Golf Players

I took my son to an LPGA tournament VLOG

Took my son to the JM Eagle Championship and it was so much fun. I love that they create a family friendly environment filled with so much talent to be inspired by.

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nice to meet you burritos I love you so much that is freaking and hole what’s up guys welcome back to my Channel today is going to be a little bit different I got my little buddy here with me we’re going to go watch some golfers today right yeah at the J Eagle I’m excited to see these women play so come along let’s go where are you going are you leaving me already no all right lead the way I’m following you school today I know this this school school of Life why you put go yeah okay T we’re going to watch this girl to part three watch her s and I want you to tell me 1 out of 10 you think it’s good okay okay let’s not pick our 10 is the highest zero is the lowest how would you rate her zero oh damn oh that’s Savage what your favor about um what is your favorite about shooting Golf and then you got to lead the mic in you’re got to got to hold it you got to interview him like this hold the mic I would say it’s all the cool people I get to meet like you that’s pretty sweet what your favorite what is your favorite food my favorite food hot dogs ters or burritos definitely burritos ooh give him give him a fist bump he’s our kind of people you got this shoe already mhm got this shoe or this shoe I want this shoot those are you got this one yep I have them on look flitter sh talk to us about the bracelet what is this what are you wearing this is of the the Super Nintendo World and who’s your favorite who’s your favorite character Mario comment down below who’s your favorite Mario character is it Bowser I don’t like you oh great shot great shot 10 out of that was was 10 out of 12 10 out of 12 yeah that’s pretty good ooh don’t fall don’t fall don’t fall no I can’t do it got it got it w you’re going to lose your ankle how are you hi I’m Britney nice to meet you so cute here’s the ball she hits it so far she could probably hit it further than the boys no way yeah you’re not going to hit us she’s not going to hit us she’s too good to hit us huh your mom might hit us from this way but she’s not going to hit us yeah oh there’s a shot oh my go yeah that’s good huh that’s good you think she likes hamburgers or hot dogs hamburgers yeah me too someone of hamburgers are bad for you like in McDonald’s Well yeah if you have McDonald hamburgers they’re bad for you yeah because the chees is it look plastic yeah yeah but if you make homemade ones they’re probably really good yeah all right here’s our girl it looks like her name’s Lucy Lucy so all the girl all the professionals they have their name on the front of the back can you see so this girl’s name here is Grace and that one is Lucy that one’s Lucy let’s see if Lucy hits a good shot oh yeah that was a good one oh that could go in the hole oh look you see the Hollywood sign over there Hollywood you see the Hollywood sign one say good shot Grace good shot Grace I love you so much can you come support mommy when she plays sure only if you play together H will you come watch me play golf sure there we go want do you want a snack yeah you want soda yeah snack but then you’re going to be like this no and then you’re going to be like four four left four right no no all right let’s go to the range let the range people who hit way better than Mommy oh my gosh def here we go we’re going to head to the range you ready [Music] [Music] oh headphones music andl this is this is the the silent go do you want a party and is it baby tonight I can hear it yeah [Music] can we have a burger please sure um normal fries and here is one thank you it all right we got to go do a taste test three out of 10 nice ready oh baby get a big bite 30 out of 30 okay is good mhm all right good Michelle are you having fun yeah yeah cheers to golf [Music] gol oh my gosh that was freaking that was hard that is freaking an in hole nice dude H far comment below what is your favorite Coke good job dude that was way too much [Music] coke way too much coke oh my God what the heck that was gantly air oh okay huh do you want to race yeah hold my beer set go one dude that was a big air that was in Big Air dude that was crazy draky oh security almost came wa won no I won what is about a horse poop on a toilet on her home it this a joke [Music] give it to her yes yes come on don’t let her get hot so something I love about the JM Eagle is that they have so much food not just in the front but also along the way on the course so you can get tacos you could get pizza and you could get some tequila and you get some coke some coke that’s right and some um Diet Coke and some Diet Coke for those of us who and pepper yeah and Sprite and Sprite SP yeah good job let’s go go okay let’s go we got to hurry I be back I know let’s go [Music] it’s cool out here huh no oh man I feel don’t want to leave I know me neither do you want do you like coming to the golf tournament yeah let’s let’s just stay right you want to just stay yeah me too can we just stay for a little bit Yeah okay thank you for watching and please subscribe to my channel and I got I got to get some coke bye h


  1. Cute as a button as they say, such a cool polite child and testament of a good grounding and upbringing from his Mum I can see he is the apple of his mums eye 🙂

  2. Oh my goodness Mateo is super grown up. The role models he has in his life have obviously moulded him into such a lovely polite thoughtful young lad! He is lacking nothing in life. Great video and great job Karol. Would love to see this video style more!

  3. So many precious moments! … I had a good laugh when he challenged you to a race and you looked over and said "hold my beer".

  4. My kids are 22 and 20 now. Everyone said they grow up so fast, but I didn’t listen. Thanks for sharing this, it brought back some fond memories. When the soda kicks in 😌😆

  5. What an absolute star he is, utterly adorable and so funny. Great video seeing you both enjoying yourselves. Love the channel 🔥

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