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This Week in UNC Baseball w Scott Forbes: Rainouts, Real Talk and Rivalry Weekend | Inside Carolina

With North Carolina’s final mid-week game of the season against UNC-Wilmington rained out, head coach Scott Forbes joins Inside Carolina’s Tommy Ashley and Grace Nugent to talk practice routine, preparation ahead of the final regular season weekend and pitching. In addition, Nugent and Ashley dig into Coach Forbes’s background and what influences and events shaped the man himself.

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welcome to another edition of this week in UNCC baseball with head coach Scott Forbes I’m Tommy Ashley that’s Grace nent We’re sponsored by Johnny t-shirt and congruity Coach Forbes no trip to UNCC Wilmington this evening we’re recording this Tuesday morning so how does that upset the apple cart planning wise because I know you’re a planner and I know you like to have a schedule what now for the rest of the week you know it’s disappointing but you know it just stinks because two good teams would have been a great crowd but what do you do about Mother Nature um Randy tried like coach Hood tried like crazy to make it work um he didn’t wanted to bring us and had to pay for a bus and sit down there until N9 o’ they have to get on the bus and go to Delaware we got get back late so it is what it is nothing we can do about it um the ne the biggest negative is you don’t get a play but really for us I wanted Camp passant to go out there and get another start um but now we’ll get them in the bullpen we’ll simulate it the best we can it’s raining here so we can’t do live uh but we will practice today indoors because the indoor facility has good Turf similar to duk’s um so we’ll work defensively on the turf we’ll hit in the cages um it’s just one day honestly Tommy that it changes things tomorrow we were going to lift in the morning let the guys take take a break eat some lunch go over and practice a Duke about 5 30 and then if it rains inside of Duke we’ll just practice inside again and take those ground balls on the turf and get ready so with it being a shorter week it it’s really not that big a deal honestly um if anything you look at it positively that it gives your guys a little more time to recover than ones that have Nicks and bruises and hopefully be ready for this this awesome Duke series we’re about to be in let me ask you staying in that same vein it’s a question I’ve wanted to ask all year really is what’s the college baseball practice like for you guys this time of year it’s a lot different for instance in the fall um you know we’re going really hard in the fall testing the guys quite a bit you don’t have many days where you’re practicing an hour and a half uh some but not many this time of year you play so many games um you know practice is really important from the standpoint of how we do things but it’s much shorter uh the effort level still like it always is but you’re also practicing Maybe two hours I don’t think you need more than that in a perfect world an hour and a half and you’re also not practicing much baseball stuff on the days that the position players lift um so really for us this time of year it’s being intentional and and cutting back to time spending more time on your stretching your recovery uh you know the longer I’ve done this and we don’t even take any infield and Outfield before games now because we take pregame BP and we get plenty of ground balls so you know baseball’s one of the only Sports where you get there you warm up you take pregame BP you throw balls across the diamond in pregame BP then you come back out you stretch again then you take infield and Outfield and the other team takes it then you have another 25 minutes and you stretch again then you throw then you play which doesn’t make a lot of sense so we just try to go short intentional um and continue to keep our strength and and work time in there for our guys to get their treatment with Terry Joe coach it’s May right now can you kind of take us through a day in the life of UNCC head coach Scott Forbes especially with Duke coming up and then the postseason looming oh A Day in the Life wouldn’t it wouldn’t get many uh views um you know uh you first of all I love what I do and I’m fortunate to be around unbelievable people that you know the staff we laugh all the time you know these guys I coached them way back recruited a lot of them and other staff members but really you know this time of year I try to not get up as early as I’ve been prone to because we’re playing night games and try to have a routine where I get up in time to Ally and Mandy leave at about 7:15 um so I’m up you know in time to see Ally in the morning Hannah’s at college so I’m not seeing her in the morning um have a cup of coffee hang out with them a little bit when they leave I I go ahead and leave uh get in here and try to exercise first thing in the morning if I don’t maybe exercise when the guys are in there on a lifting day and try to work ahead and plan but there’s things that come across and you’re also working on next year’s team and you don’t want that to be a distraction but that’s part of being a head coach roster management recruiting we have a visit tomorrow um on Wednesday right before we play Duke um but you know just just enjoying being in here but it’s a busy it’s busy you know there’s always something that’s going to pop up out learned you don’t know that until you become a head coach uh that you have to talk to somebody about um but I look at it as a positive thing and uh you know it’s um it’s not that I don’t know if anybody would really want to know that much about it but as I am very routine oriented so try to stay in that routine and get things done and then try to get home at a decent hour but a lot of times I’ll stay here if the girls are doing something and they’re not going to be home till nine o’clock with volleyball I’ll get a lot of work done and see if there’s any leftovers in the fridge when I get home if not I’ll stop and eat you’ve mentioned Nick Savin a lot but what are some of your other biggest coaching influences um John Wooden for sure um always have enjoyed his his books and his stuff uh those would be the biggest two but you know I think you’re you’re an idiot if you don’t pay attention to all coaches that have had success and figured out what made them successful and then you have to figure out your personality um obviously coach Williams has been a me big mentor of mine and you know Roy wi’s been very kind to me I didn’t get to know Dean Smith but he worked under Dean Smith um you know I’ve always been a fan of different coaches throughout the country you know Joe Gibbs I was a big fan growing up because my brother was a Cowboys fan and obviously we were going to do the opposite and he you know but I like Tom Landry you know learning more about him I like Joe Gibbs uh I always like Bill Walsh reading his books um Bobby Balden uh i’ I’ve enjoyed following dbo uh you know because he was an assistant coach and you have things in common with those guys that all a sudden become head coaches uh you know and some that I won’t mentioned it might be Rivals but they’re good coaches so I might or might not have read a book here or there just to see how they do things um but I would say the biggest and I’ve always liked Tony Bennett at at Virginia the way he carries himself um way he runs his program but there a ton there a ton of baseball coaches coach Fox obviously is is my mentor because I played for him and saw him run the program and then he gave me the opportunity or I wouldn’t be where I am um but some other you know coaches in baseball that that I’ve gotten to know really well as well but the two biggest for me that aren’t baseball coaches are John Wooden and Nick sain for sure if if I had to ask you and this is get to know Scott Forbes day since we’re a little bit oh boy I was worri about these questions yeah no I mean we we like this is going to be the this is going to be the most boring episode anybody’s watching you’d be surprised because people like to know who they’re talking to like we try to introduce the players to everybody but um you you got to talk to the uh the proud papa of the team and you know really in reality that’s what head coach is so let me ask you this aside from sports figures and aside from a a family member whether it’s a a father grandfather or whoever who’s been the biggest influence on you doing what you do um man uh when I was when I was in college at North Carolina Westland um I have unbelievable parents but you said I can’t say family member right family member great grandparents you know just just really great mentors as far as family goes um but we all have to kind of find ourselves you know at some point you have to make your own decisions uh it was probably when I got in North Carina wesling and um coach scaff who taught classes there um you know he I think I’m pretty sure he’s the one that ran FCA uh you know I went to FCA P Ona whim most likely heck maybe Mandy invited me to go so I went just because I got to go with her most but that changed my life because I really was introduced to the I I believed in faith things when I grew up but I didn’t really understand it until probably at FCA and I remember the influence of of some people there and you know again coaches coaches one Charlie Spivey from from Lee Lee County was was a great influence um go I’ve had so many I’ve been lucky to have so many great people that have and as men you know you don’t have you don’t have as many people that you go have coffee with or that you hang out with or you canine in with but I I would have to say you know coach scaff just kind of showed me through FCA and that’s where I made the decis decision that I was you know going to be a Christian and follow Jesus and I’ve coached through those lens by no means does that make me any better than anybody else but that definitely influenced the way I looked at coaching um had some setbacks along the way because we all you know get self-absorbed as you said we can’t say a family member but my my grandfather used to always say my three best friends me myself and I once you get past those you’re G to start figuring out what life is really about but uh I would say coach scaff at North Carina Westland definitely and Charlie long was an assistant coach with Coach Fox coach Fox he’s in there as well and Coach long they were I was very lucky to play for those guys that they walked the walk and lived it and I thought man this is pretty cool what they do I didn’t really think I want to be a coach at the time because I really thought I wanted to work outside and build houses because that’s what my dad did but I really what really sticks out of those FCA meetings that you know someone took the time to put together they probably didn’t have to that did in in coach SC yeah and you sort of went there um the coaching aspect of it like how how do you figure out it’s one thing to coach Rec Sports to coach your kids or whatever it’s another to coach at a higher level and you’re at the highest level in college baseball when did you decide you wanted to do that and what were you think what were you thinking when you decided this is what I want to do I can honestly say I never want thought about coaching um coach Fox asked me to coach because I was a I was on the fiveyear plan um it took me that extra year to graduate and Coach fox said why don’t you help us out because you’re here anyway and I was like sure gave me something to do it uh all my teammates were still playing that were younger than me so that was cool so I was a student coach um and then I graduate and go home and I’m working construction landscaping and uh you know you know Manny and I had been dating for a little while and and like okay you know what’s the next step and and uh I thought well I’ll probably just stay in Sanford I think I feel good about potentially working with my dad maybe running his taking over his business one day coach F calls me and says hey I’m going to North Carolina do you have interest in being the volunteer assistant so I talk to my parents and I’m like you know what do y’all think and Dad’s kind of like you know if you want to do it why not you don’t know unless you try it and that’s when it started but I really didn’t know Tommy until I took my first official job back then volunteer literally was a volunteer you couldn’t go on the road with crew I feel like I still worked really hard and did everything coach Fox wanted me to do and helped with visits with with Chad Holbrook and Roger Williams two other unbelievable mentors for me um both tar Hills both played here took me under their wings because I mean there’s a big difference going from North Carina Weston to North Carolina in My First Year here you’re I’m looking at the Players I’m like oh I thought we were good at North Carina West and these guys are some big Leaguers in here so I really I I enjoyed that part of it I enjoy being a part of those Four Seasons where you’re playing the really good ACC teams and March your shares on Georgia Tech and you’re playing all these great players then I knew there would come a time where okay the only way I’m really going to know if I coach is if I take the next step of getting on the road and recruiting um so the best thing ever happened to me was I got hired at Winthrop Joe Hudak hired me um you know I still joke with Coach Hudak because he offered the job to somebody else they didn’t take it so I got it by default we moved to Rock Hill Mandy jokes about all the time because she didn’t I just said I just took the job and I don’t if you ever been to Rock Hill there’s a road called Cherry Road and you go in it’s like oh boy where are we going so I’m sure that’s what she thought but it the three of the best years we’ve ever had Hannah was born there we had some good teams I learned a lot about how to build a team made some unbelievable relationships that I still talk to all those guys that I coached and Coach Hudak gave me that opportunity and then those three years you know we made a regional in 05 we’re two- seat at Tennessee and then I took the job that summer believe it or not as a recruiting coordinator at East Carolina Randy Maisy hired me um and they had a lot of success and it got me back closer to home and then after about 17 days coach fox called me and said that he wanted me to come back and potentially be his pitching coach so I didn’t I mean I didn’t I just want to come back to North Carolina so since I’ve been back here it just kind of happened and a lot of great players is the only reason that it continued to happen because that’s the way coaching works but uh Andrew Miller was just here in town and we were laughing like he was like so when you got the job here you had never been a pitching coach I was like nope and I was scared to death IID say the smartest thing I did was realize that Andrew Miller Daniel Bard Robert Woodard Andrew carrian these guys were really good and don’t mess him up you’re still a fairly young head coach out of major D1 school how have I’ve asked you this question about players but how have you seen yourself evolve and grow man you said I’m young okay you just went up in my book because everybody my my daughters bust my chops about man dad take those glasses off you look older with those glasses um you know I don’t I just consider if you coach a certain amount of time that helps you prepare no matter what but you don’t know something till you know it um you know things have changed but a lot of things haven’t changed and I think when you get into coaching originally you get into it because you love the game still whatever you’re coaching but then you start maturing and realize the impact that coaches had on you they have one or two impacts ones I’ve had it’s good or bad and you can really have an impact um and at the end of the day that’s what the guys remember the most so that’s kind of the Avenue I’ve decided to take the longer I’ve coached is to focus on that and that’s where you have different things that you’re trying to learn and I think as Bill Walsh’s book book The Score takes care of itself or winning takes care of itself he talks about his years building the the San Francisco 49ers and interviews players and you know so that’s that’s kind of the thing for me is I I guess I’m I consider myself young I may not look young uh but I think part of being a you know in any business is continuing to learn and learn from your players that’s what I enjoy the most and how the games Chang and trying to adapt to that adapt to the transfer portal adapt to the nil instead of complaining about trying to figure out how to make it work for your team with all the adaptability that’s needed as a head coach especially with nil and transfer portal when did you kind of really decide and zero in that here in North Carolina they’re going to be PR process oriented for your team you know the pitcher uh way back say I did that way back so I must have really started diving into Nick Sabin when I became a pitching coach and that was kind of my thing stay with the process stay with the process um so I kind of started there with the pitchers of like understanding because you know you can have a bad outing or good outing but if you have a bad one we gotta be to move on quicker it’s more to help the guys learn because you deal with a lot of draggon kids through failure in baseball but then I learned the real true definition of it of what it protects you against is also lack of humility thinking you’re better than everybody else taking an opponent for granted instead of just focusing on those little things and getting better I would say I’ve zeroed in on it even more probably right in the middle of that 2022 season um because my first year we one game above 500 during covid honestly I thought okay I don’t know what the history of North Carolina baseball is but I might be the first head coach to have a losing record that’s great and then the next year we’re struggling you know we’re we’re struggling after that Virginia sweep and I stepped back and said okay you know you got a choice here with this team you gonna Practice What You Preach or you gonna be Debbie Downer and I made up my decision from then on out that’s what I’m going to do um if we’re fortunate enough to be winning a ton of games obviously it’s easier but it’s even more important when you’re in some of those tough times uh because the guys look at you the most and I believe in it I believe in it honestly like I’m not trying to be corny but I believe if you can apply it to life and the guys take that when they leave here because I tell them all the time like you think this like this is adversity this is not adversity even an injury in Baseball it’s a little bit of adversity but it’s not like you get older you know what real adversity is in life you know um my wife lost her dad suddenly the week of the Super Regional that’s adversity that’s real life stuff so but still the next day you know you got that day it’s a gift what are you going to do with it and that can be contagious you know and some days you have to fake it some days you may not feel like in your mind you might be really battling that because you might be thinking about things that are ticking you off and you got to go down that elevator because these players when I was 18 and 23 I didn’t think about what my coach had going on you know at that age you think about what you have going on and I’m more determined now than ever that I want the time that they’re here their experience to be great um can’t play everybody all the time you’re G to play nine you’re going to pitch one at a time but their experience can still be great the everyday experience at North Carolina so that’s that’s the biggest focus with with the process it was not just it’s the whole program if that makes sense one of my favorite quotes from Dean Smith ever was right after the 82 National Championship he said am I a better Coach than I was two hours ago and yeah you know what Tommy it’s funny you say that because I was really I was really down when we lost to Oregon State in ‘ 06 um and I sent mide Manny on the plane and she just I mean the Manny she’s she’s a great coach’s wife we don’t talk a lot about baseball but you know she’s got some good feel and she said well if You’ have won it would you be any different I’m like I mean I would feel better right now um but then we talked it through like okay well the next day even if you win it as a coach you wake up and you go recruit and try to do it again so that you know that was a really changing moment for me as far as how to look at this thing um because we’re all trying to win a National Championship like you said with Dean Smith but Mike Martin senr didn’t and he was one of the best coaches ever so there’s more to it you know than that and you have to really remind yourself of that yeah I think it’s a lot harder than people especially fans realize to to accomplish those type things so when the people do it the Nick Sabin the people like that the John Woods Dean Smith Roy Williams when they do it I don’t know if they’re appreciated enough for what they actually just did but to your point Martin and guys like that that never won never won quote unquote never won anything was what some people would say yeah 100% well Dean Smith remember for he was a heck of a coach but his players are remembering him for off the court yeah that’s right that’s right and that’s uh you have to balance that the higher levels you get because you know fans are fans yeah so when you look at this season and we’ll turn it to this year 39 and 11 20 and7 in the conference you’ve got the coastal wrapped up and this is something that we’ll talk about more I think in the at the end of the year amongst ourselves is you’ve done this without a Friday starter you’ve done it without a second Friday starter and you’ve done it with a basically a new roster save a couple guys do you do you ever stop for a moment and I know your answer but I’m going ask it anyway do you stop for a moment and say and when you’re talking to coach Gaines and Coach Riley coach how and said damn boys we we’ve we’ve we got a long long way to go but we’ve done a pretty good job here is those conversations ever happen no I probably it’s funny you said that because I I woke up the other morning I was like I need to make sure I because I have an unbelievable staff I mean there’s not a great head coach or a good head coach in the country I mean it should be all the awards should be the coaches award the head coach is that is the one that has the interviews and all that stuff but I was a longtime assistant coach and it’s everybody working together you know like that’s but you’re right like we haven’t talked about it much um you I let other people talk about it because that’s just my personality and a lot of people would be saying over and over uh you know what North Carolina’s done without those two guys I do know from the pitching standpoint you’re talking probably I could be wrong 100 Innings from that maybe more he was the one guy I thought could be a Ken Emanual 130 in but let’s just say 80 and 70 from fer Boz which is still probably less than what he could have thrown potentially but let’s say 70 when you do the math where you going to find those Innings most teams that’s a killer you know you go from being a team that can win a division or win that League or win a regional to just being a postseason team hopefully uh so that is what you know I have told the coaches is you done an unbelievable job losing stokeley you know that’s a left-handed bat that chances are probably has some big at bats for us with experience um but but again you know I’m a big believer in focusing on what’s here so and trying to get better and do more uh so I won’t really look at that until the season’s over and I don’t want to look back at this point and be like well if we would have had them we won a national championship because we don’t have them and we still have a team that’s can do it and that’s a credit to our coaching staff for getting the depth where it needs to be and staying with guys and continue to work with guys and believing in them because that makes them believe in themselves and makes a Ben Peterson and a Conor Bo and a cam pageant and whoever it is Johnny staying with it Vander break staying with it and it’s also a credit to our players if you at today if you had a most improved player award to give out who would you give it to and why man um from last year to this year it’s hard not to say like a MD Maas I mean you know even a d Pence I mean golly if you break down what he’s done it is extremely extremely impressive um had to go around the diamond mean look at Kobe wierson I mean he’s not just a defensive guy he’s a threat he can he can jump you right-handed he can jump your left-handed uh you know so that’s I would probably say Kobe or or matd maias you know and there are a lot of other ones too that have improved and you know those are homegrown instate guys that wanted to be tar Hills too so that’s cool to see and D Pence with his Improvement of having to miss that first year here’s a guy that I felt like in 22 was going to be a Difference Maker for us we needed that Lefty and then he couldn’t even pitch um you know so that’s the season I look back more at now like man we’ had dton Pence that would have been helpful in that Super E against a team like Arkansas so uh I would say Colby and Matty Maas but there are a lot of others too Grace with your team obviously has a lot of depth and so does the entirety of the ACC if you looked at the scores last weekend it was a little bit like a blood bath there’s just so much good baseball how do you think that positively infects affects the conference in general and baseball in the entire state of specifically North Carolina yeah I think the better your league is the more it’s going to help you potentially be a regional host potentially be a national seed because you would prefer to play at home um and it makes your team better and it makes your team your team knows the guys aren’t dumb that if you you can’t just show up you know there’s some been some years here where maybe we could just show up there were some teams in the league that just we were just that much better then that’s not the case right now you have to play well um so that’s really helped us now this team um this team’s going to show up this team’s got a got a got an edge uh they’re not looking at the rankings at this point they’ll look at them at the end of the season they’re 100% on board of that and they think a lot of teams they think a lot of people think a lot of other teams in our league even are better than us even though we’ve already CL clenched quote the division so in our mind we ain’t done nothing and that’s how we think top to bottom um you know we’re focused on we were focused on Wilmington unfortunately we don’t get to play that game going on the road and showing like hey yeah we’ve been good at home but we also can can win games on the road which we’ve done and now we get to go on the road and play against a team that you know I think a lot of people they you know like it or not the facts are the facts you know pretty much the whole season have said they’re better than us so heading to Duke this weekend obviously they had some injury news with sanoi um likely to miss or we’ll miss the series um but obviously it’s just another game on the schedule I love when coaches say that and they’re not telling the truth when you’re talking about a rival um right H going to Durham to play a good Duke team in Durham too but not at the DAP which is cool to me to actually playing it on campus how how do you approach it from a a a coaching staff and B getting your players up to realize that the Rivalry aspect of this it’s not playing Virginia Tech it’s not playing Louisville is playing Duke and instate guys especially understand that rivalry is that a thing as much in baseball as it is in other sports um I talk about it um I’m not afraid to approach it just to you know to know the history and uh that’s credit to Duke because coach P’s doing a good job they’ve gotten a lot better um we have a lot of instate players so they just know and they’re going to educate the other guys um and you know at the end of the day we know what our goals are as a team and we know to reach those goals we need to we need to be dup it just happens to be a rival series it happens to be the last series of the weekend um you know I looked at it way back and I thought okay this series this thing’s G most likely it’s going to mean a lot for both teams and other teams uh so just you know I just remind our guys like you know it’s not just another game you know from the process mindset yes we’re still preparing the same but I also want to make sure they know you’re going to be more pumped up there’s probably going to be more fire there’s going to be more you know it’s Duke in North Carolina and it don’t it don’t get any better you know both teams are good both teams have been ranked all year and and that makes it better for me Tommy like I like it like that yeah it speaks to the not only the ACC but instate baseball so the pitching rotation how do you manage I would assume same three starters but then you’re going to have an ACC tournament that starts probably Wednesday for you guys depending on how that shakes out manage it the same way this weekend as you normally would on any other series or is there anything different there yeah yeah me and Coach we all sat down the staff this morning and uh is you know we all agreed you know very much agreed that we ain’t even thinking about the ACC tournament like we are going to be ready to play Duke Dar Cara will throw spra will throw Hal will throw and they’re all five days which is perfect I hate six days um this time of year if you have a little extra five’s about perfect four is fine too um even eight doesn’t kill you but like you know like that that that Virginia Tech 14-day break thank goodness we don’t have to have that anymore so we’ll go into Duke and try to win Thursday like crazy then we’ll wake up Friday I don’t care if we’ve won the whole thing we’re going to try to beat Duke again and we’re gonna try to do it again and then we’ll figure out when we’re playing the tournament and you know obviously in the tournament we’re want we’re going to want to get our three starters out there and as many guys as we can but we can’t control that we don’t know what the tournament is going to hold and we don’t know the rain so we just know that we got Duke on Thursday all right I got a final fun one for you coach since there’s a lot of big golf happening this week and this weekend who is your dream group of four for a round of 18 golly that’s just some tough questions they’re they’re fun questions they are they are I’m gonna take this group this is like okay because I like golf but I’m not that good but I realize that so I still have fun when I play I just go play with somebody that’s good if my ball goes in the woods I don’t go look for it I put my ball beside their ball so then it’s just good you know no matter what I’m going to have a good time because I’m not good enough to not have a good time um Tiger Woods gota be in there Chad Nicholas gotta be in there and then just so you you know you’re GNA laugh I probably go John Daly hit the ball far but he’s Gonna Keep Us laughing like I mean that would I would have that’s just SP I mean that’s not like no movie stars no I mean you might can mix I I might would trade honestly let’s trade John Daly out for Michael Jordan you talking about competitive now he’s gonna want to take everything and your shoes and everything else enjoy I would enjoy that he will bet some big money on around of golf that’s for sure well he would bet big money what about uh to your point about golfers I mean the better the golfer is the less fun they are to play with I found that out cuz they take it so damn serious rer where’s bicky’s really good but like he he’s he’s not really he has fun you know but he’s good he’s just one of those guys that’s good so I like playing with him because if my ball’s in the woods I’m gonna put up the side his if if the four coaches you we how and gains were for some could you beat any four on your team and how bad would it be if you could not me coach how and Coach gain it’s going to be a battle we’re all it all depends on we’re we’re not gonna beat we Dave’s a pretty good golfer Carter Hicks is pretty good I think I think besides coach we and Dave we’re all it’s just a matter of who can keep their Drive in the Fairway I think I got a short game on them that is uh hey you got to have a short game especially if you’re playing those forom we need to play more often but we just don’t it’s right there beside you and it’s a beautiful course over there I uh need to have a media versus coaches so we could I’d do it we could really talk some trash because I would be the loudest i’ like to wait until July in a perfect world we’re locked in until June 24th whatever day that is but you know we sure going to try I can tell you that if you’re not doing if you’re not thinking about Carolina baseball what are you thinking about anything that’s going on with my family you know just trying to to spend as much time as I can with them um they’ve sacrificed a lot obviously my wife has being a coach’s wife but uh you know really you get older you you’re able to mature hopefully enough we like you know your time’s precious and that’s really where I enjoy spending my most time because you know I have to really work on not thinking about Carolina baseball and the next recruit and the next team um but I’m able to do that and I enjoy doing all family not just I mean obviously my immediate family first mey Hanah and Ally but uh you know my all my family lives in Sanford trying to get to Sanford more often um drove there Sunday after we played Virginia Tech and you know my parents are 80 and we did Mother’s Day my brother was there my nephews were there and my sister was there so those those type of things and M’s mom lives in our neighborhood so just trying to step back and leave the phone in the car for two hours understanding that hey I can call that recruit back he’s not going to commit somewhere else um those type of things I got I’m going to let you go but I got to ask this question too what’s the craziest thing recruits ever said to you a recruit not a commit oh gosh you don’t have to call names golly that’s a that’s I mean there have been some crazy things probably be what the parents said not the actual kid um I want to say I don’t remember what year it was but I swear a recruit called me coach I don’t know I’m just gonna use an example coach gowin like let you know what I mean like the wrong coach at another school you had just been at so that that’s happened for sure that would probably be but there are some other things we I could write a book that’s for sure well we’re looking forward to it was sort of for the people that have never had the opportunity to do it what’s an official visit look like for official visit us get the kid in here um we’re able to pay for his travel um you know we’re a little old school from the standpoint of we’re going to roll the red carpet out but we’re also not going to kiss your tail to come to North Carolina um it’s gonna be a great visit um you’re gonna get to meet the players you’re GNA hopefully get to see us practice or lift weights we’re GNA eat a good meal and then I’m going to meet with you as the head coach if you’re a pitcher you’re gonna sit down with Coach G and Coach how and go over some stuff if you’re a position player you’re going to sit down with Coach we and then you’re going to sit down with me just me you and your family and talk through you know if we offer you an opportunity and what that entails and answer your questions and um then try to get him around our players a little bit and get feedback from our players and make sure that our players feel good about the kid and his character because if not even if we’ve already offered them you know we’ll just say sorry go somewhere else because you got to trust your players and their you know what they think about a kid but really it’s just trying to spend time with them you know and let them get around campus um try to show them our facilities obvious we going to show them ours but if we can get into the dean Dome and we’re going to show them the football stadium and all that good stuff go out to eat somewhere maybe or cater it here okay if you’re catering it what’s on the menu what if you’re you got you’ve got a guy we’ll use an example we’ll say a Luke Stevenson type that has his pick of the litter has his pick of what he wants to do and we’re trying to show them how good the food is here what what are we having we might go to like Stony River um if we cater something we’ve been doing kabas lately some different places that are really good they may want if it’s a lunch we might do armadilla um you know we’re going to a football game um not as nice if it’s a if it’s a small small group um and it’s just that kid and not four other families you know maybe could try to go to a state Steak House a pretty solid Steakhouse um 411 places like that here or you know uh top of the hill is a good place with a good atmosphere um but honestly like guy like loot now you’re going to their house or you’re meeting them in their town and you know maybe I can’t pay that’s a that’s a totally different thing going on a home visit but I enjoy I really enjoy that because you can do that now more than you used to it’s a interesting dynamic with recruiting and nil and transfer portal and the draft and all I feel like you have you as a head baseball coach have the most to worry about across the board um and you have 30 or 40 guys on your team you only play n yeah I mean yeah that’s not going to change but like you said it has changed from the standpoint we’ve never known what our roster is going to be until the season ends you got to meet with your players who’s coming back who’s not who’s going to sign Pro who’s not and then your high school guys who’s going to sign pro who’s not your junior college guys and then can now you got the portal so you’re not signing as many guys because you would prefer to bring in a Parks Harbor a den foro an Amad you know you want to supplement but you also need a Luke Stevenson a Gavin gallager those type of things so I don’t think it’s never going to change we’re still in the backbone still G to try to be high school players and those players are going to develop they’re get better like Vance has been here three years you know Casey Cook’s been here three years but now you can hopefully when you lose as much as we’re going to lose you know you’re not going to replace a Vance honey cut it’s a generational player but maybe if you had another you know kid that’s out there that has performed that can play center and compete with a guy that’s 18 that that’s where that’s the tricky part like you said you know honestly now more than ever you we will not know our roster for next year probably until August 1 two weeks before school starts that’s why you enjoy you know you have to get better I’ve work hard enjoyed this team you know we went out e the team last night went to a movie it was a c wasn’t that good but we enjoyed being together what was it fall guy yeah average average movie yeah for me I’m older though I don’t know Grace I told I had a birthday the other day and I told Grace how old I was she was like God you’re younger than my dad I was like well I hope so kids my age so does he not crazy anything left for Coach Forbes Grace I let you end it if you’ve got anything left because this man has to work and we have we’ve kept him long time all right we’re not going to Wilmington we’re going at 1:00 and get over that indoor and get to work I really enjoyed the window into your coaching career coach that was great thank you thank you thank you yeah hopefully it’ll last a little bit longer you keep winning like this and uh you pretty set it’s uh no it’s always fun to talk to you try to sort of mix it up we could talk about your players and what’s going on on the field but everybody can see that but we appreciate it coach Forbes and thank you Grace for joining me and thanks Jody for lining it up and thanks Johnny t-shirt we’ll shoot for uh Monday I’ll get with you guys we’re going to leave to go to but we might make it work in the morning all right do you know how does the play dates work for Charlotte does number one yeah if we end up being the number one overall C you kind of get a pick which day is your off day okay so we’re looking at different options I don’t know what that’ll be um I’ll probably wait and make that final decision on sun Saturday night after we play Duke sounds good appreciate it coach thank y’all y’all have a great day pull us against pull hard against the dookies we’ll see you in Durham all right see y’all

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