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Trackday Championship – Round 2 – Brands Hatch Grand Prix – 18 May 2024

The second round of the 2024 Trackday Championship season from the historic Brands Hatch Grand Prix circuit.

It’s set to be a phenomenal day of racing, with a tremendous mix of championship newcomers and veterans taking to the track.

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e [Music] welcome along to br’s hatch the home of msvt track days and how approach that we’ got the msvt track a championship out here on the Glorious Brans hatch Grand Prix circuit for their second round of the 2024 Championship a very full grid of cars 39 cars took to the Circuit for qualifying earlier on they’re already on their formation lap so bet quickly rattle through the grid for you now we don’t have starting drivers that have been notified to us so what we can do is guide you through the full grid Pole Position goes the way of Nicole drought and alongsid her is the pairing of Paul McHugh and whid haslo row two of the grid is John L master and John line at the wheel of the lotus and the BMW respectively with Row three being the Father and Son pairing George and Jack Wright with their Volkswagen Golf alongside the BMW in the hands of Matt swaer row four is Alan Bull with his Lotus and Charlie pulk the number 98 car which is the Renault Cleo and it’s the reigning Champion with his Toyota Stuart Donovan who is fastest of the Class C cars in qualifying mixing amongst the class B cars he has got the number 91 Porsche that Colin tester shares with Ronan Quinn for company row six of the Grid it’s Ray honeybone and Ben Abbott that line up there on row number six and Darren goes at the wheel of his mini is next up as he lines up there on the next row of the grid with Mark Russell partnered up with um driving solo sorry alongside him is Chris dunster and Scott Thompson Steven Docker is next up and he has Nathan mcfa for company on row number eight of the grid then as we head to row number nine of the Grid it’s Alistair een and the pairing of Henry Wright and uh Kevin Glover Wayne cochrell is next up with Ben Elgar and will Arif with their BMW sitting with alongside him on the 10th row of the grid and then it will be Dean Hyde and Chris Reed who is partnered with Steven goodliff that are next up row number 12 of The Grid is going to be Oliver Owen and it’s the horny Golds which is Robin Ashley with their mg that line up on row 12 of The Grid and row 13 of the grid is Ben Jenkins who sits alongside the car of Colin Wells it’s Burman voice ahead of mang main gotu lineup there on row 14 and then it’s Robinson and McLaren McDonald howls and Evans that are there on the the next few rows of the grid and then it’s Watson and church house Stuart and Pew Allan and honeybone who has opted Ray honeybone to start off the tail end of the field Haron Evans Wilkinson Hughes and Jackson moall and macini are the next ones up and that’s as much as we can get through that’s the full grid but we had to Rattle through those last few rows cuz already the safety car is about to peel its way into the pit Lane and nicra out at the wheel of what was the car that went so superbly well at Donnington Park in the track day Trophy and one overall but finished third in the track day Championship is about to get this race underway they should be in neat 2 by two order it doesn’t look quite as 2 by two as you would wish but we’re going to get the race underway and we should just about cram the full 45 minutes in before the curfew so up towards Paddock Hill Bend for the first time the two Hondas go together the slightly older shaped car of Nicole drought there’s contact further back John line gets into the side of John lamaster Matt swaer disappears off into the gravel and that was just a two few too many cars going for the same piece of Bratch real estate there John lamaster got away with it at the wheel of the number 65 Lotus but lost a little bit of ground whereas for poor old Matt swaer he did not get away with it and I don’t think John line did either so we may well have the requirement for a safety car with two cars stricken at Paddock hillbend the race continues in the meantime with just localized yellow flags and leading way is going to be ni cold route and I think it’s the George and Jack w volksvagen golf that’s there in second place in the background shot you can see Matt swa’s car and there is John Lions yet so the two of them did both end up in the gravel trap there so they parked up beside each other and it was one of those sort of Cannonball effects wasn’t it there one car got a little bit close to another then all of a sudden they start to Cannon into each other and unfortunately also into the pit Lane by a look of things with problems that is as safety car does come out I thought it might come out also into the pit Lane comes by the look of things Ben abbit at the wheel of his Hond Integra dc5 so he is another car that’s got early problems so safety car is out there the pack will ease its pace so Nicole drought leading the way from the George and Jack right Volkswagen Golf third is going to be the Colin tester and Ronan Quinn Porsche and fourth looked as though it was Alan Bulls Lotus El series 1 that was there in fourth place so he has become the leading Lotus with John lamaster having out qualified him but having had those problems and was involved in that incident that put Matt swaer and John line into the gravel trap both of the cars look pretty much undamage let’s just get a quick replay of what happened there at the start so start of what is a 45 minute race so John lamaster is in the dark blue lotus John line gets a really good start at the wheel of the BMW but of course the Lotus can break that a little bit earlier he’s up the inside and then there’s a little bit of contact between yeah John lamaster and John line I think then Paul mugh and will hislop’s Hond also had a light touch and Matt swaer got scooped up whilst he was trying to avoid what was unfolding ahead of him so just again one of those typical first Corner incidents really where everybody wants to crack on straight away and of course know we’ve got cars which produce the same lap times but produce it in a very different way John Lin’s car very quick in a straight line not quite as Nimble as a Lotus through the corner so John L got the good start John lamaster is always going to break that little bit later that Constantine is the up and because they’re all so close together unfortunately yeah they’re all on the same piece of Tac at the same time and something had to give unfortunately for poor old John line and Matt swaer undamaged cars but cars in gravel and that straight away is going to either Cil their race entirely or certainly put them a few laps down by the time they’ve been extracted out of the gravel Trap by our very efficient brand sa Marshals and the Telly Handler don’t think there’s any damage to the cars at all really just light damage as they bumped into each other he turns around you just see the stripes on his overalls wasn’t for those stripes he would look like the STI wouldn’t he just need to connect T hand to the front of John L’s BMW now they may opt to drag those cars further into the gravel trap and I think on the basis of Matt swaer is trudging away I think he’s been told yeah we’re not going to pull your car out onto the edge of the circuit we’re going to be dragging it further deeper into the gravel tra and get it totally out of Harm’s Way the clock will all continue to tick whilst this was happening so originally this was scheduled to be a 45 minute race it slightly shortened because of delays we had this morning way oock half 10 this morning we had a large incident not in qualifying for this race but in qualifying for another race that was here at bran hatch that caused nearly a 2hour delay whilst barriers were repaired and replaced as quickly as possible by the Fantastic Bratch circuit staff but it did mean that then we brought the L break forward to half 10 this morning um yeah yeah lunch break not even 11’s is it at that point uh and then it meant as a consequence of that we had to shorten some of the races all the way through today to try and make sure we get everything finished in terms of time for the curfew because we’ve then run effectively to time table it has allowed this race to be extended again to the full 45 minutes but of course now we’re spending some of it behind safety C whilst we clear the incident after here at Brown’s hatch something different for the msvt track day Championship next time out msv having their first ever race meeting just down the road from Brans hatch Len Hill in Kent on the 15th of June then the championship will head back to more familiar ground as it heads to snon on the 10th and 11th of August it will be to Cadwell park on the 7th of September and something very very different for the penultimate round of the championship they will head to another circuit that’s now within the msv group but they’ll be heading across the water they’ll be going to Circuit Den Nara in Spain on the fifth and sixth of October for the penultimate round of the championship and they’ll return here to BR hatch on the Indie circuit rather than the Grand Prix circuit for the final round which takes place on the 26th of October it is a championship of course they have also within it various series msvt including the track day Trophy and the Juro Ka um and of course the mayata trophy as well all within the Motorsport Vision track days fold but this is a championship this was a championship some years ago it means that there are 30 points for a race win 27th for second 24th for third that’s regardless of the class that you are in one extra point is awarded to each competitor beaten in your class up to an additional Five Points you also get extra points if you beat a competitor in a higher class than yours up to an additional Five Points and there’s also points for pole position and fastest lap uh in what is this multiclass structure and the class structure is largely based on power to weight ratio so the most powerful cars sitting Class B those with between 151 and 175 brake horsepower per ton those in class C have between 126 and 150 brake horsepower per T those in class D have up to 125 brake horsepower per um uh but we also have a guest class which slots in any other sort of production production based Saloon Sports and hatchbacks that the organizers give permission to come in and it may well be that some of those are cars that just haven’t been to the rolling roaders yet so they don’t know what the power output is so rather than put you in uh one of the classes they put you in the guest class and what we do always see is a a huge amount of Variety in the track day Championship whilst we still clear away cars from gravel traps I can still see through the comfor box Windows Matt swaffer car is there so we’re not going to be going green at the end of this lap so likes of Honda Lotus BMW Volkswagen Renault Toyota porsa mini Mazda mg perso are all represented on the grid so what was that 11 different marks Did I get to there something like that across the 39 so really really has ever loads of variety now we’ve already had one race so far this year one of the cars that’s in the gravel trap won that race which is John L so he is not going to make it back-to-back wins I’m afraid second at Donington Park was the team Air Supply Volkswagen Golf of George and Jack Wright well they are second in this race at the moment third at dington Park was the motion Motorsport car of Justin Roberts and Nicole drought well Nicole is going solo in this one lady who’s done rallying and rally cross and focus cup and things in the past as Nicole well she leads this race overall fourth at donning to park was one of the other cars that was in the gravel and is now making its way back around the circuit Matt swaer so that car there that you can see with the damage to the front corner of it Matt finished fourth overall at dington Park fifth overall at dington Park was actually the class D leading car which was the fiesta Club racing Ford Fiesta of Henry Wright and Kevin Glover they are down in 15th in this race at the moment and the car that completed the top six at Donington Park was the proam Racing Car of Scott Thompson and Ben you Hansen which is down in 14th position at the moment the number 12 car which for this weekend is Scott Thompson but he’s partnered up with Chris dunster so that was what happened at Donington Park and the cars that won their respective classes at Donington Park will John line won overall Class B Henry R and Kevin Glover fifth overall and one class D and the class C winning car was that number 12 Ren o clear that was talking about so Matt swaer out of the gravel but looking as though he is not going to continue in the race the auto equipped bmw1 Series in the hands of the former production BMW Champion who’s raced in injur Ka in the past heads down the pit Lane area I think that now means that yeah everything is clear at padak Hil Ben John L’s car has been dragged further into the gravel trap the doning park overall race winner so he will take no further part in the race Matt swaer car we know is back in the pit Lane that was the second car that was in the gravel the teley Handler is back behind the wall and all of the Marshals are back in their respective positions so we should be good to go racing at the end of this one with 35 minutes of the race still remaining pit window was scheduled to open for 15 minutes in the the middle 15 minutes of the race so 45 minute race pit window opens after 15 minutes remains open for 15 and closes for the final 15 and during that period of time all of the cars need to make a mandatory Pit Stop which is time for pit entry to pick pit exit of 2 minutes regardless of whether they change driver or not so we’re about to get the race back underway Nicole drought leading the way at the wheel of the Honda George and Jack wght with the Volkswagen Golf sitting there in second place and Colin tester partnered up with Ronan Quinn at the wheel of the Porsche there in third dies for second at the entrance towards Paddock he’ll Bend can’t quite squeeze its way through or can it no so it’s still there in third place but it has got the inside line heading up in towards Druids and might be able to sneak through and John Lamas at the wheel ofice Lotus is trying to go through as well and make it three wide there’s contact between folks Fagen Golf and Lotus at least Series 2 so the team Air Supply Volkswagen Golf still hangs on to it and that looks like George right driving that car by the look of things could just see I think the dark beard on George’s car smoke coming from the back of the Porsche which does not look good and that may well be the same problem that affected that car at Donington Park where there was a little bit of oil that was dropping onto the exhaust it was fully burning off but that did look as though that again was coming from the tail end of the car but it’s not affecting the speed of the Porsche which is now looking for the lead of the race and I’m guessing that may well be Colin Tesa that’s behind the wheel of it cuz Colin tester is a Brand’s hatch instructor here he knows the circuit well and to try and overtake on the outside at hawthor you need confidence and he’s done it and he’s taken the lead of the race so that’s the Porsche through to pick up the lead of the race Nicole Dr sitting there the young Irish lady in second position George and Jack Wright I think it’s George Wright that’s driving that Volkswagen Golf there in third place fourth place at the moment is going to be Alan bu at the wheel of the first of the Lotus cars that’s there in third place the slightly older Series 2 El leise and it’s going to be the team reeba Honda in the hands of Paul and will heslop that now moves up to complete what will be I think the top five at this stage is over the start finish s now come about 3 minutes too before the pit window opens good fight going on further down through the order that’s the number 15 car Ben Elgar sharing with Will arth fighting away with the number 25 James Burnham and Ben V Ford Fiesta they’ve also got mazr MX5 in the mix as well which is going to be the number 67 car which is Dan abbit sorry David Abbott and Hayden McDonald and and just off that is going to be Colin Wells at the wheel of the number six Mazda which good to see Colin back out there because he was here racing in the Miata cup that supported the GT World Challenge event at Bratch just a couple of weekends ago and had a very large accident on the start Finish Line he was fine car looked rather second hand but good to see him back out and racing again a matter of what is it two three weeks later so 32 minutes of the race to go the race leading Porsche having set the fastest this lap of the race last time through 1 minute 46.76 2 we’re looking at the moment for the battle that’s going way way down through the order number six Mazda is I think outside of the top 20 at the moment but no matter where you look yeah 25th position is where Colin Wells is at the moment it doesn’t stop him sticking his elbows out and having a a good little fight and the other car we need to keep in eye on is the number 44 Apple Car Center Rena Cleo in the hands of Ray honeybone he runs in the guest class for this weekend and he is starting off the back of the grid and he’s trying to thread his way through the order a good fight going on towards the end of the top 20 at the moment that is the number 182 Rena clear of Oliver Owen under pressure and off and into the gravel trap at Westfield Corner we might lose one if we’re not careful and I think that was Nick mangot that’s yeah gone sideways into the corner and his Ford Festa has Beed itself in the gravel trap I’m afraid at the end of the straight the Derek Minter straight and that car is going nowhere the Marshalls might be on hand to give it a shove but I think they’re going to struggle to get that Ford Fiesta out of the gravel trap the pit window will be opening in about a minute’s time as well so up towards the conclusion of the lap come some cars down in towards gr Hill Bend comes what is a fight for the final Podium spot at the moment the George right yes it’s definitely George that’s driving that guard under pressure from Allan Ball but it looks though safety car is coming back out again so as a result of that stricken Ford Fiesta which was Nick mot’s car in the gravel trap at the end of the Derek Minter straight does look as though we’re going back towards potential safety car again once more the Marshalls waving the boards trying to make sure that the drivers pick up on the fact that they can’t overtake of course a few of them slightly un exed cuz they’re in a middle of a squabble and I think a few of them wondering why the car ahead had lifted off taking the opportunity to to gain the place and then they will absolutely hand that place back again as them when they’ve realized let’s just have a a quick look back at exactly what happened there to Nick main got up as they went along the Derek Minter straight look towards the left hand corner of your screen and you might just see it right he was on the right hand side trying to overtake a car and I think it was yeah the ma and the Ford Fiesta got themselves together and I think that was the problem so I wonder if that was the number 67 car of David abberton Hayden MacDonald cuz they qualified 34th Nick main got a qualified 32nd so they would have been one would have thought in a similar piece of tarmac and that sort of matches up with the color of that car we’ve got other mazra mx-5s in the field but only one of them is blue and that’s the David Abbott and Hayden MacDonald number 67 car so was I couldn’t see the number of that car the color of it matches what you would have expected right pit window is opened and because the safety car is out there you would be foolish not to come in under the safety car because of course the safety car is going to travel around the circuit at a very slower Pace compared to racing so get your 2minute stop done on the safety car and you will hand yourself a very good chance of being still in the sharp end of this order when we get the race concluded so to a halt comes Nicole drought adjustment to tire pressure is being done on number 70 car the team Raba car is in as well which is Paul McHugh and will heslop George and Jack wri Volkswagen Golf into towards the pit Lane Darren Goen the number 22 car in the pit Lane as well also looks as though the number 88 is in which will be Mark Russell I can also see in that one of the Toyotas which is is the Wayne cckr car I can see Alan Ball’s Lotus is in there John L Master’s Lotus is in there in the right hand corner of your screen the white car with the two blue stripes is Alan balls the green car with the yellow stripe down the center of it is the car of John lamaster John’s been racing Lotus cars for a very very good number of years and as for the extraction of Nick main gots for fiester out of the gravel trap that is in the process of being done by our Telly Handler down there so clock will still continue to tick and hopefully it won’t take too much longer to get that car out of the gravel trap now the hard curfew here at br’s hatch is half past six and when I say half past six that means all of the cars checked flagged and back off the circuit with their engines killed well that is only now 25 minutes away from happening yet we got 27 minutes of the race still remaining so I understand the checkered flag will come out at 28 minutes past 6:00 so the clock will not quite get to zero in 23 minutes time then the clock will have you what 4 minutes left on it so we’re not quite going to get the full 45 minute race in it’s going to be about 41 minutes and the race off Pit Road sees Nicole drought come out in reality for what will be the lead of the race as when we get everybody cycled through the pit stops Jack Wright in the Volkswagen Golf will be second and the team Raba slightly newer Honda Civic which is Paul McHugh who shares with Will heslop apologies we don’t need we don’t know the starting drivers that should be third in the race but the one good thing about the safety car and them all pitting together is they’re all going to still be squabbling for the lead of the race Alan bull is next up at the wheel of the slightly older shape series 1 Lotus at leas followed by John lamaster at the wheel of the slightly newer s at least Series 2 and now that we’ve got Ford Fiesta out of gravel we’re going to have Telly Handler parking back behind the barriers Ford Fiesta should trundle its way back into the pit Lane so one further lap one would have thought behind the safety car and the difficult thing of course at this stage is that the safety car came out to pick up the race leader and because everybody’s pitted it gets confusing as to who the race leader is the race leader at the moment is the number six Master MX5 in the hands of Colin Wells but he has not pitted as yet and the other car that is now up to second but has not pitted is the number 137 car which is going to be the will Jackson Mo and Andrew mckenny Rena Cleo which runs in the guest class I think other than that everybody else has pitted so drout over the start Finish Line we are still under safety car but of course what they are trying to do is catch the point at which the safety car is around the circuit at this stage so there’s still no overtaking because they’re all still trying to form the crocodile of cars the train of cars behind the safety car the safety car is right up at Sterlings at the moment now we’ve still got two cars that haven’t pitted so lights are off on the safety guard absolutely and why should they not because the race leader is behind it it is time to get the race back underway and Colin Wells is going to be leading he’s still got what the best part of another 9 minutes where he can come into the pits in reality other cars are still cycling through their pit stops but we’re about to get the race back underway with the number six Mazda as yet to pit leading the way is he going to follow the safety car in yes he does so into the pit Lane comes the Mazda into the pit Lane comes the Reno Cleo so the two cars that hadn’t pitted both dive for the pit Lane which means that in reality the car that will take over the lead of the race is not that number 67 Mazda cuz that has now pitted it will be the Honda Civic of Nicole drought which is the number 70 Honda Civic that will pick up the lead of the race as a when it comes over the start Finish Line but that car is as yet to reappear off the Grand Pre Loop up towards clearways corner and of course remember Nicole drout has got Jack Wright right behind her then the the Honda right behind her followed by then the two Lotus cars right behind her we are back to green green flag racing but they can’t overtake until they get to the start Finish Line so they’ve still got to whole station you can only overtake once you get to the start Finish Line you can see that the team Air Supply Volkswagen Golf of Jack Wright is hugely Keen to get on with it you can’t overtake you got to be behind still as you get towards the start Finish Line and Jack Wright will be well aware of that so he makes sure he’s behind as he gets to the line but he also makes sure he’s got the inside line when head up towards Paddock Hill Bend and that was textbook stuff there from Jack wght he goes through to pick up the lead of the race from Nicole rout in second place and it’s the Paul mchu and will heslop Honda that is there in third and he’s looking to go around the out out side at Druids to try and get the inside line for Graham Hill Ben Jack right bounces off the Honda and as a result of that it allows Nicole drought to draw herself back alongside but it’s still Volkswagen gol from Honda from Honda from Lotus from Lotus and now Nicole Dr drought might drop down to third place as the mchu and heslop Honda squeezes its way up the inside heading in towards 30’s Corner the slightly newer shaped Honda goes through the team RAB her car the cold drought drops down into thir third position having LED at the restart and now instantly finds herself under pressure from Alan Bull’s Lotus followed by John L’s car as well Alan bull draws himself alongside at the wheel of the series 1 Lotus up the inside of the Honda so Nicole drout now down into fourth position and John lamaster trying to make inroad as well to see whether he can do it and we’ve had the change for the lead of the race right the way around the outside at Westfield Corner the Paul McHugh and will heslop Honda moves itself through in ahead of Jack wri’s Volkswagen Golf the team Supply golf down into second place which is where it finished at Donington Park he’s now trying to re attack on the running towards the left-hander at Sterlings remember we are scheduled to have a 45 minute race but we know the checkered flag will come out at least 2 minutes before half past 6 to ensure we comply with the local restrictions here of usage at Brans hatch which means there should be about 4 minutes remaining on the clock there are thereabouts when we see the checker flag fall so we’re not quite going to get to zero so they know they’ve got to get on with it they’ve got less time and he’s on the clock over the start Finish Line traffic just up the road it’s the team Tyler Motorsport Honda that it’s going to move out of the way Amy Allen moves safely out of Harm’s Way and then also the next of the cars that is needing to be dealt with is the light green Ford Fiesta which is also dealt with that will be David Evans who moves out of Harm’s Way does briefly delay Jack Wright but that’s nothing to do with the B markers being Troublesome it’s just where Jack Wright met them he couldn’t get on the power quite as quickly as he wanted along the Cooper straight John lamaster also through as well so the top five are all through the traffic now the number 65 Lotus of John lamasa tried to close on in on Nicole drought at the wheel of what was the earth wild race leading Honda top three getting away now Nicole drought this time is going to at least match for Pace the Honda of John leaster who cannot work his way through from fifth place up to Fourth coming out of foror Bendy was a little bit quicker he’s not going to try anything as they head up towards Westfield so it’s still Nicole drought in fourth place John lamaster in fifth place is he going to get the overlap as they come down through Dingle Dell no not quite so the order Still Remains the Same just that very light flash of the brake lights from Nicole drought no sign of the brake lights from John lamaster as he pitched the lotus in not necessarily flat out but he didn’t need to dab the brakes going into toward towards that corner and again he’s going to get another good run coming down in towards the conclusion of the lap this time through so it’s Honda from Volkswagen Golf Lotus from Honda from Lotus from Darren go in the mini who’s there in sixth position all of those cars running Class B as things stand leading class D we ought to pick up on is carnal 153 that leads class D which is Steven Docker at the wheel of his largely gray Mazda MX far and leading Class C at the moment is Wayne cochrell at the wheel of the number 21 Toyota celika so those are the leaders of their respective classes at this stage we’ve also of course got the odd car in the guest class and you have to look all the way down to Ray honeybone who off the back of the grid remember the number 44 Apple Car Center Rena Cleo came off the back of the grid Ray has now have been to or was last time through 17th [Music] position team Fiesta Club racing number 38 car that had a class win at dodington Park number 38 car tried to weave its way through the traffic that’s Henry Wright and Kevin Glover’s car sneaking through and ahead of the Chris Reed and Steven goodliff car only for the JCW mini to have the extra Grunt in a straight line and go straight back through they’ve also got right behind them deam Hyde at the wheel of the E30 shaped BMW and Dean hey’s going to have a quick attack as here the JCW yes he does yeah fires one up the inside Dean Hyde goes through and ahead of the mini now this is all for positions something like 18th 19th and 20th position this is that they’re all fighting for that’s the one good thing about the msv track day Championship always has full grids always had good good variety and there’s always somebody to race with as well it’s the same for the track day trophy that will also be bringing you live stream coverage of tomorrow here at bram’s hatch uh the min’s off I’m afraid so we have lost the mini that’s the exit of grahe Hill Bend where all of a sudden the car that had been going superbly well the Chris Reed and Steven goodliff car gets going again hazard lights were on alt control delete maybe restart the car gets going again so with 18 minutes scheduled still to go Nicole drought goes up the inside of Alan Ball and at the wheel of his Lotus also allows John lamaster to go through which begs the question has the Lotus got a problem we shall have to wait and see further down through the order that’s the Mazda going off into the gravel trap in the background can it gather up the moment there’s a big cloud of dust in the background and the Mazda eventually appears so yes a moment there where I thought we were going to lose a car into the gravel trap but it rather got away with it to say the least which means that now it’s just the James Burnham and Ben V Ford Fiesta that is left to fight away with the number 15 BMW benel garell with Will arth car that’s behind them I think is the number 67 masterda which will be the David Abbott and Hayden McDonald car now we’re starting to see a few more problems come up for drivers reigning Champion Stuart Donovan has got a one laap penalty as has the number 12 Reno Cleo which is Chris thuner and Scott Thompson for pit Lane infringement are we going to have a chains yes we are the number 15 car going through that’s will ARF I think looking at the crash helmet so I think that’s will Arif at the wheel of the BMW going through and ahead of the James burner and Ben Vos Ford Fiesta and yes there were problems for the number three Alan bull Lotus because it is still limping its way around the circuit it’s going to make it back in towards the pit Lane he is staying as well as he can out of everybody’s way but that car clearly has some sort of mechanical problem and unfortunately for a car that was going so so well in the early stages of the race with 16 minutes to go it’s going to be the end of the road for the Lotus El least series one of Alan bull who qualified seventh and was running what was high third was he at one point something like [Music] that still the number 39 Honda that leads the way which is the Paul McKuen will head tlop car the team rabier car that scored 14 points at dington Park so comes into this weekend lying ninth in the championship standings got a little bit of body work hanging off the car though by the look of things yeah you can see the side trim now that could be a problem if that’s deemed to be dangerous which you know arguably it is if it drops off the car it could fly into the windscream of a fellow competitor he’d be well wise to try and see if he can shed that little bit of Bodywork somewhere because that could potentially bring out black and orange flag if the officials deem it’s the whole back section isn’t it the bumper that’s dragging along the ground that would be looked at by the scrutineers so it leads the way if a black and orange flag came out it doesn’t mean the car can’t continue in the race but it does mean it’d have to come into the pit Lane have that bit of body work ripped off and come back out well it only leads by 4.2 seconds takes about 20 seconds just to drive down the pit Lane at br’s hatch let alone the few seconds to get the bit of body work ripped off so that potentially could see that car drop down to the bottom of the top six Jack Wright second places exactly 5 and 3/4 seconds down the road from the race leading Honda still with work to do as well he’s about to place a lap on Colin Wells at the wheel of the Mazda Nicole drought at the wheel of number 70 Honda the Civic typar sitting there in third position which was where herself partnered up with Justin Roberts were in the mission Motorsport car sorry in the motion Motorsport car at Don Park and off goes John lamaster that looks as though that’s a Paddock Hill Bend where he’s rotated through 180° and the foror sight of a very dusty looking elast series to sits backwards in the gravel trap at Paddock Hill Ben so he’ll be going no further and that car has sort of gone yeah sideways into the gravel he’s not that far off the racing line so cars you can see exit right where that could line is so that may well mean potentially another safety guard we’ve still got a good fight going on as well this is Oliver Owen at the wheel of the Rena Cleo he’s fighting away with the mgzr which is in the hands of the horny Golds Rob and Ashley horny gold so they are pretty much together as they come up towards the conclusion of the [Music] lap at the moment there’s no signs of safety car coming out now 98 is Charlie pul he is fighting away with his unique racing teammate which is going to be the number 88 car and that I think is going to be for position as well himself on Mark Russell the blue car is just ahead and by the look of things the red flag is coming out so the red flag is out and for a 45 minute race I think that is probably it cuz there were were just 8 minutes and 4 seconds showing on the clock so so it looks as though we may possibly be now where would we need to be to get to 75% of distance so we would need 33 and 3/4 minutes of the race gone which means we would need left 11 and a quarter minutes and we’ve only got 8 minutes left so we’ve reached 75% distance so I think yeah red flag’s coming out perhaps means I don’t know as yet but I would suspect that means that we are going to be done for the day and that will be classified as a result the marshals perhaps know that as well or might have heard via race control because they’re already starting to pack away some of their equipment to get ready for what is going to be another very busy day for them here at BR hatch tomorrow our ever hardworking Marshals Tred to give John lamaster a shove but two Marshals versus Lotus El Series 2 and gravel trap means that gravel trap comes out as the winner on that occasion and by the look of things all of the cars that are coming down the pit Lane are being ushered in towards the paddock area so yeah does not look as though they’re going to line them back up for any sort of restart for this one so looks as though we are checker flag for that one which is such a shame John lamaster was running in fourth position but on the basis that he brought about the red flag he will not be classified in those results so he will be discounted as of when the full result is issued later on so such a shame what was already a shortened race we didn’t get through it all that wasn’t to say that we didn’t have some brilliant racing in the second race of the championship season for the msvt track day championship and of course we will see track day trophy out tomorrow and we will be live streaming that as well the track day trophy is due to go live around about 5:00 let’s say or just after tomorrow afternoon if we run to the scheduled timetable tomorrow as well what’s going to be another busy day here at br’s hatch so all of the competitors for the msvt track day Championship heading back down the pit Lane into the outer Paddock area for some of them they will be back out racing tomorrow in the trophy for others they will pack things away and head towards Len Hill in Kent for the next round of the championship that will take place on the 15th of June so we won’t be able to bring you the results uh but we can confirm that the time the red flag came out it was the and Hislop Honda that was leading from George and Jack WS Volkswagen Golf that was second and Nicole drought was there in third place those will be the top three leading class D at the time the checked flag came out was car number 153 which was Steven Docker and leading Class C at the time that the red flag came out was a number 21 Wayne cockroll different Toyota but all of the results we confirmed on TSL thanks for joining us today for the msv track day Championship tune in tomorrow 5:00 track day trophy till tomorrow goodbye [Music] hey e e e e e

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