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UFC Vegas 91 Mateus Nicolau vs Alex Perez FULL Card Predictions & Betting Tips

UFC Vegas 91 Mateus Nicolau vs Alex Perez FULL Card Predictions & Betting Tips

Parlay of the Week:
Ivana Petrovic
James Llontop
Jhonata Diniz

Most confident pick:
Ivana Petrovic

yo what’s up guys we’re back for another week of breakdown and predictions this week we got another UFC Apex card we got it headlined with Alex Perez and Matos Nicola in the flyweight division some pretty decent fights overall it’s hard to come back after a card like UFC 300 and uh be that overly you know hyped about the card but I think there’s some fun fights on here I think there’s a going to be a lot of finishes on this card so that’s always good to see and there’s some other stuff going on this weekend that I’m pretty interested in as well there’s the the bkfc knuckle Mania 4 um I’m going to probably break uh put a breakdown prediction out for that for that I’m going to be going to that event so pretty excited for that one Mike Perry versus Thiago Alves and um yeah guys outside of that hit the like button um subscribe to the channel if you’re not subscribed and let’s try to hit some of these picks uh win some money and uh get some good bets in if you’re at want access to my bets go to prediction Guru you can get those right now I have pretty much almost the entire card for uh bkfc as well over there with a written breakdown so if you want access to that go check that out but um let’s get in this fight card right here man with the first fight night Gabriel bonitz and mahata um kind of a fight where the UFC is trying to test M shata with the veteran that usually beats guys that aren’t UFC levels so I think this is probably a loser go home match for both guys I think the loser of this fight might not get another fight in the UFC and it should be an entertaining fight I think it’s going to be more of a standup battle um don’t really see either guy looking to wrestle and Gabriel bernitz Southpaw he has heavy kicks like everyone says but recently he hasn’t really been using those kicks that often he’s been much more B boing oriented and I think that he’s just getting a little up there in age in in terms of damage I don’t think that he takes shots as well um he doesn’t have to worry about someone taking him down in this one so I think he could be a little bit more aggressive and confident But ultimately I just think Ma shata he’s a big guy he’s younger he has slick striking in his own right he has good ability to control distance and snipe guys really good left hook and I feel like he’s more Dynamic a little fresher at this point in his career he has the power advantage and his last fight I think his last couple fights he lost he lost to haa Garcia as well but I still think that he’s a solid fighter overall and I think that he could um get The Knockout here so I’m going to go with ma shata to win this first fight of the night over Gabriel bernitz and second up here with we got Ivana Petrovic she’s taking on uh leang Na and don’t really got a ton to say about this fight I think uh nalang leang Na is uh one of the worst fighters in the UFC ultimately um her striking is she’s fast and you know she has length and maybe she has power I mean she doesn’t really landed clean it seems like she has something about her on the feed in terms of like if you could hone it in but at this point her striking is really extremely low level and you look at her wrestling her wrestling is decent because she really sells out for the takedowns and she was able to get a couple takedowns on JJ Aldridge and some people but she loses position on the ground or grappling is is not good at all really to me and she tends to kind of get really tired and then quit she doesn’t Pace herself well so so it’s it’s a fight it’s a fighter that you really don’t want to trust I mean she’s probably only going to finish really lowlevel girls and if she does get a win in the UFC it’s going to more than likely be off something that is is just not going to happen that often you know you don’t really see 125b females finishing each other in the first round like that especially when it’s it’s not like someone that has big huge power and Petrovic she looks like a she I think has like a kickboxing background but she looked like a decent Grappler as well um and I just feel like she’s just going to have to survive that first round craziness and if she doesn’t get finished in a scramble and some weird thing on the ground I think she’ll be able to pretty much take over the fight and get the finish one thing I I don’t think about that Petrovic has is very much finishing ability like I don’t think she’s a big ground impounder um doesn’t have big power on the feet doesn’t have a big submission threat so maybe the over one and a half rounds would be a decent bet but I think Petrovic is going to get the job done inside the distance and probably finish in the second or third here and continuing through the card this one we got short notice matchup with uh James uh La top he’s taking on Chris Padilla and uh I feel like Padilla he’s coming in here on short notice he’s like a long Grappler but I feel like he’s a little bit sloppy everywhere he’s decent but I just don’t see him winning this fight I think that his opponent here you know the Peruvian they’ve been doing really well recently uh Peru fighters in the UFC and I think that he has way Slicker striking he’s going to be a lot more fluid a lot cleaner he’s going to have the higher volume and Padilla made get him down or get him against the cage but I don’t see him being able to control him or really get much meaningful offense and I think that it’s just going to be offset by the Striking here of James so ultimately I don’t know if he’s going to get finished because it seems like he has experience he’s tough guy he’s hard to get out of there and I don’t necessarily think that Lop is like a huge power guy but I’m going to say that he wins this one via decision here in a pretty dominant fashion I think Padia may have some time where he’s controlling but I don’t think he’s going to get much off and then I think he’s going to get beat up pretty bad and I feel like he could as the fight goes on start to wear damage and kind of get beat up a little bit so give me um Lop to win this one with the in the Battle of these two guys that are debuting here in the UFC and up next we got another fight with a huge favorite with Katlin Souza he’s taking on Marik command Souza she’s coming off that loss to karini Silva and that was a pretty bad loss because she had to take some time off due to a knee injury I think she I don’t know if she had to have surgery or how bad the injury ended up being but I think she had a pretty significant knee injury from um that fight and then Marik man she lost her UFC debut to Josephine nutson and really didn’t have a lot in that fight positive besides just toughness and being able to get to the final Bell so I didn’t think that she looked very good at all and she also had that fight with Bruno Brazil where she got knocked out with the head kick so this is definitely probably the last chance for mikm to get a win here in the UFC but it’s a it’s a tough fight CU I think catlyn Souza is pretty good everywhere outside of the wrestling she has good striking high volume she throws a lot of kicks a lot of single single shots but in this fight it’s not going to matter because Marik man has pretty much non-existent striking she’s really short and I think that the kicking game of Souza is just going to give her a lot of issues if she can’t get the takedowns um and Souza does have enough power with their pot shots to make man not just walk through her walk through her shots she’s going to have to respect her um but Marik man you know the one thing that she could potentially do is get soua against a cage pin her there hold her Against the Cage maybe get a taked down lay on her Souza has good grappling I feel like K Jiu-Jitsu is decent but her wrestling is is not the greatest so that would just be man’s path to Victory but Marik man and she isn’t explosive with her takedowns she kind of relies on Fighters clenching her to then get the taked down from that and if Souza has a smart game plan she’s probably going to be able to win this one running away I don’t necessarily know if she’s going to finish man because man did survive with nutson and she was able to get hurt and recover in the fight with Bruno bzo before being finished as well um if Souza can land a big head kick or spin kick especially if it’s later in the fight I wouldn’t be shocked at a finish but I’ll say that Catlin Souza wins this one via decision and this next fight we got a low-level heavyweight fight between dto Mae and Kyle Machado um I feel like Maize is the way better fighter honestly uh hard to say that in most dto ma fights but outside of speed and volume and just probably being more durable and if they’re in the pocket just swinging and banging then I think that Mach is going to get the advantage there but Maize is more athletic he has more on the outside and I think that he can kind of dictate where the fight goes by being all the way in or all the way out when Machado tries to get into range crashing the distance clinching pushing Machado against the fence hidden takedowns I think mached has horrible takedown defense really low level um he was able to kind of hang tough in his fight with Mick Parker and make it competitive but you even saw like when he gets taken down or when he got put on his back in that third round and in other fights that I’ve seen way too contend to just lay on his back man he doesn’t really try to get up and just in general you know heavyweights they don’t really have that explosiveness they’re big so it’s like hard to explode back to your feet a lot of the time and Machado if he gets taken down by Maze and Maz has that game plan I think he’ll win easily and I feel like ma can use his movement I don’t think he’s the fastest guy in terms of his hands but he can move fairly well and he’s really tall and lengthy so he could St on the outside like I said and then get the takedowns it’s just this fight IQ is where you have to question mazee you know mazee could come out here and try to strike for three rounds get walked down Machado could kick his legs a couple times which neither guys throws leg kicks but I think Machado would definitely benefit from that here if he went for that but ultimately I don’t think he will but maze like I said unless he has a bad game plan he probably will win this fight he has the cardio to maintain that pace for three rounds too so I’m going to go with Maize in this one but I do think you know Ma is is someone that’s prone to go out there fight to a bad game plan and lose a fight that he should win so it’s a close money line for a reason but I I’ll go with donto Ma and up next we got Austin hubard versus Michael figl and I like this fight for figl I think it’s kind of a by low spot for him Austin hubard he’s a veteran he had a stint in the UFC got cut went on The Ultimate Fighter now he’s back in the company Michael figlock he had a really bad U see debut against far Zam where he kind of got dominated for pretty much the entire fight and it really lowered his stock because I think he was a favorite in that Zeon fight now he’s still a favorite against atin hubard but it’s not as big and zeom is better than hubard by a pretty wide margin in my opinion but you look at both these guys from a stylistic standpoint Austin hubard you know not the greatest athlete and I think he’s slowing down even more I don’t think he’s the oldest guy but he has taken a lot of damage and been in the game for a while but switches stances kind of tries to use a jab and head body combinations he doesn’t really have a lot of punch power but he has okay knees and then he does decent when he can control distance and be the guy going first he can hit take down Downs I don’t really think that he’s very good off the back foot though and figlock has that good effec at pressure he has solid boxing you throw uh in my opinion faster hand combinations a little bit tighter punches and I don’t think figlock has a lot of power either but he keeps that pace and pressure which I think will be effective I think he can back hover it up to the cage and if hubard shoots bad takedowns on the legs I think figlock can defend those and get on top um control hubard reverse and uh do well from the top position I know in his last fight he got dominated in the grappling department but I think that was more because the length of zeom he was able to take him down with more clinch takedowns and things like that whereas I don’t see hubard being able to do that and I think Fig’s going to do a better job of defending the takedowns and in general you know it’s been a while since he fought after that fight and he’s not in old guy I’m sure that LW burned him so you have to think that he’s out there wrestling and getting better with that and you see it on a social media that he has a good wrestling training Partners so I think fig lak’s going to go out there and hand hover another loss and get the victory here probably be a decision and up next year we got Han Yaya versus Victor Henry and if you’ve watched the channel you know that I’m one of these guys that I picked H yaaya in a lot of these spots where he came through there was the underdog and I’ve picked him when he’s lost too so I I like hanaya I think that he has a effective style cuz he fights to his strengths and you know he stays to that you know he goes out there he’s not going to try to strike with you he’s going to go out there wrestle hard try to submit you early get you out of there and that’s why usually gases out but he has that veteran Savvy enough to probably or to usually Bank out you know enough time to he could win two rounds and then uh get beat up in the third round and win the decision if he doesn’t get to finish early but he’s a lot older now he’s been fighting for a long time I think probably almost 20 years now and he’s coming off a pretty significant layoff so that to me is definitely a red flag Victor Henry is old too I he’s 36 um but he’s been more active and I just feel like he’s the younger younger guy less mileage just the way that he fights he doesn’t seem like he has I don’t know he just doesn’t seem as weathered or as much as age as he is even though he’s 36 years old but it’s a tricky fight just because if Hanya can get him down early with that single leg he’s probably going to bank the round or submit him and he could get the back um Henry does expose his back so I think you know if Yaya can win that first round then there is potential that he could steal the second round and steal the fight but if Victor Andre could shut down some takedowns in the first I see him finishing Yaya eventually because Yaya’s striking is just not on that level it’s not horrible but Victor hry is much smoother he’s really high volume uh kind of a death by million Cuts type of fighter but he’s able to mix in power as well and I just feel like Yaya will get really tired and Yaya’s fought a lot a lot of more grappling based Fighters if you look at it and or guys that are like inexperienced Strikers he hasn’t really fought the cream of the crop guys where Victor Henry I think has been fighting a lot better competition and Victor Henry I think will be able to turn up the pace and maybe get Yaya out of there when some of these other guys haven’t been able to by making kind of dumb mistakes but uh yeah man yaaya is a veteran he’s one of these guys where if he can get you down he’s probably going to win that round or finish you I don’t think Victor enu has been submitted in a long time in his career um so I don’t likely think he’s going to get submitted but he could get controlled it’s just uh I just don’t trust Yaya at this age off the layoff I think Henry is a good anti-g Grappler even though he makes mistakes and I think that you’re probably able to win this one and I’ll say he wins in the third round via finish here and now we’re moving on to the main card and we’re kicking off the main card with a really good fight an action fight between another OG veteran in Tim Means taking on OS medic and this is another guy you know if you watch channel usually always picking Tim Means in most of his fights I really like his style you know I feel like he is an underrated guy that never really you know when you fight certain guys you know certain people get good match up certain people don’t and I think he never really in his prime got those matchs where he could have maybe moved up further in the rankings but he’s still been able to stick around and do really well and he’s taking on someone in ears medic who isn’t really as proven but in my opinion has really slick nasty striking and is someone that with potential to have a really long fun career in the UFC so this is a good fight I mean Tim Means you look at him I think that he may try to come in here and try to make this one a lot uglier than most of his fights not uses boxing as much wrestle clinch and I think that would be the proper game plan I think that uh you know he’s been wrestling a lot more in his recent fights and you see medic on the outside the guy’s a sniper he’s an incredible Striker with those long range weapons great kicks really fast hands good three tws good onews big Power and you have to admit I mean even if you’re a Tim Means fan he’s getting slower closing that distance man his feet are getting slower he’s walking in a Range a little bit plottier getting clipped and he doesn’t have as quick a hand in terms of being able to use that jab or use his punches to get on the inside and get to that dirty boxing range where he’s a really a menace but um he’s just been able to take shots and get in on the guys he’s been able to beat and beat them that way but we’ve also seen more recently he’s been getting dropped hurt submitted and his chin isn’t quite as Invincible as it used to be like before that ni price fight so I do think that means has kind of take it a little bit too much damage at this point where he’s still a formidable guy but he doesn’t have that iron chin that he used to have and that could be a big issue with medic and I think that medic’s cardio is a little bit um underrated I feel like people really bag on his cardio but he went in there on a week’s notice and Salt Lake City and was able to uh finish Matt seberger in the third round I feel like his cardio is better than people give it credit for it’s just um means has to make this fight nasty man he has to be able to close that Gap you know get in uh close range land uppercuts land those short hooks land elbows maybe get a taked down or two like I said and um that’s his path to Victory but I think he’s going to be a big danger closing that distance especially early in the fight and really throughout the whole fight because I do think that medage is going to maintain his Pace unless he’s getting really beat up and I don’t think get out of their own possibility that means wins this one because Med doesn’t have the best defense on the inside so it’s really just a battle of who can get their game off and I don’t agree with the line I think it should be closer but ultimately I’m going to go with medic and I’m actually going to say he wins this one via first round knockout here and moving on to the next fight on the main card we got another really good fight right Jonathan Pierce he’s taking on David onama and really really in my opinion close fight I feel like the line is not right I feel like it should be closer to a pick them and I think people give David onama a lot of you know they [ __ ] on him for past performances but they’re not giving him credit what about his last fight with Gabriel Santos where he’s a huge Underdog he’s facing guy that has good wrestling that’s been able to take down pretty much everyone that he’s fought and onama is in there shutting down his wrestling and you have to know um onama in my opinion really doesn’t have terrible wrestling defenses just as cardio failed him really badly in previous fights and he was not that experienced you know he went all out in that Nate land wear fight gassed himself and now he’s training to Elevation he’s training with Factory x and you have to think that he’s going to have better cards he’s going to be looking better and uh you know I definitely think like onama has a chance here Jonathan Pierce he’s extremely vulnerable on the feed I I know that the it’s kind of a battle of uh if he gets a takedown he’s going to cook onama and I get that but you look at the stand up for Jonathan pierce the guy’s chin is way in the air and he’s getting clipped by almost everyone he’s fights with these onews and these straight punches down the pipe which is ama’s thing onama is very blow with the straight punches he can walk you down and um if he tees off on Pierce is Pierce going to be able to eat those shots I mean we’ve seen Pierce drop before um we’ve seen him run over before by guys like Joe Lozan and I feel like onama could potentially go out there and just beat beat the [ __ ] out of Jonathan Pierce knock him out in the first round but um Pierce could go out there wrestle get the taked down and those same reoccurring issues could happen for onama where he gets tired and then then Pierce could finish him on the mat so I think someone’s getting finish here in this fight regardless but I’m going to go with the upset here with onama I think that he he could be able to uh get this finish in the first round I think he’s going to be able to shut down the takedowns a lot better than people think and one thing about JSP that I don’t like is he’s very willing to take the back and I don’t think that he has the greatest um back control and David onama likes for guys to take his back so he could explode and turn in get on top and if Hama gets on top of Pierce and starts raining down ground and pound like we saw in the Gabriel Santos fight he could turn that fight around two either way so I think that onama is going to continually get better with his grappling and I’m not saying Pierce is going to not get better with the Striking but I just think that onama is a better athlete and the better overall Prospect so maybe onama will not show those improvements and get beat up but I’m going to go with David onama here I’m going to say he goes out there and win this one Bea first or second round knockout this fight and this next fight here Austin Lane versus jonad denz uh hard fight to break down I mean denz a lot of kickboxing fights I don’t really think he’s necessarily the most impressive guy when you watch him fight I mean it seems like he’s a little bit slow and plotty he takes shots but he has good composure and he has big Power in his hands walks you down and with Austin Lane I mean the guy’s athletic he’s tall he can can move in and out he throws good kicks but terrible defense his chin is right in the air and at heavyweight when you’re fighting these hitters like UFC you know seems like they don’t like Austin Lane they’re always giving them these guys with one punch KO power uh which is like his big cryptonite and um it’s no different here man I mean if atin land kick at the takedown unless he lands some fluke knee or head kick or something crazy he’s not going to finish the knees on the feet and uh he’s going to get knocked out but Lane you know if he could somehow get it to the ground which I just don’t think his wrestling is good enough I’ve seen Denise shut down a couple guys takedowns that were like complete scrubs but I think he could probably nullify Lanes wrestling um and if this fight gets extended you know I feel like Denise’s composure is going to help him out that cardio even though we’ve never seen it so I don’t think it’s going to go long though I think Denise is going to knock him out in the first round here and I’m going to go with janata Denise and this next fight this is a great fight right here both these girls have been looking good ariani lipsky karini Silva um I’ve been betting on lipsky in her wins where she’s been getting these upsets so I’ve been on you know her money train right now and I think that she’s definitely improved especially with her takedown defense and obviously she’s always had good striking you know fast hands good counter punching big Power walks you on with that high guard and throws the counter onews big hooks um and I think that karini Silva is one of the best prospects that’s been at 125 in a while you know where she’s just been coming in here finishing these girls and now she’s getting to I’m not going to say it’s a huge step on competition because I think marose was uh you know probably pretty close to lipsky’s level but I think it’s a step up in competition here and progression towards the ballot even but we still have to see you know I think Silva’s not proven enough to start saying that yet but she’s one of the best athletes in the division I think she’s one of the few girls that’s more athletic than lipsky in this weight class and one of the biggest strongest girls in the weight too and she’s well-rounded so Silva has gotten way better in a short span of time um and I think that she is going to come out here and be pretty effective in the standup which I don’t know if a lot of other people agree or have been saying that I know lipsky is the better not better Striker to me I’m not going to say that but she’s has the more pedigree in the Striking more proven Striker um but I think that Silva is going to be able to land those hooks man I think that hook is going to be what wins her this fight I I feel like Silva’s going to either drop it to M or knock out lipsky with a with a left hook I I feel like the onews lipsky is good at defending those with the high guard and they’re going to be walking each other down kind of fainting getting the range I think that both girls are going to be throwing some nice one twoo showing good movement but missing and uh unless Sila you know maybe shoots that big double and gets her down early which lipsky’s taked down defense has been looking really good recently so I don’t know if she’s going to be as willing to do that that’s why I think it’s going to be from a a knockdown but I wouldn’t be shocked if Silva takes her down Silva does have a really good double and she really penetrates well and uh finishes but um what I think is going to happen like I said is I think they’re going to be feeling out the range a little bit and then I think uh Silva’s going to come with the onew and then the left took after it land that and uh hurt lipsky and then finish her on the mat because I just think that uh lipsky’s defense isn’t really the best to defend hooks Silva is a really nice hook we saw that in the morose fight and a couple other fights and I just think that’s going to be the shot that uh hurts lipsky and eventually leads to the finish so I’m going to say Sila gets the finish in the first round here and now we’re in the co-main event Ryan span taking on bogdon gusoff hard fight to predict man I mean Ryan span’s one of these guys that he has all the potential in the world but he’s impossible to trust because just makes terrible mistakes after terrible mistake in every fight that he’s in he never really improves his fight IQ and he can be a little bit of a glass Cannon like he doesn’t have the greatest durability in certain fights um but he’s taking another guy in bogdon gusoff who can have that same exact classification of glass Cannon where we’ve seen him run over guys and then we’ve seen him get run over himself so both these guys definitely can be finished by each other if whoever lands first cleanest um but I feel like span is going to win this one I gusov has a shot he has fast hands you know he has that sour he keeps his hands low and then he tries to bait you and then you’ll pull and he has really fast hands so you’ll come with nice pull twos overhands uppercuts uh his jab is decent and then he puts nice combos together like that that combination we saw against palga that knocked him out that was really sick and his power is good but if you get on the inside and kind of can exploit that he has his hands low and touch him he doesn’t have a good chin um and I think span could land on on him span looked really bad in his last fight you know against Anthony Smith to me I just did not think he looked the best in that one but if he comes out here and he looks a little bit more athletic like he has in his other fights a little sharper I think he could land and hurt Goose goof and then in terms of cardio I feel like span is going to have the edge there Goose goof seems to kind of get very tired he doesn’t have a lot of finishes past the first round so I give span the advantage there wrestling wise I don’t see their guy getting a Tak down I mean Spain has good grappling if he can drop him and then jump on the neck or get bogged on to panic wrestle by hurting him he could submit him for sure and he’s definitely a much better Grappler but span doesn’t have really a takedown ability I mean I just don’t see that happening unless it’s just like a wild scramble and bogdon’s overextending and then span takes him down or something but uh I think it’ll probably be a standup fight and I’ll say span wins via knockout in this one either in the first or second uh but I wouldn’t be shocked if he hurts him and submits him either but I’m going to go span via finish and finally we got the main event Matos Nicola he is taking on Alex Perez and Perez come back pretty quick man I mean he had all those cancellations where he didn’t fight for a long time came back and you got to give him credit because he didn’t just roll over he had a good fight with uh um Mohamad maai who’s one of the best prospects in the weight class right now pushed him but ended up losing in a close decision and now he’s right back taking a short notice fight in a five round main event and looking to kind of move right back into the mix again but three losses in a row he’s older I think he’s 36 years old and Nicola you know he’s not the youngest guy either and he’s coming in here off a knockout he is a lot younger than Perez but that knockout lost to Royal was a bad knockout so both these guys you know haven’t had the best performances lately so there’s some variants in this fight I don’t really like this fight from a betting perspective or anything like that but as far as how I think it’s going to go Perez he has good pressure the leg kicks are nice but unless he can really back up Nicola or hurt him with those leg kicks and get him near the fence I don’t see him really letting his hands go that much because Nicola is just going to be able to move be faster catch him with those shots as he comes in and pre definitely has a russing Advantage but Nicola is really good at just getting right back up when he gets taken down and I don’t think PR is going to be able to hold him down so even if Perez can try to implement that wrestling game plan he wants to do I just think it’s going to be ineffective and I think that Nicola is going to be able to get up and probably win the Striking exchanges pres is just going to have to be really aggressive um throw volume with the leg kicks and try to back Nicola up and get the hands going but I feel like Nicola is going to be moving too much I think that he’s going to be touching PR as he comes in with long shots um and I wouldn’t be shocked if you know he times a taked down or two himself um and I just feel like he’s not going to get held down or controlled for that long if he does get put on his back Perez I just don’t think he’s going to have enough offense like he’ll be able to probably knock it knocked out he’ll probably be able to not really be in too much submission danger I don’t know if he will be put on his back for that many minutes in this fight but I just don’t see him Landing as much as clean I don’t see him doing as much and I just think Nicola is the better offensive fighter so going to go with mat Nicola in the main event to win via decision so there you have it guys thanks for watching this full card breakdown of predictions video really appreciate you guys supporting the channel getting me back soon do giving you guys more content going to be starting to uh probably do a show every Sunday and Friday um and it’s going to be with guests so make sure to comment support those shows if I start doing them it’s going to be soon and uh besides that guys as far as my most confident pick in P of the week goes for my most confident pick on this card I’ll go with um Ivan Petrovic as far as the parlay of the week um I’ll go with a parlay of Petrovic catlyn Souza and um I’ll I’ll go yeah and janada Denise so that would be the parlay of the week that I’ll give you guys and thanks for watching guys I’ll be back soon breaking down another fight card check out prediction for extra content if you’re interested and besides that I’ll talk to you guys later


  1. Great video.
    My picks for this fight card from most confidence to least confidence are:
    Henry, Petrovic, Souza, Nicolau, Diniz, Silva, Maheshate, Llontop, Spann, Pearce, Means, Machado, Hubbard.
    Good Luck Everyone!

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