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Selling the Plan | Hail Varsity Radio

Chris Schmidt, Elijah Herbel, and Mark Kraynak join you for this weekend edition of Hail Varsity Radio as they open the show by discussing wildlife in Florida (??) before Brandon Vogel joins the show to get the guys back on track, discussing the updated Memorial Stadium renovation plan and continuing the discussion he had on Thursday with the guys regarding recruiting. Later, Gary Sharp joins the show to continue those two conversations and to discuss both the Nebraska HS State Baseball Tournament and the upcoming start of postseason play for the Husker Baseball team.

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00:00 – HS Baseball and Florida wildlife
11:10 – Brandon Vogel
42:29 – Gary Sharp

the hail Varsity radio Saturday Morning Show STP yourselves in here are your host Chris Schmid y’ don’t even know he was a virgin until he’s 28 and now roll TI and Mark cranck time has come for someone to put his foot down and that foot is me welcome to it weekend editions here at tail Varsity power by corn head logger Chris Schmidt Mark RAC as you see in the caption as we are streaming live future former season ticket holder question mark question mark Elijah herble and can find Elijah and follow him on Twitter at Herbal Essence Schmidt radio for me Chris Schmidt hope you do it all right always ask you to watch tell a buddy and like And subscribe to The Hil of our city YouTube channel find us on halil Varsity Radio Twitter H Varsity radio Facebook and KF Twitter lot going on Nebraska was beating the streets all over the United States in the recruiting World HOSA baseball chance to uh to be a a conference Champion for the first time since 2021 11 o’clock first pitch against Sparty today they need a little help by Purdue against Illinois so they’re a one seed next week in Omaha and oh yeah uh it is all about the season tickets as athletic director Troy Danon laid out uh you know a bit of a change of Direction with uh what was talked about and discussed uh previously with Trev Alberts and the South End Zone it is now shifted to East and West Stadium so everyone’s doing all right we’ll get our shout outs going in a moment in the Stream our starting five for the weekend we say what’s up to the first five in the streamyard crak how are you dude Elijah how we doing well first off can we just say some of the stream comments of these people getting in real early good Lord folks good Lord folks uh I am doing I’ve been better I was up late watching my abs play double overtime last night so uh nothing better than staying up till 1:00 a.m. to watch your favorite team lose that’s the best um other than that doing well it’s the weekend uh is so it went to the class a state championship game last night baseball game what a crowd what a game yep and had seen uh earlier in the week over at tal Anderson field the class B semi with gret East and Blair bunch of thoughts on on man there was a lot of D1 Talent on that field last night there is a surprising amount right like if you haven’t checked in on Nebraska high school baseball and a and it was I think there was the announced attendance was about 5,300 at Werner Park which is more than a lot of stormchaser games get and it was like it was it was excellent but at one point you had at a couple of different points you had a University of Nebraska commit pitching to a University of Michigan catcher against a University of Arkansas batter yep right like that’s that’s the level that you were looking at and it was man it was uh it was pretty impressive but the reason why I was smiling laughing have you which you wouldn’t know if you’re just listening unless you can hear it in my voice do you hear that uh some of these so they they have started a beding pool and for people that just listen to this on demand and don’t actually check in at a certain time first off you’re missing out yeah you’re missing out this I mean there’s a reason why this thing is live because it is live Le so there are people that jump in the Stream at about 7:30 and then they people started a bedding pool on when we would actually start so so Vic says my bed is 652 that that needs to be adjusted for mountain time right yeah yeah it needs to be adjusted for Mountain Time Justin put in I put down 751 let’s see uh or maybe just before 8 AM somebody put in something about Jamaica time like Ste Stephen said I saw that I need to find it Stephen said 751 yesterday because we always preview don’t forget about the weekend edition we’ll get going at 7:45 and everybody in the stream’s like yeah BS the snake so and that that goes to our buddy Cliff cliff in Florida Cliff has a bunch of snakes dude like he has a rattlesnake and oh yeah he said pick you know we kind of why do you have a rattlesnake he just he does dude he’s a badass Cliff’s a badass all right why you have a rattlesnake though like one bite Cliff Cliff uh Cliff handles him but we thought Cliff was giving Elijah a little Guff saying hey do you want to see my snake can I send you some pictures of my snake oh thank you so Cliff was not that kind of show Cliff was frustrated with me last night that I didn’t show he sent me two photos we only showed one yesterday so I’m going to get the the second photo ready here for the stream it had his face in it the photo of him with his snake oh okay what you an actual snake actual yeah we thought we thought yeah living thing all right thank God you thought this was an Adam Sandler bit I got a snake man yeah I thought it was an innuendo nope nope this man just loves snakes and let it be known Schmitty laid it out Cliff is a badass we Cliff we love you um chases these snakes catches these snakes uh a veteran um just coming off of kicking Cancer’s ass like just a real man’s man and look at this like you’s got that one hey congrats cliff seriously on on that part on the kicking Cancer’s ass it’s amazing thank you for being a veteran thank you for catching snakes because I don’t want that thing to bite me but Cliff had Cliff was one of the guys that wrote we’re on Jamaica time we get there when we get there that’s a great way of put so and we’re showing some of the we’re showing some of these pictures now is Cliff is he like a professional like a bounty hunter because you know about the youall know about the python problem in Florida have youall heard about that he was he was hunting cotton mouths or moccasins yesterday I think yeah there there are that’s real dude you’re you’re right you heard about that the python issue yeah so like somebody like people had like released their like pet pythons or whatever into into Florida swamps and those was it Mikey Mo was it Mikey Moore I don’t know kamani friend Jamaica I don’t no uh you have uh you have Mikey Moore that like was Mr reptile guy was he oh dude he had he had a billion snakes then he got married and he had to had to give him away so maybe maybe they’re in Florida who is Mikey Mo Mikey Mo used he was he was a center for Nebraska play in the leag for yeah leag for a minute my favorite soccer team has this 16-year-old kid that’s like coming up he supposed to be pretty good named Mikey Moore and I’m like we can’t be thinking of the same Mikey Moore he’s a British lad like there’s there’s no way but okay thanks for continue the snake problem in Florida cre snake problem in Florida they release a bunch of some so you know some people release pythons or something you know but it’s like perfect habitat for them so they’ve they bred like crazy and they’ve become like an invasive species and they’re like almost impossible to Corral because I don’t know they live underere effing water half the time and they’re in the Everglade like they’re hard I just pulled up an NBC news story from last year on how the python problem has got so bad they have no natural predators that they grow up to 500 L PBS and eat alligators yeah yeah they’re huge dude there’s a there’s a sh there’s a picture somewhere where like an alligator and a python like basically killed each other while trying to eat each other somehow they’re both dead they’re both dead you know and it’s just like guys why are we fighting you know who wins nobody neither of you uh so if Cliff I mean think about that one of the Morning Edition or the week one of the weekend edition listeners is single-handedly taking care of an invasive species in an entire State I mean what other show can say that there’s not another show see there you go oh yeah iguanas funny thing about iguanas is like when there is like a cold snap in Florida cuz those things are yeah dude they just fall out of trees but they’re big like these lizards are just like bam just falling out of trees to be fair I haven’t been to Florida in years but last time I was there there is this guy that was like selling fresh grilled iguanas on the side of the street and that it throws you off it really does it probably tastes like gator which is a combination of like fish and chicken kind of they say iguana is the chicken of the swamp I you can get yeah you is that what they say I don’t know is that what they say I’m sure there’s at least seven people that say that if you if you go to Buzzard billies down in Lincoln though they have some Gator which is good there’s our free first free shout out at 8 a.m. on the nose we we need to start the betting odds I know last last weekend I was talking about the sushi spot and then this weekend I’m going to yeah free shout out Saturday what if what if it isn’t actually a free shout out and these places are pain mark under the table and we don’t know about it we’re not getting any of the money good where where would you get that from that’s not true that’s not true that’s not true oh hold on I gotta I got to make sure nobody broke into my benzo last night just a second I’ll be right back just kidding thank you Anderson Ford oh there’s another shout out that’s perfect Mike I know I know Mike Anderson listens from time to time or at least he used to so might as well shout out our former Husker linebacker uh let’s say hi to Elijah he is in the Stream Walter from Philly and uh he checks in I found Nash’s replacement for next season she’s on the cover of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit magazine we’ll move on from that one oh come on Wow Walter that’s uh come on uh that’s pointed this early Dylan in Rick good to have you in Rick Cliff we’ve said what’s up appreciate you Cliff uh you have tck that checks in the other Brian this year Black Hills Brennan good to have you in Black Hills Brenan he’s got Wedding Bells soon uh that is awesome and yeah anonymus is here it’s 7:40 we have a full tank of gas a half pack of cigarettes it’s May and there’s nothing going on let’s talk Husker football perfect I love it that seems like a good way to bring in Brandon vogle it is Stephen is in uh Patrick is here and we’ll get more of the shout outs going on Vic good to have you brother and yeah where we go voges how we doing this morning man I’m doing all right how about you guys we are good we got launched right at 7:51 so the betting lines SL poool from the stream listenership said uh some of them said 751 so there there was a push this morning J put James’s back up real quick if you could so I wish I was in Tijana eating baru iguana James thank you much kind just saying that because it Rhymes that kind of sounds I’m not sure if you guys know the rapper Action Bronson that kind of sounds like an action Bronson line right there I wish I was in Kiana eating barbecue iguana NASCAR Eric has checked in we were talking about the uh the snake problem in uh in Florida we we got there because of our listener C and he uh he wrangles snakes Vogues I have no uh singlehandedly single-handedly eliminating the problem right so I I have no natural transition other than the the the topic of problems what do you think of the the season ticket setup I.E the East and West plan that Mr danden unveiled um and kakur season SL future former season ticket holder question mark I don’t know if I am or not I don’t know if I am or not am I getting priced out am I getting out I don’t know let’s let’s dive into that for a minute Vogues and what what is too much or do you think Nebraska if they get rolling here great coach great quarterback uh really fun home schedule because you’re going to have that moving forward with an 18 team Big 10 and a lot of helmet games if Nebraska gets moving I mean to me man Nebraska fans they’re isn’t really a price tag it’s it’s a quality thing uh they’ll spend it and I think that’s what he’s banking on here with switching um switching lanes from South Stadium to East and West what’ you think this week yeah I mean I think there’s also probably a notion of for those season ticket holders who have stuck it out over the past seven eight nine 10 years uh however far you want to go back uh if Nebraska’s all of a sudden good again and it’s like hey that donation is going up you there might be a little bit of a sunk cost fallacy uh at at play there was like well we we stuck it out through all the bad times if it’s gonna get good we gotta we gotta be here um yeah you know I’ll admit I’ve never been a season ticket holder and I probably never will be um so this one this one’s a little bit of a blind spot for me in terms of like knowing what it’s actually like but I’m not surprised that there were changes to the very ambitious plan that Trev Alberts laid out I mean I think when you look at putting putting seatbacks in East and West Stadium it kind of becomes the cheapest way to reduce capacity I think if you want to like bottom line it at least that’s that’s my theory and every team in the country is trying to reduce capacity you know um it’s just Nebraska’s support is still pretty much unparalleled that said there’s there’s just kind of a baseline reality here of live going to live sporting event isn’t what it was you know 20 years ago um I don’t mean in terms of experience there’s just so many more options all stuff that’s like been well covered at this point so seems like here’s a bit of a change um Dannon was was pretty clear about you know some of the resue concerns coming down the pike potentially and so here you go a relatively simple way to to get to start reducing that capacity and and see what happens and to reset for folks that maybe didn’t catch the news yesterday but the the big plan that Trev laid out back in September which really was a bold plan right when it came out it was like whoa like that is not just like a little refresh that’s like a hard reset on what the hell you’re doing in the stadium South Stadium currently no longer in the plans to to shut down and take to the ground and start over which is essentially what they were going to do instead East and West Stadium he announced putting in chairbacks throughout now what that does according to AI by the way because I asked AI a lot of questions about this this morning uh you know take so take it for what it’s worth right A lot of the stuff hasn’t been verified but I think some of the stuff you could at least gives you a decent estimate so what that means is when you’re going from benches in in Nebraska’s case the benches are 18 Ines per seat if you put in chairbacks the estimate is that makes it 22 in per seat so you’re reducing capacity by 15 to 20ish perent um and again according to AI if you do that just with East and West Stadium while leaving north and south intact you’re looking at a total capacity of about 78,000 from 85 down to 78 is kind of kind of what the thought is but the bigger issue is that Nebraska is currently there there are there are plenty of season ticket holders that that do pay a licensing fee sitting right next to somebody who does not right and so essentially that you have folks paying licensing fees that are I don’t know Bank rolling the people that don’t who were grandfathered in with some sort of weird setup back in like the early 90s and have maintained that so you’re going to start you’re you’re probably going to have to increase I’m guessing licensing fees right through and the reason why I put Mark future former season ticket holder question mark under there because right now I’m Dro it’s I’ll just say it it’s I’m I’m way up in the East Stadium expansion right super high up we need oxygen right I mean you need oxygen when you it’s beautiful you have a good view it’s fun great view it’s easy to get in short lines at the concession stands new bathrooms but you’re way up there you’re way up there and the way we justify it up there is just like you can really see the plays develop it’s like Yeah because it looks like little dots but either way 250 per seat is the licensing fee that I got in on right I’m I’m in the very Corner second row East Stadium expansion 250 per seat two seats 500 bucks a year plus you know the tickets right so all told you’re in for like 1,200 1300 1,400 a year roughly depending on how much they charge you know for certain games and whatever um so that’s what the cost is right now but knowing that there are people down in the normal East stadium and say row 30 not paying anything I don’t know if it’s for sure yet whether or not they are going to increase everybody’s fees or just straight up start charging the ones that don’t right without really changing the model so who knows um but either way if you if Brandon if you look at the the the overall setup with how much is going on in college football right now with you know before it was like boosters give money to the athletic department athletic department creates amenities for the players and the fans and that’s kind of the deal plus you get TV Revenue so much has changed since then did do you think this becomes do you think Nebraska college sports in general become more commercialized to find new revenue streams or how do you think they’re going to balance the nil era and sort of the demands on outside Revenue coming in Beyond just your typical you know paying pay concessions and and tickets which is you know the the kind of foundation of athletic department Revenue in the actual games yeah um this’ be great I need an athletic director’s salary to try and answer that one yeah it’s tough I mean it’s part of why and I know like schools are a little bit conscious SL worried whatever the word is about the potential NCA settlement um but in some ways I think for the long-term future it would be the best thing to happen like yeah you’d have to get out put out some money and you have to set out basically a payroll um for X number of athletes whatever whatever that looks like but then like the nil piece I think gets minimized a little bit in that um it doesn’t go away the players don’t lose those rights but I don’t know if you’d still have the same level of like you a current season ticket holder also being hit up to like hey well maybe think about doting the nil you want the team to have the best players right like I mean so that’s an entirely different level where fans are now being asked to chip in and uh and and uh pay pay another bill essentially oh by the way I think coming down the pike like H watching I know it’s still kind of shaking out but like watching these NBA rights negotiations like yeah the TV money is flooding into college football and has been for you know a decade 15 years is that going to continue as as like just television becomes more atomized and it’s like okay there’s games on eight games to this streaming service and we have a broadcast package like I don’t know if that TV money is just going to continually go up up up um anymore and I think that’s the case in sports in general so yeah what are the new re Revenue opportunities I don’t know the answer to that um I mean I think we’ve already seen and this isn’t the case in Nebraska based on the law like we you know gambling Partnerships like whether it’s Sports media whether it’s sports like that’s kind of the one industry that’s like pouring at money into into sports at at this point but I mean it’s just it’s tough I mean there’s so much up in the air right now what well here’s here’s just just lay out there you’ve got the the need based on the math that we can we can do you’re going to need probably 1.5 to$ 1.75 million a month in generated income for for nil that’s that is what you need you need 15 to20 million do for your annual nil pool of money to be competitive and you reduce the seating from 85 to 78 you you slap everybody with a licensing fee what’s the appetite right now for folks to stay in I don’t know this I mean I know you’ve had to reup and renew but the the the Skybox Suites that our old dear friend and beloved Jack Pierce went went and sold uh back when when 1998 construction happened remember that cran act when West Stadium came down and the the sky boxes went up while we were in college yep I mean it’s been 25 years uh but those things you I mean think about that you’re you’re dropping 25 grand for a for a lease on them at the time do you revisit what it costs to get in the old the Skybox section now because you’ve got two areas of them the East and the West correct um so I mean there there’s a way to do it you just got to be able to be right that all right the the product on the field is going to kick ass pretty soon and and and then you can come to a to a number Nebraska what was it every home game you make about five to7 million is that fair is that too high concessions sellout parking all that stuff so it was it was TV Revenue it was a sellout and Nebraska was was different and better than than almost than most teams in college football for X number of decade I just wonder where danon’s at and I’m not questioning him I think he’ll put a sound plan together I just wonder what the appetite is right now for for folks Skybox to folks just barely able to afford a pair of season tickets with the price going up well can can I ask the question sorry not to not to jump on you Schmitty but like is the price gonna go up this is something that Trev Albert said when he introduced this this Stadium idea this was before the announcement but way back when he was talking about like ideas to get rid of the grandfathering because if you get rid of the grandfathering you’re going to increase the price of these 10,000 odd tickets that sure some some have already some of cranx been paying all the long uh we’ll say we’ll say we’ll say Elijah’s family is not so now it’s even it’s not even so it would actually bring the other people such as mark down as it brings Elijah up say I was you believe that I don’t know because you’re you’re going to get a chair back now that’s not free you’re going to spend some money to presumably make some money you’re you’re going to have the cost of construction you’re going to have a chair back hopefully you’re GNA have a cold corn head logger Within Reach I mean no I think you’re gonna you’re going to put some money in I think you’re you don’t expect to stay at the same price do you krck I mean I would like to everything else is going up you know everything else is going up so you expect maybe maybe some of that could happen um yeah it’s all in all though it feels like a prudent move to just kind of tap the brakes a little right just tap the brakes a little it’s not it’s not like you’re not going to do anything um but by the way what about what about in South Stadium like totally understand raising it you know and just demolishing it and starting over might not be practi iCal and there’s talk about well the tread depth is such that you can’t put in chairbacks but what if you took out a few rows party deck leled out leveled out right there’s still stuff you can do and and Troy Dannon alluded to that I think in his Con in his press conference yesterday about like hey can we maybe just do sections at a time can we not tear out you know 20 this place 23,000 fans for two years is there a way is there like a little happy medium there so I guess that makes some sense Brandon what did you make though of if you look at this the quotes and maybe you didn’t watch right if you didn’t actually watch it you just heard the quotes or just read the quotes um would you advise Troy Dannon to respect the hardcore fan a little more though did was it just me or did it come across as a little harsh to the DI hards that maybe you know aren’t the you know super affluent folks that are that have just been watching this product that has one winning year in the last nine yeah I think so I mean I think in in any scenario that those are the people you probably need to pay the most attention to because they’re kind of like your lifeblood and and sure you know if they’re just if they’re just account number 18 14695 you know you’re in a spreadsheet and you’re like ah yeah their potential spend is probably in the low the bottom cortile like that’s not the way to look at it um I don’t think and I’m not saying he does but I I I get what you’re saying Mark and yeah I think there was a little tinge of that of like it’s also it’s just a hard sell I think particularly at Nebraska because the fans have kept this place sold out um and Nebraska Trev Alberts mentioned it a lot of you know Nebraska traditionally operating in the black and it doesn’t take University fees and well it might now um Dan and open left that door open too like it’s just hard to I think hear that like oh they’re facing a revenue problem and you know if it’s reality it’s reality sometimes reality is just hard to hear but you got to be like the messaging of this and I think kind of the um the bedside manner so to speak if we were to put it in medical terms is is really important um and Nebraska’s a little bit unique in in that regard because the fan sport has been so strong for so long Brandon I didn’t notice what can you double back on I I didn’t notice or or hear Dannon leave the door open to accepting University funds and you’re right Nebraska I believe one of maybe two universities Nationwide or something that does not take any funding that no student fees none of that no funding from the University of Nebraska outside of I’m sure like electric bills or something I don’t know but I really don’t know the answer to that but what what did he what did he mention that’s that’s maybe maybe I messed that up maybe it wasn’t University fees maybe it was State um State money for some of this more extensive construction like at the point where he was talking about I’m gonna have to go out and fund raise we’re not there yet but if we do like I I would not close the door on on doing that which Nebraska just hasn’t had to do or chosen to do to this point yeah okay makes sense it’s interesting man you just got a new football facility 100 plus million doll Taj Mahal for all athletes and and then the football side right The Practice Facility nothing that any fans get to experience or take advantage of maybe you can take a tour for 15 minutes or something your elementary school classroom gets to do it for 30 minutes but like we Nebraska fans look good to see any of that experience a bit of that I’m okay I’m not gonna no totally but what I’m saying 100 million it’s right no I I get it but I mean you had to do something and now you shift from you you got a double- eded sword you’re dealing with now yeah and listen I’m I’m not saying they shouldn’t have done it get they should have done it but if you think about pumping a 100 million into something funded by fans funded by private donations fans don’t get to experience it you know the stadium is like four separate stadiums right now haves have knots different amenities and all that it’s just yeah conundrum it’d be really cool to to be able to connect all four parts and I think a party deck or a grid iron Club in the South part I think you remodel the hell out of South Stadium you make it you’re uh you’re you’re for lack of a better term you make it the the bleachers from Wrigley yeah what I mean by that is just the the intensity the uh that’s that’s the section you can go and just be a psycho in a good way to to compare this to to soccer which I love to do I know you guys don’t love me doing it but the uh the Bundesliga team barusa Dortmund they have their yellow wall behind one of the goals which is essentially that it’s cheap seats people get in for like 10 bucks and you’re get to drink beer back there and it’s just the the absolute Ultra fans that only care about the game they’re not there for the experience they’re not there for the social aspect like it’s standing room only you stand back there and it’s for the people that enjoy the game you don’t have to pay a stupid amount of money to go sit back there and they have one of the best environments in all of German soccer because of that section right there could you do something similar for for football where you know what you have your student section that sits down low in South Stadium which I have been pushing for for years get the student section closer to the field and then throw some people behind him that hey you don’t mind sitting behind the Rowdy uh students you pay cheap for your seats and you are just Ultra passionate fan so not only is there the student section back there with the liquored up kids who are going to be going crazy but you also have the fans behind them that are in the cheap seats that hey you don’t get the amenities you’re there for the game which leads to I think a better environment which is at the end of the day one of the most important parts of college football we talk about the fan amenities but the most important part about college football what sets it apart from its NFL counterparts is the intensity of the environments of places like Memorial Stadium places like the places like the swamp you got to you’ve got to have a home field I mean it’s got to be hard as hell to go in there and play at 11: a.m. to kick off it’s got to be hard as hell if you’re Colorado coming in at 6:30 uh on a on a on a Saturday night week two and it’s got to have an intimidation factor and I think you can bring back with uh some onfield performance um that that intimidation Factor Brandon vogel’s with us from counter Reed counter Reed and uh and Cliff is like it’s still like a new stadium it’s cheaper in the long run I don’t I don’t think you could do that just because I I think Memorial Stadium is the heart and soul of Husker football I don’t think we’ll ever see a new stadium do you no because that again what I said I think Memorial Stadium is so intrinsically tied with the history of Husker football and what Husker fans associate with Husker football you just can’t do it yeah yeah I don’t that’s a I think they’ve done it probably makes economic sense to do it at some level start over but I don’t see it happening I don’t see it happening Vogues uh let’s hit on some recruiting bud thanks for talking stadium and what what finances athletic director decision making yeah what voges and vandelay industries would do um I’ll tell you what I do I’d get back to the days of we’re having a football game on Saturday we have some seats if you’d like to come get a ticket and that’s it like the amenities are the amenities uh football games at 105 unless we’re playing our one one TV game and that’s just what it’s going to be show up if you’re if you’re interested they should at least be a section for those people that aren’t there for everything else just at least one those people the black hole of Nebraska football the type of people that are in our stream chat that just want to have a couple beers pregame and then they just want to go watch Husker football afternoon they’re not interested in the amenities and the the nice fancy nachos that you can get and all this stuff they just want to go and watch football and hey they they they’ll sit in the bleachers if it matters they don’t care about the seat back I just think we need a section of of of the stadium for fans like that The Terraces yes what could go wrong uh Vogues as you look at some of the recruiting you’ve got a window here till it shuts down May 25th Nebraska has been Super Active the staff as a whole has been traveling quite a bit you’ve been to Texas uh you’ve been to Kansas City uh some spots in between you’ve got a ton of offers going out for 20 26 you’ve pretty much narrowed down and play you’re playing the the waiting game for some of your 2025 kids do you like uh the the direction Nebraska’s going do you like the game plan of not just sending the position coach but the coordinator and maybe the running backs coach and maybe the wide receivers coach how about everybody shows up I’ll bring the uh the the casserole uh you know it’s like showing up to a to a party yeah I think you got to do it um you know particularly at a place like Nebraska where it doesn’t kind of recruit itself like you know I don’t mean to minimize what Georgia is doing because what they’re doing is um pretty amazing but like it it’s they they remain number one on the recruiting rankings are right there for for a reason it’s just kind of like the loop that they’re on and it feeds itself Nebraska’s not there yet um you know the Dawson Merritt uh the linebacker out of Kansas City athlete quote unquote uh narrowing down to Nebraska and Alabama it’s a big deal I mean he’s going to go to Alabama in June um he’s been to Nebraska multiple times and you’ll see how that goes but it’s just it well it’s strange for Nebraska to be in a final two against Alabama also strange uh you know when I saw that news I was like oh yeah it’s different now that it’s not Nick Sabin not the kayin deor is not really good and Alabama’s still Alabama but feel like Nebraska’s at least got a shot in a in a battle like that and players like that on the edge um you know whether Edge rushers linebackers who are going to become Edge rushers what ever super important um I think when you look at Nebraska broadly like you’d love to get like a Big Time Tackle somewhere along the line here um I think that’s kind of a missing piece when you you think about their their recruiting and then uh receivers receivers in secondary like I mean when I look at it now like Nebraska’s brought in a ton of secondary players and we’ll see how some of them develop but those are the places you need to be special athletically and I would say so far Nebraska with its offers and some of the tractions it has made with some guys is doing pretty well on that front and you know Nebraska in on that left tackle out of uh what nor North Carolina is that right number one left tackle in the country Mr Sanders uh he makes his way into uh makes his way into the chat and does nebras with Rola with nil from what you know Brandon are are teams starting to separate themselves with nil more I guess more clearly there you you’ve heard Rumblings out of Minnesota you know uh PJ Fleck they don’t have the nil found like the infrastructure the money any of that to where you know PJ Flex kind of sounding the alarm Bell we starting to see that take hold like now is is and does Nebraska stand a benefit like we kind of pontificated that they would a few years ago yeah I think so I think what I’ve noticed is is not so much like teams separating themselves from the pack upward it’s kind of you know the slowest dogs getting picked off um from the back of the pack um you know so you mentioned Minnesota there’s there’s a lot of programs out there you know pit that that the coaches are kind of constantly ringing the bell of like hey if we want to compete like we gota we got to get our money up for for lack of a better term which again you know goes back to the stuff that uh we talking about earlier like it’s just that’s a tough message for me when you’re basically hitting up the fans again for like hey thanks for all you do how about a little bit more um so I think Nebraska may be separating itself in that regard because it’s it’s clearly I you we don’t have a great picture of like what it actually looks like but they’re not falling off they’re not in the group that’s that’s fallen behind um you know there’s a couple schools I think Ohio State um just recently like the last cycle has kind of emerged as okay yeah they’ they’ve got a lot of a lot of spending power there now they’ve put their mind towards um ni a little bit more Old Miss I think has a pretty good Collective um and that certainly is back up by their results in the portal which is you know how they’ve chosen to do that um but yeah it’s it’s more the teams that you listen to the coaches and you’re like oh these guys like you know they’re coaches they they get up there and they say thing in their coach speak way but it it feels a little panicked at times voges what is happening with counter read bud what are you and Aaron working on always love the uh bi-weekly newsletter I get I subscribe for because it’s incredible work Brandon vogle counter Reed take it away my friend with uh what happens uh with counter Reed yeah so the way the offseason typically Works um I like to uh I like to give myself series to to tackle um worked through the schedule in three parts just recently so if you want to check that out all those pieces are up there on on counter read right now for for um paying subscribers if you sign up right now as a free subscriber love to have you uh that’ll get you seven days access to to all the paid stuff too so you can you can check things out um started a new series that I’m kind of optimistic about um just this week on kind of the unknowables um which can be can take a lot of a lot of formats from being an individual player to you know team wide performance just some of the things that I think at this point in the offseason we kind of like okay we know everybody’s returning production rosters have settled a little bit we can project where teams are at like then the wiggle room of like going up and down from say your base level of wins becomes things like well one that I wrote about this week was like What if Isa neor um thank you Vic I really appreciate that um what if uh what if you uh what if Isaiah neor looks like he did in that season in Wyoming I mean he was on like a rocket ship you know up to the point where he got injured and now you look at him he hasn’t played really in two years it’s like well what do you have like the ceiling seems super high but where do you pencil him in at and what does that mean for Nebraska if he is if he is that good if he’s not so that’ll be some of the stuff I’m exploring in the weeks ahead over there voges look forward to it we’ll check in with you again soon have a great weekend okay bud all right guys have a good one there he is Brandon vogo with us counter we welcome in the Iron Horse Gary sharp Sharpie we both uh using our Nebraska mugs today how we doing this Saturday tell me about the Hat it’s bucket season bucket season has officially started bucket bucket hat season so patio season rooftop dining bucket season we’re all together I’ve done a lot of patio time this week with with the grill yeah folks that aren’t you know that aren’t watching what does the Hat what does the Hat say just says Omaha it’s uh my it’s my College World Series hat okay you could you could also call it your pton Manning hat oh okay yes you that’s yeah it’s actually uh let’s be honest Gary fresh out of the rice fields it’s uh free so we get a lot of stuff at the College World Series with what we do for free so I’m wearing it today and just here to remind people that get your golf trips weddings family vacations in during this time and the summer because fall is college football season that is my PSA Ted talk now what would you guys like to talk about I want to hear about Sharpie were you ever racing to CWS coverage and were you diverted with traffic I’m asking have have you ever had to to make bail before doing a show uh no you know what I’ve never been detained okay um I’ve never strolled out of the cell to the first Hole uh which would be a which I mean if you’re like Kendrick or Lamar or Kendrick or Drake I mean that’s got to be a diss track right straight out of the cell to the tea um no what a wild story like if you would have if you would have given me a thousand athletes and said hey uh one of them got arrested this morning Scotty Sheffer might have been the N 999 or 1000th athlete I would have I would have made it through every single member of the Kansas City Chiefs first it’s been a rough yeah but those guys are backups not Rashid rice but these other new guys yeah well yeah yeah yeah he he’s he’s in a bad he’s that’s that’s his fault yeah why’d you have to bring that up because he’s a Denver fan hey I hope you enjoy watching a lot of the Chiefs because they are on more channels than Jeopardy and that’s why I am paying however many thousands of dollars it’s going to take to be able to stream all my Broncos games this year that is true the NFL is treating the Chiefs like maction the only week the only day of the week they’re not on is Tuesday yeah but but but Elijah brings up a good point because this was like a really good week for football because you got the schedule release we got all the college we started to get college football uh kick times and networks and uh win totals is it is becoming tougher to be a fan M you know at least college football now I the NFL over college football has you know far in advance with the schedule is so you can start planning hey if I want to go to a game in Buffalo in mid November I know what time it’s going to be I know what date it’s going to be with college football that that they miss out on that I would love to see him do that but college football comment in the Stream real quick Gary looks like he’s about to Garden the bleep out of peonies and Tomatoes actually I have some sunflow you do careful with the knees yes yes I got careful with the knees I recently did that they feel like they’re gonna that’s not good sorry to distract you Gary back to your point man no the one thing that college football at least right now still has going for it is it’s not as expensive to sit at home and be a fan I mean we have peacock um you know in other sports you have to get BTN plus u but you know I mean it the the college football at least we can it’s easier to be a fan of college football than it is the NFL right now we we won’t quit the NFL but college football it’s more accessible to the average Joe and Jane that just wants to watch a couple of games and let it be known if anyone is feeling priced out of college football NFL can always slide into Elijah herbales Twitter DMS he’s got all the sketchy websites you can go to in order to try to find these games for free let it be known I can’t say them publicly but if you reach individually I might be able to help you just just throwing that out there just way way to incriminate yourself with the FBI what are they gonna do what are they gonna do I don’t own the website there’ll be some Saturday morning poor Elijah’s not in studio and uh we’ll we’ll know that it’s detainment but not arrest I I I will take the fall I will go spend a morning in a jail cell before my tea time in order to send a message to the TV suits that us college football fans won’t take it anymore wow that’ll look good on the resume that voice will be that that voice will be heard I’m sure Gary Sharp’s with us the iron horse Sharpie a lot going on with Nebraska and uh Stadium we touched on this a little bit yesterday but you know what what what’s uh the Gary sharp IE vanderlay industry vision for Memorial Stadium if you could remod model what would you do what does the stadium need what how how do you Spruce it up you know we the four of us had a conversation about this like two years ago if you could do this and Nebraska had a place to play that was convenient for the next two years you would build a new stadium sure it makes more sense to build a new Memorial Stadium but you just can’t do that right um here’s the difference between Trev and Troy Dannon Trev has this big vision and wants to do it all at once and wants to build a stadium to the sky that’s just kind of how he thinks I think Danon came in and was like ah you know we we we got to take this step by step and if it’s a 15-year process let’s make it a 15-year process but I think also the Dynamics of the money have changed um you know I like some of the things that Trev wanted to do I think what Troy Dannon wants to do makes really really perfect sense right now where Nebraska is at and and and where the money is because let’s be honest Nebraska needs some money um I know Brandon was just talking about asking boosters for money there aren’t and I and I know this from people that are in that world that are trying to raise money for either an nil or Nebraska Athletics is the new donor they’re having trouble finding so they’re going back to the same people over and over that have been so kind to support Nebraska Athletics so they need to find that new stream of Revenue and not just rely on a TV contract so I think Dannon looked at it that way and said okay if we’re going to do the premium seating instead of just tearing down south Stadium let’s start there and you know what let’s also win some football games so we can have bigger projects and people are like I’m on board I see the vision I love what I’m I’m seeing on the football field I’ll do whatever I’ll do whatever helps us win so I think that’s where you know Trev kind of went ahead and said this is what we’re going to do and Matt Ru is like but Trev if we tear down the South stadium for two years my kickers are gonna kill me and Tre Dann said Tre Dann said they may anyway what what is the what is the smart thing in the current state of where we just got we just got red across the arm because during covid and layoffs on the University we’re trying to raise money to finish a football project which was true that’s what Trev had to come in you know after moose left and then all of a sudden you’re asking for another big project so basically said all right instead of driving 65 let’s slow it down let’s drive 45 because we’re in the construction zone and then when we get out of the construction zone there will be no Nicks on our car so it’s it’s an interesting Dynamic of how two people look at it but at the end of the day it’s the right move and I will also say this for people that are sitting behind the Nebraska bench the new Nebraska bench bench dig deep into your pockets it’s going to be a premium cost it’s going to it’s going to speaking of new Nebraska bench yeah yeah well and speaking of new Nebraska bench moving over to the West Stadium Right Moving from the East side to the west side starting this year uh any ramifications of that that we haven’t talked about right like I don’t think so how much does that impact anything outside of just like sort of comfort for the fans and or comfort for the for the team and so I I think there’s some you know if you look at like where now Nebraska comes out it makes more sense where the visiting team comes out it makes more sense instead of running out of the tunnel and making a quick left-hand turn you run out of the tunnel and you run right to your Sidelines we know all about the Dynamics of the sun and the cold weather and what time of the year in that Stadium what sideline you’re on and you know the competitive advantage of somebody in the Press Box trying to look down on your signals um I think the only disadvantage initially is that sideline because you’re really familiar with that Stadium Mark that sideline is a little bit funky because of the space you have um you know it’s it’s it’s it’s tighter on that sideline than it is the other sideline so they’re going to have to do some adjusting which goes with you know the new plan with seating and so on and so forth but I don’t see any I don’t see any disadvantage and we’ve all sat here for a couple of years especially after the year where Scott had his team on that sideline and said why isn’t Nebraska over there why do they stand in the Sun and just bake during those games in September wh why was that the initial plan well I think it was you know you got to go all the way back to Dean it just Nebraska did it that way and also the logistics of it you know if you look at where Nebraska was coming onto the field out of their locker room they could come out of their locker room when they were in the South uh West corner and they could run straight to the sidelines when they were yeah when they were in then in the north west Corner they could run straight to the sidelines they moved the tunnel walk now it’s really looked weird last year didn’t it guys Nebraska would run on the field and they would make a left-hand turn so I you know I don’t know there’s probably there’s probably you know what it actually is I don’t think any coach wanted to say oh man we don’t want to disrupt the people that buy tickets behind our seat or the tradition and I think rule has come in and this kind of goes back to tearing down all the South stadium and somebody going do you know for two years we’re gonna have a hell of a wind tunnel that’s going to roll through here because there’s GNA be nothing there think of Ames yeah it’s kind of it’s kind of the head football coach going what gives us the best opportunity at home to win where can we find HomeField advantages where it’s not just going to disrupt everything let’s let’s go to the other Sidelines and and he’s got enough AE in that athletic department and and a good budding relationship with his ad that they’re like oh Matt that makes perfect sense let’s do it but then let’s explain it to the ticket holders on how it’s going to impact you because I also think eventually on the West Side they’re going to have to take away about the first four rows because they’re going to have to expand that sideline because remember you also have the TV truck that goes back and forth and you got all those people that walk back and forth behind the benches the reasoning The Unofficial reasoning of of why they were on the east side for so long closer to the legion club or O Street ah for for for Bob well you know those those student helpful for eight of them that last yeah I was leaving the students out of this the Iron Horse Gary sharp with us but now the students will be behind the visiting section so maybe they take them from that corner and they move them where they should be like behind the actual bench with the band and make it loud right it’s a novel thought so Walter checked in a while back in the Stream and let’s talk defensive line recruiting for a second he did have a football question before we get to baseball and the way I look at it right now Nebraska from a commitment standpoint Tyson Terry Nebraska product he’s he’s a defensive line commit uh Walter for 20 25 Nebraska in on Jaylen Williams Nebraska in on Michael uh tiller those are those are two of the names but overall um Nebraska has offered a lot of defensive linemen they’ve not really it’s not that they haven’t had visits Sharpie but how do you feel that Nebraska’s doing for for 2025 or are they are they doing okay or they may be looking more towards 26 or 27 well you also have to remember that defensive line is still relatively young they’ve got a lot behind your guys that are back yeah it’s not like it’s a you know you you wantan to you want I you know one one Coke machine a year that tackles people and and puts the quarterback down you want but they are fairly deep there where if you especially if you look at I mean think about this we’re all comfortable with the two lead guys in the interior on hutmacher and Robinson but if you go to that sophomore class I mean Riley Van Poppel is going to be a dude he’s already a dude he just has a dude in front of him and then lenhardt’s gonna be a guy Prince Will is gonna be a guy uh Wallen is a guy that has made strides so I think they really like that defensive line room so when they don’t grab a guy initially I don’t look at it as panic but they definitely are swinging for the fences I I think Terrence knon who has really developed into a really good position coach yeah I think he knows what he wants but I also think he knows that man I got some guys here for the next few years that had a good spring and they developed and they’re getting bigger and stronger so we don’t have to go find that guy either in the portal junior college or a high school kid as a priority at the top of the list because as you’ve seen like the priority guys that Nebraska has for the class of 25 do not include a defensive lineman are you I don’t want to say shocked do you feel how do you feel about Nebraska going toe-to-toe with Bama well I think they’re going to get Dawson Merritt I tell you what he had a great visit the whole family loved Nebraska um and Nebraska put on a good show now you’re going to have to wait a little bit it might be a couple of weeks but I think Nebraska really is comfortable with where they’re at and how they sold him and also the relationship they built up um you know Nebraska last weekend had a really good weekend recruiting um and and they they approached it guys not necessarily as let’s talk ball they said hey let’s have some fun you know the guys were on campus did did a lot of different things whether they were meeting with the dean of their school whether they were cooking whether they were just hanging out you know it wasn’t like hey let’s talk ball and let’s talk about what you did in high school make me an omelet yeah so what Nebraska has done and this is a this is an approach they’ve got a lot of the bells and whistles that they can sell but they’re also selling hey this visit’s going to be a little bit different because we want to get to know you as Mark cranic not as hey on film you wear number 86 so that resonates with the families and then they’ve done a good job of of placing kids on visits that are together like certain hey we think that kid will mesh better with this kid let’s get him here at the same time and let’s let him work on each other so I think they like where they’re at with Dawson Merritt it’s going to go down to the 11th hour but you’ll probably have to wait a couple of weeks but I think Nebraska likes where they’re at with him and let’s be honest guys if you get him the fourstar out of the Kansas City area at linebacker you beat Alabama and you’re coming off a 5- seven season what does that say about your ability to sell the school and to sell the plan you know Nebraska’s come Nebraska’s been you know they they’ve gotten the silver medal a lot in recruiting and we’ve gotten all excited about these big names that get to campus and we get really excited about them and then Nebraska gets the silver medal and you’re like man I don’t even want to go stand on the podium that’s and and and they’ve gotten some names that have interest they just need to get over the top and if they can get over the top before they have results on the field and they are pretty sure that they’re going to start to pop this year with results on the field then you got a great combo that just kind of churns and it starts to pick up steam and instead of getting that silver medal out of the five races you’re going to get four Golds and you’re still going to get one silver Gary how important is is Dylan riol in all these recruiting battles it feels like the kid just doesn’t sleep whenever you listen to interviews with Matt how he’s diving into film how he is already um trying to to get himself to an advanced level with offensive line protections reading the defense then you hear his impact in recruiting he’s FaceTiming other uh recruits in this 2025 cycle every single night does the kid sleep A and B how important is he in the recruiting process he’s a hell of an ambassador I mean I I think I think he likes it here so he’s I mean he’s a really smart kid I I I think as we work our way through the next year people will get to hear him more and you’re going to realize that he’s a he’s he’s got a plan and he didn’t come here to fail that’s the thing he came here to be successful because it’s not a good look if he’s not successful and the team is not successful so he knows that he’s got to be quarterback and kind of general manager of trying to construct this roster he’s also somebody that I’ve been told that before he ever got to Nebraska when he was in high school he’d go to all these camps he’s very personable so you know these Bond real quickly and I’m telling you if if it looks like if if he’s telling you the truth about what’s going on here and it looks like he’s having fun and younger guys are playing earlier if you’re a recruit aren’t you going to take all those into consideration and go wow Nebraska wasn’t at the top of my list but you know talk to me Matty rule they they they’ll get you ready at a young age I don’t think they’re bashful about that at all they’re confident their development plan before Elijah and you jump in here I think an important part of this kind of era and you have to lean into it but you also have to have the guys to be able to do it is younger guys playing early and then looking like they’re not a deer in the headlights look I think a big moment for the spring game is there were a lot of guys that just got here in January or were red shirt freshman played and played well and you’re like okay Nebraska Is Not Afraid first of all to put freshmen out there either to talk to the media or get attention or at the end of the day get on the field and we know that there have been staffs previously that were very hesitant to give any love to the younger guys the time has changed if a younger guy is not playing earlier that younger guy is playing for somebody else but you also have to have the talent for those younger guys to play well part of that too is being willing to limit some of your playbook you right don’t make an 18 or 19y old learn everything like just give them a small role right the other team doesn’t know about it you know so you might as well do that to get them on the field so nil became uh legal in July of 21 right so we’re going to come up on on three years here um taking a still not fully settled like the market isn’t fully settled but as you look at the consolidation of conferences um you look at I mean just looked at the the top 20 attendance just as a measure of you know fan interest and support and 18 of the 20 are big tener SEC the only outliers Are Notre Damon Clemson right so so it’s it’s clear that you know they obviously have the most support they have the biggest TV contracts all those sorts of things but what about Ruckers Minnesota right what about some of the what about some of those schools that just don’t right Northwestern um is is that all going to consolidate even more and are we starting to see the fact that Nebraska is in on the number one offensive tackle in the country and has a chance to land him part of why is because they have a compelling nil package presumably for him does does that does that really start to take hold over these next couple years and does Nebraska benefit like we thought they would when that was first announced back in July 21 I I think we’re the halves and the Have Nots I mean there’s another Factor here Mark Schmitty and Elijah is what if student athletes are deemed employees is is Minnesota ruter Northwestern prepared financially for that I think they can be they need to have a benefactor come in right well I I I mean you know I didn’t include I didn’t include Maryland because Maryland’s at least got Under Armour money so they have a chance to be like the Nike of the East they I think they’re in the club how long can they stay in the club right it might that’s that’s that’s a question because they they have TV Revenue that’s going to help offset some of those costs but what what about the extra the icing you need to to go in you need 15 to 20 million to stay in the club that’s why okay so you know I always say this rule is a great orator and he’ll you’ll say things and you go okay that sounds like every other major college football coach but then you think well from Nebraska’s perspective when he says that I’m all in on Revenue sharing and all of that but I need some questions answered like we all do he knows that that’s a competitive advantage that Nebraska will be able to execute that Nebraska will be able to if they say student athletes are employees Nebraska is building a coffer guys the the previous athletic director told us hey this is coming this is coming we got to build this up Trey Dannon has alluded to it we got to build this pile of money which some have estimated is 15 million a year set aside rule knows that Nebraska will be prepared for this and he knows that other schools will not and so there you go there goes the competitive advantage that’s why a Florida State and a Clemson and even in North Carolina are looking at their current situation and going we invest in football we have that Coffer of money or the ability to get it we got to get the heck out of here um you know it’s just it’s going to be a it’s I I college College athletics have never been fair I don’t know why all of a sudden we’re like well there’s going to be disadvantages it’s never been fair and it’s going to continue to have a wider gap between the halves and the have knots but it’s also going to force you to say okay we want to compete in big boy football we want to play Big Boy football but we don’t we can’t compete is there another level we could play in I think also when the chips fall through all of this guys I think Olympic sports are going to be regionalized there’s no there’s no reason why Oregon baseball next year should be playing in the middle of March in Rutters and I think Olympic sports will become regionalized down the road because of all of this Gary sharp is with us the iron horse Sharpie will wind it down with this brother and it’s fun to talk with you Saturday mornings Husker baseball great opportunity today uh handled it last night mccon was was nice the Nebraska Bullpen three different pitchers and uh a goose egg up he needed to see that and he need a little help from Purdue today but how you feeling with today and and then next week with the big red in Omaha well let me turn the question back to you guys because I brought this up on my show um and we’re all baseball guys here and we followed this program for a while and I think we’re all smart enough to know that baseball is a novel it’s not like one chapter you got to read the whole thing so you know will Bolton Rob chers got fired a couple of weeks ago but then they came back and we like them this weekend I say that sarcastically because you know what the the T base yeah so on the final day of the regular season with a chance to win a regular season with the pitcher of the year in the Big 10 who can also be an All-American candidate and quite frankly maybe two of the top three pitchers in the league with this team is Nebraska base where they should be are they currently where they should be in 2024 with game 56 on the docket today yeah I mean they’re they’re the only thing that could be better is outright they’ve won 12 of 14 Series right so in conference yes midweek hell no so there’s there’s two sides to the omelet here and and I’ll say I do think Nebraska baseball throughout the entirety of will bolts tenure has fallen a little short of expectations and that you should be with your fan support with your resources you should be near the top of the Big 10 every single year I don’t want to say running the Big 10 cuz I know how difficult that that is you should be near the top of the Big 10 year in year out it hasn’t quite lived up to it but I don’t want to let the previous past few years in which Husker baseball has fallen short impact how I feel about the team this year this team is not perfect this year it’s tough to get a perfect team out of the Big 10 in a year out year year in year out basis um you’re near the top of the Big 10 this year you’re competing for a regular season Big 10 Crown you should be competing for a big 10 tournament Title Here in Omaha that is the expectations for Husker baseball you don’t have to win it every single year but you should be in contention every single year and Husker baseball is in it this year it’s not a perfect baseball team there’s built-in disadvantages to playing in the Big 10 that you have to overcome and deal with which means you’re are you going to be a top 25 baseball team no probably not it’s hard to do that out of the Big 10 at least in in a year in year out basis if you cast 2021 or sorry 2022 2023 to the side this year has been it’s lived up to expectations this year hasn’t exceeded expectations but you’ve done what you should be doing as a Husker baseball program now it’s just on to the postseason they got to ramp up though I mean I and I think they’ll do that I think they’ll be able to ramp up and and have a really special team or two or you know X number of years I don’t think it’s a year INE out thing but I think they’ll I think nine times out of 10 they’ll make the postseason and every four to six seasons maybe they put a run together where they’re a real threat for Omaha I think that’s I think that’s doable Mark you’re thinking I well I’m looking up some uh I watch a lot of State baseball over the week over this past week and so I was just kind of looking at the future and and what’s coming in quick commentary the level of baseball has increased significantly in this in the state of Nebraska just the the level of it um and I will add there are and and you know we make a big deal about when a football player gets away from Nebraska just if uh if people knew as much talent that got away from NE and baseball we we we’d be here until noon but when Nebraska made the switch to the Big 10 it’s tough to convince kale fountain or Tyson Lewis that hey stay home play in the Big 10 when LSU and Arkansas are knocking on the door and those are two of the better players uh in high school baseball I I I agree Mark um before you you make your point uh great great High School baseball in the state great tournament for the last week good job by the stormchasers and the coaches that they took their product and they put it on a bigger stage so all games could be on TV in the final and also the bracket was not confusing and they’re playing in Omaha at Warner Park and tal Anderson yeah and and it was so good that they were playing at tal Anderson too on Wednesday when that ridiculous storm came through and dumped an inch of rain in like an hour throughout the Metro they were playing ball 20 minutes after that after that thing cleared out uh just because of the drainage there um and can I say quickly it is great to see the support that we saw especially in class A last night over 5,000 fans like that’s awesome I I do kind of miss the days of playing state tournaments at Hay Market Park don’t we all a little bit like it no uh Team coaches and players don’t I mean from uh from a from a fan perspective it’s kind of fun but that’s where I was getting the environment that you get at Werner I mean great facilities easy to get to Great parking like let’s be honest the a lot of the baseball Talent right now is C in the city of Omaha I know Lincoln East is doing great things but you have most of your teams from class A coming from the Omaha area it’s been great in terms of fan support in terms of the environment you get like there’s not many states in the country that show up for a high school baseball State final like we saw last night with between Lincoln East and Millard West over 5,000 fans the stands are as close to packed as you’re going to get in high school baseball that was fantastic and it’s great to see the the high school talent on display like that in the state of Nebraska let me jump in here real quick Schmitty so you know they used to split it where before they went to three classes which is also a great development in this state we know this is a big Legion Baseball State but they’ve gone to three classes during the spring so they used to split it where a one year would be in Lincoln and B would be in Omaha they’d play at Warner Park then tal Anderson came along and the relationship that the stormchasers and Uno have they’re like let’s go after the state baseball tournament because they were hearing from coaches and players and I’m not making this up anybody will tell you that they didn’t seem to be wanted at Hay Market park because you couldn’t wear your cleats you know before the game you know you couldn’t go take infield Outfield it just didn’t seem like you were wanted because the Nebraska season was winding down the salt dogs were ramping up they didn’t want to ruin the field but yet this is your biggest moment as a high school kid they didn’t feel wanted so that opened the door for Omaha to come in and grab the state baseball tournament and I’m telling you they’re they’re about to renegotiate because their window their contract is up it’s not leaving Omaha I mean this is this is this is here because now you have two entities that want the state baseball tournament um and it has elevated State B it’s elevated High School baseball in this area so people were hey cool to play at the home of the Huskers and hey Market park has its identity but I want to play somewhere where they want us and they make us a big deal yeah that’s that that’s that’s important and then from an atmosphere and packing it in and it it’s it’s been great seeing from a personal standpoint seeing some of Junior’s buddies uh not only that he grew up playing with or against that that East has had a great two-year run and then some of the kids that have grown up you know you with with Millard West we we’d see them a lot and of course Southwest get into State this year with some of Carson’s friends and then even uh the great kids at at lincol Northwest their improbable run was yeah was really special so I I love what has just happened uh with this with the with the the state and and all their baseball because there’s been a billion travel teams there’s been a lot of moms and dads that have grinded to be able to to to take uh junior or their little gal for softball you know and and hit Kansas City or hit Omaha or hit cardi cran you’re part of it right now I know and uh you see the payoff and you’ve seen it on a grand scale which is has been really incredible and I add one more bit to this conversation the TV broadcast the the broadcast grou they had in there I really enjoyed last night on N that’s a free shout out but love the broadcast crew the three-man booth they kept it light and fun there was really good Insight a lot of guys who have played a lot of baseball in that broadcast Booth but they kept it light and fun which is what high school baseball is supposed to be um I I quite enjoyed the broadcast last night I don’t think they’re listening to us this morning they probably never get back to them but I just wanted to throw that out there love the broadcast last night Li liy and duning they know they now before people run with that they’re good friends of mine but but I agree I agree with you Elijah they uh they handled that that was an entertaining broadcast because those are those two guys away from TV are the same they’re I mean lizy and duning are super funny they’re good dudes um and now you’re gonna make me sad because that was the Heyday of Nebraska baseball with those two guys playing at either Buck beltz or at Hay Market Park I was I was losing it last night when duning was telling the story of throwing out his shoulder at a DAV Busters like that that’s what a high school baseball broadcast is supposed to be like yeah you talk about the baseball but you talk about random things as well that’s what a high school baseball broadcast is supposed to be I don’t know if duning has any plans to to cover any more baseball aside from the High School Baseball State Tournament sharp you’d probably know better than me but he seemed like a natural fit to be able to be like here’s my insight from playing years and years of baseball and also here’s a quick story about me trying to impress my son and throwing out my should D Busters so I I don’t know what Brian’s going to do he likes he’s living here in Omaha and he’s retired and um Mark might actually run across liy so there is this this collection of former Huskers um Darren urad was until he he just became a parent a couple years ago but they all coach their kids so under nine under 11 Under 12 is like super competitive and you’ll roll up if you’re playing the Lincoln socks or some team from Millard and you be like oh well I was rooting for you when you were playing center field wearing one for the Huskers and now you’re beating me it’s it’s it’s it’s that’s the cool thing I will say about the baseball community in this state whether it be Lincoln and you’re right Schmitty the Lincoln Northwest Story was great elorn Mount Michael was a great story gret East Lincoln Northwest all great stories from this year is the baseball Community most of them have come back to this area and have stayed you know we know what Jabba is doing and they have reinvested in the game and it’s only going to help uh down the road Road of of the growth of baseball at the youth and high school level and hopefully it just it it it helps Nebraska and you don’t have to start any conversation about Nebraska baseball with the moniker well they play in the Big 10 you know you can just say Nebraska baseball is one of the best programs in the midwest yep and that’s that’s what they’re trying to stay at gr a final thought here brother well and the with with the high school baseball and by the way shout out uh our boy Brian Paul a couple of us know Gret yeah assistant I love BP man that’s where my brother’s kids are going to end up going so yeah Greta East in year one as a program advances to the class B final loses to Norris last night but zeroi yeah no seniors on the team whatsoever because gret and East doesn’t want to send you know doesn’t want to make seniors for their last year transfer schools um and they have like college level facilities over there it’s it’s incredible so they’re probably here to stay for a minute and head coach does like private instruction for the bashet and others in the in the MLB so you talk about the kind of level of instruction that some of these kids are getting I don’t know how the hell BP landed on that staff he’s a talker he’s a talker must be that um but but truly the the I’m kidding I’m kidding shout out love to watch love watching hey he knows the stuff he does he’s he’s a he’s a former great just ask him just ask him he’ll tell you um he knows this stff so but you know listen there’s there’s some kids last night I mean it truly surprised me I mean you you know you got like Jan unar Blair I don’t know who their catcher is at Blair but I mean he’s probably 64 220 you’re like what what are you doing and then and then same the the first basement for Lincoln East it’s going to K State 66 a 66 215 yeah he looks like Aaron judge is a lefty you’re like Mark did he Eclipse so this is another name man we could we could go down this path um Ryan Worley who played at Pilan L Vista who was a dog in high school unfortunately it ended poorly at Nebraska um but he was the alltime RBI single season leader for high school baseball I think AJ eclipsed him okay I wouldn’t be surprised he had a couple last night Carter Mick thre for for Lincoln East last night left e Nebraska commit Nebraska will see him yep and and it was you know they they scratched a couple of hits off them but not many I think through four Innings combined there were two hits on the field right well I the Troy pelts is a kid that Carson grew up playing ball with that has been a ton of fun to watch for for East and Y uh pretty high level kid and made a made a monster throw this was over the summer last summer when they won uh what was what did they win I mean the yeah thank you the the American Legion but pel’s been been hitting bombs for a lot of years there’s just a a ton of kids it’s going to be him with with Legion too can’t wait for that can I throw another name out there we haven’t mentioned him yet Class B kale Fountain that’s there’s a lot of great baseball players in the state that’s the one guy that I went and umpired for and I went that kid’s different yeah LSU commit right now projected first rounder I’m assuming uh same same with Tyson Lewis projected first rounder he’s you he’s number 30 in the country something like that uh kid that plays for Millard West short stop right now projects to the Outfield but you see him swing the bat yeah it kind of kind of reminds you of like Alex Gordon where it’s just like that looks and sounds way different he didn’t have a great night last night you’re just like good God violent violent swing here’s one though here’s one to bring it back to Nebraska football uh Jamal Williams son Jackson really I like at Millard West going to North Dakota state for football and baseball he’s going for both last night he he gets a fair Fairly routine ground ball between third and short they throw over the first kind of a bad throw it leaks by the first baseman Williams ends up on third like two seconds later you’re just like what the hey so the level of speed was I’m glad you brought him I’m glad you brought him up and you know Lincoln East and Millard West played that great game at tal Anderson last year uh that you know Lincoln East walked him off um two you know coach lanic and and Coach fry are two guys I know who are really really good at what they do and they’re great for their respective schools um his dad is is Jamal uh who won national championships at Nebraska his mom his mom played softball at Nebraska so he’s got some pretty good Bloodlines he quietly had a really really good year catching the football at Millard West but because he was not going to Nebraska and there was no interest for Nebraska people forgot about him and I saw him a couple of times in person I’m like man he’s got some speed North Dakota got a steal and I know that he W North Dakota state was like ah he’s a good baseball player not sure if he’s going to be able to play both because we really want him as a wide receiver so he’s gonna be I I think in Fargo they will love him as a two sport guy and that’s still cool that he’ll transfer back to Nebraska in a couple years kak mapping out the the kids future I love it hey that’s that’s the reality of modern college sports it’s true it is yeah um one quick thing about baseball so here’s my I think with this there’s a lot of flaws on this roster for Nebraska baseball there’s a lot of there’s a lot of head scratching not I’m gonna say a lot but I still have some issues with Rob in game and I think it goes to a little bit he can’t trust which guy out of the bullpen okay and it’s been a roller coaster of which guy am I gonna call on and what is he gonna do when he gets to the bump um and then you know I think I think Will and Rob together along with Coach um serani they’re good leading up to the first pitch there’s been times where I’ve wondered about some in-game stuff and how they approach the midweek because there’s still an SEC mentality where you can’t have that in the midwest in the SEC in a midweek game you’re trying to get guys Innings okay you’re trying to build up depth with freshman and sophomores in the midwest in the midwest you got to win those games you gotta those are why because those are RPI Builders you got Winn to play the game so those would be a couple of things I want to see but let’s give credit they are they are going to be a one or two seed in Omaha and and the whole goal this year was just to get to the NCAA tournament they got mentioned as a host three weeks out from the end of the regular season they’re going to go to the NCAA tournament and guys they’re going to be a number two seed so with everything on this roster that lost a pretty good set of midin fielders I think this is a successful season because you also have Rob shoulders has developed Brett Sears to be the pitcher of the year he’ll get all American honors and and he may have fixed Caleb Clark and I’m gonna be honest watching Caleb Clark for the last two years I was high on him watching him start I’m like man that’s good he’s gonna end up at a junior college he’ll go somewhere and he’ll pitch one year and he’ll get drafted and all of a sudden Caleb Clark might be one of the more important guys you have at the end of the season season and then throw in Jackson Brockett who had pitched five in the third Innings before he threw a no hitter and now he’s going to be starting probably here in Omaha next week a pivotal game three to get you possibly to the championship on Sunday is CHR is is Christo is he Bullpen now is he Bullpen now no they’ve been messing with him for a while trying to figure it out you know the talents there last Sunday was awesome for him but you needed to see it um is now I don’t know he’s one of those guys that man you see all of the elements of what you watched when he was pitching at elorn and you’ve seen glimpses of and you go is it is it is it God that was the first time all year guys that I thought he looked he looked comfortable if he made a bad pitch it didn’t rattle him for the next three pitches which that’s been the problem with him and then all of a sudden he loses his compass and the ball’s going over the wall or he can’t find home plate so maybe he’s got him fixed and then let’s also give credit to Rob Mason MCC oh yeah Nebraska has two of the top three pitchers in the Big 10 I wouldn’t have said that before the beginning of the year no way that that that’s a question I have not to look too far ahead here this is probably a discussion for two weeks from now um well I guess a week from now in a potential game one of a regional who does Nebraska start do you do you just keep it simple stupid and pit sears and get game one started in a regional the right way do you have enough trust in MCC that you can save Sears for a potential matchup against a a one-seeded regional how do you approach that if you’re Rob Childers Gary I I think B on match up right no no no no no no I I’m the guy that says do not overthink it because remember Nebraska offensively against a a number one struggles maybe lucky for two runs so and also Nebraska needs a good when when Nebraska gets a good start they usually all of a sudden wake up at the plate and then they’re making defense plays when they struggle at the beginning of the game with the starting pitcher it seems like the whole team struggles I don’t overthink it Brett Sears pitches on Tuesday here in Omaha in the Big 10 tournament and then think about this if Nebraska gets to Sunday Sears could start again on a pitch count so because you would be Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday he’d be pitching on his fifth day he’s used to pitching on his sixth day but he could actually start and maybe give you 60 pitches and then you get him off and then you have to pitch him on that Friday because I think you got to get off in the regional on the best start because I don’t like what that says to the other team in The Dugout you’re not a number one seed it says oh they’re not going to pitch their ace against us I think you just roll with the guy that right now is8 no and is going to be the Big 10 pitcher of the year and every time that it’s his turn to come up he goes out there you give him the baseball and you say you know what he gives us the best chance to win that’s just my that’s the my opinion I’m not saying that’s wrong but that’s just how I would look at it and then I think that brings up some interesting discussions of if you get the start you expect from Sears if the bats wake up could you be in a position say after the fifth inning to turn it over to the bullpen and potentially get Sears back later that weekend to come pitch on you on a pitch count on say three days rest if if you get deep into a regional that’s a long ways down the road that’s probably a discussion for this morning um that’s probably discussion for that Friday whenever they do play in a regional but it brings up some interesting discussions there of could you try to pitch him twice in a weekend in a regional should you get out to the start you want on a Friday could you pull a Marley and turn it over to the bullpen do you have enough trust in the bullpen a lot of discussions that’s why Rob Chris makes the the dollars that I don’t make to to make these decisions but you have some interesting pitching decisions to make during a regional it’s Elijah herble Mark crak the new AOL disc is in the mail you all right I’m taking Junior hey I’ve got I still have my AOL account yeah do you really yeah Gary sharp 0756 243 no AOL it’s a it’s strictly to Sharpie 23 at AOL it was my first email account and I give it out you know like when you want like something free but you have to give them your email they get the AOL yeah gotta this I got the AOL get this Gary it’s not as old I’m giving him my win Stream Account love you that’s so goodnet I like it Sharpie enjoy the the bucket hat Saturday brother and we’ll we’ll do this again man hey next week yeah why why don’t you guys come to Omaha come join Mark and myself here in Omaha and we’ll do a big 10 tournament show all right can we lock a spot down let’s let’s find a breakfast spot in Downtown Omaha the four of us will just pull up we’ll we’ll bring in Mr vogle we’ll do a fivesome uh before Nebraska plays in the Big 10 tournament on Saturday I think I might be required to be stuck in studio but that’s okay I you guys can have Chris doesn’t want to do free shout outs but I say early bird if that’s fine done no we can call we we gu’s back in time next weekend we’ll make G buy us breakfast hey you gotta remember hey here’s the other thing um and also for all my omahans you know I’m telling you the Big 10 tournament starts here on Tuesday because the Big 10 is not advertising at all in this city you would never know what’s going on yeah exactly they take us they take us for granted because remember before Omaha got the big tournament they were playing before friends and family an MCI crowd for the olds out there uh up in Minneapolis or in Bloomington Indiana um now they’re playing where Nebraska plays on Tuesday in a good time slot and a and and the weather was going to be iffy on Tuesday but you know what the crowds would be like just think about a week from today or a week from tomorrow if Nebraska baseball is playing you’re going to have 10 12 14,000 you know in a in a ballpark where your Chief rival that’s their home Ballpark and you’re going to be taking team photos on their field next week after winning a game in the Big 10 tournament so win man come on come on that’s my selling point for us to do a remote show next uh Saturday we can even do it from my house we can do it from the kitchen table we uh no done go Mark Mark’s got a nice place there find no let’s uh let’s let’s huddle up and get that handled absolutely we we’ll get it done hey and we’ll invite we’ll invite all the fans can come before the game we’ll tailgate we’ll drink Bloody Marys have Bagels yeah I got a Blackstone I could bring that nice done Philly cheese steak bagels why not why not why not it’s never been done never been done strong we just need a strong strong Wi-Fi yeah maybe not my place then good thing black stone is mobile appreciate you all Rick want strippers um not in the morning Rick Rick Rick says near the airport I think he’s referring to to chicken strips with that there’s the the great establishment in town that offers the hot stripper I think that’s what he’s referring to uh P pull question um which gives you more satisfaction the chicken finger strippers or the real strippers on that note thanks guys what’s up brother both have lots of oil you you you just you just exposed yourself as somebody that has not been to an establishment in a while because oil is out glitter is glitter is in huh you would and the oil and the glitter were not she’s been lying to me about her part-time job for a long time then well she is a personal nurse uhuh on that note we will tell you to subscribe and like H our city YouTube channel my Lord uhuh Dam Gary Brian I love your wife I just wish she loved me as much as she loves you ah we can make a deal all right low bar need to end show we need to end the show now Elijah good luck to your nuggets thank you they I’m I’m stressed about tomorrow I’m going to lock myself in a dark room and pray I don’t have a heart attack enjoy call if you need recitation we’ll talk next time thanks Lord


  1. I'm with Elijah, I just want to go and stand in the south end and yell my dick off when they are on defense!!! Get rowdy and create a home field advantage they haven't had in years. If I want cushy seats and fancy food I'll stay home where it's 69 and comfy with all food available. Too many people sit on their hands and watch like it's a movie. Gross.

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