Golf Babe

Vol 32 Presents Bella Flores

Bella Flores. AGE: 16. RESIDENCE: Kingwood, TX JUNIOR GOLFER HIGH SCHOOL GRAD YEAR: 2024. CLUB: The Clubs of Kingwood Follow Me:.

good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome to the junior golf podcast I’m your host Ro Thompson man we got a special guest on the podcast tonight and man I can’t wait to interview her she has been doing some amazing things on the links and so without any further delay I want to bring up my special guest Bella Flores hey Bella how you doing good how are you good good to have you on the podcast tonight yes thank you for having me good good but listen I know you’re in a different time zone so hopefully we didn’t take take too much practice time for from you oh okay good good well before we get into a lot of the questions about golf um tell us a little bit about yourself so my name is B Flores and I’m 16 years old and I’m a sophomore at King High School I’m actually on the golf team at King High School and I’ve been playing golf for around like six seven years now okay um competitively I started playing when I was eight and um some of my hobbies include I like to travel shop and cook good good now what’s your what’s your favorite dish to cook um I like making spaghetti oh that’s my favorite you should have never said said spaghetti that’s that’s like my weakness I you know I love some spaghetti now I tell you good good well listen um tell us how you got into this game of golf okay so this is a very funny story so I was sitting in my living room and I was watching I think it was like um I don’t remember what it was but a commercial came on and then it’s a commercial of Rory maory and he was um Hitting off a building and it was one of those like Rolex commercials yes and I was seven at the time and I was like oh my God that looks like so much fun and like I want to try that and so then I like bugged my dad and I was like Dad like I I want to play golf like that looks like so much fun and he was like so my family is huge into basketball and so he was like you’re crazy like you’re playing basketball like there’s no way you’re playing golf like no one in my family before me had ever played golf right and so when he did that he thought I was crazy and he was like Bella like he was like stereotyping Golf and he was like Bella that’s for old people like you’re not like what no right so I kept bugging him for about like two months and then finally he took me out and he said that he wasn’t going to buy me like a whole set so he just bought me a seven iron and I remember it like had one of those like little like grips like already like on the club yes yes so um I he got me one of those and then we went to the course and he took me to the driving range and I like just start hitting the golf ball like it was like crazy I I was just making contact and so like and he he bought himself actually ironically he bought himself like a whole nice bag with like all brand new clubs and he couldn’t even hit the ball wow yeah and so then he was like Bella like you’re hitting it and I was like yeah I know and then from there like I ended up loving it and then I started taking lessons and so that’s how everything started all because of a commercial right wow that’s that’s that’s amazing that is a funny story just from Roy mroy hitting the ball off off of a building got you interested in that I thought I was going to be doing that so that’s what got me I guess the commercials worked so right right so so so what’s What’s um what’s been some of your most me memorable uh moments as a junior golfer okay so actually I just made a very memorable moment the other day um this was at the Kingwood golf course I was playing in a high school tournament and I ho out for an eagle so I’m 60 yards and then like I’m having a really good round and then well at first I got off to a really Rocky star i b i bogied the first hole and then I bogeyed the third hole and then I ho out for ego on that hole so I’m back to even and I was like okay and then I another one and then on the ninth hole I birdie another one and I was like okay I’m two under right now like and so then I make the turn I birdie 10 and so I’m three under and I’m like okay it’s going pretty good and so I’m like keeping my composure and then I gets a whole I think 14 it was like par five end up bogeying it ah yeah I know it’s go and then whole 16 comes around and I end up making a hole in one my first hole in one ever and like it was just like I was like on top of the clouds like I was playing so good and happened and then I go on and make two more birdies so I ended up being six under so that was my personal best wow so you you at 66 yes sir yes I did that’s awesome that’s another Mo another memorable moment would be um well there’s like every single time I travel like I just want so I think that’s really important I get to travel with my dad and like we get to see different places like we just saw the golden uh Gate Bridge and that was a lot of fun so just like making those little memories with like my family when we go on trips that’s also pretty memorable good good now you know you gotta keep you know you gotta keep your 66 Street going now right yeah you know it’s gonna be tough it’s gonna be tough don’t don’t be disappointed in the next round um now you know we’ve been you know we’ve been following you a lot on uh social media uh didn’t you just uh qualify to go to to the state tournament yes that’s actually G to be Monday Tuesday so I just qualified for that and I also just qualified uh when I was in San Francisco I just qualified for the Callaway World Championship so that should be fun too yeah congratulations that’s a big deal my my our son just qualified for the state so I know it’s a really good feeling to to you know to qualify so so tell us a little bit about your practice routine what’s what’s what’s Bella’s practice schedule like weekly daily give us give us give us bring us into the into the world of of of your practice routine okay so every week my my coach first off she so every week we play Monday and Wednesdays we always play not Monday Wednesdays sometimes we’ll try Fridays but usually Monday Wednesdays okay so Mondays we usually go out and play um nine holes and then afterward we e well I or the team usually depends but usually I go to the range and I work on whatever I need to that my coach and I were working on before and I um take some swing vide send that send it to him and then um usually when I’m hitting balls I like to focus on like two or three clubs each day okay that’s good um pick different targets uh shoot it with my Rangefinder um SP very specific um yardages and work on those great I always put always put right right I go to green and I very like I focus a lot on five Footers very heavily on five Footers and then I’ll work on around 15 20 Footers right and then Tuesdays that’s when we uh usually go to the range work on chipping uh chipping I like to um set up like these rings so my do um there’s like these five foot rings and we put them around the green and we chip we have to make 10 to 15 um in each of the five foot circles different holes right and every wedge we also do a hybrid and we also do an iron okay yeah and so we do that and then usually I’ll go back to putting and do the same thing and then Wednesdays we usually play um then after that Thursdays we do the range and then that day I really focus on putting because we get out of school later usually that day so we don’t have that class period because we do on putting a lot that day and I do speed drills another drill I like to do is around the world and yeah I like that one cutting right yes and then I also like to do the drill that goes 54 32 one so you have to make all five from three foot and then four and you can miss one from um like six feet and then goes back on to like 20 feet so I like to do that pting drill a lot and um speed drills also are very very important to me good and then and then also every day I do 100 putts before I go to bed oh I haveing mat upstairs and is that the perfect putter is that the perfect putting mat oh yes yeah I love that putting mat yeah and then I also have like some putting uh tools that I like to use okay to work my stroke and I also have like my pudding mat I can put like slope on it which isol like if I just had a tournament and I missed all of them on the low side then I like to heavily put the slope on and make sure I’m on the high side stuff like that gotcha well listen you youve you’ve pretty much laid out a a what I would call an excellent practice routine just from the putting and just working with two or three clubs and you know I think that’s really great and I’ll tell you I’ll tell you and your dad about something that we experienced um in Jupiter a couple of weeks ago but I I’ll save that up for off the air now when did you know uh Bella that you had what it takes to to be a really good Junior golfer what do you remember what age you were about I think it was after the world championship that I competed in when I was nine and 10 okay there the IMG world championship and um I think I didn’t play very well but like something inside of me kind of clicked because I saw all these girls and guys from like around the world and I saw like you know I can hang and right so I saw them and I saw how a motivated and good they were and something kind of clicked and I was like okay like if I start like really putting in the time and effort now like I can progress and become a really good golfer and so that’s kind of what I did and like see them and their families and like their coaches some coaches were there too supporting them I think that just made me fall more in love with the game so I think that’s really when but another time I would say is like under pressure like once I started seeing that I could maintain myself and calm down under pressure that’s kind of when I was like okay like if you can do that like you should be set because golf is such a mental game that’s exactly right um now do you remember when you start beating your dad oh I don’t even want to say this but I I think I started beating him when I was like right off the B I would say when I really really started beating him was when he played Disney World um for a family vacation and he took me out to one of the courses and he was like okay Bella like since we’re at Disney world like let’s bet $100 so I already had $100 of my own that my grandma me and give you another $100 or you can lose those $100 to me and I was like okay so then we’re betting and then I think we played nine holes and he was like okay so nine holes and you have to give me like like what was it like eight or 10 Strokes something like that and I was like okay and so then like I shouldn’t have given him that many strokes now thinking about it but right like completely goes out of bounds and I was like oh God he does that like three more times like I got this like this and then I ended up winning so in the bag right so speaking speaking of in the bag tell us what’s in Bella’s bag you know as far as like driver Freewood irons you know what what what clubs you play with give us a little little little details so I have a Callaway driver I have the um the epics and the and then I have um for irons and wedges I play ping ping oh so you pay ping irons and Callaway driver I do yes gotcha we’re kind of right now we’re in the road maybe just switching we’re not sure yet we’re trying to see how the summer goes and then maybe uh getting a new set of clubs but I absolutely love the Epic Callaway wood and are my favorite so I don’t I probably won’t change those but we’ll see right my putter is actually custom putter is low tide um I love my I’ve had it since I was eight and I refuse change you don’t want to change that huh so and then I guess I also have um a first aid kit and I have a bunch of te’s ball markers golf balls my yardage book range finder right I think I have some perfume and deodorant case after now do you have a favorite do you have a favorite ball Barker um I would have to say the Master’s one that a friend actually gifted me a few years ago I love that ball marker it’s like good luck so I always wear right now what um now what yardage books do you use uh I use these um they’re like the slope range uh I mean slope yardage is that is it staline no golf Logics golf logic yes yes gotcha gotcha okay we use we use decad so I don’t know if he was a decade user or not you know so all right so um so um what’s uh what do you have coming up uh tournament wise that you’re really looking forward to over the summer I have the notay tournament at Kingwood actually the regional qualifier and I also have the Texas Mexico cup absolutely love that tournament I’ve played it since I was since I started okay and that’s aot that’s a very fun tournament it’s not ranked or anything but like I always make sure to keep it in my schedule because it’s such a fun tournament right like match play it’s kind of like okay yeah that’s cool and then I also have I just got accepted to the National first te Championship so wow wow congratulations that’s huge I also got the I’m also playing in the Bubba Conley Invitational the world championship the northern junior Championship and I’m also playing in the underrated Regional tournaments to try to qualify big but you got a you got a busy summer plan right I don’t think I have like I may I may have like one or day one one day here or there like but that’s it gotcha yeah you’re gonna be busy now who’s your favorite golfer female male who who’s your favorite alltime golfer I would have to say I’m a little biased but because he and I’ve like watched him as a golfer since like he was really young and so I also got at a um like a clinic and he called on me to like do a like a demonstration and so I thought that was really cool and so I I like him there you go yeah he yeah he just he just won a couple of tournaments here recently too so he playing really good yeah yeah all right so um where’s your dad is it is your dad close by he’s right over here let me let bring bring dad in for a second I just want to you know as a dad hey what’s up what’s up rich Hey listen you know we we just want to say man we’re we’re really um proud of what Bella has been doing over the last couple of years um what what what are you most excited about as far as this this junior golf Journey you know what what’s what do you see I mean I really see her hard work and dedication right and just at an early age I saw her just passionate about golf yeah and you know some kids you see that in at at an early age or or or later on right but right kids they don’t find that till their early adulthood adulthood and so forth but she found that passion at such a young age that’s good it’s just just cool to to see her doing that right and and like she mentioned we’re not golfers in my family at all she’s the first go yeah we’re hoopers you know for out of golfer is just um you know we’re learning the the the ropes per se right golf experience in tournaments you know it’s a lot of different ways you you can go about it right there’s correct way or you know there’s not a wrong way or right way right so right you know I’m just really excited to see her um you know these next two years right because she’s a sophomore now and she um you know progressing very well in in her golf career so we’ll see where you know it it leads her to you know it’s what I tell her is Stepping Stones um you know you can’t try to jump and go further than where you can reach right so we’re very goal oriented in our family um so she we um instill that in her um so we set goals for every season we set goalss on a weekly basis on her game beautiful thing that um you know helps her stay committed as well right and and kind of show her those little goals that she can come in and and Achieve right without you know being disappointed because golf it’s it’s a hard game oh you don’t have to tell me I mean I know my son was a lot of disappointment right it’s a lot of a lot of Tears on the way yeah from a tournament you know so those little goals that you can make you know what I’ve learned as a parent go you know golf Dad you can say right yeah setting those little goals so she can achieve them and have that success even though that she might not win the tournament or or you know she could be in contention and loses it because of two holes and so right you know those little things on hey you know let’s focus on these three holes if you par those that’s the goal right right you know so just things like that me playing mental games within the mental game there you go there you go well listen I I you I know what you go through rich and um I commend you there a like you said it’s a lot of ups and downs and you know even though as a dad you know we’re frustrated if they’re playing bad but at the end of the day we still got to encourage them because we don’t want them to quit so we got to encourage them and lift them up and tell them it’s going to be okay we just got to work on the things that causing the scores to not be where it needs to be so I I understand your plight and uh I I sympathize with you I understand what you’re going through I got a funny story real quick go ahead go ahead um when she was at Lil lingers stpj Lil lingers right we were still able to caddy so I and um we of course daddy caddy and so forth we were getting arguments and you know this and that and he always he would always tell me something and be completely oppos I’m like nope I’m not listening to you hey hey Bella Bella how many times you fired dad that’s the first time she fired me right she fired me that that one that one tournament he was so mad he like didn’t want to speak to me and I was like sorry so she fired me off the bag right we get home right she talks to Mommy right mommy’s like well I’ll caddy for you right PES for her for the next three tournaments and she does very well so wife like you see I’m just here to support you know the best yeah so then the the championship comes up after three tournaments right Bella goes to my wife and says you know what I’m sorry but I’m gonna have dad caty for me so she fired mom and have me come back because it was a big Championship right rehired right but after that I after that I started noticing that she really could do it by herself right yeah I think that also was a huge turning point because he did let me like start figuring out my game like so early uh when I was younger and so I feel like I have more confidence in what I do like I don’t have to rely on someone else and like I know my game and how I play so and it’s also like he can yeah he can watch me but like only I know what I’m truly doing doing so like I think that also really helped me progress as a player yeah because there’s some players that we grew up with right now their dad did everything for them and they’re struggling right now because they’re still finding their game while strugg you know a lot first yeah first and and found her game earlier right so that I think that’s something that a lot of golf parents need to do just kind of let them go know it’s um you know if if if they’re passionate about it they’re find they will find their game and you know you know continue to do it that’s right right good good good so listen Dad thank you man thank you for allowing Bella to be on the podcast tonight I got we’ve got a a live audience that we wanna that want to may want to ask a question to but Bella tell everybody how we can reach you on on social media so my Instagram and my Twitter is bellaflores golf so if you just type that in then you’ll you’ll find me find you okay you on it it’s the same thing as my Facebook so same thing as Facebook okay so Facebook and Instagram and Twitter and Twitter no no Tik Tock um no golf Tik Tok no golf Tik Tok right right right I know I know all the kids on Tik Tock right now and you know I’m thinking about making one okay yeah that’d be cool that’d be cool that’s the hottest thing right now is the Tik Tock era so let’s uh so Bella let’s open up the lines um I’m gonna see if any of our guests have have any questions uh so give me one second here let me uh see if I can clear the lines okay so if you have any questions for Bella uh just unmute and uh you can Jump Right In everybody go right ahead hey how you doing Bella and Dad thanks for being on um can you hear me yeah we can hear you there go right ahead great um so Bella tell me what what are your what are your longterm goals in the game of golf mut yeah yeah oh sorry so one of my main goals right now I would say is getting a scholarship and getting into a good school for golf and then after that seeing where how college golf is and everything right now would be the goal would be to turn pro or do something related to golf so that would be another huge goal of mine I another goal of mine that I have in mind is winning States um individually I think that would be awesome and yeah I think that’s the main three right now good good all right any questions for Bella up what’s up Corey hey how you doing thanks uh thanks Ro for holding this it’s h good to see you again Bella rich and um and Dad tell Dad we said hi I know I’m sure he’s busy in the background had a question um for Bella so do you want to ask her yeah okay go ahead what putter do you use what what what putter it’s called low tide so it’s like a customized Putter and I had to do like this whole like um test and then they made this putter for me oh wow so I i’ that was they made that putter for me when I was eight and I’ve still had it and I love it so it has little out color it has like so when I was nine I customized my Putter and it has like these like little owls and like flowers because at the time I that’s what I was into and I still like why do you have that and it’s like oh well I’ve had it since I was eight so that’s cool really cool so it’s the the brand is called low tide low tide yes sir okay okay coolina yeah you better hold on to that putt Bella you’re making a lot of putts right now and a lot of Chip ends too that’s for sure I had a quick question too um uh as well when um and this is for Dad or you but when is a critical time that you think would be good to go heavier on the two-day tournaments I know eight so we’re at the we’re just coming out of the eight-year-old you know age and Kai is turning nine but we’re also seeing that longer distance and you know having those little bit of a struggle little bit of struggles to try to reach a green and two but it’s coming along but when would you say the time so I’ll answer personally so personally I would say I started I think I started when I was like 10 or 11 because I started doing not like big tournaments but they were like local tournaments like the Beltway tour so I started doing those and at first it was a struggle because playing 18 holes when you’re 10 by yourself because I thought was playing in the older division so at that point you’re not allowed with caddies or anything so that was kind of a struggle but I think now it really benefited me like having the endurance and learning what it was like to be so then when I did get to those big tournaments it was like a lot easier so personally I would say I would say around 10 or 11 personally but yeah so I think the biggest thing there is the Focus right like start playing 18 holes when she was at you know um but she was playing the n and and and you know practicing kind of 18 right but really she would lose focus around that 11th and 12th yes yes that you know they can keep that nine holes right and then that 10th 11 and then they’re they’re gone right then when do you win t on the last three to four holes right right so you have to have focus on that so technically it kind of depends on the player yeah so like Focus right so I would say play not tournaments right now just have her play by herself right um try to play as much 18 and see when her Focus starts settling in right and then just have play some mental games around that 11th and 12th hole right and maybe not do FES do chips and putts around that or or do 50 yards in right and have her this you know you need to do three you know on every hole for the next four holes right try to do you know that so and I think another drill that also really helped me was like hitting so I would purposely miss the green like I would purposely miss the green and I would purposely try to like land it in a bunker and then okay and then I would try to get up and down from there so I think that also helped a lot because you’re not always gonna hit team so I think that’s also a good game that you could yeah we’ play Miss hits right I would tell her because she a very straight you know ball right always on The Fairway and you’re hitting greens I said but when I get in positions where I’m not I struggle a little bit so that’s a very good good game to play so you say so pretty much get a lot of practice at 18 holes before you go in those two day and then definitely see where the attention span is as you see Kai is kind of fidgety all right that’s all right yeah but that’s good that’s good advice thank you for that so yeah all right any other questions for Bella and Dad we’ve got one okay go ahead how many feet do you do on your perfect putting mat how many okay so I have my putting mat goes three feet six feet and then I think nine feet or like eight feet around there so usually I like to focus on six-footers because that’s where I noticed that I miss and like those pressure puts are around six so I usually do 100 there sometimes I’ll switch it up and do three Footers one night then I’ll go back I’ll do like 259 Footers then um like 30 sixf Footers and then the rest three Footers so depends on what I’m I’ve missed the past few tournaments and what I I need to work on so but usually sixf Footers I would say do you Bella do you try to do 100 puts a night yes 100 putts that’s that’s good and one thing I did when she was very early was you know with the what the younger kids right is is do pressure putts right play those games on the green you know and sometimes she would come out you know crying because they were pressure putts and you know so forth but now when she gets over a putt right a lot more calm she’s calm she knows how to handle the pressure right so gota you know sometimes you gota be tough love a little bit on on the on the greens with them you know but it’s right showing them how to hand the pressure right but they have to have consequences too because he would always make me like do like 20 push-ups or like or like uh we would say we would go get ice cream and he’d be like go no more ice cream if you don’t miss this or if you don’t I love it all the only one I thought that so is she doing push-ups when she gets home or is she doing the push-ups out there right there right then and there I still do it to day I do have a question um so as far as being competitive when did you get more competitive against your peers do you play against par do you play against the people that you’re playing against or how does that go this is this is a good question so I have always been competitive like always um but I would say when I really noticed that I was competitive was um there was this one girl that I could never beat I could never beat her growing up and I just remember like every tournament I would be so upset and I just wanted to be here so bad and then like I worked my butt off and then finally like I beat her and then after that like I was like she’s never beating me again and so just like just like having that drive um so I think that’s kind of like a situation but another situation now looking at it um for my game I don’t compete against the field because I think a girl could have a really good day like it’s just very um circumstantial and so I like to play against the course so like before rounds I’ll be like okay this whole like I I’m I’m definitely going to par it or I’ll give myself like this hole you can bogey it Mo at most like this is a bogey hole or oh this is definitely a pin since I know where it’s going to be like you’re definitely buring this so I try to play against the course nowadays and because it’s like a girl like I could have a really good day and then the next day have a terrible day like it just depends on on like your mood your feelings and like how your swing is it just can depend on a lot of things so I would personally now say the course thank you no it’s the early age we we kind of discussed that right and I kind of asked some other parents grow up as well when when she was you know younger that same question right like and a lot of them told me you know don’t play against other players right you play yeah and and you put goals and you know and you have to strategize on what holes are scoring holes or what holes like she says are okay to to Bogey right and you know if you par those holes or if you birie that’s even a big plus right um or minus in golf right but but you know know having that mentally as well at a young age and showing them that I think is is really really beneficial right because you know then if they do bogey or get a double right or so forth on those on those holes it’s not a big deal you just move another thing that I’ve noticed like sometimes I’ll be playing out on the golf course and I’ll see like a girl Stick it to like six feet and she has it for B birdie and like I know her score and I’m like okay but like I can’t you know it’s not a good idea to go for this pin because there’s water on the left side like you know it’s not a good idea so why am I even gonna try to compete against her on that whole like it’s part of the long game and there’s still like another day so it’s just like it’s not a good idea to to try to match yourself because there’s some girls that hate it a mile like further than me but and I don’t hate it as far but I know my game I’m a good uh chipping and putting so I know that I can hang in there and so it’s just like you know like everyone’s different I don’t good your and like try to now one thing we are going through right now is when she’s in contention right to win a tournament right to see if she needs to see the leaderboard yeah so that’s another big kind of question mark that we’re going through right now and kind of struggling to see because she says that no she doesn’t want to know what spot she’s in because I just want to play my game like I don’t want extra added pressure on I just go out there play my game and just like if I play my game then I know I’m gonna but me on the other hand I think differently I think that she you need to go for this P that’s for that’s for basketball he need to know to lay up or she needs to needs to know right but you know that it’s kind of back and forth on that we’re kind of struggling testing it out we’re testing it a little bit that’s good now Bella who’s your bella who’s your Mentor um Mentor like by coach no like you’re like like a player that you look you know that you get a chance to talk to or ask questions um you know so growing up I had Lexi Brooks she was a really good goer growing in Kingwood and so I really looked up to was my babysitter so looked up to her and like the tournaments I’m playing in now she used to play so I so I think that’s like awesome yeah definitely a her I looked up to her a lot and another um the twins what were their names um they also were from Kingwood the Robert the twins names I would always practice at Kingwood that were there every day oh home my God what is her name yeah there was these set of twins that okay every time I I was there they would be the first and last ones to leave like big time they were always there practicing like even if summer and it was like 100 deges they’d be out there so I definitely look up to them so one thing I did when she was young as a babysitter I reached out to the high school coach and asked hey do you have you know a a a model golfer that can babysit for her that could that can is a golfer right so they can talk practice you available to babysit so that I think is is beneficial for the younger players as well because a babysitter is gonna you know just come in coloring books and stuff like that right but if you know if they’re a golfer they have a putter there right so they’re putting G contest right now rich now Rich who’s your um who’s your Mentor who who are some of the the dads that you get a chance to talk to from time to time to get advice know Joe stev with with Alan Stevens was was one yeah when I when we you know Bella is Young than but but they competed a little bit when they were in juniors you know right right and you know plus you know his work ethic and you know he went pro as well speaking to him about that you know we have basketball in com as well so that’s right we clicked on that aspect and you know he you know I asked him some questions and of course he was saying look I’m figuring it out as well but this is what I did in my career so right so you know I looked up to him and and asked him questions and you know always kind of picked his brain so forth um so you know he uh he I can say he he kind of mentored me as well on that um that’s that’s important uh Rich a lot of people I think they don’t they don’t understand how important a mentor is to just call and say hey what do you think about this tournament I mean it’s you know it’s just real important to know about the stars and the points and you know which two day is good which two day might not be the best so that’s uh mentoring is is really really good I always ask questions to other other parents right right I always ask them you know especially the the top players that were coming up I would just go talk to the parents right and just be like and be very blunt you know just be like man what doing what tournaments are you guys going right most of them are are all friendly you know there there were some in the junior you know when they’re little that are a little bit over top you know yeah yeah but overall you know everyone was always willing to talk and same now I mean we have parents come up to us now ask playing and how she doing so I’m always willing to to help out on what you know anything you know because that was n thing there were some girls that their parents would wouldn’t say right what tournaments that she was going to play in because they didn’t want other girls competing right M right we had a tournament once that Bella you know was was competing for the junior Championship in the tournament before the junior Championship Bella was already in the championship via points right right well he showed up to practice right that kind of the tournament right there one of the dads got so upset with me and was like why is she playing in this she already has points she’s already in it and I’m like she’s just playing this is golf like she want to and and come out and have fun like here to get points right like right you know what I’m saying so there’s there’s always those type of parents as well right but overall been a great experience with everyone you know that’s good that’s good do we have any other questions from our live audience any other questions one more um small question okay Bella are you blaze or Cav back or or you still kind of still filling that out for your irons say that again sorry I couldn’t hear you blades or cavity back with your IR uh I have to say right now I’m I’m playing C the cavity BS yeah I’m willing to try the blades I haven’t tried I’ve tried one blade um it was a Titleist that just came out I I hit it great but since I have big tournaments coming up that I’m kind of scared to switch right now so I think after summer I will for sure look into maybe changing but and I’ve heard great things so it’s like I kind of want to but I’m a little scared right now because I don’t want to mess anything up and so okay August it looks like we’re probably gonna go to the tyus facility up over there in Massachusetts and probably okay you know go check those you know irons out and stuff like that to see if she likes them or not you know but but right now I think it’s it’s a little too soon she’s had those CL she loves a c epics I mean she’s yeah she doesn’t want to change those those woods in the driver she’s set with those she says hard to change when you’re playing good hard to change all right one last question I’m sorry oh no go ahead bro so Bella you’re in a tournament you hit a bad shot what are you telling yourself on the next shot because right now we get hung up on our bad shots and that can kill around for us so I’ll let you go so i’ I’ve been told this so so golf is a game of mistakes like if you really think about it it’s a golf is the game of mistakes so it’s just how you manage those and trying to eliminate those mistakes so I look at it as like okay I hit a bad shot like I it already happened like what can you do and now I like I have I do these breathing exercises so like if I do hit a bad shot I’ll just try to stay in the present and I’m really trying to focus on that and the breathing exercises help and uh when I’m walking to my ball I have like a saying or like I do something to like just click me back into focus and then I hit that shot and like I just really tune in on that shot at that time and so thing if I’m playing good like I just try to stay in the present try not to jump ahead of myself another thing is like if you do have a bad hole like I would not try to force a birdie like you just have to let it come like you can’t just force it because then it might turn into a bogey and that’s what I’ve noticed too so I say like staying the present and maybe have like a staying or like a certain like thing you do that just like clicks you back into focus and um yeah that’s what I it’s a process you know it’s a process I mean as young age guys you know are they’re it’s a process let’s put that way because they’re going to get hung up on the bad shots right they that golf there’s there all like you’re never going to hit a perfect shot unless you get a whole in one but like still even then like like it’s a golf is a game of mistak so like you just have to learn how you recover right like one thing I noticed with Allan Stevens talking about her right like all of a such a great Scrambler you know I saw her at a tournament um and she just was such a good scram and I told Bella I said look she’s she’s not always hitting Fairways or green perfect shots yeah but she’s birding paring me she’ll be like behind a tree and she’ll still birdie but it’s just like how she recovers I so learn that right like it doesn’t matter where you’re at you know you just have to how you manage those shots right and like that game we said play M hits right right behind you know make those shots that you’re thinking you know I would never need it or do it try it or left-handed she had to do a left-handed chip right wow yeah but I practiced it so I felt more comfortable when I would got up there I wasn’t like freaking out and like oh my God like I don’t know what to do like I felt more comfortable I was like okay like I’ve done this at practice I can do it again yeah because you never know when you’re gonna need that left-handed chip yeah well ball up against a tree and all that stuff yeah right we really appreciate it and just let us know whenever you got your babysitting rates up we can drop all right any other questions all right well listen Bella rich and the family man thank y’all for agreeing to be on the podcast tonight I think You’ blessed some Juniors tonight uh Bella keep playing good keep doing what you’re doing and hopefully we’ll see you uh somewhere this year on the junior circuit okay sounds good thank you for having me thank you you’re welcome all right

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