collingwood absolutely bolted it’s a could be a confidence thing as well yeah well I can’t buy to the fitness element to be honest with you because because the week before against EST who are quality with and orbe it playing at home they they threw a few punches in in a figur figuratively speaking sense that they were very good in a lot of areas so you know I think it’s player availability as well that comes into play I think you’re right I don’t byy the fitness side of it and and calling would I mean Tim Kelly I think first half was exposed um at times as were most of his Midfield teammates they were very poor and that was Circa 2023 what we saw against them so against Collingwood uh I I would be hoping that uh the club responds this week Trisha Graves with you skater hos and skater just got home from watching the Eagles get molded by Collingwood not pretty but the pies were terrific our skills went backwards luckily it wasn’t 100 points due to their kicking for goal so Trish was on it with you this is from Felix over on YouTube totally with scoy shutting down one of the oppositions elite ball users is worth its weight in gold baffling that more teams don’t do it in 2024 as a swan supporter I’m stoked to see we now have one in Jordan who not only can can stifle an opponent but can also play a significant role in the offense too we had Ryan Clark recently who would do a role um but he wasn’t good enough offensively to regularly hold down a spot the 22 with Jordan he can come uh and do both rols which makes him an invaluable acquisition in the offseason even if Grundy is getting more of the plunders applauded from National media I think it’s a good point James Jordan good pick up by um Sydney and they’re using him in a defensive role it it it it’s baffling to me I played with tagers I’ve seen tagers so just in in brief I don’t teams do it I no not just that but go to the wa clubs just cuz we’re here tell me at your former Club who’s is it Ruben jimy that that not really drafted you don’t want him to become a per you saying for just on specific occasions like Sunday against n with petria yeah I mean you don’t yes um I mean Brady Brady Hoff is a bman but he he doesn’t exactly but no so you think jimy from from your club I look at guys look and this is not meant to be offensive to Luke Edwards right but I look at Luke Edwards and I don’t see him developing into this elite elite midfielder so that’s something he could if I’m luk Edwards and I’m fit and I’m hard and tough which he looks all of those things why don’t you sacrifice your game and go to Simo and go mate put me on the best player I’ll shut him down if you did that week you if you did that in three weeks in a row you’ve got a job for for the next 5 years exactly right so sometimes it’s on the player to go well where am I at am I am I you know that that’s also is it an ego thing is is it you know is it minimizing what you think you can get out of yourself as a player but sometimes be realistic yeah perhaps yeah and don’t worry I was very realistic about my career skate I’d turn myself in a d d Defender at the back end of my career was because I wasn’t going to G get a game as a running running backman which I was at the start of my career so well up who who have they got as their off the top of your head as their their stopper I mean um if you wanted to stop a a a uh a bman like if you want talking would be fine for me the mids Midfield uh me could man Johnson or Neil arasmus do it I again they’re not getting games at the moment regularly like M Johnson more than arasmus but arasmus goes to JL and goes mate put me on the best midfielder I don’t know I I could think of stupider things to do uh last one SK mdy a couple more actually mdy this is my favorite podcast you blocks of such good chemistry that’s it no sledges for skate thank youy with that Mone wow that’s you know probably speak more to each other than our wives in the last couple of weeks uh this is from CM Adelaide great analysis Jen far happier listening to your take on the round than most of the others thank you your least being prepared to mention Sydney they are scary good tough one for Freo hope they get a chance to grieve and get back to their best on the park y uh way up uh this week on the road it’s a massive they outside the eight scy if they can’t knock over a team which you think they will they should um s are terrible yep then let let’s let’s move on and let’s hope that they can because we know that uh one team isn’t playing finals in the wa if we up can then at least push until that’s us mate Shel foot cast on socials make sure you’re following us there make sure you get on the back chat toau buy yourself some tickets to beers with back chat beers with shelter footy cast The Wa footy preview with skeer hammer and Lee Kitchen and all the boys will be down there get down there 10 bucks for tickets we’ll give you some free stuff if you come down promise and skate will be there absolutely


  1. Saying the WA clubs aren't at a disadvantage because they fly business class, is like handing someone a shit sandwich and saying it's fine cause it has sprinkles on it.

  2. Omg wtf leave the game the EFF alone bloody Andrew Dillon and Laura Kane are guna finger this game. Its called a GRAND FINAL FOR REASON.

  3. The AFL competition will always be compromised until such time the fixtures are truly equalized. Just like other codes each team should play home and away, if thats too many games then split the league into two conferences and the top 4 on each side play finals.

  4. We all know the AFL has the most compromised draw for any professional sport in the world ! It should be a lotto ball draw similar to soccer to see who plays who or each team must play equal or as close as possible interstate games. QLD and WA teams should not be required to play in Tassie or Geelong , and all interstate teams should play more games at the MCG, but we all know it's about money so don't expect any change !
    In regards to not leaving Vic ,Carlton have a dream draw this season and I guarantee the Bombers will have one next season if they finish top 4 this year as the AFL want these big name clubs playing in and winning finals.

  5. Take the good with the bad, flying every second week is a disadvantage, however Victorian teams playing a majority of your games against fellow Victorian teams remove the home ground advantage, West Coast and Freo have an easier draw this year due to finishing down the bottom last year. End of the day I'm yet to see fixture or flying be the reason a team didn't qualify for the finals or win the flag, if you are good enough you will win.

  6. The Victorian clubs being resentful about WA teams travel perks is the football equivalent of ‘what about international men’s day…’

  7. I like the indigenous renaming too, but i'd rather the media tell us more about the meaning of there names and the back stories behind them, rather than having the players, coaches and commentators trying to perform mental gymnastics to remember which name is right for which week and which team is involved, and sound terrified if they get it wrong or forget.

  8. What about the giants we broke the afl record for most wins in different venues last season and up to this round this season its been 9 weeks since we have played at our proper home ground

  9. I'm certain West Coast would have won a few more Premierships in the 1990's if it weren't for the travel disadvantage. Potentially an extra 10 overall 😊

  10. Another thing worth mentioning is the amount of times certain vic clubs play the cats in geelong (one of the hardest ventures in terms of home ground advantage interstate or not)

    Games played at kardinia park since 1990 (not including 2024 season thus far)

    Collingwood 3
    Essendon 5
    Carlton 6
    Gws 7
    Gold coast 8
    Hawthorn 10
    Richmond 15
    Port Adelaide 15
    North Melbourne 15
    Bulldogs 16
    Brisbane 18
    Saints 19
    Freo 19
    Crom 23
    West coast 24
    Swans 24
    Melbourn 25

    How is this not more balanced ?? I know allot can be said for making money and i get that the mcg is a big ticket venue… but i feel like vic clubs should be atleast on par with all the interstate clubs , would love to hear the boys take on this.

  11. Will no your wrong there are two winners the premiers and then the wooden spooners get draft picks and if you are from the east priority picks etc.. if you lose in EPL you get relegated

  12. Yeah agree with criticism of Yze, dont know how can defend the effort in a 100 point loss nearly. But yeah anyway wait our time to play North aha. Suns real threat to make finals and win one, so respect to Dimma he saw what was coming really for Tiges. 10 goal win over Cats tonight solid, big effort

  13. Serveral options. 1. I reckon we should miss out on the Gatheround and just have the Eagles and Dockers play each other in Perth. 2. Or alternatively Eagles and Dockers play away games against Crows / Port each Gatherround as away games. Then the Eagles and Dockers each have 12 homes games in Perth (+1 away game Derby). Or 3. Eagles play Adelaide (away game) a few days before the Gatheround. starts. Then flies back to Perth. So technically not part of Gatherround, but part of the previous round delayed to be closer to Gatheround. Adelaide/Port then have the disadvantage of playing an extra Gatheround match within 5 days.but they have the advantage of playing in Adelaide anyway. Eagles and Dockers have 12 home matches in Perth and 1 away match.

  14. I like the indigenous jumper, but renaming Eagles is stupid really. They maybe could call them West Coast (aborigina word for Eagle)… and then use different aboriginal words for Eagle depending on each tribe. Change it up each year. So each year a different indigenous word for Eagles is used. It would make all cultures in WA recognised. But there is so much speculation about whether names are correct. What even is Narrm. Was it a spring in the vicinity? Was it a hill in the Melbourne district? Because Melbourne didn't exist until it was colonised. So is it a brook or marshland near where central Melbourne is. I think there are far smarter ways to make a difference than renaming a footy team with a term that there is doubt over.

  15. Oscar Allen should be losing weight not putting on more. Remember Bailey Williams, Jack Williams, Darling will be the big strong power forwards. Flynn should rest up forward at times. Archer Reid will become a man mountain. Really Oscar Allen should be playing a more mobile forward role. A mistake. I remember Matt Richardson in his athletic prime in mid 20s was told by Danny Frawley to bulk up a play from the goal square. It didn't work out. He lost all mobility.

  16. Ginbey the boy is a good size and runs in straight lines. He has a turning circle of a tractor and should't be in the middle as he lacks the finesse and nuanced body movements. He needs to be half back or wing and that's where he will do his best stuff. If that means Hough and Hunt spend time on the wing at times too, then so be it. But I think Ginbey should be given every chance to play as a wingman and learn to play offensive footy. You don't want him to become just a defensive mindset player in defence. He can always go back there in a few years. But Ginbey needs space to run in straight lines and gather speed, hit contests hard and provide extra physicality in the middle. We have so many lightweights there, that to have a wingman with a physical presence is good.

  17. Hang on, while the hub idea for multiple east coast games in the one trip is a good one, we still need to be having more games in Perth. The disruption is similar if players are having to be away from Perth for the same amount of time, surely. The argument should be why have games on the east coast in a stadium filled with 5-10k people when you can get 50k at Optus!! If the AFL is serious about revenue, surely it is a no brainer to have more games for the two WA teams in Perth….end of.

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