Is This Perfect Iron For Every Golfer? Fourteen TB-5

Full Review of the Fourteen Golf TB-5 Irons. These things are so pure! To find a store near you check the link below 👇

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TB-5 Forged Irons

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0:00 – 1:00 – Info & About The TB5’s
1:01 – 4:12 – Initial Testing & Warm-up
4:13 – 5:31 – What Fourteen Say About Them?
5:32 – 8:02 – Forgiveness Test
8:03 – 11:51 – Shot Shaping & Workability
11:52 – 12:46 – Conclusion & Thoughts

what’s up everybody welcome back to the channel I’m Dave Maxfield and today we are going to be testing out my brand new ons in the top end of my bag the 14 golf tb5 so these items have been in my bag for a little bit and I have been absolutely loving them and I in fact think that these could be the perfect iron for every golfer now a number of brands have tried to get into this market and done it quite successfully tlor made with the p790 you’ve got everybody using it from scratch right up to a 2530 handicap and I believe that this fits in the exact same bracket except it has some benefits that I think you and I would appreciate like first of all it’s a Japanese forged iron made out of a single block carbon steel SC 2020 and it does have that extra Soul forgiveness here that a lot of people like while still keeping a nice thin Top Line they’re two pretty big boxes for me to tick but let’s get in hit some warm-up shops I’m going to tell you a little bit more about this as I go right so here 47 Golf Sim we have the sky track plus up which is going to give me all my accurate numbers I have actually been working on my swing as well and before I hit a shot hopefully that comes through on this video because I caught probably more than the American president about my golf swing on my channel guys that’s a swing the ball goes where I want it to go 70% of the time I don’t really care what it looks like but anyway let’s get into it that was nice I love the feel of this probably a little bit right but yeah I hit that so good that’s actually pretty pretty good but I love the feel of the iron I love the feel of that just that soft Japanese Forge you know when you’re really really pure in iron it hits a dead center of the club and you almost don’t even feel it other than that like really absolutely flush that one I mean sometimes it gets a little bit weird but that’s how it feels so we can see nice little fade there and then if I take a look at the shot detail I always like putting that up my spin rates are in a perfect window my launch uh my descent angle is also in a perfect window and my launch angle is pretty much in optimal range in Amber 1° you know that’s sort of negligible really for me as a for handicapper that was flushed again little bit right just need to close that face but that was a good shot again almost exact same in the optimized numbers as far as warm-ups go this is pretty good I just need to uh just square that club face a little bit you can see that I’ve got it a little bit open there and my club path is a little bit out to end but in the shaft now the shaft I probably could have gone a little bit stiffer I went the motus 105 stiff Flex which is really quite soft um and the reason why I went that is because I wanted to work on my temp I wanted to slow my swing down that hasn’t been as easy as I thought it would be trying to change a natural movement but when I get it right it really does work so for now I’m persisting with them I may change them I am actually looking at probably a steel fiber carbon sorry graphite xff shaft uh that I will probably put in these if this doesn’t work but at the moment when I really get it right it does give me enough to think I should persist like that that was nice that’s the start line that I need that’s perfect that’s getting on the pin get in the hole boom look at that landed right next to the hole launch angle is perfect Back Spin is perfect descent angle is perfect this iron seriously ticks all the boxes in fact many times it makes me wonder should I have just gone a full set in the TB 5S I do absolutely love the tb7 the extra forgiveness that you can get from these though it does really help and it inspires confidence especially in that longer part of the bag where my game hasn’t been the best of late so having these in there at the top end as opposed to a true blade like the tb7 has definitely given me some confidence that was absolutely flushed I love that look at that ball fly big high fade that’s pure that’s now warming up you know that launch angle again it’s just one very high but I’m I’m happy with that the rest of it again is in those optimized perfect numbers and it tells me that even though I’m taking a little bit to get used to this shaft it is worth persisting so that’s what I was talking about before all right so here’s what 14 golf is saying about these ions and if you do want to check them out I’ve got a store located just in the description below make sure you check that out to see where you can actually get fit for these amazing clubs a couple of local ones here on the Gold Coast uh is going to be cool clubs and also House of golf but there are a number of others so please check the score locator and uh and make sure that you check those out retailing here for a full set of tb5 irons at $239 which is very reasonably priced compared to a lot of big boys in the market and considering that you’re going to get a forged Japanese iron that is of tier one premium quality 100% that is a bargain so tb5 forged uh both feel and forgiveness from the theater blade design now I absolutely love that so if you can see the theater blade design I’m just going to throw it up here on screen right now it it gives you that blade look but it is still a cavity back you still have the wider soul for the forgiveness and what it says is the cavity step in the back face is removed which allows the face sickness to flow naturally in the curved shape of a theater creating an optimal center of gravity and a reduction in vibrations transmitting to the hands which is that feel that I was talking about before it feels like it’s almost nothing when you pure it out the middle of the cup head the soft feel is further enhanced by the use of soft material s20c M steel this fulfills the need for golfers for an optimal balanced iron featuring both feel and forgiveness well let’s test out the Forgiveness I’m going to try and do this deliberately not that I really need to try and do that deliberately but I have been hitting it pretty good at the moment so I’m going to just try and hit one you know slightly towards the toe and I’ve just flushed it like I’m look at that I should try and hit that I should try and hit the toe more often okay I’ve got no spin obviously because I’ve tried to tow it down but that that is impressive let’s try the toe again I’ll literally just hit two absolutely flush okay I got that I guess a little toward the heel but sometimes that can feel good all right I’m going to try and you know what the center of these things is so big when you’re actually trying to miss it you’re still hit it all right that’s toe that was towards the toe I felt that my hands and we can see that it’s still going straight which is going to be largely reliant on club path um and we see ball speed was still pretty good 124 my my ball speed out of the center is probably 127 to 129 uh with this so that’s pretty good let’s try and hit one heavy so I’m try enough to hit behind the ball the Forgiveness across the face is is definitely there it’s a longer blade length and really you can hit it all over the joint it’s just about whether you hit it thin or fat so let’s try and get one fat flush that as well when I say flushed it I tried to hit fat and I’ve just flush pulled it but flushed it okay you know if I tried to do this on the golf course and I ended up hitting him like this I probably wouldn’t be able to do it all right that was fat that was very fat now I took a lot off off that as well just to try and make sure that I duffed it but we’re still straight we’re still going to be just short of the green now I got that pretty much that would have taken half the Earth with it let’s see if I can maybe get one half heavy and still have a proper swing like that that was probably it so that was heavy so I’m trying to hit these thin and fat you can see again it’s still dead straight it’s still in the Target yeah I didn’t hit it great but I’m still on the green so the forgiveness for definitely a ticked box the other thing with the tb5 irons is that even though they are a thicker Sole and a more forgiving iron you can still work them a lot now you’ve seen that I’ve already hit a whole bunch of Fades that’s a natural fade shot that I’ve gone with and that’s pretty much what I’m going to be sticking to but let’s try and Sh shape it a little bit let’s hit it like uh low let’s hit it high let’s draw it let’s fade it and do those sort of things so I’ve been hitting fade so let’s try and hit a draw might be pushy okay that’s just a straight block but I flushed it and again this is why I’m not hitting draw see how open my face is that’s me not the club head but let’s try that drawer again another high drawer that was better yeah there we go nice tight little drawer super happy with that it’s gone longer obviously because it’s got less spin now this is why I’ve gone to the fade um and one of the reasons actually I love the sky truck as well is because I’m getting just not enough spin from hitting a drawer it goes a lot longer sure but I need that spin number to be up especially in these longer irons so uh sorry in terms of Versatility what you’re going to get is if you need that extra spin you need it to Take 5 M 6 M off then you know that with a drawer with a face you’re going to be able to do that and the iron is going to react accordingly absolutely give me some of that again that just that nice tight drawer big distance but I’m not the optimized numbers like I would normally be which is why I’ve gone to the fade but that is super super cool now let’s try and play with some of the trajectories one thing to go right and left one thing to go left and right but you need to also go up and down I don’t like the forgiving irons that just want to absolutely launch everything because there are a number of times we want to keep it lower in windier conditions and those sort of things so let’s try and hit more of a low shot first like that was absolutely flushed and that is that’s just piercing I mean if you’re trying to hit that into a green this shot is an into the wind shot I would call that like a 160 165 shot again that’s flush that’s got that really low Pierce ing ball flight uh and then you know you compare it to something like this which is a normal stock shot again that was flushed so that’s a stock shot for me which is a fade we were hitting that originally again there’s at 170 and I’m bang smack bang back into uh optimized numbers so if you’re wondering why I’m choosing a that loses 6 M over a drawer that right there is exactly why now if you want to go even higher and you want to hit that we’ve got low middle and here’s high and there you see the higher Peak ball flight maybe I didn’t get that as well that was closer toward the heel so again just testing out that forgiveness U I’m trying to hit that higher it is definitely higher uh let’s just do one more there we go that was pure absolutely pure and that is a towering high ball flight so you can really do almost everything with these irons uh that’s perfect in the numbers there 50 in the optimal range the launch angle is higher because I’m trying to hit it higher the stock numbers are always much better but this in terms of an iron is absolutely fantastic and you definitely need to consider the 14 TB FS when you’re purchasing a new set of so I’m my exact handicap I think is about 3.8 however these on I could play right through from 5 to pitching W without any dramas what soever absolutely love them you’re going to get the Forgiveness you’re going to get the workability uh you’re going to get the feel as well that’s something that these definitely have over the eyes that I’ve had previously is the feel of these things are incredible so check them out I’ve got basically the setup that anyone could use I’ve got a 105 stiff flex shaft the tb5 heads and that will suit every handicap pretty much from 25 right down to scratch probably even Beyond to be honest with you but check out 14 golf everything Linked In the description and I’ll see you guys on the next video cheers guys [Music]


  1. Who trash talks your swing? you hit it 3x as far as me with 1/3rd the swing, it's incredible

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