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#Rays Blow One | PGA Championship | #Bucs Schedule Leaks | USF Lands Historic Recruit | JP Show

#Rays Blow One In Boston | PGA Championship Preview | #Bucs Schedule Leaks | #USF Lands Historic Recruit | JP Show


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[Music] standby to launch fan stream Sports 3 2 1 let’s start hello sports fans welcome to Fan stream Sports nothing nothing but pure Sports this is the JP show JP it is so good to hear you back on the air stand by now here’s JP all right welcome into a h day edition of the JP Peterson show the NFL schedule comes out tonight or maybe it’s already out and Peter has a copy of it yeah we’ll find out about that here in the show the Rays blow one in Boston what are he say and we got a big time recruit uh for USF basketball things are changing over at USF in terms of Hoops uh we’re going to talk to the man that knows all things local Hoops the great coach David zimroth will join us at 10:30 11 o’clock John Gerber our PGA Pro will get some picks for the PGA Championship uh I’m picking that Rory’s uh ex-wife will get a lot of money I’m that predicting she’s gonna clean up never made a putt she’ll get millions of dollars never hit a Chip Shot never made a sandshot she’ll get millions of dollars gotta love that you gotta love that’s good work if you can get it U all right welcome into the Big Show today uh good morning to you Peter Blake from the sports web how you doing brother I’m doing good brother uh happy hump day of course and uh the Rays uh last night disappointing had every opportunity to win that game and look when you listen to the sound from Kevin cash it certainly seems like he’s irritated he even mentioned it I think there’s a lot of Ray fans out there that are irritated uh with losing that game last night because it’s just it’s just situational baseball right I mean it’s little Le stuff man Little League stuff I mean if a guy is playing if your if your infield is playing in for the run it means that you’re basically going home at that point so why is the pitcher hesitating why aren’t you going home and then you know Kevin cash kind of doubles down on it saying it’s his fault but I think he’s kind of trying to pull a Todd Bulls but what’s the most important thing when it comes to NFL football or any sports in general situational preparation know where you’re going with the freaking ball man right let’s and we’re gonna jump right into the ray let’s set it up Peter um you know a lot of good things happened last night for the race a lot of good things happened for them uh Pete Fairbanks looked good last night he looked good he looked mean he looked ornery yeah that was the all-encompassing not suck uh it was not a specific suck that was an all-encompassing good um so I love love seeing Pete Fairbanks back you got to have him we’re gonna do anything the rays are gonna do anything you got to have Pete Fairbanks doing his thing so that was good Randy hits a freaking bomb out on L down street holy crap he smoked that ball out of he’s starting to heat up that’s good Josh low a couple extra base hits home running a double um so a lot of good things happened randa’s back savali even pitched okay you know got through the 13 game streak where he’s on base now so he yeah and he actually hit the ball the right field he didn’t pull everything he hit the ball the right field and imagine it was a base hit for a run there so good for him yeah a lot of lot of good things going on what else happen oh kinger was good last night he’s been freaking lights out um so yeah a lot of good stuff happening but man the thing that you’ve seen all year long from this race team that is so uncharacteristic is horrible defense and that’s and that’s not even you know making a bad play in terms of you know booting the ball that’s just mental that’s that’s your mentals you got to take care of your mentals right Lyn said you got to take care of your mentals yeah and that was just that’s I mean so much was was wrong on that play setting it up it’s in the 11th inning the Raz are up by run it’s first and third one out for the Red Sox my first question is why the hell are you playing the infield in why are you playing the infield in and a a ground ball double play ref Snider’s up uh it ends the game ends the game and if you don’t turn two if by chance you don’t get it you’re still tied you know and and and uh no Runner and scoring position so I think first of all the strategy was not good I think you you you play back and you play for the double play and if that’s the case you’re turning twoo now uh they didn’t have their a team in cabier al already been subbed out at shortstop maybe that comes into it but I don’t it shouldn’t he’s a major league shortstop you know he’s played the position he knows how to play the freaking position if you can’t turn two what are you doing out there I mean I that should I you know I’ve heard people say well it wasn’t the The A Team well you know that’s that should never come into it if you’re if you’re a major league shortstop and a second baseman you you turn to freaking two I mean this is not you know rocket s here and if you don’t get to turn then you’re still you’re still in the game but you have the opportunity to to get out of it and you know given what happened that should have been an easy uh double play you know if you’re playing if you’re playing at regular depth that’s an easy double play game’s over you win so that decision right there uh cost you the game to play to play the infield in but if you’re playing the infield in okay there is no decision for the freaking pitcher the pitcher should know ball hit back to me I’m going home thank infields in and I know know uh Richie Palazo saying oh I should have played I should have got back there and no no the the decision has already been made there just no you know what do I do now crap that’s not good baseball it’s not good little league baseball it’s certainly not good professional baseball the when the infields in the plays at home let’s go and the guy’s dead to rights he’s out at home now you got a you know you got two outs now you’re not the game’s not over but you got two outs and it takes a hit to beat you so you’re you’re in control everything you needed to have happen there happened and you can’t be blowing games like this Yep this is again rais baseball this is not raised baseball what we’ve seen this year it’s a lot of dumb baseball it’s a lot of bad defense it’s it just has not been good rais B the bullpen has not been great the pitching has not been great in general you know this is not and and I understand they’re missing a lot of guys but that had nothing to do with what happened last night and a lot of these self-inflicted wounds on the base paths you know more guys thrown out last night just it’s not good baseball it’s not good tight clean baseball and we haven’t seen any of that all year long and you you wonder why like why is this team why is this raised team so poor fundamentally it’s uh you know it’s mind-boggling and you know listen I think Kevin cash is the best manager in baseball he’s having a bad year he’s having a really really bad year he’s um his team is not playing the way it normally does it doesn’t seem like the team is prepared at times that last night is inexcusable it’s just not normal so I you got to say what the hell’s going what the hell’s going on around here exactly and then I’ll tell you right now one for 12 with runners in scoring position will not help your your case at all I mean one for 12 all year long you have opportunities and Extra Innings to get the guy home you’re not able to do that a lot of people would say why not bun well it would make sense but for this team they don’t do that but if you’re struggling to score runs and get the run over and get the run home why not try something new I don’t know if you do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result what do we call that Insanity so do something different here’s Kevin cash here after the game want to go out out to that here courtesy of B Sports let’s listen you know what that’s probably on me as much as anybody not communicating letting the guys know where everybody was positioned we were playing the to get the out at home Manny popped up and you know obviously got a little lost on where to throw the ball secured the out uh and got through the inning he did a nice job overall just ideally um I give the guys a heads up or the pitcher heads up where to go yeah there was no no thought of turning a double play when you play in you’re kind of foregoing turning two you’re trying to get it yeah I mean I think the guy on third had some pretty good speed I mean that that would have been a tough play so he just secured and got it out I mean it’s tough to win these externing games with just one run you got to do everything perfect and we did not do that tonight and it came up I mean I was really impressed with the way we competed defensively and the way we pitched there at the end we did a lot of good things but we just the big hit to open the game plus one just didn’t come yeah there you go yeah that all that you know and you know I think he’s trying to cover for his players a little bit there you know the plays at home plays at home when you and it he doesn’t have to communicate anything the pitcher looks where the infield playing I mean he yeah obviously someone from the bench should be saying hey we’re playing the infield in plays at home duh you know this is this is again this is Little League stuff come on yeah and the Pitcher how does the pitcher not know to go home the infields in Runners on first and third one out the plays at home that just that’s that’s bizarre that’s just bizarre and um you know and I know cash is trying to put it on him self and he he he should put it on himself for having the infield in I don’t get that I don’t I I don’t then I he explained why he chose to have the infield in there and I don’t think I’m not sure I heard that yeah I mean I I think you’re not again you’re not playing for a double play you’re playing to cut off the time run if the infields in yeah right I mean the other thing about it if you’re playing in and the Pitcher knows that and everybody knows that then of course nobody’s going to cover second so why are you hesitating you get exactly what you want you get the ball hit to the pitcher all you have to do is go home and instead you don’t even go home because you think that you’re I don’t know where he’s what he’s thinking and I get it he’s a young pitcher and he’s up here and he’s Bullpen guy and he’s all you have this is this is pro baseball bro this again this is Little League stuff if that happened in a little league game or a high school game or a pony league game your coach your your coach would be apoplectic you’d be like what are you guys doing we practice this every day infields in we go home and again infield in why why is the infield in first and third first of all in the infields in you’re giving the batter u a significant advantage in terms of getting the ball through okay so why are you giving up that advantage in a game where you have one run and a double play ends the game what why would you do that I don’t I don’t know get it that that to me is the is the big question you’re the infield I don’t know what the number is I think it’s 30 40 maybe 50 points from a batting average standpoint that you give the the the when you have to bring the infield in you bring the infield in in on out of quote desperation that’s the winning run it’s less than two outs and you got to get him at home you know it’s just that just makes no sense to me whatsoever um and then the execution of the play is even worse so again it’s a mixed bag and as Lonnie Wilkins said you know uh it’s a 500 team win a little lose a little and lacking lots of those big plays absolutely I think uh you know Vegas is downgraded them preseason they were at 85 and a half now they’re at 81 and a half over under um I think I might take the under on that at this point it’s just um you know I don’t I it’s a lot of the same stuff that you’re seeing from them and then you know Roman Gonzales gets the the walkoff at the end and you know kind of slaps the ball down the right side barely fair so you know just bad luck um but you know more than anything that’s bad baseball that’s one you have to put in the win column and then you your two wins at at Boston on the road um it’s fantastic absolutely fantastic and and that’s and now you got You’re Building momentum instead you leave the yard last night going we pissed that one away just pissed it away and if to a to a divisional opponent so every game you know coming down to the end is it going to be you or the Red Sox for for for a wild card I don’t think I don’t think the Razer wi in the division and yeah very very likely could and there’s a that’s a two game swing right there so at the end of the season if we’re tied with Boston or or within one game there you go and that’s just brain fart stuff that when you’re you know the the lowest payrolls one of the lowest payroll teams in the league you can’t be doing stuff like that it it’s magnified you don’t have the talent to out outplay people you’ve got to outsmart them and play clean baseball that’s always been the ray way always been the raay way that’s always been their advantage and this year they’ve seed that advantage to to everybody now not only are the teams more talented in your division they’re playing cleaner Better Baseball and that’s that’s existentially uh threatening to the race you can’t you can’t be less talented low payroll and play crappy baseball I’m I’m no baseball expert I’m no Jeff passing but that ain’t gonna fly that ain’t gonna fly so um all right let’s switch gears a little bit here um well let me finish up some of the comments here James says I agree what is Cash thinking you don’t need infield in with Runners on Corners with one out that’s just you know again best manager in baseball but I I just don’t understand that at all Christopher Cole says Netflix is working out a deal to broadcast Christmas Day games there’s going to be two of them right on a Wednesday Christmas is on a Wednesday wow yeah Netflix by the way you like that that because a lot of people were up in arms about peacock now you’re going to Netflix uh again foreshadowing the future there pay-per-view I mean Netflix isn’t cheap by the way it’s like $30 a month if you got the the Premium Edition and everything like that so you gotta have Netflix these days you gotta have Netflix yeah you gotta have Netflix you gotta have everything these days it seems like peacock Netflix you gotta have yeah you gotta have your peacock plus yeah you gotta have your Prime you know get free shipping there you go Gotta Have Prime I mean how much are you’re paying for that it’s uh $13 a month but you get the prime you get the video right you get the shipping you get all that God we’re you know that’s like must this house God I can’t even see the ports for all the Amazon things that are piled up on the on the if you if you add it all up you have to have all those in order to get you know all the these NFL games and then on top of it Netflix is going to wrestling and before that they could have the biggest boxing event of all time besides the roast there with Tom Brady which by the way he got paid $25 million for so they’re shelling out money with J Mike Tyson yeah I mean oh when’s the Paul when’s the Jake Paul Mike Tyson July 20th and they were facing off the other day yeah I saw that I’m like wait is that the weigh in yeah I don’t know why they did it so soon you usually do it like a a couple days before but you know Tyson and him were were like grabing around yeah and then he’s like you know throwing like uh you know teddy bear punches I’m like wow okay this is a different Tyson he’s not you know trying to kill your children or bite somebody’s ear off he’s coming eat your children I’m not gonna kill your children I’m gonna eat them but if I eat them I’ll probably kill them so that’s well a lot of people think you know he’s gonna take a fall and I don’t know I I I tend to believe that it’s gonna be somewhat of a real boxing match hopefully if you’re paying you know that much for pay-per-view and paying on net it would be real wait wait wait wait I thought it was on Netflix it is on Netflix is it still so you have to pay extra I don’t know that’s a great qu I think you still have to buy the fight on Netflix I still think you have to buy it I believe I believe don’t quote me on that all right I would think they would charge something besides being on Netflix all right let’s move on to uh the Buccaneers schedule um what are you telling me you have a you have an advanced copy what do you what what what are you telling me here well brought me one like three years ago that was spot on I don’t know where she got it I wasn’t allowed to say but I knew it was it was spot on then she brought me one last year or two years the last two years ago that was bogus so she’s batting 500 I blame her but uh I haven’t got one yet she’s still sleeping okay well I got something here now take it for what it’s worth but the rumor is that they’re gonna lead off with and by the way tune in to the sports web tonight at 9 o’clock you’re more than welcome to come on Mr JP Peterson will have DJ Reeves Leo Hagerty just a little promotion uh Washington commanders on September 8th Lions on the 15th which will so we’re opening at Washington at Washington yes I like opening on the road by the way yeah well excuse me you’re not opening on the road you are be you’re at home against the Washington commanders on September 8th on the road at Detroit then you come home to Denver on the 22nd and the 29th you’re at home again with the Eagles so you your first four games three of them are at home one o’clock starts uh it doesn’t say that it just says it just says the matchup it doesn’t say the one o’clock so you would assume that some of these are one some of these could be four now Prime Time games October third I told you off here that’s my birthday of course Thursday night against on the road uh against Kurt Cousins in the Atlanta Falcons October 21st the Baltimore Ravens on a Monday nights and November 4th at Kansas City on a Monday night so you have two Road games on uh prime time and then the one home game Baltimore so three Prime Time games that is the rumor take it for what it’s worth somebody gave me information I’m passing it along I got more got the whole schedule here so we’re going to match it up see if I’m wrong see if I’m right there you go all right so say so say it again so so F folks can watch can uh write it down yeah n nine o’clock tonight the sports web we’ll have the schedule reveal but the first game is against the Washington commanders at Ramy James September 8th at Detroit on September 15th the second game of the season of course the rematch of the divisional playoff game there playoffs playoffs playoff uh September 22nd come home to uh face the Denver Broncos and Bo Knicks and then September 29th also at home versus the Philadelphia Eagles another rematch of the wild card game October 3rd Thursday night football at Atlanta against Kirk Cousins you got I didn’t say this one 13th at the Saints and then the 21st Baltimore uh at home on Monday Night Football and then the Falcons then on the 27th at home November 4th at Kansas City on Monday Night Football and then you got the 49ers on November 10th and you got a bye week by week 11 so there you go that’s that’s the rumor that’s what I’ve been given take it for what it’s worth mock me if you like that’s what I got I don’t I don’t like the three home games it’s just well I mean it’s good to get a good start to the season so that’s good hopefully you’re winning the home games but this home hot games you know for the fans for the players you know it is what it is right but uh for the fans that that would kind of suck to have three September Games at home because I don’t obviously none of those are prime time so there’ll be probably one o’clock games correct Washington will be a one o’clock game at Detroit could be a primetimer maybe not second weekend in terms of four o’clock yep uh after the by week Broncos that’s going to be one o’ clocker and then Eagles at home that could might maybe be a four o’ clocker I think that’s a four I think that could be a four yeah yeah all right if that if that’s if that’s the way it shakes out um yeah that could be a it could be you know you win you should win your home games right you should have that home that Home Advantage gotta hope so against those teams well here’s your second half of the schedule here take this for what it’s worth again after the byee at the New York Giants oh that could be a cold weather November 24th then at the Carolina Panthers on December 1st then then you come home and face the Raiders then you go back on the road again which is really weird because you go to the Giants the Panthers you you stay home play the Raiders then you go back on the road on December 15 face the Chargers and Jim Harbaugh December 22nd face the Cowboys on the road and then come home and finish off your season with the Panthers on December 29th and to be determined when it comes to the Saints so again take that for what it’s worth but that’s the big time RoR roing around yeah you know and you know the schedule is ranked as the I think the fifth easiest schedule which is which is kind of weird because you got uh you get the Panthers have you know they go by wins and losses the year before so it’s not really applicable to be quite honest but when you look at the opponents um you know Washington you know obviously they’re gonna have that’s going to be jayen Daniels debut right if he’s if he’s the opening day starter right uh then you know Detroit obviously you’re facing a very good team in jarro go and then the Broncos you know you could get you know you could get two rookie starters in your first three games which you know you want you want to get the you want to get the young guys early on then you get um always I always look at quarterback matchups right and then with the Eagles and he’s you know whether the schedule’s right or not this is you know he’s guy he seems you’re going to face and then obviously um Jaylen Herz there against the Eagles and then it it then you get Atlanta with Kirk Cousins or will it be Michael penck by then yeah Intrigue intrig my friend Intrigue absolutely and after I can’t read my writing who we got after uh Atlanta at Atlanta uh let’s see here after after Atlanta it is gonna be uh yeah it’s at the Saints so got Derek Carr you know Mr Mr Med medre yeah then you got Lamar you know Baltimore yikes well no come home you come home that’s a b Baltimore Ravens that’s a home game that’s on Monday Night Football they still chasing Lamar around yeah then you got the Falcons again then you got momes then you got Brock pie I mean these are some these are some tough quarterbacks no question about it oh yeah you got Daniel Jones and the Giants so may not be him by that time right who would it be Tommy DeVito again could be could be his Who the hell’s going to be quarterbacking the Raiders the Raiders uh I have no idea who’s quarterbacking oh um it’s uh it’s the guy with the mullet who uh beat it beat the Bucks last year with the yes the absolutely earned Devon white a uh uh yeah that’s right out of out of the uh yeah definitely juked him out of his jock there with his yeah great so Reon why Deon White’s no longer in a buck uniform yeah really come on man yeah then of course uh the Cowboys you got um you got Dak and then what’s who who we play before the Cowboys can’t uh who you play for before the Cowboys is your uh chargers at the Chargers and then at the Cowboys yeah you got some pretty you got some you get some little mix of everything got some damn good quarterbacks on there and you got some not so uh you got some young kids as well so you know if the start to the season obviously going to be super key if you can start three and one you know you got a lot of road games late you know that’s that could be that could be tough that could be wearing on you yeah um Jeremy L said okell will start for the Raiders Aiden okell but I don’t know it could be Gardner mitu you don’t know um it’s not Jimmy Garoppolo that’s for sure that’s right exactly he’s out of there where did he he end up with the Rams right yeah yeah Buck Spaceman says uh yeah the Rays own the Red Sox JP this Rays team got swept by the white sock they don’t own anyone historically they you know the last few years they’ve owned the Red Sox Boston has been our [ __ ] and should have been last night should have won the series last night yep should have won the series right there you had it right there you know got exactly what you needed but it’s a simple play that you have to make at the end of the day and you look back at it and race fans will look back at it and if you fall short from a couple games games then you’ll look back at one of those games like this and say man what could have been you could have had this game you should have had this game again one for 12 doesn’t help savali was okay three runs you know still not where I think you want him to be as a starting pitcher but improved I guess three late years ahead of it last night especially where he’s been James brings up a great point which is one of the great mysteries in football uh BS D never plays well against rookie quarterbacks it’s bizarre it’s bizarre you know you know it’ll it’ll hold Pat Mahomes to no touchdowns in a Super Bowl and then some rookie quarterback will just torch him yeah it’s bizarre I don’t maybe he comes up sometimes maybe you you you try to do too much pressure on a rookie quarterback and you can make it easy for them you know in terms of reading and but if they’re ready for the Blitz and they’re prepared for it you know it sometimes those are easy reads it’s just quick hot reads and get get the ball out of your hand it’s not a whole lot of thinking um maybe you just make him read the field who knows we’ll get into that when when we get to it but he’s absolutely right that has been a weird thing for Todd BS who should should own you know his scheme should own rookie quarterbacks for sure um Nathan Elliott says uh Devin horse kicking himself white totally regreted not playing up the potential because he could have gotten paid like Winfield that’s right that’s um you know what his quarter his linebacker coach Larry foot said him said uh champagne problems baby getting paid 11.7 Million last year and you can’t you know you’re you’re focused on what you’re getting paid the next year and you you lose what’s in front of you um dery Lo says by the time we get to the middle of the season I think we may surprise some of the these Powerhouse teams look I mean just in general you know we’ve talked about this Peter I love where the Bucks are I absolutely love what they’ve done this off season you know in years past you could say there were missed opportunities in the offseason you know things they didn’t sh up I never never never liked the fact that when when Ryan Jensen went down they didn’t go out and get an experienced Center to replace him I think that was a huge huge mistake on on so many levels but one of the few mistakes that Jason light has made um of course they didn’t have a lot of resources to do so but I think you got to make an an opport an effort to do so especially in Brady’s last year but that’s you know long time water under the bridge they’ve done a hell of a job in this offseason and and and I I just can’t think of anything you know you don’t know from the draft who’s going to be great it just but it really feels like they they put the pieces of the puzzle the right way now we’ll see where it falls and how good these players are but I think they did everything they could to get good players um that have been very productive in colleges at Great programs to Plug and Play in certain situations so know we’ll see where see if they if they stay healthy they just to me have got the most complete roster in the um in the NFC South and I think they should win it so screw screw the Falcons well and screw ESPN because uh they ranked them 19th in power ranking so once again no no respect for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Vegas has them keep seven and a half wins so and the Atlanta Falcons at nine and a half so how about that bul fan so there you go I’ll take it yeah I’ll take it all right we’ll take our first break and then we’ll come back on the other side and David zimroth is gonna join us we’re g to talk a little local Hoops as USF gets a historically good recruit a homegrown kid so that’s going to be uh a great uh feather in the cap of air so we’ll talk some local hoops and we are brought to you by the G’s Law Group Jeeves they are local they are trusted and they get results go with the firm that knows the local landscape here uh legally and will not make you a number 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that none of the quote unquote Superstars that started the playoffs they’re no longer in yep now we find ourselves well obviously jokic but we find ourselves rooting for you know the Brunson of the world the uh so you know the uh Anthony Edwards of the world it’s been fun to watch these guys emerge and now they’re the next line of superstars I can’t I can’t believe I’m rooting for the Knicks I love watching the Knicks I mean they’re Scrappy they play hard they just they’re they’re you just guys that you root for brunon has just been fantastic dant chenzo um the who’s the the dorky white guy in the middle that got 12 offensive rebounds left that uh har hardenstein oh my God that guy it’s just it’s just uh they’re just a group you want to root for fun to watch they crushed them last night and and watching them on TV play in the garden is magical and anybody that’s ever been a Knicks fan you know it takes us all back to a time where you know basketball revolved around New York City Madison Square guard I’ll tell you this I’m like you I had a hard time rooting for my hometown team uh for a long time after the Jeremy Lynn Fiasco I mean I just said that’s it they can’t figure out a way to make sure this guy stays put and yeah not appreciate what he did but now you got you know they’re starting four guys guys right now that didn’t start at the beginning of the season and you know they’re all rallying around Jaylen Brunson what he’s doing is just uh incredible and that Garden is alive the electricity in there is amazing all these former players are sit in Gucci row it’s uh I’ll tell you this if Boston winds up playing the Knicks for the Eastern Conference Championship which I’m sure the networks want to see oh God be mustat TV speaking of network uh TNT they lose the NBA now to NBC what do you think the impact of that is besides the obvious you you lose the possibility of sha and Charles Barkley I mean you you got to think NBC is GNA hire those guys and and you put that show back together again but what kind of loss is that for TNT what’s the impact for basketball fans when it comes to basketball returning to NBC well you know it’s it’s a big loss with TNT you know they P for whatever I didn’t know is it definitely finalized that that’s what’s happened that’s that I I’m looking at it know that either yeah yeah that’s uh it’s well let’s just say it’s finalized okay it’s a big loss for TNT they’ve had the the games for what 25 years number one feels like it yeah two is it’s a you know Shaq and Barkley K those guys are all going to be in renegotiation Period exactly where they they they might wind up holding NBC’s feet to to fire you know I’m sure they’re all going to be free agents if this happens and you know those guys might make out like uh Bandits so uh for those guys I don’t think it’s a you know I think it’s a win-win guys like Ernie Johnson I take the whole team over there now whether yeah you know Ernie would ever leave TNT who knows but right that’s what he’s been doing for his whole career and uh his Ascension in the business is one of the great stories you know yeah in the med Sports media anyway nothing official yet but it is looking like they can’t match you know what what NBC’s put out there so it’s looking more and more like they’re going to lose it and that’s been the rumor around you know podcasting right now so nothing just wherever it is they’ll all just flip over you have to be stupid not to put that band back together if you’re NBC right that would but to me I think the point you made Z is is more important it’s you know there’s a new breed of players that I think people are just you we’re ready for that we’re kind of done with the with the Durants and the drama you know even LeBron now it’s like oh I’m going to sit courtside at Cleveland make sure everybody sees me you know and you know bronny you know so now what is Cleveland gonna draft bronnie and put us together he comes home to Cleveland that seems like a storyline he wants to create but you know I I don’t know I’m I’m ready for the Brunson I’m ready for the Anthony Edwards the jokic’s um it just uh it’s GA all these young kids that’s I’m I’m ready for it and it’s it’s much more entertaining it’s it’s a special time for the emergence of all these guys and I think for the NBA you know all the people we just mentioned they they don’t bring the drama they don’t bring all stuff you know we’re in a social media world but you don’t you don’t see these guys you know doing stuff off the court and things of that nature uh you know what I love is I love brunson’s attitude they won the game last night you know most people are going crazy hey he’s ready for game six you know yeah it’s it’s it’s really nice to see now look he grew up in a house where his dad was one of the best college basketball players in the country he was good Pro you know guy players female and male that grow up in homes like that yeah where a parent was a great player professional or collegate it’s they’re just different you know they understand that they’ve been they’ve been around it since they’re little kids I think Ronnie James becomes an NBA player you’re going to see the same thing you know they have a way about them that a lot of us can’t really relate to because we didn’t grow up in houses like that I grew up in the house of a coach so I can relate to that but I can tell you this my dad wasn’t a player yeah seven you know he Sam zimal wasn’t a player but he was a coach so you know you learn could do certain things growing up that a lot of other kids can’t do you know yeah it’ll be interesting what kind of player because bronny averag what like Five Points a game at USC most people thinks he’s not you know quote draftable um but I think any owner would be stupid if he knew LeBron came along with the package deal especially in Cleveland but who cares about that I’m watching the I’m watching these playoffs we’ll worry about that another time great segue by the way Z I knew you were set this up uh Josh Lewis from Blake High School fourstar recruit uh es I guess on three has him as number 38 in the country his dad Fred Lewis played at USF uh coached him at Blake and now has decided to go at USF this is I think going back to the time you you got some some great players like alron Jackson and everything this is one of the highest rated players to ever come to USF if not the highest rated uh what does this mean for Amir Abdul Rahim and this USF program think it’s a testament to what he’s built in a very short period of time I think it’s uh it’s obvious he’s done a really good job locally which a lot of coaches that have been in here have not done yep uh I think the story line is dynamite you know I I remember Fred Lewis when he played at Chamberlain High School for the legendary Doug appan who was a player at USF as well uh you know Fred wound went to University of Tampa he was like freshman in year in the league transferred to USF had a really good career there he’s done a very good job coaching and his son you know look again you know it’s I always used to say this how bad can a kid be that plays the sport a parent played that was really good I mean you know you go back remember we were recruiting George gervin’s son G gery yeah I used to sit in the office and I go what do we have to lose how bad can the guy iring I mean how bad can the kid be okay so I’m a big believer in that we signed Scott Shepard at Florida State his father Billy Shepard’s one of the greatest players in the history of Indiana basketball you know these they’re just different and I’m sure you know Josh L is gonna have a nice senior year he’s going to be a good player at at USF and I think when you sign a high school kid now you have to be sure he’s going to be able to play with all the nil stuff and kids transferring through the portal you got to make sure the kid can can handle playing with older guys guys that have been in college for three or four years and you know it it it appears that air feels that this kid’s got what it takes to be able to survive in that environment now because that’s what a high school kids gonna have to do yeah yeah and of course they’ve lost a lot of players you know they lost their a top three players in the portal which sucks but uh you know this local get and they almost got Carter Knox too so and that means something too right when you even though you didn’t get them it says you’re doing the right things right well you always want to be you know when you’re when you’re a coach and you’re recruiting you always want to be mentioned as one of the final schools you know but it’s like anything you know you’re close you’re close but you didn’t get them and nobody cares after the fact but while you’re involved with the Recruitment and you are consistently being mentioned as one of the schools it helps you with other kids yep so you never want to be we’re not getting this kid W involved I’m a big believer in this okay if you’re a if you’re a low division one school let’s just take Florida Golf Coast let’s just use them as an example Lan son if you know there’s a really good player in Tampa and he’s in 10th Grade offer him a scholarship right be the first one offer him a scholarship just be the first one whether you think you’re going to get him or not it puts you in a position where your name’s goingon to be mentioned right and now all of a sudden go hey what’s going on down there in Fort Myers those guys are involved with you know Cody KNX or Carter Knox or you know Isaiah Campbell Finch they just finally offered that kid a scholarship you know I show that on Twitter the kid of Tampa Catholic is is really good he’s he I’m not taking anything where he’s the best player I’ve seen in Tampa and and I’ve seen them all he’s the best player and most accomplished player right now whether he is at the end of the senior or not but if you’re an Atlantic Sun team you got to offer that kid a scholarship at the beginning of last year not now right right and Josh Lewis when would you have you seen him play at Blake 67 175 average 1710 I I’ll tell you what I like about him he he is rapidly improving in in the skills you have to be successful in at the highest level college basketball his shooting has become much better his ball handling his demeanor on the court he’s going to be just like his dad he’s going to be better two years from like two years from now you’re gonna say oh my God I didn’t realize the kid was that good yeah same thing happened to his dad you know it’s like all of a sudden the guy he goes and has a great year or two at University of T and everyone’s going who that wow and he goes to South flid has a couple good years there too so I think that’s what’s gonna happen plus he’s bigger than his dad I mean he’s six seven wow well congrats to the USF for get that’s a big get and and you know when you get a guy like that when you get the 38th best player you know other guy like you said even when you’re involved the other players are like oh wait a minute wow he’s going to USF what’s going on over there so yeah let me let me let let me be Devil’s let me play a little devil’s advocate here too in this day and age Josh Lewis is committed okay yeah it’s going to raise some eyebrows hey man did we not evaluate this kid the right way we sure that this kid you know wasn’t good enough for us so all of a sudden now that’s got some people looking and saying wait I’m going to evaluate this kid till the day he signs his letter of intent and you know what if we think he’s better than we thought he was originally we might make a call yeah we’re not gonna honor a verbal commitment any college right now that honors a verbal commitment is out of their minds it’s out of their minds why would you do that football has been doing it for 75 years basketball coaches always honored it if I was coaching right now there’s no way I honor a verbal commitment no what do you get at USF we’ll do better I mean it’s open season those I mean it opens up a whole new can of worms now so now the biggest situation for USF is can we make sure we sign the kid right yeah yeah and when does that happen when does the actual first week of whatever it is the first Tuesday in November I mean you know that that got a long way to go you know and I’m not trying to say hey a David zth why would you say that it’s the reality of it yeah yeah you’re the University of Flor let’s just use Florida for example did we not evaluate that kid correctly hey let’s make sure we keep tabs on him this Summer they see him playing some big aou tournament and the kid goes crazy hey call call so and so now the problem is his so and so is his dad yeah exactly who played at USF you know so is his dad gonna say hey look my son’s committed we honor our commitments in the Louis I get it but if one school’s giving you 25 and another school says we got a 100 for you you understand how this works now yeah I do especially these days it’s called free agency yeah so you know that we used to use this line when I was in Florida State don’t tell me how successful recruitment it was until that kid is on the court first game of the year jump ball goes up and he’s in a uniform or on the court then that’s when your recruitment is successful that’s it doesn’t end till then wow great stuff great stuff I want to shift gears here coach z uh to the magic who would you get out of this list if you have an opportunity to trade or sign a free agent Klay Thompson could be out there Paul George could be out there and an interesting name because he just commented on uh Ben Caro’s Twitter about how great of a player is and because Atlanta is trying to cut luxury tax how about a Trey young or a Murray in that backfield who would you like to have out of that collection you know I don’t keep up with all that as much as someone else I wouldn’t do anything differently but if I didn’t have to with Orlando because they’re one to like we just talked they’re a young team when they got emerging Stars obviously but I I don’t go Klay Thompson I don’t go Paul George I if I can get Trey young I’ll deal with Trey young I’m not I’m not getting a guy that that that’s at the end I’m just not doing it and listen there’s nobody in this city that loves Klay Thompson more than David simov I love the guy I’ve known his dad I mean I played against I mean I love the guy and he’s been labeled in a negative way here at the end of his career and nobody talks about what he’s overcome where miss two full seasons of basketball the two worst injuries you could have as an athlete so you know I I got a soft spot in my heart for him and he comes to Florida God bless him but I’m staying young I’m staying healthy I’m staying athletic and Trey young Young’s one of those guys he’s the next generation of superstars that’s what I would if I could do it yeah that would yeah because they need a secondary score France Vagner you know good player really good young player but in the moment he kind of shrank in the moment in in that game seven they need somebody who can get his own shot and and make it and that certainly is Trey young um going back to high school a little bit yeah uh nil and and today they’re I think up in Tallahassee they’re debating this uh or maybe it’s the Florida high school coach association nil in Florida other states have it for high school players so now you know Florida becomes at a disadvantage you know you got guys actually leaving the this state is high school players to go and get money and I I believe it happened in Tampa as a matter of fact a couple of times so to me it’s a no-brainer you know you might hate it you might hate the fact that high school kids are going to get nil money but it’s the way the world is going I think it’s fair you know if you can make money off your name image and likeness you should be able to do so um where where do you come down on this Z well again not being educated on the subject as much as some someone else in cardox left Tampa Catholic to go play in Atlanta for overtime Elite you know so let’s say they allow it at Florida in Florida for high school kids okay who’s who’s orchestrating the payments where is the money coming from overtime Elite works with different entities to make sure all those kids are getting paid Okay so who who who is somebody working with in this state I mean public high schools you’re not you know no kids staying in a public high school they don’t have to we with all the get money a private high school I mean where are they getting money you know they’re it’s costing 30 40 Grand a year to go to private high school the real good one so you know are the mon verds the imgs you know those people that that was the way it would more than likely go that they’re the on that are gon to be able to manufacture the money they already have the corporate sponsors they already have them yeah but uh you know it’s funny M verd keeps getting the best players in the country and they ain’t giving that any money are they I went up to the uh I was driving through up there the other day it’s not far from where I’m I’m living now and i’ I’d never been on that campus see I’m like holy hell it’s like an old Resort uh um that they’ve made into this incredible uh campus for sports that’s unbelievable and the whole area is grown it’s like a place to go live and retire whatever but 30 years ago or more you should have seen that place heck I know one of my oldest friends Greg fenland was one of the first coaches that ever coached at murd basketball yeah so you know the look I said it I never forget we were sitting in some bar somewhere Pat kenned and I and I said guys this thing’s going to change landscape in Florida is going to change better make sure we’re on top of it it’s going to go prep school and ah there’s no way this going to happen in Florida to keeps what happened all the best now go to prep schools in Florida or private schools in Florida most of the time on scholarship yeah yeah absolutely look you know they can say what they want and uh it’s been happening for a long time and hey look I dealt with it I didn’t care you know at the end of the day everything that was illegal 20 years ago is legal now exactly exactly lost their careers and their reputations on stupid little things that now or nobody even cares you buy plane ticket you lose your job and never get back in business over a $300 plane ticket you kidding me guys went to jail they had assistant coaches and went to jail but FBI FBI is out there investigating assistant basketball coaches like there’s a crime going on here oh my God you paid the you paid the electric bill for that family you’re going to jail whatever uh all right so let’s let’s uh transition oh by the way speaking of people that you uh you’ve worked with Sam casselle mentioned as a possible new Lakers coach I think now Sam Cassell seems like one of the few people I’ve known in my life that could stare LeBron James in the eye and say this is what’s up um just because he don’t get he don’t care um what what are your thoughts that possibly happening you know everyone’s talking about JJ rdit getting the job so let’s just say that is something that is is realistic if you’re gonna hire someone that hasn’t been a head coach after already firing a guy that was never a head coach and Darin ham okay you know I don’t see why you’d go down the same road but if you’re going to go down that same road why wouldn’t you give a guy who who a 15-year assistant and wherever he’s been that franchise has won he’s an unbelievable I call the 3p he’s an unbelievable people person he’s an unbeli unbelievable player guy meaning the players adore him love him because he was a really good player and they can relate to him and he knows what he’s talking about lastly which he’s always been he’s an unreal program person whether it was Baltimore Dunbar main Central Institute San jinto Junior College Florida State University Houston Rock everywhere he’s been he’s adored yeah so what and wins what are you looking for yeah yeah you’re talking about a guy that there’s literally he’s Flawless other than he hasn’t been given a chance to run his own program yeah and at the end of the day when you have the best players you’re a really good coach yeah you don’t have the best players it doesn’t matter what you know you’re not winning right not in the NBA hell no no no so you know give him a roster like that and see what he can do I I I I can’t believe he hadn’t been a head coach yet I mean he’s done he’s done his how long has he been an assistant 10 years 15 years listen to this for the last 30 years he’s been in the NBA he’s borderline Hall of Fame Chanty bips is going in the uh naith Hall of Fame right okay the first thing I said to myself was hey trony he was Dynamite player Dynamite Sam Cel statistically was as good or better than Shanty BBS and won three NBA championships as a player there you go yeah okay and he’s never discussed as a Hall of Fame player because it comes down to Allstar appearances you know so Sam played one All-Star Game you know people don’t remember Sam canell for the first five years of his career maybe even longer was a sub he was a guy coming off the bench MH okay when he became a starter you got his statistics were ridiculous so he’s done it as a player he’s done it as an assistant coach he’s worked for different people he’s been with different franchises if it’s not the Lakers it’s got to be something else somewhere else and then who knows might wind up one day being the coach of Florida State seminal yeah yeah wouldn’t be a bad thing wouldn’t be a bad move at this point wow if there’s someone to succeed Leonard Hamilton you could not have you could not have a better pick than that no absolutely and USF fans would be glad to hear that name and not Amir for sure hey before you go I gotta get you on Caitlyn Clark uh 20 points last night 10 turnovers uh her team got stomped uh huge TV audience but um you know I’ve said this not sure I’m not sure that popularity is gonna translate from Iowa over to the WNBA um we’ll see obviously she’s not going to be as dominant a player at least not now not for the first few years there’s too many damn good players in that League she didn’t got get a lot of space last night what are your thoughts uh I’m gonna be biased on it because okay I’m a huge Caitlyn Clark fan if you get calls on this or tweets on it I I really don’t care anybody who has a negative thing to say about her impact on that league is either unbelievably jealous or not very bright because what she’s doing is she’s making money for everyone in the league from ownerships to sponsorships to player contracts okay she can do nothing but help everyone number one number two yes she’s also going to have people coming after her defensively like never before all right did she have a good game last night by her standards she didn’t have a good game by my standards she didn’t have a good game but you can see her impact in that game when she started making some threes her passing was not good last night her floor game was not good everyone knows that but they sold more tickets for that game last night in Connecticut then they sold the entire year at Connecticut last year it was, 1500 2000 for a seat down low I mean so I don’t understand look I’m old enough to remember Pete mavick went through the same thing when he got to the Atlanta Hawks jealousy you know people not happy with all the fame and fortune and all he did was want to share it that’s all she wants to do is share it I understand I understand and that’s what I’m not taking anything away from her I think she’s amazing I’m my point is is is kind of what your point is I don’t think the league the players in the league especially I think they’re incredibly jealous and they’re going to make it hard on her and they’re gonna make and not that they should you know welcome her and let her walk to the basket it’s not what I’m saying I’m just saying in spite of themselves uh I don’t know if it’s going to translate because I think other fans see that already that um you know it’s the other players that are very jealous you know talking crap it started you know from day one she announced that WNBA and that I think will be the reason it doesn’t translate as much much but we’ll see she I mean she’s amazing I love everything about what does let me tell you one of let me let me tell you this in ending how how how great a player and person she is okay and her maturity level most players would have folded last night in their day most of them would have folded with the way it was going with the turnovers okay she kept battling she kept battling and she battled and battled and battled they they came within five or seven points on two or three occasions in the second half that other team was better number one they were older number two and that’s going to happen in that League when she plays against teams like that hey look the number one pick from the year before Aaliyah Boston she didn’t do anything in that game last night I know I know I know now was it because there was so many turnovers probably there were 23 turnovers 23 times the girls couldn’t get the ball I get it but it wasn’t like she went out and dominated either exactly they have Growing Pains they got to get some things done but don’t ever anybody disregard what this player is doing for that League all of a sudden everybody’s chartering flights I find that so true they’ve been battling that for how many years Caitlyn Clark’s in the league and hey we got charter flights now for the ladies yeah he was on chartered flights as a college player I know I know and goes to a professional league and they were on commercial flights I mean these these women some of them have had to take a step back in how they’re treated by going to the WNBA of course they have yeah they’re making less money let’s let’s all Embrace what this girl is capable of doing for everyone and I’m GNA tell you this I’m I’m going to disagree with you I don’t I don’t think it’s going to take a couple three years I think this gal’s gonna have one heck of a season this year that’s my opinion wow I’m taking the under on the total points who’s better this year her or Angel ree because she got a lot of flack for going to the Met Gala and then uh her team proceeded to win by over 40 points so all that uh all that nonsense that was said about her going to that how did you feel about that do do you think it’s unfair to criticize an aete that does something outside of you know her profession is that fair to say well why is it you know I’ll answer it like this it’s okay male basketball players have done this for ever dozens of years right Dennis Rodman was going away night before games and I [Laughter] mean at the end of the day it’s like an actor an actress right okay right CT opens the lights go on are you gonna put on a good performance or you not exactly now and but Angel ree is a different player than her angel ree is not as good a player as Caitlin Clark no way shape or form they play different positions they have totally different games totally different skill sets but did you notice on Twitter today they they had all the different uh women basketball players showing up for their season open how they were dressed and you see I mean it’s a whole new thing now yeah it’s unbelievable and it’s great it’s unbelievable what they’re doing to themselves that the the the the the girl Plum Kelsey Plum the what what she’s done to herself and how she looks I mean they’re all understanding sponsorships media following you know Tik Tock Twitter Instagram they all get it now so why is it not okay for them but it’s okay for the guys hey look I raised two girls that were athletes I’m all about it their time has come and uh I think some of these other leagues better take note of what’s going on um all right C tell everybody how they can get in touch with you if they want the best training for their youngsters D zimroth at just the way it sounds can’t get any simpler than that all right partner always fun to talk to you my friend um let’s uh let’s do it again next week NBA playoffs let’s go you got it all right thanks thanks DZ Sports on on Twitter as well all right that was fun you know abolutely Hoops is Hoops is like it’s it’s resurging it’s resurging there’s no question about it I think people you know are are glad to see these new stars in in the WNBA in college women’s college basketball it’s fun basketball is fun again amazing right you’re right yeah when you put away all the bull crap you know yeah you want you want to watch some good ball and not all the drama you know of where LeBron’s going where where where where’s Kevin Durant I could not give a rat’s ass about K Kevin Durant and where he plays next you know what he’s GNA go he’s gonna try to go to the best team he can go to at this point he’ll wreck that team too what would would you be open as crazy as this sounds I don’t know if it’s possible or not just throwing it out there hypothetical because the magic are young team and their local yeah would you be open to him going to the magic or do you think he would L lose the chemistry because it’s a veteran presence you need somebody concrete they need a number two score they need a they need uh B Caro needs help France vogner’s not you know he’s good young player he’s just not he’s not a number two if you’re the magic do you give up I like what Z says man I go I I wouldn’t give up squat I’m getting give me a free agent you know Trey young you don’t want to mess up some of those good who you give you you don’t want to give up Jonathan Isaac you don’t want to give up B Carol you don’t want to give up you don’t want to give up any of these guys really corre they got a great nucleus great core you want to keep that together you just want to add something add a score you know and I think you know I’m Trey young would be God I think that would be great Cole anon’s and Suggs are good guards but they’re not Transcendent like Trey young and Trey Trey needs you know he needs a little bit more structure around him too I believe become a better all-around player it doesn’t have to be the whole show and with B Caro he wouldn’t have to be the whole show right so it’s a totally different Dynamic driving that yeah can create his own shot he can shoot from the perimeter yeah that’s a game changer if they could they could somehow land him without giving up a lot um yeah absolutely yeah I think I would give up a lot I would give up a lot for young I would because like what coach Z said he’s a young guy he’s a young Superstar and if Atlanta is truly trying to get under the luxury tax it’s either Murray who’s the other guy that’s being talked about or Trey young and you just you just know these kids right when they connect and and Twitter and we’ve seen it with LeBron being recruited by Wade and and and by Bosch you know it just takes that one social media deal where they want to play together and Orlando’s been known to you know go on the free agency is this the year that you do that I don’t know if you go for I don’t know if you go for Klay Thompson but this could be the year and you look at the first round what are they missing well you know uh vogner’s pretty good uh Ben Carol is a future Superstar but then what else do you have you need another guy and if Trey young is going to be that guy then you you trade an Anthony black who you got you trade possibly are you willing to trade a sugs for him yeah we’ll see we’ll see we’re gonna talk some golf now with John Gerber PGA Pro we’ll take a quick break we’ll come back on the other side the PGA Championship is about to get underway tiger is there John Rah is there all the big names are there Scotty Sheffer is back from his uh from his uh paternity leave so we got lots to talk about with Johnny Gerber make some picks as well stay with us quick break to talk some golf when we come [Music] back this is the strike 1025 whpt HD2 Sarasota Tampa St Pete JP here for the jees Law Group and my man Scott Jeeves who lives right here and has long been a highly respected member of our community he’s a proud sponsor of the Tampa Riverwalk jev’s laog group is also a proud sponsor of our Grand Central District in St Pete and has neighborhood events throughout the year he has an office on Central Avenue in St Pete and one on South Howard in Tampa you can’t get more local than that so when you need an attorney you’re going to hire some huge firm that advertises all over the state or the one that supports your favorite sport show it’s the Jeeves Law Group we’re local we’re trusted and we get results for personal injury and personal attention and call us for a free case evaluation that’s 8889 GES that’s 8889 je VES all right 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get our good uh our man in to get some picks for some good picks John Gerber PGA Pro joining us here as a a man who probably played Valhalla if I’m not mistaken all right indeed indeed I have good hey good morning guys indeed I have I don’t want to say I actually played it it it beat me up how about that there’s a difference between playing it and you know letting it letting it beat you up and it certainly is one of those places it’s a big big ballpark man and uh it’s it’s a tough one and I’m looking forward to seeing how these guys play it’s changed a lot since the last 2014 uh that they had in uh the PJ Championship there so listen man they’ve lengthed it to about three or 400 yards uh it was long as is and it has some elevation and you know with the weather playing a little bit soft they did some other changes and maybe we’ll talk about when we get into our picks uh that’s going to make a little bit difference potentially for some of these guys well damn like why is it so hard that’s not just length it’s it looks like it’s beautiful um yeah if I died and went to heaven I would you know valala is the Vikings Heaven I believe that’s what it’s it’s called right so I am a viking I’m you know I’m a I’m a Swede so that would be my heaven Valhalla but it would beat the crap out of me is what you’re saying yeah no no doubt I mean you you it’s you you’ll have to wear that hat those Viking hats so all the weth that you get on your head buddy because it’s uh it it’ll put it’ll put you down no it’s hard for a lot of reasons you know the setup this week is is going to be you know the rough is going to be uh you know probably three or four inches with the with the blue grass and uh something really really interesting they changed grasses in the Fairway to from from bent to to zoia and for the people who don’t know what zo is it’s kind of a little bit of a hybrid grass that grows in kind of the middle of the United States through that area that it’s a very uh it’s a retardant uh grass in terms of the heat so it can can penetrate the heat but the thing with the zoa is the ball sits up for so for somebody you know that that’s a you know that doesn’t like to take divots it sits up kind of a little bit higher than that that bent grass that you would take or that Bermuda grass so it’s a definitely a grass that these guys that that like and you can launch the ball a little bit higher um because it sets up a little bit and it’s it’s it’s a big difference on some of these guys that are used to that playing in that zoa grass and that Georgia Nashville Tennessee area Louisville area so it’s a big big change that they did in the fairways interesting a hybrid grass kind of like that the catty Shack hybrid that they had that’s what is it 70% selia it’s kind of a Carl spackler hybd not that kind of hybrid not that kind those are things that that grass you’ll find over in those horse farms over there probably a little bit easier there and in Louisville you get a little bit better over there they’re well fertilized yeah Abol indeed they are indeed they are uh so I I was I was looking up some stuff this morning John ROM had some interesting comments at the PGA uh talking about um you know I never really left the tour I’m suspended I’m just playing over here on the live tour um and we still have of course we have to have a conversation when when we get together for the majors when the when the other guys come in so it was just kind of weird that that he doesn’t see himself as defecting what what did you make of those comments well I certainly thought it was certainly ignorant of John ROM to say anything like that and if if you know he still feels that he has friends on the PJ tour which he does but that’s not a that’s not a way to say that to keep your friends I promise you that because these guys that that that rever him as leaving as one of the superstars on the PJ tour they don’t feel like he’s still a member of the PJ tour I promise you that so he’s the only one potentially that feels that way but um yeah I don’t know that was just weird comments you know for him to say he still supports the PGA Tour I’m sure that the the hierarchies that’s running to live in the in the piff they don’t want to hear that I promise you that so you know giving him $500 million and for him to make those types of comments it just goes to show how kind of naive or maybe ignorant John ROM is into the day-to-day operations of what’s going on between them and the PJ tour you think there’s still a lot of bad feelings with the with the other players towards him leaving yeah certainly I mean he moves the needle I mean he’s one of the guys on the PJ tour that you know when a guy like him leaves it takes a money away from their pocket in terms of Revenue with the fans I mean you you you make great points all the time when you talk about living the PJ tour I mean the sponsors don’t want to the sponsors don’t want to sponsor some of these events when you don’t have your big guns there they just don’t no and that’s why the PJ tour is continually to lose some of these sponsors and it’s struggling you know maybe John Rah is wishful thinking that this thing is going to be done faster than um you know the merger because I certainly believe that the merger and in some sort of circumstance is going to happen but maybe he just he he wants he wants to play both sides of the fence and I don’t think the guys on the PJ that’s hard if if you listen to Aaron obos Aaron oser’s comments the other day on uh on golf Central I mean I thought he they were gonna get in a fight uh seriously that’s how that’s how upset some of these guys potentially are and Ober hoser certainly is not one of the biggest names when he played on the PJ tour but he’s a three-time winner and he’s still a PJ tour member he doesn’t want to hear that from John Ram yeah he had this to say I’m incensed by that quite honestly by level of uh being naive that you don’t get it you still don’t get it you took 500 large and then you’re gonna sit there and tell me oh you still feel like you’re a PGA Tour member I want to support the PGA Tour I mean I want to ring his neck through the television I’m that mad right now I’m that mad every player in the locker room right now if they watch that on the PGA tour should be absolutely incensed with him so tell us how you really feared Aaron I want to talk about Tiger Woods does history repeat itself I know it’s crazy he’s not one of the favorites but in 2000 he had a playoff victory over Bob may can he be in in this uh in this tournament can he be a factor or is the walk too long for him you know it’s not that it’s it’s not nearly as difficult of a walk as as Augusta is I mean it is it does have some undulation but not nearly as much it’s kind of sets up a little bit like Memorial and in a lot of ways this golf course and we’ll talk about that when we get in our picks but yeah it’s not as taxing on it he’s had some rest you know for I think a good week for Tiger Woods I certainly think he has the ability to make the cut um it’s not going to be you know it’s a little soupy out there so that’s going to hurt him but the lies at this place is not nearly like Augusta so if you look at Augusta there’s a lot of lies that are left to right right to left so your balls above your feet below your feet this is more of a North South so you know there’s a there’s a lot of uphill and then there’s a lot of downhills so that type of that type of walk for him and when he’s hitting golf shots not going to be nearly as taxi on his body it might sound simple but for Tiger that’s a big deal some of those uneven lies you know his feet ball above or below his feet as opposed to higher or lower so I think he’s got an opportunity to make the cut um I don’t think he can contend I just don’t think he’s got enough um I don’t think he’s got enough reps in his belt reps yeah he he’ll tell he’ll tell you that you know Hey listen I can play can play two really good rounds of golf and if the tournament was 36 holes I could probably have a chance to win but 72 holes is a little bit different animal when it’s when when you’re dealing with these types of injuries all right so we gotta T talk about the King of the Hill and that’s Scotty Sheffer who was uh on a run uh very tiger esque from 2000 not to that level yet but uh certainly the best player out there and but he just had his first kid um I think it’s his first is his first I think first uh that changes life a lot of different ways but I don’t think so much for sheffler because you know and I think this is you know we talked about this the other day his his faith is something that is a weapon for him because while these other guys worship major championships he worships a higher God and it’s not that big a deal to him it’s just playing golf and I think it just and Rory’s a perfect example Rory hadn’t won a major in 10 years and it’s not because he ain’t playing well and it’s not because he’s not one of the better players out there it’s up here it’s up here he just can’t get over the Finish Line he’s at he’s there coming down the stretch every single major last year but he can’t get over the hump and for Scotty it’s like nothing and now you throw in Rory announcing his divorce this week which is interestingly enough right um I just still think sheffer’s he’s the man to beat because even if he’s been off for a few weeks his head space is just better than anybody else’s right now yeah I 100% agree with you he’s certainly an anomaly when it comes to those guys on the PJ tour I mean even before he had his kid if you talk two or three you know two or three months ago he he ranks his life and golf is certainly third or fourth it’s not number one or two and that’s just how he was raised I mean being having some interaction with him down there in Dallas with Randy Smith that I know extremely well his coach since he was a kid it’s kind of ingrained ry’s a little bit like that also so it’s kind of instilled in him that you know this is still a game and there’s other things that are important and um yeah I I just think there’s a little bit difference but there is no substitute a little bit you know him having a couple weeks off and a little lack of sleep I don’t know if that’s going to affect him but he certainly is not him and his wife are certainly not tackling this thing alone I’m sure they have nannies and family that’s that’s came so you know I’m pretty sure he knows his son’s name already but he certainly hasn’t changed a lot of diapers I don’t think to get him prep prepped for this week but you know the irony irony when you when you mention Rory maroy is it is it funny that he he wins after he gets a filed for divorce right is that is that something that you know I don’t think that’s coincidence so when it comes to something just cut that check in half baby just cut well they had they had a prenup so that’s that’s uh that that’s going to help him a little bit but you know you still have to pay her a little bit but he filed yeah he filed for divorce she didn’t so that’s something a little bit there that maybe that you know I don’t want to speculate when it comes to Rory the only person I have issues with when it comes to their marriage is colum merawa so I’m just jealous on that front more than anything else so hope hopefully Rory hopefully Rory’s bouncing back but he certainly looks in good good form him him you know he’s is he can he can he answer the question this week of you know can you win a golf tournament without Scotty shuffler in it because he certainly hasn’t um you know winning last week with Scotty not playing I mean that question is going to you know arise maybe a little bit and but we certainly know Xander schle if anyone has him on his card this week you know bet him for the first three round or two rounds because at the weekend he certainly will fold like he always does oh wow all right well let’s get to the picks then what do you what do you got for us this week man I I really do like this card and you know this card this card for me is there’s a lot of Great Value here just because there there’s some recency bias in terms of players not playing well but I saw a lot of value on this card when we dropped down a little bit on the on our card my first pick on the board this week I really like Bryson Des Shambo at 28 to1 it’s a rarity we have live guys on the card but if you like look how he played at Augusta the first couple rounds man he he played absolutely fantastic he’s really suffered on the greens kind of you know the last couple rounds but these greens aren’t nearly as severe as Augusta so with his power this golf course is going to play about 7600 yards GNA play soft the first couple days yeah it’s it’s going to play tough but it’s a little bit bigger ballpark the PGA normally sets this up the fairways are a little bit wider than most Majors so it lends to some scoring so certainly length isn’t going to be a factor for for Bryson to Shambo that’s why I like him at 28 to1 here’s who I really like and I’m going to tell you a lot of reasons Victor hin at 45 to1 to me is the steal of this tournament recency bias has dropped him down from 45 to1 just because he hasn’t played well he major championships usually your weaknesses usually come out and his weakness is chipping we’ve all known that he’s fixed it but this type of grass is what he’s used to playing on Oklahoma State this is zoa this is where he’s played and practice zoa Grass at Oklahoma State Carson Creek he’s fixed that this is how he plays in practice this is a Nicholas Golf Course last summer he won at murfield typ very this golf course is very very similar to murfield Village so you put those two things together at 45 to one finishing second last year at the PJ Championship also I really like Victor havin at 45 to one recency bias is gonna get this again I like Sam Burns getting him at 66 to1 Sam Burns 66 to1 he hasn’t played well um had some brief conversations few weeks ago a local caddy there Travis Perkins that lives in that area down there he’s caddy for him for a long time originally an Ohio guy likes the way Sam Burns is trending Sam bur’s little issue is he puts a lot of pressure on himself when it comes to major championships but he certainly has the game the length everything that you really need to do to win at this place for sure and to win a major championship to get him at 66 to one I love it at that value uh our ham sandwich pick this week long shot 70 to1 you give me Jordan Speed at 70 to1 being a little bit underne under the radar I really like him you haven’t heard a lot of talk about him kind of this week you know this is the last major he has to win to try to win all four majors but you haven’t heard a lot of talk with that last few years going into the PGA that’s kind of all you heard of can he finish the career Grand Slam but I think him a little under the radar and if I listen to him talking his press conference he likes the way he’s playing I like the way he’s speaking so give it get me Jordan spe at 70 to1 and our long shot ham sandwich two top 10 picks this week Jason day plus 500 to finish in that top 10 trending well hits the ball high used to this area he lives in Columbus Ohio loves Nicholas golf courses he plays in practice he’s played in practice for a long time at murfield Village so he’s used to these types of you know used to this type of golf course and it’s like I said it’s real similar to murfield when it comes to that I likeing at plus 500 Hideki Matsuyama at plus 500 to finish in that top uh top 10 also he took last week off um I like the way how high he hits it length isn’t going to be an issue he’s a big game hunter he always seems to play well at the at the majors I didn’t pick him to win just because in in this form I didn’t see him play last week so I don’t know really what kind of form he is but his game fits it again he hits it high he hits it soft and Link isn’t going to be an issue two top 20 picks this week I like sah theala at plus 250 again he cuts the golf ball he hits it high his short game is pretty good he doesn’t have to be great out here but it’s good enough for him as good as he hits it with the wider Fairways he can get a little astray when it comes to driving the golf ball but I really think his short game and his wedge game is improved enough to have him some success maybe not to win but to finish in the top 20 and our last pick this week on the board top 20 pick uh Denny McCarthy at plus 345 finished second last year at the PGA Championship to uh tied with Victor havin uh he’s not the longest guy on the PJ tour but he is the best putter in the world so I don’t ever think the guy’s going to be out of the golf tournament he’s going to struggle a little bit maybe with length it just depends how long they set it up but his equalizer is his Putter and I think he can always stay in it and then that top 20 especially with his confidence and success that he had last year at the PGA Championship finishing second I like him in that uh in that spot to finish in the top 20 alrighty Johnny uh and you’ll put all those up are they already up on your Twitter uh they will be posted this afternoon um uh Tim Tim will be posting this this afternoon and you we we’ll give all the Recaps tonight at 5 5 500 P PM Central on From the Rough podcast on fanst stream Sports yeah check that out in promo promo your show there all right before you leave I’m gonna since you brought up the hybrid I’m gonna do the uh my best Carl spackler uh imitation here and I I have the whole quote in front of me so here we go uh yeah this is a this a hybrid it’s a cross of Bluegrass Kentucky Bluegrass a featherbed bench in Northern California s Amilia amazing stuff about this is that you can play 36 holes on it in the afternoon take it home and just get stoned to the but Jesus SP the night on this stuff so uh I got pounds of this stuff pounds of it that that’s just fantastic and the probably last quot is you may have pounds of that stuff somewhere so if you don’t buddy I tell you what we can certainly you can certainly find it there in Kentucky yeah you know they they’re uh we were just at cineopolis last night and they’re playing catty Shack they’re doing a whole dinner thing three course dinner and catty Shack uh I think it’s going on tonight so we might have to go check that out see it on the big screen like it’s meant to be seen yeah you see that baby ruth laying in the uh in the pool life siiz like it like it ought to be I love it all right I love it what’s your favorite golf movie of all time oh that’s certainly there’s probably one that’s more of a more of a serious movie dead dead solid perfect is pretty good I mean in terms of if you haven’t seen dead solid perfect it’s kind of one of those indie films that uh I forget you you would recognize some of the names that was in it it’s really good it’s more of a I not seen that but I hear it’s good yeah it’s about a journeyman tour play Tour player I I forget who is a star but it’s really good that’s probably my favorite I mean you know if if I leave out catty Shack I’ll I’ll get all kinds of stuff on social media OT so we certainly got to put those two things in there but I could watch either of those I W strong T cup T cup was strong 10 cup was strong uh but catty sha 2 was good as catty Shack one was catty Shack 2 was was we don’t talk about catty Shack 2 that is we don’t even consider we don’t if you haven’t seen dead solid perfect if you haven’t seen dead solid perfect check it out it’s really good Peter you got one it’s catty Shack for me always catty Shack and ten cup I mean you don’t even mention catty Shack 2 never I thought you were gonna go with Happy Gilmore I thought you’re happy I love I love that movie that’s actually really my favorite favorite movie over C Shack is Happy Gilmore yeah okay well I I always hear the reference of Happy Gilmore is to serious golf people like uh like um Talladega Knights is to serious NASCAR people I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know how we’re gonna go with that one better go your hole go what you doo good for your hole Yeah Yeah that’s a that’s a great analogy right there all right Johnny gerbert thanks man I’m gonna get on the on the betting app and get this get my my picks in today thanks buddy appreciate it all right thanks for having me on guys have a great day thanks uh this gonna be fun I’m I’m ready ready for a major championship this weekend ready to do uh to watch some of this some of golf yeah yeah Happy Gilmore like you don’t even think of it as a like a really a golf it never gets old to me though and it’s pretty good pretty good golf movie although you know it’s not realistic I mean Adam Sandy no no golfer swinging like that nobody’s doing Happy Gilmore to coming out baby oh is that coming but but but spinc is in Paige spinc is in that can’t wait to see her in that but but Bob Barker is dead how does that work yeah that’s uh that’s uh they waited too long it’s like Dumb and Dumber like you waited 20 2 five years too long and then it’s not as good anybody ever remember opportunity yeah it’s like come on why did it take so like Adam Sandler’s making all these movies on Netflix which we’ve been talking about this whole show how could you not come out with something with Barker being alive still how how does that work oh wait wait a minute we got we got a comment here we got a comment spot not impression from Jim aler thank you Jimmy appreciate that yeah Brooks or ludvig vins that’s an FSU guy right there ping picking Brooks okay all right good stuff thank you Jimmy good to good to good to see you around thanks for watching appreciate that um all right we’ll take a break we’ll come back and uh we get I got some FSU stuff on the docket today we have to talk about some awkward conversations going on at the ACC meetings this weekend but we’ll update you on the court cases that are the um uh FSU versus and now UNC as predicted UNC gonna be joining the the club here pretty soon as well all right quick break we’re brought to you by the great folks Extravaganza Productions Extravaganza if you got a big event coming up you definitely want Extravaganza Productions if you got a small event coming up you definitely want Extravaganza Productions let the pros do the work uh find out what your budget is give them a call it’s a free call a free meeting to bring in come on down to their warehouse see all their incredible props that they have from doing all these great events all these years you could use them for your charity event and come up with a great theme so um it’s all there for you free creative meeting go to extravagan orpr call them uh reach them through the uh at to the website either email them or call them tell them JP sent you and get that free meeting and 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about planning a meeting or special event call The Talented staff at Team Epi they will give you a free creative meeting if you mentioned the JP Peterson show they will provide you with an exceptional experience heck they’ll even show you their huge Warehouse with great props anything you want they’ll do it on time and on budget you can reach them at their Tampa headquarters at 813 621 4700 or go to Extravaganza tell them JP at you let’s go right now back to the show on fan dream Sports all right welcome back to the JP Peterson show here as we roll on on this uh hump day Wednesday Peter Blake with the sports web gonna have a he’ll have a show tonight where they’re gonna go when do the schedule release seven o’clock it’s at8 o’clock I would say we give it you know we give everybody you know time to kind of you know prepare yeah marinate a little bit give me some time to prepare to write everything down so I make sure I get it right because I’m want to compare the schedule that I got and we’ll go nine o’clock and we’ll have Wall toall coverage with yours truly Leo Hagerty uh we’ll have uh TJ Reeves on you know Tampa Bay Ray Kennedy Harry the Greek uh anybody else that wants to come on even yourself if you’re not watching catty Shack more than welcome send you the link out and get your thoughts and Bucks fans you know call in and and absolutely uh you know talk about how many wins do you think is Vegas wrong because Vegas has them right now at seven and a half and we’ll we’ll we’ll look forward to to seeing who they play and if that schedule is correct which we kind of gave out the the first segment if you missed it so there you go gonna go back check it out yeah um the uh ACC meetings are going on this um this week and so FSU is uh hanging out with their Brethren there and uh UNC as we you know predicted will be the next one to either file a lawsuit or just jumping jumping uh on board with uh FSU and Clemson who’s already they’ve already filed I I would expect UNC to do uh the same quote coming from there um trying to find this David bolck is the UNCC trustee it says Carolina’s ability to maintain Excellence at a high level is going to require really prudent budgeting and revenue models and potential cost cutting a lot of it is due to the revenue or lack thereof Revenue that we’re not receiving from the ACC deal we need to do everything we can to get there or the alternative is the ACC is going to have to reconstruct itself I think all options are on the table um obviously you know these other schools are trying to be very political and not say um what is what they’re saying very loudly for everyone to hear and that’s we’re getting the hell out of the ACC unless something drastically changes and as these two lawsuits have gone back and forth and the pleadings back and forth and we’ve had Scott Cheves on to talk about this and you know as he predicted and I think many are um are coming to the realization that FSU and Clemson are leaving and what the thing to simplify it for everybody the ACC has this meteorites deal with the ESPN right and it ESPN has the option to pick it up from uh the 25 season till I believe it is 3032 or maybe actually belong maybe it’s 303 St anyway another think another 12 years or something that goes on for these media rights and ridiculously undervalued at 50% now probably closer to 25% by the end of the uh with inflation for God’s sakes um and and so ESPN if FSU and Clemson leave they’re not going to pick up that rights deal which means all the rights come back to the to everybody within the ACC to be renegotiated so actually FSU getting clemon and now North Carolina to jump aboard is the death Nowell for ESPN those rat bastards um who screwed FSU so in the end what this comes back to is uh FSU is basically saying okay you know you want to go ahead and pick up the rights deal without FSU Clemson and now North Carolina and I expect Miami to join as well even at 50 cents on the dollar the ACC without those four programs especially in football right it’s worth about 25 cents on the dollar so f ESPN won’t pick up the rights and so everybody gets their rights back and they move on and everybody’s happy so the final trump card is fsus to uh ESPN Fu in the end so you’re not going to make money off us for the next 12 years you’re not going to own the rights to our home games at a drastically uh below market value and we’re not going to be sitting around taking 40 or 50 million less than the Big 10 or the SEC trying to compete with these guys North Carolina has come to the same realization Miami certainly has and everybody else in the league has as well they just don’t have the balls to do it or or the or the grabby toss frankly or the TV Revenue um to do it so you know it’s it’s this is you Mike bian wrote a a a column in the Sentinel today and saying what uh you know nobody wants to say is that FSU and Clemson have been carrying this conference for a very long time when it comes to media rights and all the Bottom Feeders are parasites when it comes to that I mean you look at the SEC you could only put you know perhaps Vanderbilt in that category everybody else is kind of I mean you might say Mississippi State but for the most part everybody has held up their end of the bargain and and and add something to the SEC mix whereas you know Wake Forest um some of these other smaller schools even Duke because you know they’ve had some success in football recently but some of these other ones just don’t have the following that FSU does and that’s why this whole thing is breaking up and so it’s at least in my estimation and there have also been some reports out there that this is going to happen and we’ve been talking about it for for at least a year now FS will announce before August of this year which I think is the deadline that they’re getting out of the ACC and they’re moving to the Big 10 and you know whether it’s 25 or 26 is probably still up for for grabs in terms of negotiating this exit deal and with um the way it looks right now and unless by some miracle the ACC can find some ridiculously um unscrupulous legal way to to somehow hold on to their position this is happening and FSU is going to negotiate an exit fee probably in the $60 million Mark and get the hell out and be in the Big 10 by 2025 which is good which is good for them and and we’ll see if the ACC what happens to it then that’s will you know will they go and absorb the usfs of the world and try to hold on to the to what’s left or will they go the way of the Pack 12 we shall see we shall see but uh as they’re they’re at the meetings this week and I’m sure there’s a lot of uncomfortable conversations that are being had but is it the Big 10 or is it the SEC for FSU it’s the big 10 in my opinion in my op I don’t think I don’t think the SEC wants Florida State and I don’t think Florida State wants the SEC and I I love the people in the SEC oh Florida State’s still running away from the SEC Florida does not want FSU in the SEC they never have they never will um I think SEC is still butt hurt that the ACC turned them down back in the 90s um and went to the ACC and I I contend it was the right decision to make at the time I was there in Tallahassee when that whole thing went down and the SEC came in with their arrogant attitude and weren’t going to give Florida State a fair share of revenue for years and years to come and we’re going to treat them like the had the stepchild and I think if FSU went to the SEC right now that that’s the way they would be treated the SEC would be holding their nose and just taking FSU so the Big 10 didn’t get them not because they want him not because they want do you want to go somewhere where you’re not really wanted and now you you you’re you know you’re subject to their leadership what kind of schedule are they going to give you you know how are you going to be treated there’s a lot of things subjective things that go on in terms of scheduling and who gets on TV and who doesn’t get on TV who gets the prime time slots who doesn’t you think FSU is getting those slots no you want to go somewhere with the the Big 10 where you’re wanted and you’re valued and you become and you become part of a national conference instead of a what is you know becoming a a Southeastern Regional Conference I think it’s a good move from the University standpoint um I hate to say academically it’s not about academics as much people want to make it it’s about football it’s about money it’s what it’s about um and I think that’s there’ll be a fine fit there and you know the home schedule get a hell of a lot better all right so I want to go on to this right here Tim is Peter suggesting Bob Barker was a key player and Happy Gilmore come on man don’t be a hater he kind of was although you know I got a side with Tim here bit player great scene great scene you know the ass kicking scene right fantastic very memorable but but a bit player I don’t know you could have relived that again we G have part two of that because that was great stuff and then CGI baby CGI bring it back then Carl Weathers but he was killed off but he’s kind of dead I don’t know and then the the jackass guy you will miss you jackass he just passed away he just oh did he yes yeah who cares bit players the bit players getting paid spiac in there who’s the other girl that’s gonna play the love interest what’s her name I don’t know was it sahayak again because every movie in or Jennifer Aniston no no it’s it’s I’ll look it up by the way congratulations to Tim out there I was looking at his articles the other day man great job with the Bucks you do a great job yeah he starting to write for the B great article he had yesterday about some sports radio host talking about Antoine Winfield definitely who was that who was that guy who’s that guy who’s talking about it oh I don’t know been around forever 12 yeah yeah works for the lightning too so yeah yeah pretty check it out it’s a nice article very nice article um all right so that’s FSU I wanted to talk a little bit about that uh what else that we wanted to get to uh well it’s official Netflix will Air two games on Christmas Day this season and at least one game on the holiday each of the next two years uh they announced this on Wednesday no matchups for the Christmas Day games were revealed prior to the full 2024 schedule release Wednesday night but the four teams involved this year will play a rare Wednesday St regular season contest they say there are no Live annual Events sports or otherwise that compare with the audiences that NFL football attracts Oh shot at the NBA Christmas schedule oh well it is we’re so excited the NFL Christmas Day games will be only on Netflix uh of course that was the Netflix Chief content officer Bella bajari said in his statement and again they’re also going to have WWE Raw starting in 2025 so the only way you’re going to be able to watch raw from now on is on Netflix so you got boxing on Netflix you got football and you got WWE Raw starting in 2025 so Netflix man taking over everything at this point right uh looks like the times just dropped um a story on acc commissioner Jim Phillips what a effectless nut job this guy is said ACC commissioner Jim Phillips it’s from Matt Baker of the times didn’t waste much time Wednesday before addressing the elephant in the room the lawsuits and potential exits by Florida State in Clemson it’s difficult Philip said on the final day of the spring meetings it’s disruptive it’s harmful but that’s the world we live in they have the ability to do the things that they’re doing and we’ll let the legal folks handle it because that’s the right thing to do it hasn’t changed one iota about how we’ve interacted Ed with them how we’ve treated them certainly how we’ve treated the student athlete and it shouldn’t it just shouldn’t because I think you have to be professional enough to understand these things happen and it warrants classy professional respectful treatment in return H nice words nice words where were you where were you uh when the whole damn playoff thing was going down Jim Phillips where the hell were you you certainly weren’t out stumping like the SEC commiss was why because you were bed with the whole damn thing right you and Bo and the whole ESPN Shenanigans going on but in the end you know I’ve said this many times if that you know and that was the final straw and I think gave them the legal standing to be doing what they’re doing uh the snub so if the end in the end if the snub C gets FSU out of this this ranky dink conference and into a real conference in terms of football and every sport too then so be it so be it that’s the price you pay you know it would have been tough for FSU to win the playoff last year I think they would have been definitely competitive especially with all the players they had drafted hello dingdong yeah um but you know that’s history and Mike norell is treating it as such and moving forward so bring on Georgia Tech in Dublin and away we go yeah um all right let’s take one more break I get hit one more break and when we come back we’ll finish up with a couple uh the international games are out the Slate for the NFL so we’ll hit that spoiler alert the Bucks are not going anywhere International I thought they might be heading to Germany but they are not so we’ll do that when we come back we’re brought to you by the great Folks at hydrated Heroes you’ll get your free three pack at trihydrate trihydrate Tim Ham’s favorite new drink Peter have you got your samples yet we got to get you the samples as well gotta get the samples yeah I gotta get it trihydrate back in [Music] three JP here for the Jeeves Law Group and my man Scott Jeeves if you’re going to hire an attorney do you want some guy looking for a quick settlement and a quick Buck or do you want an attorney with some chops Scott is a board certified Civil Trial lawyer and a 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the roast okay they’re GNA say all kinds of mean things about you and your family and you’re going to have to deal with it well Brady has uh kind of backpedal after taking the 25 million from Netflix saying I like when the jokes were about me I thought they were so fun I didn’t like the way they affected my kids by by the way why are his kids watching a roast at that time of the night he says also did you think they weren’t going to watch it they’re old enough parting going don’t take $25 million and then complain that way it affected the kids Jesus you can give the 25 million dollars to your kids at this point he said hardest part about it like the Bittersweet aspect that when you’re you do something that you think is one way and then all of a sudden you realize I wouldn’t do that again because of the way it affected actually the people that I care about the most in the world so coming back from retirement a couple times wouldn’t affect your family at all right uh yeah okay and by the way first game it’s gonna be Dallas versus the Cleveland Browns he’s GNA be in the booth what do you think of these comments and is it must CV for you that first week of the season are you watching Cowboys versus the Browns Brady in his Insight yeah I’m hoping to jamus Winston starting um that’ll be even more fun we’ll see us but anyway um I’m yeah I’m gonna be interested to see how Tom is as a broadcaster I’m gonna tune in to see that and I think he’ll be very drab and I think he’ll be very cliche and I think he won’t hold anybody to task and for him to say I I’m you know he didn’t think it was gonna affect his kids like come on bro have you never seen a roast have you never seen did you not know what was coming that’s a little disingenuous there to say say the very least and you got Jeff not unlike right and by the way Todd BS admitted that he likes Nicki Glazer Nicki Glazer was the best out of the bunch I mean she ABS ripped grun I mean you saw grank I mean I got a chance I watch gron was great great was gron was great gron is great but he was definitely trash and then bill bellich I thought that was the cherry on the cake there awkward him him and uh craft doing the shot that was awkward yes um International schedule of course we already knew uh starting off it’s the Packers at the or and the Eagles in Corinthians arena in sou Paulo Brazil God help the Brazilians the Eagles fans are coming down there and the cheese heads uh in the London Games Jets and Vikings October 6 Jags and bears October 13th and then October 20th it’s the Patriots and the Jaguars and mic oh I’m going to sneeze again uh the Giants and the Panthers on November 10th thought it might be the bucks but it’s not there you go that’s a good that’s good news because uh it’s the nfc’s turn to play nine home games this year so the Bucs will get nine home games that’s good yes and it takes away you know you go to an international game and I get it it’s good for the expansion of the league and everything like that good for the international fans but you know who gets slept out in the cold the Die Hard the Tampa Bay Buccaneer fans or uh the fans of their respective teams they miss out on home game it it’s that’s the disappointing part about the international Series in my opinion agreed agreed um by the way one quick note in baseball did you see this um Blanco uh Rell Blanco threw the no hitter earlier the Astros cheating again shocking development he was thrown out of the game last night against the uh the A’s in the fourth inning for having quote the stickiest stuff I’ve felt on a glove according to L Diaz how do you put the sticky stuff they’re checking you and you still go out there and do it that the arrogance of which the Astros cheat is is is mind-numbing sometimes like they just don’t care just on the garbage cans you know that’s what they need to do just continue to do that that’s working and um Joe bucks fan saying the Bucks may be uh inseason Hard Knox candidates whoa is that a good thing or is that a bad thing is that a distraction because we remember the last time it’s a in 20 17 what was the event before that season that happened that really kind of hurt the bucks at that time well I don’t know I don’t know yeah that’s right yeah yeah I mean I loved the I thought it was fantastic I don’t know if it hurt them or helped them in terms of winning on the field I think that’s kind of overblown in season might be a little bit different because I don’t care what you say the cameras change they change everything they change everything so I for from a bucks fan standpoint I would love to see all the behind the scenes stuff although I think the the team does a pretty damn good job of that anyway we quite honest but hard knock is a different level stuff um you know I think for I don’t want it for the team in terms of winning and losing but selfishly for for me and the media yeah I’d love to see it absolutely all right great job my friend appreciate you thanks for all of you watching we appreciate you guys so much uh please like And subscribe to our YouTube channel the JP Peterson show and fanst stream Sports also our podcast as well on Apple and Spotify and wherever you get your podcast you can listen to the show anytime and download our app fstream Sports app where you can uh click on that and listen to the show anytime have a great day everybody uh don’t forget Peter will be on tonight at nine o’clock with the schedule reveal and the sports web and we’ll see you tomorrow [Music]

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