Golf Players

Dawgs and Hawgs with Russ Tanner

Let’s talk Georgia football with former Bulldogs offensive lineman Russ Tanner. He will also have some BBQ talk as well.

hello everyone welcome to dogs and Hogs with Russ Tanner my name is Rody the bullly sorry we’re a little bit late we’re having some Facebook issues there we welcome our Facebook audience we of course love all of our YouTube Watchers and all the people that catch us out on Twitter and even the crazy idiots over screwing around on LinkedIn who are trying to avoid doing work or looking for a new job if you see our broadcast there he appreciate you as well uh Russ we haven’t had a show for a few weeks you had you were in the lacrosse playoffs play lacrosse we didn’t have a lot of Lacrosse and rville growing up so I’m still learning but I just know you hit him with a stick boy go run it’s just a lot of that so yeah how does how does Football dad not just want to throw hands when those the sticks start flying well I I asked one of the guys who coaches lacrosse and we figured out how to have good lacrosse team let’s get as many Yankees as possible around around the program to help coach it and I was like man why don’t you just go Crush just hit him he’s like that ain’t the way lacrosse Works we’re still we’re still learning the finer the finer uh points of Lacrosse yeah I love just get me dad with lacrosse I know nothing about the sport it is rising popularity I was actually at the state track meet the other day in Carolton there’s like five I guess 12 year olds they got lacrosse sticks of balls they’re throwing it against the side of the building and ball bounc the back and I’m back in my day You’ got your ass kicked I yep that’s right but it’s a great sport I love it and do anything that gets the kids outside and let them play I’m all for it well we got we got our son our older son red plays and I was talking to a buddy who son played I like what do you think like look man they get to run they get to be physical end of the day You Give a Boy a stick and say you can go hit the other boy with the stick so uh you know it ain’t bad I love it last week we couldn’t that was two weeks ago last week couldn’t have a show because we were having a recruiting show we had so much going on recruiting wise at ug all my guys on the road I was out on the road we were seeing a bunch of people we had to have a Wednesday recruiting show which we told folks hey be on the lookout for Thomas blackshire wide receiver under ranked we blame Jed Jed May for folks who don’t know the joke Jed May is not in charge of the national Rivals rankings but we blame him for all rivals rankings so uh we we tease Jed about it but so Georgia got a wide receiver commit their first one they’ve got a lot more coming and we won’t get into a whole recruiting spill here but let’s just say that if you watch our recruiting show you know that Georgia has more many many more targets than they have spots it’s very fun to watch that Stu so so so this guy then and I I’ve not caught up my 2025 recruiting I should have yet so is this guy GNA be a situation like Tim Jennings Thomas Davis that was a low recruit not highly rated whatever and turns out to be something he one of these guys who just hasn’t hit the circuits of camps hasn’t had enough attention yet but as it gets a little bit more in Georgia will he end up being a fourar guy or something like that is that I think he will be a four-star guy before it’s all said and done a lot of the way this works out is when you first see a kid like say you hear about Thomas black here okay let me check him out you go watch his tape usually what you’ll see especially on like a 2025 kid or a 2026 kid you’ll see like they so far they only have their freshman or sophomore tape up right you’re like okay watching I’m not I haven’t seen you in person yet looking at your sophomore tape you’re definitely a three star now you’re six foot one maybe six foot two 185 196 pounds let’s see where you’re going to be uh going forward so then you get get him to get him in a camp situation and people oh you got to do camps get Stars you don’t but it helps because the more we see you the more accurate you are also that sometimes when you come to camps we drop you we’re like this kid looks great on tape but it’s a highlight tape in person he’s fat he doesn’t move quick he’s got no step he’s got no moves you know can’t catch whatever so you go up and down in camps but the more we see you person the more we see your film then all of a sudden you know your Junior film comes out we’re like oh look at the competition he’s facing so guys move up and down constantly I think I’ll put you this way if James Coley fights like hell to get you right you all right and and I would assume guys like him are not guys that are getting offers late and you see this a lot where a lot of a lot of teams don’t want to offer kid and I don’t know Thomas black Shear’s offer list but I would bet you a to a dime that it grows exponentially after he gets a commitment from Georgia in there you know because people see him and they basically trust the evaluation of James Co Kirby and all that staff to say if they’ll take him we’ll sure take him this what’s gonna happen if he sticks hopefully he sticks have no idea about the kid but they like him we like him we’ll take him but his offer this will pick up in a hurry because so many places don’t want to be the first Domino to drop one and potentially miss an evaluation but if Kirby and James Coley and that staff Bobo and puts their St approval on kid his offer list will take off so yeah I like that I like that bring you in baby sign them up you’re right 100% uh the always tell folks you know because I’ll be at a camp and a guy come out me go hey my son’s up there he’s number 168 we don’t have any offers yet what do you got to do and I’m I’m going to this showcase Camp you know they’re charging me 80 bucks to go I’m like dude don’t do that don’t don’t go to camps don’t go to camps where you’re invited by the coaching staff coaching staff has to see you they’re never going to give you an offer based on going to some recruiting guys you know if I have a camp come to my Camp’s not going to get you a ton of if I put on a camp tomorrow I can film everything and say I’m sending it to coaches but you know how many camps do that they send it to them and what you need to do is get your huddle in front of the coach and go camp in front of them and you’ll get your offer and I to your point I always say if you can get the first offer off so look I don’t care how small it is go to the smallest School possible get one offer even if they’re just like it’s a tuition reduction it’s not even a full ride every other school no one wants to be the first and like you said no one wants to I’ll tell you a story with it others are exponentially easier and like you said that that list grows exponentially you see a kid has an Alabama offer you offer them just out of habit you see kid has a Georgia offer Clemson offer Ohio State yep you’re watching this tape to see what they saw look here’s here’s a story for you about this okay this is you got to go back in the Wayback machine like 2008 2009 so I was done at ug was done with football and um I was a Community Coach um lay coach with Prince aenue helping helping him mark farba an old dog was the head coach there ask me to come and help so I was helping doing kind of o line offensive coordinator stuff along with Coach Fara Community Coach stuff and um we play uh Wesleyan that year um got absolutely demolished Prince was not near as good then as they are now um right got demolished but watching Wesley and there was this Center I saw playing who was a sophomore and you know 62 250 26 pound k a really good player you know being David Andrews so after the game I watched film of him liked him could tell the dke could play after the game I went in their locker room and met David said Hey to him um made me feel good he knew who I was he was a center Who Loved ug so it’s not that big of a deal but um met his dad and uh kind of kind of started a relationship with him a little bit and I remember going into his junior year was talking to him some and just kind of helping navigate the process as far as someone who’ been through it fairly recently and you know was talking to David one night you know this is a kid 16 17 years old at the time and he was upset because he didn’t have any offers yet he really wanted to go to Georgia um Stacy SOS was actually the o line coach back then and I remember seeing coach SAR and saying hey you should check this kid out’s he’s a ball player not that coach Sarah’s listening to my evaluations but they were they were aware whatever and David started getting some offers kind of the mid level offers and I don’t remember who but kind of a you know a Middle Tennessee State app state Georgia Southern Ferman those type of places which not knocking if you get a scholarship play at those places you’re a really good football player and he was like man I think I’m going to get better offers got it so a few weeks later I said man once you get an offer they’re going to roll in just relax and once you hit certain levels of offers other offers on those levels come in and all of a sudden Duke offers it and he was like man what what if I don’t get another offer I should probably jump on this now they’re trying to pressure me into it a little bit because that’s what coaches always do hey you need to take the offer now we got other people looking at whatever and I was like man just chill out just give it a week or so and see because he really want to go to Georgia and you know two or three days passed by nothing happened all a sudden guess what Michigan offered him um because Michigan saw that Duke offered him so all of a sudden they check his film out all right I like this guy and I said after the Michigan offer came in so he was kind of mid level mid major stuff mid major stuff Duke here’s Duke here’s Duke here’s Duke Michigan and then through the roof you know Georgia already him like a week later he would have got more but he committed I think pretty quickly once he got that ug offer I remember going meet his parents in the parking lot to film his commitment video yeah yeah so that’s just the way it works so yeah I don’t get I don’t get too hung up on recruiting rankings this early in the process you know if if Kirby’s taking a guy a year and a half before he graduates high school he’s not a hidden gym the right people just haven’t seen him yet but it’s coming the the guys they signed I mentioned like Thomas Davis Tim Jennings those were you know those were guys that were signed at the 11th Hour on the clock you know last minute going to South Carolina state or wherever it was um so yeah Thomas blackshire man Savannah kid I I always love boys with a 912 area cut I feel they’re pretty fast so we’ll take you and they’re they they play ball down there I mean and I’m not trying to kiss anybody’s butt from South Georgia and get invited back to speak to the Bulldog clubs down there I’ve done that plenty but I go down there and been doing this 2004 uh it’s a different brand of football it’s different than inside the perimeter inside the perimeter I love those kids that everybody in the nation comes to Atlanta trying to recruit wette cob County uh you know South Atlanta I I get it they’re they’re they’re ball players but there just something about a kid you know out of valasta kid out of Warner Robbins kid out of Savannah you know give me give me give me a kid out of meta yeah I’ll take all day all day so I’ll take a Brunswick kid he’ll just hey we just had an update today front page ug huge update on Elijah Griffin five star defensive tackle top 10 player in the nation you got you got to go see it that is a kid if he’s if he comes to Georgia which fingers crossed he does because I really want to cover him he’s a fun kid to talk to but if you can get Elijah Griffin I’m all for it and and he’s what he’s a what a USA commit right now is that right no no no that’s Justice Terry that’s a get over here in Manchester Manchester guy and I went and saw him that’s one of the reasons we were a little couldn’t have a show last week because we had to talk about my visit with Justice Terry yeah so he was committed to Georgia then goes to USC and all of a sudden is now committed to USC and he’ been committed to Georgia for like a year uh it it kind of broke his heart but he said that you know he’s got to look for Life After football and I’m like it wasn’t a life after football pitch from Georgia he’s like well it’s coming on my official visit I’m like you’re damn right at yeah it’s it’s it’s coming like we’re not losing sleep over that one yet I mean you you just feel like you hope that’s the KJ Balden situation where look it’s hard not to get caught up in the glitz and the glamour of recruiting especially and and look I a I’m a cornbread South Georgia ain’t never at one when I was in like eighth grade my cousin Brent was playing for Johns County High School and we played a team in Columbus when we went to Columbus we decided to drive into Alabama just say we’ve been there like That’s how little I travel at this point in my life um so you go out to place like USC Glitz glamour money Fame Fortune all that in La it’s hard not to get caught up in that but I feel pretty good about a chances here in the old Peach State to keep guys like justice Terry who by the way I I don’t know there’s such thing is I must get recruit anymore the way that Georgia is now nationally and the amount of talent that they attract but guys like justice ter are as close to that as you can find just because they are Georgia guys and not only that they’re extremely physically talented and you just don’t get many guys like him so he’s why that’s such a big get for us and I think you’ll see him come back his official I think you’ll see a lot he’ll see a lot of Trayvon Walker film he’ll see a lot of Michael Williams film he’s going to see guys that are first picking the draft and a guy that has a potential to be a top 10 pick and Michel W balls out this year and saying hey you could be the next one of these guys right in there so yeah hopefully real that dude back in Justice breaks my hand every time we shake we shake hands and he’s not trying to be one of those Macho jerks you know that gives you that firm handshake tries to screw your your uh Knuckles together fuse him into one you know he’s just strong as a Knox he’s uh uh the former Georgia tight end Ben Ben Watson yeah Ben Watson same way Ben’s hand wrapped surround yours you know to the other side and you just kind of it’s a firm handshake and you feel yourself like you feel like you’re like four years old shaking your dad’s hand well but that that’s the kind of kid that Jus ter is but anyway I don’t want to get too far into recruiting yeah I think you made a good point talking about if Kirby Smart wants a kid a year and a half early and how all the other schools Jump On It everybody’s kicking themselves because he took a fourstar out of uh North Carolina you know and took a kid three four star out of cater made both of them defensive player or defensive lineman who both got drafted in the first round and Jordan Davis and Devonte Wyatt his Kirby’s evaluations and again I’m not taking anything away from his staff his staff makes these calls Josh Crawford makes a call you Dell McGee before him James Coy makes a call but still when they only have 25 spots 28 spots Kirby has to sign off you have to see that go dogs from Kirby after the kid commits he is the final say and that’s why I give him hell about any offensive call that’s bad or Georgia doesn’t throw the ball enough Georgia doesn’t run the ball enough Georgia doesn’t ex Kirby can override the offensive coordinator he can override the defensive coordinator he gets all the credit and all the blame I mean I know it’s a team right now though he’s getting all the money and we Haven talked about this since uh$ 13 million dude I want to get your thoughts on the fact that he’s the number one paid coach in America at the college level I mean there there’s zero doubt he deserves to be the number one paid coach in America I mean Ju Just Pure resume of what he’s done in his what now six or seven years at Georgia um just from a pure resume standpoint if you’re going to be the highest paid guy like who are you gonna pay more than him you know with Sabin gone you know sure Sabin was obviously the dude you he’s going to go as the greatest coach in history of college football you know and then dbo was up there for a while but Clemson has struggled the last few years I mean Kirby is the king of the mountain right now as far as college football coaches are going now it’s a quick fall from that mountain I think Kirby knows that and that’s why you know so many people hears about like how hard it is to be at Georgia because the amount the level of expectations for everybody around him are huge and don’t get me wrong I think he obviously likes the money who wouldn’t like $13 million I think it has a lot to do with the respect that comes along with being the highest paid coach in America but Kirby is not a dude that sits in his Laurels and just counts his dolls and lets it ride like he’s probably grinding harder now that he’s got 13 million did you see the article about him recruiting for baseball and getting a few guys signed up I mean like the dude still my transition into baseball dude yeah don’t go there yet stay on Kirby for a minute but but the amount of grind he puts in is worth it and I mean I I would bet you and I don’t have I don’t have access to the information um you know financial information all that but if you look at what Kirby was paid when he first came in what 2017 was that his first year I was yeah it was 2016 into 2007 yeah so 16 17 you look at what he made that year versus what the revenues the football related revenues were at UG and look at what he’s paid now compared to where the revenues are at now I mean it’s not and I’m not saying Kirby’s underpaid get $1 13 million a year but you can make the argument from a a private business standpoint If you hired a CEO to some Fortune 500 company you can make the argument that he’s underpaid based on what the revenues for the program have done under him and the amount of success is had obviously he’s not underpaid to get $13 million it’s crazy it’s crazy money but he’s worth it from the standpoint of what he’s done for the program ug he is worth it even if he left tomorrow yeah in a mean way I’m just you know let’s say uh God forbid he decides I’m tired of I’m tired of nil I’m tired of the stuff I’m leaving the roster that has been amassed in Georgia if you could keep them if you guarantee that the guys you have are you know play out their eligibility yeah it’s the best roster in college football and I’m not trying to take shot I’m just saying if you look at georg’s wide receiver yeah you don’t have a Luther Burton but you’ve got bloody good wide receivers you’ve got the best offensive line I no doubt my mind you have a very inexperienced but very deep running back group yeah number of tight ends defensive line the line inside linebacker CT I mean that’s going to it’s going to be the same thing we saw when they had three inside linebackers drafted in the same time it’s just it’s nuts the problem now you can’t find enough Reps for all the guys that’s the problem they currently have by the way yeah and again to me and I think you’re with me here if you have the best players you have the best chance of winning I don’t care how good a coach you are you can’t win with average or you know mediocre players you gotta have you can be an average coach and win with the best players but vice versa is not true yep that’s the way I feel again you’re a player so you’re always gonna say yeah it’s about the players but you’ve also coached and you’ve you know you’ve seen it Kirby is a better he’s a better Coach than the average guy out there okay he’s a really good coach he has a really good staff around him and a lot of people that help him make good football decisions they watch analytics they’ve got a ton of experience and all that but Kirby will tell you he said it a million times over that recruiting is a lifeblood of the program and if you don’t have talent you there’s only so many achievers overachievers out there like the story of the H hooers is not a common thing right I mean you don’t see this group of Underachievers that just go to unbelievable Heights there’s a reason they’re called Cinderellas in the basketball tournament because they are not expected to be there and also they don’t get there very often so it’s something way out of the norm that’s a Cinderella um Georgia is where they’re at at the absolute top of the mountain likely preseason number one and all the polls when it when when it comes out I know they’re two or three in some other places right now but probably if you had to pick a consensus number one team it’s Georgia coming in it’s because Kirby’s good it’s because CO’s good it’s because Glenn Schuman is good Yad Yad y B’s good Yad Yad Yad it’s because they have better players than everybody else all the way across the board you’ve got Carson Beck who is the Heisman front runner one or two up there youve got an experience line talking about you got depth Beyond depth to every position out there save maybe tight end um so yeah it’s it’s about the roster dude that’s why Georgia is so good right now and to me I when I look at like finances and stuff like that you know I’m not I’m not a great money guy but I’m like what can you what can you buy and what can you not get with money or even when it comes to happiness you know like there’s when they say there’s certain things money can’t buy it’s true there are certain things money can’t buy and there’s also certain things that uh no matter how much money you throw at it’s not going to fix the problem that’s right so you can throw a bunch of money at a bad recruiter and it’s not going to fix it now nil era it makes it a lot easier but still it can’t be done so it can’t be it’s not 100% it’s not foolproof Kirby’s gotten where he has with the changes in the nil so all that to say giveing him $13 million making him number one it’s what the market will bear it’s what he’s made and people say well you could use that money for so many other things well that’s money is not uh what I guess in you guys call it fungible when it comes to uh have be able to move it around this is not a either or it’s like oh well you could pay you know all these Public School teachers well that’s not the same draw it’s not coming from the same place and I I use this story real quick to explain the impact that he’s had here when it comes to a money standpoint I got an exclusive uh chance to go into where the old Press Box used to be they’ve taken the Press Box it was between the 30s and they ripped it out they moov the Press Box down to the inzone down the corner there it’s gonna be a crappy View for the media but the media is not the media it’s it’s all on TV now it’s not like you relying on the media like you used to to kind of explain everything that’s going on right they tore out all that stuff and they put in this uh 1929 club club seating and they let these folks come out to pick their seats they had some fake seats in there like where do you want to sit you know there’s a there’s only like 270 seats right they are going to offer the first set of four to the Georgia number one donor now that he or she wants them they buy four seats then they go to or maybe they only want two or maybe they don’t want any then they go to georg’s number two donor here’s your four seats where you know they do that until they’ sold all the seats there was a jockeying for position to move up the Georgia donor list yeah it may have netted them 15 million just for the opportunity to buy seats in this these 270 seats and it was it was like a eBay auction at the end there hey you’re 15th you know uh four people just passed you now you’re 19th if you start doing the math four seats times four seats oh hey you’re number 37 you’re out there’s you’re just not gonna get it well here’s another $500,000 hey you jumped up to number 12 you’re definitely guaranteed to get seats that you don’t have this at other schools yeah other schools are in debt we had a a graphic up the other day about who really owes a lot of money you imagine being at Tech right now no not Pi my picked on Tech but there are a lot of really good SEC schools that are they their revenues are in the red they’re not good and look here here’s two two other the points about the money that’s involved W with this and how it benefits Georgia and how it’s not all just about the money as far as what Kirby’s getting paid if you get caught up on 13 million you’re missing the boat like you’re literally sailing down the wrong river um so one ask all the auxiliary Sports by the way at Georgia if has ever paid because how many how many sports at Georgia and and this is not a rhetorical question you may know it you may not how many sports at Georgia are self-sufficient financially men’s basketball maybe it’s not it used to be men’s basketball and gymnastics yeah I take that back I need to reach out to friend of ours Who would know but I think right now I don’t think either one of those is yeah so so let’s assume maybe there’s one out there right maybe there’s one out there maybe say two say those two yeah that’s fine maybe baseball Trends there Wes Johnson’s doing a great job Charlie con is bringing six in whatever probably two at best well guess what somebody’s got to pay for equestrian somebody’s got to pay for tennis somebody’s got to pay for track and field somebody’s got to pay for golf because those are not Revenue Sports where do you think that money comes from yes they have some donors they do some fundraising all that that money comes from from football that money comes from the buts Meir building that money comes from the trickle down effect of what Kirby and that staff have done for this program what Josh Brooks has done in the football realm that’s where the money comes from the Lion Share of the money by the way ask the University of Georgia if they think Kirby’s overpaid I’m talking about the academic side because correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure the athletic association is one of the largest donors back to ug they give a lot of money back to the actual school every year so that’s just kind of the way it works so you got that part of it on there the amount of the amount of support that the other sports get from football has gone up great and again if you don’t believe that look at now the facilities that are being built and what’s being done Stegman renovation fley field renovation coming they’re about to build a whole new track complex the soccer and soft track complex is gonna be nuts it’s gonna be nuts so you got you got money flowing from all Direction so you got that piece of it and then the other piece of it I mean good Lord and I know I’m jumping jumping around here about things to talk about this probably opens another can of conversational worms but they just signed Jaden rashada probably the top transfer portal quarterback this year if you if you got to get a guy with a little bit of Developmental stuff maybe there maybe there’s somebody else that was a top end guy gonna be a starter for you this year but it for the Georgia situation with Carson Beck being the man Undisputed clearly Heisman candidate whatever was there somebody in the port that Georgia would have taken over Jaden rashada from a a standpoint of um potential develop potential how much they can develop and how high their ceiling is I mean he’s probably the top guy and I don’t know what P J Mar but it wasn’t what he was worth in the open market from an nil standpoint he basically made a grownup decision which is a huge huge respect to him to say I’m GNA come into a program to where if I can listen learn and develop and then earn a spot at Georgia the nil will take care of itself if you end up being the starting quarterback of Georgia you get paid plenty with nil and I think he knows that so that dude decided to come in be a part of a program be a part of something that’s been built thinking that one it’s going to develop him as a quarterback put him in position to be drafted and eventually earn him the N money that he’s probably worth if he becomes a starting quarterback for an SEC school so you know is Kirby paid too much no he’s probably underpaid 13 to your point you get them at a discount you got jayen Rashad at a discount you got KJ bolded that KJ came out and said hey I’m taking less money to go to Georgia you know yep I can tell you uh USC is gonna pay more to Justice Terry than uh George’s going to so if Georg is GNA get him to flip back he’s gonna have to do it with to take less money they’re just not going to pay it yeah again front page ejp right now the store Elijah Griffin you get him Elijah can name his price anywhere else in the country Georgia’s just not going to do it but they that’s because they they’re not so desperate I took a a huge black eye I never say anything is guaranteed to happen but I pretty much guarantee that Caleb DS was coming to Georgia because I knew who took who had was transferring Alabama he’d come to Georgia he’d had a five hour meeting with the coaches they all went to dinner for like another hour or two I know who took him around to look at apartments I know who was working him through the uh what do you call the admissions process we got news right before it went public that it wasn’t going to happen from the admission we got it from the president’s office saying hey we were just told to stop working out his class schedule okay so again I was like I mean he was coming and found out later what he’s making he was gonna get like $30,000 a month at GE right and I knew the guy who was gonna pay it so I can guarantee and I knew who signing the checks the company that he was going to be in a sponsor a spokesperson for Ohio State just lost for the third time to Michigan now one of my best friends in the world is coach Don and he lost three times to Georgia to Florida Georgia Tech cost him his job yep again and not fair doesn’t matter and he’ll tell you that and we know he was robbed the officials come to him later say yeah we we screwed up yeah but past history point being if you lose three times to your arch Arch arch rival there’s only one I mean they have one rival really high three right lost him three times they said we need Caleb Downs they’re paying him $100,000 so 300,000 or 30 grand a month to $100,000 a month that’s how badly they Georgia won’t do that yeah hey see we love you Caleb we recruited you for four years and we were ready to take you but we’re not gonna do that because Kirby gets kids at a discount I don’t say a discount sounds wrong but he gets kids to come for less money because of the development and when they see hey you just had another eight guys drafted you had 25 guys to two years prior to that so we’re looking at you 33 players it’s 11 players a year that is UN heard of doesn’t get that many guys so and by the way it’s probably gonna work out for Caleb D Caleb D is a freak Show okay he’s still G to be a top whatever draft piit Ohio state is a great school right I mean’s he’s gonna get develop he’s gonna get his eyes on and all that you’re not gonna pay Ryan day 13 million that’s right he but he’s a different deal than you you see these high school kids getting paid all this money like to me that’s what’s gonna end up breaking nil stuff one day we we talk about it every week where they’re they’re going to regulate it somehow figure it out but these these donors are not going to keep strucking huge checks for unproven Commodities that end up not painting out which will happen and it has happened a good bit I mean Caleb DS Ain gonna be that guy Caleb DS gonna be an All-American again this year at Ohio State but um you know Kudos again to what Curby those guys do and it’s not they’re not selling a rib to somebody trying to get them to agree to to come on board I mean they’re presenting you know a road map to get these guys where they want to be I mean are you worried about $200,000 as a junior in college when we’re trying to make you another $10 million in NFL and it’s not just lip service those things have happened over and over and over again at ug from where guys coming in we talk about Devonte white Jordan Davis I mean Trayvon Walker traymon Walker is not like he was an under the radar recruit but nobody had him pegged as a number one pick in the draft and now that dude has made generational money for his family I mean he’s set for life because of what happened to him at ug so um you know K Kirby knows what he’s doing man it’s crazy how how well they’ve handled it well Kirby’s gonna start the season with Clemson we got the kickoff time yesterday it’s gonna be a noon game in Atlanta shaking your head already your thoughts on Georgia taking on Clemson at noon I mean I feel like we should play be playing middle western Ball State or somebody I mean that feels like a cupcake kickoff thing and look but call me oldfashioned and I know it’s I get to be a old coder here who’s get off my lawn all you dumb kids but it’s the gray it is the gray so what what TV now does to our traditions of football upsets me sometimes there the only reason Georgia and Clemson is a noon kickoff because they’re trying to slot the games they have that day to get the most viewers possible which at the end of the day drives money yada yada y i get it but it just sucks like give us 3:30 on that give us 7 PM like make it something different like the atmosphere be good it’ll be fun we’ll all go over there have our red and black on we’ll tailgate it’ll be fun but man it just thinks to be playing such a Marky game at such a poo poo hour well you mentioned uh TV we saw this come out from uh friends at uh ABC it’s a big kind of a marveles type of uh promo for all the different if you’re listening to the podcast I apologize but basically it was a tweet that came out from the SEC and they’re it’s talking about the SEC being on ABC remember for years it was on CBS but now ABC has it one of the uh Disney ESPN family they’ve got all these uh all the mascots if you will kind of made to look like superheroes um I don’t know that here’s the update of ugga yeah I see you looking closer here though that’s an unfort that’s that is an unfortunate placement of his shoe that’s a very unfortunate foot yeah we’re this is why we can’t have nice we’ve lost Russ I did not word Russ I was GNA pop that on the screen you gotta get off of that I mean what in the world dude like whoever drew that someone drew it someone saw it someone approved it someone tweeted it did you know that was there when you popped it up yes I did I have not seen it oh my gosh hey what’s up big dog I me oh boy he’s good boy the first responsive guy was that was someone’s interpretation of how George has been handling the SEC hey all right so now we we get a good bit of our audience listens to the podcast now you got to explain to the people on the podcast why I couldn’t talk for 30 seconds about what we saw on our screen so we talked about how this this Marvel rewrite of all the characters so we got Harry dog there uh Harry dog’s shoe is in an awkward position his knees up his toes pointing down and it’s kind of pointing in the area that makes it look like he’s a he’d be he’d be popular with the ladies looks like a so uh yeah that’s why hey good job ABC way to start off the uh your uh your connection with uh the SEC it’s good good stuff good stuff anyway I thought that was funny I want to bring this to your my uh attention because I thought this was really really cool and this is a uh recap of where all the students for all these SEC schools come from I thought this was just fascinating it’s from a at TJ altimore not on this is based on the US Department of Education filings and it’s where the 2023 class you know basically last year’s Freshman Class where they all hail from are they in state are they out of state you know are they from New England foreign or US territories Tri-State Illinois Texas California and I was really happy to see that George is 74.7% of its students 75% are in state and it’s tough shout out to my niece uh Annabelle lauan who got into ug we’re going to her graduation this uh Saturday she will be a freshman at UG and she’s a thousand times smarter than me and that’s that’s the reason she got in uh Florida almost 80% of its students are in state which I thought was pretty cool y pretty good of course Texas and Texas a them you’re looking at 88 93% of the kids are you stay at Texas I get that uh but here’s one I want to ask you about Alabama yeah 35% of its students are in state yeah that is wild to me it is wild I mean and and who knows I mean there’s obviously jokes to be made at Alabama’s expense here that I’m not gonna be sof I’ve already been had enough freshman humor in the last five minutes I mean it’s a population standpoint right I mean it’s a how many kids there are in Alabama that are actually graduating high school going to college Etc there’s just not as many of them there but a lot of this too by the way this would be cool to me if we could do this from 20 years ago if that was out there anywhere because pre- Nick Sabin I guarantee their numbers looked a lot different Nick Sabin that’s a good point in Alabama made that program a national brand I mean who wanted to go to tusco Lua Alabama of all places lovely town if you go there but for most people who’ve been in the northern part of Alabama they don’t know much about it until Sabin got there you know I mean it’s he put him on the national map you know Bama was great for years before back at bar Bryant back before all the rules about scholarships and the amount of players you get and all that came into place they when they were really good at nil before was a thing um they were great but s put them on the modern map and probably made a much much more attractive place so you know I would bet you their number of students in state is about the same but their overall student population probably going to way up in the last 20 years because of what saving did it it Chimes right back into the impact that like Kirby has on this program here you know Georgia’s numbers a lot higher because the population in Georgia Metro Atlanta is just such a huge place now so they’ve got a larger pool of students to pull from so I’m actually surprised with 74% I was talking to a buddy this week he played baseball at ug in the 90s um got a kid now graduated high school this year they live out in Colorado and um smart kid well accomplished hits every metric you can hit could not get into ug um you know and he just said he’s like look man out of state is so hard to get into ug from out of state right now it’s just wild with that but yeah I’m shocked that Bama is that low but I mean Arkansas’s kind of the same way right I mean Arkansas’s again just po% 35 to 40 so yeah theyve got many kids from Texas as they do Arkansas out there so um same with Oklahoma Oklahoma also has I’d say maybe a third of it students are all from Texas so interesting they have they have fun to go home but I guess me I like stats by the way I’m kind of a stat nerd I like charts and stats I’m in the mortgage business for living maybe that’s why but yeah that’s actually cool I like good job Ry that’s a good pull right there hey yeah well he games from the dog vent I’m like hey what are we going to talk about today just scroll the dog vent there’s 47 different topics there to talk about I thought Auburn was interesting so let’s say Alabama has 35% instate students Auburn has 57% of inate students so I’m wondering uh that’s almost not quite two to one but that’s a definitely a heck of a lot more students if you’re in state you’re graduating from high school in Alabama and let’s say you go to Thompson or B or El all a sudden you’re like hey I’m going to college you’re going in state seems like the vast majority of them are going to op now granted there are 3,000 lesser 3,000 fewer freshman students at Auburn than there are in Alabama Alabama has one of the biggest uh freshman classes but that’s still pretty impressive yeah so again I’m just impressed there’s that many kids in the state of Alabama that can read on a college level to be able to go to the school so lobed it in there for you there I had to take one shot at him but plenty of smart people there so just look at the O the total numbers so Georgia and Florida Kentucky South Carolina Tennessee they all have about 6,000 freshman right Freshman Class made about 6,000 students Texas 9,000 Texas A&M 12.5 so you’re basically telling me the Texas A&M freshman class is double the size of Georgia KY LSU Florida you know almost three times the sides of Al just I’m bringing it up now because Texas ANM still hasn’t hit you know they’ never hit that Jimbo Fisher era that they were supposed to where they just whip everybody’s butt but when you bring in in Oklahoma actually Oklahoma is a small class but Texas and Texas A&M them being part of the SEC they’re monsters those they they are A&M is in the same conversation that Georgia was in probably you know 09 through like 2015 right a team that had some success you know don’t want to Discount what coach rigged and by the way coach rig is my dog my guy um discount what they did but it’s kind of one those things like man if they can ever break through and figure it out get the right coach the right people they’re going to be a problem and um that’s kind of what you feel like with Texas A&M if they can ever get the right coach in there to be able to take care of the they’ve got the money they’ve got this they’ve got the access to population they’ve got every resource in the world it’s just a matter of can they get the right coach to get them where they want to be and and Texas is already a blue blood you know coach sarkeesian’s got them back on the map out there so the SEC has gained and this why they did the expansion but the ballot of power now has Shi is going to shift a ton to where it’s going to be weighted a lot more out west has in the past you go LSU Texas Texas ANM Oklahoma those are four absolute monsters on the western half of this conference now that are a problem for everybody to play and if Alabama doesn’t keep winning to the level that they did that also sends that that impetus for kind of the concentration to move Westward so I’m with you there that’s the reason I’m bringing it up I’m like saying that Texas ain’t is going to do anything they’ve been in the conference they haven’t won the West they haven’t won the SEC title I’m just saying from a sheer number standpoint TV Market bringing in another uh School the size of Texas A&M in Texas who A&M hire this year um Elco right yeah is that who they hired Mike Elco as our dang it come on listeners somebody’s out there listen to us right now can tell us who they hired um uh coach let’s see yeah mik from the dke guy so I couldn’t think of who else it was so who’s got who’s got man which coach would you rather be right now would you rather be Mike ELO at Texas A&M or Kay de Bor at Alabama oh that’s that’s a tough call that is a tough call I I’d rather be Elco I’d rather I’d rather follow the guy who didn’t get it done than be number two to Behind The Legend I mean not just the legend but the Legends Legends yeah I mean look before this is all done yeah theor has been a great coach you know if you look at his resume it’s actually pretty incredible how how good he’s been at the stops he’s made but you’re going to a different place now by the way that has zero Grace you know I know Alabama’s in the Bible Belt but they ain’t a lot of Grace when it comes to their fan base in terms of what’s expected from their football program so you know I I would I would take the Elco stuff Alabama’s probably got a better roster than A&M but it’s not by a ton Alabama has more you know graas as far as people understanding them liking them having a better brand than amm but that is very very short liveed I mean they’re an an eight and four seven and5 season away from not having that same feeling so yeah I’d rather be Elco I think dor probably has a better track record than Elco as far as you hiring a coach who you would take and he obviously has has a huge set of stones to be able to come in after Savin and leave a job like he had at Washington but that’s going to be the most pressure field job in America this year is that Alabama Job speaking of coaches I want to get your thoughts on the latest thing that uh dabos swinny said I’m cringing a little bit for those uh listening to the podcast dabos swinny when asked on the uh ACC show about uh Clemson being the only non-service Academy to take zero transfers in 2024 he says it wasn’t intentional they looked at a few guys also quote every player is technically a transfer we just signed a whole class of guys transferring from high school so technically he’s right but technically he’s right Star Wars guy well actually that’s a bad joke though from that’s just a bad joke like I I respect Davos Sweeny okay I respect him as a coach he’s he’s he’s a very very good coach like name name the list of current college football coaches that won national championship by the way you can do it on one hand if you if you’re not aware of that by the way and dabo’s name is on there Kirby Dao and who’s the other one I can’t remember that’s about it Harbaugh’s gone now uh savin’s gone now uh Jimbo Fisher’s gone now I mean I think that’s about it for Al didn’t he WN one yeah is chiz out there coaching somewhere I think he’s on staff like um mat Brown there you go Jos Skelton comes through with it I knew there was one M will be mad at me because he coach Don close friends I should have not forgot him oh hope coach doesn’t watch us he’ll be mad so me neither I actually we watch that mean we got good reach um but a lot of respect for dbo as a as a coach what they’ve done on the field is great and and I don’t know davo personally so but the people I know that have talked to him will tell you that davo is a genuine person so a lot of what we see we get annoyed with with kind of the I don’t know the big uh what what is perceived as a Persona a lot of times he comes across as kind of a Holy Roller or you know we’re on some highend white Ivory Tower how we’re do it I think that’s how that really lives and believes so I actually respect him as type the type of man he is and what he’s done but it’s hard in my opinion to remain at the top of the college football heap if you don’t look at the transfer portal and utilize that for roster holes that you that you have um you know Georgia has done I think I think Kirby does it the way that and obviously I’ve got red and black tinted glasses on here right but I think the way that they do it is the way if you had to look back and say this is what I want to do like that’s where I’m comfortable I don’t want to be I don’t want to go the lane Kipping route where the the Deion Sanders route where it seems like a third to a half of your roster every year is done through the transfer portal it’s hard to create culture it’s hard to create um camaraderie you know teamwork all these intangible pieces of a good team are hard to create with the transfer portal stuff because it’s like speed dating with 75 girls you know once a month and hoping you can find your wife out of it I mean it may work you may hit every now and then but the majority of the time you feel like you just bang your head against wall saying all right do I have to really fake this again yes okay whatever it’s hard to create that culture purely through the transfer portal at the same time if you go the route of Dao and them what they’ve been at cimps in the service cies and service academies are a different deal obviously it it’s hard to keep a an active roster to compete at the highest level because you inevitably have misses in your recruiting evaluations even Georgia by the way there’s kids that highly sought after you know well regarded that not that don’t pan out and we never use the word bust about a a college kid by the way I hate that when people talk about that is unfair absolutely but kids that just don’t pan out for what where the coaches hoped they were going to be and it may be because of injuries it may be because of a variety of stuff but there’s plenty of kids just don’t pan out so you end up with holes in your roster that you got to fill out I will call a kid a bust if he gets arrested winds up doing drugs something stupid like that you screw up your life that’s busted but I’m not based on a talent um one of my ones that ticked me off so many years as U round Tre out of Evans Georgia yeah five star safety he got injured oh he’s about we we missed on that one me no he was injured you know that he basically had to take a you know medical DQ That’s not a bust that is injuries they happen you know so don’t don’t throw don’t throw that word around lightly now if you’re like a Trenton Thompson and you’re having drug issu oh the tight end that came to Georgia after going LSU and oh Eric Gilbert yeah Eric Gilbert that again sometimes these kids have medical issues that are disqualify them from being a bus but some of them just bad decision- making bad decision making you’re bus I’m with you 100% yeah so I got nothing against Dao I just think that that’s a bad quot I think it’s a bad thing too but I think what Georgia has done is the way that you hope it’s done as a fan where you pick and choose five to eight guys to fill holes in your roster that can make you better I me you think Georgia is gonna be better or worse because they got Kobe young this year you think GNA be better or worse because they’ve got B coming in as another pre piece of that tight end spot for you there London Humphries I mean do you think you don’t have a back like Trevor ATN on the Georgia roster no no Jake Pope coming in to play safety by the way unheralded guy probably not going to start at Georgia this year just because of the talent in front of him but he’s gonna play 20 to 30 snaps a game he’s gonna be on every special team you have he’s gonna be a rotational guy there in the secondary and he’s gonna make a difference for Georgia in a big moment this year I mean that’s why you want that’s what you want the transfer portal you know for say adjust with the times or get left behind yeah that’s a pretty good one y and our our buddy uh Randy choose Pops in good morning good morning Randy hey we appreciate everybody joining us at 10:30 this morning and throughout the day want to try a new time to get out there plus we’ve got some stuff to do this afternoon but really wanted to see how our morning crew’s done and so far I’ve been very very pleased with that uh I we’ll switch I do want to touch real quick on baseball you mentioned earlier in the show that uh you before Wes Johnson got here a couple kids that were looking at George looking transfer to Georgia slay Al for being one of them and they met with Kirby Smart Kirby meets with him and he seals a deal even on baseball guys because that’s who he is but just give me your overall thoughts on the baseball team right now because I gotta take one moment to shout out Anthony Dasher Dasher loves baseball at ug we lose money covering baseball there’s no money cover the health it’s just what it is we don’t cover baseball to the extent that we lose any football coverage we never are busy writing uh a baseball story or cover a baseball game and that keeps us from doing seeing a recruit or covering anything football related we do baseball on top of everything just like these podcasts we don’t do any of these in lie of written content we do these on top of you know give to expand what we do Dash covers fall baseball so there’ll be times in Fall where he goes to football practice you know and covers everything writes all the you a ton of football stories then goes and watches fall baseball and I’ve always been like what the hell are you getting out of this well come spring he puts together his you know two 10,000 word baseball season preview he’s got it down he can tell you everything’s happened in between and he’s been at all the games he’ll be covering the Florida G Series and Georgia has a chance in year one I mean they’re going to host at least some you know they’ll be in top 16 but they have a chance to be in the top eight and this just feels surreal to me Russ so I’m not a huge baseball guy I’m a bandwagon baseball fan and I say that there’s people that are get mad at me when I say that on the show um I’m a bandwagon basball even with the Braves right I mean if the Braves are good and make the postseason I’ll start Tomahawk chopping and watching them and all that stuff so you know let’s let’s just be clear here I’m a bandwagon baseball fan same thing ug I love all things related Sports wise and I support the heck out of them but man I got four young kids and all that and I typically don’t make a lot of time for baseball it’s not high on my list that being said this year is different and and it’s the it’s the star power of what that team has done and and Coach Johnson obviously has it figured out as far as how to coach and all that but Charlie condom to me like I heard Jeff danler on some medium this week talking about um his comments I’ll give him credit for the comment it was a good one he said Charlie Conan is to Georgia baseball what Brock Bowers was to ug football and he’s like for those of y’all who don’t know like Charlie Condon is as good as B at baseball as Brock Bowers was at football so for our non baseball watching people like think about how good Brock Bowers has been for ug three-time All-American the greatest tight end in the history of college football and that’s the best athletic comparison we have to Charlie cond okay like the dude is a stud like if you go to the game I’ve been in a couple games this year the electricity in the stadium when he comes up to bat is crazy and the dude has what like 40 homers this year right at that number I mean historical season so it’s fun to watch he’s going up against Florida now Florida’s like 11 and 16 this isn’t the Florida teams that always come in and beat Georgia for the series sometimes sweep them this is a team that you can be but they’re playing for their postseason life and they have maybe the only guy who’s as good or better than Charlie cond and I say that only because Jack there kagon can’t say his last name uh Colin kags he’s he’s when Charlie Condon hit his 34th home run he beat the record set last year by kags at 33 this guy’s also he’s their Sunday pitching guy he’s in their rotation he’s one of their top three pitchers and he’s a nasty pitcher as well so you’re actually going to get to see a top two maybe number one and two in the next major league baseball draft but definitely two top five guys worst case top 10 uh you’ll get to see him pitch against Charlie cond and you see both of them kind of go back and forth in the Home Run Battle it’s gonna be a great series it starts Thursday if you got a chance this is your one of your last times to see them in the regular season hopefully they will get to host not only a regional but a Super Regional depending on where it goes so you got to go out and check it out and it’s not a baseball show but when they’re this good we can bandwagon onp on the bandwagon baby hit some mule up let’s roll right on that F field so yeah I covered some bad Georgia baseball teams especially when I was a team photographer out there for years but I’ve also covered some great ones and there’s nothing like I mean people say what’s your favorite you know Georgia memory you know I’m like look I was a student in 1991 when they beat uh Clemson and the braid clinch the same day and the whole stadium went nuts I’ve been there for the you know win over Oklahoma I’ve been there 97 beating Florida I mean I’ve got the pictures of pollock stripping the ball at South Carolina I’ve got the pictures of p44 Haynes uh the Johnson’s touchdown against Auburn happened right in front of me Steve telling me the play’s coming right here he knew what was coming my point is I’ve seen all that I will say one of my favorite memories of all time is they wouldn’t let us have walkup music at the super regions but everybody knew all the music of the players all their walk up music so the folks on the hill you know the green house out there on Kudzu Hill set up giant speakers and play each Georgia players walk up music as they came up and I remember when the then they got in trouble for that they’re like yeah you’re interfering the game they made have stop doing it the fans singing songs you know singing the stuff for the players get up and I’m like that was just an unreal episode and that’s some of if you can go to Georgia baseball when tennis is good been there for a national championship in tennis when you see a guy clinch on uh Court four it’s a national championship awesome there’s more there’s more to life than football yes especially when football ain’t around right now so ESP this time of year that’s exactly right I’m saying this time of year go see the other stuff yeah you’re GNA see guy I don’t know I don’t know if Georgia retires jerseys I’m assuming they don’t but I mean you’re talking about a guy Charlie cond who’s going to have his name in the Raptors at ug one day like he’s having that good of a season two seasons really but this year he’s gonna go down as probably the greatest probably the greatest single season a dog has ever had so I’m thinking of all the fans sing singing The Outfield when Gordon Beckham came up and he blasts another home run and they carry him off on his shoulders I’m like mansu that was nuts y um so if you’re not if they didn’t retire Gordon’s number but Charlie condens yeah that’s one you put on the Outfield put on the wall on the Outfield like you know just salute to everything he did and hey they’re only gonna get better this is a this is good exactly right all right last thing I want to ask you about and um you are a food guy you have folks if you don’t follow rush you need to follow him his Barbecue reviews are amazing I’ve done one with him it’s I had a great time if you like barbecue you need to follow Russ because he goes to all these and if you have a good suggestion for him of a place to go check out he’s all ears but I want to ask you about this uh story real quick what went wrong at Red Lobster oh man hey I D you get you’d love this one this is no lie do you know the first time I ever ate a Red Lobster in my life tell me good Lord is my witness this is the honest truth I’m about to tell you the first time I ate a Red Lobster was taking a girl to the prom my senior year we went to Red Lobster on a prom date that’s the first time I ever went I mean I wonder One them Lobsters floa around the tank with their claws tied up so bad was ridiculous and uh I never went so yeah I uh it’s a sad day at Red Lobster now I did take the fam there a couple years ago and I’m not gonna lie I’m surprised it took him this long to file bankruptcy after my last experience up there but uh it’s an end of an eror man like that was that Limitless shrimp scampy they used to have at Red Lobster like kids these days just ain’t GNA know about that anymore I mean those were those were I had some good days in college at Red Lobster yeah I like the story from CNN it’s like uh Red Lobster 2003 ran an endless crab promotion the all you can eat deal backfired spectacularly and said Red Lobster misjudged how many Seafood lovers would pour into restaurants around the United States filled their stomach on pounds of sweet juicy crab meat drenched in lemon and dipped in melt butter uh the company lost 3.3 million in seven weeks and I love this quote says it wasn’t the second helping on the all you can eat but the third that hurt profits you out of all you can eat crabs I don’t aspire to be fired from any jobs in my life I aspire to be fired as a sec head football coach because that just means I’m getting paid and I’ll be set for life to do nothing but watch the but I would love to have my resume that I got fired for coming up for the all you can eat crab buffet line at Red Lobster and it backfiring that b like that would be an alltime resume line so all right so folks pour out a little uh pour out a little your drink there for the Red Lobsters that was U most of them are I know they closed a bunch of them I don’t know how many but last thing Russ give us the last place you review give us your thoughts on what you where you went and what you like yeah the last place we reviewed F say oh man two my last two have been awesome man yeah go go check them out on my personal Facebook page my and I think this is streaming on my personal Facebook page you may find it that way but just Russ Tanner R Tanner 50 on Instagram two places last two weeks went to a place up in Lefay at George up near Dalton called W laws lucky IQ Robert W law up there unbelievable I mean just a great dude um unbelievable food like is a cool atmosphere with cool people and it food was off the chain so Ward laws lucky IQ up in Lafayette Georgia and then this past week went one of the oldest places in Georgia went to fers down in mon houseon Avenue met with are good man theyve been in business since 1935 I think he told me um in the location we went to since the 1950s and something about myart just loves that and just the old school way of doing things the way they serve you the people there like the barbecue is about the people and when you go places where there’s people that are are good folks that care about what they’re doing then the food is good like that’s special to me so yeah Ward laws lucky IQ up in lafay at Georgia then fers down in Mak the houseon Avenue and I don’t they’ve got like four or five locations but you got to go to the old school houseon Avenue and my man George Foster hit me up after the other day like man I can’t believe you in my hometown you hit me up to go with me so um yeah those were the last who went to I thought they were both really really special places I think what I like about places that been around like Ventures is they started out when it I say BARC wasn’t popular but it wasn’t like Avant guard like it is now there AR people trying to deconstruct it and you know get in on a fad it was some people who were late to the party to realize how good barbecue is they’ve been doing it and if you go to zebs you go to fencers you go place like that they’ve been doing it for 50 years 60 years a 100 years based on this is how we do it we’re not gonna change it nope doesn’t matter what comes along we’re not GNA screw around with We’re not gonna make it cheaper you know because we could get something through a food company uh and they stick with it they stick with what works that’s if it worked through Vietnam you know if it worked through the 70s and the depression you know and the recession and it worked through the you know it didn’t go away just because everyone was flushed with cash for a while it’s gone through the ups and downs and still around you just know that it’s G to be good it’s really really good you’re exactly right there yeah hit them up man go to those places laf Georgia Mak Georgia W laws and fur and uh I don’t do you know what how much a ticket to a UJ baseball game runs now no idea they’re they’re getting harder to find I was told about the tickets on the secondary Market have shot up mainly because of uh everybody wants to go see Charlie cond and you see him and kags go head-to-head this weekend it’s not GNA be a cheap ticket well all right hey uh question have you ever been to the barbecue shack and tcoa Russ I haven’t been there maybe I gotta find a place this week to go Barbecue Shack and tcoa sounds pretty good actually so maybe we’ll go there one time one suggestion there from Randy all folks this all time we have for this week’s show we’ll probably be back at this normal time next Wednesday at 8 o’clock so join Russ then but and we’ll find out maybe if he goes to the barbecue shack maybe go somewhere else but uh just want to definitely try to see some we’ve had a bunch of people saying hey I finally got to join you live got to see Freddy Farah yep D and the Farah family huge Georgia supporters there got to see Tommy pal Palmer on there Josh skelton’s been on the show all day we appreciate him and a bunch of other folks so we appreciate it and hopefully you will join us next Wednesday 8 o’clock we’ll see you then take care go dogs


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