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Cop Murders Wrestler…Stars Banned…Sad News WWE Star…WWE Champion Leaving For MMA…

Intro 0:00
Ivar injury update 0:25
Mysterious music plays before Smackdown 1:00
QR code on Smackdown leads to video 2:25
Tony Khan banned AEW stars from watch the Royal Rumble 4:30
Kevin Owens seen at Taylor Swift concert 6:10
TNA star signed multi-year deal 6:25
Kenny Omega calls out Will Ospreay & Dave Meltzer 7:35
Undertaker criticizes Corporate Ministry 14:00
Damian Priest was set for MMA fight 15:00
Damian Priest on a career in acting 15:45
Ricky Starks addresses tag team with Big Bill 16:20
Ex-cop charged with wrestler 17:52

[Music] with details on an officer taking the life of a pro wrestler and more this is wrestling Rambles my name is John and you’re watching the wrestling report before we move on make sure you subscribe to wrestling rambles with notifications on and don’t forget to like the video for an update on the apparent injury of WWE star Ivar of the Viking Raiders it was said that regarding reports that Ivar’s injury is a work we’re told that isn’t true whatsoever the severity of the injury isn’t known as of yet but we’re told Ivar is long wrestled as if he’s on borrowed time after his double fusion surgery according to fightful select prior to SmackDown going on the air mysterious music would play for those in attendance Shadows oh this definitely un my my my mind hey yo this [Music] [Music] is hey yo Uncle H he chill out bro I don’t know you I just came yeah Uncle howdy definitely coming next week cuz this is the longest te he ever had like what is going on [Applause] here WI staying on this topic a QR code would once again appear on WWE programming as it led to this video he is nobody when it comes to aew president Tony KH allegedly Banning his talent from watching the 2023 Royal Rumble ringside news wrote that while speaking on the keeping it 100 podcast Conan shared an intriguing story about his experience working with FTR and the reaction from a ew president Tony Khan after Dragon Lee signed with WWE when FTR was working with us I gave the Tag Team titles to Dragon Lee and his brother Dr realistico the next day Dragon Lee signed with WWE he hadn’t signed yet but the next day he did Conan revealed that Tony Khan was absolutely infuriated with Conan over this move and accused him of stabbing him in the back well Tony went nuts and had to fly over there he went off and was like yeah yeah why are you doing this I can’t believe you did this you stabbed me in the back and you should have told me before so I said basically what you’re trying to tell me is you don’t want me to work with WWE again he goes no I didn’t say that I have two witnesses saying I didn’t say that Conan then disclosed an interesting detail about the situation claiming that Tony Khan had issued an edict forbidding aew Talent from watching the Royal Rumble event last year but bro he had given out that day the order that if he found out anybody was watching Cody at the Royal Rumble when he returned and one he Tony KH basically gave an edict I better not find anybody watching that show during his absence from WWE Kevin Owens was seen with his family at a Taylor Swift concert confirming the details regarding her deal with TNA Wrestling Zia Brooks I told Shan Rossa at wrestle conon it is a multi-year honestly I’m just very grateful for the opportunity I signed right after hard to kill in January so it was hard to kill ulate x match that was terrifying because I didn’t think we speak about it last time but I’m scared of heights I’m scared of heights and it’s getting worse I don’t know why I don’t know why it’s become a thing recently but I’ve hidden it for my whole career N9 years I’ve hid the fact that I couldn’t stand on the top rope ultimate X I didn’t have a choice I had to get up there even when I was stood on the top rope I couldn’t reach the Rope so I had to climb the silver thing and you’re looking out in the ring so it’s a bigger drop when you’re looking outside of it and I had had to climb up there I was shaking I was sweating I felt so sick like I walked into the venue the day before and I was literally freaking out so I don’t know how I made it through that match but I did and I came out with a contract so it was worth it on a twitch live stream Kenny Omega would say this about will Osprey and Dave Meltzer here’s the clip and um some of the conduct of some individuals you know I just realized man did I look like that big of a [ __ ] ass sometimes and I remember having that that Killer Instinct that mean streak that ego if you will it’s the same one that Osprey has you know what I mean the guy the guy really he actually really struts around calling himself the best I used to be that guy too well actually I was never that bad I let other people call me the best hosper just goes around parading calling himself the best I just can’t stand that I can’t stand what people do that um and you know like that kind of tips his hands like you know how he really feels if it’s only really him doing it all the time I’m the best no 21st century I’m the I’m the best wrest you ever seen that I’ve ever seen I’ve seen myself so go go [ __ ] yourself but you’re pretty good I think he great oh yeah I’m cutting a promo so you switch screens right I just cut a promo again it’s pretty good but he ain’t me he wasn’t me wasn’t me never will be me here’s the thing that guy goes around strut around talking a lot of mean [ __ ] about yours truly well that’s easy to do when I’m down and out gez if you want to compare if you want to compare apples it’s kind of still apples and oranges but let’s try to compare apples and apples this dude this dude okay he has the G the unmitigated G to go out in the world and call himself the king of Japan the king of Japan like according again according to who again it’s to himself he’s freaking calling himself this this guy’s delusional what a maniac keep people love you out there will they do they like you some love you I’m sure some love you the 500 600 fans that still would come to Crain Hall when you were there maybe less I don’t know I’m sure they adored you more people were coming to see me more people were buying my goods I was appearing on TV more when you talk about the matches who remembers any of your [ __ ] mches will nobody remembers them you want to compare apples to apples now who’s got the better matches against who’s got the better matches against naido who’s got the better matches against ibushi Doo tanahashi [ __ ] yoshihashi all these [ __ ] and I know what you’re probably gonna say well you Ain never wrestled the way I did brother gives a [ __ ] who [ __ ] let me [ __ ] [ __ ] do some of that to that you that we’re talking about the major players the stuff that was bringing in the ching ching bing bing all Ting Ting that was yours Tru that was me only you it wasn’t you you never made a SI you never made a dime from the company nothing not at all call yourself the king all you want call yourself the best all you want ain’t that I was that and that memory Still Remains ain’t never forgetting me but I wouldn’t be surprised if they already forgot you will that’s why you’re looking to go out to Uganda you’re trying to make your own Legend out there but guess what if I go out to Uganda I become the Ugandan King me I do but if you want it so bad you can have it have it for a few months then maybe I take that flight we’ll see what happens then huh pal buddy pal all these guys Jesus Christ every [ __ ] person I’m the best in the world I’m the best in the world I’m the best in the world oh wow well since you said it your [ __ ] S I guess it must be true what the [ __ ] is going on in wrestling these days everyone has to say it about themselves I never [ __ ] said about myself this [ __ ] people calling me the best Bel machine people call me the best of all time I never once said it I never once these names are given to me and thus I repeat it that’s [ __ ] all that’s all I’m doing I’m a victim I’m a victim of being the best in the world you guys are just a imposters you’re [ __ ] frauds hello what [ __ ] ho go ahead [ __ ] recite that formula over and over and over again that Dave Meltzer formula get that [ __ ] Dave Meltzer checklist every time see if anyone remembers or gives a [ __ ] aside from Dave Meltzer [ __ ] [ __ ] no one do just him one guy period I get the love of all the people and Dave Meltzer try doing that [ __ ] I no no no no no no I am not healing on Meltzer he is he is just but one guy with one opinion who’s watched a lot of wrestling it counts for something it counts for something but he’s jumped the [ __ ] shark so it doesn’t count account for much anymore he has jumped the [ __ ] shark and guess who has who is to blame for that me I’m the guy I broke this scale it [ __ ] up something in his brain where he doesn’t real he doesn’t even know what good matches anymore he’s just like is Penny you open my mind to this weird [ __ ] World of Wrestling that I never saw before in my life and I I think he just he can’t he he doesn’t understand it anymore he stopped being able to understand you can’t comprehend what’s going on I showed I opened Pandora’s Box and it’s just running rampant now it that’s all it is like Bailey revealing how his ministry of Darkness group merged with Vince McMahon’s faction the corporation The Undertaker said this during a Q&A on patreon how much can I push back really in that situation but I didn’t like it I thought as soon as it became corporate Ministry that it got all watered down and it just ceased to be fun anymore so yeah that was the kind of the beginning of the end right then we were really pushing the envelope as far as touching on religion and all these other different aspects we were getting plenty of hate mail over some of the stuff that we were doing once the corporate Ministry and there’s 20 people people out there the NWO is a great example of where it ended up you know not a super great payoff in my opinion it was just kind of ble touching on his previous plans to take part in a mixed martial arts bout world heavyweight champion of WWE Damen priest told the Rob Brown Show I love MMA I’m a fan I’ve always been I was trained there was a time before I signed with WWE that I didn’t think I was going to make it here and I was in talks to do a smaller scale event but I was going to fight in a cage I was going to start training I already talked to some trainers and I was going to get the ball rolling and then WWE called and I was like never mind in that same interview Damen priest talked about a possible Venture into acting as he said like anybody else it’d be fun yes and no yes in the sense of I wouldn’t mind doing it it’s something that who doesn’t want to be a movie star having fun with that and creating something new at my core I’m a WWE Superstar this is all I’ve ever wanted to do with my life while I could do something like that I just can’t see myself not doing my gig now full time as he has not been featured on aew programming recently Ricky Starks said this regarding his tag team with big Bill seemingly being at its end I think that’s it yeah the way that we even came into teaming together was a bit of a crapshoot as well honestly this is everything I had predicted was going to happen anyways I got suspended so I couldn’t be at all in but I could be at all out during my suspension I had a manager’s license and that’s when I started being with Bill I would tell people me and Big Bill we really don’t know each other that well we’ve got to know each other over the course of the months but that was something that me and him had to just make work every time they give something we just make it work so it was fun I thought it was cool for what it was seemed like people were into it not too much of a chance given so to speak people can say what they want but I think there was a little bit more to it that could have happened that didn’t but you deal with stuff and that’s how it is he’s a great dude I really really hope that things work out for him I’ve always actually campaigned for that I’ve always made sure if anybody out of this would be taken care of it’s him so I’m glad to see see that he is doing good because he’s a good dude going over a murder of a pro wrestler by a police officer ringside news wrote that the wrestling world saw an unfortunate tragedy as Atlanta based wrestler Reginald folks who came to the state to study at the Clark Atlanta University in 2007 was tragically killed in an incident involving former Atlanta Police Force member Kobe Miner who has been charged with murder and aggravated assault folks was dedicated to his passion for professional wrestling and trained at World Wrestling Alliance 4 in Atlanta South Fon in regards to his death Kobe Miner alleged that a ride share driver picked him up and a fellow officer home he told police that while traveling East on sr-14 the driver who was Reginal folks was speaking on the phone in an unknown language and ignored his request to stop the car when the policeman attempted to unlock the door and failed he suspected the driver was reaching for something in the back seat uncertain about the driver’s intentions and growing suspicions even doubting the driver’s sexual orientation fearing for his safety Kobe fired approximately three rounds killing Reginald Miner then broke the window to escape the vehicle but before the police arrived a miner flagged down another driver and claimed that the lift driver who he alleged was part of a gay fraternity was trying to recruit him Kobe Miner was apprehended by the Union City Police Department after officers responded to a shooting call near South Fon Parkway in Stonewall ta Road at around 12:40 a.m. they found the unresponsive victim Reginal folk furthermore the Atlanta Police Department reported that Miner who joined the for in 2018 had resigned immediately following the incident at the time of the shooting Miner was on unpaid administrative leave due to an arrest on drug related charges in Milton in December of the previous year Reginald’s Mother Marshall folks expressed her Devastation and frustration over the lack of communication from the police had no idea was a cop that killed him not until someone sent us the article folks sold Fox 5 it’s devastating and on top of it a black black police officer is even worse to me fellow wrestlers and friends were equally shocked and heartbroken at the news of Reginald’s murder his trainer Thomas ballister shared his confusion and sorrow devastated and Confused my main emotion I can’t understand it still Jason Spectre a friend of Reginal folks and fellow wrestler was upset to see the tragic end of his acquaintance it’s tragic that this is how it had to be for him that to go out this way and this was your pro wrestling news update I hope you’re all having a great day thank you so much for watching and I will see yall later


  1. It's sad but WWE is dying out and they have to play these incredibly mind – numminly stupid games and put out these braindead storylines to keep the morons coming back. It's a wrestling show. Get back to the wrestling and drop the braindead lunacy that isn't even remotely entertaining.

  2. Ya might be a racist if you bring up the color of the cop that killed your son . I guess no big media hoopla with a bater playing the families harlet

  3. WWE is hurting themselves with Logan Paul sponsorship and pushing Tiffany Stanton and giving them both special treatment

  4. Kenny Omega is great in the ring, one of the best to have done it. But Kenny on the mic? Yeah he totally sucks! AEW doesn't really have anyone besides MJF who are good on the mic………

  5. Kenny and spray fighting over a title belonging to the man they let go to the rival company is why All Empty Wrestling is a joke 🤣🤣

  6. omega
    they guy who wrestled a sex doll and a 9 yr old girl
    Best in the world

    sorry kid
    there are about 56,904,320 a head of you
    shut up and sit down junior

  7. So what if they were watching the Rumble? It's been proven that Tony doesn't have the balls to fire people 😂. He's the reason so many people criticize AEW and why you'll never see WWE work with them.

  8. Funny, we could say the same about Dave Meltzer and your matches given how frequently that rating occurred in comparison to yesteryear. So yeah, you look at yourself in the mirror and try telling that to Bret Hart, or Chris Jericho or Phil LaFon and ask them who you are and no doubt the reaction would be the same as yours now to Will Ospreay.

  9. Wooooow… that's wild. How Tony was being ok with aew superstars to watch wwe. Now he's like don't watch WWE. What next don't mention WWE on your show. Lol

  10. Tony Khan is a joke 😂😂😂 Banning wrestlers from watching wwe ppvs f**k that guy id be home watching it what’s he gonna do come to my house & stalk me that’s how you get a restraining order & your ass kicked until the cops get there

  11. So it's worse he was killed by a black cop? What difference does that make? Haven't you seen the first 48? There are tons of black noncops doing plenty of killing. It's worse that it's a black cop because you can't now go get crump to call all the white people evil? Sorry yall, my people suck.

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