Golf Players

Would you rather… 👀 | Zadorsky and Gorry play Roll the Dice!

Shelina Zadorsky and Katrina Gorry answer would you rather, do impressions and give us an insight into their team-mates.



welcome to inside the WSL I’m with West Ham’s big new signings Katrina gory and Shelina zorski and we’re going to play the biggest quiz show in the WSL roll the dice so guys you’re going to roll the dice I’m going to ask you a question or we’re going to do some impressions are you ready who is the most famous footballer in your phone Katrina um messy no just kidding wow I go how did that happen um no Sam obviously I mean I thought maybe you would have said that one but yeah makes sense I mean it would be awkward if I didn’t have a number all right okay rather I love these ones would you rather wear the same outfit every day or eat the same meal every day oh I mean I wouldn’t want to be wearing heels every day absolutely absolutely not you have really nice carves though true your balance your posture fair enough I could eat the same meal every day I could do it like breakfast lunch and dinner it’d probably be more breakfast foods yeah yeah like a scumbled egg side yeah yeah I could do that I can do it for a while for sure yeah no general knowledge in what city was pizza first made um I’m going to go with Venice Naples I mean at least I was kind of there yeah you were kind of there the r track we’re back at it we’re back at it teammates okay if you had to trust a teammate to choose a tattoo for you who would you pick o Katrina you got tattoos I got tattoo yeah you do would you trust Katrina could you design oh no no gosh no all right that’s a hard now okay I was going to say Shannon but she hers would probably be hilarious I feel like Shannon has chaotic tattoo energy yes I feel like think she’d make it fun orange okay another would you rather a quiet night in or a big night out probably now with the little one the quiet night in the mum energy is strong the old me probably a not out yeah we can drag her out okay we’re back at it throwback okay okay what is your goto karaoke song there’s this one song you know ain’t no mountain high yeah yes I feel like I always go to that one that’s a s to S as well roll the dice orang I love these would you rather speak another language or understand what animals are saying oh that’s really hard um probably animals you got dog right so I do have a dog be able to communicate okay I also have a fiance that speaks Swedish so I should probably get angry at me for saying but I about Swedish I think it’d be really cool to understand what animals are saying yeah I agree and like do I get to talk to them as well yeah okay yeah definitely 100% okay we back at it nice all Impressions our first one oh no please tell me it’s not access you need to do an impression of this person for Katrina okay okay is it me so thank goodness yes I was like okay I’ll just exactly I’m the same on cany perfect perfect all right krina roll the dice oh green one have we had one of these yet right who was your football Idol growing up myama from Japan she used to she I had to chase her around the football field for many years and it felt like I was chasing Shadows so probably her Shelina roll the dice okay okay red one teammates okay who controls music in the changing room of what you’ve experienced so far Shannon okay yeah good music Bad music I mean I like it I feel like she she switches it up I mean all that’s played at home is frozen so just any sort of sort of music is Just Like Music my so yeah you could play anything then I’d be happy okay yellow you’ve got another yes okay oh okay we I like this you’re moving holding something who is it anyone oh oh you doing a specific person we do well how was I meant to do anyone I was just you could pick someone that you wanted to be oh oh that’s what it was meant to be that’s why I was like you could do anyone you want I thought you meant like it was actually anyone no it was any want well that was abstract I just saw the last one I was like anyone okay I just guys thank you so much no worries we appreciate it and uh yeah enjoy the rest of the season the West Ham newbies playing roll of the dice w


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