ONE OF US JUST BEAT THE GUINESS RECORD FOR GOLF CLUB THROWING! Great way to get more club speed! Want more club head speed? Throw that club out there! Chuck that club!

Golf Tips • Golf Instruction • Golf Lessons • With Shawn Clement ☞ | |

00:00 Shawn introduces the golf lesson
01:00 How to hit the golf ball further with the driver of the irons
02:11 Throwing the golf club over hand and underhand w/ Mu
05:11 Getting the legs involved the golf swing helps to hit the golf shots further
06:12 Throwing the golf club contest
13:59 How throwing the club will perform in the golf swing
14:12 Hitting golf shots with the same golf task of throwing the golf club w/mu
16:42 Shawn concludes the golf lesson


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Shawn Clement Director of Development at The Royal Quebec Golf Club as well as top 40 Golf Channel Academy Instructor and full contributing instruction editor with Golf WRX.

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I try to stay [Music] left now we do want you to try this at home but it’s got to be safe look at the environment we’re in we got trees on both sides got lots of space there’s no parking lot behind us there’s to the side of us there’s no houses around so you need a nice wide open field to do this in and the first throw that we’re going to do and by the way we get this question all the time especially now moo in speed training it’s um you know I got a pretty good swing but what is it that I need to focus on to get more distance the answer I give them is well you just got to throw farther so here’s what we’re going to do you want to stick with us right here cuz moo and I are going to have a competition so think about it this way if I’m a pitcher and I just caught a grounder and I I got plenty of time to get the guy out at first base it’s going to look like this but then if I’m home you know at home plate I’m the catcher somebody stealing second base and I need to gun one I really didn’t have to think about what I was doing I just saw the picture and it’s the same thing when we talk about you know touch around the greens for putting and chipping if I give moo a ball I say hey moo toss the ball gently into my hand how’ you know it was that far because we’re gravity experts and if I say hey moo right here in my chest see what I mean so it changes the the the um complexion of the Swing entirely depending upon how you see things so in order for you to have a powerful golf swing the key is throwing the club so let’s start with a nice overhand toss so Mo grab one of the clubs that you got right there okay now you typically when you do a tennis serve you do that with which arm right hand your right hand yeah okay so show me a tennis serve and throw one out there throw it actually throw it yeah okay oh that looks good this he’s got a pretty good serve doesn’t he sa there getting there I’ve been working on it all right well that looks that looks really good thanks so notice because you were facing that way it was really easy to throw straight correct so now grab another club and let’s throw it underhand so if you’re going to throw it underhand yeah you would go with the left hand the left hand he’s ambidextrous yeah so go ahead and take it with the left hand let’s see you throw it toward that club okay beautiful yeah so you notice it went just a little bit more to the right yeah I could have started it but that was really good yeah so if I put a intermediate Point down okay let’s see you stay left of that club okay with your throw all right there you go man so notice I’m just a little nervous CU you’re right on the left side it’s all yeah protecting you know yeah that’s right thank you buddy protecting the talent so so no no but that was closer that was straighter yeah yeah when you throw from the side it’s important that you use an intermediate point right here and as a righty if I’m going to throw one yeah I’m going to stay to the right edge of that see that that’s the only way I can throw accurately because what happens if I face you and I make a throw Moo’s getting it right because I’m I’m facing you it’s going to go that way so if I’m going to face you again this way I’m going to be throwing dead left this is what happens to our students when they throw it for the first time yeah remember that that rookie video yet your eyes are like big like dinner plates yeah I kept hooking it I can’t I can’t believe it’s going over there I’m I’m throwing there but it ends up there and that’s because both hands h handcuffed on your on your structure yeah you really have to use an intermediate point to throw because if you face this way we’re you know as a righty I’d be throwing it dead left yeah so now if I put both hands on the club I’m going to keep my feet on this side of that and I’m going to throw it to the right of it so right of it there we go that’s on the clubs so I’m going to give it a nice little throw in that direction so I’ll give it a little bit of momentum and throw it to the right of that so notice the club is staying to the right of this I’m not going to pull it to the left left right and that’s really really important for you when you’re throwing the club for the first time it’s going to go either that way or that way it won’t go in that direction now when you throw properly the legs are going to engage okay yeah and when the legs engage you’re going to feel some up and down motion so there’s a tree behind us at 82 yards the world record is at 199 feet for throwing a club in the Guinness Booker World Records I broke it unofficially a while back last year I threw it at 71 yards okay okay about 210 plus feet okay right of course it’s unofficial but today I’m challenging you man I know you can knock the cover off the ball and you’re about a 100 yards past me when we both smoke it yeah cuz I’m smoking at 320 and you’re smoking at 420 okay just just one more digit and so but I think I can take you I like that take you you’re on man I’m going to take you on this exciting all right so let’s have a look okay got my tools moo has his tools yeah I got so the boundary is this club right here so I’m going to do a little Happy Gilmore and start things off here we go getting serious all right not bad oh [Laughter] I try to stay left I don’t do it often enough that’s a that’s a one [Laughter] nothing all right here we go throw number two it’s a good thing I’m throwing in this direction yeah and we’re going to have to do some fancy hunting later all right here we go o That’s passed that’s passed yeah that’s passed that could be good okay oh there we go oh just Tomahawk that he almost hit the sprinkler head and just stuck it so what I did there was go for the tree I beat you on that one two nothing we got to go check that one out I think that one’s pretty good oh okay good all right this is what we’re do in Long Drive huh this is what we’re do in Long Drive you hit some shots you have someone walk over and then you can zero in okay 55 61 61 okay oh 62 63 and a half okay so it’s close 63 is 180 plus 10 is 190 yeah so I’m 10 ft off the Record what how many more attempts uh we we’ll cap it a three yeah okay yeah last one has for the marbles damn it oh there’s a window a it’s staying in bounds okay it’s stayed in bounds did that one start online um the little is yeah is all right here we go oh you went to the tree oh it’s too bad that could have been good huh yeah that could have been good but it wasn’t all right moo you need another club yeah I got one right here okay good all right a that’s some bounds EX that should be good right there yeah sucks that it just stucks to the ground like whoa it’s got to be 65 69 69 oh my gosh that’s not it 61 got 69 that was a good one 70 time three that’s a that we broke the record on that one right there so Mo mu you’re officially broken the record but that hit the tree though right Sav yeah you would have that one was good that was 60 okay that would have been more if I didn’t hit the tree 63 65 okay 65.7 all right so moo has won a 66 yards Te You technically 65.7 and at 69 yeah that one was a long one so it’s 20 207 feet 207 feet okay so we you’ve broken the record by8 feet so far all right so this is and then you’ve tied me now yeah I’ve tied you from last year’s now we’re tied so this is it this is it just one shot huh one one one go at it two more two more two more two more okay okay here we go I need to go higher oh my that had some velocity oh that was some serious velocity we needed some height need some height yeah yeah yeah yeah okay so here we go damn it there’s a chance here I’m not going to do it I need a more running start here there we go oh oh oh hit that tree goal tender all right Sav final count that last one what’s cool about this is that with less of a run up it’s the trajectory was a little low right cuz the legs were not as engaged but when you had more running start the legs get more engage you got to really launch it yeah you get to get a better TR trajectory 63 64 y 64 okay is that the longest one okay so moo moo wins it all right thanks Sean I’m going to get him I’m going to get him again yeah we’ll do a rematch soon so now let’s look at how this happens during the golf swing itself okay and while while we’re talking about it right now when you film yourself performing these swings you will be flabbergasted at how incredibly powerful it’s going to look all of the things that you’ve ever wanted in a golf swing lag weight shift clearing the hips it’s all there it’ll all look amazing to you see in ours right now how amazing that looks oh no no oh okay [Laughter] so now let’s look at a couple of I’m going to do a couple of four irons Mo’s going to do a couple of eight irons so my smooth four iron basically is 200 yards and my firm four iron is about 255 right so it’s about one Club so I’m going to go the it’s 195 five to the front of the T box at the other end over there so I’m going to hit a nice little fade that’s going to start a little left of that white flag toward that tree and then bring it back toward the pine tree that you see in the distance there so I’ve got an intermediate point right here that I’m staying left of and now what I’m going to do is I’m going to throw the club in that direction so what’s it look like throw so I’m throwing the club left of that white flag in that direction if I throw it from here I miss throw if I throw it from here I top if I throw it from here it feels like I’m going to hit it pretty solid so all I’m looking for now is a nice dose of momentum to help me throw to the left edge of that intermediate point throw so that started basically just singed the left edge of that white flag and that landed right there in front of the green very nicely done so if I want to go further I’m going to feel like I’m throwing it further so let’s have a look at that there we go just set to strengthen that grip beautifully hey and that landed on top of the deck instead of in front of the deck so I just threw it a little bit further because I had to throw it further I had to strengthen that grip a little bit more because that was even deeper through the ball and that’s what that tends to open the face so you need to have a very strong grip in order for you to get a decent throw all the way through so let’s have a look at moo nice pretty much where my first one ended up the front of that t box yeah so moo damn it I wanted the record we’re g do a rematch next time well okay yeah that yeah we’ll have to I’m gonna have to get some practice going yeah so hope you enjoyed that and you can really see how the task of throwing a club is going to pay huge dividends for your golf swing get to our premium channel at wisdom andolf and make sure you see the goldilock series that’s a series that’s going to show you how to put the ball in the way of you throwing the club toward the target and then understanding after that that it’s not about contact the ball is the intersection on the way to the Target so you’re going to see the target confirmation series and that’s really going to help you break through that huge moment where you go from an okay swing to a PGA Tour quality swing with some big lag and some big Ground Forces it’s not that difficult to do and you really won’t have to practice very much okay so hope you enjoyed that we’ll see you next week [Music]


  1. Hell I threw one farther than that Saturday when I hit my 60 degree wedge shot 10 yards over the green!

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