Is this the End for Tiger Woods?

After another poor performance in a Major, many fans are calling for Tiger Woods to retire, but should he listen?

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the unfortunate reality is that Tiger Woods has now failed to break par in 11 consecutive rounds in the majors and fans all over Twitter were up in arms saying that tiger is done and his competitive career is over but that really weighs the question has Tigers stuck around too long and Mike just to get all full biased out of the way I will say and I won’t speak for you but I I know you agree with me we’re tiger fans sure right no doubt I would love nothing more than to see tiger win another event launch another amazing comeback like we saw in 2019 you me and millions of others millions of us would love to see it absolutely but and this is a huge butt we have to get to a certain point where we’re going to face some sort of reality so weigh in in the comments with your own thoughts as we work our way through this we’re going to talk about what tiger himself said after his rounds at Valhalla we’re also going to talk about is is it a benefit is it a benefit for the game to Tiger to stick around even if it’s just for the first two rounds or is he taking up potentially a spot for someone else you know we just saw tiger getting a special invite to play in the US open at Pinehurst and the concern that I have is we’re looking at Tiger’s recent performance these are places he’s won before yep you know and it just makes me wonder if he can’t compete at the places he’s won before where that is really his advantage what are we waiting for what are we Holding Out for at this point I think it’s the excitement that keeps us going as fans right I mean knowing he’s in the field watching him warm up I like starting off the week of a tiger event which is very few nowadays right I like seeing like his practice rounds seeing his press conferences and hearing from him because otherwise that’s the only other time you see or hear from him and if you’re a fan if you’ve been a fan if you admired what he’s done after all these years I mean there were some great moments we’ve had as fans watching some of the stuff he’s done up until like 2019 the Masters all that stuff um so I mean I don’t know man I I it’s tough to watch but I do like the fact of where his mind is at with his game and I know we’re going to dive into what he said about it but it’s just great to see it’s motivating to hear at least well that’s just it I mean there’s a certain degree of wanting to watch tiger for fandm Nostalgia whatever it may be but it makes me wonder do we need to change the narrative right because the narrative continues to be it’s on repeat at this point every time he’s playing with you inevitably a reporter will ask him the question will get the same type of quote from Tiger I wouldn’t be here playing if I didn’t think I could win and the narrative that’s built off of that is don’t count tiger out it’s something we’ve said before you know we Tiger has has bounced back too many times to be counted out but one thing I will say is this is not 2019 right this is postar accident this is it’s a different animal in a lot of ways than it was when he had his comeback Wing the Masters in 2019 yeah and I love the fact when he says you know I wouldn’t be here if I don’t think I can win I think I I buy it I believe it I believe that guy thinks he could still win cuz he’s won so much now is there a part of him who thinks like there’s so much more Talent out here now it’s going to be harder to win of course I think he’s even said it but I still think the guy at his age and everything that’s happened to car accident or not when you’ve won that much and you are who you are I think that feeling stays with never I think he just thinks he can win and it’s a disappointment when he doesn’t so that’s it tiger is a pure competitor he’s always going to think that and but but the thing is is that you hear and we we’ll talk about some quotes from some some fans and people out there talking about how tiger had indicated that he was not just going to hang around if he didn’t feel like he could he could be competitive then he was going to be you know taking that spot out of the field right the question I can say is there’s belief and then there’s reality so right now we’re not seeing in reality that tiger can be competitive you know when you look at what he did just this past week at Valhalla right show he set 7277 misses the cut is yes he can get around a golf course physically can get around a golf course the question though is can he be competitive with the strength of field where we see you know Xander Shuffle going 21 under at Valhalla is there a world in which tiger could do that and like I said if there was any place where I could believe that narrative would be where he has the most Advantage some place like the Masters he knows Augusta better than anyone else right and here tiger comes in he grinds it out and that’s the competitor and tiger you have to give this to him he makes the cut to continue his streak but where does he finish dead last after that dead last and that and it just makes you wonder is he a different person now with the accident can he no longer sustain the physicality of walking and playing four full rounds like I said I want to get to what tiger said in a second because it really indicates that he’s got to play more but what I’m wondering is is that even possible I don’t think it’s possible that’s the problem I think he’s just so limited in where and what he’s going to do um everyone’s just ranting about how flat Pinehurst is and maybe this is it but I I’ll I’ll be honest I think if if Tiger shows up to Pinehurst with his game absolutely in form in form I could see top 20 but here’s what I’m saying how does one get their game in form if they’re not playing week to week competitive golf really requires playing on a regular basis so that actually answers that he probably won’t be informed but but even if he is I just think the strength of field now is just much better than him and where he’s at well let’s let’s disect some of the stuff that tiger said and then I want to talk about what’s really driving this narrative again is is it reality or is it delusion and is it something that a narrative that’s being driven by television broadcast that want more eyeballs and they’ll tiger will follow it uh reporters who want a sensational headline or are they or is it is it really kind of falsely propping it up in that it’s not a reality so here’s what tiger said tiger was obviously asked the questions after the PGA uh talking about his game first he said my game will get better in time I need to play more unfortunately I just haven’t played a whole lot of tournaments and uh and not a whole lot of tournaments on my schedule either so that’s the first thing to kind of look at is saying yes let’s he acknowledges he’s got to play more I don’t think that this is something that you can practice your way into uh into finishing where he wants to finish which is a win cuz don’t forget this is what’s going to build that case I talk about later about the narrative we’re talking about tiger winning again not even just being competitive right winning is because that’s the narrative he’s like oh he can still win he can still win he can still win what I’m saying is is that really a reality because if tiger was to play more tournament what would that even look like right now it’s not on his schedule I think he played two PGA Tour events and not even all the majors he didn’t play the um he didn’t play in the Open Championship last year right um but he played in two events last year he’s got maybe four PJ tour events on his schedule so you’re looking at a guy who’s going to play maybe eight events a year maybe is that really even enough it’s not you need more competitive golf different mindset yep absolutely so now we look forward tiger talking about the US Open so he said hopefully everything will somehow come together in my practice sessions at home and I’ll be ready for Pinehurst so okay yeah what again I my optimistic self as a tiger fan is going to say the same thing A lot of people are saying you and I had the the great benefit of two weeks ago we got to go down and play number two right it’s cool seeing the grand stands going up it’s a tough course no doubt but again it’s a place that tiger has won and and again course familiarity and stuff like that on the field starting to not buy that anymore they’ve been hyping that at Valla he’s won here before right I think if there’s anywhere that tiger has that true Advantage it’s the nuances of understanding um the uh what do you call it Augusta yes but then you could have also argued that point tiger knowing the old course so well you know those are the few places but okay but that said the one thing that I can say from firsthand experience having been there and done it is that it is a not a strenuous walk no it’s about as flat as they can come uh there’s no Hills to climb I remember they talking about when tiger played at Riviera and getting up and down that first Hill and what that might do to his stamina over 4 days this is a case where yeah there’s one elev one elevated green on the back nine that we had to walk up to but so stamina wise he’ll be fine but again practice sessions Tiger’s not really getting the the actual tournament reps in between those so again going on some more what tiger said he said I need to clean up my rounds physically yes I’m better than I was a month ago I still have more ways to go lots of improvement to go physically and hopefully my team and I can get that done pre inhurst and going into it so again he’s acknowledging that he’s still not at the the proper health of where he would like to be arguably some could say will he ever be because now tiger is in a lot of ways he’s swimming against the current so as time kind of heals that wound right that suffered in the in the car accident time is also working against him in age and everything kind of slows down he he is getting older and he just makes you wonder will he heal in time yeah or will he ever re will he ever get to where he was I mean just watching some of the late day golf yesterday and and watching the darts being thrown by havin Xander Bryson boom boom putt B I’m like tyer tiger doesn’t do this anymore I haven’t seen this golf from this guy why not you know what I mean this guy could park himself at Pinehurst for 30 days and rip through number two every day I still don’t think he’ll play well there because like you said I think he just needs to play competitive golf well that’s what worries me because where we all find that shred of Hope is where we talk about tiger off the tea set some good stats off the T we look at his ball speed because we worry does he have the strength to you know and especially putting the strain on that leg and being able to turn but that’s not where we saw Tiger Fall Apart where we saw Tiger Fall Apart with you know multiple double bogeys Etc was actually around the greens mistakes made and this is something that tiger himself admitted with some of those mistakes made and I think that yes Tiger has of course there’s no debating this Tiger has the the knowledge the technical understanding he’s proven it the one of the best short game players and best Putters who ever lived he knows the shots he needs to hit and he can practice those shots but there’s a difference in playing them competitively week in and week out and I think that that’s where the game starts to go a little bit sour when you’re not playing so keeping going and and and this is where you can you sense the resolve in Tiger when he says this but in in one of his his you know post round press conferences again just being pressed and asked like where do we go from here and tiger said just keep fighting keep the pedal on keep grinding keep working hard at posting the best score that I can possibly post that’s all I’m going that’s all I can do it’s going to be a lot but I’m going to fight until the end so of course he’s a competitor he’s going to say that but what we’re here to debate is what is the end and what does that end look like right you mentioned before did Tiger stick around too long I think that’s the phrase you used um I’m going to ask you this question should tiger should he have hung it up after the 2019 Masters 2019 season but it’s hard to answer because like when in the game of golf if you win an event like that okay maybe something’s working in my game it’s time to keep going that was my 15th major maybe I can get three more I don’t think you can truly go out on a high note in golf you know what I mean and I think he wants to but I don’t think you can at least at this especially at this point right and and and it’s golf is not in by its nature as clear-cut as some other sports Tom out after Super Bowl exactly it’s a high note I don’t want to grind through another season I’m too old my body’s too old I’m gonna retire here we we operate in a sport that gives lifetime exemptions into Majors to a certain point where it makes sense to just why not go out there and play right they saw Rich beam playing this week stuff like that coup approach sure what I’m saying and what I’m trying to drive at here is and and I’ll flash forward to a little bit of my take on this is that no I don’t think tiger should walk away from the game no I don’t think tiger should announce in a retirement it just doesn’t work that way right what I think we need to do is pinch ourselves a little bit wake up and say let’s have let’s have a a realistic conversation stop this consistent narrative tigers in the field you know he could win right and instead look at it maybe a little bit more humbly of saying hey in a lot of ways you’re honored to still have tiger in the field to still get to watch him play my kids are young right they’ll be able to watch some of this with me and say that they watch Tiger Wood clay I think that that’s the narrative it’s it’s just more so driven of let’s let’s take a step back and be a little more realistic and say a win would be a Cinderella story for the ages right instead let’s let’s maybe take a little bit of the pressure off tiger stop that narrative he’s in the field he could win and instead be like tigers in the field that’s great but share that Spotlight with everybody else because I think one of the big frustrations a lot of people have is that he’s there he’s still getting a lot of the air time no doubt and I think there’s a reason for that right let’s talk quick about some of the gripes that we saw pop up so it was all over Twitter and you could you could just type in tiger’s name and you’re going to see a million takes in both directions but some of them that stuck out for me one guy said tiger said many times he would never just hang around if he couldn’t compete to win that’s exactly where we’ve been for two years it’s actually quite sad even in a golf cart he wouldn’t be able to compete he’s too old and broken he’s officially stayed too long yeah so and and this is where like I said I think the frustration that’s coming from fans is the narrative driven that people continually saying he can win he can win right he’s right there you know what I mean I think a little bit of a dose of reality of saying Ty yes I guess technically anyone could win any week but he’s not in the place and I don’t think tiger fully believes he’s in the place where he could he could win right now yeah I don’t think so either I think he knows it um and you know just harping back on like the the other athletes and the other sport Sports I mean one of the saddest days I remember for me is when like Derek Jeter mariana rivera retired and it’s funny in those Sports when those guys do retire they disappear imagine Jeter came back for four games a year you know what I mean like it doesn’t work like that you know or like LeBron James retires oh he’ll be back for six or seven games I don’t know how good he’ll be but at least we’ll go we’ll see LeBron that’ll be cool because it’s him right this is completely different I think as fans as sports fans like we this is a a unique sport in this case where we could see this guy till he’s 60 at the Masters like you said and just keep watching him and watching him be like that’s Tiger Woods that’s Tiger Woods but to your point I think he knows that he can’t win right now and that’s got to be so frustrating and that’s what I mean I think again it’s all bound that narrative it’s not like each week each week of the Masters rolls around and everybody’s hitting Fred Couples would be like hey do you think you can win this week I think I can win right it’s more so it’s understanding where he’s at right now what that place is going on just a couple more of just to give you a general feel of of sentiment that’s out there another guy said he’s done it happens to everyone father time and injuries are undefeated M another one said love tiger he’s done need to move on here he’s not winning on the PGA tour again I’m sorry to advance for being harsh have to be realistic uh here hit the champions tour so again a lot of that and pushing for the champions tour but there’s two sides of the coin so another big you know tiger following account uh tww Legion said I still believe in Tiger Woods and it called calls for retirement is an overreaction the man can still hit golf shots and was top 15 off the tea today he can continue to play major championships until the end of time once he turns 50 he will use Senior Tour events in a cart as prep for the majors yeah listen I a lot of you might not like this phrase but I don’t even think Tiger Tiger could compete on the champions tour right now and those guys are good and when your game is on you’re going to win and if Tiger’s game’s not on you’re not going to win if tiger went out and played a Champions Tour event this week I don’t think he would win I would bet that he without just regular like them no no cart no cart no cart just you know you walk the the colag guard classic whatever it is right uh with these these older guys in their 60s and I still think those guys their competi their game is much sharper than his because they’re playing competitively week and week out correct and I think that that’s even would be a big bigger disappointment for Tiger like wow I’m not even competing out here now his legacy if if their game is sharper because they’re competing week in and week out then there’s something to be said here of saying that if tiger did do that he’s never going to do that though I don’t think he has the stamina or the ability to ever compete week in and week out anymore which then probably answers the question of him probably never winning again it’s a tough look I mean here’s what I think I think that tiger could go out on the comp on I think if tiger went out on the champions tour right now he makes the No Doubt a cut I’d say yes and he he I think he potentially top 10 finish and I think if he got a couple under his belt he starts winning them like it was that because if he got a cou you got understand what he’s doing he he’s I mean still he’s competing with the top top 20 year olds best in the world no doubt you know what I’m saying and and Valhalla yeah I get it he was tough but making the cut at the Masters showed showed something right right it showed to me that his game for the most part the physical ability is there he’s out of one thing he’s he’s injured and he’s a little bit out of form I think the four rounds of walking was the one of the biggest things holding him back there because we saw him grinded out he gave it everything he had for the for for Thursday and Friday and then he fell apart Saturday and Sunday and I think the again it was the physical walking so you got to separate this out I think the cart changes things if he was willing to take the cart I think again like going back to what we said earlier I think he’s got he the technical ability and knowledge of short game more than anyone else but he’s got to do it week in and week out so I think if he was to play a couple Champions Tour events I think that he would start to get that back yeah but I still think he would if you put him right now don’t forget we’re we’re we’re to comparing tiger to Major fields and PJ tour Fields the absolute cream of the crop tiger would be one of the youngest guys on on the champions tour he would be tiger would have probably the most ball speed on all the champions tour but he might not be in the best shape he bet not might not be in the best golf shape that’s just it I don’t know I’m not saying that he would be terrible on the tour I’m sure he would farewell it’s a different I I think any tiger is right now I think outplaying any of the older guys from the Champions are coming and playing in the majors I think tiger is ahead of the game over there what I’m talking about is where he’s at on the PGA tour and major championship Fields that’s a different animal than the champions tour however I think it’s a good point you guys waiting in the comments is a it’s a good point to be made that could is the champions tour the place that he could get his competitive reps in is he even able to do that with without without car is tiger in the shape right now where he can be traveling around playing each week or is is this all a delusion that we shouldn’t even pursue that’s the question I have to you but before one thing I want to do in a second I want to talk about where I do think tiger could still Excel I still think there is a spot for him that could stay very relevant and he could play very well and I think that’s lining up perfectly for him timing wise but the other thing is let’s just go and and hit on this one point one more time because I think it’s important is Tiger Playing in these events ultimately good or bad for the game and the reason I say that is and and what’s driving that narrative that he can win in this this wanting the Cinderella story is it the fact that those the hardest the hardest ones to get visibility and viewership on are are the first two rounds Thursday and Friday right yeah right those are the two that tiger is going to be in guaranteed guaranteed it’s pre-cut right is it a certain manner that the broadcast the streaming the media are all really hammering this n narrative because it’s like if nothing else will boost viewership for those first two rounds throw tiger in a featured group yep you know hey Tiger’s playing he’s going to be in a featured group now there’s more eyeballs there’s clearly more people watching yeah right MH versus tiger takes a back seat steps out of those which I I don’t necessarily agree with because I think that he’s earned based on his his play over his career he’s earned the the courtesy of having him invited to these majors at least yeah if it was PGA Tour week in and week out maybe it’s a different story but is he taking a spot in the field and and would someone else move the needle more I don’t think any player at least I don’t I don’t know this but I don’t think any player would be upset of tiger taking a spot in the field I think tiger still the needle he’s still great for the game he’s still going to help grow the game he’s still going to lift Fields get fans there increase payouts the stuff he’s been doing for 20 plus years yeah I think I don’t think anyone who’s young in a rookie like he brings sponsors he brings all that bring all that stuff so I I think everyone’s praising and Hope that Tiger’s in the field for these events yeah I think what we where the pivot needs to be if anything is yes give him his invites into the field get him in there but maybe it’s just a slight humbling of The Narrative of saying instead of saying you know tiger can win and all that if he surprises us all then awesome right we’re all like I said we’re tiger fans we want to see that happen we’d all be very happy with that but instead it might just be this is great Tiger’s in the field let’s cut to Tiger when it’s relevant to do so to a certain extent but I know I I’m kind of beating a drum that’s that’s not going to happen because they’re going to cut to him because that’s they know people will watch him no matter how he’s playing right I mean do you think the narrative changes if he finishes T12 at Pinehurst and in what regard that he could still win that all right maybe we were all wrong I think you still got it I’m looking forward to the open now maybe B you know what I mean yeah it’s a good question where would tiger need to finish at the US Open to make us feel like hey he could still do this yeah where would it be and and could it be a win does it have to be a win is that top three enough top 10 enough I think a top three or toput is I think a top three or top 10 is is is evidence that he could still do it yeah because you’re talking about top three or top 10 most likely you’re only a handful of shots off the lead right right think caliber golfers you’re within I think the real the real like more realistic goal we should set is tiger on the weekend you know what I’m saying I think that is a win for all of us that tiger makes it to the weekend I think now that’s it yeah I think where where the disappointment is coming in and the upset fans who are taking to Twitter I think that is because it’s being hammered home that tiger can still win he can still win and they’re seeing disappointment relative to that goal I think if we change the goalpost a little bit for Tiger for where he’s at right now now I don’t know I’m not his doctor I don’t know if a miracle could happen that that he can start walking on that leg a lot more whatever but I think if we set a more realistic goal post I think we’ll all be a little bit more grateful of where he’s at and be able to enjoy it more so let’s do a pause there let’s do a word from our sponsors then I want to talk about something though that is different and it is a way that that we could see tiger be competitive and and potentially might be the best possible fit for Tiger going forward in a lot of different ways yeah so let’s do work from our sponsors we’ll talk about that all right guys if you want to improve your golf game a Titleist fitting experience is the fastest way to better a certified fitter can help any player at any point in their Journey find the right clubs to unlock that next level of play custom fittings they’re not just for great players guys I mean they’re for anyone who wants to play better we do fittings quite often we’ve done them for years in fact just a couple of months ago we went down to TPC Sugarloaf to get fit for those brand new vogi sm10 wedges and the process was so thorough getting into things like bounce grind Loft we were even dialing into the right uh the U shafts and grips the whole part of the club and it was truly a remarkable golf fitting experience and I’m glad we documented the whole thing for our YouTube channel because it was a great experience and I we love sharing that stuff with you and and I I couldn’t agree more I think the biggest disservice so much of us do is that we we rule out a fitting because we just don’t think we’re good enough yet and I think where we had that massive benefit is that we got a fit in kind of early on in our golf journey and and we were otherwise we might have talked ourselves out we didn’t think we were ready no doubt and it was getting the experience and seeing it and realizing that it’s actually players who are maybe higher handicappers often stand to make the most benefit for a fitting because we’re usually the furthest away from having the right clubs for us exact and and it’s really is a lot of tech in those clubs that can really help you so I would say if I have one pro tip for you guys and something we’ve learned from firsthand experiences don’t rule yourself out of getting that benefit of a great fitting because you just don’t think you’re there yet it’s for every golfer yeah no doubt we we just can’t go back now at this point we’ve been to so many great ones so if you want to play your best golf the first step is simple go to and find a Titleist fitter or fitting event near you guys the titlist fitting experience is the fastest way to better and guys the new FootJoy Pro SLX they’re here they they’re shoes that are really engineered with power in mind and you can kind of see that visibly when you flip the showe over and you look at that power track system it’s got this Innovative it’s a 3D X-Wing and effectively what it does is we talked about before about ground and using the ground and ground forces what it does is as you apply pressure into the ground it kind of spreads out giving you even more traction into the ground and it’s something that I think is really learning to think of your Footwear as another piece of performance equipment and when you see a shoe like this you kind of understand that so not only does it look 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you can go play nine on a real course in near real ground conditions and you can have fun doing it I mean if if you kind of heard a golf Zone this might help you you probably saw the one where the simulator with the floor moves it simulates the exact lie that you’re on it’s so cool uh and if you want an excuse to come to a golf Zone social here you go we’ll give you one we’re hosting a tournament there June 22nd it’s a Saturday it’s going to be at their new location in Brooklyn come hang out even if you don’t want to compete just come hang out the prizes will be insane uh our merch guy may be coming by with some cool stuff so you know a $3,000 golf simulator by the way the wave is going to go to one of the winners we’re going to have net we’re going to have gross just go to golfis register secure your spot space is going to be super limited escape the family or bring them whatever come on down June 22nd we’ll see you golf Zone social in Brooklyn All right so we mentioned before I I think there is a place that is a fit for tiger and I think it was a wise direction for them to start moving and honestly I think that that’s the tgl you know I I I indoors no carts no think about it for a second like we think about what are what are the benefits of having tiger in the field right it’s the way he engages with other players right it’s the fact that and I think some of the best tiger content if you want to call it that that we’re getting now is his Insight right y when I I like match just as much as like you know of course watching him play right in a major I like thumbing through social Med media and you see those posts that pop up where tiger will talk through one of his processes or he’s with other players and he’s talk we saw that famous quote with Scotty Sheffer you know where he was saying you know I don’t take divots when I’m flushing it now granted that was Tiger being Tiger but what I’m saying is that I think where we as fans and and and viewers stand to benefit the most is in Tiger in an environment that maybe is a little bit more relaxed mhm and he’s miked up right so you think about the the tgl for a second here it’s still going to be competitive golf it’s going to be in Prime Time right which tiger and prime time goes well together right we’re taking away Tiger’s potentially biggest limitation which is walking MH and we’re just getting to see tiger hit shots right now it’s into a simulator but it’s a different world now simulators have come such a long way we’ve talked about that before but now you’re talking about something that I think when it it launches I think it’s going to blow everyone’s mind because it’s not a little tiny screen they’re hitting into an iMac size screen this thing’s multiple stories tall right we’re going to see these these great graphics these incredible tracers we’re going to see tiger hitting shots through different Windows he’s going to be on a launch monitor for every single shot we’re going to see his ball speed and the numbers he generates we’re going to see tigers swing right and then for the short game they’re going to move over to this facility that they’re going to play real short game shots you know is it 50 in in 50 yards 50 yards and in it this will not be into a simulator and if you’re unfamiliar with the tgl this is one reason we’ve been so hyped about it I can’t wait to see this you’re going to have an environment of it’s artificial turf I’ll give you that but artificial turf has also come a long way it’s going to look and feel a lot like real Turf and it’s going to have these these actuators underneath it that are going to move and create the shapes of real greens sure and we’re going to see tiger play you know nippy little chip shots around the green stuff that he’s so good at doing we’re going to right but where he’s lost the touch recently like we mentioned before tiger is you know one of the most prolific best short games we’ve ever seen but we haven’t seen it as of late we saw Valhalla him struggling in the short game got to get the Reps in in comp in in competition maybe this becomes the way that tiger gets some of that competitive reps in Tiger’s a competitor he’s going to want to win him and his team they’re going to want to win rightn he’s going to be out there and this is going to be whatever it ends up being 12 15 weeks of more effectively more competition than he’s seen before so it makes me wonder is this a manner that can supplement the game in a new way that tiger can get competitive reps in and potentially get himself a little bit more in to where he’s playing in the majors he can be more competitive and on top of that the lineup of players who are in the tgl and who’ve committed to it are the cream of the crop sure I think they all benefit from a lot of them are there because they grew up watching tiger I think a lot of them are can benefit from playing alongside and against tiger week in and week out at these tgl events where and now I understand that he won’t be playing every week because it’s whatever team it is and they Shuffle in and out but for the ones that he is playing in people will benefit from playing with tiger and and enhancing the game in that way so I think that the tgl is kind of a a substory that a lot of us have been missing of a way that that tiger can stay competitive tiger can pick up wins on the tgl he could right he could taste the win and he can stay relevant yeah he’ll definitely stay relevant and I think people will tune in because of him no doubt um I think they’ll tune in originally because of the concept to see if it works no doubt so I think out of the gate it could be a very big thing and I think tiger could do well there I think tiger where he does well is I mean again you’ll see him on social media when he’s doing stuff at like clinics and just kind of messing around on the Range he’ll drop a ball and he’ll hit it and hit another ball just like instantly like the weird stuff that he does so well he does it in those low pressure situations so where tjl although it’s competitive there’s money on the line I still think I still think it’s going to be way less pressure than a major that we see him at so you could see him execute those nippy shots because of less pressure and things like that and you could see him play well there will It ultimately transition onto the course as much as I love indoor simulator golf I just don’t know I don’t know if it will well that’s it it is no doubt less pressure than a major but it’s also undeniably more pressure than a practice round and that’s what I’m saying like this could be something that is a a means for tiger with his limited capability physically his limited capability to be able to get out there and get some competitive reps in sure that will only ultimately stand to benefit him in the majors I I mean we’ll go right back to that quote that I said earlier tiger said specifically I need to play more right and that and yes practice is a part of that but competitive golf is a different animal we’ve we’ve seen the benefit you you got to be playing competitively in order to stay sharp sure and this could be a lwh hanging fruit means for Tiger to get competitive rounds in it’s basically in his backyard where the venue is going to be in Florida it’s not going to be grueling for him to travel to he won’t have to worry about walking he will be walking back and forth in the arena that’s it right he’s not going to be walking eight miles it’s so perfect for him so I think tiger will be competitive in that environment and I think it’ll help sharpen his skills a little bit more beyond that all I think that we can all kind of hold out hope for is that although as you saw pointed out that twe tweet father time and injuries are undefeated if tiger can get to a place where physically he can get around the golf course and we could start to see him compete in 10 events a year just slowly gramping it up yeah it’s got to be more than four and could those events eventually be senior you know you know PJ tour we call it the senior tour PG to Champions Events maybe um but there’s got to be a creative way to get him into getting to play more but in the meantime I think all that we can do as fans is remove the delusion yeah I think that’s it you know be happy if be overjoyed if we do get a win out of Tiger but I I I I only live so long on this treadmill where you’re constantly saying hey if Tiger’s in the field that means he can win and we’re asking that same question and we’re putting that that pressure and it’s just like let’s be realistic we’re all fortunate that a after that car accident tiger is even alive right we’re even more fortunate that tiger can walk has two legs cuz he almost lost it right and that he’s here let’s be fortunate with that if tiger play well so be it that’s such a good point but real let’s be real and and and say let’s not build this narrative just for viewership yeah when you break it down like that just to say the fact that he’s just here and let alone he missed the cut of Valhalla but like you said he has both legs and he’s still here think about that that he still went out and competed and I even think after round one he was in a decent spot I think he was plus one or something and I and I think so much of this is driven because of the fact that tiger has done what he’s done which ha has been shut down the deniers shut down the haters so many times has come back so from so many things has come back so many times you get to a point where you start to believe he can come back from anything sure and I think that there’s a point which that’s going to start to actually put people off cuz they’re going to feel like you’re driving a delusional narrative and I think by cleaning up the narrative a little bit we do all of us a service yeah that being said let’s hope tiger wins again you guys get what we’re saying anyway let us know in the comments what you think what should be our thought process what should we look for as fans when it comes to tiger and what should we expect from him we want to hear your take let’s hear it in the comments uh we’ll see you in the next show


  1. He deserves every chance if he qualifies for the event. He still looks dangerous from time to time. I still wouldnt count him out for a few more top 5 finishes, maybe even a win or two especially places like augusta where he can utilize experience.

  2. Nobody is excited to see a golfer gimping around during warmups. Gary Player moves around more fluidly than Tiger. Who are people kidding? He needs to play to promote his new apparel brand. Investors want him out there. It’s a joke at this point.

  3. People are so ignorant. Can you not see tiger is looking more and more healthy by the day?
    He still has shots no one else has. Tiger will win again within A year (ish). I was actually very satisfied with what I saw.

  4. Never been a bigger fan of Tiger than me even before he turned pro. It's done and I'm over it. The timing of Tiger being done and LIV starting was the perfect storm at least for me. He carried the PGA Tour forever. Now it's a borefest and I've moved on. The PGA Championship was excellent but I only watched featured group coverage each day. Watching Bryson and Viktor Saturday and Sunday was an absolute pleasure. There is no way I can take a CBS broadcast or NBC broadcast after watching every LIV event. Just golf shot after golf shot for 4.5 hours is so refreshing

  5. As a new golfer, all the tiger talk when he is playing is really boring.
    It's been 5 years since his last win and he is still limping from the crash.
    I agree though that when he is miced up and messing about in practise he is quite fun

  6. For Tiger to win he would need 72 holes of his A game and 100 other guys to play their C game. What are the odds of that happening?

  7. Listen Tiger is controlling the narrative. Look at the stats. No iron play, no chipping and no putting. He will not play at a high level unless he practices like he used to and he can’t.

  8. Tiger is DONE. 😅 Hell never contend again. He’s not lying when he said he thinks he can win, it’s just that he delusional. The tour needs him to show face and that’s about it. Social media also relies on him alot for posts.

  9. 1. You can't expect to be game ready practicing in your backyard.
    2. Yall need to move on. Tiger continues to let everyone down. He is about a 6 year train wreck. Golf needs to hitch its wagon to players that can win. Joe six pack isn't watching as much golf as they were because now they're playing more.

  10. It takes strength to hit shots from off the fairways. That's his game. The best putter whoever lived.

  11. Tiger should play limited golf until hes 50. Then he should just go on the champions tour. Imagine what he could do for that tour? I'm sure he won't do it because his ego is so massive he doesn't want to believe he's an old man, but he is. Three rounds of golf instead of four. Get to use a cart. That's what he should do but we'll see.

  12. Tiger is still a draw for the tour, that equates to $$$$. It’s his call, he’ll be around to help promote his clothing line. I hope he goes out on his terms and with respect.

  13. Great video I think Tiger won’t give up because the accident he was in was self-inflicted basically and he’s trying to prove he can come back

  14. Tiger is the reason I started playing. But, as a fan, I say and said a year ago, he is done. He has no more wins left in him. There are too many players on the field who are way better. He can't just play in majors once a month and expect to be any good. His body may not be allowing him

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